FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES CIRCULATION IS OYER 4000 DAILY ; . J.i ATS.- -A nj o o ii! n on THIRTY-EIGHTH. YEAR SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1915 PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AND NEW 8 STANDS FIVE CENTS She Tk I I II 111 If V MM I- . I I VJ 11 A..A.A A AAA. r . -. i . , i.( i J 1 1 K 1 I fl 1 - .7 111 VI LI II Kfl t g -W I i M 1 t 1 II lituuui jynii u uiuuut GERMANS TO M A MILLION MORE TURKS If German Drive Through Serbia Is Not Checked An Army of a Million Turks Will Be Armed by Germany to. Fight the Allies-French "and English Will Make Strenuous Effdrts to Prevent This and Russia May Land Troops to Aid Them Paris, Oct. 29. Serbia seems doomed. Invasions of her territory by Teuton n nd Bulgnr forces have proceeded re morselessly. The allies are preparing li tremendous attempt to stop their on va.nl movement before tiiey reach their fjiml Constantinople but indications jKiiirt to this struggle occurring on either Bulgarian or Turkish soil, after Hie central allies steam roller has pass ed over Serbia. To halt the Teutons and Bulgars be t'ore they strike into Constantinople, InO.OOO French and 13,000 British are cither at Salonika or heading north ward. t May Invade Bulgaria. furthermore a Russian finding on Hie Bulgarian BInck sea const is be- lieveil imniiueiit. The Russian fleet has I bombarded Varna and this may be only a forerunner of the landing. I Meantime, German munitions for thegnria, instead of moving northward tof riirKs are reported aireuuy uemg senincip the shattered Serbs, overland from northwestern Serbia,! It is predicted here that the Serbs where the Austro-Oermnns and Bulgars will soon split up in small bands and re have joined hands, into Bulgaria to the sort to a guerilla warfare to harry the uunrcst railway .for Constantinople, j invaders as much as possible.. National Committee Meets Dec. 14 to Select the Convention City By N. C. Clark. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) New York, , Oct. 29. Republican forces are lining up for 1916. The na tional committee will meet in Wash ington December 14 to select a conven tion city for next year and to mobilize the hosts for the presidential year cam paign, Chairman Hilles of the com mittee, announced today. He indicated t lie main lines of the campaign to re more the republicans to power will be: An attack on the tariff. Criticism of the administration's bundling of Mexico and European for eign affairs. Charges that the democrats failed to I eep their economy and otoer platform pledges including the single term. Attacks on the ship purchase bill and t lior administration measures. "There is no lack of Interest in the r:ice," Hilles declared. "It compares fiivonably with four years ago. In some states,' with 'favorite sons,' things are letting lively. "True, the situation differs from the List two or three decades. From a o roui) of nossibilities then, there is now jio outstanding leader. Whether this, nltuation will continue until the open-; trig of the convention or whether there1 v ill be a simmering down of candidates cmnot be stated. An active organization is In the field for Burton, Weeks, Cummins, Borah, .smith -and Sherman. Such active or re-1 neptive candidates as Hughes, Root,! Knox, Fairbanks and Governor Brum bnugh. of Pennsylvania, have strong foUnwinirt. ipl. i i.ti .i- c.!";L0T,1 ,,. . " .- . " l, ..J runes- nrrenrion was rnnwi iu i.