Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 30, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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1 " ' '
THE normal ' calendar of social A., L. II. Compton, the secretar.v-trcas-; Introducing a new phase of instruction
events has been laiil on the shelf urer, and O. 11. (iinrich, the physical in tiie season 's standard .lances and a
this week, while society attended director. Responding to a request for weekly scrie of informal evenings of
individually and collectively the daily, a seec h, Mr. Hunt mentioned the fact, j dancing, the dance recital given by
all absorbing sessions of the Mate that he had traveled thousands of niile! Professor and -Mrs. Montrose Ringler
Federation of Woman's clubs at the sijice he left England 8 years ago, but Thursday night at the Moose hall, was
Dtate house. Occasional opportunities nowhere had he met more congenial and ; one of the most novel and delghtful af
were snatched for the entertaining of hospitable people than in .Salom, and! fairs of the early season. Before an
eat-of-town guests, by wny of a motor thnt he was glad to s y Mrs. Hunt and j audience of about seventy-five guests,
trip through the city or on one of the himself would make liieir home here. ! Professor and Mrs. Kingler demon
many enchanting drives in the vicinity, James Hartwell followed with a short ; stratcd and gave instruction in the lat
with an informal dinner party crowded talk of general interest. Kev. Klvin est steps, most opular of which were:
in, here and there. But mostly the time then presented Mr. and Mrs. Hunt with National Fox Trot and The Ringler
and attention of the feminine contin- two hindsome silver pieces, a cream Two Stop. A universal aptitude in the
gent of Kalem society was centered V'hcr and sugar bowl, a tribute of , graceful acquirement , of the new glides,
within the House of Representatives '"teem from the mens cluss. J. II. ( trots and intricate steps, was manifest
where various interesting addresses 'arrar ''nd the program with a witty cd in the brief instruction period given
were being delivered and questions of P2K,r,Vh V th -'IT- ,Lat !".' I'1""''?. b Kt'nerally pop
moment, pertaining to the Federation, 1 ' '' "'!-'ut V lular were these ultra-modern dances,
were before the house. Many dis- Btat8 w"' ; reputation, when Kev. Mvit .and so enjoyable .the entire recital, fot
linguished visitors were present at the ; " "uw ''m''1 oMt of owed by several hours of mid dasc
ronvention which dailv presented an n international repute, as Mr. and Mrs. ing, that under pressure of scores of
nuVmed mTm wit V.Xence f I Krnwt H"nt- of hourn' England, urgent requests for further instruction,
!mk7..ii, . ir?nrm hn were members. Refreshments were I Professor Kingler has decided to eon
enthusiastic w omen, a platform, whose . h the duct weekly classes throughout the win-
v"echn1 ,n?? Vvv7f" fe.?: ?olor motif of darred predominated, tor. I'roieior Kingler, who is a mem
utantly changing, and a bevy of fa ', , , t , h d h' , , ,he b f ,h Nationa, Duncillff Master's
young ushers i, to efficiently oversee the f,oral t)or.orHtioiI. Assisting in serving! association, is emineatly qualified to
intricate details. 1 erhaps a largely (g vfn. Mrs. Llov,l Karrnr,,iritroluce the latest word in dance steps
..hare of the acknow edged success of wiMJean J1(.,lp Mi(1 Mario Ji0lcomb,!into Salem society. And under his ef-
the convention was due to the happy Mjls Jossi(, JIo(.om)f MiHI) Margaret, fieient supervision it may easily be
commencement on Monday night, when 0arrimn iliH(1 t ora Talkington. This ' prophesied that the present wave of en-
t was auspiciously opened with a wol- rB(,opti()n wuj(.h a hislily pleasing; thusinsm will carrv the dance lovers
....., vli'"v" . affair, was but the beiiinnin of a num-1 or tne citv into an easy grace anu
much credit should be given the genor
nl committee, who planned and had
charge of details which finally took
chape bs a brilliant affair. The per
noniiel of this committee was Mrs. W.
C. Knighton, Mrs. Alice Uoild, Mrs. J.
O. Nation, Mrs. O. M. C'ompton, Mrs. R.
3. Hendricks. They were ably assisted
by the following group of ladies, Mrs.
ber of os equally eniovablo functions to ; facility, that will vie with the dancing
be givon by this well known orgsniza- circles of any. city however large. Oth
tion. The directors of the association i er steps Professor Ringler will feature
l r .1.- ..tf .L.. ifil.T i C! tL
are most appre'ianvo oi inc ciiuris ui
the committee in charge, which termin
ated so favorably.
On Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. 0.
K. Prien worn hOHtff at. a lrettilv nn-
f iauncey llisliop, Mrs. J. J. Roberts, pointed dinner, at their home on North
Mrs. Frank Hpeurs, Mrs. K T. l.ud ! Winter street, complimenting Mr. and
urn, .urs. iurus irnss, mrs. uiMtoro
Urown, Mrs. Hurry Clifford, Mrs. Wil
liam McOilchrist, Jr., Mrs. Zadoc Riggs.
Assisting the genernl reception eommit
1ee in the serving Monday evening were
Miss Jennie Fry, Miss Kllun Thiolsen,
Miss (lertrude Gray, Miss Margaret
tiray, and Miss Irus Hawlcy.
Mrs. Kmest Hunt. Yellow puff balls
made exquisite table decorations, while
chrysanthemums of a deep crimson
shade, adorned the living room. A five ! Thursday afternoon with Mrs. K. 8.
The Art Conference' of the Oregon
Federation of Womun's clubs proved
one of the most successful features of
tho convention, the room being con
tinually crowded with many turned
mway. All of the literature supplied
by the Art association of Portland was
distributed and a call fur morn wns
made. The art booklets' edited by tho
gene nil federation's art department
were all sold and a demuud made for
more. In fuct no greut was tho interest
and so numerous the questions that the
conference had to continue, in the sen
ate chamber until six o'clock. Mrs.
Heister gave a very instructive talk on
what art meant to the state, Hie home
and the individual. Hhe said that art
did not mean the painting of pictures
and the making of sculpture alone, but
in its broadest sense wns anything well
done; for anything well done, wns beau
tiful, whether it was Khoii-iimking or
landscape gardening, house furnishing
or architecture. Mrs. Wcistcr advised
4'aeh club to study ouUwhat its town
shuuLl have; what its schools and lib
raries and hunics needed, and con
struct its year's work on urt to fill
these needs. This would be construc
tive work; the clubs, the schools and
libraries pushing tho work of tho state
forward. Mrs. Weister naked each wo
man tu mnko war on ugliness just as
no tun on niea and dust. Do away
with it I A more beautiful Oregon is a
bettor Oregon, I'gliness excites disor
der; civic beuuty compels industry ami
prosperity, jicauty is a commercial as
jict. Hie basic, principles of drawing
and design lie at the foundation of all
our industries and should bo taught in
our public schools,
Mrs. l.nurn Hnldwiii Duidittlo cave
a tulk on the influence uf color in the
home, illustrating it with colored
draperies. The women gathered from all
parts or tne state, showed intense inter
est in u II these themes. Mrs. Weister
closed with the influence of the riirht
urroiindings on the health, happiness
and morals uf ehildien.
Mrs. Millican, of Millicnn, eastern
uregon, anil Mrs. Webb, of Henside
were unpointed to look lifter the Indian
lure, the nils and nulls of the Indian
liudiug a market for the same.
Among those who lire interested In
forming nit departments in their va
nous clubs mnv be mentioned Mrs. t
W, Mil ins, of Prineville; Mrs. II. It
Jord, Lebanon; Mrs. A. W. Plunk, Tillu
mook; .Mrs. I.ee Aultiiiun, Monmouth
Mrs. K. h. He Cou, Mrs. K. J. Krarior
and .Mrs. Dunn, of llugenc; Miss Cure
liua liurch, Dallas; Miss Cosper, lnde
Honor guiKls who were much fetcA
this week at several delight ful affairs
were Mr. and Mrs. Kmest II. Hunt,
whoso wedding, which took place iu
Kalem last week, mum the bride's ar
rival from Kuglitnd; was the subject of
much attention. I'oieiuust iiumnj these
affairs was (lie elaboiutu reception giv
en tor them Friday evening ut the Y.
M. A. by the llusinesa Moil's class.
A jtruf union of dahlias and roses trans
formed the hull into a bower of tloral
beauty, while myriad, crepe streamers
of yellow, varying with red and green
in tue dining hall, lent a festal air to
the scene. Palms placed throughout
the reception hull ititrodmcd a distinct
note ot greenery. Alter the presents
lion of the guests to Mr. and Mrs.
Hunt by l., II. Comptou and O. K
Oinrich, an enteitiiiniug program, con
ducive to much genuine pleasure on the
jrt ef the audience was given. Rev.
