Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 30, 1915, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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. Judge George I). Aldeir
0 lecturer on (lie American platform has a finer right to claim a place
In the attention of the people. A descendant of the Alliens of New
England, whose names are inextricably woven Into the warp and
woof of American history, he inherits a deep aud abiding interest in
tilings American. An able lawyerhonored by appointment to the bench aud
Mrving with fidelity during a ten years' term, he has had a wide contact with
humanity. Called to the platform by Ills pre-eminent abilities as an advocate
mid pleader, lie is eminently qualified to discuss in an enlightening and en
nobling way the problems of modem life. A philosopher, humorist and poe
h! heart, he Is intensely practical and absorbingly interesting. His lectures on
nreseut dav problems, "The Needs of the Hour" and "The Powder and the
Match," are platform classics and have been received with enthusiastic ap
proval In every state in the I'nlon. "I always feel," says Dr. Frank W. Gun
hmuIus, the noted divine, "that life Is more worth the living and the influences
of our time nre more surely consecrated to high ends when he has delivered
his message."
(Capital Journal Special bervice.) v
,"Big Gameof Season -Pa
Has. Or., Oct. SO. The big foot-
bull game of the season will be played ,
in Dallas tomorrow afternoon when the;
eleven of the Dallas high sehool will;
meet the big team of the .Mc.Yliunville
high school. The home team have al-f
uuys run up aguiust a tough proposi
tion when plnviiiij McMinnville and us,,
a consequence have been devoting many
hours to hard practice' all this week.
They have adopted a slogan "Let's .
beat Ale ' which has been taken up by.
several of the-merchants of the etiy,
in attractive window displays. ;
Court Presented with Flag j
The Polk county circuit court lias ;
been presented ..with a beautiful silk
flag, a gift of -the Hons of the Amen-.
can Revolution. . The flag was pre
sented by Hon. Wallace McCnmaut of
Portland and was received by the court
through Attorney Glen O. Holman who
had been designated by circuit judge
11. H. Belt to represent the court.
: I that you run your farm with, they also
October 27, IMS.
Editor Journal: Ileing somewhat of
a sportsman myself, and living on a
vciv small portion of Clod's created
soil, 1 will say that I do not quite agrco no't tflie advantago of it, very few of
wiiii i i. mi-.uuuuu in ins cuiiunui . them mint nut attic, rnose wno mo
of October 27th., I immediately unon Betting outside of
I claim that the city man has or, .i.- (.lt.. Uinita. are confronted with the
mrke it possible for vou to live in a
modern house equipped with modern
The cook stove and the knife and
fork that you eat. with is products of
the city, more than all this, tho farmer
is cordially invited to enjoy all the
pleasures and pastimes of the city anil
is received with a welcome by all when
ever he conies to town.
The city man has thirty days out of
a year to' huat iu this valley. Some do
Miss Grace Utorkwell is in MeMinn
villc this week visiting at the homo of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shultz.
II. J. Elliott, manager of the Perry
A.A ci... Tniin i...:.
ought to have a right to occasionally t unsightlv trespass notices plastered o:i nesa. visitor Wednesday
go to the country and roam over (iod s rh(, trew flul ieal!Q3 on both sides of Ur..H. xr, Hellwarth of Fnlls City
i ml. u ami th rnturh i ha t milter iWnnria.'l it:., u ,.i I1- n.. . U . y
'" , r. r, l :'. '. !""' 1"IU"1 - iiihihw was a Dallas business visitor this week.
Sales Day Desired "
At r. meeting held in the court house
Wednesday evening at which every
business aud professional man of the
city was present it was unanimously
decided to hold a sale day in Dallas.
A committee appointed from the Dal
las Commercial club had been busy at
work on the proposition for the past
several weeks and had invited a num
ber of Albany boosters to he present
at the meting and give their views as
to the advisability of holding such a
day each mouth. A. K. Fisher, one of
the most enthusiastic boosters of that
city told of the success of the sale day
in their town. Several other business
men of Albany spoke favorably on the
question. The committee in charge of
the meeting will make their report at
the meeting of the Commercial club
next Wednesday evening and it will
then be decided whether Dallas will
hold a sale day each month or not.
