Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 30, 1915, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capita
1 Journal"
October so. mr.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
Vice -President
Sec. and Treas.'
I'aily by carrier, per year
iluily by mail, per year ...
.$5.00 IV r month.
. .(.00 Per month.
New York Chicago
Ward Lewis William Special Agency Harry R. Fisher Cu.
Tribune Huildinn 'M N. Dearborn St.
The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the paper on the
porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the.
paper to you oa time, kindly phone the circulation niuuugcr, as this is the only
may we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions.
I'lione -Main K.
The National Americanization Committee, a new'
organization of impractical faddists with headquarters;
in New York City, has asked 150 colleges to take definite. length to which the idea of "preparedness" is carried in
The dispatches tell us that the destruction of men by
the war has caused the thinking men of Germany to look
into the future and consider how the gaps may be filled
most quickly. Here are some of the suggestions serious
ly considered:
Premiums for motherhood, premiums to increase the
willingness to marry, the reduction of the legal age for
marriage, the removal of all bureaucratic legal obstacles
to marriage, measures to make possible marriage for
those who feel they cannot marry, state premiums for
large families, on one side; heavy taxation of bachelors,
old maids, childless couples and those who adhere to the
one or two children system, on the other."
Just how some of these can be worked out cannot be
easily.understood. How can a premium to increase will
ingness to marry, increase marriages when there are not
men enough to go round? How can "a premium for
motherhood" get results when there are none for father
hood? How .can a just tax be laid on old maids, when
there are no men for them to marry?
However, aside from these objections, it shows, the
steps to train men and women, by courses and lectures,: Germany, for even now with the most stupendous war in
to become leaders in Americanization. The association ; all history on her hands, she is planning to increase her
was born at a dinner of the incent Astor's, October lo ' niliation so that she mav be as strong numerically as
witnout any especial parentage, just coming to me somei her enemVj Russia in the years to come. While it is only
p ace oeiween soup una c ese r . someone exnresseu me hinted at, polygamy may be one of the
idea that all foreigners should be taught to speak Ene-
Ilfch, and the association, like Minerva, leaped fully armed
into life. Here are some of the things it wants:
"We need to be sure that the foreign-speaking men
unarming our railroads, making up our . construction
gangs, filling our ammunition and other factories are
American in their ideals, their loyalties, their regard for
American citizenship. We need to make every foregn
speaking community an American community in its social
ideals and its standards of living. '
"The only way to do these things is to see that the
ways and means of assimilation are available to every
immigrant now living in this country, and that he is in
vited and encouraged to use them. The English language
must be universally taught and used. Naturalization
must be encouraged. Immigrant women must be taught
how to keep the baby well in American climates, must
learn our methods of sanitation, kinds of food, etc., if im
migrant homes are to become American homes and Amer
ican standards of living are to prevail."
As usual with these half-baked associations, they un
dertake to prescribe a remedy without understanding the
disease. Instead of appealing to the colleges to teach the
English language to "the foreign speaking men, manning
our railroads, making up our construction gangs, and fill
ing our ammunition and other factories," would it not be
better to appeal to the railroad managers and the owners
of "our ammunition and other factories," to employ
American labor and pay American wages?
It is not the poor devil of an immigrant that needs
education along these lines, but the greedy American
railroad or factory owners, who import this class of labor
in order to reduce wages.
The individual American who hasn't any business of
his or her own to attend to becomes inbued with the idea
that he or she had better uplift humanity and improve the
race. Then they seek more of their kind, form an assocla-
answers, and the
VI 111 1 ll 11 ll ill 1
main one. it reauy iooks as tnougn it must oe mat, not
only in Germany but in Belgium, France and some of the
other countries, or a reversion to primeval conditions
and the legitimatising of that class known in law as
"nullus fillius," whose paternal parents are unknown.
This is one of the things that may follow the war, and
how many new questions are to be born of this titanic
struggle, only the future will disclose.
