Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 30, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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Heater BargaktMe
Of Known Value
inpAi puadtcd nc cunDTHPC nc cmdtv
IB 111 II 1
- , w. .to W i t, tail wi VIIVIIII I Vila III bllll
Dr. Carlton Smith Chosen As In Thb State 304 Cars Were
President and Ben H.
Williams Secretary
The Snlem chnpter of too L'oi versity
of Oregon Alumni association wag org
anized at a banquet at the Hotel Mu
riuu Inst night attended by about 50
graduates and ex-students of the state
university. Dr. W. Carlton Smith of
the cIubs of 'Hil wan elected president
of the new chapter and Ben H. Wil
liums, 'JO, wan chosen as secretary. A
committee coin posed of tue president
and secretary and Clarence Walls, 'J a.
Tommy Townsend, '09, and Carey F
Martin, 'U.'l, will meet in the near fu
ture and draft a constitution for the
local chapter and appoint the time and
pluce for the next meeting.
Walter (,'. Winslow, president of the
State Alumni association, acted as
toust muster at the banquet and the
guests of honor included I'resideut P. I..
Campbell, of the state university, Mrs.
0. V. (ierli Mirer and Secretary of .State
Hen Olcott, of the board of regents and
Ur. W. H. Byrd, former head of the
Willamette university school of medi
cine. Talks reminiscent of old times
were made by Tom Townseml. (W-v V
Murtin, M. K. 1'ogue, It. J. Hendricks,
I.elund Hendricks, Mrs. I.. T. Harris
Dr. Carlton Smith, Hen W. Olcott, Dr.
W. H. Byrd, President Camiibell ami
others who recalled old times and u!so
tne present and the need for a local as
siiciation of Oregon Alumni.
Among those present were:
President p. I.. Campbell, Willium P.
Aiurpny, 'H; carl I). (iiibrielson, ex
'12; Ereel W. Kay, ex-'J.'l; K. ,1. Hend
ricks, ex-'KI: Charles A. Reynolds. Mi-
I Thomas H. Townscnd, '09; J. H. Oam
jjiibst, ML'; Frederick H. Thompson,
'09; Mrs. Frederick H. Thompson, lirov
,er C. Bellinger, 'OH; Airs. drover C. Bel
linger, Evans Houston, '12; Mildred K.
Brooks, Mrs. W. H. Mott, James W.
Mott, 'Oil; M. K. Pogue, ex'M; f.eland
Hendricks, '15; K. F. Carleton, ex -'01;
Lillian Ackerinan Carleton, '9S;
(ieorge 0. Browu, ex-W; Mrs. George
U. Brown, Marguerite Mers, Harvev M.
! Slater, Ml; Ben H. Williams, '10; Lot
I la C. .Smith, '97; W. Carlton Smith.
J Jennie II. Fry, '12; Jennie B. Har
ris, 'IMi; Mrs. (I. V. (ierlingcr, Ben W.
Olcott, Walter C. Winslow, '00; W. H.
Byrd, S7; Clarence W. Walls, '12; Lyle
jsteiwer, ').r; Esther Carson, ex-'14;
-m.-w-i.a. J rwpnie cntnn spears, '11; Cnthnriiie
Annette Kollcrmnn, "The Human Carson, 'I I; (Irnee Bean, '14; Madeleine
Form Divine," the world's most per- ))'k,r. I)-ver' ''v$ TKHt'"'r. Orissen
. ', . v , -i , hVhnrdsoii, ex-'14; Dr. I.. H. Mott, 'OS;
feetly formed woman, at Ye Liberty (.nr(ly j,. Murtin .;, K ,) ,' ,
.1. S. Cooper, Jr, '10; Allan A. Hvnon,
ex-'17; Itussell M. Brooks, ex-'15. '
tomorrow and Monday. First and only
time at u 10 cent admission
Highest Quality
Milk, Cream
Phone Your Order
Oak Park Dairy
Phone 669. 217 S. High
Needed Yesterday To '
Handle Freight
The recent rush of business in this
state is still hampered by a lack of
shipping facilities according to ' the
records of the State Public Service
Commission. Yesterday there was
total car shortage of 304 cars in this
state that was reported and as many
small shortages are not reported it is
probable that the shortage is much
greater The railroad company report
ed m empties Weducsdny, 22 Thura
day and 49 yesterday and' with the in
crease of business this daily quota of
empties leaves tue shortage still un
The Ewauna Box Company of Kla
math Falls which is furnishing box
shooks for the citrus growers in Cali
fornia, reports a shortage of 44 cara
and the manager of the company
states that he will be obliged to close
his plant if cars are not received. The
box company must furnish the. box
shooks during the proper season and if
it cannot make its deliveries the boxes,
are then not needed until next year.