Porger Caught ill Salem
Curtis Tucker, a III year old lad who
cashed a forged check for $8.50 at the
Bee Hive store in this city lase week,
has been captured by the .Salem police
and sent to the State Training school.
Tucker has confessed that he passed
forged checks on merchants in Dallas,
Falls City, Salem and Oregon City.
Large Attendance at Institute
About 150 teachers from all parts of
the county are attending the annual
Polk county institute being held iu
Dallas this week. . The sessions, which
begun Wednesday morning nre being
held in the Dallas High school build
ing and aro being presided over by
county superintendent II. C. Seymour.
Prominent instructors from all parts of
the state arc taking part in the institute.
...... V: s
Wholesale markets in all lines arc
steady. Wheat and oats are quiet at
the' prices prevailing for the past two
weeks. Tho Salem egg market is high
er in proportion than Portland or Se
Bttle, aud many grocers are offering au
advance on the Port lam! quotations.
Fur this reason, tho prices vary ou case
count from 34 to IIS cents aud for trade,
from ,Vi to 40 cents. It all seems to
ft Galley ov Fun I
The HotHP being iu Commlitce of
if,i Wholri on Ws Slute of thn Union,
depend upon had bad the seller wants i.,. havio:: under roi:dde,n'lon.- !h
to sell and how keen the buyer is to I )ia (U u 0876ii:!2l to gi.int a pen
buy Sunr advneed retail 10 ',ts a $ nrttlve
hundred, on advices from the refineries " ' ..
.i,io .! t;... .....p ,i,..ir iinikn1 harn or iiaiuiT.llite l ciu2cn who would
the price retail on suir. The refiner
ies do this for him.
Orami, ,
Hay, timothy, jier tou $14,00;
Oats, vetch I0
Cheat- 910;
Whent, new crop 8,"io;
Oats, now crop 35c'
Rolled barley
Corn $40
Cracked corn $41.50 1
Bran $20.00
Shorts, per ton $28.00
Clover seed : 13 to 16e
Grand Duchess Olga.
An Interesting romance has been shattered by tha European war.
Grand Duchess Olga of Russia, daughter of the ciar, waa reported a year
ago as engaged to Crown Prince Boris of Bulgaria. Now Bulgaria is at
war with Russia and the romance has come to an end. i
Twenty-Seven Marion
Students at Oregon
and reared by the Almighty, as long be nroaecutcd. Xo hunting allowed)
lie iecps lue pence mm ones piced triore for tne special Denerii
of tne city people, let l no not remem
ber of a "si iglo instance where the city
people have complained through tho
newspapers. It must bo remembered
also that tho farmers hunt and kill a
groat many more birds than the, city
people. Iu conclusion I would ask:
lias the citv man a right to complain?
It is a 'sad fact that there are a few
bkick nhoep among tho city people, a
few who ?re not fit to carry a gnu,
or to go- upon a farmer's property,
but you also find a few such men up
o,i the farm. 1 onco knew a farmer
who murdered a city man. Thnt man
must have been a criminal, at least heiif not whv not
; ... i .1.- T .1.. ... '
was convicted of the crime. I do not
remember that any farmer wns blamed
for the crime other than the man who
committed it.
Too often we see in t'ue papers an
editorial of some farmer who hns lost t
n chicken or a sh?ep through the enre
Jessness of some bov, and ho iminedi-l
.1 .1.- .1.. ..li.. i
i' c ru n h ine vi unit. cn vuir . ., . i i.. :
lion of the state, threaten, to prosecute t ""3
iuiv citv mnn who dares to enter Ins," ""'
mite, plaster! his place with trespass
He Wants Information.
Editor Capital Journal: I would like
to use a small sfiaee in your valuable
paper in asking a few questions of the
State Fair Board. First, in making the
arrest of the men at the entrance gate
notices, nnd appears mad enough to
:it a buz, saw mining at full speed.
