Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 30, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Salem's Big Department Store
Blankets, Comforts, Pillows, Trunks, Suit Cases, Cut Glass, Auto Goods
Second Fl5
: s
Our Entire Stock of Women's High-
graae ouits oeuing ai
Special Sale Prices
Included in this sweeping Suit Sale are the very
latest and most wanted models newest fabrics
and colorings many fur trimmed.' At the low
sale prices the best garments will be the first to
go, so we urge you to get an early choice. See the
window display of Suits regularly priced $25.00,
$30,00 and $35.00
Your choice $14.95
Special Prices on Women's, Misses' and Children's Coats tapBa&i
A New Showing of Ladies' Satin Candy
striped Crepe de Chine Waists
These are the last word in Silk Waists for
women. Beautifully modeled, rich" colorings,
Dressy women should by all means see this
Priced Special at $3.69
See the Window Showing.
Special Sale of Children's Hankerchiefs.
3 in a Box--2 Boxes for 25c
Here are Dainty Embroidered Corner Hand
kerchiefs for children, put up in pretty litho
graphed boxes. Just the thing for holiday or
birthday giving. Three in a box, extra special
2 Boxes for 25c
See the Window Showing.
Ve will continue our Special
Reduction Sale of Boys' Suits
for Another Week
Boy's Norfolk Suits $6,00,
$6.50 and $7.00 Garments
Extra Special $4.85 a Suit
Here are the most popular suits for
boys Norfolk in several models
desirable fabrics and colors. EXTBA
GOOD BRAND, and they are sure to
prove satisfactory, for they're made
to stand hard wear. ..Made of good
fabrics in the best manner. Mothers
should heed this announcement and
bring the boy in this week. $6.00,
$6.50 and $7.00 Suits'
MB. ,LSk
Reduction Special $4.85
, See the Window Display
An Unusual Offering of
i: Women's White Kid
ii i i i
t Gloves at $1.19 a Pair
Here's a fine lot of Paris
Point and Black Embroid
ered White Kid Gloves at a
price that should interest
every woman. Just came in,
and we've placed a display
in the window for your in
spection. The greatest glove
offer of the season.
$1.19 a Pair
Special Sale of Women's
$4.50 Shoes at $2.65
a Pair
Here are splendid grade
patent leather footwear for
women button style cloth
top, in fawn or grey. Short
vamp model with round toe.
Our regular $4.50 seller.
Extra special sale price
$2.65 a Pair
Dress Goods and Coatings for Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday-Fabrics Formerly Priced to $2.75
a Yard-Your Choice 95c a Yard
We have selected a fine assortment of desirable wool fabrics which we
place on sale for the coming three days at an absurdly low price. Zibeline
Plaids, Cheviots, Basket-weave Coatings, Brocaded Mohair and Wool
Mixed Dress Fabrics. Widths lip to 54 inch. Regularly priced up to $2.75
for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
95c a Yard
See the Window Display.
Our No. 767th
Thirty six years of Successful Merchandising in Salem
-NOV. 3rd
A Sale of Mercerized Woolaine f
25c Quality-Extra Value
16 2-3c a Yard
Here is a fine Cotton Challie; looks like wool because
it has been eiven a wool Drocess: desirahle cnlnrirtM
and patterns; 27 in. wide, and a regular 25c quality, jj
r or nexi vv eanesaay
Per yard 16 2-3c
Sale Starts at 8:30. See the Window Display
m a
A sent a word will toll your
wants in a Journal Ad undor
Now Today. Try It.
if V
There's Danger Ahead
For those who neglect
the first symptoms of
eye strain smarting,
aching eyes, dizziness,
persistent headaches,
Defective vision is the
most frequent cause of
these ailments, not dan
gerous of themselves
but a warning that
should be heeded. Im
perfect eyesight can us
ually be relieved in
stantly by properly fit
ted glasses, if taken in
But apparently simple
defects, if neglected,
may lead to serious re
sults, necessitating the
wearing of complicated,
expensive lenses or even
causing blindness.
My M years of prac
tical experience will be
at your service. I make
no extra charge for ex
amination and if glasses
are not needed I will
frankly tell you so.
I do not use drugs or
drops as they are dan
gerous. I make a speci
alty of correctly fitting
children's eyes.
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn
Rooms 210-211,
V. S. Bank Bldg.
All Around Town
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist In fitting
glasses correctly. U. H. batik bldg.
Mrs. Frank J. Miller nn.l Mm. K. K.
