Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 30, 1915, MAGAZINE SECTION, Page SIXTEEN, Image 14

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A Romance of the Bear
Tooth Range
'. Copyright 191 1, Haiulin Garland
Tha Death Grapple.
rOV have been very consldor-
nto of me, Miss Supervisor."
Wayland took her hand. "I've
never seen such hands. They
are like steel and yet they ore femi
nine." She drew her hands away. "I'm
ashamed of my hands they are 10 big
and rough and dingy."
"They're brown, of course, and cnl-
louseil-o little but (hey are not big
niid they are beautifully modeled."
Ho looked at the girl of the forest
speculatively. "I am wondering how
you would look In conventional dress."
"Do you mean" She hesitated.
"I'd look like a gawk in one of those
lciw necked outfits. I'd never dare
and those tight skirts would sure crip-
plu me."
"Oh, no, thoy wouldn't. You'd have
to modify your stride a little, but
you'd negollato it. You're equal to
VYou're making fun of tnel"
"No, I'm not. I'm in earnest. You're
the kind of American girl that can go
anywhere and do anything. My sis-
ters would mortgage their share of
tho golden afreets for your abounding
bealtb-nnd so would I."
"You are all right now," she smiled.
"You don't look or talk as you did."
"It's this sunlight." Ho lifted a
spread hand as If to clutch nnil bold
something. "I feel It soaking Into mo
llko some magical oil. No more mop
ing and whining for me. I'vo proved
tbtit hardship Is good for me."
"Don't crow till you're out of tho
woods. It's a long ride down the hill
and going down Is harder on the ten
derfoot than going up."
"I'm no longer a tenderfoot All I
need Is another trip like this with you
and I shall bo a master trailer."
All this was very sweet to her, and.
though alio knew- they should bo going
Bite lingered. Childishly reckless of the
sinking sun, slin played with the wild
flowers at her side and listened to bis
video In comploto content. Ho whs
right. The hour was too beautiful to
be shortened, although she saw no
reason why others equally delightful
might not come to thorn both. Ho was
nioro of tho lover than bo bod ever
been before, that she know, aud In tho
light of his eyes all that was not girl
ish and charming' melted away. Sho
forgot her heavy shoes, her rough
hands and sun tanned face and listen
ed with wondering Joy and prldo to his
words, which were of a fineness such
as she had never heard spokeu only
books contained such unusual aud ex
quisite phrases.
A cloud passing across tho sun flung
flown a shadow of portentous chill and
darkness. She started to bor feet with
startled recollection of tho place and
tho hour.
"We must be golug-nt once!" she ,
. . I
"Not yet," bo pleaded. "Ifa only a
cloud. The sun Is coming out again.
I have perfect confidence In your wood
craft Why not spend another night
on the trull? It may be our last trip
Ho temptud ber strongly, so frank
aud boyish and lovable were bis gluncea
ami nis words. Hut she wns vaguely
afraid of herself, and though the long
ride at the moment seemed hard and
dull tho thought of bor mother waiting
ooclileti her action.
"No, mil" she responded firmly, "We
nave waslisl' too much time already,
We must ride."
Ho looked up nt ber with challenging
glance. "Suppose I refuso-supposo I
ueciite to slay hero?"
I'pon her as he talked a sweet hes
itation fell, a dream which held more
of happiness Hum B,0 had over known.
"It Is a long, hard ride," she thought,
"and another night on the trail will
net mutter." And so tho mouieuts
passed ou velvet foot, mid still she lin
gered reluctant to break the snvll.
Suddenly Into their Idyllic drowse of
content, so sweet, so youthful and so
rmo of heart, broke tho sound of a
horse's hurrying, clashing steel shod
foot, and, looking up, Ilerrlo saw a
mounted man coming down the moun
tain side with furious, reckless haste,
"It Is Cliff!" she cried out "He's
en our trail!" And Into her face came
a look or alarm. Her lips paled; ber
eyes widened. "He's mad-he's dan
gerous! Uhvo him to mo," sho added.
