Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 29, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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2 for 25C COLLAR
Don't Get Wet
v and carry around a load
oi water ana a cold.
v Tower's Fish Brand
scat" $3.oo
sheds every drop.
$ I- Easy fitting and
'II h strong at every
tWrJtstV iod everv droD
W. from runnina in
at the front
f" Protector Hat, 75 ccntl
Satisfaction Guaranteed CWESy
... Bene tor catalog S-fc-E
A. J. TOWER CO. e jf"
(Polk County Observer.)
In tho extreme southwest corner of
Marion county, and adjoining the I
J.'olk county line, a large peppermint
growing project Is to bo started in the
very near future by W. ,1. Turnbridge,
and others, of Albany. Active opera
tions toward clearing the hind for the
project are already under way and
before next spring between 200 and
250 acres will be planted to mint. Mr.
'I'urnhridgo already has a few acres
pbinted and from the results of the
experiment he is Confident that he
"nn make a great success of the en-tr-rpiise.
There aro AOS acres in the
tract which will be prepared for
.planting, but it will not be possible
in prepare and seed more than 250
acres of this the first season. A don
ley engine hns been Installed on the
pi uce and construction lias been start
ed on five cottugcg for laborers. It is
estimated that from 10 to "5 men will
be employed on tho propoct at ull
Aggies At Lansing to Play
Michigan Aggies-Other
Sporting News
Eugene, Ore., Oct. 28. The Oregon
university football team completed
training today for the game with the
Willamette university at Salem tomor
row. Conch Bezdek is said to have a lot of
new plays to be tried out on the Motbo
dists. It is generally conceded that Oregon
will win, but Coach Bezdek ia taking no
chances, as the Willamette won two
years ngo when the dope showed they
liitln 't have a chance.
Madison, Wis., Oct. 29. With snappy
D'gnal practice today, Wisconsin's elev
en But into fine condition for tomor
row's important game with Chicago uni
versity. The team is considered perteet
ly trained and Wisconsin rooters are
aroused to a high pitch of enthusiasm
over the prospects of bringing a "big
nine" championship to Wisconsin.
When the Bndgers meet Chicago, they
will have. 1,000 rooting for them in the
stands. ' Fully that number of tickets
had been purchased today.
Moscow, Idaho, Oct. 29. After work
ing hard on a defensive intended to
withstand the assaults of Doane, Bangs
and Carl Diet., the l.'uiversity of Idaho
team contented itself with a light work
out in preparation for the game with
Washington Mate college here tomor
row. The tearing plunges of Coach Diet?.'
three huskies has demoralized all of the
teams with which W. S. C. hus played
this season.
Although Jackson and Callahan still
have strained shoulders, they will prob
ubly bn in the game tomorrow bear
ing the brunt of the attack ou the Ida
bonus. '
Be Better Looking Take
Olive Tablets
Ballon, Minn., Oct. 29. Mr. and Mrs.
John B. Sliequin today celebrated the
Hovonty-seventh anniversary of their
marriage, lie is 10..
Eugene, Ore., Oct. 2H. The Univer
sity of Oregon team is negotiating to
day for a game with the University of
Southern California on November 0 in
l.os Angeles. Oregon has submitted
terms and only an acceptance from
Hciithern California is needed to insure
the game, it is said.
If your skin la yellow complexion
pauia toneue coaxea appetite poor '
you hava a bad tax In your mouth
Uty, no-rood feeling you should take
Ottva Tablets.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablet a sub
stitute for caloml were prepared by
Dr. Edwards aftr 11 years of study
With bis patients.
' Pr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a pure
ly vegetable compound mixed with olive
oil. i gii will knew them by their olive
If you want a dear, pink akin, bright
eyes, no pimples, a feeling- ot buoyaucr
like chlldhooa days, you must get at tbt
' Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act on the"
fiver and bowels like calomel yet have no
dangerous after effects,
aThey start the bile and overcome con
stipation. That's -why millions of boxes
are sold annually at 10a and Sic per box.
All druggists,
Take one or two nightly and note the
pleasing results.
, The Olive TablefrCompany, Columbus. f
ation in the east since coming home for
the winter.
. It is his belief, however, that the re
ported combination would be the savior
of baseball, asserting that unless some
radical move is mado the National
league will be on the rocks before an
other 12 months.
rortland, Ore., Oct. 29. Fielder
Jones, famous baseball leader, would
not admit today that In case the Na
tional and federal leagues combine, he
will manage one of the combined teams,
but the rumor would not down.
In fuet, Fielder denied that he had
heurd anything about tho baseball situ-
fan Francisco, Oct. 29. Willie Meeh
an stopped Fred Rutgers in the second
round of a four round bout here las'
night. Median's windmill tactics be
wildered Rutgers.
