THE DATLY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, OCT. 30, 1915. FIVE ! NEW TODAY One cent per word etch iaier tion. Copy for advertisements un der this heading should be in by 2 p. 1H0NE MAIN 81. $:cr-i HARRY Window cleaner. 768. Phone Kovti FIB WOOD $3.50 per eoxd. Piione im. " SECOND GROWTH FIB $3.50, de livered. 1'hoae 311. Novl FOR SALE 3 cows and one Jersey bull. Phone 29JF12, after 7 p. m. tt 0K WOOD $4.50, fir limbs, 3.25 , cord. Phone 224'J. Oct30 i LOST Watch pin on Friday night. Finder please phone 7S5M. Not2 JtONKY TO LOAN On good farm se curity. 744 JS. Commercial. Novl SI' ITS CLEANED And pressed, $1.00. Pressed, 50c. Phoue 500. Nov 10 mail GRADE PIANCA-In first class eonditioa, terms. Phone 125. Nov2 FOUND 1 sheep, owuer can have same by calling on D. Breese, Route g Nov2 WANTED llouso work or other work bv two young ladies. Phono 1505. - Oct30 GOOD COW WANTED Must give ov er gallons w?sun o yc-i hui, i better. Phone 427R. Nov2 LOST Aluminum oil pan from auto. Reward. Notify Capital Garage, Sa lem. OeWO WANTED Permanent roomer for winter student prefered. 147 Union street. FOR SALE Ono horse wagon, $25 if taken soon. M. F. Bliven, Route 8. Nov2 FOR RENT Fivo room modorn house, closo in. $12.00 Inquire 110 Marion street. ct3 YOUNG LADY W8".t3 position as stenographer or typewriter. 5-B care Journal. Oct30 FOR SALE A squaro Ballet & Davis piano, excellent tone. A bargain. Phone 741M. Oct30 OFFICE ROOM FREE For looking after telephone. Room 4 over the Chicago store. . Oct30 ASH WOOD First class seasoned wood. $4.50 per cord, delivered. Phone 472. Oet30 MAN AND WIFE WANTS WORK On farm, or job cutting eord wood. "W. E., care of Journal. Oct30 HOUSEKEEPER For county, pleas ant place, light work. Address Box 171, Turner, Oregon. Oct30 KOOM AND BOARD Home cooked meals, 25 cents, chicken dinner Sun days. Keith hotel, 459 State. Nov2 iOB RENT Furnished house, all mod ern convenience, close in, 250 S. Cot tage or phone 773R. QUO LOOT A rair of nose glasses. Ring up Phone 1712M, and receive suitable reward. Fred A. Erixon. Oct30 WILL TRADE For city or country property near Salem, 80 acres on Sal mon river. Phone 337. Novl FOR RENT Five furnished rooms, cheap, close in. Phone 1710M. House No. 1267 Marion street. OcUO MODERN WELL FURNISHED 3 room apartment for house keeping. 505 8. Liberty street Phone 536M. Novl WANTED To trade, equity in nice home for city lots, acreage, or stock. Call or address 2305 Elm Ave, Sa lem. Nov2 AV ANTED Middle-aged married man and wife on farm, Germans preferred. Ball ' Farm, Riversido Drive. Phone 4HF2 Oct30 TOR RENT Furnished room 2 blocks from state bonne, stuom heat, modern and private, $2.00 week. Apply 866 Center. Oct30 WANTED A limited number of ladies to consign fancv work, at Mrs. Stith's millincrv store. 124 N Lib- erty. No vl FOR EXCHANGE Fine driving horse, new buggv and harness, to trade for lot. Square Deal Realty Co., 304 U. S. Bauk Uldg. FARM TO RENT 15 acre hop yard, 18 acres farming laud, 3 acres gar den and asture. Inquire W. 11. Egan, Uervais, Route 2. Phone 3F11. Novl WANTED Any kiud of steady work, with a chance to make good, by a Salem boy who has been away since finishing high school. J. S., care of Journal. - Oct30 FOR RENT Close iu, nicely furnished ulcasaut bed room, modern eonvem-. , . .. - ' . e;H, eaces, su.table for 7 .la'onf'' I class board furnished at reasonable, price. Phone 905. UcW0 SPLIT BODY OAK wood, $4.50 per eord; grub oak $5.00, $o.S0; aim f4o. Second growth fir, $3.50. Paone i lirU iirlrir hiiHinesa hours. J. H Eaton. Nov" FOR SALE Shorthorn heifera, age 5 to IS months, one bull calf reanv far light servico nnd ono 6 week old, nrim nmwnnhlli A. Doerflcr, Sil- verton, Oregon. Oct30 MOXET TO LOA!t On improvexl farma at 7 per tent aninoal Interest. I am repretenting the Comroere Safe Deposit Mortgage Co. of Portlaad, Oregon. 