Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 30, 1915, Image 1

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Five Thousand Villa Troops Facing Carranza's Army
7,000 Carranzistas On Way. to Reinforce His Army
May Arrive In Time To Beat Villa Decisively Six
Thousand American" Troops Line the Border Breach
Between Carranza and General Obregon Reported
Douglas, Ariz,. CM. 30. Five thous
and troops tinder General Villa de
ployed in battle formation on the south
ern and eastern Bides of Agua Priefa
today, threw up shallow earthworks
,iutl waited. They are several miles
from the town.
No guns were visible in the Villista
forces, although it is possible that they
may be supported by hidden batteries.
Ou" account of the rapidity of his ad
I'anee, however, it is believed Villa
left his artillery behind.
Scattering rifle-nhots came from the
Villa trenches early today. It is evi
dent the Carranzis'tas, following their
victorious skirmish with the Villiatas
lust night at Cnbullonn, 15 miles south,
lire husbanding their ammunition in
expectation of a general assault.
The Carranzistas are known to have
fix field
guns and aoout wu sneus. ; ,ol" um i ira minuuuu, m
reinforcements reported en! )licating that the real battle will start
rn.ito from RhitIr Pass Via liiiiteiMoniorrow.
States soil in bond had not arrived' Funston said that they would prob
enrlv todav. i a'''.v attack from the east, tjius en-
Prisoners' taken bv the Carranzistas: daggering Douglas. Vrballajo prom
iu their brush with the Villistas yes-;ised to protect American mines and
terdav are reported to have been ex- j railroads in Cananea, provided the
..,.t;i hut Hi ere was ho confirmation mines open very soon. He informed
of this.
Fighting Has Begun.
Vnililnnrtnii rvt. 30. Fiilitinir be
tween Carrnnzistas and Villistas, near, Xegras today to meet Consul Silli
A,r., l'riem inst across from Douglas, I man and EliBeo Arredondo, his am
Arizona, has 'begun, General Funston,'
American border commander, reported
t.. i. jr,,,a,,t tmimr
V'.iio.' nntnoHts dispersed
300 Villistas at Cabullana, ami a Villa retinue was regards as significant
patrol west of Agua Prieta waa wiped! and confirmatory of a reported dis
yut I agreement between them.
Chairman of Democratic Com
mittee Sees Real Fight But
Predicts Victory
By N. 0. Parke.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
New York, Oct. 30. The democratic,
national organization will swing into
the lttlli fight within less than, six
weeks. Chairman McCombs, of the na
tional committee, admitted today that
there will lie a real fight, though he
nces nothing but success in the offing.
The national committee will gather nt
Washington, December 7.
"1 have been through ono prenomi
uation and one presidential campaign,"
he said, "and I know you can no more
pick successful political orgninziiuuu
out of the nir in a few minutes than
you can build a second steel corporation the republicans were pauiy peaieu in
overnight The work of organizing and 1912 but their organization was still
obtaining funds should begin immedi- intact and they mrvived. The progres
irely after the meeting." . sives simply lacked party machinery,"
uL,it u-u.nn he declared, will McCombs held that a majority of the
i. .,..-. nnminea. and the party
will go before the country with the ad-
ministration ' achievements as its argu-
ment for votes.
ent for votes.
"The progressives," he continued,
will not figure in the next campaign,
Some follm are too atingy f even
one ther own judgment, fcver notice
how quick" en actor git" hi number
whea he picks up th 'phone U plevT
Six thousand American troops lined
the border, ready to fire on the Villia
tas should they attempt to invade the
united states side for a flank attack
against tne iarranr.isr.as backed up
against tne Border linesv tttricers be
lieve 7,000 Carranzistas will arrive in
time to insure victory for the side of
the new chief executive.
Persistent rumors of a breach be
tween Carranza and his leading chief
tain, Obregon, however, proved a dis
turbing factor in the situation.
Funston stated that the Villiatas un
der General I'rballajo were moving on
Agua Prieta from the west while the
main body from the east camped last
night along the San Bernardino river,
15 miles from Agua Prieta.
They expected to reach the Gallardos
Funston that the Villistas were power
less to execute threats against Amer
icans and their property.
General Carranza was due at Pied-
bassador, who are bringing the notes
of recognition of Carranza as chief
executivo'Of Mexico
Obreeon's absence from Oarranza's
Salt Lake City, t'tas, Oct,
30. Threats of death and de
struction if Joe Hillst.rom I. W.