Williams, of Forest drove, delegates to
tho State Federation wore entertained
nt dinner Wednesday evening by Mm.
tiorniil vulK, nt her home in Yolklntiil.
Reliable piano tuner. Phone 2351J.
Tho ladies of tho P. K. O. will hold
mi mi mm I llullowe'mi party nt the
homo of Mis Welch on South Liberty
mtreet thin evening. The Indies nml
their husbands will utten.l to tliu num
ber of iibout fifty.
Boy Scout dance. Armory, November
Dr. Almoin, dentist Bank of Com
mcrce Wdg.
P. W. Bornemau, proprietor of the
apiini nntel, is ramping out with
fl-ii-tl.ta nt lltti lli-.ti l.xtl.,,.,1. di.i....a II..
" "I S". ni"
went to the springs a few week nun
for hiit health and in reported to lie
grcuiiy unproved.
Dr. ft. T McTnWMi miwl.TC
urgoon, U Masonic blilg. l'hoiie 440,
Tor alderuian sixth ward. Tote for T.
J. Kress.
A marriage lleeus waa laauod this
nftomoon to ltenben Short. a tlorvais
fuinier and t.dnn Marthnler. also of
( mni. Otto C. Kruschko, a farmer of
Silverton, and Minnie M. Mcnge, of Sil
verton, also secured a matrimonial per
in it.
Dr. Btone'i Drug Store.
Get that Lyceum tlckot while getting
jia goo.i. fi.iio at the music stores.
The election of officer for the Salem
Social Service Center was i-ostimncd
lust evening until Tuesday, November
v. Un acconut of the various entertain
monta in the city, the attendance was
not its In re as expected.
i Dr. O. Hartley, specialist, Inflamed,
; Meriting gums and pyorrhea. 418 li. 8.
.Hank llldg. l'houe 18(1. Nov
! Sis big entertaininenta for only 91.00.
Salem Lyceum course.
I The Kntghta and Ladles of Security
will give a dance this evening in the
hall over romeroy'a jewelry store. A
special oranixer has been In the thy
.in the Interests of tho order, resulting
in me enrollment of many new mem-
1 bers.
i Special, 700 piano player, used three
months, perfect eondition, :i."0, terms
to rigni parties, ueo. t, mil.
Dr. Stone's Drag more.
For alderman sixth ward, vote for T.
I. Kress.
E. K. Miller and wife left yesterday
for Arizona, whero Mr. Miller will en
gage in lecture work during the winter.
lie is a graduato of S illumette univer
sity, and well known ns a lecturer in
this imrt of tho state.
For Gilbert's home-made or salt-rising
bread, I'hono 1 lii'J.
Season tickets to the Salem Lyceum
course on sulo nt nil music shires, if'l.UO
Mrs. Hermann Stoge, 112 Union
street, was operated uu for cancer yes
terday at the Siilem hospilul. Her
daughter, Mrs. Myrtle Kstes, of Port
land, is here to rcmaia during her con
valescence. During the rainy days, phone 67 for
your fresh rousted coffees. Prompt de
livery. Fresh strawberries on next to the
lust ilnv in October is something rather
unusual, but John liniley, living east
of CiiemnwH brought in a crnte this
morning for a local grocer. He says
they aro the Oregon Iron clad and of
the everlasting kind that bear over six
months in the year.
ave. time by phoning 67 for your
coffee, tea and spices, Satisfaction or
money back.
Mrs. E. M. Spreng of Cleveland, Ohio,
president of the Woman's Missionary
society of tho Kvnngclical association,
will speak next Friday evening at the
Kvnngelieal church, corner of Seven
ttHMith and Chemeketa streets. She is
is regarded by many as one of the most
eloquent speakers in the Kvnngelieal
Winter time Is hot drink time, Fhone
il" for eoffee, tea, cocoa nud ehoeolate.
At this time of year, the river is
generally rising, but October, H15 Is
somewhat different in rnint'nll, as the
river in now falling, with a stage of
.7 foot below low water mark. Ijist
year on this date, the guage was 1.3
feet above low water.
Change of scredule. Beginning with
Monday, November 1st, the schedule
for the Salein-Indepeiidence Auto Stage
will be a follows: Leaves Salem,
corner State and Liberty streets, 8:00
. m., 11:00 a. in., 3:30 r. m. and 7:30
p. m. Leaves Independence, opposite
postoffiee, B:0O S. hi., 12:30 p. m., 8:00
p. m. and 9:00 p. m.