Eeast Lansing, Mich., Oct. 29. The
Oregon Agricultural college football
team arrived here today in its spedial
ear, for the game tomorrow with the
Michigan Aggies. The westerners were
somewhat tired out but expect to bo in
tiptop shapo tomorrow.
More Troops Sent
To Guard Douglas
Washington, Oct. 28. Two infantry
regiments from El Paso and two bat
teries of the Sixth field artillery from
Nogales, Ariwinn, were today ordered
to reinforce the American garrison at
Nognles, where a battle impends. They
will arrive Friday.
A squadron of the 10th cavalry was
ordered to Nueo, Arizona, to prevent
Mexicans from crossing the border.
Edmonton, Alberta, Oct. 29. One
month from today rural free delivery
in the arctic circle will begin. Curriers
will leave on December 29, January 29
nnd February 25 with otiier mails, des
tined to the land of the midnight sun,
going ns fur as possible by railroad,
thence by stage, and finally by dog
sled. Mail will lie delivered to squat
ters. Bottler nud prospectors, as well as
adventurers, whoso addresses are
A Small Difference
Will lift your Clothes into a higher class, and enhance
your whole personality.
Every season we unfold this truth to the satisfaction
of those men who for the first time invest in our
Bishop's All Wool Suits and
The following season they demand this make of Clothes
as a matter of course. Our splendid reputation for sound
values has Iecn built by "delivering the goods." ,
Your inspection is invited. We want you to know these
. Baat
Yale vs. Colgate, at New Ha
ven. .
- Harvard vs. Pena. Bute, at
. Princeton vs. Williams, at
Princeton .
Cornetl vs. Virginia Tech, at
Ithica. .
Army va. Yltfanova, at West
Navy vs. Buekoell, at Anna
polis. .
Pennsylvania . v. Lafayette,
at Philadelphia.
Brown vs. Vermont, at Prov
Idonae, Pitt vu. Allegheny, at Pitta
burg. Dartmouth vs. Amherst, at
Amherst. ,
t & M. vs., Susquehanna, at
John . Hopkins vs. Swarth
more, at Balto.
Tufts vs. Mass., Aggies, at
Medford. . .
Maino vs. Colby, at Arono.
VT,.' 4; . .vs. Muskingum, at
. Chicago i.va, . Wisconsin, at
Illinois vs. Minnesota, at Ur
bana. . Iowa State vs. Nebraska, at
Michigan vs. Syracuse, at
Ann Arbor.
Indiana vs. Wash-Lee, at In
dianapolis. Mich. Aggies vb. Oregon Ag
gies, at K. L.
Ohio U. vs. Marietta, at
Missouri vs. Kansas Aggies,
at Columbia.
Notre Dame vs. 8. Dak. U.,
at N. Dakota.
Oklahoma vs. Kansas, at Nor
man. Butler vs. Wabash, at Indi
anapolis. DePauw vs. Earlham, at
Marquette vs. Lawrence, at
Western Reserve vs. Denison,
at Cleveland.
Drake' vs. Washington TJ., at
The Census Bureau estimates tbat
300,000 babies died in this country last
year before, the age of one year, and it
is stated that one-half of these deaths
were needless if all mothers were
strong and infants were breast-fed.
Expectant mothers should strive to in
crease their strength with the strength
building fats in Scott's Emulsion which
improves the blood, suppresses ner
vousness, aids the quality of milk, and
' feeds the very life cells. :
Physicians prescribe Scott s Eraut
ion; it if doubly important during
nursing. No alcohol. Every druggist
has It. Insist 011 Scott's thr white
food medicine. Ho advanced prices.
Scott Bowse. Bloemneld. M J. ss-a
Bishop'g All Wool Suits-in ten
different models and all of the lat
est designs,
$13.00, $20.00, $25.00
Illue Serge Suits in the 18 ounce
weight, absolutely all wool and
fast color, exceptional value at
Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes
in the 'Varsity 55 model, and other
more conservative shapes all
$20.00, $25.00, $30.00
Overcoats of all styles and
lengths, Cravanette Raincoats, Iial
macaan and Rubberized Coats
$5.00 t $25.00
All Wool Under
wear in 2 pieces
and Union Suits
$1.00 to $5.00
Just Wright
Dress Shoes in
the English and
high too lasts,
$ 1.50 to $5.00
fine lunch was served and every body
had a social four hours of it. That
is always the way at Williams'. It's
the place to go if you want a good
D. M.
It is an unusual thing for a druggist
to sell medicine under a guarantee to
refund the money if it does not cure.
Yet this is the way Dnnial J. Fry, the
popular druggist, is selling Mi-o-na, the
standard dyspepsia remedy.