James Klvin, who acted as. the master
.-of rvreinonies, announced the program
for the evening. The first two uumberi
were a piano solo by Mrs. Frank r'rick
er and a violin selection by Miss Mary
be hulls, wn.ch were heartily applauded,
both responding to encores. Kev. Klvin
then uve a short history of the llual
mtm Men's rlass, of the Y. M. C. A.,
bettor known as tho lliff Hall rlasa,
following it up with several compli
mentary remarks concerning the excel
leat spirit of fellowship existing la the
local V. M. C. A. Several Interesting
two minute talks followed by W. 1.
(Male, (he president of the Y. M. C.
are the 191.) One Men, the Lantcr
Walk, the Hesitation Canter, and the
Ringler ISchottischo. Those wishing to
make arrangements for lesBOns may no
tify any of the following committee
members: Miss Priscilla Fleming, Ku
gene Houston und Fred Thielsen. Prof.
Ringler will conduct his classes every
The Happy Hour Bridge club met
course dinner wns served. The guests
circling the tablo were: Mr. and Mrs.
Krnest Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. I.. II. tomp-
ton, Mr. nml Mrs. O. H. tiinrich, Kev.
and Mrs. James Klvin.
Mrs. Oeorgo Palmer J?utnnin enU'r-
tnined a small coterie of tiie younger
set at a Deuuison dinner, Thursday ev
ening for the pleasure of her sister,
Miss Mfiry llinney, of New York. Tho
centerpiece consisted of a golden pump
kin, nud brilliant autumn leaves. Covers
were laid for the following: Miss Kit a
Steincr, Miss Ellen Thielsen, Miss Mary
liiuney, Frit. Made, Carl Cabrielsou,
James loung, r.dwnrd Kinncv, Jr., Mr.
and Mrs. (leorge Inlmer Piituam. Ijiter
tho party enjoyed the Kingler dance
recital given at the Moose hull.
As a charming attention to Miss Ma
rio Holinger, bride-elect of brdon Mc
Oilchrist, a miscellaneous shower was
given .Monday evening bv the P. E. 0.,
at the home of Mrs. II. K. llulinger. on
IStnto street. The members of the Hol
inger family were entirely surprised,
and the resulting uftuir wns one of
much guyety. Not the least contribution
to the merriment of the evening wns a
mock wedding. Assisting in the serv
ing of refreshments were Mrs. Bert
Bowers, Mrs. H. H. Poisnl nml Mrs. A.
A. Hoy, Mrs. ltert Powers, Mrs. II. C.
Kpley, Mrs. Al Codfrey, Miss Alice Hoi
lister, Mi's. (1. W. l.uflur, Mrs. Mary A.
Long, Mrs. Matilda (Irnut, Miss Kcginn
Long, Mrs. II. S. Poisnl, Mrs. A. A. Key,
Mrs. Caroline Melee, Mrs. (lerald Vulk,
Miss Annum Welch, Mrs. U. A. Wood,
Miss Laura (liunt and Miss Zoo Olm-
stead, as an additional guest of the
Among the hostesses who entertained
in an informal, but delightful Cushion
for friends, attending the stole feder
ation meeting, wus Mrs. William Iturg
hardt, Jr., who asked a few guests in
to luni'iieoii on Thursday, compliment
ing Mrs. K. K. Williams, of Forest
drove, and Mrs. W. 1). McNnry, of
On Wednesday, Mrs. Hugh Logan and
Mrs. lirudshaw, of Tiie Dulles, were
honor guests nl a pretty luncheon iven
bv Mis. (!. O. Brown nud Mrs. Milton
Meyers at the home of Mrs. Brown on
North Summer street. Later the lunch
eon party motored out to the suite in
stitutions n lid other loi iil points of in
terest, for the pleasure uf the honor
guests, who were much imp-essed with
Siileni ns a iiome town and enthusiastic
over the iiiunv bennlv spots of the Cap
ital City.
Amid a luxuriance of yellow chrysan
themums, the Thursday Afternoon club
was entertained this week by Mrs.
(leorge L. Hose tit her home on Court
Tillinghnst. , Musses of lovely dahlias
were used most effectively for decora
tive purposes. Mrs. John Griffiths
made the high score, second honors fall
ing to Mrs. C. L. Dick. MrN. Frank
Brown assisted the hostess in serving.
Mrs. Ralph (Hover was a delightful
dinner hostess Thursday evening on the
occasion of Mr. Glover's birthday, at
her home on Court street. The decora
tive motif of yellow was daintily enr
ried out in the table appointments, the
centerpiece consisting of a graceful art
basket filled with golden button mnri
golds. The living room was adorned
with nasturtiums of the same rich
shade. Circling the table were. Mr.
and Mrs. R. J, Hendricks, Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Abrunis, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
v.i lover.