The musical artists course, 'under the
mnimgcmoitt of Miss Minuet ta Mngeis,
offers: Ondski, priinma donna, in con
cert in December; (jiibrllowitsch, world
lenowned pianist, assisted by Madame
(lubrilowitsrh, noted contralto singer,
in January, and DcGorgoza Concert
baritone, in February, l'leuse leave
subscriptions with tho music stores bo
giuning Tuesday.
As this will be an evening of general
festivities on account of the celebra
tion of llallowe'on, the Salem street
Hailway company will run its ears on
nil lines up until 12 o'clock this even
ing. This will enable those who do
not ride in nutos. to stay out a little
later tlvan usual tonight.
Mrs. Bryngelson has moved Into the
Alberts apartments on 2"2 N. Cottage
and will do ilressmnking at homo or
by the day. At present you may call
over phone, ."liHK.
Final shipments of mill work for the
eastern Oregon hospital were mado to
day by the Spauldin Logging com
pany. The contract for tho mill work
on the new Lombard building to be
erected in Portland on Park and Pnvis
streets was secured this week by the
opnunnng mill.
Hygrade is all that the name implies
and more in Salem's leading 5 cent
Oscar Kalb, an escape from the in
Mine asylum, walked into the police
station yesterdnv afternoon and in
I formed Chief of Police Welsh that he
jhnil changed iiis residence from the
asylum and wasn't staving tnero anv
, more, said he was the strongest man iu
the world and also an attornev' and
practiced in several worlds making
flying trips in na aerotdnue. Tho chief
extended to his distinguished visitor
;ihe hospitalities of the city hall pend
ing the arrival of officers from the in
Amos Vans seems to be the most pop
ular candidate for alderman in the
seventh ward, lie is a man of responsi
bility and integrity, an old citizen of
rNticm, and if elected, Ins slogan will be,
Kignt is right nud right wrongs no
Martens are pretty scai-ce In the
country, but (1. A. SmitJ, living one
mile east nf th iitv itn th (inrden
road, was fortunate enough to kill one
a few On ye ago. Hearing a disturbance
in me hen house, Mr. Smith discovered
a marten about 20 inches long helping
himself to all kinds of poultry. After
a vigorous fight the oniinnl was kill
ed. Revival service at First Baptist
churvh, Sunday ami every night next
week. Pastor and peopio their own-evangelist.
The government engineer has fin
ished his survev of the proposed drain
age district of French Prairie, and is
now working on his notes and lield
maps. On tho completion of this work,
the survev and notes will be sent to
the engineering department at Wash
ington, where estimates of the cost and
blue prints will be made, nnd also com
plete drainage maps. The survey in
cludes about 7.1 square miles of land In
the French Prairie district.
H. S. French has Just returned from
the Land Products show at I'ortlfind
where he has been decorating t'oi
some of the different coiintv exhibits
Ho placed the Jackson, Polk and ( rook
oimty exhibits, besides decorating the
Sperry Flour company and the valve-
less Pump company booths. He pro
nounces tne Lund Products show a
grand success, far ahead of last vear.
Mr. trench was the man that won the
champion ribbon "Heanty of Exhibit''
at the state fair this year for a.Mriou
State Insurance Commissioner Har
vey Wells went to Portland today in
connection with the investigation of the
Mutuul Fire Relief of Portland.
TjtMt H m ,, it .4.1,. ariAwti Xtrat
Montrose Hingler, , national dancing
master, will give a course of instruction
ill iht 'ksiui ntm-Pl .m-iinini.m
dances at Moose iinll every Thursday
evening, beginning November 4. Classes
now forming for students, young un
married people and married people, af
ternoon aud evening, Kull information,
Phone Miss Prisciila Fleming 02.
Revival service at First Baptist
hureh. Sundnv and every nitrht next
week. Pastor and people their own
A. B. Hansen of the Eaton Book
Diiiding company of Eugene, is in Salem
today on business.
Try that Sunday lunch or dinner at
tho White Swan. Yon will not be dis
apiminted. A. M. Crawford, former attorney gen
eral of this state, is in Snlem attending
to legal business in this district.
Another car of pianos. Monday or
Tuesday another car of pianos will ar
rive from the east for tieo. C. Will.
When this car arrives 1 will have good
new pianos from tloO.OO to the very
best pianos made. I nine and see them
at deo. C. Will, 4:12 State street, 2nd
Chief Justice Moore, of the state su
premo court, and Justice (ieorge H.
llurnett returned to Salem today from
holding a se.sion of the supreme cuurt
iu l'cndieton.
