THE DAILY CAPITAL JOIPVL. SALEM. OREGON, FRIDAY, OCT. 29, 1915 THREE 1 :.::k fi Another Lot Tailored Suits, FurTrirmned Suits. Seat Plush Coats Just Received Only 50 in the lot, our New York buyer made a very close purchase. You can save from $5 to $10 on any garment in this lot. You can see for yourself the difference in price between what we ask and other stores. We would strongly advise intending buyers of Coats and Suits to investigate. i- Tailored Suits, $7.90, $9.90, $12.90, $14.90 ALL WORTH DOUBLE Seal Plush-Persian Lamb Coats . $6.90, $11.90, $14.90 Groceries Groceries Groceries Come and look through our Grocery stock ami get our prices. We can save you money. , MILLINERY BARGAINS Great $1.50 Velvet Sailor Shapes now 79c $2.50 and $3.50 Trimmed Hats to close out . . ' $1.49 and $1.98 SHOES, RUBBERS AND RAINCOATS " All specially priced for this week's f ast selling. WOOLEN UNDERWEAR, BLANKETS AND. COMFORTS Piled out on our Bargain Counters. Prices small. Sffii CLUB I, Declares That Attempt To Get Preferential Rates "Is Unfriendly Ad" F0SLAM READILY SOOTHES , HEALS. AILING According to resolution parsed at th meeting of the. Commercial club Wednesday evening, any efforts on the part of the Portland l.nrabormeu 'a association, or the effort of auy other bod-, to pain a preferential freight rate over point in the -.Willamette valley, will be looked npon a deliberately un friendly. " The effort of the Portland Chamber of Commerce to aeeure a lumber rate ino California, equal to that of points in the center, and southern iirt of the valley was the cause of thin rcso- lution being introduced. The resolution in full is as follows: Whereas, The lumber industry is one of the largest in the Willamette, valley, and that the pay roll in suid business in and near the city of 8uleni, is approxim ately $13,000 per month, aud, Whereas, The wclfnrn and prosper ity of this eommunity is largely depend-' ent upon the continued and successful operation of the lumber industry in the Willamette valley, and, Whereas, Until June 21, 1H15, there was a differential rate of 2 1-2 cents (per 100 pounds) in favor of Portland mills and nguiust the Willamette val ley mills on all shipments of lumber to r.tah points, and, Whereas, It is a shorter haul from Willamette valley mills to points in northern California and into Utah, than .Use Toslam when the complexion' is unduly inflamed. When tormented by itching skin; , When pimples, hives, rashes, or like' troubles annoy; i I Wheu the feet ate itching, chafed or I blistered; Wheu eczema, acne, salt, rheum or any itching skin disease affects; j Wslnm soothes, cools, comforts, re-, lievea burning,, smarting and itching. Works rapidly in restoring the skin to normal and presentable- appearance. And if ordinary soups irritate, try Poslain Soanl medicated with Poslam and superior for daily use on the slrin. ror samples, send -to stamps to Kmor geney Laboratories, 32 West 5th St., New- York City. Bold by all Ih-uggists. SILKS AND WOOLEN DRESS GOODS Specially priced for this week's selling. The Greater CHICAGO j STORE from Portland, Oregon, over the South ern Pacific, Hnilrond company line, and. Whereas, The Portland Lumbermen 's association and others within the city of Portland are athtcmpting to have re established a differential rate in favor of Portland mills in disparagement of the Willamette valley mills, and, Whereas, The city of Portland is only one part of the body politic, of the state of Oregon, and the welfare and growth and continued prosperity jof the city of Portland is dependent up i on tho growth, advancement nud pros perity of the state of Oregon, now therefore be it Hesolved, By the Commercial club of the city of Snlom, Marion county, Oregon, in gcnernl meeting assembled on this the 27th day of October, 1915, that any and all efforts of the Port land Lumbermen's association, or other i botly, or organ, to gain & preforerftial i frciirht rate over other points within tho state of Oregon, anil particularly the Willamette valley, in interstate shipments of lumber, lumber products or other commodities, will bo looked upon as deliberately unfriendly and in derogation of the welfare of the state at large, be it further Resolved, That a copy of this rosolu- 0. J. Rose Gets Five Years la Pen For Embezzling $3,200 O. .1. Rose, the man whose mind sud-' denly went blank in this city Inst : spring and who was later identified as a refugee from justice, was sentenced to five years in the pen according to i a letter received at the sheriff's office' today from Deputy Sheriff T. A. John-j son, of Huehanaii county, Missouri, i Johnson was the deputy sent out to I this state to return Hose to St, Joseph! for trinl. The trial lusted nine days I aud the jurv retnr.ied a verdict of guil-1 ty October 22. i ' Hose made his escape with .1,200 which he had drawn on drafts from a wholesale grocery house- where he was employed and came to tho Pacific const after traveling through several Huron-j can countries posing as a wealthy Am erican tourist, yis wife died of grief after he left St. Joseph, but Hose did not know of this until tlio deputy ar rived hero from St. Jotiejdi to take viie man in custody. Eose, it will bo remembered, arrived in Salem one night and after eating his breakfast, the following morning his mind went blank and he did not even know bis natno when ho was reported to tho officers. Ho was taken to the receiving hospital for the asylum Mid the next morning about. 