Tliero was something so sinister In
tho rider's disregard of stone and treo
aud pace, something so menacing In
the forward thrust of bis tiody, Unit
Kerrlo whs able to flvlne his wrath
ami was smitten Info Irrosolutlou, all
lier hardy, boyish self reliance swal
lowed up In the weakness of the wom
an. She forgot the pistol at ber belt
and awaited the amoult with rigid
Aa Helden beared them Norcrossalso
perceived that tho rider's fare was dis
torted with passion and (tint his glnucv
was not directed upou Herrle. but nimn
himself, and he braced himself lor tlio
Leaving bis saddle with one flying
leap,, which the cowboy practices at
play, Beiden burled himself upon his
rival with the fury of a panther.
The slender youth went down before
the big rancher ax though struck by a
catapult, and the force of bis fall
against the stony earth, stunned him so
that be lay beneath bis enemy as help
less as a child.
Helden snarled between bis teeth, "1
told you I'd kill you, and I will!"
Hut this was not to be. Berea sud
denly recovered ber native force. With
a cry of pain, of anger, she flung ber
self on the maddened man's back, lier
bands encircled his neck like a collar
of bronze.
"Let go!" she commanded, with dead
ly intensity. "Let go or I'll choke the
life out of youl Let go, I say!"
He raked n hand to beat her off, but
she was too strong, too desperate to be
driven away. She was as blind to pain
as a mother eagle and bent above him
so closely that he coulo not bring the
mil weight of his fist to bear. With
ono determlnd hand still clutching hui
throat, she ran the Augers of her other
hand Into bis hair and twisted his bead
upward with a power which be could
not resist. And so, looking into his
upturned ferocious eyes, she repeated
with remorseless fury, "Let go, I say!"
ills swollen face crew rlcld. bis
month gaped, bis tongue protruded,
and at last, releasing his hold on his
victim, he rose, flinging Herrle off with
' , . .
a final desperate effort "I'll kill you,
too)" ue 8Dcd.
UP to this moment the girl bad felt
110 fpur of herself, but now she resort-
cd to otuer weapons. Snatching ber
Pito1 froi 't holster, she leveled It
Rt his forehead. "Slop!" she said, and
something In her voice froze him Into
conn. Me was not a fiend; he was not
deliberate assassin; he was only a
jealous, despairing, Insane lover, and
us be looked Into the fuco be knew so
woU nntI realized that nothing but
lmte an1 deadly resolution lit the eyes
he Ilad "0 often kissed bis heart gave
v".v ad, dropping bis beud, ho said:
"Kill mo If you want to. I've nothing
l'!ft to "vo for."
Thoro was something unreal, nppall-
18 In this sudden reversion to woak-
Belden anarltd batwaen hit t..th, i
IaN linn I'.l Lilt ..1. .. I I ...:illM
" . m .. jvu, atiu I wmi '
ness, aud Ilerrlo could nt credit his
remorse. "Glvu mo your gun," she
Ho surrendered It to her, and sho
threw It uxldo, then turned to Wav
laud, who whs lying white and still
with face upturned to tho Bky. With
a tnoun of anguish she beut above bliu
and called upon bis name. Ho did
not stir, and when she lifted Ills head
to her lap his bulr, streaming with
blood, stained ber dress. She kissed
liliu aud called again to him, then
turned with accusing frenzy to Uel
den: "You've killed html Do you bear?
ou ve killed him!'
The agony, tho fury of unto In her
voice reached tho heart of the conquer
ed man. lie raised his head and
stared nt her with mingled fear and
remorse. Aud so across that limp
body these two souls, so lately lovers,
looked Into ouch other's eyes s though
nothing but words of liulo and loath
ing had over passed between llieni.
The girl saw In lilm only n savage,
vengeful, bloodthirsty beast; tho mail
confronted In her an accusing angel,
"1 didn't mean lo kill him," ho mut
tered. "Yes. yon did! You meant It. You
crushed his life out with your big
hitads and now I'm going to kill you
for It!"