Spanish To those who have ex
pressed a desire to study Spanish, and
to any otners wno may ie interested
in this increasingly popular language,
it is announce. I thnt a new class will
be formed next week. The work Is in
charge of a ronietcnt teacher wih six
.voire' experience as instructor in mod
ern languages, and the plan of the
course is to impart in a irncticnt and
I interesting way, a useable knowledge
'of th language. For particulars. Phone
I I ii n
I i.in,
Special flour sale on at the Pratum
Vlniirimr mills Wnldn 'Hill floor. 1 10
per sack. Hard wheat flour made from
-choice bliiestem wtieat, $1...) per sack.
!.... ..-.i. . l r . i .1.
r.very saca gunrumwu. t.oiuo iu me
mill mm get vour wiiiivr suppiv ue
Iforo prices advance. 40 pounds of flour
j given in exciiango ior tnisuei oi wuear.
'. B. McCallistcr, Pratum, Oregon.
I President P. L. Compbell, of the TJni-
jversity of Oregon, has sent . out the
.nmioiinceuient that Wednesday, Novem
ber 20, is the day set aside nt the state
university lor memorial services ' in
houor of Sniuel H. Friendly who wns a
member of the board of regents for
over 20 years. The services will be held
in Villnrd hall and President Camp
bell urges all the students, faculty, re
gents and friends to unite in paying
their respects to the memory of Mr.
Friendly, secretary of State Olcott,
who is a member of the board of re
gents, and Ch rales II. Fisher, also a
member of the board, received notifica
tion from President Campbell today.
Carle Abrams, who served in the Phil
ippines during the Spanish-American
war and later attained the rank of
mjtjor in the Oregon National Ouard,
was informed today that ho had been
appointed Aide-de-c'ninp on the stuff of
the commander in chief of the United
Spanish War Veterans. The appoint
ment was mnde, the letter stated, in
recognition of Mr. Abrams' service in
the organization nud iai consideration
of his talents in organization and abil
ity to carry out the best interests of the
untionnl association.
Chapter IV" of the telephone agita
tion lathered by Oswald West and
Claude McCulloch was filed today at
the office of the public service com
mission asking that phvsrcnl connection
of the lines of the l'aeific Telephone
leicgrnph company ot Portland be
mado with the lines of the Home Tele
phone company. The first petition ask
ed that the hotels in Portland having
switchboards be gianted the privileges
of physical connection. The next nslied
that those nut having switchboards
have physical connection, the third one
was from subscribers of the Pacific
ng physic!
tne llomt
day n petition is from I). M. Holbiook
nnad others, of the Home company
asking the right of exchange over the
lines of tho Pacific company.
Is the normal distance
at which perfect eyes
see best and easiest.
Differently means eye
strain means harm.
Aid you to see right,
read right, and tea
208-209 Hubbard BlJp.
I'hone 109
. ... j...... in rtincerl !
uadsiu, prima ouuu
,. :i...:.w..i. worU
Ueceniner; waunm-n
nowned pianist, assisted by
'.. l . .....I ..,.! nlltO HI'S"1
Minlirilownsi n, uuim .
baritone, iu rem ,
lirti,ts' course under the
of Miss Minnetta .M.ip;'- lf
.: i.l, the imiir stuns-
scripiiuuo .-.
ompany asking physical exchange of
service with the Home lines nnd to-
Special meeting of Pacific
lodge No. :.n, A. F. ft A. M..
tins evening at " o'clock,
sharp. Work in the E. A. de
gree. Visiting brethren welcome.
Mme. Jeanne Joroelli waa received
so enthusiastically by the Inrge audi
ence last evening' at' the recital given
' 'ne vregon, mat already a move
jment is on foot to secure her return at
I an early date. Not only in her singing.
I but in her personal a'pHrance, does
j.Mme. Jomelli fulfill the expectations
of those who came to hear a grand op
era singer. The continued applause tes
tified the appreciation of the audience,
as well as the close attention given dur-'
ing the fourteen numbers on the rro-
gram. The audleuce was also well
pleased with Miss Constance Piler, the
pianist, who was railed upon to respond
to repeated enennres. The concert was
given under the auspices of the Or
pheus Male chorus and as there is
general desire on the part of those who
heard her last evening, it is possil.to
that return date will be arranged.
I'll llltC
Here's a chance to
ith one stone.
The boy gets th
,he ltakijl'oJ- iBf.
dustry geis you. i--
We All 8m1
v. Are Plew4.
Tops and Baking roJ "
r.aleiu Grocer.
Pnr roospuw