W. member, is executed for
murder in accordance with his
sentence, continue to pour in
upon Governor Spry.
The worst of these arrived to
day from Pittsburg, Kansas.
The writer declared every fed
eral building in the country
would be dynamited, and a gen
eral strike' called, if Hillstrom
dies before the firing squad as
Meantime Spry's bovlyuard
has been increased, and 50 pis
tols were stolen from a store,
ami authorities feared they
might have fallen into the
hands of 1. W. W. members who
have threatened Spry's life.
Guards of public buildings have
also been reinforced.
I don't believe they will carry a sin
gle state.
"The 101(1 fight will bo between
democrats and republican candidate.
progressive will vote the democratic'
ticket in 191(1, though some states in
the progressive ranks, he said, will con-
tinue to vote nun moose, mmting u mi-
iiiur w ",v - n
ficult for the republicans to capture
elec toral votes, though not to the ex -
tent as in 1912. -
I His attention waa called to reports
that Vice-President Marshall will be!
"It is too early tn discuss such re
ports," he replied.
'This is an unusual
pre-election year. I lie war nas pur a
blanket on interest in political details.
There are many matters to be worked
Dallas. Texas, Chicago and St. I.ouis
are seeking the convention. Dallas has
not only offered to meet the convention
expenses, but also to provide an addi
tional 110.01)0.
Eawara r. Treia, aeaeuur
U nited mate ( number ot .ommerce,;
I is regarded by many as about the
Uveal wire talker and organizer hat
nas wniit-u iiiiii !'-
as me meeii.ia u. ""- "" -.-
nf dm manv live wire meetings to be
called this winter, it is expected there
will be a large attendance at this
luncheon. Reservations will be made
only for those who notify the Commer
cial Club up to Tuemlav morning. Mr.
Tref ( exnecled to discuss ot only
shipping and foreign commerce, but to,
discus the needs of halem and towns
which depend greatly on th ueciM or
failure of the farmer.
Dollar 1 king; but Hill half bil
lioa of them bv beon given a boat
age to Knglaod end Fraoce
New Steamships Will Be
Bought For Handling
Trade With Orient
Washington, Oct. 30. The adminis
tration was jubilant today over the;
organization at Albany, X. Y., of a
new $2,000,000 steamship line under tie
American flag to carry Pacific trade,
under the nniue of the Pacific and East
ern Steamship company.
In view of the Pacific Mail's with
drawal under the plea of hard times
from the LaFollette seamen's act, the
government saw in the new concern an
offset to their removal and their claims.
The line will begin operations within
a few weeks. While huge New-York
and Washington interests are known to
bo backing tne new corporations, the
incorporation papers do not reveal the
real owners.
The commerce department, has been
in close touch with the backers and lias
been informed of the new seamen ' act
and the proposed ship purchase bill.
The government, however, has no offi
cial connection with the company and
has made no concessions, It is claimed.
The company, it is held, feels that it
can make a profit and that the new
laws will not have the adverse effect
which the Pacific Mail attributed to
The new venture will be a straight
out biiBiuesB proposition, commerce de
triment said. The backers plan to
buy shiiis not now operating in the
Pacific and transform them for the
eastern service as soon as possible
How man' there will be in the fleet.
and other details are not yet ready for
In addition to the $2,000,000 capital
stock, it is said other sums will be
raised, so that a considerable line can
be operated.
Militia Escorts Governor and
Staff-Warm Welcome
San Francisco, Oct. 30. The Pana
ma-racifie exposition today paid its
tribute to the State of Oregon.
"Oregon Day" at the big fair, was
pronounced by those in charge, one of
the most puccessful days since the ex
position opened its gates last Feb.
The State of Oregon, too, established
itself as a prince of hosts during the
celebration. Throughout the day the
Oregon building was thronged with
visitors bent upon accepting the hos
pitality of the state commission which
manifested itself in the shape of choice
Oregon apples, Oregon loganberry Juice
and Oregon mineral wnters.
The central figure in the big cele
bration was Governor James Withy
combe, Oregon's chief executive. The
governor was escorted from bit hotel
downtown to the exposition gates by
two companies of United States cavalry
at 11 o clock.
Marines Took Charge.
