ft .... Say trx WNY LETTERS TOR a Vi-i iiiiiiiiiiiBiisaiiiiiiiiiiiilN Daily Capital Journal's Classified Advertising Page RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One Cent per vvovd for the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion: CHIROPRACTOR CONSULT DB. MAY, experienced and iuecessf ul Chiropractor, for acute and chronic disorders. Hub practiced six years in Oregon. Tee consultation. Hours, 9 to 12, 1 to 6. 305-G-7 Hub bard Bldg. Lady attendant. Phone office 572; residence 9S2-R. CHIROPRACTIC SPINOLOGIST SB. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic's Fonntain Head, Davenport, Iowa. If you have tried everything and have got no relief, try Chiropruc tis spinal adjustments and get well. Office 406-7-8 U. tt. National Bunk Building. Phone Main 87. Residence Main 82,8-R. DBY CLEANING PEESSING CLOTHES CLEANERS Pressers, re pairers and dyers. One trial will con vince you that our work and charges are right. Cleaning parlor open to 8 p. m. Goods called for and delivered free. Phone 728. Apparel Service Co., 138 8. High street. DENTIST. DB. O. A. OLSON, DENTIST. Administers Nitrous Oxid nnd Oxygen Gas Boom 214. Phone 440. Masonic Temple. Salem, Oregon MAUSOLEUM. MOUNT CBEST ABBEY MAUSO LEUM The better way. Dry and ' sanitary. Building always open to visitors. Sunday 1 to 4 p. m. J. W. Gaskill, manager, 828 South 12th. Phone 1368. OSTEOPATH DRS. B. H. WHITE and R. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduates of Amer ican School of Osteopathy, Kirksville Mo. Post graduate and specialized in nerve diseases at Los Angeles college. Treat acute and chronic disenses. Consultation free. Lady attendant. Office 505-506 U. S. National Bank Building. Phona 859. Residence 31G North Capitol Btreet. Phone 469. SCAVENGER. SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soos proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yards ana cess pools cleaned. Office phone Main 2247. Residence Main 2272. UNDERTAKERS. LEHMAN ft CLOUGH C. B. Webb, A. M. Clough morticians and funeral di rectors. Latest modern methods! known to the profession employed. I 445 Court street. Alain lzu.oiain vss. BIGDON-BICHABDSON CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 252 North High street. Day and night phone 183. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY Office eorner Commercial and Trade streets. For water service plly at office. Bills payable monthly in advance. - SALEM FENCE and I STOVE WORKS E. B. IXEMINO, Prop. Depot American Fence OatML Plain nrf Barbed Wire. T PilntL CiUn nit VsmlsliM. I Booflng, Posts, Hop Hooks. :: 40 Years Making Stoves -. Store rebuilt and repaired. . .Stoves booght and told. 850 Court Street. Phone 124 J Back ef Chicago Store. MONEY TO LOAN ' On Goad Seal Estate Security. - j THO& K. FOBS Ovar La44 It Busk Bank. Sale, Oregon Always cheap and always ; dependable a Journal VVTir Arf 1 FOK, THiJ' Gl ? LODGE DIRECTORY. A. 0. C W. Protection Lodge No. 2. Meets every Monday evening at 8! in the McC'ornack hall, corner Court and Liberty streots. A. E. Auf ranee, M. V.; S. A. McFadden, recorder; A. L. Brown, F. I CENTRAL LODGE No. 18, K. of P. ; McCornack building. Tuesday even-i ing of each week at 7:30. F. F.1 Schrarn, C. C; W. B. Gilson, K. of R. j and S. I 9ALEM LODGE No. 4, A. F. & A. M. . Stated communications first Friday in each month at 7:30 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. J. C. Welch, W. M.; S. Z. .Culver, secretary. PACIFIC LODGE No. 50, A. F. & A. M. Stated communications third Fri day in each month