There aro 7U men employed at. the
plant and it is stated that these men
will be thrown out of employment un
less box cars are to be found
The railroad company replies from
San Francisco that there are no avail
able cars anil that those that are re
ceived are being sent into the state as
rupullv as possible. It is stated, how
ever, that the real cnuso of the short
age is the fuct that no cars are being
sent back loudcit from the east and as
it is unprofitable to haul empty cars
tlio railroad is wuitiug for western
freight shipments. Since the Panama
canal has been opened also much west
bound freight is being sont by water
and the shipments of freight by rail
has decreased materially.
"Great Britain
and Her Empire"
Another large congregation filled the
First Congregational church to hear the
illustrated address on France last Sun
day eveuing. The address like the one
on Germany was most interesting and
Next Sunday evening the subject will
be "Great Britain and Her Empire."
Such points ns the "Anglo Saxon I
ins," "Constructive Liberty, "In
Grant Junior High Wins
From Lincoln 19 to 7
By scoring three touchdowns while
Lincoln was registering one the Grant
Junior High school this morning on
Willamette field piled up ID points to
7 for their opponents. The three touch
downs made by Grant were made on
forward passes in two instances and
one wns scored bv the old stvl.. line
bucking mid one was converted into awnr in hoilor
'"''. Premier ftsquith
Ornut scored her single touchdown
i wo forward passes, one, for 15
trial and Commercial Leadership," Eu
ropean complications will be discussed.
Sir Edward Grey laid before parliament
reasons wuv Urent Britain entered the
war and these are undoubtedly the
reasons that will stand when the war
is ended nnd we know more about it
than we do today. Great Britain':
entry into the wnr was required by lier
honor, her duty, nnd her interest. Be
cause of the treaty agreement with Bel
gium to protect the Belgian neutrality
Great Britain was bound to enter the
yard and one for 10 yards and then
iiammeK Arnold carried it across.
Brown kicked goal. Tho giune was
refereed by Al Carson,
lu a notable speech
declared "What would have been our
place among the nations if we had been
base enough, or so paralyzed in our
senso of honor nnd duty as to bo false
to our word nud faithless to our
friends! Sooner tlinn have stood aside,
I would rather sec this country of ours
blotted out from the pages of his
tory." A stem sense of duty is another reas
on why Great Britain is in this war.
Undoubtedly tho overwhelming major
ity of Englishmen would say that (ireat
Britain is in this wnr in the defense
of liberty and humanity against the im
leriiilism and militarism of Germany.
H. G. Wells declared "If we do not
fight, England will cense to be a coun
try to be proud of and we Bhall have
a dirt bath to escape from."
i tio demunds of Eiigluud's honor and
Gilbert Yankee.
Gilbert Yankee, who has been spar
ring partner to Kilbane for the past
two years, intends to follow De
'aneyrs example..'. He recently quit
ulbane'a camp to engage in a camp
aign which he expects will result in
x battle with Kilbane for the title.
TfliiDT unncc wrue
The largest turnover of tax money to
the county treasurer that has been
made this year will be made bv Sher
iff Esch Monday when $105,758.30 will
IO placed in the keeping of the county
treasurer. Of this sum the state and
couuty receives credit for $50,939.85.
The city of Salem will receive $24,-
ilWU and the Salem school district No.
24 will receive $13,070.80. This is the
filth turnover that has been made by
tho county sheriff since the collection
of taxes yas placed in his hands, May
Judge Percy R. Kelly opened court
here today iu department No. 1 of the
circuit court to hear a case that was
docketed for this date. The attorneys
who are handling the widow's pension
mutters, however, asked for a hearing
on a motion for a change of venue and
a largo fait of tho forenoon was taken
up with this matter. The attorneys for
the widows, F. A. Turner, W. O. Hohnan
and Vultor L. Tooze, Jr., ask that the
hearing on tho appeal from the county
court to the circuit court be tried out
in either Polk or Yamhill counties. The
county court of Marlon county dersires
that tie cases be heard in this county.