Tiiank (in, I that all the farmers are
was the name of one of them kept out
of print.
Second, if the board has the proof
that these men were guilty why has
not like thin, however, wo have too; this matter been apparently dropped f
lt.nnv of them. liidLNnir from the no- If there is anv reason way tuey snouiu
liees we see posted in this country. I no tbe "prosecuted will the board please
.Now. Air. Farmer, please Dear in, explain it to the curious puimc aim
iniiid Unit sixty er cent of the entire. ,iige. -population
of this great nation dwell Yours truly,
i i the city, while forty per cent nrel a CITIZEN AND TAX PAYER,
farmers. Do yon owe these city people
n pleasant look or a cordial welcome' i rn p
to your farm for the important trti IlCrC IS 3 tUZtnCc T0r
tiiey perrorm in mis grcnt nanoni n
not. why not f
They furnish n market for and con
dime three-fourths of your entire pro
duce. Thev furnii-h vou with the great
Salem Philanthropists
T. B. Nunn has returned from a visit
with his son, Oilman Nunn at Manza
nita Beach.
Mrs. Harry Dcmpsey of Rickreall
was shopping in Dallas, Wednesday.
Miss Ella Roy of Portland has been
visiting relatives and friends in this
city for the past several days.
Earl Barham was a Salem business
visitor Monday.
Mrs. Edward Himes and little daugh
ter returned the first of the week from
a several day's visit with relatives in
Harry Hill returned the first of the
week from a short business visit at
Miles Davis was a business visitor
nt Summit, Oregon, this week. Mr.
Davis formerly conducted a sawmill nt
that place.
Mrs. Ella J. Metzger is in McMinn
ville this week called by the serious
illness of her mother, Mrs. Joseph Ho-
Judge H. H. Belt and J. C. Hnyter
returned Wednesday afternoon from a
fishing trip on the Siletz. They caught
many tisn.
Mrs. Claud Lynch wns a Salem vis
itor the first of the week.
S. H. Tetherow, a pioneer resident
of Fulls City, was in Dallas this week
visiting relatives.
Miss Iva Stuuley and Miss Pearl
i'glow were guests of friends in the
Capital citv this week.
T. J. Winters of Independence was
Who will offer n home to a boy who! a Dnllns visitor this week.
his parents iu Dallas the first of the
week. . I
Miss Vivian Holmau is in Fulls City
this week visiting at the home of Mr.:
and Mrs. 8. T. Tetherow. ; ,, .. , T . . , u . .
... .... . . , (Capital Jouruul Hpec.inl Service.)
W. u. uunam a prominent saeep(- iniversitv 0f Oregon, Eugene, Ore.,
inuii ui uiu j.utR.u.ui.... (,(.t ;toM,irion county is representeil
in tne city tins weeK on uusiness. i b . 2- HtudentH nt tho University of
Mrs. Oeorge Cutler and daughter, 'Orecon this year. Tho registration of
Miss lllndys, and Mrs. E. Zolin have I the university shows tin increase of Id
returned from an extended visit with iHr cint over tho corresponding time
relatives in we nuuuie west. mst year, ami tne registrar is daily re
8. B. Taylor returned the first of c.elving Inquiries from high school st li
the week irom nosepnrg wnere ne nns'uenis nnu pian euieriug inn uiiiver-
been doing some, surveying for the pity nt the beginning of the second sein
Portland cement company. ; cater iq February,
Bert Tents, principal of the Iude,i v,''y county in tne state ex-
pendence school, is iu Dullns this weeklTPt t"r- u,ll('r ""'"' '"' two ror-
attending the Polk county teachers "fc" "" l" "'" ! n. ui.m ..
iustitute7 I student body. A noticeiilile featuro is
,. 1 ,.,,,'.., . 'the number of students coming from
Mrs. K. N. Wood. . is entertaining Vsvliington to the university,
her mother ad sister who arrived the , M , tde.,ts, ns usual, are
fust of the week from their old homei,. Mtiv'e t , , ffllirH ()f
m iuwa' the student body. The presidency of the
Mrs. H. P. Shriver and grrnddiiugh ; Ba,)ent body, the highest honor within
tor, ivaiueriue jennniKs, uuve reiuru- t l(, ft ,,f . IP studenls. is held bv a
Butterfat 33o
Creamory butter, per pound 35c
Country butter 30c
Eggs and Poultry.
