FOURTEEN jj - ,.--... iitiiii y 4-TT4f 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444 f44 W W. !! W9 Oregon Land Water By George Palmer Pututun, I you noto occupy so much of the space On Wednesday iiftornuoii th Ore-!,-" western Oregon. ;oii-Culiforniu Hind grant question mill binds wore cruised nnd frequent tlit western water power problem as U' o'.'""' ''"'K'f tlmu MO aeres- ,,, ... ' .... ! I"'' niuxiinuiii, you wi H rocull, permitted .elated to tie . rem bill wore ox-1 Ilni,r tho lvUln, ,,,.us,wJ,r,( ul,llU, plumed to the Stuto Federation of In thin commotion it uiust !t remember Women 'a ofiibs by George Palmer I'ut- ed that bind sales worn inndo us early mini, private secretary to Governor ns 1X72 for nioro tliiin $2.5(1 pr acre, Withvomnbo. Mr. 1'iit'niiiii .t utiol tlintl and us ourlv lis lH7fS i 1 nnriild lnr.r..i ho wns presenting the subject ilispus-1 unit lint, lirirililln fr mm uiilu iiiounti'ly and not arguing for one side M IIIO IIWIIT. Mr. lit imm address follows : Your president hns usked mo to not forth briefly tho history und pertinent 1'nots connected with tho so-called lund grant case, und also tho questions of western water power uliliwition hiu iiiK on the Ferris liill, ........ ... , ,,, uu, r,,(.rUl , ,.,, Sl, most important before us today, so tar piled at 11 (lent cost, were completely on the tuildameutal pLyslcnl develop-, dost roved in the Man Francisco fire meut of the Btate is concerned. It is Thereafter, the company continued to quite impossible to present them with! keep the lands off the market und miiv detail in the twenty minute allot-j proceeded to make a new cruiie t0? , , , , , Honjjli lv stati'd, this meant that I will, therefore, simply sketch them about two and a half million acres of in very rough, outline, so Hint those of land in western Oregon was held back you who ale nut already familiar Kith ! from possible dinolopmcnt Much of (he involved subjects will at least have' this urea wns desirable from a settler's ii ground work upon which to base ; viewpoint, mid when would be purohus Inline study and discussion, j 0rs were refused the opportunity to inese two Hulijeits ure prolmtily tin .... ...... , nm, ,,, yn-Ki n ,, uorinant acres, and coinmuii II II 12. Mlllllllld C.llisl fliot inn U'lid ..ti.l!l.,u .1 i ...... ... I !...! t . Vlllllll. I'lllll llllil t..lwl lli.t 'i. .... ciiltl tiucd liv tho it, Olill tittl .if l.i . I Tl. U'oyeriiinent made it a practice to give companies building through unsettled regions alternate sections of land ad jacent to their trucks. Ill Hiill congress authoried such 11 M'lhsidy or In. id il't encourage the .onsiriuuou oi a rninoNd north iiml .iui iiiioiigu western uiegon. The lieiiotioinry ut this grunt was the Ore- Kon i. t'liliforniu railroad company. court at l'ortland, mid in that court a Hie picturesque story of the tight . decree of forfeiture was grunted lu between early promoters to get the j other words, roughly speaking, the K.nnt for themselves is too long and! court held that inasmuch as the rail involved, to relate here, ror a brief, road hud broken the covenants of the .iccurate and Interesting account of settlers' clause it should forfeit right rill timl.tii I .,?.. i-.i.i t, 11... j.. ........ I. .1... . . the matter I refer you to the Meptem n , . . " There had been great scandnl in eon- nection with the l uio.i 1'ucific and t IT II 41 r till irrillltu nil! n al. ....... ier issues nr me V'regoii Voter. , ' '" " I com puny io ne the owner of the bind wa. Inserted a "settlor,, clause" which1 but ruled that as owner it had no right Bpeetfiod that tho beneflclury of the; to dispose of the lauds except as pre grunt must noil the land to uctual net-1 scribed in the settles' rlauso of the tiers, la Mi rods nf not i.i..r H,. ........ v.....i... ,. oeres to each settler, and for not more than 42 fill per acre. After various (iiiimcinl and political vicissitude the rioiitlierti Pacific- com pauy beoiinie owner nf the Oregon l'nl ifornla tHilrond in 1N.V At that time tho road had been constructed from rortland lo MoMiunvillo and from Portland to Roseburg. The completed railroad totaled 411 miles, and tho area of th odd-numbered sections granted tho O. ft 0. company wa V'li.'S.lNU . . .