When the gubernatorial party reach
ed the grounds, United States marines
assumed guardianship of his excel
lencv and escorted him to the (.'all
fornia building where President Moore,
of the exposition, and the exposition
directors tendered a luncheon to the
governor and the members of bis staff.
With a group of distinguished for
ieign and state commissioner grouped
behind him, Governor Withycombe waj
me cuier figure in me rormai cere
monies at the
j dresses highly
tne uregon pavilion, flu
complimentary of Ore
lion's share in mnking the exposition a
Ueccss were delivered by Governor
Johnson, of California, Mayor Holpb, of
Hau Francisco, and William llniley
I.nttinr chairman of the federal cnin-
Oliiu,ion , lne cxmiHon.
Oeta Casket of Jewel.
After the governor's address he was
presented with a casket of jewels
siiniUir to those used On the Tower of
Jewels, and he plnnted a Douglas fir
in front of the Oregon pavilion, to
coinmeinorato the state's site at the
The entire membership of the Oregon
commission, including O. M. Clark,
r.i. , ,i.e rl...i.,ii..i..n. of l.r
j, uhn y of ,.,,,,,
A ,1(jotn of BuK,, (., u Uwley, of
Mi,r ' , w , Wmmm, of Pen-
idletou, was present to aid the governor
! n welcoming the state's guests for the
id nr.
Adjutant General fleorge A. White,
of Portland; Colonel ('. C. Hammond,
nf Kugene; Lieutenant Colonel It. K.
I.swson, of Cottage drove, and Major
William (I. White, of Kugene, mem-
bers of the governor's personal staff.
took en active part in the reception
,ulowill(t , form, fe,f,nM
WIU Lat Until Thunday.
The social affairs arranged for the
governor and Mm. Withycombe ei
tend until Wednesday of next week.
Tonight the governor will be give
(fentiantd from Page 8ii.)
New French Premier Briand
Says Policies Will Not Be
No Compromise . Is Possible
Short of This Is New
Leaders' Assertion
Br William Philip Slmms.
(United Press stuff correspondent.)
Paris, Oct. 30.--" A- deviation of not
one iota from the country's fixed pur
pose to win tho war and crush German
militarism," Prciiiier Briand told mo in
an exclusive interview today "will be
the new cabinet s policy. It was tho
old ministry's platform and it will be
He received me at the office of the
ministry of justice he is about to va
cate in favor of Viviuni and granted
me an interview, prior to his visit to
President Poiucura at the palace.
Essentially vigorous and always eliv
qucnt, he spoke more .forcefully than
over, never nave i situ nun more
"I desire til' world to understand
that to thoroughly change the ministr
ies does not imply a change in pol
icies," he said. "We will continue
firmly on with our allies, with the com
mon motto, 'Victory.'
- Permanent Peace Only.
"For, by virtoty alone witl wo wiu
nermanent psace. Ii compromise is
possible. We muft enforce the right
of every country to rule itself with each
privileged to enjoy Its own culture and
as you say in America, with security of
lifo, liberty and property against mo
lestation." It is trenerallv believed that the crea
tion of the new ministry is a turning
point in the nation's affairs. Tho min
istry's action will be primarily devoted
to conducting the war to a successful
' Hri;in(l is the man of the hour and
Gallic optimistic was never higher.
The nation are in the coalition forces
the mingling vf ell political beliefs,
and in the junction of youth and age
the prospect of united, firm action more
complete than it has ever bad before.
Lehigh, 9; Gettysburg 0.
Princeton, 27 j Wlllinma 0.
Rutgers, 44; Springfield, 13.
Ttue.knoll, 0; Muhlenberg, 39.
Carnegie Tech., 46; Hiram, 7.
Pittsburg, 42; Allegheny, 7.
Cornell, 4."i; Virginia, 0.
Bowdoin, T; Bates, 0.
LaFayette, 17; Pennsylvania, 0.
N. C. Aggies, 14; Navy, 12.
Michigan, 7; Syracuse, 14.
Army, 13; Villa Nova, 10.
Harvard, 13; Pennsylvania,
Oolgetc, 1.1; Vale, 0.
Miuuesota, 0; Illinois, 0.
Nebraska, lil ; Ames, 0.
Waud J i 14; Muskingum, 7.
Dartmouth, 20; Amherst, 0.
Indiana, 7; W. and L., 7.