The state officials who examined into the Peabody fire
in which 22 children lost their lives, reported that "no
body was to blame, and that the children lost their lives
because there were no fire escapes and the doors opened
inward." That unfortunate combination of circum
stances alone was responsible for their deaths.
Probably one of the most deadly effects of the Euro
pean war will be the flood of war stories in the maga
zines, and the greater flood of war plays in the theaters.
In the battle of the diplomats in the Balkan countries,
the Germans as elsewhere showed the best generalship,
and out maneuvered their enemies.
A Galley o Fun !
The clerk called to another In the
back of the store, who came forward.
To the other he said: "Say, Bill, do
you know of a book called Cornatine,
by a fellow named Cobb?"
"What's that?" he asked in surprise, j
the old gentleman broke in:
"Cobb's Cornatine. Here, see for
"I'm afraid you've made a mistake,"
said the new arrival with a twinkle.
"Cobb's Cornatine is a new breakfast
food." "Ah, now I see why the grocer
didn't understand me when I asked
him for a package of Queed," re
marked the customer in manifest re
Popular Priced Painless i
The Serbians and weather are combining to make the
Teuton advance through Serbia both difficult and slow.
.Walt Mavon
In sad October Dame Nature's sober, the skies are
hlpnk n'pi'hpad. and winds seem sirrhinov "All fhino-s arp
lion, hang some tin kitchenware on themselves showing, dying, if not already dead." The frost lies hoary where
late the glory of flowers was seen at mom;
the rustic bumpkin brings home the pump
kin and shucks the yellow corn. The sun
is hiding, save when, dividing, the clouds
they are association officials, and then they tackle the
task of uplifting they have outlined for themselves, and
butt into things they know nothing about. Generally they
are the individuals needing looking after.
n allies gives promise of
ing they have yet done.' JSN
uins will be able to arm, JfjS
bus be able to place UfoX
"Do you really think it necesary to
?ive Mrs. Bigwad anything on her
"Yes, Harold, we really must. She
remembered all our children at Christ
mas, and now the least we can do ii
to retaliate,"
In the ancient fable it was a malt
who cried, "Wolf! Wolf!" when there
was no wolf, and who, having so de
ceived his neighbors, was left by them
to be devoured when the wolf came
, N'ow, however, it was a woman
give him a chance to make a showing andj '" sh:rnoH
Dr. W. A. COX
303 State Street
Where all work is done by pais.
less methods-at paiuleS8 pri(Mi
I examine your teeth free.
Lady attendant always preseilt
All work guaranteed 13 years.
Sally Gay I have just been reading
that a well-known scientist predicts
that man will reach a condition where
he will be toothless and hairless and
walk on all-fours.
Jack Swift And will woman con
tinue to pursue what i left of him
with the same avidity as of yore?
Phone 926
for Appointments
ieuHjurary insanity
Cause of Suicide
(Dallas Observer.)
I lie body of Levi Gillam, a Tolk
county pioneer, was laid in its fiual!
resting place at JIcMinnville on Tues-1 Portland, Ore Oct in t
day. Mr. Gillam came to this country 1 insnnitv u', T" 30-T"Prrr
in m-2 and was 82 years ol.l when he "m!y br0Ugllt on w"7 over the
passen away nt tue home of bis son, "u"lu" ul uer mother, who is ill i.
nnn. I..l II.. il. r. iJ 1 ... . 1B
..v.., . .-.I, .inn-. ,11; wa8 me ratner or ouivin, was Deneved tortnv t l.
a numlier nf ,.),;!. Ir..n f .ki,.l. L'l "
- ........ v., , Vl niu,u igniter
tiillain and Henry Gillam are the only
ones remaining in Polk county. Other
sons and daughters live in Dayton, Me
Minnville and Washington state.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Stafrin, who
were neighbors of Mr. Gillam in
nved f KT. ZrJTA Mrs, Bronleewe returned to PrtW
for several years, attended the t,Zi i t?F??V"ut a l0D& V18'' st her moth-
at McMiunville. Dallas Observer.
caused Mrs. Rose Bronlecwe, aged 26, t
I bride of four months, to take her mi
life yesterday by inhaling gas.