A fierce calm had couio upon her.
Some famff ancestral deep of passion
called for blood revenge. She lifted
he weapon vrTth steady band mid point
ed It nt his heart
Ills fear passed as his writ til had
passed. His head drooped, his glance
wavered. "Shoot!" he commanded sul
lenly. "I'd soouer die thau live uow."
Ills words, bis tonn, brought back to
her a vision of the man he bad seemed
when she first met and admired him.
Her band fell, the woman In ber reas-
ertod Itself. A wave of weakness, cf
Indecision, of passionate grief over
whelmed her. "Oh, Cliff!" sho moaned.
Why did you do It? He was to gen
tle and aweft."
Ho did uot answer. His glauee wan
dered to his burse, serenely cropping
the grass lu utter disregard of. this to-1
. U
multuous human drama, but the wind,
less insensate than the brute, swept
through the grove of dwarfed, distort
ed pines with a desolate, sympathetic
moan which filled the man's heart with
a new and exalted sorrow. "You're
right," be said. "I was crazy. I de
serve killing."
But Berrle was now too deep in her
own desolation to care what he said
or did. Sho kissed the cold lips of the
still youth, murmuring passionately, "I
don't care to live without you; I shall
go with your
Beklou's hand was on her wrist be
fore she could raise the ' weapon.
"Don't, for God's sake; don't do that!
He may not be dead!"
Suo responded but dully to the sug
gestion. "No, no. He's gone. His
breath is gone."
"Maybe not. Let me see."
Again she bent to the quiet face on
which the sunlight fell with mocking
splendor. It seemed all a dream till
she felt once more the stain of his
blood upon her hands. It was all so in-
credibly sudden. Only Just now be
was exulting over the warmth and
beauty of the day and now
How beautiful he was. He seemed
asleep. The conies crying from their
runways suddenly took on poignant
pathos. They appeared to be grieving
witn tier, nut the eagles spoke of re
venge. A sharp cry, a note of Joy sprang
from ber lips. "Ho Is alive! I saw bis
eyelids qulverl Quick! Bring some
The man leaped to his feet and, run
ning down to the pool, tilled his som
brero with Icy water. He, was as
eager uow to save bis rival as he had
been mad to destroy him. "Let me
help," be pleaded. But she woul3 not
permit him to touch the body.
Again, while splashing the water
upon his face, the girl called upon her
love to return. "He hears me!" she ex
ulted to her enemy. "He Is breathing
nowl He Is opening his eyes!"
The wounded man did, indeed, open
his eyes, but bis look was a blank,
uncomprehending stare, which plung
ed her back Into despair. "He don't
know me!" she said, with piteous ac
cent. She uow perceived tho source
of the blood upon her arm. It came
from n wound In tho boy's head which
had been dashed upon a stone.
The sight of tills wound brought
back the blaze of accusing auger to her
eyes. "Seo what you did!" sho said,
with cold mullgtilty. Then by sudden
shift sho bent to the sweet face In her
urnis aud kissed it passionately. "Open
your eyes, darling. You must not die!
I wou't let you die! Can't you bear
me? Don't you know where you are?"
Ho opened his eyes once more, quiet
ly, and looked up luto her fnco with a
faint drowsy smile. Ho could not
yet locate himself lit space and time,
but he knew her and was comforted.
Slowly the youth's eyes took on ex
pression. "Are we still on the hill?"
ho asked.
"Yes, dearest," she assured blm.
Then to Beiden, "He knows where be
Wayhiud again struggled with real
ity. "What has happened to me?"
"You fell and hurt your bead."
He turned slightly and observed the
other man looking down nt her with
dnrk and tragic glance. "Hello, Bei
den," be said feebly. "How came you
here?" Then noting Berrle'a look, be
added: "1 remember. He tried to kill
uie." Ha again searched his antago
nist's fuce. "Why didn't you finish the
The girl tried to turn bis thought
uslde. "It'a all right now, darling. He
won't make any more trouble. Don't
mind blm. I don't care for anybody
now you are coming bock to me."