'Juick delivery of monev. Write ma or eal. at Marioa BoteL F. i. Berger. Balem, Oregoa. V LOST On Chomeketa street, between 12th and 21t. oa October 2, be tween 5 and p. m., a green silk K. ..i. ina m babv's areeseonea mnd silver Peh purs conUimog about $1.1. Leave at Journal offi-l reall 433. Reward. OtiZO F, ;Some Comment On Local Mov ing Picture Matters By the ' Staff "Bug" A fellow must needs step lively these days to keep up with the m. p. gnme in this most beautiful of western cities. Five count 'em palaces of flicker stuff. Prices locally seem to be struggling upward But what shall it profit a manager if he add a jitney to his ad mission price aud two jitneys to his cost of operation t One thing that rau't happen to a m. p. fancier in Salem at present: He can't get lonesome. But he can get broke. What does it portend when the pic ture house managers manifest a ten dency to indulge in heart-to-heart talks with the puhlief We don't exactly know, but we suspect something. As time glides along more mid more Salem people are becoming affiliated with the b. o. t. B. O. T. stnnds for box office twist, a mulndv of the el bow caused by the exercise of sliding coins across to the how-many girls, and it isu 't serious.) Is it a fact or isn't it T that the m. p. public is becoming a bit fussy f It seems to want pictures of a hipher grade than it was satisfied with a while back, and it seems to care less for quan tity and more for quality. The house showing the most reels caught a lot of us once. But not any more, dear Ag nes. Too many reels maketh the heart sick, as the poet said. Once not such a very long time ago this town was Chaplin mnd. Fact if Chnrlev is so d funny that a week or so of him tires us all out. Pretty soon now it won 't be long Chnrlev will be in the discards elonn with old Bill Shakespeare. And thatfB a pair to draw to! Edgar Allen Pne's "Rnven" ir an nounced for the fliekors. Cheer up! the worst is yet to come! For our part we 're going to cease be lieving everything a house press agent tells us about a picture. We've hec fooled about enough with excessively spiced stuff. It may cost a lot rf money all right, but sometimes it is neither wholesome nor palatable. Safe and sane no more intellictual stomach aches that's the slogan for us hence forth. And now everybody, almost, is run ning to vaudeville. The picture pro grams are being augmented with "acts." The Sullivan & Considine peo ple put a bill in here once a week, and every theatre In town with oue excep tion becomes a temple of vodeville. (The said exception wr,s a t. of v. once, but reformed.) Whether or not the stuff of real merit gets what it deserves is a matter for the public to determine. Any one manager, no mutter what he may try to do in the way of furnishing good entertainment, is as helpless as a leaf of a wind. We infer from an item in John W. Kelly's interesting column in the Port land Telegram that Bud Fisher of "Mutt and Jeff" fame, is not so par ticular as to how he gets his material as he should be. There are many peo ple who seem to see nothing wrong in stealing' any successful idea that may come to their attention. Every well regulated Sunday pnper now has a department in which girls are informed how to achieve fame and fortune as moving picture actresses. In teresting enough but shucks! A writer in a Portland paper says that theatre managers are what school children call "copy cats. " We believe he's more than half right. After all, with all the flaunting of banners and the spreading of pijier, really good moving pictures are not nu merous, We mean pictures to which" a man can take his family of an eveuing and feel afterward that his money wiif well spent. There are a few of this sort coming all the time. Salem folks prnh ably know where to see them as well as we do. It is a fair supposition that no the atrical music is perfect. The manager who makes a practice of calling atten tion to the excellence of his music i the same time draws notice to its ir perfections, which imperfections the av erage auditor would likely not have no-' ticed otherwise. It is nearly ss ill advised to recom mend a photo piny to a friend as to recommend a book. Just as likely n not he won't be pleased with it, and his confidence in your judgment is jolted. . ..m lue Buveriisi'inciiin ui iivuiw: uir mi made up along the same line; every, r ,,",i.i;,... ...I tl,. imhli.