Eggs, candled, No. 1, cash 38c
Eggs, case count, cash 3ii(d)3Sc.
Eggs, trade MTftiMlte
Fggs, gtcrngo 28c,
llo-s, round i0c(ii)lla
Roosters, old, per pound WiO
Spring chickens, pound 12a
Fork, Veal and Mutton.
Veal, dressed 8c
Pork, dressed 80
Pork, on foot 3 VjOf '
Spring lambs tic,
Stoers 65 l-2e
Cows 8 ?? 4o
Bulls - 33VjC
r.wes ac
Wethers 4i6
Cabbage 40e
Tomatoes, Oregon 00c
String garlic - 15c
Potatoes, owt - 7o
Brussels sprouts 10c
Sweet potatoes $2.00
Lettuce 40e
Hoots 40c
Carrots 40c
Turnips 40c
Celery 40c(ffi70c
Onions $1.50
Oranges, Valencia
Lemons, per box ,
Bananas, lb
C'uli f or n iu grape fruit ...
Dates, dromedary, case
vara aatas
Grapes -
ed from a visit ut the home of. Mr. and
Mrs. Mol Hamilton at Hubbard.
Albert Teal of Falls City was in Dallas-
this week looking after business
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Good of Sn
Snlein student, Lamar Toor.e. Three of
the eight elected members of the stu
dent1 council are from Nil cm. They
are: Murie Churchill, daughter of
Stale Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion J. A. Churchill: Knrl Itccke nnd
wnn me greni .:i. .i m,.i,.
bonis to educate vo.vr children, they wns oniigen io sen ins "'b11 1
furnish you with the lubor saving tools to keep from starving! And who will
' I offer a home to a girl whose mother is
' . . . . . , .l- e .I....I ....
sii'K in neii, anu ine iiunn mmi'm -..
Leslie Wells of Snlem visited with Friday.
lem were in the city Vhis week visit- Cleveland Simpkins. Othurs who urn Be
ing at tho homo of Mrs. Good's par-Mive participants in student body activ
ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Morrison, onjiliesure Waller Kirk, C'ociiler Hnggius,
I'glow avenue. j John Elliott ami Clnircl Ogle.
Aliss Olga Ribberily returned to her The following uro registered from
homo in Hibberdy, Montana, Wrdnes-1 Marion- county: Snlein Knrl llccke,
day after a month's visit at the home 1 Howard Hull, Donuld Il.vrd, Constance
of her cousin, Miss Ruth Barrett, on i CartH right, Murie Churchill, Edwin P.
Court street. Cox, Hurry ('ronise, Fred Doekobueh,
Mrs. Walter Bilker of Portlund was John Elliott, Hert Ford, Chester Hog
a Dallas visitor this week with rela-jgins, Walter Kirk, Harry Lynch, Mae
tives. l.ynch, Kenneth Moores, Mary 'Fischer,
Mr. ond Mrs. H. M. Lawrence left l.iiiiuir Tnozc, Leslie Too.e. Silverton
Tuesday for Richmond, California,! Louise Admin, Albert Hartley, Jessie
where they will spend tho winter ut Hartley, Kalph Service. Woodbiirn
the home of their son. Clnircl' Ogle, Lynn Purr. Cmiby itoyce
Mrs. C. L. Starr of Portland is vis-j Brown. Turner Olin lliulley. Mill
iting rehitives in Dnllns this week. ; Cily Joe .Winner, llulsey Homer
W. D. Bancroft of tails City was aMomhiwey.
Dallas business visitor this week. "
Dr. W. H. Freee of Portland was, Curriinzu should gather an Idea from
in the city on business Thursday and , I'm le Sum's chin whiskers uuil de-
I pilnte his chin a trifle or so.