Catholic U., 40; Delaware, 0.
Akron, 7; Wooster, 20.
Chicago, 11; Wisconsin, 13.
1 1
Chieago, Oct. HO. "With
5,IHM,U() men i our order, up
plied with explosive we will
blow up every church and other
dry proerty in Illinois to stop
Uie pcrmi'ution of saloons."
This message- came by letter
to Arthur Ksrwell, president of
til lw sml Order League to
day. It was signed "Matoew
Joaiphin, exeeutiva agent of
th uon church ami atiti prohi
bition league."
Oregon: lenerl
ly fair tonig'nt
nd Hunday, sad
westerly wind.
A Feeling of Profound Reluct
ance to Continue the War
Is Developing
Br J. W. T. Mason.
(Written for the United Press.)
New York, Oct. 30. Persistent
ports from the capituls of the central
allies suggest that a profouud reluct
ance to continue the war' la developiug.
The censorship of tho central allies
prevents newspaper discussions of dis
couraging developments permitted by
more democratic JJritain.
Despite the brave effort of the Teu
tonic armies and their frequent mic
cesses, no tangible end of tho war is in
sight, however. The scarcity of food is
unquestionably Berious for Germany
The British blockade, closing the Hoi
Innd gateway, is probably depressing
the Germans, and at the same time the
raids of British submnriues in the Bal
tic are further cutting off the Teutonic
supply of raw materials.
It is easy to lose sight of the adverse
forces while the Austro German urmies
are unbeaten, and perhaps unbeatable.
The internal situation, however, is no
less important than the external. With
out doubt the impressing seriousness nf
the internal situation is causing the
Germans to continue persistently to
search for a bnsis for peace.
Lincoln Junior High School
Enthusiastic In All Lines
of Work
Almost every girl in the Lincoln
junior high school has taken up domes
tic science work of her own accord, as
this course is optional. And the same
mny be said of the boys in regard to
tho manual training. The question ns
to whether practical training meets
with the wishes of the ISO pupil in this
school is answered by this almost unan
imous choice, as both manual training
and domostic science are optional.
Lincoln school also has the distinc
tion of having a girl for a yell leader
in their athletics, Miss Mabel (Inrdiier,
elected by the students. The selun
also score one on the other two junior
high schools in having two boys in the
conking department of domestic science,
I'nsHcIl Kverson and Hcrnnrd Ryan.
The student body of this school has
been organised and by popular election,
the following were named: President,
John Mull; vice-president, vtarren
Krasher; secretary and treasurer, Ma
bel (lardner; sergeant at arms, Vera
Drager; yell leader, Mabel Gardner.
The constitution and by-laws for the
school havo not been adopted but will
be reported In next week hy tne com
mittee consisting of II. P. Durhnm and
Miss Mildred Mi-liriiln of the faculty,
and Albert Huberts, Vern Drager and
Frank Drown for the students. The
class colors liro also to be selected next
week by the committee, Mabel (lardner,
Lenorn Hchlesler and Jul n it a Moorea,
In the matter of athletics, organisa
tions have been effected with '
Mull, president. Football, basketball
and baseball teams will be included.
For the girls, although they are not as
yet fullv organised, yet within a few
weeks their games of volley ball and
bnsketbsll will be under way. .
The first football team is now organ
ized with the following players: Roy
Barnes, right nd; Caryl Carson, right
tackle; John Mull, right guard and cup
tain; Warren Hrnsher, center; llarley
Needlinin, left guard; John Miller, left
tackle; Walter Hlumeiilierg, left end;
Clarence Larson, quarter baek; Frank
Rrown, right half: Klrby Arnold, left
half: fullback, Hugh Martin. The
team played Washington junior high
school several weeks ago, and the boys
are still explaining what happened to
Other activities of the school include
music under the direction of MU Mil'
er, physical drills fur the girls every
Friduy with Miss Ctisli, and setting uu
exercise for the boys, drilling under J.
E. Cooper.
In the domestic science work, sew-
ling is taught In the seventh grade,
rooking In the eighth and sewing with
maeuines in un us ii.-im hi m
.. .. i.. ii...
ine ninin araiiv, uiw bvhmm ,.ir .
I . . , a i i....... ......;..ll .,..
jiseiiooi, A rilimi linn im--ii rnjir. ,,i .--
pareu rnr coosiug nun new r.iipiiiciii
this year.