Mrs. A. I.. Brown entertnined the
O. I. C. club lust evening at her home
on South Commercial street. This is
the club's first affair of the season
and will partake in a large measure of
tne festival spirit of Hallowe'en.
Mrs. Chester M. Cox was a charming
hostess iridav afternoon, when she en
tertnined the La Cornier club ta her,
home on South rir street. Hullo we en
decorations of pumpkins, combined
with autumn foliage, marigolds and
Chrysanthemums, made a gay setting
for this weekly gathering of matrons
and maids, with their fuuey work. Ad
ditioluil guests were Mrs. Don Cowles
of Woodburn, Mrs, Cox's sister and
Miss Rita Steiner. The club members
were: Mrs. Sevmour Skiff, Mrs. Paul
Johnson, Mrs. Walter Spaulding, Mrs,
liov Mills, Miss Edna Jesse, Mrs. Paul
Smith, Mrs. Harry Wenderoth, Mrs. L.
lT. Josse, "Mrs. Joseph Rcinhart, Miss
Nancy Skaite.
The bamar n ml Jitney Frolic, which
is to bo given next Wednesday niter
noon and evening, in the Argo hotel
building, for ti.e benefit of the Y. W
('. A., will number a variety of novel
features ami nil manner of gpiv dis
tractions for every pleasure seeker
Among the afternoon attractions will
be needle work, enndv anil cooked food
booths, an iuviti.ig Tea Garden, a chil
dren's grab bag nnd pop corn ball ven
dot. In the evening, t.iero will bo
added music und "stunts" by popular
entertainers of the city and fun for
all ttes. The materials and articles
have been donated so all receipts will
no usc.i for tne tuniisumg of a room
in the . W, C. A. building.
One of the prettiest Hallowe'en af
fnirs ef the week wns the dancing party
given en Thursday evening by the Arto
i-riseo club nt the Moose hall. Decora
The North Salem Woman 's club with
its characteristic originality has formed
a magazine conimitUte whicn has raised
$1.00, and subscribed "for six magazines.
These magazines are technical and the
purpose of the eeleetion was to relate
them closely to tne;iiv,es and work of
the members, as the purely literary
and cultural magazines may be read at
the public library and elsewhere. . The
magazines are:. The House Beautiful,
Motion Picture Magazine, Book News
Monthly, Mothers Magazine, Good
Housekeeping, and Modern Priscilla.
Mrs. Alvaro Hussey was happily sur
prised on her birthday Wednesday even
ing, by a large gathering of friends
at her home on Marion street. Four
tables of five hundred were arranged
during the evening f or the guests. Mrs.
T. A. Chinnock of San Francisco nrnde
high score and Mrs. Lloyd Stiffler cap
tured second honors. Refreshments
were served afterwards by Mrs; Hansen
Mrs. James Chinnock, Mrs. Lloyd Stif
fler. This week will, in all probability de
termine whether Salem people wish to
continue the musical artists course,
which was so successful last year, as
subscriptions will start on Monday and
the sale of tickets follow immediately
if the demand is large enough to war
rant the bringing1 of the artists to Sa
lem this winter. It will depend neces
sarily on Salem's support of the offered
series of musical events. Though the
course last year was a prolonged treat
to music lovers of the citv, there is an
equal if not greater opiiortunity of
fered this season for hearing the truly
great artists. If the course becomes a
reality, Gailski will appear in Decem
ber, Ossip and Clara Gabrilowitsch in
January and Gogorza in February.
Suggestive in every detail of the
gala spirit of Hallowe'en was t"ie
quaint frolic given last evening by
Miss Ruth Brown at her home on Union
street. The guests came attired in the
regulation Hallowe'en garb, ghostly
sueets complotiug startling masks, and
causing a generous amount of merriment
among the guests. Gayly hued, fe9-
llallowe en costumes. The guests ad-
rooms and autumn foliage decked every
available nook, while weird Jack o 'lan
terns beamed out from obscure coraers.
Much amusement was afforded bv
whispered and mysterious hints of the
future, from the all knowing lips of one
wise in secret lore. Peaked caps fash
ioned by the hostess horself contribut
ed an artistic touch to the unique
toons of crepe paper elaborated the
journed to the dlnin? room for refresh
ments, where cunning place cards in
the form of black cats, marked the
covers. The table was prettily centered
with an immense pumpkin filled with
fruits. About 20 guests enjoyed this
The home of Mr. a id Mrs. Crawford
Moore in Kingwood Park was the scene
of gay festivities on Friday evening,
when a group of neighborhood young
people met to celebrate that favorite
occasion for merry makers, Hallowe'en.
ine rooms were brilliant with Jack o'
lenterns, myriads of orange and black
streamers, and masses of autumn loaves.