at 7:30 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. Glenn C. Niles, W. M.; Ernest H. Choate, secretary. B. N. of A. "Oregon Grape Camp," No. 1360, meets every Thursday even ing in McCornack building, Court and Liberty streets; elevator. Miss Syl via Schaupp, 1701 Market, oracle; Hazel Price, Imperial Furniture Co., recorder. HODSON COUNCIL No. 1, R. ft S. M. Stated assembly first Monday in each month, Masonic Temple. James Plant, Thrice Illustrious Master; Glen C. Niles, recorder. DE MOLAY COMMANDEBY No. 5, K. T. Regular conclave fourth Friday in each month at 8 o'clock p. m., in Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights are courtequsly invited to meet with us. uee. ti. nurnott, i u.; Frank A. Turner, recorder. CHADWICK CHAPTER No. 37, O. E S. Regular meeting every first and third Tuesday at 8 p. m. in the Ma Bonic Temple. Elizabeth Read,- W. M.; Ida M. Babcock, secretary. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meet every Fridav night at 8 o'clock in McCornack block. Oscar Donaldson, C. C: L. 8. Geer, clerk. 507 Court street. Phone 593. MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP TER No. 1, R. A. M. Regular meet ing second Friday in each month at 8 p. m. in the Masonic Tomple. Al fred t . Marcus, ex. tiign meat; bus sell M. Brooks, secretary. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84, meets every WedneBdny at 8 p. m. in Moose hall. Mrs. F. W. Cook, M, A.; C. Z. Randall, Salem Bank of Commerce. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should be reported to the secretary for investi gation. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246,meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In McCornack hull eorner Court and Liberty streets. Elevator service, W. W. Hill, V. C .: Rex A. Tnrner.clcrk. MISCELLANEOUS. ELECTRIC QUILTKR Down quilts a specialty. 405 S. 12th street. Phone ir,ii. " Nov2 (K)Ol l'SKl K CRN IT Lit K Bought. ! also taken in exchn'ige for new. Full line of new furniture, rinses, heat ers, and other house furnishings. Peetz Furniture Co., 1!33 North Com- I mercial street. 'HUME WET WASH LAUNDRY Let j us do your weekly washing. We use I sanitary methods. We call and de I liver your wishing for 50 cents. I Give us a trial. Phone 2471. Fif teenth and B stTCeta, i , I j TUT A J'J a.IU VliADOii - . -w -m r a rs wrr PIPT1 A Ti 1 THEY ARB BUHINltf uiixnitt ; one cEjrr a wokd L. M. HUM Care of YICK SO TONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283. 'g 4 Mm ii Mfe THE DAILY CAPITAL JOUnxrJ S AI.tTM.' OREGON. ! iTitnn A.V.OCT. 30. IfllS. YOU CAN'T BLAME TRIXIE, PA, SHE MERELY DID WHAT SHE WAS TOLD. not NOTICE TO TAX PAYEES. Notice is hereby given that the Com mon Council of the City of Salem, Ore gon, has designated Wednesday, No vember 10th, 1SI15, as the time of hold ing a public meeting of tux payers of the City of Salem, Oregon, t the Coun cil Chambers in the City Hull, for the purpose of discussing the budget for the year 1910, in compliance with Ses sion Laws of 11)13 and 1915. Notice is further given that the Com mon Council has prepared and intro duced a budget for the vear 1910, which , said budget consists of the following items, viz General Fund. Recorder's salary 1,200.00 Clerk hire 1,740.0(1 Treasurer's salary 1,000.00 1,500.00 City attorney Stenographer, city at torney 6. Marshal's salary 7. Salaries, police depart ment . 8. Expense, city jail 9. Salurics and mainten ance fire department .... 