Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 30, 1915, MAGAZINE SECTION, Page TEN, Image 10

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ft Galley o Fun I
r tt tliOBe sixteenth century ruffs
would only come Into faHhion again
hat a blessing It would bo to the
trailers In the Bowery restaurants!
Not mine to praise this modern art
That recks of gluo and paint un
ci i led,
Ihe offspring of a shrieking mart
Hallowed by gilt and naught beside;
Give mo the tender hints that hide
! In some old canvas mellowlngs
Ape draped as In her veil the bride
I sing the grace of faded things.
This lace that hid a marquise's heart,
This fan an ablie versified,
One knew tho Quick blood's thrill and
One bears a Venus azure-eyed;
for this strange gaud a princess
' ( A jeweled Love despoiled of wings) ;
This snuff-box was a despot's pride
1 sing the grace of faded things!
Veneer and tinsel play their part
' .These graceless days, and few do
I ride;
Our eyes 'mid brazen colors smart
Vot Rold, not love, our brush is
Time passes with a giant stride;
Not mine these garish gifts he
"Midst gold he flung aside' I bide
I sing the grace of faded things!
To you, who, ere tho world was wide,
Served Homily before queens and
To you, who wrought and wove ana
I sing the grace of faded things!
- 1'urchaHe a strong pair of Indian
made, mooHolildo luced snowshoea
from a Connecticut dealer.
The best place to practice on snow
shoes Is at tho country club, not In
the barroom, Tim Ideal courso is be
tween tho sideboard and the bowlinn
With the shoes firmly buckled on
on need not. be afraid, as your feet
will always stay on tho surface of the
snow regardlCHB of tho rest of your
The common snnwshoe gait should
1)6 a cross between a trot and a schot-lischo.
' It you bruk a shoe two miles away
from homo tho crawl swimming
troko will be found a great help.
baton It POISONS fail frfftcSlKUi ti BONE
WitJioul Knife ir Pain
ho X Ksy or other
swindle. An Iiland
plant makes thecure
SORE on the Hp, face
ckr body long is
CANCER; It never
20-M6E BOOK sent
KKKK, M),0u testi
monial. Ir Hi ts
.set, r
From Speech of Clyde Taven
ner Taken From Congres
sional Rcord
Any LUPin WOMAN'S BREAST The concerns comprising the armor
Onew(iuanlnevery7altolcancer U.s.rcport most bitter enemies of organized labor
we reiuse many who wait too long a must ale TT ., , ... . , . . ,
Poor cured at half price It cancer is yet small m the I mted btates, and reports fol-
Dr. & MrS. Dr. CHAMLEY & CO. boo sI't'free lowin8 investigation, of conditions in
"Strictly RstlsM, OrtaUtt Cmcar Saacialiit llvtnsj" j the plants reveal that they are cruel
4340 & 436E Valencia SL, San Francisco, CaL ,,:.,, - . ,,' ,
kindly 'MAIL THIS taMHH.it) CANCER I and ""h""1 in their treatment of un-
organized labor. Ib this language too
" 'j strong The findings of the investi-
Robbers Escaped lSTl
IH PoKcemen's Smoke A survey of living conditions in
; 1'ittsburgh was made in 1909 by the
Palo Alto, Oct. 29. Policemen here ! SaSe Foundation under the direction of
n.i.de so much smoke with their revol- Z 7 XX" V s ,
vers early today thnt a gang of safe in the mill and in the home. It had
crackers in the local postoffice who had i from first to last the hearty support of
everything set to make one of the big- 8U' h prominent citizens of Pittsburgh
nr..... ..-.l ir it . J .1
were drilled, the door crack was mould- ! Juu' B'J?. " -"; "
ed with the "dope" and the 'sonP''i'8u. K'"BS ey Hou6- .
had been poured ready for cup and L(Jw'n Bjorkmnn, a magazine writer,
luse i was furnihcd with the material
A posse of policemen rushed to the Bothered by tho foundation and pre
building and opened a fusillade even tnted lts findings in condensed form
lit me tuiiu o i.uitv lur ivjini, iuuif, i
quote tho following from Mr. Bjork
man's resume of tho Wage Foundation
is one of the greatest foes of
womanly beauty. It is quickly
cleared by correcting the cause
sluggish liver with the aid
of the gently stimulating, safe
and dependable remedy
Lartaa Sal. of Aar Madiciaa In tia World.