- ,,.l , r, . nttntinn When it sees a title it thinks it will like it, takes a chnnce, that's all, e,x cepting in the ense of a very limited number of plavs featuring certain play ers, whom we might name were we so disposed. These ire slwayi good, some times better than at cither, but never failing to come up to the worth while standard. NEW TODAY rifONE 937 For wood saw. tf RALtSMEN Poeket file line. New live proposition, all merchants in j towns of liKi.rtirfi and under want it. I Pays ".IS commission on each sale, j No roleeting, no risk to merchant. We take bark unsold icoods. K.'niesi Idirwst paving side line ever of forcd. laafield Mfg. Co., 2 Sigid atrect, Chicago. Oct-10 BIG FINES, MAYBE PRISON, MILLIONAIRES h - - v :i j , v s' : ? i , ( ' ' " If w i -I Indicted New Haven directors snapped while entering court. Left to right: Mcllarc and Lewis Cass Ledyard. Bereau Class Has Hallowe'en Party A very enjoyable church gathering was held on Wednesday night t the homo of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. McCracken, 425 N. Church street The Berean class of the United Evangelical Sunday school gave a Hallowe'en party to the families and friends of the $hole church. Rev. A. A. Winter is the teach er of this el ss of young Indies and young men, and greatly appreciates the interest the members take in the class and in the social life of the church. The house was beautifully dec orated with Jack-lanterns, autumn leaves, and corn fodder. Red shades were used on the lights which gave a most beautiful appearance to every room. Mrs. S. . JlMmcy and her daugh ter. Mrs. .lumen Pir.zwnter tuinir a iluct and Miss Ruth Thompson played the!'"" guest of Mrs. Rulph Maupin, of accompaniment, iouuwcu Dy a snuri i address by the pastor and a I pmyer by Rev, S. S. Mumey. I Several games in keeping with the oo- casion were engaged in. .Many na-J their fortunes told with tea crowns by Miss Hazel E. Barton and their palms read by Miss Pauline Remington. Tho refreshments provided by the class con sisting of pumpkin pie, doughnuts aud coffee were served by Mrs. S. P. Mc Cracken, Mrs. J. A. Remington, Mrs. A. A. Flesher ami Mrs. Ada R. Burns. Nearly a hundred were present, whose names follow: Paulino Reming ton, Grace Townsend, Ferol Flesher, Lu- ile Thompson, Marietta Thompson, Mildrel Kaylor, Anna Hewitt, Ethel i Casobere, Nellie Casebere, Catharine Barhyte, Ruth Bush, Ruth Thompson, Alice Oortmaker, Hazel E. Barton, Ray Schmalle, Letiter Larson, Roy Reming ton, Vayne Rnlston, members of the class; Mr. nnd Mrs. S. P. McCracken, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Remington, Rev. and Mrs. S. S. Mumey, Mrs. G. N. Thompson, Mr. nnd Mra. I. C. Hewitt, Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Ralston, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Flesher, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. L. Goss, Mr. and Mrs. William Ridgeway, Grandma Pervine, Mr. O. A. Pervine, Ray Larson, Mrs. May Olsen, Mrs. Lottie Olsen. Mrs. Al ia Branson, Mrs. J. H. Fitzwatcr, Ma .'. rie eitswater, Grandma Grant, rry Lenah Brunger, , Clara Roinoehl fr. llli. u.h' ( allic 11. Montgomery, (randinri dalenhne. Mrs. John Carver, Mrs. Mollie Hush, Mrs. M. A. Hcnrv, Fred Barnick, (irace Met all, Harvev Norris, Mri.,.'