10. Health officer 11. Incidental expenses, health officer 400.00; 1,200.00 i 4,800.00' 600 00' j 15,100.00 ; ennnn 300.00 12. Public parks 2,500.00 13. Lighting 15,435.00 14. Engineering and sur veying 3,000.00 15. Bond redemption 3,7r.S.o:i 16. Publio library 5,500.00 17. Elections 1,500.001 18. Maintenance of public I buildings 1,000.00 19. Public printing 1,000.00 20. Fuel, city hall 500.00 21. Incidental expenses of citv 5,000.00 22. Salary, police matron.. 23. Salary, police matron, O. E. depot 000.00 100.00 24. Water supply, firs hydrants 4,000.00 25. Bond iuterest and in stallments 12,377.50 20. Maintenance of band .. 27. Deficiency from street fund levy 1 1-2 mills .... 28. Redemption of sinking fund loan 29. Sanitary and plumbing inspector 2,000.00 4,889.47 11,700.00 900.00 Total : ".....$104,400.00 Street Fund. 30. Salary, street com missioner 31. Material and labor street department 32. Construction and main- .1,080.00 12.470.00 ' TOR BfrNT. VT, PT.V fiirntahed hnuBekeetiinS rooms. reasonable. 855 North Commercial. FARM FOK KKNT On Howell 1'rnirio. Address 312 Water street. I'houe 134 1W. Oct.10 MODERN FIVE ROOM HOI'SK Fur nished or unfurnished. 3.IU Mission, or phono 1737W. tf FOR RENT Desirable 8 room house at rensjnnble rn.t. Apply at once to Mrs. St. Helens, 2;i6 Court street. Oct30 FOR RENT 10 acres of land, small bungalow, barn, chicken house, ling us, gsrden 1 1-4 miles west of steel lii-idge. Enquire Tel. 47F12. Nov2 FOR RENT OR SALE 11 acres, 1 in loganberries, 3 acres cleared, rest pas ture, 5 room enttnee and other build iius. lSetweei Sulem Heights and Liberty. 1-4 mile ei;st of Liberty rr.n l. ' Mrs. .(. Ilntzmnn. Oct 30 FOE SALE. CHOICE (!OAT MEAT 'c per pound, Damon & Sou. b.i.i .V om 1. 1 Imuc (W. tf SMALL general stock or merchandise for sal. Inquire 1100 North Cap itol street. tf FOK SALE Two room house for uierciul street. fresh rent. cow and 7 "71 N. Com Nov I HLOODK tHIJCKENH For sale. 2" to "'0 rents. Anemias, An.luliinisns. White Leghorns. Henry Hill. Town send t'reaiiiepy at J a. m. Nov! BARRED RtX'K cockerel and pullets lor sale, trap nested stock, fine lay ers, fine birds at farmers' price. Route 5, box I'l, Salem. R. E. Wal dorf. Oct FOR SALE C room houe, acre trart, inside city, 1 block to street car, 20 bearing Royel Ann rherrie, atinr fruit, good well, large chukoa park, investigate, 2015 lirook. F. P. Crist. OctlO DWEsstu teuance, city bridges 4,000.00 Total t 17,550.00 Special Sewer Fund. 33, Installments1 $21.00, in terest, $21,000.00 45,000.00 1 34. New sewers 7,050.001 Total $ 52,650.00 Grand total 174.000.00 General license fees $ 5,300.00 Receipts city recorder's office a,ouu.uu Interest on city funds s.uuu.uu Total 10,800.00 7 mills tax levy , en assessed valuation of $11,700,000.00 for that part-tif budget and estimate 4flfiB,mted as general fund, excepting sinking fund loans 81,900.00 1 mill tax levy on total as sessed valuation of $11, 700.000.00 as a nurt of Zr1 Jl,ni or wl'lnS nn sinking fund loan 11,00.00 1.50 mills special street and roal levy on Valuation of $11, (00,- IHIU.UU ji,uuu.vu 4.50 mills spociul sewor fund tax on assessed val uation of $11,700,000.00 for installment $24,000.00, interest $21,600.00 and new construction $7,- 050.00 52,650.00 Total estimated revenue otul estimated revenue from nil sources for nil funds $174,000.00 Tropnsed tax levy for School Dis trict No. 21 seven (7) mills. CHAS. F. ELGIN, City Recorder. Diito -of first publication tuo JOtn dnv of October. 1015. Duto of last publication the 30tli day of October. 