Way land wouderlugly regarded the
face of the girl. "Aud you-are you
"No, I'm not hurt I am perfectly
happy now." She turned to Beiden
with quick, authoritative command.
Unsaddle the horses and set up the
tent Wo. wou't be able to leave hero
tonight" .
He rose with instant obedience, glad
of a chance to servo her, nud soon had
the tent pegged to Its place nud the
bedding unrolled. Together they lift
ed tho wounded youth and laid him
upou his blankets beneath tho low can
vas roof which seemed heavenly help
ful to ltereu.
There!" sho said caressingly. "Now
you arc safe, no matter whether It
rains or not"
Ue smiled. "It seems I'm to have
my way after all. 1 hope I shall be
able to seo tho sun rise. I've sort of
lost my interest lu the sunset"
"Now. Cliff," sho said us soon ns the
camp was lu order and it flro sturted,
"1 reckon you'd better ride on. 1
haven't any further use for you."
"Dou't say that, Herrle," he pleaded.
"1 can't leave you here alone with a
sick man. Let me stay aud help."
. She looked nt him for a long time
before she replied. "I shall never be
ablo to look at you again without hat
ing you," she said. "1 shall nlwuys re
member you as you looked when yon
were killing that boy. So you'd better
ride ou aud keep a rldlug. I'm going
to forget all this Just as soon as 1 cau,
and It dou't help uie any to have yon
around. I never want to see jou or
hear your us mo again.'
"You don't mean that Herrlo!"
'Yea, 1 do." she asserted bitterly. "1
menu Just that So saddle up suit pull
out. All 1 ask of you Is to say nothing
about what has happened here. You'd
better leavo the state, if Wayland
should get worse It might go bard with
He accepted his banishment "AM
right If you feel that way 1 11 ride.
But I'd like to do something for you
before 1 go. I'll pile up some wood"-
"No. Ml take care of that" And
without auother word of farewell aba
turued away aud re-entered the tent
Mounting his borne with painful slow-
ness, as tbougb suddenly grown old.
the reprieved assassin rode away up
tbe mountain, Us beud bent low, his
eyes npen tbe ground.
Berrie's Vigil.
Wayland's mind cleared be be
came curious to know preclse-
what bad taken place, but
A K he
be did not feci free to ask
"She will tell me If she wishes
to know." That she bad van
quished Beiden aud sent blm on bis
way was evident, although be bad not
been able to hear what she hud said
to blm nt the last What lay between
the enemy's furious onslaught and the
aid be lent in making the camp could
only be surmised. "1 wonder If she
used ber pistol V Wayland asked him
self. "Something like death must
have stared hlra in the face."
That she loved blm with the com
plete passion of ber powerful 'and sim
ple nature he knew, for her voice had
reached through the daze of his seiul
unconsclousness with thrilling power.
The touch of her lips to bis, the close
clasp of her strong arms were of ever
greater convincing quality. And yet
be wished the revelation had come in
serine other way. His pride was abrad
ed. His manhood seemed somehow
lessened. It was a disconcerting re
versal of the ordinary relations be
tween hero and heroine, and he saw
no way of re-establisliing the normal
attitude of the male.
Entirely unaware of what was pass-
lug In the mind of lier patient Berrie
went about her duties with a cheerful
ness which astonished the suffeter In
the tent. She seemed about to hum
a song as she set the skillet on tbe
fire, but n moment Inter she cajled out
n a tone of Irritation, "Hero comes
I'm glad of that," answered Wav-
land; although he perceived something
of her displeasure.
Nush. on bis way to Join the super
visor, raised a friendly greeting as he
saw tbe plrl and drew rein. "I ex
pected to meet you further down the
hill," he sold. "Tony phoned that you
had started. Whore did you leave the
"Over at the statlou waiting for, you.
Where's your outfit?"
Camped down ,'tlie trail n mile or
so. I thought I'd better push through
tonight What about Norcross? Isn't
ho with you?"