?' '"r ,tt ,,llf" daughter, Ada R. Burns. Mr. C. 1). Barlivte, Han-i Mr" ",,"'''?: "l Tillamook, ry Gortnmker, Alfre.l Heig, Mr. George' A,r; Mr"- X - "".vnton, of Mori- nu n, 1 Kcinochl. Mrs. F. Ta k naton. Mrs Kathlcin Hunt, Cora Talkiugton, Mabel Lindqtiit Kcma Olson, Rev. A. A. Winter, Newton Mjimey, Thcron Win tor, Max Barhyte, Lynn Reed, Shirley Barhyte, Gurnee Flesher, Earl Branson, Eugene. Flesher, Do re thy McCracken, Dorothy Gilinore, Gladys Flesher, Ha zel Pierce, Cliarles Winter, Freddie Heminj1j'i Venla . MWiriclien. Cnlh- arine Winter, Arthur Reinoehl, Avcs,'lfle of his uncle and aunt, Dr. and n . . . i. .. ... , ' i i it. t -I m.'inovui, Iteinoclil, '. . a. nni'iiiao. . Mrs. C. E. Curios, M'rs. Fred Dose, All Carranr.a has to do now is to Mrs. Alice Kennedy end Mrs F W Set make good that's the little alL j tlemicr attended the federation'me'eting at Hnlein this week. ' I The "pnnkin Coiintv Fair" at. the M Siindav and Monday Special Blended Bill VAUDEVILLE and Pictures Extra Special Comedy Keystone in two partf, featuring Fatty Arbuckle, Mable Norman and McSennett The greatest laugh producers in the world. 15c Boat and BJggeat 15c B (Cupital Journal Special Service.) Woodburn, Ore., Oct. 30 Mr. J. Mny berry, of Portland, transacted business in Woodburn Wednesday. B. S. (juinn, of Butteville, spent Mon day in Woodburn. At. H. Uostetter, of Needy, spent Tuesday here. Mr. aud Mrs. W.J. .Tobsore have re turned from Ashland where they have boon visiting friends. Undertaker E. N. Hull mode a busi ness trip to Dallas Tuesday. Miss Gladys Warned returned Tues day from Sheridan, Wyoming, where she has been for the past six mouths. Clarence Brune speut the week-end with Portland friends. Mrs. Carl Gustafson and son arc vis iting friends in Grnnts Puss. Miss Sadie Richards was the week v Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bonney aud children, of Vancouver, are visiting at the home of the former's parents, Mr. nn irs. u. n. conney. Mrs. S. T. Johnsou was the micst nf Mrs. Hennings at Gervaia Friday. Miss Ruth Reistead expects to leave for Spokane soon where she will sieud the winter with her uncle and aunt. Mrs. Allan Shaw, of Clarkston, Wash., is visiting at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Hall. Mr. H. J. Bushong spent the week-end at his home in Portland. Miss Lois Beebe was a week-end ffuest of her cousin. Mi.. tVnu. Weaver, at Hubbnrd. Miss Frances Kemp will leave for the east soon, where she will visit friends and relatives indefinitely Mrs. Hnuser and daughter, of fla lem, was the guest of Mrs. Fred Dose this week. Mrs .Jordnn left Monday for her home in Los Angeles after visiting sev eral days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Welter. (.'has. Scntlund, of Boise, Idaho, is visiting nt the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hoollard. Mr. and Mrs. Sampel Altmnn and children, who were on their wav home at Richland. Iowa, shinned In Wnn.l. ''"' Hu,."lnT. l""LRn' I,1V h "rl ,B.0' ' .-ftBO.kwill aoin Mr. and Mrs. Vt. If. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. drover left Tues- i . . !"'"': "' ". " ui jir. ana ,vir J. II. Biiiielimiin. Jolui DiutvooiHe visited Portland this week. friends in Mrs. Frnnk Settlcmier was the guest of Mrs. AVnlter L. Toow, and Mrs. Gnint Corby while in Hulcm attending th.' Women's Federation. Philip Springer arrived recently from the eiist, mid is visiting at tc E. clinn h Fridny evening was well at tended nnd everybody had a good time. Eighteen dollars was netted. G. R. Ross luis sold his property to Mr. Wolfe of Gates, Ore. Mr. Ross will move on the farm he recently purchased. Mrs. G. If. Bonney and daughter, Ethel, visited Hnlem Mundny. F. ,T. Milh r spent the week end with friends nt Portland. Mr. nnd Mrs. If. M. Austin enter tained a few friends at their home Fri day evening in honor of their fifth wedding anniversary. Mrs. Reistead entertained a few friends nt her home Thursday after noon. The Indies enjoyed a pleasant hour with fancy work after which re freshments were served. Those enjoy ing the afternoon were; Mrs. Christen sen, Mrs. Geo. Brune, Mrs. W. H. Gc.uht, Mrs. Rov Livewy, Mrs. James I.ivesay. Miss Ifuta Reistead tnd Miss Otiiilys Binklcy. Mrs. .Geo. II. Beebe entertained the members of (her the Tea Cii at ber home Hnturdny