1915. Bethlehem Steel Sued For $3,000,000 Philadelphia. Oct. 29. The Church ward International Steel lompuiiy of WiliiiiiiL'tnn toiluy sued tho lletlileheni Steel company lor $3,000,000 alleging infringements on three patents for pro- iliiciui' nnd hardening steel and iron in making munitions for the allies. Without tiie Churchward concern consent and despite warning to desist 'from the ulh-Kcd Infringement, the i i .. ..i:.... tl.n JHHIIHUCIII -MII'iihj, ufruiuiHK v i"1 suit, continue. I to use these patented iiroci'sses. The action actually includes two suits each asking restraining injunction ami an accounliig of profits the Hot ti lehem coin pa n v mudu from the patents One action nllcicd Hint there were ut least $,(100,(1110 profits, while the sec ond rluiined l,'"um(. FERN RIDOE NOTES Miss C. O. Siegmund visited relatives in Salem several iluys lust week. Leo Frank visited home folks in Stay ion Sundiiy. C. V. Stewart, of llowell, is assisting 1'. C. Freres with his fall pinning. ". E. Siei'miind and sons, Edward nn-1 Wilson, ami brother, Laurence, of ."'ulein, spent the week-end at the L. d Sieu'inund home. Misi: Mris ltessell was the guest of relative in Stiiyton on Sunday. ,T. O. Crimes spent tho week-end with his family in Lyons. The rountv school supervisor visited tte s"l'.ool Wednesday. The teacher, Miss Grace llottinger, Is attcuding jn- tilu'e at Salem this week, J. W. Apple moved his family to Sa lmi i tly wliero the children are at tending IhioI. Alva r.i.omn, of Sestak k Thomas, wis m. the Ridue Friday gathering up some beef cuttle ho purchased some time ngu. 1. 1 Line Sie(;miind, of the Hammond Lumber rumpany's office force, return ed to Astoria Sundny after having snt a week' vacation with his pa rents and other relative here. Stay ton Standard. HE TOOK TUB DARE. Seattle, Wsh., Oct. 20.-.losepli I'-cw koff, aged s, is suffering today from elwtrie burns wliieu may prove so se vere his hsnds will have to be ampu tated, a the result of taking a dare from two boy companion to take bold of a wirechiirged with 1VMI volts, while tOj ..Uviuff near the (ireat Northern el valor here, in attempting to prv m left hand from the wire, the child ruht hand w also badly burned. A etnt m word wilt ttlt yoai story in lh Journal Nw Todmy I IBM THENi ' J EUMEl. fAW SAY- k AVIGHT- 1 wovn ,W cantJothat 1 DKOP IT 8HERE IT COMES j WILLAMETTE NOTES Never in t tic past four years has a student body meeting at Willamette university been permeated witn tnei spirit of enthusiasm that it whs this, morning. From the time it wus called to order by President Jewett until the last song and yell were over, the at mosphere was surcharged with . spirit , and air of victory for tomorrow's guino. The chapel was literally plastered with ng cardinal gold signs or winamcno lus rep, watch tno wm j'lgni- sumr- InK-." Speeches by students that aroused the emotions of every one pres ent were heard. Everyone was filial with the spirit of Willamette. . J. K. Eluiu, '16, gave a talk of n psycholo gical natur ) appealing 'to tho students to concentrate their thoughts on vic tory tomorrow and a result Biirprismg to the lemon-yellow might be achieved. Eric Holt, captain of the 'IA football team wub present and commenting on the student spirit ho suiil he hud never seen its equal before Tonight a big rally, in which every student will iiiko mirt. will be stalled on the illnmetto field. A milliner or siiintB win no 'nulled off" and speeches will bo mude bv professorfl and lending stu dents. If Oregon dereats winamciio tomorrow, nltliouh she has the advan tage of a heavier and faster tenni, she will have wen a victory