She wrapped a kimona about her
: head anil th
thai j -..-..6vu uuo w u,,
luurcu unaer ner clothiug.
mtu. croni
Thursday aft
er 's bedside.
Little Minnie Oh,
that dreadful noise?
Mama, what's
ing to save the price of a shave,
Mr. Gudeman Little boys shouldn't
right. Won't you let me help you out?
Muggsy Surel As dis is going to
be fer blood, you might stand ovei
dere and catch de lady in case she
move is more serious to Kngand than to her allies, for it ,1M n s 11 l"e Vie autumns ciwinanng nasrthe count" ,m:::'t" ,,a:e"
U.... t.-.j: : :.. i i.. k i i hnno-ht t in kirw hntr nnri nthPr fnvnioo fnnAt Moor . . r "V
IHilll-fl III I 111(11. Ill IHISt'.N.MOI .S 111 HMlil.l I (lv. II tins; 11 nn , " "J-,- --' ' to muiuw, iuum i "uoi
The latest move of the Teuton allies gives promise of
accompiisning more than anything
If it proves successful, the derm
si...!.. ..ll! . - a. I- m . i i Miii
iiii'ir aiues, me mrKs, wno win inus ne able to i
another nullum of soldiers against the allies forces. The
claimed, we do not pretend to sav how truthfully
England alone stands in the way of peace, and that
her refusal to listen hi do.-ipo nrnnosnls rmnnviwl flu
would soon come to an end. If this is true her hand may. aml nave our wigwams warm
he forced, but so far it annears on the face of things that
Russia' is as inimical to peace except on her own terms, as' Edison's Prophecy
The present situation is fraught with grave possibili
ties, and upon the result of the German drive through the
llalkans the ultimate outcome of the war may depend.
uu dviuc ftiuniJi, aiu tiicii wc oiiife "cr part in me opera
dance. Now helterskelter the cows seek1 fL0,rne 'hh'1".?""-iLirn.L0"L,!.,.u?
shelter, when cold night winds arise; the
colts and hlhes all have the willies, and run
house and threatened her life.
'Help! Murder!" she screamed.
It is some new thine bv Strain.
as for a prize. The flies ai'e reeling along! or Debussy!" observed the neighbors
the ceiling, their labors nearly o'er; t.hP'?J never lifted a hand.
wind is wailing, "The Autumn's failing, and
Great Rug and Carpet Reductions
9x12 Wilton Rug, regular $50.00, special $32.00
9x12 Seamless Tapestry Rug, reg. $18, special $12.50
8x10 Rag Rug, regular $12.50, special $7.85
Velvet Rug, 27-in.x54-in., regular $2.50, special $1.65
Velvet Carpet, regular $1.35, now ... .80c per yard
Tapestry Brussels Carpet, reg. $1.25, now 75c per yd
Rag Rugs, all
sizes, reduced.
Get our prices
Large line of
greatly re
duced, see
pose the yapa got after you with pitch
lv,) uouuih uie munie ana ocner siaine ana standard oranas '"" pnmmng-nooks?
Wi, ot wooa: its late uctober; the earth will robe her ere T1:;v JL;, w7" L,,v , ,. ,
1 i i . i c . i i .... i i 1 "p" rnaseu us with s x cvl ndei- an
. .,. long in snow and storm, and if we're heady we'll be ready,1 to.noi.iies and cnrti. binin'M
Is Fast Coming True
Some inontlis nun, it was liuldislicd
I throughout the 1'iiited States, that
I Tlionins A. Kdison, prubalilv the best
I k nun n iiieiilor in the orlii, niude the
' Hlutenieiit that within ll short time,
Koseburg reports having made a junction vith',,,ori' w,,,,'t n",r'' eiotrie current
Turkey, and that she will be able to send a corps or two tiX a&SiZZ.