-,,,-. MM Pome folks hive way o' Join' noth in' that kin hardly b distinguished from work. Th' the-atrical companies that used tluome t' town an' rejuven ate th' hut tel now arrive ia a reel as' 6 aUaight t' th' the atef. These, it is estimated, will reach the Turkish troops next week. There are prosicts, too, that the in vaders will soon control the Belgrade Constantinople road, across Serbia for their recent advances have shown steady, progress toward such an end. Such control will niean speeding up shipments to the Turks, who, it is es timated, can put 1,000,000 more mon in the field if proper equipment is at hand k Would Attack Allies' Bear. Such an addition would prove for midable, particularly if the junction with the Teutons were completed. With the additional forces prepared for battle, the Turks would be in a position to attack the allies in the rear unless the allies stop the advance. This explains the necessity for the allies to striko eastward into Turkey ami Rut- that in many places, the progressives are returning to the O. O. P. avowedly ror tno purpose or forcing colonel Roos evelt 's nomination. '.'No such reports have reached us.'1 'he Baid. "There is no evideuce to substantiate them. Illinois, for instance, where the progressives have returned to the republican party, will give its dele gation to Sherman, I believe and has no intention of turning to Roosevelt. It is the same elsewhere, where there are 'favorite sons,' "Do you think it is possible for Roos evelt to capture the republican nomina tion f" I asked. "That is a possibility I do not care to discuss," Hilles answered. The chairman was positive thnt Taft will not bo a candidate. He declared Iho former p'resident is enjoying life i-.nd would not resume the burden of public office under any circumstances. Though believing that the ill-feeling of cotton growers over tho administra tion's foreign policy may cost the demo cratic nominee Borne votes, Hilles said: "It will not cost President Wilson if he is the next nominee any votes in the electoral college. The opposi of the, cotton growers will be felt in nnothef form. They will help elect congressmen, opposed to democratic measures. But, judging from reports, we will not need southern votes to elect a republican president." FRANCE IS TIRED OF Change of Cabinet May Mean French Will Seek An Honorable Peace Milwaukee. Wis., Oct. 29. Aristide Biiaud, former socialist, upon whom develoves the task of forming a new French cabinet, is bi and . strong niintiirh tn ninke n r, honorable rirtiice honorable , h.M;l e,l . wnr in which I cm 'mi in tmthinv. mii i, I Vietorl - - lleruer, former socialist congressman, todnv in an exclusive interview with jllie United I'ress. Tiie chnime in the French cabinet" jhe said, "signified a further disinte jgration of the allies. It is the mute protest or r ranee naainsi roimniuiuou of a wnr, in which France, while sacri ficing the most men and money, is I'lnving second li ldie to I rent Britain I ami is pulling the chestnuts from the ', fire tor the British. French socialists ! are beginning to realize this. I Without doubt the resignation or Sir F.dward irey, tiie Knghh foreign! minister will follow those of Delcase and Viviani. "Why should millions of Frenchmen die to protect the profits of Binning-j ham manufacturer and help the czar; to extend his despotic rulef" ! "HYAS KLOSH TYEE'S" MEET Washington, Oct. 29 An Ok lahoma Indian chief, his two wives and five children snd sev eral other red men today made the White House offices look like a wigwam. They came to hake hands with the "great white chief" to solemnly aiwure him of their plessnre at his com ing wedding and to wih him much joy. The president ex pressed his appreciation of their visit and their felicitations. THE NEW FRENCH CABINET Paris, Oct. 29. Aristide Biiaud this afternoon complet ed his cabinet selections as far as those the United Press named Thursday are concerned, lie .also made four additional se lections. The selections as given, by the United Press yesterday were: Briand, premier and minister of foreign affairs; Jules Cambon, general secretary; DeFreyeinet, vice-president of the , cabinet ; Viciani, minister of justice; Gullieni, wnr; Admiral l.aeaze, marine; Ribbot, finance; Doum. ergue, colonies; Painleve, edu cation and invention; Bourg eois, Combes, Denyg Cochin and Jules Guesde without portfol ios. The additional selections were: Marcel Senibate, minister of public works; Ktinne elemen tal, commerce; Jules Meline, ag riculture; Rene Renault, lnbor. Briend decided to retain the four under secretaries of war whom Millerand created. VILLA