2 o'clock he made his enenpe In his night clothes and, lre footed, made it across coun try to Gervais where ho was captured and returned to the asylum, lie, re covered in n few days and was taken back to the county jail. A SMALL EARTHQUAKE. CLOTHING Has its Individuality, and every suit is made for J ust That Man. We specialize in all form-of clothing, to fit the hard to fit. Give us a trjal. We guarantee every purchase. SHOES Our well known and worthy Crawford Shoe Line is complete detail. m every Buy before it rains at Brick Brothers The house that guarantees every purchase, Corner State aud Liberty Convicted by Pals He Pleads Asheville, N. ('., Oct. 29. Two earth-, quake Knocks, felt generally in this vicinity, early today aroused inhabit ants front their sleep, but did no dam age, ns far as reported this afternoon. tion be sent to the Commercial club of the city of Portland and to the Kvening Telegram, Oregoniun, Portland, Journal aud State Railroad commission. Kan lliego, Cul., Oct. 2!). -Julia (Inr cia, aged lit, of this city, is out ou pro bation today instead ol tigtiting a charge of burglary. And the reason he is out, still-ting to keep u. promise to hehnvo a year, is that he was adjudged by a jury of alleged felons In the Snn liiego county lull: Ho hud a regular troul in the ''felony tank" with the 12 ullcged felons acting as jurors, with uuother alleged- felon sitting as judge anil with others acting as his uey and prosecutor. (lareia had mude a plead of not guilty nt his preliminary examination. When he entered tho jail tho fellow prisoners suggested thut a mock trinl li(,nltl be held tv see whether he should change the pleu. He u greed and tho trial huh held, the ense being based on the transcript of tho proceedings ut our cin's premlninry examination. There was uo joking, everything being carried out with judicial exactness. The jury boou declared (lurcia guilty, and, with out wuiling to consult bis attorney, ho went before Jndgo Lewis und changed his plea. Then came a plea for proba tion. Uurcia's father and friends mid ho had been a good boy und would bi' have if he had a good chance to turn over the leaf. And tho judge gave him the chunce. I m . Briand Is Forming New French Cabinet Paris, Oi't. 2i. Aitislide Hiinnd on whose shoulders fulls the task of form- attor-jing a new cabinet for Frunee following resignations of tho entire body, sum moned candidates for portfolios for i meeting at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Meantime President Poincnre formal ly ucceptod Premier Vlviuni ' resigna tion and tho entire cabinet went nut, with him. The Invitation given to Dri ll nd yesterday to select a new group wns formally extended today. The crisis in tho nation's affairs ac tually occurred yesterday, but for ad ministriitivo reasons, Viviunl asked tliu-t bis retirement be delayed until today. mi cm 10 ways been to servo this vicinity to the' says. fullest extent,-" said one of the most J" no.t thought probable that any . . , .i . .i Pf the WBr bollli8 Wl11 bo taken by So- prominent Dangers in """v lem people, although they are admit find Plenty of Opportunities For Investment of Surplus At Home - ted by local capitalists to be a good and safe investment. Young Girl Walks From Denver Through Capitals Make your food more tempting with Cottolene II w and while we have opportunities at home no efforts will be made to sub scribe to foreign loans. The money that might be spent for bomb Bhells might be used to erect a few new buildings 'in Salem." Since the Salem banks are profo. .it nnlir ln.lka III fllfl PnillttV tht . : :."; .nKuoriha to l. Miss Phyllis Skrehot, who left Den foreign loan to any great extent it is' er, Colo., January 11, of this year, o safe to say that no Marion county I make a visit of all the state capitals, coins will add to the finance, needed ; rrivM In Salem yesterday and m for the struggle across the water. j Pyl time hit night hy selling The war loans were underwritten lnj;P' Journals on the street A girl New York by the great banks in that l' a, n?TT,tJr h,ll,'.m ut citT who depend upon the banks ""c" ,to h'l other states to take up par, of , h.; "j ZZ I nun in anv Quantity desired. Joans to. . ... . In spite of the fact that Salem and 0f- the allied powers-and to Oor- hp- ou(f)t nj g . -Marion county banks have been flood-, many and Austria have been under- H)g fm.eni 2,515 niilcs to fan Tran d with letters, telegrams and