well worth winning, fo: It will be bached by every Willamette student. Probably the most unique scheme ever fell upon for advertising a foot ball giiiuo was that used by a number of Willamette, enthusiasts. Lnst night about ten o clock there were a number of poster passed about town on which were printed the words, nno nmii Willamette Has l'epf We're From .Missouri." llreat excitement wbb stirred up on account of the-fnet that they were in the high school colors, and when a group of Willamette stu dents who were at work decorating in the WebHterian halls discovered them thev immediately concluded it was tho work of the high school who wern do hi rims of waking them up. "Pep" Im mediately asserted itself for they hast ened to the printers ami in a short time had 1MO bills in Willamette eol-rs with tho words " Willamette Has Pop, See the 'Old Fignt' Saturday" on them, these were scattered all over the busi ness district of Salem and on tho hig'a school grounds. Of course when morn in came the high school students were surprised to sen such n display of" Pep' ami a council composed of liiuli school and Willamette men met to settle mut ters, llreat was the surprise of till when it wa:t discovered that the work was on advertising scheme, and fiint B mistake had been mado by the printers in usinir red Iflper, ns it had not been ordered, thev had used it without thinking about Its being the high school colors. The episode did moie, how ever, in stirring iqi enthusiasm then nnv other scheme that has ever been originated. Tho only objection to tho svstem was that it made matter ap- i.enr us thoiiL'h the ti lull school were Irving to ridicule tint vinsity, which was nut the case, as there is a friendly feeling between the two institutions, THIEF OOT WRONG SACK, linker, Or., Oct. 211. The thief who stole a first cluss mall pouch from a until Wui4.ui here last night sought one containing gold bullion worm i.i,i"mi, being shipped from ( ornucopiii to the local assay office it was believed today. The stoleii pouch ns recovered intuet earlv today three blocks from the scene of the theft. The bullion from Cornu copia arrived undisturbed. PROPOSALS FOR ADDITION' TO HUH K AfHF.MHI.Y II ALL, Depart ment of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs, Washington, J). C, October VI. W-. Sealed proposals, i, In i ii I v marked on the outside of the sealed envelope: " Proposal for Addi tion to Hrick Assembly Hull, Sulem School. Oreiton." nnd addressed to the "Commissioner of Indian Affair, Washington, D. C," will be received at the Indian Office until 2 o'clock I), in. of November 15, IML'i, for furnish ing materials and labor for the con truetion of an addition to the brick assembly hall, in strict accordance with the plana, ipecificitions and Instruc tion to liplrter, wnicn may ikb eiam- ineil at the office of ten paper or peri odical in which this advertisement ap pears, the United State Indian w s re houses at Chicago, Illinois, ami Ht. i ...... u .n.i it,,;i.l..r 1 v.i. If."". ,11 ......... . - ehsnge, Ht. Paul, Minnesota, and at the Office of the Superintendent of the Salem Indian School, Chemswa, Ore gen. For further Information apply to lb Kii pens leaden t of the Sulem ttoliiHll. CATO bKMX, Couimiinner. " : THEEDAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people Telephone EVERTTHINO ELECTRICAL. Salem Elettrie Co, Maaonia Temple, 127 North High Mala 1S00 LAUNDRIES. Salom Steam' Laundry, 130 South Liberty Main M PLTJMBINO; STEAM FITTING! AND TINNING T. V. Bsrr, 101 South Commercial Street Mala t UNDER TAKERS. Rlgdon-Riehardson Co., 254 North High street Day and night, Mala HI TRANSFER AND DRAT AOS. Sulem Truck A Dray Co., eorner State and Front streets Mala 74 JOB P2INTINO. Beaver State Printer, Patton Block... . 