Alter an evening of Hallowe'en diver
sions, a feast of edibles, remiiiilpr nf
the season bountiful was served. Those
who participated 1:1 the general fun
were: Mr. and M'sa, Moore, Miss Mary
Simon, Miss Floreneo Bucken, Miss
miiurea wougias, Miss Ruth Bedford,
Miss Inez Fitts, Miss Beth Bedford,
Miss Dovie Rhodes. Miss Aliila lWI.m
Miss Alice Wood, Frank Simon, Ross
nnmipu, A. nruger, ira ruts, Ray
mond Rex. C. Martin. Hownrvl !(..
Linden Martin.
Wednesday evening the Ladies Aid
Society of Salem Heights and their
husbands were most enjoyably enter
tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Thompson. Seasonable decora
tions of vine maple" ajid cosmos made
attractive decorations throughout the
house. A guessing contest was held, in
which Mrs. Wiggins captured first hon
ors and Miss Htitoqua Cado second
prize. A pretty luncheon wns served
later, Mrs. C. W. Sawyer pouring. The
guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Wiggins.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sawyer, Mr. and
Mrs. (leorge Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. W.
McCollum, Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Hall, Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. Pearey, Mrs. W. Saw
yer, .Mrs. W. H. Pray, Mrs. Ruth Chap
man, Mrs. C. W. Parker, Mrs. I.ydia
Campbell, Mrs. A. R. Hilkerson, Mrs.
Paven, of North Ridgeville, Ohio, Mrs.
David Cade, Miss Hutoqua Cade, Mr.
Ungear, of Hastings, Nebraska, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Thompson, Miss Glndys
Thompson, Mrs. Merriam.
One of the most daintily carried out
parties of the week was a stork shower
given in honor of Mrs. Claire Mineral,
Wednesday afternoon at the home of
-Mrs. L. i. Patton on State street. As
tne guests entered the reception room, :
"V?.1-- !n" "'"ml l,lihfl ',Hlre tions of -a Hallowe'en nature' added to
of this club were enjoyed on Thursday,
including' the one o'clock luncheon, lol
lowed by an informal Kensington.
The Monday Night Dancing club
will open its activities fur the sesiun
next Mcndiiy evening at u dancing par
ty to be ghcu in Moose hull. I'hcrr
will be an informal reception from
eight to eight thirty, dancing beginning
promptly at the bitter hour. During
tho winter the Monday Night Dancing
club will meet regularly the first Mon
day of eiiih month.
Mrs. C. II. Fisher, who has been gone
several weeks visiting in Cnliforniii,
and who wns joined by Mr. Fisher for
a tour uf Southern California, Inter at
tending the exposition ut San Francisco,
stopped on her return trip for a visit ot
a tew tlnys among old time friends at
Koxfhurg. She returned to Salem yes
Mrs. W. C. Ilawley and Miss lrns
Hawley are spending the day in Port
land. Mrs. I.. K Page, aeeonipsnied by her
house ,-uest, Mrs. Thomas Northrop,
ef Ida Grove, Iowa, left last evening
for Ssn Francisco. They will also at
tend the San Diego exposition before
n turning north. During their abseuce
of several weeks. Miss Iraia Northrop
will be the guest of Miss Mabelle
Page, for a time, and later will visit
friends iu Seattle,
mo general festivity of the occasion
The large atteudanee of about one hun
dred and fifty demonstrated the grow
ing popularity of the Arto Frisco
dances, this being the opening affair of
the season.
Honoring Miss Helen Speaker, whose
marriage to Key Houhiiiioii will be an
event of next nio.ith the Ladies Aid so
ciety of Salem Heights, gnve a miscel
laneous shower on Thursday afternoon,
at the home of Mr. William McColliitn.
The beautiful Oregon grape inter
mingled with cosmos formed attractive,
autumnal dccoraUiioiis. Cunning, red
hearts susiicudcd from the ceiling ami
a dor ni u th. fire place and piano fitted
in most appropriately with the decora
tive sthenic of the occasion. The pleas
ure of the gathering wus enhanced by
several musical numbers contributed by
Miss Ruth Speaker and Mis Cora Fish
er. Mrs. William Savage and Mrs.