Capital Journal Only
Complete Paper Sold
The Capital Journal is the
only evening daily published
in Salem that is a complete
uewspaper. Tho Portland papers
peddled here are printed in the
forenoon about 11 o'clock, are
simply the regular edition of
the 'day before with some
changes on the first page. They
are only extras made up for
street sales and out of town
circulation, making no pretense
to being real newspapers. The
Capital Journal on the other
hand, contains the complete
leased wire service up to 3:30
p. m., which is 6:30 p. m. in
New York and past midnight
in Europe, the seat of the great
war. It also contains all the
local news of Palern and sur
rounding territory that is worth
while. It is a complete after
noon newspaper and tha only
one circulated in Salem. When
you pay yonr money for a Port
land r veniag paper here you ars
oiersly being "faked" into buy
ing a cheap extra with big
headlines on the first page and
'the point of starvation, nnd yet with
tun nine h fnmilv tir'ule to begf Mrs.
tnn nine
Charles Pickett, attendance officer for
the Salem public schools reports tliese
two cases of absolutely urgent need.
Not onlv did Mrs. Pickett find these
two cai-es where the families did not
have even the necessities of life, but she
is continually coming in contact with
fnmilies, where the man of the family
hns left his wife and children with no
means of support.
In her rounds as attendance officer
for the schools, Mrs. Pickett hns found
main- fnmilies where the children not
onlv'hove not the books, but hardly the
clothes to permit them to attend school.
and where the motlier is tne oniy men
of support. Right now, she wants a
home for the little girl whose mother is
sbk and really in want of food, ami
fnr the high school boy who sold hit
broks to purchase food. The boy and
the girl are both of good families, and
nre willing to work. As the need is urg
ent. Mrs. IWett csn be reached b
h.,n. or the matter can be
taken up throughPSuperintendeiit
liott. telephone 44(1.
yesterday's new. every wher. KG ChOJlCE tO
"ne Capital Jonr.al sells oa gcUef rWllIti SSTt VKQR
the ree, for 2 cents. P.y ao wiU2a fclUe Want Ad
Did It Ever Happen to You?
By Mort Burger
""'ilNi sfo
have rciRlit t'l thn aY.'r of the Uevolu-
.:un Ii bo bail I ron there
rir. Vo: knell mid:
I.ir. Cluiln-.ian: 'In orfe-ln; this
n-e-sure I b"lleve that I hi ve put In
I ) lanciiUa form tlic sci 'iircnt of
'vr.y. laynl, patrioiie,' red blooded
iv4cnn cltljen. (Anjilau. e.)
c:iT.nir.ua Will 'tho gentlemao
$32.00 for a question?
?l.-. Po.l.uelL-Cei'tiilnly.
Mr. C.;Tiiu.i I tliould li'.iO to ask
wlidlior lhi rjenllemiri In offering this '
i ,i :i!iur Intended the pension to b
:o a wool; instrnd of $10 a month!
(I'.iinl Appliuuie.)
Mr. Forluioll I answer tho gentl
man with ploKiiitre, Tho bill Is as it
should be, $10 a week. (Croat in
plause.) May I ask the pentleman in
return whether lie would limit to a '
peltry $180 a year the return which
IliU great nation should make to thoss
h"ioes who would have given theli
lives froely for it in I he very hour ol :
hlu birth? Does he believe we should
d prlvo them of that which every n
tlon owes lis gallant defenders b
cause a more accident of fate has de
creed that they were not to no al
Hunker Hill, at Valley Forge, at York- .
town? (Renewed applause.) I auk,
tuther, should wo not reeompenas '.
them the more liberally for the mag
nificent spirit with which they would
have rushed to meet the oppressor b
cause their wIlllngnesN so to do Is .
voiced without tho artificial stimulus '
of the need itself? Nay; sine th
genlleman quest Ions the amount,,! say '
here thnt $40 a tiny would be nons -too
much were, it not that wa would t
seem to offer no cold and artificial In-
cenllve to that priceless, heritage ol 1
.at Holism which is our boast as a na. '
tlon. (Prolonged applause.) Churl ,'
Ish the nation that would limit Its
tribute to its heroes by tho fortunes
Dt time nnd chance rather than by '
the great underlying spirit of It. In
?ratltude, thy name Is reason! Let "
as have none of It here when consid
ering the nation's obligations to Hi
jwn people! (Renewed applause.)