It is the endeavor of the widows' attor
neys to have the cases tried before a
jury but the couuty court maintains
mat there is no provision in the low to
try these cases before a jury as there
ore no questions of fact to be deter
mined as the granting of widow's pen
sions is in the hands of tho county
duty coincide with her interests. Great f01"'? hlow- Attorney George O. Bing-
-1 'j''iH iui mv vwumij mini
with District Attorney Kingo.
the whole family
can drive this car
That's one of tho big advantages
of tho Detroit Electric. It Is
60 simple and easy to operate ana
always to if tint each member of four fml!)f
cm drive It evrn in crowded truffle with pN
Ittt confidence. Py owning a Detroit Klectrlc you
more than double the dlvljcndt In um of youi
automobile luveitmrnt. The M6 Detroit LlectriJ
will coit rou (mm 2000 to lot thin what
you would have had to pay fait )-tart Yet thoi
new nimlrU poateai a number of rrflnemcnti ovet
the 1915 cart. Oiity the many economic! of
doubled production eniblt ui to puke thli lower
prd- to run. Why not phone today for I demon
If ration?
Prkes now $1975 to S2275
Ditroit, Michigan
Manufacturer of Detroit Electric Car
U lit 11 i ti is herself bo small that she can
not contain her own population. Hence
she must manufacture and must sell in
order to live. Her commerce is her life
and today it is her commerce that Great
llritain believes is most of nil in dan
ger ami hence the necessity of her war
lure, Great Britain has developed an em
pire and a civilisation dependent iixu
Prices from $1.50 to $18
1 ,Itp-2IJ2j,";i',
1'. Ii, Mghtfoot has brought suit in
the dicuit court against Andrew Dornn,
Mary l'oian, his wife, tho Falls City
1. umber company, M. Kildahl, Mrs. M.
Kildnhl ami Kli'.abeth Leonard to col
lect iniiney alleged due on a promissory
note. Tho note, according to the ex
- b . ...x j i i.
loreign commerce for its life. In many ""7 "' -."' ws given oy
..H.. I... ., i.mtn-n unit tuui uviUU IV iimiu U"
get and was secured by a mortgage on
forms of food Fuglaud normally bus
few meals ahead. If Knglaud's com
merce should be overthrown it might be
literally u question of life or death for
Kugland. Kiiglaud has also to import a
large portion of her raw materials in
order to be able to export her manufac
tured articles. F.nglund'a prosperity de
pends upoii the neeurity of her com
merce and of her trade, lu order to
protect her commerce F.ugltiinl has
striven for nuvul supremacy and proud
j Iv has called herself "The" Mistress of
t no pen.
The address will be illustrated by SO
slides and iictures of crack regiments,
lliiglish, Irish, Scotch, (.'uundiau, Aus
trian and Hindu will be thrown upon
the screen.
Cameron Killed Five
Hi acres of bind in this county. The
note was afterward assigned to other
pm ties to the suit. The plaintiff ns!u
that a judgment of $2,000 with interest
fiid $2il0 attorney's fees be grunted and
a dec roe of foreclosure ordered. Hmitl
ft Shields are attorneys for the pluiu-tiff.
Judge McNary Addresses t
Meeting at Amity
P,eaSeY0U Q Alwayslt
The Arabian Knights
To Make Night of It
The Arabian Knights club, the local
organization of shrincrs of Al Kader
shrine, Portland, will banquet this ev
ening at the llnsouic Temple, as a first
reunion since the organization of the Thea the moa lille(1 , tfle .
Dr W. Carlton bmith, president, ringing serpentino was started cir
ciiiiit.oi v i . iiu uirrvcilli inn mum nnH nl 1.a
was torn down from his regal seat aud
in his place Yell King Walker was
placed 'with yells and cheers for Wil
lamette. From this throne the king an
nounced the speakers for the evening.
President Doney, Prof. J. O. Hall,
Coach Mathews, Howard Jewett, Capt.
Flegel, "Roary" McCaddam, and oth
ers spoke. Each had a message that
added to tne entnusiasm of the crowd
partakes of a Hallowe'en party, the
oanqucc room ot tne lodge has been
appropriately decorated.
Following the banquet, the evening
win dc passea in responses to the fol
lowing toasts:
Why is Hallowe'en, Arabian Knights
xvignii Kesponse, Henry B. Thielson.