The pupils in the junior high school
of Lincoln number lfto, and the primary
grades 145. H. F. Durham, the princi
pal teachers aitriculturul, advanced his
torv and Knirlish, D. .. Cooper has
charge of all the mathematics for the
three upper grade. History and r.ug-
lish is taught by Mrs. May minon, ami
science by Miss Mildred McUride, who
also has charge of the library, assisted
by Juinits Moore iml Alt Johnson.
English nd Herman is taught by Mi"
With the new organisation of the
Lincoln Junior high m-hool and the e
eral student body activities Principal
Durhnm t confident that the coming
year will give good result, not only
in th high standard of work done, but
in the school' generil efficiency
through the influence of the itudeut
Russia Offers Bessarabia to Rumania For Permission to
Pass Through Her Territory Montenegrins InSict
Heavy Losses On Austrians Teutons and Bulgars
Form JunctionFrench Reported to Have Captured
Strumnitza and To Be Advancing On Bulgaria
Paris, Oct. 30 Rumania's permission
the Russiana to cross her territory to
Horbia is expected hourly.
Tho reported Potrograd offer to code
Bessarabia to Rumania for such per
miwiion ia believed to have won over
Rumania. Whether Rumania, will lend
active aid in the war against the Teu
tons is doubtful, but otliciuls hope she
will. While this ISlavio menace to the
Austro-dcrtuan advance in Horbia seems
imminent repented rumors' are heard
that Ureec is likely tn side with the
allies, although the Athens government
has given no definite word of her In
tentions. Coupled with the possibility of a Tins
siau overland caniphiu to bead off the
Teutons, came reports today of a vast
movement of troops by ma from, the
Russian ports of Odessa and Movaatopol
to Hulgnria.
Meantime tho struggle in Horbia
rages. The Montenegrins havo ombar
ritssed tho Austrian attack from the
wont by fierce flunk assaults. Taking
advantage of their mountain positions,
the Montenegrins are holding their own
and are inflicting terriblo losses on'the
Austrian engaged in ft special cam
paign against them.
While the llulgurs claim to control
the entire Timok valley, thoir success
in southern Heibia deiienda on the out
come of a battle wlncb . Aluon ma-
patr.hes reported Imminent neat Istih.
Tho French capture of Mtrumnitau,
southeast, of Istib, is holiuvad to bo In
cidental to the (Inllic bwooi from Hal-
onika, in an nttcmpt to clear southern.
Serbia of the Mulgara and to proceed
to the assistance of tho sorely pressed
Herb. ,
Meantime, the Anstroflermans and
tlulgars have inado a more complote
junction, according to new diapatc.iies,
by meeting lit Kgrt Pnliinkn in Koiith
eastern Harbin, a long way from the
point of their first meeting in north
eastern Heibia.
French Enter Bulgaria.
Rome, Oct. ltd A Junction of Austro
Oeruums and Bulgarians at Kgri Pal
anka, (50 mile southwest of Hol'ia was
riMiorted today from Hnlonika. Fight
ing was of unbelievable ferocity.
It was regarded as possible tht the
Good Attendance
. at Public Market
Although the closing of the bridge
cut off fully one-third of those who
would have attended the public market
and sale today, yet there wa an at
tendance nlmost as large a th first
sal of two weeks ago. Although the
attendance wa fair, the amount of
farm produce and farm products was
not quite ns largo as might be desired
for a successful market, Buyer were
plentiful, but not enough farm lmplv
ments were brought in for a big snle,
with the result that everything was sold
before noon. Besides the potatoes and
cabbnge and a fow other farm pro
ducts, cream separator, buggy, plow
and I fwe other farming Implements
were sold at reasonable prices.
The committee In charge announce
another sales day two week from to
day, ami urge farmers and those living
In town (o bring in articles nf house,
hold use of every nature, n these ere
always ready sale.
The booths at Liberty and Ferry
were doing a rushing business during
the morning hours. While the sale to
day was not as large as that of tw
weeks ago on account of the bridge be
ing closed, yet It is hoied by th com
mittee In charge that there will bo wnne
arrangement for crossing the river be
fore the next sales day, November 13.