-. - aero. For your eotivenienco I have i i Vl ' . mi tr grain is uie pivot upon whicti turns ind huiiK there, amp which show thejthe wl.olo big problem. That clause ... i I -Vi V-i i L 7 " ' ". l,uu "'"""'"""'f tHteu that tho lands cated bjr th totiJ bluck niare which! must bo Md to actual aottlor, In par - - f t1 "- vf ftiB itiii Am mn ikii tort tuk ktut wrt ik 44444 444444444444-4 MOTHKMWMMKWnmBaMMHMMn The undersigned has closed a deal for the purchase of the stock, good will and business of the Capital Lumber Company and will take possession November first. We wish to assure the public that every effort will be made to please, both in quality and variety of stock and in service rendered. Our General Office will be removed from 299 North Commercial street to the former office of the Capital Lumber Company at 349 South 1 2lh street. Further announcements will be made as soon as our plans shall have been matured. Falls City-SalemLtlse; Company 349 South 12th St. Salem, Oregon Phone 813 Grant and Power Problem tlmn 1(10 acres. In other words, oven I tit t IlllHO 111 r I V illilnu t)wt H.itlUu' ..I........ 'j miiHio iinui' nils violated; mid tho queer feiiture in connection with this wns that when reports of these illicit sides were filed with congress, no objections were raised. lu WOX nil J lie unsold grant lands were withdiuwii from the market, pend iiiH ft new npprnisnl or cruise. In is'oii, ttie records of this eiuisi. cm itics discovereil their growth was being Hem nacK tnrougn tins policy of uon s.ile, a state wide ngilation ensued. As il result the slate legislature of li0? pot through u resolution niemoralizing congress to direct forfeiture proceed ings. In lmw, congress, by joint reso lution, instructed the attorney, general or i lie i niteit mates to enter suit for , forfeiture of the grnnt. The suit wns entered In the Cult,..! si..t.,. iii.i.i... to the urniitoil : mi murium appealed the case to the supreme court which re- versed the decision and declared the I . i However, the railroad appealed the . ruiiiiiT, it gave congress m mouths' time to provide rules for car rying ttie settlers' elnuse into effect. Kver since the decne of forfeiture was entered by the district court in I'ortlund, the railroad stopped paying taxes, and by the end of this year n'eur ly a million and a half dollars of mi raid back taxes will hav accumulated. Naturally this has hit hard tho oouuties embracing Inrge areas of grut lands. Mid the state as well. The settlers' clause nf ill grant is the pivot upon which turns THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. . OREGON. wm tM XI tjy m giti adi frr HI tin wii im iiiiif rTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTi 44444 444444444444444 cels of not more than 100 acres to one settler, und at n price not greater than $2.o0 per acre. Now the miproma court hus practically reaffirmed the pro-visions of that clause, nnd has directed congress to provide ways und means whereby they may be fulfilled. As stated beforo, these provisions have been disregarded. For instance, tho S00,000 odd ucres already sold were disposed of nt an averago price of $5.25 per acre. Southern l'ucifie attorneys contend thut under the supremo court decision tho O. & C. company is owner of tho unsold grant lniuis, subject only to re strictions when it sells mime, lu other words, the company can do what it likes with tho hinds, they say, provided it does not Boll them "for more than $2.50 per acre or in quantities of more tlinti 100 acres to a Binglo purchaser. Amiarclltlv. the Himr.-mi. cimrfu .l.i. , cisiou puts up to congress the question us to whether or not the coiniuy may sell the timlior off flu There is nothing in the decision which will require the compuny to sell its lands in any given time, lu other words, us matters now stand, tho com pany, uppurently, may hold its Innds unsold forever, if it sees fit. It is perfectly patent that a large proportion of the unsold lands are worth far more than $2.50 per ucre. The I'nitcd .States supreme court in its decision gives nn uverugo per acre value of $12.00. The assessed valua tion, as reported by the Oregon- .State Tax commission in' loir), averaged $10.47 per note. On the hind thus far sold the ruil road's total receipts have been in ex cess of $",ri00,0(i0. Its expense in cruising, administration, tuxes paid nnd unpaid total about $fr00,000, an amount practically equal to what it lins thus far received. 4 grout ninny theories and plnnshave been advanced. It has lieeii suggested that congress pass legislation hasteuiug the sale of the land, nnd in euch a way that the excess of the amount re ceived ever the railroad's equity bo given either in part or in whole to the state for its school and otlier funds. Koine there nre who would have the compuny forced to immediately place Its lands on sale nt $2.50 an arro, and no more, ami then, presumably, estab lish who wns to get first choice at the best tracts through a lottery or similar scheme. Tnder this head, it should be remembered that there are hutidreds of settlers who have "squutted" on these lands, many of them in good faith, thinking they could purchase them on the $2.50 per acre basis; these feel they are entitled to n preferential right in obtaining tho 100 acre tracts they are occupy iug. One plan was ad