RETALIATES B1 Decisive Battle Between Car ranza and Villa Forces Expected Soon F.l Taso, Texas, Oct. 29. Villista re taliation for recognition of Oeneral Carranza by the United States was held today to have been responsible for the execution of Charles Boone, American cattleman, of KL Paso at Guzman, Chi huahua, yesterday. His partner, James Welsh, brought the story that Boone died nt the hands of a - firing squad after being. taken from u Mexican Northwestern train. Colonel Hernandez, a Villa leader. Welsh said, searched the train for other Americans and threatened openly that he would kill them in retaliation for Onrrniizn'S recognition. Welsh, who escaped by hiding on the locomotive with the American crew, ar- rivea nerc enriy toitay. EXPECT FIRING ACROSS BORDER Washington, Oct. Sit. Negotiation were under way today to protect Amer icans in Douglas, Ariz., from the threat ened fire of Mexicans entrenched just across the border line nt Agua Prieta. Both the stnte and war departments tried to induce the Carrunzista troops near Agnn Prietn to move farther from the border. Consul Carothers had au thorization to treat unofficially with Oeneral Villa to induce him to avoid firing into Douglas. Meantime, General Funston, commanding the United tKntes border troops, sought to re-establish the neutral zone. American reinforcements hr.ve arrived there. Fulton's orders permit him to fire across the border with artillery if tin villi:tus attempt to make a flunk at tack by crossing into American terri tory. At the same time, danger from flying bullets is great because the Oar ran.ista line is directly along tho bord er, facing the Villistas only a short dis tance back. The battle, it is thought cannot be delayed much longer. Reinforcements for the Carrnnzistn garrison entrained tudny at Kngle Pass, Texas, will soon be on the scene. The struggle is destined to be dooi sive, military experts think. The lat r mounts of Villa's once powerful army stand ready for u Inst ditch battle, in an effort to inflict a blow that would give ilia's revolt a new lease on life. His chances, however, are considered dim. T.tfSH TO AID CARRANZA F.ngle Puss, Texas, Oct. 29. Twenty- six carload, of Mexican cavalry horses, 'll eitrlonds of munition wagons and an .,...... i i..c, ...i ... i., ........ m - wnj the Hmithern Pacific fur Douglas, Ari.., where a battle between ilhMts and Carrnnzista forces threatens,. BANDITS CROSS BORDER. Brownsville, Texas, Oct. 29. A small detatchment of the' twenty eighth 'in fantrv. which arrived last week was twice attacked between niidni iht and ilartight todav. One American soldier was wounded in this baptism nf fire, lint the Mexicans, though caught be- twei-n two tires in llieir second at- tack, suffered no casualties The American was wounded during the first attach, nt the ( apote ranch north of Hidalgo. Signal rocket were sent up to tt tract aid anil nfter Jll ininutmt firing the Mexicans fled buck ncrov the Kio (irsnde. Menntime a troi uf cavalry arrived from Hidalgo. The Mexicans, sfler two. hours, clinic back to The Americas side nnd resumed their attack. The cavalry, however, drove around their think and attached from the rear, wailn more reinfon-einentu came up to assist in illiperslng the raiders. ' At a result of thene two raids a new man hunt is under way with soljiers and jiosse engaging. i MADE A OOOD HAUL. . Chicago, Oct. re, Robbers early to day dynamited two safes In the HUr Ixrnn company office and escaped with $10,000 worth of gem. BIG SEATTLE PIER GOES UP 1:1 SMOKE; LOSSISIIMOOO Fire Was Incendiary German Sympathizers Suspected, So Are Japs WATCHING FOR 75 TONS OF NITRO GLYCERINE Wiilman, a Longshoreman, Held On Suspicion 500 Bales of Cotton Burned , Seattle, Wush., Oct. 2l Although the police were holding I). Willmnn, a long shoreman in connection with nn incend iary fire which swept pier li last night and resulted iu a loss estimated at prac tically $1,000,000, Investigation today developed two other theories as to the origin of the blaze. One theory is thnt