The Shrine, the Playground of Ma
sonry. Kesponse O. W. Stapleton. Il
lustrious Potentate.
Which Are Better, Hot Sands or Hot
Sandwiches f Response, Col. J. M. Poor
The Preferable Lark, a Songster or
utherwise. Kesponse, Wm. Brown.
Why is a Camel I Kesponse, Hal-D,
Is the Road to Mecca an Improve
ment Over the Columbia Highway
response, jonn n. AiDert.
Thesaurus vs. Megalosnurus. Ke-
sponso, Thos. B. Kay.
The Supernumerary Digits of the
Prehistoric Ant. Response, W. H.
Veni, Vidi, Vici, or, I Have His Goat
Which is Correct I Response, John" A
The Tchthyological Classification of
the Smoked Sardine. Kesponse, Law
rence T. Harris;
El Salaam, Our Salem. Which is itt
Response, M. I,. Meyers.
Courting. Supreme and Otherwise.
Response, Geo. H. Burnett.
Who Are Crazy! Response, R. E.
Lee Steiner.
Watching. What of the Bridget Re
sponse, A. B. Hudelson.
Can the Pelican Be Improved to
Equal the Turkey! Responnse, E. P.
The Orthodontologicnl Aspects of the
Anopheles Mosquito. Response, H. H.
Our Non-Resident Allies. Response,
Lot L. Pearce.
j ne rany insr nignt was a success, a
large crowd was present to see the
stunts nnd to see the huge pile of boxes,
barrels and rubbish as it flamed high
in a mammoth bon fire. The entire cam
pus was lighted in a weird red glow
names, every man snouting the let
ters W-i-l-l-a-m-e-t-t-e, and keeping
stop. If spirit of the crowd has any
thing to do with winning the game Wil
lamette should defeat Oregon today. -
"Oregon Day" Made
. Big JIala Occasion
(Continued From Page One.)
dinner in the New York pavilion by
the Oregon commission. Monday night
the woman's board will give him a din
ner in the California building to be
followed by a formal ball.
Wednesday evening the Oregon com
mission again entertains for the gov
ernor with a dance in the Oregon build
ing. It is probable the governor, together
with the majority of his party, will
leave lor nome next Thursday or Fri
JOHNSTON At the family homo, 1228
North Winter street, Friday, October
29, 1915, at 3:05 p. m., Mrs. Charlotte
k. .lonnston, beloved wife of Rov. W
J. Johnston.
Besides tho husliand.three daughters
ana a son survive: Cecelia E Winni-
fred, Edith May. and William Geor2t
Tho funeral wil be hold at the Free
Mothodist church on North Cottage
sucet nt z o ciock Tuesday afternoon.
wan Diiruu at l-ee -Mission cemetery.
T-IT. 11 1 li.. .- ..... -
i iiu.-i.i ou. At me nome or ner
daughter, Mrs. J. P. Best, 3lj miles
south of Salem in tho Pringle distrii,
Friday, October' 2!), 1915, at 12:30 a.
m., .urs. Esther Caroline Thompson,
The funeral will be held Monday at
10:30 a. m. from the jiarlors of Webb
4 ('lough. Burial will be in (juineey,
Mrs. Thompson came from the east
. , j X II I V till tWSlr
and the twenty or more young ladies; about six months ago. She is survived
costumed as ghosts, bearing the coffin! by three children, Mrs. J. P. Best of
wherein law Oregon's hope of victorv, near Salem. Mrs. Grace Shana, of Los
created an outburst of cheering and 1 Angeles, aud J. F. Thompson, of Glon-
nnTn nam na .lint, mn.iii.. .1. .1.1..1.. it:. - -
enthusiasm as they marched across the
gridiron. Next a throne was brought
within tho glare of the gleaming fire
nnd Hex Orogoims, tho proud possessor,
lull', California.
Block frost has held off so long now
that it will find no harvest but weeds.
Revival service at Fir Bapta
church, Sunday and every night nert
week. Pastor and people the 0
evangelist. m
James O. Halteel is today movi Ui
orf.ee from tho Bush-Breyman buHding
to offices formerly occupied by W R
Grabenhorst in the Bush building.'
Arthur Wilson, A. L. Wilkiaj ni ?,
E. Fullorton returned yesterday froi
a three days', hunt in the Alsei wu.
try. The party had good luck, briat
down two deer the first day. V-,
A chestnut tree, planted 20 yean igi
by William McOilchrist on his Koicdito
arm is developing into quite a revtnii
producer. A few days ago the chest
nuts were gathered from this one trie,
and the 90 pounds brought in the mi
of $14.50.