Never before has he had so large a
number of customers tell him that a
medicine' has been successful as with
Mi-o-na. People who a few months ago
looked like walking skeletons have put
on flesh and today. are ruddy and vig
orous with perfect digestion and good
There is no longer any need for any
one suffering or making their friends
suffer on account of dyspepsia. Mi-o-na
can always be relied upon. The per
centage of cures is so great that there
is little risk to Duniel J. Fry in guar
auteoiiig to return the money if the
medicine does not relieve. And he
stands ready to do so without any questions.
Headaches, all forms of indigestion,
specks before the eves, dizzy feeling
poor sleep, ringing in the ears and all
forms of liver trouble are helped by
Mi-o-na. A few days' treatment should
show considerable gain In health while
a complete cure often follows rapidly.
These days are the beat in the whole
year for the enjoyment of good health,
and Mi-o-na wlli put you in such perfect
condition that you can enjoy every
minute of them.
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Fruitand, Oct. 29. Mrs. Mary W.
McFnrlane, a former resident, viBitcd
here Sunday coming over from Corvn!
lis where she iiua for more than a year
been attending O. A. C. Mrs. Me Far
lane is a teacher of experience, having
seiit several years la educational work.
She has just lately secured her degree
of H. S. from the school at Corvallis.
Siio exwts to continue her studies
there. ; Who.', theso are finished Bhe
will secure work as instructor in some
technical branch. Mr. McFarlane died
hero two years ago.
The School board has installed a new
heater which is a much needed improve
ment. ,1. J. Coleman has sold his farm here
nml will movo to Hulls Ferry. Mr. L.
Otterbcin, I am told, will move onto
the premises In a few days, having
routed the proerty.
When ilenry ' Lebnbue returned
late from Sulem he found a stranger
occupying the house, he having picked
the lock ami uyidc himself at home.
Upon being asked what he was "doing
here" ho replied by snooting out one
of the front window litfhta. The shot
whs meant for llor.ry put fortunately
went wild, Uoury's "bub was not load
ed and, by tho ti me ne had slipped in
a shell: the iutrudcr bad vanished. ' I
will state Henry is a bachelor and whea
lu is away the' house is empty. Wetter
get married and iot leave the house
so lonesome.
Mrs. Henry Hones, of near Turner,
visited relatives here Wednesday.
Your correspondent personally knew
the lute Dr. C. U Ransom, who was
lost while cm a hunting trip and whose
dead body was found a few days ago
in Wyoming, It is a sad case. The doc
tor spent his earlier years at the fam
ily home in Turner where his father,
Dr. J. W. Kausom was a well known
and successful physician. Clayton Ran
som was a young man of promise, a
diligent student, taking his medical de
gree from Willamettp university. He
was for years the physician for the
Curtis Lumber company at Mill City,
betide conducting a private hospital
and sanitarium. Hi many friends ex
tend sympathy to the surviving rela
tives ia Uiii nU bereavement.
Tuesday evening a large jrathering
assembled at the pleasant heme of
Mr. and Mr. W, Williaina at upper
Frultland. Most alt the young people
of U community wera present. A
Simple Home Treatment Destroys Germs
of This Dangerous Disease,
The reason why so many people who
suffer from Catarrh never seem able
to get cured is that they are continu
ally seeking the momentary relief of
sprays, douching, greasy creams, oint
ments, etc. Such things do open up
the swollen nostrils and clear the head
temporarily, besides stopping for a
while the disgusting blowing, hawking,
spitting and choking, but they never
cure. To drive out Catarrh for ood
you have got to get down to its real
cause. Catarrh is a germ disease. The
air is always full of catarrh germs
thrown off by one person and absorbed
by another and when the system does
fail to throw off such germs they find
permanent lodgement in the nose,
throat and head and multiply rapidly.
The germs of catarrh can be best
destroyed by inhaling the pure medi
cated air of Hyomei (pronounced High-o-me).
This splendid and powerful
combination of oil of Eucalyptus with
other healing agents has a wonderful
germicidal action. You breathe its air.
into your nose, throat and lungs by
means of a small hard rubber inhaler
which Daniel J. Fry and other leading
druggists here in Salem and vicinity
supply with every treatment. This
medicated arr is certain death to the
germs of Catarrh and drives them com
pletely out of your system and when
the germs are destroyed the catarrh
with all its disagreeable symptoms will
stop. Even two or three minutes use
will give refreshing relief, while, if
you will use it tow or thdee times a
day for a few weeks it will completely
banish catarrh and every symptom of
catarrh. As Hyomei is pleasant to
breathe and is always sold by drug
gists everywhere with a positive guar
antee of successful results or money
back, surely no catarrh sufferer should
go long before trying this simple home
Servant Girl Admits
the Child Was Hers
Portland, Or., Oct. 29. Confessing
that she is tho mother of the newly
born girl found, wrapped In a news
paper under a seat in a local moving
picture house late Wednesday, but de
claring that the infant wfis dead at
birth, Miss Manfnm Fuchs, agod 23,
,an Austrian servant girl, is being de
tained by the police today.