Sola naqrarkaia. Is bosea, 10c. 26a.
V t
everything set to make one of the lng-!u, n proiuineni cinzens oi i-iitsuu
cost hauls of the season escaped under ?r" Seori W- thr.i'.; Prcsil
b . . 1 If. D. W. English, of the Civic Impn
Thcw were several in the gang. The nC',D"ni0nI!. 'p Joseph 1
watchman discovered them. Tho holes on- ,f te TlrmtC,'i atM C'
before they were fairly in range. Kv-
trv window was broken.
Finally thev rusheil the officers but
the smoko was too thick. The bandits ! report
escaped during the confusion presum
ably through the rear door or windows.
Daniel 3. Fry Will Eeturn the Money
If Mi o-na Does Not Believe
Among all the remedies in Daniel J.
Fry's popular drug Btore, there are few
that ho is willing to sell on a guarantee
to refund the money .if they do not
Mi o-na, the famous dyspepsia remedy
has helped so many of his customers
that Daniel J. Fry says, "If this
remody docs not relievo you, come hack
to my store and I will cheerfully re
turn your money."
Anyone who has dyspepsia, indiges
tion, headaches, dizzy feelings or liver
troubles, should take advantage of this
chanco to bo made well without any
risk of spending their money to no pur
pose. Mi o-na will reliovo you, will
regulate tho digestion, will enable you
to eat what you want. If it does not
do all this it will not cost you a cent.
Daniel J. Fry has sold hundreds of
boxes of Mi o-na in the last few weeks
and has yet to receive the first com
plaint from nny customer. Such a
record is simply marvelous and speaks
volumes for tho merit of the remedy.
It is easy enough to fill a column
with the symptoms afflicting those who
nave dyspepsia, but there is no need
Tho Carnegie 8teel Company em
ploys about 23,U00 workers within the
district. Concerning the foreign born
among these, some very instructive
statistics are available. They number
in all 17,340, or three workers out of
four in the whole force. Together they
represent more than '10 distinct nation
alities, most of which in turn em
brace from' 3 to 20 racial or lingual
subdivisions. Considering only the
predominant elements, we find
11,000 Austrians, Hungarians, Italians
and 15 semi-skilled, and only 3 skilled
"Mentally tbey rank low. Education
or training they have none. But
morally they can hardly bo called un
desirable They prove submissive, de
pendable, willing workers, who nover
dream of questioning the desirability
or the dignity of the task assigned to
them, and who are rendered oblivious
to danger by their ignornnce. Having
worked 14 and 16 hours a day in their
native countries, and having been paid
from 25 to 50 cents for such slavery
they think littlo of working 12 hours
a day and find a fortune in $2 thus
"To tho Knglish-speaking people,
these men with unpronounceable names
and strange ways are just 'Hunkies'
dumb, dull, driven brutes, so utterly
beneath contempt that even competi
tion with them is out of the question.
Wherever they get in, tho natives and
the northerners withdraw. Wherever
tho latter find conditions too hard or
wnges too low, tho 'Hunkies' apply
eagerly, tverywhero they havo been
of describing their condition, What
they want is relief and they can goti V1: v"-m rfl "vo 0C,M
it in Mio-na. Do not suffer a (liiv'V ""
longer with disordered digestion. If
Mio-na relieves you it costs you 50
cents n box, if it does not, you have
Daniel J, Fry's personal guarantee to
return your money.
'Pain Jos' puts eluy cent lie makes
on his back."
"Wnl, dut money oh hls'n talks pur
ty loud!"
Pf daughters thU man lis a bevy,
And the nnmiHl tribute they levy
Appalling Is, quite!
lllrds! Their heads being llobt.
And (holr bills rorrespondlngly bear).
Madge Why did you ever pick out
such homely and unknown girls for
bridesmaids ?
Tessle-Tho newspapers, my dear.