She hesitated nn Instant. "He's In
the tent. He fell and struck his head
on a rock, and I bad to go into camp
Nash was deeply concerned, "is that
so? Well, that's hard luck. Is he bad
ly hurt?"
Well, be bad a terrible fall. But
lie's easier now. I think he's asleep."
"May I look In on liltn?"
"I don't think you'd better take the
time. It's n long, hard ride from here
to the station. It will be deep night
before you can make It"
"Don't you think the supervisor
would want me to camp here tonight
nnd do what I could for you? If Nor
cross Is badly injured you will need
She liked Nasb, and sho knew he
wns right, and jet she was reluctant
to give -up the pleasure of her loue
vigil. "He's not in any danger, and
we'll bo able to ride on In the morn
Nush, thlnklug of ber as Clifford Bel-
den's promised wife, had no suspicion
of her feeling toward Norcross. There
fore bo gently urged thut to go on was
quite out of order. "I onu't think of
leaving you here uloue certainly not
till I see Norcross nud And out how
badly he is hurt"
She yielded. "I reckon you're right,"
she said. "I'll go see if he is uw'uke."
Ho followed her to the door of the
tent, apprehending something new nnd
Inexplicable in her nttltude. lu the
music of her voice ns sho spoke to the
sick mnu was the lote note of the
mate. "You may come lu," she called
back, nnd Nash, stooping, entered the
small tent.
"Hello, old man! What you been
doing with yourself? nittiug the high
Norcross smiled feebly. "No, the
hill flew up and bumped me."
"How did It all happen?"
"1 don't exactly know. It nil came
of a sudden. 1 bad no share In It 1
didn't go for to do It."
"Whether you did or not, you seem
lo have made a good Job of it"
Nash examined the wounded mau
carefully, aud his skill nnd strength lu
handling Norcross pleased Herrle,
though she was Jealous of the warm
friendship which seemed to exist be
tween the men.
She bad always liked Nash, but she
resented him now, especially as be In
sisted on taking charge of the case,
but she gave way finally and went
b.ick to her pots and pans with pensive
A little later, when Nash came out
to make report, she was not very gra
cious In her uiauiier. "He's pretty bad
ly hurt" he said. There's aa ugly
gash lu his scalp, and the shock lias
produced a good deal of pnln and con
fusion In his head, but he's going to be
all right In a day or two. For a man
seeking rest and recuperation be cer
tulnly has bud a rough ruu of weath
er." Through a serious minded, honorable
forester, determined to keep sternly In
uilud that he was In tbe presence of
tho duughter of his chief, and that she
whs engaged to marry another, Nasb
was, after all, a man, aud tbe witchery
of the hour, tbe charm of the girl's
graceful figure, asserted their power
over bun. His errs grew tender, and
his voice eloquent lu splto of himself.
Ills words he could guard, but It whs
hard to keep from bis speech tbe song
of the lover. The thought that he was
to camp In. ber Compauy, to help ber
about the fire, to see her from moment
to moment with full liberty to speak
to her, to meet ber glance, pleased blm.
It was the most romantic and moving
episode In bis life, and tbougb of a
rather dry and analytic temperament
be had a sense of poesy.
The night black, oppressive and si
lent, brought a closer bond of mutual
help and understanding between them.
She grew friendlier and asked him
about his work and especially about
his ambitions and plans for tbe future.
They discussed the forest and Its en
emies, and be wondered nt ber free
dom in speaking of the mill and saloon.
He said: "Of course yon-kuow that
Alec Beiden is a partner In that busi
ness, nnd I'm told of course j don't
know this that Clifford Beiden 'is also
She offered no defense of young Bel
den. and this unconcern puzzled him
Ue bad expected Indlgnaut protest but
she merely replied: "1 don't care who
owns It It should be rooted out I
hate that kind or thing. It's Just an
other way of robbing those poor tie
"Clifford should get out of It Can't
you persuade him to do bo?" -"I
dou't think I can."
"His relationship to you"
"He Is not related to me."
Her tone amazed him. "You know
what I mean."