Charles Savage assisted in tho serving.
Those present were: Mrs. J. B. Hull,
Mrs. Fred Thompson, Mrs. Frank
Thompson, Mrs. Frank Haven, of Ohio,
Mrs, II. G. Wiggins, Mrs. C. V. Saw
ver, Mrs. Wagner, Mrs, Itohanuon, Mrs.
I.ydia Campbell, Mrs. Sieaker, Miss
Kuth Speaker, Miss Helen Speaker,
Miss Ruth Bohannon, Mrs. D. Kingsley,
Mrs, Frank Peareer, Mrs. A. H. Milre'r,
Mrs. W. Sawyer, Mrs. W. II. Pray, Miss
Cora Fisher, 'Mrs, (leorge Wilson, Mrs.
A. J. McClean, Mrs A. Fisher, Mrs.
Sauder, Miss Laura Wagner, Misa L.
cuuningly-tnshioncd cradle, covered
witli crepe tissue paper of a deep or
ange shade, the color motif of the deco
rations, confronted them, and one by
one the dainty gifts were deposited in
the receptacle to nwuit further opening.
The Hallowe'en atmosphere was effec
tively maintained throughout the deco
rations, tiny and fantastic elfin figures
and jack o '-lanterns of the orange crepe
paper, adorning every conceivable nook
and crevice, while streamers of nlnck
and orange were suspended across the
moms, cllow dahlias of a deep hue
were ti.stefully arranged iq the dining
and living rooms. Several musical selec
tions were enjoyed during the after
noon, .Mrs. George Beatty giving a
piano selection and Mrs. Roy Simernl a
vocul number. A buffet luncheon was
served later. Mrs. Ralph White assist
ing the hostess. Miss Margaret White
and Miss Kita Clngget received at the
door. The guests present were: Mrs.
Clifford Bowen. Mrs. G. W. Putunm,
Miss Mary Clnrk, Mrs, R. M. Savage of
Dallas, Miss Rita Clngget, Mrs. William
Goodrich. Mrs. Richard Earle, Mrs.
David Wright, Mrs. S. F. Henderson,
Miss Beatrice Crawford, Mrs, George
Beatty, Mrs. Ralph White, Miss Mar
garet White, Mrs. Rav Simeral, Mrs.
Claire Simeral, Mrs. 'Fred Swauson,
Mrs. Jerry King, Mrs. Clarence Simeral,
M isa Haxel Cooke, Mrs. Samuel Butler,
Miss Florence Smith. Mrs. Burl Logan,
Mrs. Martin Yieseo, Mrs. Miller.
, Miss Hester Welch was the Inspira
tion of a delightful party Tuesday ev
ening given by the Missesee Greta and
Gertie Witsel when I number of friends
surprised her at her home en North
Wtuter street, in honor of her birthday.
Garnet and other divereioas partaking
of the Hallowe'en spirit were ts joyed
by the merrr Catherine;. Refreshments
the Masses Pauline and Willetta 'Welsh.
Those present were: Misses Heater
Welch, Esther Bailey, Greta Eisner,
Celestia Brace, Veda Vaughn, Merle
Whitney, Mildred Kaylor, Ruth . Wel
born, Amelia Taylor? Silvia Edmis'ton,
Gertie Witzel, Greta- Witzel; Messrs.
Cooper, James Walker, Arviilo Star,
Miller. Fred Schomaker, Edgar Rowl
and, Herbert Welch" George Beck, Ad-
ren Nadon, Lawrence Brewer, Kosco
The Pythian Sister club held its first
meeting- of the 'season last "Friday,'at
the home of Mrs. Parrnenter. A pleas
ant social afternoon was enjoyed after
which dainty refreshments were served.
The next mfeeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. C, E. Barbour.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Downing and
daughter, Miss Hazel Downing, and
Mr. and Airs, LUgar Hartley, will leave
Monday evening, to attend the expo
sition at San Francisco. They, will be
absent two weeks. -
Mr. anj. Mrs. E. T. Busselle have re
turned from an exceedingly enjoyable,
two weeks' visit at the Panama-Pacir-ic
exposition. They stopped at Sacra
mento, and made several pleasant side
trips to various points of interest
around San Francisco.