A claim by Miss Fuchs that she Is
heir to an estate of $10,000,000, loft by
a seafaring uncle who died seven
months ago, hns also caused her sister,
airs. Man heiiert, to swear out a
warrant charging her. with insanitv.
Miss Fuchs ws arrested in connec
tion with the finding of the child's
body through tho suspicions of Miss
Weaver, her landlady. ,
Miss Fuchs claims that she left the
body in the theatre because Bhe did
not have the funds with which to give
it uiu-iiu.
Liberty Bell To
Start For Home
San Francisco, Oct. 29. San Fran
cisco will relinquish ita guardianship of
tno jjiuerty oeu iiovemoer 11. All the
formalities and reveronce which mark
ed its entrance into its temporary rest
ing place in the Pennsylvania building
at the Panama-Pacific exposition will
mark ita departure.
The special joint committee which
accompanied the bollrom Philadelphia
will arrive November 9 for the return
trip. Tho bell will be taken via the
southern route, stopping, among other
palces at Los Angeles and San Diego.
San Francisco will pay its farewell
tribute to the Liberty bell on November
10, which will he "Liberty Bell Fare
well day" at the exposition. Decked in
wreaths, the bell will be taken from
the Pennsylvania building to a point
... ui- lunvr vi ueweis. An es
cort of United States marines, the ex
position directorate, the joint Philadel
phia committee, the local Liberty bell
committee and 4S children representing
th states of the I'nion will form a
guard of honor.
Charles Seger, chairman of the joint
Philadelphia committee, will preside
and Governor Johnson, Mayor Rolph of
San Francisco, and several distinguish
ed foreign commissioners will speak.
November 11 an escort of soldiers, sail
ors and marines will accompany the bel
to Its special car.
New Styles
H Ht
New Shoes arriving .daily by freight and
express as fast as the new nes are de
signedthey are made and shipped to us.
- Do not buy until you have seen the "new
ones." Our Shoes in all lines are meet
ing with such success that it is impossible
for us to have old shoes. Many large ship
ments are sold out in one week. Our stock
is now more complete than it will be at
any time during the whole season. Hun-
. dreds of styles in new button boots for
Ladies, party pumps in all the new crea
tions, Men's button and lace shoes in all
t "
the new styles. See the new white piped
button boot, turn and welt for Ladies,
both patent and dull kid at
$5.00 and $6.00
any style shoe in our stock made up in
Big line of party slippers, patent, dull
kid, white and black satin with all the
new ornaments '
$2.50 to $5.00
Salem's Only High Class
Exclusive Shoe Store
Phone 6,16
LADD and
Itching Torture Stops
It Is unnecessary for you to suffer
with ecsema, ringworm, ra.-he and sim
ilar skin troubles. A little letuo, aotten
at any druj store Cor S.V. or $1.00 for
extra larr bottle, and promptly applied
will usually give Instant rvli.-f from Itch
ing torture. It clitroe and soothe th
kin and heals quickly and eftevtirelr
mot skin diMMtsr. '
. SJerno is a wonderful diuppesring liquid
and doe not smart thmt delicate skin.
It Is not greasy, is envly ppl,M an I
coots little. Uet it today aud sava all
further disirvw.
2tuM, Clerelani.
"No One To Blame
Say State Authorities
Tcabody, .Mnss., Oct. 29. Less than a
day after the fire in the St. Johns par
ochial school cost 22 children's lives,
state authorities today completed their
Investigation into the holocaust, finding
"none criminally responsible." Acting
Chief Ueorge Nenl of the state police,
who announced the verdict, said the fir
started from matches in boys conts in a
A public funeral service will be held
iu St. Johns church tomorrow within a
stone's throw of the ruined school.
Lleyen coffius will be taken to church
at 10:30 and the others an hour lator.
JRev. Nicholas Murphy, wh u
down yesterday, said he would tosivj
one service if he had to be earn
from the .altar.
Always cheap and always
dependable a Journal
Want Ad
II I I . . ., MA
iwmh or i
Try a Leg of Lamb
for Sunday dinner. Select It i" J
It wlU be as sweet and tender a
taa be. For our lamb is real lama, "
yearling or young: mutton. " ?
what yo pay for at tbii
both quality-aud quantity.
Independent Market
157 a Commercial St.