' "Of course 1 do, but you're mistaken.
We're uot reluted that way any longer."
This silenced him for a few mo
ments, then he said: "I'm rather glad
of that. Be isn't anything like tbe
man you thought be was I couldn't
say those things before but he Is ns
greedy as Alec, only not so open
about It."
All this comment, which moved the
forester so deeply to utter, seemed not
to Interest Berea. She sat staring nt
the flro with the calm brow of un In
dian. Clifford Beiden had passed out
of her life as completely as he bad
vanished out of the landscape. Sho
felt an Immense relief nt being rid of
him and resented his being brought
back even ns a subject of conversation,
Wayland. listening, fancied he under
stood her desire and said nothing that
might arouse Nash's curiosity.
Nash on bis part, knowing that she
hud broken with Beiden, began to nn
Sho Sat Starinfl at tho Fire With the
Calm Brow of an Indian.
derstand tho tenderness, the anxious
euro of her ace and voice, as she bent
above young Norcross. As the night
deepened nud the cold air stung, be
asked. "Have you pleuty of blankets
for n bed?"
"Oh, yes." she answered, "but I dou't
Intend to sleep."
"Oh. you must!" he declared. "Go
to bed. I will keep the fire going."
At last she consented. "I will make
my bed right here nt the mouth of the
tent close to tho tire," she said, "nnd
you can cull mo If yon need me."
"Why not put your bed In the tent?
It's going to be cold up here."
"1 am all right outside," she pro
tested. "Put your bed inside. Miss Berrle.
We can't let conventions count above
timber line. I shall rest better If I
know you are properly sheltered."
And so It happened that for the third
time she shared the same roof with
her lover. Hut the nurse was upper
most I" ber now.
Nash was the first to arise lu the
dusk of dawn, and Herrle. awakened
by the crackle of his fire, soou Jolu-d
"if you'll round up our horses. Mr
Nush. I'll rustle breakfast aud we'll
get going," she said.
Nash, enthralled, lingered while she
twisted her bulr Into place, then went
out to bring In the ponies.
Wayland came out a little uncertain
ly, but looking very well. "I thlirk I
shall discourage my friends from com
ing to this region for their health." In
suld ruefully. "If I were a novelist
now all this would be grist for nu
Beneath his Joking be was profound
ly chagrined. He bud hoped by this
time to be as sbicwy, as alert as Nush.
Instead of which here he sat, shivering
over the fire like a sick girl, his bead
awolleu, his blood sluggish, but this
discouragement only increased Bcrea's
tenderuoma a teuderncs which melted
all his reserve.
"I'm not worm an your care," lie nam
to her, with poignant glauce.
The sun rose clear and warm, and
the fire, the coffee, put new courage
Into him as well ns Into tbe others,
and wblle the morning was yet early
and tbe forest chill and damp with
rain, tbe surveyor brought np the
horses and started packing the outfit
In this Berrle again took part doing
ber half of the work quite as dextrous
ly os Nash himself. Indeed, the for
ester was noticeably confused and not
quite up to bis usual level of adroit
At last both packs were on, nnd as
they stood together for a moment Nasb
said: "This has been a great experience
-one 1 shall remember as long as 1
She stirred uneasily under his frank
admiration. "I'm mightily obliged to
you," she replied, ns heartily ns she
could command.
"Don't thank me, I'm Indebted to
you. There Is so little In my life of
such companionship as you and Nor
cross give me."
He helped Norcross mount his horse,
and as be put tbe lead rope Into lier
rle's hnnd be said; with much feeling:
"Good luck to you. I shall remember
this night nil the rest of my life, Miss
"1 bate to be going to tbe rear," call
ed Wayland, wbose I re, bandaged
bead made him look like a wounded
young officer. "But 1 guess it's better
for me to lay off a week or two and
recover my tone."