Councilman Mills Now
Answers To "Grandpa"
Council in a n J. A. Mills was Informed
tod ii v that n son had arrived nt tin
home of Mr, and Mrs. Waldo Mills, of
Hood lliver. Waldo Mills ts the son of
('iiuni-iliniiii Mills and the grandfather
bears his honor with becoming dignity
He has become accustomed to being one
of the city's "dads" and feel justly
nrfiUil of hi enlargement of territory
The new arrival was a lusty II pound
youngster and the report say that nil
cum rrncil ire lining well.
"The Hooaler Schoolmaster" la wtthK0H, u,,t n the better of the punting
us once again, w no is innrn oi ""
native son of Indians, or Kokomn, who
his not read of the llooslcr school j
master and of his trouble In the coun
try district' Perhaps this I of the
generation of 30 year igo, but the
Itoonicri now living in Halem will st
least hiva th pleasure of recalling
tho day, a V Liberty theatre i
showing a film thi evening based on
th itorv so well known in the tuto
of J. Whitcoinb Klli-y.
Teuton had traversed, northeaetem
Serbia and reached the Bulgarian rail
way from which they mpdo their way to
Kgri Palanka. '
Athens dispatches also ehxlmed that
the Bulgarian have recap tm red Vele
which is about 50 miles southwest, of
Kgri Palanka and less than lin miles
south of linkup on the railway line)
leading to Salonika.
Unconfirmed reports told of French
occupation of Strumnit, followed by
au advance into Bulgarian territory.
' Italian Repulsed.
Vienna, Oct. 30. Italians have been
" mnguinarily repulmvl" along thcir
whole front according to tha war office)
today. Infantry attacks followed an
almost incessant artillery fire. Huge
!m.se were inflicted on the- Italians
along tho whole coastal front, whllo
tho Austrinua mainUiined their posi
tions, and now continue to attack witb.
undiminished violence.
Tho Italian offensive, though fnilitijf
of ruceoss thus far. ws characterized
as of "unprecedented violence."
Around Col Di Lana, especially Vio
lent attack continue . '
Russian Fleet on Way..;
Copenhagen, Oct. 30. A groat fleot
of Russian troop ships, accompanied by
cruisers, hns left Odessa and Hevnsto
pol for Hulgarla, according to private
Berlin advice today,
This dispatch of troopa foreshadows
early Russian assistance to the Serb
Hud. French in the struggle in the Ilnl
kan, That they will be used In Bulgaria to
check the drive of the Teutons acroea
to Turkey is bolicved here.
Claim Serbian Defeat
Amsterdam, Oct. SO. Defeat of tho
Serbian force throughout the Tlinok
valley by tho Bulgarian invadern was
claimed by the Hofia official statement
roeeived here early today. With num
erous points of the valley In their po
sesslnu, the Bulgarian ura pursuing
tho Herbian westward, the statement
Knthiiinstlc demonstration follow
ed the Bulgars' entry into . Negotln,
Ilr.ii Palanka and KniajevnU,
Pounded Through Michigan
Lines Steadily From Start
of Game
Fast Lansing, Mich., Oct. .10.
First quarter: Michigan Ag
gies, 0; Oregon, 7.
Heron, qunrter: Michigan, 0;
Oregon, 0.
Third qunrter: Michigan, 0;
Oregon, 7.
Fourth quarter: Michigan, 0;
O. A. C, It.
F.nd first half at Kent lie:
Washington, 14; Whitmaa, 0.
K nd first qunrter at Moscow:
W, H. ('., 14; Iduho, 0.
Fast Lansing, Mich., Oct. 30. The,
Oregni Aggies gave the Michigan Ag
gie the greatest surprise of tho season
this afternoon when hr pounding
through their lines consistently from
the start they piled up a wore of 20
to 0.
Abraham, Allen and Looey carried
the bull from the five yard line and
Abraham smashed over for a touchdown
almost before Michigan realised what
wits up. Cole kicked the goal. Mich
igan cume back strong to the three
yaid line but could not score.
During 'most of the second quarter,
the play wa In Oregon' territory. De
timtii failed at several attempted field
With Abraham turrlng, Urogoa
Plouuhed throuuh for a eCnad touch-
down in tho third quarter, Allon scor
ing. Abraham wa called on repeatedly
and always wa good for fiva to 15
yards. Cole kicksil goal. t
Oregon added another touchdown In
the final period. l'ing old rtyl" foot
bull entirely, her men tor through, Ab
raham scoring. Au attempt at kifklug
goal west wide, -