The ladies of the Elite Embroidery
club were entertained Thursday af
ternoon by Mrs. Knox nad her daugh
ter, Mrs. Ray Clark, at their homo on
worm front street. This was the first
meeting of the club since July and the
lub members entered into the club ac
tivities with renewed zest. Mrs. Knox
and Mrs. Clark were assisted in serv
ing by Mrs, Fred Prince. The home
was tastefully decorated in tho season's
Mrs. Baldwin P. Doolittle. the well
known interior decorator of Portland,
gave a most inspiring and revealing
talk at the art conference at the
State Federation on Wednesday after
noon. Mrs. LKionttle, wbo is a former
resident of Salem, leaves next month
on an "extended tour through the
Orient, where she will study the sub
ject oi interior decoration and con
tribute articles for several leading
papers on the results of her research
work. Her address at the Federation,
on "The Influence of Color in the
Home" follows:
"Color has a deeper significance than
is generally supposed. I believe the
underlying principle of color is the first
cause for the present demand for violet
(both red violet and blue violet) yel
low and blue in house furnishing ma
terials as well as dress fabrics. These
colors stand for spirituality, intellect
and wisdom. Despite the dreadful war
now raging in Europe that would seem
as though we had returned to savagery,
1 believe the human race on this earth
is yearning and longing for greater
spiritual insight and is striving for the
wisdom to work out the problem for
world peace and harmony. Without
understanding the laws of psychology
the world is by natural selection choos
ing colors that stand for spiritual
growth. Consequently the study of the
psychology of color is becoming ono of
our most interesting ones and in the
school for Interior Decorating, it is im
perative to attend all the lectures on
this subject in order to receive a
diploma at the end of the course. We
who have made even a beginning in
this far reaching subject see how es
sential it is to study our homes and
bring our color schemes into harmony.
As we grow older we begin to realize,
as youth never can, how important are
our Tir8t and early environments and
impressions. How wonderful would be
the results if all children from the mo
ment they are born could be surround
ed by right colors and things. William
Morris said we should havo nothing in
our homes excepting the useful nnd
the beautiful but we have so many su
perfluous things that are neither use
ful nor beautiful. The Catholic says
give nie the child till he is sevon and
you may have him the rest of his life.
We know that in tiiese first seven for
mative years he will justill the princi
ples that make character and that will
abide with him all his life. Early im
pressions may lie dormant all through
middle life and then all of a sudden
eomc to light. It is so in my own case
and is in yours or will be . We all
realize how bad it is to be compelled
to listen to a discord in music. Let
some one practice in our hearing and
repent over and over the same mistake
and it is maddening. Now color hns
ita harmonies ami values as has music
only it is not so well nor universally
understood. To live in a house where
tho color scheme is a discord disturbs
our nerves, keeps up a wrong vibra
tion and undermines our health even
though we do not realize it There are
people of highly strung personalities,
who if confined constantly in a red
room would go insane while those of
a slow phlegmatic disposition would
be helped, their intellect would be
stirred and they would accomplish
more. Consequently we should study
our lieople. I always contend thn't
each person should have his or her own
room done in the color best suited to
tho personality. To go to sleep and to
waken in a room done in the color we
love best is harmony nad rfives us
strength. Euch Individual has a
phsychie color. We are surrounded by
nn aura and the color of this aura is
the result of our personality and chang
es with our development and moods.
There are people who can see this aura
and there is an instrument in the scien
tific world that registers the color.
This is a scientific fact and when once
science demonstrates a thing it is no
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Mrs. 0. H. Castner, of Hood River, who was elected president of the
Oregon Federation of Woman's clubs, at the recent convention h.u
this city. m
A man will like a certain dress but all the light and warmth we can
thinks it is the wearer well perhaps into our homes. So I advocate litlt
it is but more likely it is both. I know walls gray, putty ivory or tan with rL
a man wiio likes red roses, I Baid his , hancinirs. This color i imi(. .vT
color was red. "Oh, nol I don't care, mullberry thut has been used so nimk
for red ftnv mnrA thmi ntitrnlhniiAlnr TK tvKt :a .I.- i
but when I had white roses, the same
size, the same general arrangement, he
did not even notice them. Some people
have a prejudice against red which is
foolish for it is a wonderful color, full
of warmth, life and beauty. Red is
right in its place just as blue is right;
in its place. A blue color scheme in
a north room with only north windows
would be all wrong and make the room
look cold as Greenland. It would not
appeal to anvone. not even those who
love blue best but put this onauge or red '
and the room would bo full of sun-
shine. The complimentary color of red
is green and there should always be a i
touch of green in a red room. I want
to now explain about groups. By mix
ing red and green wq get gray. By ;
mixing' any two complementary colors
we get gray and when we do this per-'
feetly we can not tell ono gray from
another but this is so seldom done. If
we odd a little more red than green
we get a red gray, and a little more
green than red a green gray. Both of
these are warm colors. Blue and or
ange make gray. By adding more blue
than orange we get a blue or steel gray,
the coldest of all colorB and seldom
used. Violet and yellow make gray. 1
By adding a little more violet than yel
low it is a violet or pinkish gray and
when there is more yellow it is a French
or yellow gray, so much used for
walls. A neutralized violet or violet
gray is considered by all scientists to
be the most soothing color and is used
in all our great sanitariums of the cast.