vanced that the state bond itself, buy the lauds outright from the railroad at a stipulated price assuming that con gress would niuke possible such a trans action and then sell to actual settlers at market value, the state retaining for its school and other funds the large profit which, on pnper, wows assured from such a transaction. To discus the entire question, and, if possible, to formulate some expres sion of state-wide desire iu the prem ises for the advice of congress, there m-r in this room, lu the middle of Sop t 'tuber, a conference. It u called ff iiiaitfii i am m nm ,i by Governor Withycombe and was rep resentative of all the counties directly iutt rusted, and of tho several organi zations properly concerned with the mattw. After two days of oratory, debate and general enlightenment, two resolutions were passed; the first ad dressed to congress, requested thut the rigiual terms of tho grant be enforced; thut is, that the railroad be compelled to comply htrictly with the provisions of the settlers' clause; the Becond em powered a- committee, headed by the governor, to confer with Southern Pa cific representatives, to come to some understanding, if wssible, so that the iands could be opcuod- to prompt set tlement and development. This con ference will he held here on November IS. It is said that tho wisest man, under any circumstances, fears to predict in advance what congress will do. In this case, rue, uiuieultios of prophesying nre especially apparent. One fact at least was brought out clearly nt the land grant conference; namely, Oregon is practically united in its hope that no steps will be taken which might place all or a part of these lands in forest reserves. On this head the four has been entertained that congress might do what it hns been suggested that Oregon does; that is, buy the land outright from the rail road. If the nation did this, influenc ed ed by the eastern congressional ma jority enthused with conservation theo ries, the development of these ninny tiores would bo still further removed. I have given you a very crudo and hasty sketch of this laud grant ques tion. I have omitted much, that should bo considered. I have tried to set the matter beforo you dispassionately, ar guing neither for one iuterest or plan as opposed to another. The fate of two and a half million acres of land, much of it productive, is . a subject with which the citizens of Oregon should be vitally concerned. 1 was also asked to say a few words about the question of western water power development, as affected by the Ferris bill. This subject, you recall, was threshed out exhaustively at the recent water power conference of -western states, held in Portland in .Septem ber. Water power experts, ablo engineers nd distinguished statesmen devoted hours at that conference to single de tails of the big complex subject. I have now about four minutes left iu which to cover'it all! In a nutshell, there is before congress a piece of legislation called "the Ferris bill. Roughly speaking, it proposes that water power derived from streams running through federal lauds be regu lated more or less absolutely by fed eral authorities. It proposes to lease to developing companies any such wat er power, the lease as the bill now stauds--to last for fifty year. At the ond of that time, if it sees fit, the government cau buy the plant and businesn of the lessee, after appraisal. During tho term of the leae, the opor-i ating company would be paying a spec ial tax to the federal government, on' the power it developed aud the busi ness it did. The Ferris bill is backed by Mr. r.aa secretary of the interior, n byj tie Democratic majority in congress. SATURDAY. OCT. SO, 1915. It is claimed to safoimnrd nnr wo Kir powers and to retain a public interest, or owuersnip, in tnem, as opposed to independent private development. In trinsically, it is an mrnrnssiiin nf fo,l,r. al control as opposed to that of tho ........ - : ... ..... oimo. curiously, it is tne party of Andrew Jackson, thn first nn..i nf sttatcs' rights, which is fathering this uigiaiuuuu mine conirnuiciory to sucn principles of individual state sover eignty. Those opposed to the Ferris bill as it now'stnnds it may, of course, be amerded materially and who are fun damentally against the principles in volved, declare that the state should itself manage the utilization of its own resell) eta. Exponent of the state rights theory declare that even though the govern ment control the lands through which the rivers pots nt the point where it is proposed to develop power, it is unjust for tho government to attempt to thrust down tho mouth of the state a burden some system for leasing the waters which are its own nnd establish a bu reaucratic administration of internal state development