nfternooa. Mrs. Lyman t-horey entertained the PHsoilla club Hnturdsy afternooa, The member presented Mrs. Walter John son with a iler spoon in honor of her birthday. Tke rooms were boautif'il. ly decorated for the occasion. Refresh meets were served by the hostess. The q.iocn Lstheri meet at the hone ARE HELD GUILTY' William Rockefeller, Henry K. of Mi FrniH'on Kmp Wim.nohi.uv v Tk Z ' .A ....r for their Chr st, nns b. FoU o ng Z' business session the hostess served re ' meeting hns not been decided upon, Airs. inns, tiuoiinie was Hostess to a number of her lady friends nt her home Friday evening. The rooms were nt trnetivo in their decoration of red and yellow autumn leaves and baskets nf dnhlias, nostiitinms and marigolds. Nine tables of iiOO were played, Mrs. R. L. Guiss received first prize' and Mrs. Homer Allemau the consolntion. Re freshments were served by the hostes ses, assisted by Mrs. Robert Scott, Mrs. O. P. Overtou and Miss Alettee Bit Bey. Mr. nnil Mrs. L. M. Bitney enter tained the members of the Five Hun dred club Friday evening. The evening was spent iu pluying cards. Dr. and Mrs. O. P. Overton received high and tho consolation wns received by Mrs. R. 11. Hcott. The hostess wns as sisted in serving by her daughter, Aletha, and Miss Ethel Bonney. Fire, from some unknown cuumo, start ed in the garage owned by B. M. Dimick about 10:30 Tuesday evening. A biini belonging to W. 11. Goulet ulso burned. It was feared for a while tliut the hotel across the street would burn but by good work of the fire boys the building was saved. The garage and contents were all destroyed, thero were three automobiles, two motorcycles, tools and accessories. Tho cars belonged to C. J. Hkeen, who hqd no insurance, nn Over land belonging to Ivan Dimick insured for about $ii00, a motorcycle belonging to lorn r.nglc. The huilding was in sured for $i,000 and the contents for 2,500. Mr. Diuiiek's loss was estiinut ed at $7,(100. The loss of the burn owned by W. H. Goulet was about $1, 500, there wus no iiiHiirniice. The two horses and rigs owned by Mr. Goulet were all that wns saved, Mrs. Floyd Haskell entertuined Thursday evening at a five hundred party. The rooms wern bountifully decorated ill red astors and yellow crepe. Mrs. T. C. Poormnn held the highest score ami received first prize. Mrs. Ifurold Austin received the consolation prize. During tho evening Miss Olive Huskell and Mrs. limner Albumin snug several songs that were highly nppreci ated by those present. After the gnme the hostess assisted by her sister in law, served lunch. Those present were Mrs. Kent, Mrs. hloolhnmmer. Mrs. Hert Killin, .Mrs. W. T. Jenkins, Mrs. D, C, j Cow les, Mrs. Homer Alleiiian, Mrs. I.y 1 man Hlinrey, Mrs. Waller Johnson, Mrs. I Kluiuo McCord, Mrs. Harold Austin,! Mis. C ;. Goodiilo, Mrs. T. C. PoormunJ Mrs. It. 1.. Hcott, Mrs. Cluiiuiiun audi M iss (llive llnsltell. STREET LINE TO STAY Dallas, Ore, Oct. 30. Circuit Judge Belt today estopped the cily of Inile pondonco from ehiinging contented street lines in accords nc with a sur vey mnde by County Hurveyor Canfield, which would force adjoining property owners to move back several feet from the. present lines. The court held tlnil the city's long acceptin of the linen hits enjoined it from milking the chiinge. The action taken on a suit for in junction by ,1. Hurl, of Independence, ngiiiiiHt. the city, Tho contested street mis formerly a county road lending from I he biiilgc lit Independence, through Noith IHTiden'ee and joining with the Hiilein rond. The proposed i liiingx in the line: was bitterly threshed out in the coun cil belnre tlit cimo wan tfiken to the courts. Lvidcnce was brought out at the trial that the street hud been entuldinheil fur many years, thnt tho lines hnd been accepted and thnt property owners hnd built fences Hnd biiililiugn on the bnnis of the preMMit lines. The orse Innicd two dny, ami many witnesses were culled, dud go Kelt inspected the street before he derided