When wo once understand color wo will
know which gray to use with certain !
colors. For instnnce, with blue hang- j
ings you would mix a color for your
walls with orange and blue. A woman I
called me in to do over a room. she.
had gray walls, blue hangings and a j
blue carpet. She wanted gray but had '
not been satisfied with her room anil
thought she would change it. I explained
to her that she had crossed her color
scheme. She had a violet gray. She
was sl.eptical but finally we ilid her
room in the proper gray and she was
perfectly satisfied.
I want to sound a note of warning j J
against copying color schemes or homes It
v...... vt,un,ii,o, A Ul llloiuiItU IU
Portland there is a bungalow craze that
is all wrong. Bungalows do not be
long in Oregon. The wide overhang-,
ing eaves, porches and pergolas over
all the windows and doors that cuts
out all the sunshine is all wrong for
us. In California it is all right. There
they were the result of a natural and
legitimate need. The style was evolv
ed there to suit that climate Then
the dnrk interior decorations used there
was restful after the outdoor glare of
sunshine, but in Oregon we have green
trees and green grnss the'yenr round
and so many gray tlays that we need
" nuuuio id tnai people nere do not
maKc me most ot tncir ludividualities
but if mullberry is fashionable or Km
(Continued on Paie Th:.)
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372 State. Phone 276
I Mrs. Anna Rogers Fish
Dramatic Reader. Recitals for
clubs and rr'v,c f"ru'l'0I1!'
326 N. Liberty. I'hone 1036W ,
t Society and Commercial
I Printing.
t Phone 1612.
t . Boom 1-3, Patton Bloc
: Salem's Educational Directory
Schools and Colleges
Capital Normal and Industrial School
Term of 12 weehi opens September 13-13
13th and Wilbur Streets, Salem
Willamette University
oipens September 13-15
Carl O. Doney, President
I. H. Van Win!, Dean of Uw o"
Music and Art
!iritualists humbug but that tlav has
(one by.
Whichever is our psychic color that
is the one we love best. We vibrate
in harmony with it. Color vibrates
as well as music, all life vibrates. If
you think you have no decided choice
in colors test yoirrself and see. Bring
in a bunch of flowers, spread them out
and see which color you choose and
like best. The flowers that you in
stinctively ehoose when walking in a
(tarden or in the fields or woods will
prove a test. It is the eolor and not
the kind of flower that makes you ex
claim "Oh, how lovely." Then take
samples of paper or fabrics and the
eolor that gives yo a thrill of pleas
ure is the one your psychie eolor and
if you were tested scientifically, it
would be tke same. I've never known
it to fail. Men will often say "Oh.
1 kav bo favorite eolor." but il..
were served later in the cveaiaf, by simply have not lven it muc'a thought.
I Mitt Beatrice Bhelton Dan r. XAngenberf
I Teacher of Piano. Iiasso-C'tntante
Studio 343 Marion St. Phone 121)0 Vocal Teacher
Frank E. Chnrchjm, Piani.te.
Pnpll of EmU Lieblin, Crirtgoj grdn. Stua, 3H rho 2079
ate of Western Conservatory, Chicago. .
Studio Booms 1-8, Opera Home Bldg.
Ret. Phone 1671-R,
Dma Wellet
Mlat Lndlt Barton riaaiBt gtr
Teacher of Voice and Theory Hechiterky Technie end DumiI y
Studio Room 4M Hubbard Bldg. Besl- tern of Improved Musia biaaj
Som! North T"entieth ,trMt' nim Bwg
j William Wallace Graham
Teacher of Violin , w.
a Pnrll of RovaJ Hlgk School, Berlia, Germany, "''r.Jo5!',lia.
ean, Halir and Market. Utters of highest eommendation from
; Nine and oat half yean European experience. A specialty mtoe
Swdio o Patortv, of ate. week at Hotel Marlon, ror T?0Xteu.
phone hotel or inquire of Mill Man Schnltx Assistant, 160 V- "
Phone 1547 M.