I've got more photographs than all
I hose six ;lrls put together.
Mrs. Works-So you keep your hut
Valid homo eveuiiiKsT I suppose you
put tils slippers whore he ran find
Mrs. Hoggs No; put Ms over
triors where ho rsn't.
Suburban What a vacant expres
sion that fellow Jones has!
Cuilrus Vacant! Why dont be
rent It ? J.'.:..... .
jobs, and only theao, are for them. But
still they aro coming in ever greater
numbers, and by slow degrees they are
pushing upward steadily, inevitably
as fato itself. Amid the clatter of
their unintelligible tongues tho few,
and ever fewer, Knglish-speaking foro-
men and skilled worsers feel as lone
some as lighthouses. And this chasm
between hostile castes of workers
serves, bv the by, to make unionism
additionally impossible.
"There used to be bis money for the
workers who handled iron and steel.
There is still fairly good money to bo
made bv n very few of them. But for
For the eure of
heaves; a liquid
medicine given in
the feed, which the
most fastidious
horse will not re
fuse. From one to
s i x bottles will
cure the most
stubborn case.
Price $1 iier bot
tle, or 6 bottles
for $5. For sale
bv all druggists
and at
Drug Store
The only cash drug store in Oregon,
owes no one, and no one owes if; cu
ries large stock; its selves, counters
and show cases are loaded with drugs,
medicines, notions, toilet articles,
wines and liquors of all kinds for
mtCJ,Jil purposes. Dr. Stone is a
regular ..-vluate in medicine and has
had many jeCrs of experience in tho
practice. Consultations are free. Pre
scriptions are free and only regular
price for medicine. Dr. Stone can be
found at his drug store, Salem, Oregon,
from 6:40 in the morning until 8 at
night. Free delivery to all parts of
tho city and within " a radius of 100
Lincoln Mementoes
Are Sold at Auction
New York, Oct. 30. The coat he
wore when shot, his finger ring, rifle,
inkstand, watch-key and other inti
mate personal relics owned and used
by Abraham Lincoln, will be sold "un
der the hammer" at the Anderson gal
lories today. Minor sales already have
been made.
Among these objects are the Lincoln
Brooner rifle, bought in common by
Lincoln and Henry Brooner for $15
and used by them in their shooting
trips until 1830; a lock of Lincoln 't
hair, and a cane and umbrella handles
owned by the Great Emancipator.
These things are a part of the col
lection of Lincolniana formed by John
E. Burton, of Milwaukee, who has
been assembling them for fifty years.
Among the books and manuscripts to
bo sold are nearly all the biographies
of Lincoln, including several in for
eign languages, many portraits, the
only known copy of the pamphlet enti
tled "Reasons Against the Kenomino
tion of Abraham Lincoln"; the only
copy ever offered at auction of "The
Bloody Junto"; Lincoln's last order
for a pardon, two leaves from Lincoln's
sum book of about 1824, with his auto
graph; and a series of seven documents
signed by Lincoln which reveal four
professional associations "about which
nothing has been generally known."
Jos. Hcuberger is hoarding at the B
l'rnnge home during the school term.
Willie and Angelina llermcus and F.d
Bell motored to Siilcm Tuesday.
J. 1'. Vim Handel was on tin' sick list
the- first of the week, but is able to bo
armii.d pgntn at this writing.
Arnold Van llnndcl is the proud own-
or of n, new Ford. 15 years the rutting of waues has been
Q,tiito a. number from here attended : going on until today in many cases
the party at the Theodore llighberger ; the best workers make less than half
home Suuiliiy, i of what they used to earn. It has been
Sisters Cecelia and Barbara, of St., figured out' that every hundred work
Mary's Home nre spending a few days, ers in the steel mills and blast fur
visiting friends and relatives here. usees includes 00 men who make less
'I ho mnrriiigo of Miss Rose Pittcr than ?2 n dnv and only two who mako
and Joe, Becker, both well known pen-1 moro than $S in the same time. The
!V . .. . I "'Ce, was solemnized at ihr average daily witires of Allegheny
Cntlioiio church hero on Tuesday. The I
bride as nttircd in a dress of embroid-1
found to be below $2.50 in 1SI07. In
e ,.d .h ffon. with a crc.m ere,,, .-hit- o,(.r- f that year the entire force
1) , ' r n 'A i m'"'' r"" ''T'iof 12 hour men ii. the open hearth do
I tv i . n l.ou.jMot p ...rt,,,,., of , Homestead Steel
of pink n.d white nirnations. i Vfsrkn was averaging $12.70 a day.