from Washington. Tho state is ablo to care for its own resources, they say. To them the pro visions of the Ferris bill mean primar-' ily enlarging the scope of the principles of that sort of federal conservation which in the past has done so much to throttlo the development of the west. Conservation of this kind, long-distsiuce regulation and the nncm, c the forest reserve plan at the expense of tho man on the ground is not de sired, nay they. And as an illustra tion of what too much federal control and too much conservation has already done lor us, they cite the lesson of that map. b!ightly over 50 per cent of Ore gon today is untaxed. Home of this untaxed rren, of course, is land now open to Btttlement, nnd some of it is Oregon-California railroad land. But " I'" ceui or tne area of Oregon is safely removed from taxation aud de velopment in the federal forest reserves Hie best that I have been able to do is to give you an introduction, so to speak, to these two big questions. I hope you will find it worth while to strike up a real acquaintance! You ladies who now nre voters anl who are devoting so much time to intelli gent discussion of affairs of state wide importance well may familiarize yourselves with the manv issues in volved in the land grant and water power p'oblcms, as thev are certain in the future to be linked with the eco nomic ana political history of our staro, ne much of that history biuud to be made by Oregon women is FALLS CITY NEWS (Capital Journal Special Service ) Falls City, Or., Oct. 30.-I.ouie Bal- ! sfv"n. ' arraigned in Squire Hubbard court Thursday morning on the charge of bootlegging. He entered a plea of guilty and was assessed a iV,'.. ,a0 fwt "mounting to $12.75. Having no money to pay his n Bit, wittt his hands securely handcuffed, in company with Sheriff Orr for the Polk county boarding house where he will have a rest of 25 days Balbw wa accused of Belling the lipUOr Mtlllllt MM at a dance at Joe Gages on the 13th of September, during the hop picking sea son. He is said to have been engaged in the illicit traffic of liquor for some time. Mr. and Mrs. X. Selig will leave next week for the fair at San Francisco. Mrs. J. C. Talbott, Mrs. Edna Wick ard and Miss Kate Kief visited with Dora Elkins at Dallas Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Boy Black of Dallas visited Mrs. Black's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Titus, this week. Wm. Finley went to Portland on business Tuesday, returning home Thursday. The sewing club will meet at the home of Miss Bertha Frink Tuesday. Mrs. John'Walker pntortninml nt lior ome Friday night to a dinner, Mrs. Edna Wickard and Miss Kate Kief of Chauute, Kans., J. C. Talbott and wife. nun miss jjeruia irniK. A dinner imrtv wno narvoA nt tln home of Mrs. M. L. Thompson Saturday night in honor of J. C. and Mrs. Tal bott, Bertha Friuk, W. A. Grnhnm, Nor ma outnerun, or flu em, Mrs. Edna Wickard and Miss Kate Kief of Cha uute, Kans. The History of the World From the Dawn of Creation until The Great War Is depicted in art, science and industry and presented in -wonderful colors PANAMA-PACIFIO EXPOSITION Ban Francisco This wonderful Exposition close Dec. 4 Don't Miss It, Lest you always look back to 1915 with regret , Scenic Shasta Route , Through the wonderful Vallcjis of the Willamette, the Sacramento, the limp qua aud the Rogue offer exceptional diversion. Low" Round Trip Fares Full particular with copy of booklet "Wayside Notes, Shasta Koute" or ' California and Its Two World Exposi tion" on application to nearest agent SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, General Passenger Aeoit, Portland, Oregon. Oregon Day at Panama-Pacifc Exposition October 30 ttfflrrnmmtmmttm ti fimiii i ill mrrniTtmirmmamagn: litt,,- i 444444 KILLED A BIO BEAE. (LaGrando Observer.) For some time" a big bear haj bta committing depredations on sheep uil stock on Heaver creek below tne inf er 'a station, and last Saturday the rt' ages were finally stopped. A poise of men was organized on the Frank Stil wel place to hunt Mr. Bear to a finish and they did. Several ot them wen present when the beast was eornered but Mr. Pender, a camp tender, ogt the first lead into the big fellow, and kl therefore claims the skin. The btu gave fight, and it was only when 2J distinct holes had been bored in his body he gave up, but in his fight came nonr to laying claws on one of U hunters. M. McMurrnv brought men of meat to town; Saturday evening and says that he hns never seen Dr with so much fat on it, but y t meat was not delicious because of tie . ... ertA oge, The animal weighed over jv pounds." tj Whatever the soldiers of the iffin are singing, it is to be presumed tbij "Deutschlund Uober Allies" i found suitable by The Teutons. flggSS ggpww