tho case. Heversl Independence eounriliiieu have declared thnt the ruse will l ink e on lip pi's I to the tupernie court. It costs but one cent f word W MU your story tacit day la tba Journal Nw Today column. WAB NEWS Or ONE YEAR AGO TODAY A German submarine sank the British cruiser Hermes in Dover straits, Germans Rained ground at Ypres, repulsed French counter-attacks, claimed a "regroup ing" or forces ia the eastern theatre, which Russia described as a "rout," and suid the fighting there was not yet de cisive. A repulse with severe Iosse.t to the Russians on the San and Styri rivers and the interning of 640 Russian officers and 73,179 Russian soldiers up to October 28, was claimed by Austria. Russia claimed the Austro Germnu plan to break the Rus sian center, failed and that Rus siuus were advancing on the Fast Prussian front. The ullies asked Turkey to explain her bombardment of Russian ports. The Russian fleet attacked Turkish warship in the Black sea. England preiwrcd to protect Fgyptiun possessions. Seattle Fears More j Incendiary Fires Seattle, Wash., Oct. 30, An increase in the inmilier of patrolmen along the j waterfront is being urged today by dock owners, shipping men and Tort j Warden Pii vsho ns n ineuns of prevent ing a repetition of the million dollar, fire which Thursday night destroyed tier M. There is now practically no doubt that the fire was of incendiary origin. A whole army of policemen on the water front would r.ot prevent firebugs from doing their work, is the opinion of Fire Marshal Hurry lliinghurst and Mavor Gill. FIRE IN MUNITION PLANT. Aurora, 111., Oct. 3D. Preceded by a of dentcning explosions, flM to T TT Job ifh';i!wU""'P",,Jr ' i NEPTUNE'S'! DAUGHTER PRESENTING ANNETTE KELLERMAN THE HUMAN FORM DIVINE" First and Only Time at a I0-Ccnt Price. YE LIBERTY THEATRE R 1 Oc Tomorrow, Monday Matinee and Night QC THE GRAND "Something Doing Every Day" SUNDAY ONE DAY ONY. S. & C. VAUDEVILLE Six Acts Moving Pictures, Orchestra Music. PROGRAM 1. Overture The (Irund Orchcs- tra. ?. Motion Pictures 2 Heels. I). Hi nil nnd Hamilton, sensntion ul Comedy Jumpers. 4. Irving dossier, society favor ite entertainers piiiuo aud song. Alice llerry and Company, Hinging, Changes, Imperson ation. liargain Matinee 2:30, 2.r)C. COMING Monday Only The Paramount Feature, THE TYPHOON. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday MARY PICKFOKD in ESMKKALDA Always Watch This FOR THE WOODSMAN J V' have all kinds of Airs, Wedges, Wedges, Hut and Eiiuipmeuli t for ths woods. f All kinds of Corrugated Iron for both Hoofs and Ibilldings. i A fiood IHOO.OO Luundry ilangel, slightly used fur one fourth i rlginul rose. US AND t2Q NEW OVERCOATS AT $6.00, 1 pay 1 I I cents per lb. fur old rags. H. Steinbock Junk Co. The House of Half a Million Iturgiiin. 302 North Commercial (Street. Phone 80C. The day is past when ; a man can open a store with a big stock of goods and expect to set the world on fire. He's got to get on the "firing line" and be heard from. That's why we ask you to read our ads. We've confidence in Sakm, in our goods, methods and organiza tion. We advertise to induce you to visit our store for the first time. Your second visit is de pendent upon our abil ity to send you away over-xatisficd. That's what we are doing with others. Why not with you? HASSOND-BISHOP CO. Leading Clothiers The Toggery 107 Com! St. though officials regarded it as signifi cant I hut tho plant was working on war orders and that it once before had been tho victim of a fire that caused 700,000 tlamugo. Boston wa utterly destroyed tech nically in the technical bombardment the other dny. Thoso tochnical fellowii are as pessimistic as the magazine writers on unproparcdncss. d. Hurry nlul Ktia Couley, com edy singing, talking and dancing, 7. Iloyd Min k and Mai belle, i "I'ift.v Fifty", by Jhn J'. Mulgreen. S. Voung America, 1'ncle Sum's Kiddies, in patriotic run nnd frolic. Evening 8:00, 23c, 35c and 50c. Ad Changes Often