mni'ln of lonor were Misses Ida Becker : n.i, . .-..u i-n , r
and (iencvieve Ditter. The groom wtis
r.ttended by Dun ICiiitr. and Kugcne Dit
ter. The happy couple nre on n honey
moon trip to California, where thov
will visit the exposition and other
phices of interest. They will be at home
to their friends December 1 on the
proem 's farm east of town. Stnyton
Standi; rd.
The highest paid skilled workers in
some of the most important branches
I of the steel industry are incapable of
earning more than $3.73 a day.
; "The main thing linked of the work
! er is speed, or, maybe one ought to
say, speed without waste. To tho
achievement of this result everything
is adapted, but, above all, the wage
schedules. The underlying idea of tho
whole system is to get more out of a
man by paying him less. Its funda
mental rule is that if the man drives
tho machine he is paid by the piece; If
Ihe machine drives him he ia paid for
time. A trick eonstantlv practiced ia
At tho Catholic church in this ity,
Monday morning, October 25, occurred
the marriage of Miss Katie I'ietrok to
bless Znliuski, of Brooks, Rev, Fr,
Lainek officiating.
The bride is a popular young lay,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. Pietrok,
of Linn county, and the groom is well
spoken of by his acquaintances. The
many friends of the young couple will
uimu in Dost wisnes.
reception was eiven the hapcv ou
plo Monday nfteruoon at the home of
tlio I'ide's sister, Mrs. Jos. Brandt,
near Kingston, at which a number of
reinties and friends were present.
There wns married at the Stay ton ho
tel Hntuii'tiy afternoon at 2 o'clock by
Kev. v. R. T.oekhart, pastor of the
Methodist Episcopal church, Miss
Madge 1'rettymnn, of Detroit, Ore.,
nnd Albert Shields of tho same place, a
young couple who had been in Stay
t in several days. They were necom
piinied by a sister of the groom, Miss
Jotephine Shields. The latter and Ev
erette I'hillippi, of Silverton, were tho
witnesses. The young couple spent their
honeymoon here. They will probably
reside at Detroit. Stayton Standnrd.
Steamship Officers and Gov
ernment Officials Clean Up
$50,000 a Month
San Francisco, Oct. 29. An investi
gation to open wide an alleged gigantic
Chinese smuggling plot will soon be
undertaken by the Washington admin
istration. This alleged conspiracy, it is
claimed, existed between certain of
ficers of the liners Manchuria, Mon
golia and Korea and certain local im
migration employes, whereby 100 coolies
were smuggled on each liners trip here.
The raid on the Mongolia on her last
trip into port, showing 86 Chinese
stowaways aboard is said to have come
under direct orders from Washington as
part of the big probe.
One of the stowaways in the county
jail is declared to have confessed under
pressure that be was aooara tne Man
churia on a previous trip with 100
other Chinese but that he was taken off
in the Orient at the time because there
were 100 others already aboard.
The Washington officials intend to
act without delay and charges are an
ticipated against certain immigration
employes who are suspected of being
hand in glove with the alleged smug
gling ring.
Joseph Barber et ux to William Pse-
tak pt lot 27 Capital Home addition.
Joseph Barber et ux to wunam rse
tak lot 3 blk 4, Brooklyn add, Salem.
Franz Nibler et ux to Robert Schmidt
state 36-5-2W.
Frederick Hertz et ux to Franz ib-
ler Q C D state 36-5-2W.
Jessie L. Bass et al to A. N. Glancy
lot 10 blk 79, Salem.
W. H. Enos et ux to Forest G. Enos
pt lot 8 blk 11, North Salem.