attrac- written in New York and are now ,'e-jciWll w1Pre ,ile remained two months tive folders relative to war loans i ing offered to tue smaller uauss oi b,.f(,r Martr,1K nrtfa. From Olympit; Marion county money will romain inj nation. .. . I she will go to Boise and to Suit Lake! this vicinity to aid in promoting tne, ine projionai iu " - hnps to reach tbo :aidule west tms best interests of the eommunity rather; came from a well known banking ..tcr. i,.: .... -u . ! an.... nf rhicnim. This nartii-ular bond , , m. iibo uvin? senL uuruaii atwiui.K i the bankers of this city, "The policy of Salem banks has al- For making cakes, pies and pastry-for all shortening and frying-Cottolene is supreme. Cottolene is an exact combination of the purest, richest, most carefully refined cottonseed oil and the choicest beef stearine obtained from selected, high grade leaf beef suet Cottolene is itself one of the purest of pure foods. Cottolene makes foods more digestible more wholesome makes them taste better. Use it for every kind of shortening and frying and for making cakes and pastries. KEtr THE KIDNEYS WELL Health Is Worth Baring, ftnd Some Balem People Know How to Save It, l house is attempting to raise approxi-1 j,. ft If . matcly $50,000,01)0, and represents only, Rflg nUll a small part or tne iosn mi "i. According to the letters received by local bankers, Italy offers to pay fiva per cent interest on the loan, the same to be secured by government toi . By Fall From Horse V"'': London, Oct 29. King George i siifferinu from severe hruim-s duo to a i ine uermun sic m n.... - . -- ,ul. . 9 on terms even morn flattering than of-'cinl atinouucement today, fered by Italy. The Herman loan is: Tho king is confined to his bed, but b"steiXSf,S ffi'SrrSi rsi-jK--is ey, WhP1I they know these organs neen per ceni, . I'-'-"- " " t-"n.-fc , loan The accident occurred yesterday kelp. Weak kidney, are responsible! toher , jut . BJ? Vo? ne for wl.ilc the king w. ins,ti.,g the srmv for a vast amount of suffering and ill, The bonds are " hf. L, thlin the field in northern France, ids ances that no complication are ex- MANY BAILORS WILL QUIT. health the slightest delay is danger- eacn Jwu v " mount cited bv the cheers of ous. Use Doan '. Kidney Pills a rem- Oermsn bonds yield '"J'"""0 trooi, reared and fell, throwing ly that has heltied thousand, of kidney eight per cent, with Oerman ar.fc fc. off 'ifferers. Here is a Balem citizen's, at normal rates, dui wi "For tho tire.ent," be inii.t remain recommendaUon: I low rate at wniro " - ia bed, but h1; W. C. John.ton, gardener, 1021 Mill selling, the .profit rro " ances treet, Salem, savi: "After several; basis alone is 10 per cent, the '', pected, medicine, had failed to help me, sets out. Au example w e,,'d usea Tn.. K-ln.. Pill, .nd ffot oreat 4000 marks bond selling at M relief from kidney and bladder trouble, exchange rates for MA wh 1 . i or. n I still use Doan'i Kidney Pil, once inlnsry time neh bd, equi a while when a back and kidnevs tions become disord inick reHef. Ynn mar eontinu pub- , .v. .!..;,. .i t niu.m'o. -u. ........i , lacy Fills before. ' - .rr- - . ... - - " -' - -- r; . . " . Tsei ' " Afir th firm yrnr ui r-- urn lur inw wiiiurrrinvn. ui vnti tv .ir T'. ! , ,Ilirt savincs bank deo of '" i the rigid phy.i.-sl rrxp.irenientn. It is mply ..a for a kulney remedy-g e t, .avmg. W l J loan. Kidaejr t Wllh. that, , ,mount ,ri,.,n ,,.v, rW,b p hoI of Prop. Buffalo N T 't" sfflWfMfiW marks," the circular r.,smg ,h. examinations. Jj' fun hVancisco, Oct. 2S. Many thor lfl , i .. . . .. i -i i. eold settles ia myjllOOO in United Watea money, woul.'j !0Ughly comtciit and experience! able vs and the kidney secre-ieost 52, showing sn additional proiit, fn ,,Unning to abandon their isnnlrred- I always ffetlon exchange to the investor or fi5. rnlliiin when the seamen's act goes inte Vn rnTy" eontinu pub- In the eircul.r the '"' w" !hJ November 4. This is due, say lishi.. h. I hav-aivenl of (iermsny U estimated at ';' '"V litel Htate. .tea.iuh.p nic,t4,r. D.iaa'i Kidaer Pill. hefrTre." 000. and the population a For a quarter of a century Cottolene has been growing steadily in favor. It is not offered as a substitute or as being "just as good" as other shortening and frying fats. It is an original product and better than anything else that you can use for shortening or frying. Insist on getting real Cottolene. Cottolene is ready for use as you take it from the pail It creams up beautifully and blends readily with the flour. Use a third less of Cottolene than of any other shortening or frying fat You can use it over and over for frying. Cotto lene does not .bsorb tastes or odors. Always heat Cottolene slowly. Pails of various sizes, to serve your convenience. Arrange with your gro cer for a regular supply. Write our General Offices, Chicago, for a free copy of our real cook book "HOME HELPS." I V GSIZEFAIRBANKESiE fey "Cottolene makes good cooking better" .y " '