of 'lurks armed with drumsticks to the front about I1, ''""""""'d ff """' pur-
November 'JO.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1SG8
Transact a general banking business
Safety Deposit Boxes
jsajoj ji paiod qs puy
liijopui jsnui ibqicj puy
Xqq ti 'pip qj )iSnoiij aig
Viuvs m lnf uijij pj.0 at);
UquoMun aiinb'siiM uiuj jq
paujuui laJ oj pajus auj :
.."IT"., THia y i
Miss Casey. And when we are '
married, papa, we are RoiiiR to build ,
a bungalow. We are saving for ii I
now. a I
Casey. And Oi'll help ye, Mary i
Shiire, Oi'll bruin savin' the bung, j
now. thovKh 'twill take a lon toimc !
to save enough to be av iny use. j
?"PJay-School Teacher. Wliv '
. '..'? MlrPri,-'f; what part ol
the Bible .. it that you don't believe
ml-"! Willie. That
in this section where thev Ln th. I i ."""".
offered been to V. A. I,ivelc- lieorge r "fs- j
lcr, McKce HI baler.; T. fitly. I
MrKce. Iti hnle; U. K. Vick, McKee.
lm!e: .1. Unmnue. Woodburn, 44
IVtroit Kleetric is carefully considered.
Every energy and vast amounts of'
money are being expended by this'
progressive company in niannfacturiin(!
a cur which will fulfil the prophecies'
of the great Kdison and SteinmoU.
These cars are now manufactured in
larger quantities so as to permit of
their sales price being lowered and still'
niniiitiiin the quality hih the Aiuer-I
iciui family demands. Kvery indies-j
t it it points to the fact that the present;
progress being nm,,. j,y the Anderson
Kleetrie fur foinpany will continue
until in the near future, a IVtroit Klee
trie cur will be offered to the Amer
eiiin people which will fill every de-
inaiul of nn automobile and a price
poses. i
Kurther, Pr. Clms. I Stciunict, the
i electrical winrd, recently made the
"""""" '.' '! which will permit the average American
ears over million clectr.c cars would , fanliK. ,0 1
oe sold. These prophecies at the tune
they were ninde, seemed impossible
even to many of those who were closely
allied with the industry, as the chiir
iictcr of the electric cur s made at the
time these statements were
secincl to prohibit the realiration jifillallw
thse prophecies. However,
Meter or the electric car
30. Hop
Woodburii. Or,, Oct,
luring the past week
the chnr-
is rupi.llv
!,,.,,,,. It. ,i !...... hii.i ....ui.i I.,..'., 1 bales; A, V. tteinba.h. Hubbnrd, JS
. " . . ' . ,l...t... II.. -I. I ..I V.-l.. 1.,,. I... I...
been increased and its price grentlv re- "'""'. .t.i. i"
dueed. while its general qualitv of ex-1 w from IV to He c
cellcnce W' been maintained. ' . l" H""''.v-. Hnllweber b
This fact is forciblv in evidence when! T ! e C""' R1"' lr,n,n '
the product of the Anderson
I far foiupnny, inamifncturers
of Uie1
The Bos..Mr. Stul.pen. when v
100 bales, came in this morning I detected .
cordiniti ,rlX liquor about vour rcr.m
.... . . I I,. 17.. .1 I ... -. . - -
Mies ' . "y "vM-cjicr. i iiat tine
the lop "- ii; snows ftow much b
prieo, ioiu is, sir.
Herb Whitman alsn, bought the!
Sweiuiey Hros. lot of 4.1 bales at P3o.'
ike. iMm7rm
At this time of the year there's scarcely anyone
who does not need Lumber for repair work of some
kind. Fall is here and Winter is almost upon us.
When your house is in good condition it costs less to
heat it. Your stock will be better in a warm stable.
It is economy for you to buy Lumber from us and
fix things up now.