K. U. Hallberg et nx to u. m. ana v.
D. Sherver lots 9 and 10 blk 9; lot 12
blk 10, Richmond add, Salem.
. James Hanlon to Lizzie tianion lots
1-2-3 blk 1, Toobe's first add Wood-
Margaret Green to John P. Green un
divided 1-4 interest land in L. J. Price
cl 30-8-2W.
Wm. Eseh as sheriff to W. P. George
lot 3 blk 22 Highland add, Salem.
E. C. Armstrong et ux to the Pacific
States Securities Co. Q. C. D. pt. section
1-7-3W. .
Max Gehlhnr et nx to F. W. Royal
J. L. Parrish cl 61-7-3W.
A. A. Amos et ux to Hattie M
Krcamer pt Jns. Brown cl 47-6-1 W; pt
Coon cl 63-6-1W.
Hattie M. Kreamer to Eugene Burr
pt Jas. Brown cl 47 0-1W; pt Coon cl
Harry McBride et ux to Anton anr
Tena Christensen blk 42, Hollywood.
S. D. Amnw et al by sheriff to C. N.
Potter pt Waller cl 4G-7-3W.
C. N. Potter to Emma J. Pottcr,part
Wallor claim, 46, 7, 3 W.
Uc. C. Swabb et ux to Frank B.
Ford, lots 13 and 14, block 10 Amended
Plan of Brooklyn Add. Salem.
Iva E. and A. B. Dillon to S. C. Bass,
40 acres in 11, I), 2 E.
Cecil Blnckley to S. O. Bass, O. and
C. 11, 9, 2 E; J. Rams, 10, 9, 2 E.
Marietta, Rasmus and John W. Ras
mus to S. ('. Bass, O. and C, 11, 9, 2 E;
J. Rams, 10, 9, 2 E.
Murray and Thorncr et al to Oregon
Electric Ruilwav Co., part David Batch
oiler claim, 34, 3, 1 W.
Willis K. Folks et ux to H. H. and
Daisy Wilson, Geo. Delnmy claim, 31,
8, 2 'W.
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 29. Because two
of Mb brothers have been killed in the
war and another is held prisoner in Rus
sia, Mathias Sinister, aged 31, an Aus
trian, attempted suicido this morning
by swallowing two ounces of chloroform
in a glass of whiskey, and cutting an
artery in his wrist. Physicians at the
city hospital sny he will recover. He
lacked tho money to return to Austria,
he said, so decided to end his life.
Portland, Or., (Vt. 29. -Believed by
the authorities to have committed sui
cide, the body of l,evis L. Kndieett,
aged 4,1, a bnclielor rancher, was found
on the Sky I .inn boulevard near Linn to urge tho workers into exceeding
ion loiinv wtth a millet through the; their previous rapacity for tho pur
pose of earning more and then to adapt
the wage rate to the new record in
heart. A combination rifle nnd shot
gun was lying beside the bodv.
Claude Reed, a farmer, who found order that thev mav work still harder
the body, said thnt he heard a shot and to retain their old earnings. This has
groans last night but thought the! proved one of the most effective means
sounds were made by neighboring boys
on a frolic.
is to help Nature promptly by taking
the well known
Stomach Bitters
of increasing the output.
"Among 111,000 men employed In the
three largest plants of the Vnited
States Steel Corporation In 1907 there
were 120 men working only eight hours
a dnv. Among the steel and iron work-
era the 12 hour day la practically law
now, so that, for instance, there were
only ninety-three 10-hour men to one
thousand five hundred and seventeen
l'J hour men at tho Homestead Steel
Works in 1907. ,
"This law, slightly modified and
modified largely for the worse holds
good" seven ilsya of the week all the
vear through. Neither Sunday nor
holidays exist for these toilers. Ones
every fortnight they work 24 hours In
a stretch, in order that they may have
a full day of 24 hours free the text
week." i
Washington, (Vt. 29. Congressman
A. P. Gardner of Massachusetts, re
pnblican advocate of a larger army and
navy, wrote the Vnited Ptosb today
thnt he will gladly help President Wil
son " if permitted to fight for Ms in
creased defense program. He said he
would .seek greater increases of sea
men and marines nnd would also make
the fleet "strong enough to meet any
fleet that Great Britain could muster
to at tuck us."