And so they parted, the surveyor rid
ing his determined way up the naked
mountain side toward the clouds, while
Berrie aud ber ward plunged at once
Into the dark and dripping forest be
low. "If you caii stand the grief," she
said, "we'll go clear through." -
Her caution was all for htm. She
tried each dangerous slough first nnd
thus was able to advise him which
way was sufest nis bead throbbed
with pain and his knees were weary,
but he rodo ou.
At last they came Into open ground
on n high ridge and were gladdened by
the valley outspread below them, for
It was still radiant with color, though
not as brilliant as before the rain.
At I o'clock on (he bank of a clear
stream tbe girl halted. "I reckon we'd
bettor camp, awhile. You look tired.
nnd 1 am hungry."-
She unsaddled one pack nnlmal nnd
spread some blanketsyon the grass.
"Lie down and rest while I boll some
coffee," Bhe commanded, nud be obey
ed, too tired to make pretension toward
Lying so, feeling the magic of the
sun, hearing the music of the water
nud watching the girl, be regained a
screner mood, nnd when she came
back with bis food he thanked ber for
It with a glance before which ber eyes
tell. "I don t see why you are so kind
to me. I really believe you like to do
things for me." Her bead drooped to
hide her face, nnd ho went on: "Why
do you care for me? Tell me!"
"I don't know," she murmured. Then
she added, with n flash of bravery,
"But I do."
"What a mystery It nil Is! You turn
from a splendid fellow like London to
n 'skate' like me. London worships
you you know that don't you?"
"I kllnw hp" Klin onilait .(,,..!,
- ' " h 11 -1 J
"Did he ask you to marry blm?"
"Why didn't you? He's Just the
mate for you. He's n man of high
character nnd education." She made
no nnswer to this, and he went on:
"Dear girl. I'm not worth your care-
truly, I'm not I resented your en
gagement to Beiden, for he wns a
brute, but London Is different. He
thinks the world of you. He'll go high
In the service. I've never dono any
thing in the world-I never shall. It
will be better for you if I go tomor
row." She took his hand and pressed It to
her cheek, then, piiltlng her nrm nbout
nis neck, drow him to her bosom nnd
kissed hlra passionately. "You brook
my heart when you talk like that," she
protested, with tears. "You mustn't
say such gloomy things-1 won't let
you give np. You shall come right
home with me, nnd I will nurse you
till you are well. It wns all my fault"
"I will not have It go that way," be
said. "I've brought yon only core and
nnhnpplness thus far. I'm on nllen
my ways are not your ways."
"I can change." she answered. "1
hate my ways, nnd I like yours."
As they argued she felt no shame,
and he voiced no resentment She
knew his mood. She understood tils
doubt, his depression. Silo pleaded as
n man might have done, ready to
prove her love, eager to restore his
cn respect while he remained both
bitter ond sadly contemptuous.
cow in"" riding up tho trail greet
ed Herrle respectfully, but a cynical
snillo broke out on bis lips ns he pass
ed on. Another witness; another gos
sip, She did not core. She had no fur
ther concern of the valley's comment
Her life's happiness huug-on the droop
ing eyelashes of this wounded boy, aud
to win him back to cheerful acceptance
ofMfe was her only concern.
"I've never bad any motives," be
confessed. -I've always done what
Pleased me at tho moment-or because
t was easier to do as others were do
lus. 1 went to college that way.
Xruth is, I never had any surplus Ti
tality, and my father uevcr demanded
anythlug of me, 1 haven't any mo
tives now. A few day ago I was In
terested In forestry. At tula time It nil
ecma futile. Wbofa the use of my
try big to live?"
The Goolpi Awak.