The Salem Ploral Society will meet
this evening at the Commercial CM
rooms to effect a permanent orgaoia
tion and to elect officers for the ton
ing year. At the first called meetinf
held about a week ago, much interest
was maniested by those who ire Inter
ested in the culture of flowers,
The home of Mr. and Mrs, W. 1
Ruth, 1095 North 17th street, wai the
scene of a delightful surprise part;
Friday evening honoring them and Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. Corley, who have jurt
returned from an extended trip in til
East The invited guests were: Mr.
and Mrs. O. F. Homyer and family,
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Clapper, Mr. ail
Mrs. Wm. Sorrell, Mr. and Mrs. A. I.
Fenstuian and daughter, Mr. and Mn
E. Horton, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Jew",
Mr. and Mrs. H. Pasiol, Mr.' and Mn.
E. T.. Malvin, Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. En
mel and Bon, Mr. and Mrs. W, M.
Smith and daughter, Mr. and Mra. 1
P. Chase, Mr. and Mrs. J. A Bice, Mr.
and Mrs. C. M. Weaver, Rev. H. I
Dorks, wife and son; Mr. and Mrs. L,
H. Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Giles,
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Burr, Mr. and Mn
E. B. Millard, Mr. and Mrs. C. Pel"".
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Axley, Mr. and Mn.
Frank Sehultz, Mr. and Mrs. Bartell,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. Mr. and
Geo. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. A. Palmer,
Mr. and Mrs. Sanger, Mrs. C. H- RM
Mrs. Carry Chase, tliirlniul wmpnw
BORN . . ?
' tv.l
ATKINSON To Mr. and Mrs. it
.... 1 .nM m l.'.k FAOf.
AtKinson, iv i iweniu o -
tober 29, 1915, nt 10:30 a. -i '
daughter, weight 8 1-2 pounds. ,
( l"frl8u4(iAll1.
The American Society of Equity, an
organization that teaches co-operation
ft'imng the farmer of Yamhill couuty,
will Mold a meeting this evening at
Amity, for the purioso of hearing di
cussiou by Judge Charles L. McNary
lllmn t K.. ...1.:.,. nt ....l.itld.Ml .,.!;
and Ihen buiaded;;.0EivL!!!v:,,L
I " " "-ft v i:
generally on tlio question of devising
plans for supplying farmers with long
term mortgage loans, payable aci'ording
iu me sciieme or amortization, mat is,
by the creation of a sinking fund which
gindually absorbs the lebt. This Idea
was developed on I'ontiuental Euroe
where it has worked aaicrewfullv. A
lll embodying the feature of this
plan, will be presented at tho coming
e.uiou of congress. .
"On each Detroit Electric purchased between now
and January 1st, we will pay your battery charging
bill for six months."
lUuso. MhIio, Oct, 30. The death of
William Cniiieioii, who shut and killed
his wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Adiimson, Ins wile, Ins IS months' oil
daughter, his brollicr inliiw, James Ad
unison, nud then turned the gun on huu
self at Carey, Idaho, lust niglit, was
mouieniiiriiv exix-cttM imtny,
IKimeslie trouble which riiliuinated
in his wife suing him for divorce was
the cause or the, tra jedy.
Cnmeruu first shot John Adamson.
and then Uio other relatives as taey
fled. Adiimson's diiughter, Edith, and
Cameron's three other ciiildrea sihvihsI
ed In eluding the meiliiiun.
Each of Cameron's victims was shot
in the head, dviug instantly.
Since the drys have predicted that
the last saloon will go In 1930, the
qiierv offers itself, wliat svitem will
mauklnd, which hat indulged sine the
time of Noah, contrive by 19301 For
one ean't exixvt human nature to be
I revolutioaixed by ltfJO.4
. : :' "rrtTT .
..... ..... . -t. a i - '- t a
: ? cj.r... .v.1:; -r . 'Hi z.:
British war vripplea and their artificial limba.
S 5? ISmSSSu ,tlU h,v th0ir live- Th wiU wr- nd wn w
.. -..,;... rr-.,,.,, ..... .,, p,..,..,.. n 1 1 , . ,.. , , ... , , m m M , -r" '