1511 Try this on Your Eczema If you are afflicted with Salt Rheum, Tetter, dry Eczema, Acne or Pimples, buy a jar of Dry Zensal. For that watery eruption, or Weeping Skin, use Moist Zensal. 50c the jar POOL'S DRUG STORE P. A. CHAN is the ONF. rellnblo Chineso herb doctor restoration. Any known sick ness of men and women without operation. To those who may eoneern, don 't miss, c'ouio to see hira. You will find him at 103 8. HIGH Street, Salem, Oregon. TRAVELERS' GUIDE SOUTHERN PACIFIC?. North Bound, No. 19 Oregon Kipre ... 5:00 a.m. Noj 54 Sound Special 9:12 a.m. No. 28 Willamette Limited 9:22 a.m. No. 12 Shasta Limited ... 11:58 a.m. No. 18 Portland Passenger 2:00 p.m. No. 0 Portland Famwngor 6:00 p.m. No. 14 Portland Kxpres . 8:00 p.m. No. 222 Portlund fast Fr't. 10.38 p.m. No. 2U0 Local way Fr't ...10:85 p.m. South Bound. No. 15 California Expro 8:32 a.m. No. 17 Roseburg Panengerll:2() a.m. No. 53 Esposition Special 2:411 p.m. No. 19 Cottage Grove Pa. 4:20 p.m. No. 11 Shasta Umlted ... 5:43 p.m. No. 27 Willamette Limited o:w p.m. No. 13 San Franciaco Ex..l0;38 p.m. No, 221 Han Francisco at Freight "5 a.m. No. 225 Local way Fr't... 8:10 a.m. BalenvOeer Una. No. 73 Arrive at Halnm.. 9:15 a.m. No. 76 Uave Salem ... 9:50 a.m. No. 75 A r. Salem (mixed) 2:00 p.m. No. 74 Leave Sulem .... 4:13 p.m. No connection muth of Oeer. No. J91 Lt. Balem, motor.. 7:00 a.m. No. 103 Lt. Salem, motor 9:45 a.m. No. 105 Lt. Sulem, motor.. 1:40 p.m. N, Jfi7 Lt. Salem, motor.. 3:25 p.m. No. 109 Lt. Salem, motor.. 0:10 p.m. No. 2.19 Way Fr't It. Salem 0:00 a.m. No. 103 Ar. Salem 8:40 a.m. No. lrH Ar. Salem 11:23 a.m. No. 10ft A r. Sulem 3:15 p.m. No. 108 Ar. Sulem 6:30 p.m. No. 170 Ar. Sulem 7:45 p.m. No. 240 Way Fr't ar. Balem 1:35 p.m. OREGON ELECTRIC BAILWAT CO. Northbound. Lt. Balem Tiala No. Ar. Portland 4:35 a.m 2 Owl 9:55 a.m. 6:30 a.m 9 :45 a.m. 9:45 i i 10 Limited 11:35 a m. 11:20 am 12 l: P- 1:50 i..m.....- 1 P 4:00 p.m 19 Limltl 6:50 pas. 6:87 p.m 29 1:00 p.m 7:63 p.aa 22 10:09 p. FIFTEEN . i :. Southbound. Lt. Portland Ar. Salem 6:45 a.m 1 8:63 a-m. 8:25 a.m 5 Limited 10:11 a.m. 10:40 a.m 7 -.12:65 pja. 2:10 p.rn..... 9 4:88 ?.. 4:40 p.m 13 Limited 9:40 pja. 3:40 p.m... Daily except Sunday. 9:00 p.m 17 Local - 8:10 p.m. 9:20 p.m 19 ..... 11:23 P ra il: 4 J p.m. 21 Owl . 1:55 tus. Northbound. Lt. Corvalll Ar. Bale 4:10 p.m 20 5:87 pja. Lv. Eugene Ar. Balem 7:35 a.m 10 Limited 9:45 a.m. 1 :.".0 p.m. 10 Limited 4:00 pja. 6:10 p.m 22 7:53 p.m. 12:03 a.m... Lt. Salem 4:35 p.m... 2 Owl 8:10 Southbound. Ar. Albany , 6:83 p.m. Ar. Kugena 7:03 p.m. Ar. Kugena 7:60 aja. ...12:25 pjn. Ar- Albaay 9 Lt. Balem 2:00 a.m 10:15 a.m Lv. Salem 1:00 p.m.. , 21 Owl 5 Limited 7 u-.oo p.m. Stop at Corralli Ar. Eugene 13 - 8:30 p.m. Lt. Salem 9:40 p.m Woodburn Local Dally Except Bandar No. 04 Leave Salem 8:40 pja. Arrive la Salem -...8:25 fjm. COBVALLIS CONNECTIONS. Northbound, Lt. Corvallli Ar. Salem 8:26 a.m .. 10 9:45 I f Local AlbanT to Salem.) 2:82 p.m.. in :uv f.a 4:1U p.m...., 9:05 p.m. Lt. Salem 10:13 a.m.... 4:33 p.m.... 1:00 p.m.... 9:45 p.m.. 20 6:37 PJ 22 7:35 p.a Southbound. Ar. Corrallll 8 11:34 a.m. - 9 9:08 p.m. 7 1:82 pj. L 13 . 1:00 p.m. WILLAMETTE RIVER BOOTS. Oregon City Transportation Ooinpaaft Steamer Pomona and Orsgonn 1jt Balem far Portland and way landing, dally axcept Sunday, at a. 1Y