North Yakima, Wash., Oct. 29. M.
It. Galloway, a prominent real estate
man, is dead here today. Ho was
killed by the overturning of his auto
mobile in the Cowiche valley near here
j last night.
Hukln( doM not cure childrca of Ud
wrlUnf. Thfra la a conatltuttoaaJ
for this troubla. Mrs. M. Bumsntra, Bos
W, Notn turn, ln&, will send
any anoUiar h auccasarul smsm trait
wat, wtth tall iastraclkwa. M
miwt, but wrIU tor tclaj If 3ror chU
ir trouble jma ta thla way.
blame lb child the ohaaoM are H wat
tolp tt This tnatmral also ar adnlti
sad acd anl traubUd wUk BriM
ralUae ky day r aM.
Portland, Ore., Oct. 29. The appoint
ment of A. J. Davidson, superintendent
of the main line of tho Spoknne, Port
land & Seattle railway and allied Hill
lines to be superintendent of the Spo
kane & Inland Empire railroad, a North
Bank subsidiary, was announced to
day. G. E. Votaw, of Superior, Wis., super
intendent of a Great Northern division,
will succeed Davidson here.
w V,i1-tt iaT
- "M -...
h 1 1
.1 .. " v -i
til : , m
tit y
S t
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carnegie as they look today.
Andrew Carnegie and his wife have just returned to their New TcrS
Jiome after a four months' outing in Maine. Though he is almost eights
years of age, Carnegie is in the best of health and the fumed twinkle ia hi
ryes seems undimmcd. ........ '
sjc )c sc sc c sc fc sfc jfc sfc sc sfc
San Francisco, Oct. 30 India
is on the verge of one of the
greatest uprisings in its history.
News of the approaching mu
tiny has been carefully guarded
but even natives of India are
being denied admission to the
country according to passengers
arriving here on the liner Nip
pon Maru. One man said he
dared not mention the situation
there lest he get iu trouble
when he returns.
Excursion of 1,724
School Children
Sacramento, CaL, Oct. 29. The larg
est excursion in northern California in
the past four years started out of Sac
ramento this morning when 1,724 Yolo
county school children left on the Oak
land, Antioch and Eastern railway for
San Francisco to tnkoin tho fair.
Three doctors and eight trained
nurses accompanied the children.
At the ferry building they will be
met by the Yolo county tenchers who
aro holding their institute in Sun Fran
cisco. Three hundred of tho children had
never been out of Yolo county before
and fifty had never been on a railway
car. Tho Yolo county supervisors pro
vided means for transportation of chil
dren whose parents nre poor.
The excursion train consisted of 10
coaches in three sections. Every ele
mentary school child in Yolo county
was taken on the trip.
1 v
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 29 Seventy-fin
tons f frozen halibut from Priiifi
Rupert is being loaded on th Hil
liner Minnesota here today lor ship
ment to the United Kingdom. This ia
tho first consignment of this sort u
any portion to go from here to Great
Britain by tho all-water route.
Washington, Oct. 29. Several fonfi
dential reports from American Arabai
sador Morgenthau at Constantinople i
dicate thut Turkey is according Armen
inns better treatment as a result of i
America's recent protest against their
New York, Oct. 29. The government
will ask a coutinuancewhen the five al
leged conspirators in the gigantic bomb
conspiracy headed by Robert Fay are
arraigned Thursday. 'Mcanwhilo the
federal grand, jury investigation will
be under way.
Officials were silent today concern
ing developments in their efforts to
trace the plot "to higher ops."
Sacramento, CaL, Oct. 29. A revival
of considerable magnitude in tho Cali
fornia mining industry is reported to
day by th state corporation depart
ment. New companies are being form
ed in rapid succession to hake over and
develop old and new properties ami a
considerable number of other companies
are renewing activity.