EimiB waa frightened for War-
muu, anu aa she thought of th
long ride aUll before them aftl
wrung ber huuds, MOhwj
BhaU 1 i;;rn7r,aT
Instantly smitten
manlier mood. he saM-
about me. Hcase doB't
Im feeling better. yft 1 H
weaken. rieaSe forgiv! J"""'
complaints. I'm d r Ms,
hear It again, come! L.
can ride.T' Lel 0 so i ,
"If we can .-each Miiw,
"I can ride to era r!o.
ed. nnd rnuA n-l.t, ... .
llld roso trill, ....... uek
i "u "lKU newfo,
lution that she st,-.i
t I
him 1, ,
ne was able to smile.
little crying spell. ,-V(!
heart of Its load. 1 u ,h
agonize you. . wnt 0, '
Flo i.i.. i . . "J n SI:.,
He .ut Ids hand to
!'ls hciKL
be n romlcnl figure
H'ur sudden reversal
to rl,Wf ,)
little nli.rn.ln ......
she perceived lh:it h , ,' k
tered his dePres,(,n.
the horses, she saddled the,,, ,if? '
ed hlmtomo,,,,,. "If you p,f
feel worse tell me. aud M , "
ramp." she urged as th. .
to start.
"You keep Kdn- till l uivp t
he replied, and l,is V(ll(., w
and clear that her own sunn, m
cume back. "I don't know wj.
make of you." she said. -iJ"
must be a poet" w
It was dark when they reached tb
village, but Wayland. declar.d In, m
ty to go on, although lib noiiifa
head wns throbbing with fever na
was dinging to the pommel of Li, a
die; so Berrle rode on.
Mrs. Mcl'arlanc, hearing the bor
on the bridge, was at the door m
received her daughter with wonderli,
question, while the stable bands, qua
to detect au Injured mnn, hurtled
lift Norcross down from his saddle,
"What's tho matter?" repeated Un
"He fell and struck his homi .
stone." Borea hastily explained. "Tat,
the horses, boys! Mother aud I
look out for Mr. Norcross."
Tho men obeyed her and fell bar,
but they were consumed with con
Ity. and their glauces irritated tbe girt.
"Slip the pucks at ouce," she laslstil
With instiiut sympathy lier uutbet
came to her uld in supportlug n
wounded, weary youth Indoors, and a
he stretched out on the couch to it
sitting room lie remarked with fni.
Ironic smile, "This beuls any bed of
uuisain Doughs."
"Where's yuur father?" asked Idn
McFarlane of her daughter.
"He's over ou the rtarnihian. l'
a powerful lot to tell you, mother, bit
not uow; we must look ufter Waytand,
Do's nearly done up, aud so urn I."
Mrs. McFarlane winced a little t
her daughter's use of Norcrosa' Br
name, but she said nothing further il
tho moment although she watcbed
Berrle closely while she took oil W.-iy-Innd's
shoes und stockings nud rultod
his icy feet. "(Jet him something M
us quick us you can!" she uomniandcd.
nud Mrs. McFarlane obeyed without a
Gradually the tremor passed out of
bis limbs und a delicious sense at
warmth, of safety, stulu over blm. and
be closed Ills eyes lu the comfort of
her presence and care. "Itlgorous busl
ness this life of the pioneer," he aid
with mocking lullectiuii. "I think I
prefer u place lu the lumber trust"
"Don't talk," she said. Then, vital
rush of tender remorse: "Why didn't
you tell me to stop? I didn't restate
that you were so tired. We could lute
stopped nt the Springs."
' "I didn't know how tired I was till I
got here. Gee." lie said boyishly, "tin
doorknob at the buck of uiy land
redhot! You're good to me. he rnlW
She hated to have blm resume Ihst
tone of self depreciation, and. kneellw
to him. she kissed his cheek aud tint
her head beslde'hls. "You're siilendii"
she Insisted. "Nobody cuuld I !'
er, but you should have told tut ym
were" exhausted. You fooled me
your cheerful answers."
ne accepted her loving praise, be
clasping1 arms, as n part of the rr
from the darkness and pnlu ' llt
long ride, cureless of- what It mil
bring to him in the future. Be ate lis
toast aud drank his coffee nud rrtt
,... u.wi i.i... tn hit roorfl.
and then being alone he crept In'"1
bed and fell Instantly asleep
Herrle nnd her mother went bm
ih slttln-' room, and Mrs. MfKarlit
closed the door behind tlieiu. "N
tell me oil ohout It." she M ui i
tone of one not to be denied.
(Continued next Saturday.)
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