The question was taken, and thai
Committee unanimously recommend-,
d the measure to the House amid
ringing and cheering from both sides.
, $3.74.86
, $0(ii7
.. $:us
....... $3.50
Retail Frloa
Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch ..40(i45e
Eggs, storage 30c
Sugur, cane .!!
Sugar, I). (I it..m
Creamory butter 40c
Flour, hard wheat $l.nOi 2.40
Flour, valley $l.i!0(iH.!50
Portland, Or., Oct. 30. Wheat Bliio
stem, IMIcfti D2e.
Oats No. 1 white feed, $24(!i $5.
Hogs Best live, $(I.IM)f $7.00- prime
steers, $11.75; fancy cows, $l.7U(fr$l.75;
calves, $7ffi$7,50.
Spring lambs, $7 .21510 $7.35.
Butter City creamery, 31 1 2c.
I'ggs Selected local culms, 4l(a(3c.
Hens, Me; broilers 12(ij.l2 1 2c; geese
A cents.
A worthy feature of Stock-
Ion's store is tha bringing of
Artist W. K. tliinn to Salem,
giving the people of this vicin-
ily a cliuiiie to dciil directly ,
with the artist; ,ulso to obtain
portrsits at actual cost of
product ion. This opportunity
is good till November 13th. Thu
artist remaining in town till all
work is finished. This will be
Artist Ounn's last .visit to
Sub-in. All wishing photo en-
liirgeinents should Inks advan-
tags of this chance. The work
in Stockton's window speaks
for Its self. $,'1.00 portraits
for OSc. Ask for coupons.
'i'ltS;'-rt vfiiA
Von Blunter I didn't come down U
this hotel over Suiday to suend tha
night dancing, or the day In playing
golf, or the Interrall In talking to
lot of idiots.
Mrs. Von Wumer (Indignantly)
No; of course not! The only thing
you care about Is getting rested.
Notice is hereby given that wo, tho
undersigned resident tan payers, re
presenting ten per cent of the resident
tux payers in road district No. 4, Ma
rion county, Oregon, hereby give no
tice to the Uix payers of said district,
that tliero will bo n meeting of tho res
ident tin payers of said district at the
school house' nt Cliiimpoeg, Oregon, in
said road district nt 4 o'clock p. m., on
tho 1st dav of November, 1915, for tho
puriiose of (he preparation of nil item
i.ed estimate of the amount of money
proposed to be raised by the levying of
an tulditioiinl tax for road purposes, In
suld road district.
(Signed) John A flarln, F. K. Os
borne, E. H. Osborne, J. K. Smith, Cur
tis Cobiiiiiin, Irene Coleman, Johanna
Knspp, Frank Knnpp, Albert Kunpp,
( asis-r Libel, Harry K. Fswkes, Mary
K. Fswkes. Oct. 30
"This," said tha editor, "describes
tho Invention in graphic style, but
you haven't made It complete."
"No," said the reporter.
"No. You haven't said that It Is
destined to revolutionize the industry."
Business Culler (looking at photo
graph) This is a picture of Mrs.
Perklngton, I suppose?
Pecklngton Yes; that's her when
sho Is cr getting her picture taken.
fihe-Ah! We can't tell what the
future has In store for us!
Her Husband Well, don't worry,
dearl Whatever It Is, you'll get It at
a bargain.
Plana Well, you are a wonder!
Where did you acquire all that stock
of sclentlllc Information?
Minerva -Oh! I road the Sunday
'That Ladles Home Herald Is start
ing a demoralising fashion."
"What's that?"
"Why, here's a picture of a girl
playing golf In a gauze unite, vest. nnd
, All the world's a circus ring and
such ot us at tlm iissrs (he role of
SJ'y one lo-morrcrv,.