. nm Francisco, Oct. 29, Enough
"dope" to furnish a "dream" or a
"sleigh ride" to every drug fiend in
the country will be burned alonj with
pipes and needles at a public bonfire
iu civic center next week. The dope
wna confiscated from Fresno, Bakers
field, ls Angeles and this city. It is
valued at 15.00.
London, Ovt. 29. General Joffre, di
recting gonitis of the French forces on
the western front snd virtual lender of
all the forces there, paid his first visit
to England todny since the war started.
He eonferred with Lord Kitchener and
it wm understood problems of their
joint campaign were discussed.
Portland, Or., Oct. 29.-Stmck by
train Sunday, Emil Albert Vose, 55,
said to be a well know a resident of
Aberdeen, Wash, is dead today.
Washington, Oct. 29. Vniving civil
service rules, President Wilson today
appointed Mrs. Frederick Gillmun, of
Vallejo, CaL, seamstress or flngmnker
at the Mare Island navy yard. Mrs.
Gillnian's husband perishod with the ill
starred submarine F-4 in Honolulu harbor.
Pullman, Wash., Oct. 29. At the ag
of r!, R. R Hutley, a prominent filmi
er of tiie Ewartville district, is today
celebrating the arrival of a ten pound
son, his twentieth child.
Boy Comes Alone
Through War Zone
San Francisco, Oct. 29. As the ptf
plank of the liner Kroonlsnd slid do
to tho pier u bare headed, sunbumnl
boy of nine, with happy tears runniif
down his checks rushed into the araicf
an equally happy man. For this mo
ment, little Franois Stcincr had crowd
the war zone alone from Johanncshrji
South Africa.
Joseph Stoiner, a wealthy insur
man of Modesto, was on the wharf tt
meet him. Francis hud been taken to
Johannesburg with his five-year-oW
brothor. There his mother died, snd he
wns taken to England to live with by
grandparents while the father came tc
America. Francis had never seen hir
father since that ilny.
The boy sailed from London for
York ou a British freighter. .Twice the
vessel was Btoppcd by submarines hot
allowed to continue. He made the trip
from New York to San Francisco alone.
Beware of Ointments for
Catarrh that Contain MercurJ
as mercury will surely destroy th
of smell and completely
whole system when entering I Mhrms"
the mucous surfaces. Such artlelw lJ
never be used except on P"""'"??
from reputable physicist, as ' thcainW
they will do is ten fold to JS,
can possibly derive from them, gain
Catarrh Cure, mnnufiictiirea W
Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0 " 5
mercury, and Is taken Interna .
directly upon the blood and mwous w
faces of the system. In buylol :
Catarrh Cure bo sure you P "" K
Inc. It Is taken Internally Tee
Toledo. Ohio, by I'. J. Cheney Coi"
tlmonlnls free. tiiK,
Sold by DruRKlsts. Price if.'S
Taka Hall's Family rills for wasuf""
t.rtll I.T
T.l. a. ! n;"j fti""'
!!"!!. JtV.'.'sM uaV
III .1 mri ism-. t-uir
ft fr --Tff.,s
saissi sai iasi saswawa -
veri?f5op Admires a Beautiful Complexion-
Oriental Cream
Jn Indispensable and
Toilet Requisite
A Women.
dally necessity '";"',,- ;
skin from lni"r ""UJV
emnls. t.lv-s V' ll
rainy io iho complexion.
on'aVeasy Tellet Cream nV
: .it
I Si
of Ihe elem
rrfeet non-atreaay Tellet t ,
arowth of hlr which a I inn p.
stuard against when w f''11. or "
rarallhn. When nrlii. bo1 'vfnU
ir eserllons heat the skin, '
frtnsy appearance. Prr,m has
hlKhly nsonimenitrd by pn Mm M
n-a.;. slna-er. and women , of ' u ,iir
over b" a century ,nrc,iy or
passed when preparing- for !")'
Err t-bj-p, Bnbm. nvrtfr:
. a '. "?Mhi ",-''s and Vnlarar H.ilneaa. Yellow and Mud-iy ;
a delicately clear and rertned romplaslon which fr
No. tl lir aala by Druaalata and Fancy CJoods l1' ' L
FenLT.Hoplun., Prop. 37 CnZt Jone Street, ew l