Japanese might have caused the fire in a revengeful spirit, becanse-of their hatred of Chiu- ese members of the crews of Blue Fun nel liners, which dock at Pier 14. Another is thnt war feeling of Ger man sympathizers had been wrought up over tne tact tuat the dock contained about $250,000 worth of exiiorts des tined to Russian ports, nnd that the Blue Funnel line was reported to have been carrying on n heavy traffic with the allies under charter, really, by the Russian government. Damage result ing from the fiio which was the third incendiary attempt on the dock t1 week, is estimated at between 750,00' and $1,000,000. Silk Cargo la Sale. The pier itself, tbtf entiTe second floor and much of the first floor of which U in ruins, is said to be damaged to the extent of about $100,000 according to William Day, warehouse foreman. The Blue Funnel liner Ixion had just finished discharging a $4,000,000 cargo, a great part of which was silk, which was loaded direct on board cars nnd shipped east by fast freight. The rest of the cargo, however, remained in the dock. Probably $100,000 worth of pig tin stored in the east end of the . dock, it was' thought could be saved with little loss, and $400,000 worth of rubber may be only a partial loss. Other freight destroyed included 17,000 cases of Cliiuese ten, 4,000 bales of hemp, 7,000 bugs of rice, 2,000 bag of corn and a large quantity of bam boo and rattan iu bales, anil manufac tured furniture, as well as 2,000 tons of miscellaneous goods. Two Othe r Attempt Made. Two previous attempts to fire the pier on Tuesday fniled. Last night'f. fire started shortly after the employe had quit work fur the day and was dis covered about 11:45 o'clock. The flumes were shooting up through the roof and out of the higher windows. Only des perate work on the part of tho firemen prevented the flames from renrhing ad joining piers. Wiliuinn, the mini arrested, is said to hsve made remarks to R. B. Brad a dock workman before the fire, the caused the latter to be suspicious. He repeated the conversation to the po lice, , Bradshnw said he and Willmnn wj re in a nearby saloon shortly before 0:15 o'clock and that he said to Willmnn thnt he was going to work at I'ier 14 in a few minutes. "Don't be too sure of that," said Willmnn, according to Ilrudsliaw, and after the fire started, he is alleged to have said, "I told you you might not work at the dk tonight. Pier five will be next." Announcement was' made today by reliable waterfront sources that O.Ohii bales of cotton, valued at about $;100, 000, destined for Russia, were burned Is it night when Pier No. 14 was de stroyed by fire. Cotton is essential in the mnnufnc ture of explosives, Podwc'l and company, limited, Knlir,h shipping firm, which operated the duck, denied, through its locuj man- ager, A. K. Haines, that any wuh j amount of cotton win on the pier. lie pinceu no: niiiuuui ai "unoiii .WO bales." I). Will until, liiiigshoreman, arrested after the fire hi-cuuse of an alleged conversation with another longshore man in a waterfront saloon in which he is said to have predicted th fire, was eismined behind closed doors today by government, according to official an Chief of Police Iang, Captain of I'e-1 nnticeinent today. tectives Tennsut ami Kirn Marshal The assumption of kingly authority Harry Bringhurst. Wiilman' storylat present would precipitate a Chinese did not satisfy the officials and he is, held ou in open charge. Afraid of Explosive. Seattle, Wath., Oct. 20. Following L. .i:...,...a fir. !:.. 1J t...... night, believed to I incendiary. .rl . " ..... -. . Warden A. A. i'uysse today ordered a close watch to prevent th landing of shipment of 71 tons of nltro glycer ine rumored to be due her from Han Francisco, for Vladivostok. IMails of the alleged shipment are lacking. It was runiorod thst it had left Baa Fran cisco two days ag'i.t "I fhali keep watch day ui sight," WAR NEWS OF ONE YEAS AGO TODAY A Tnrco-Russinu naval battle was reported off Odessa, Turk ish torpedo boats bonitar,ding the fort and sinking three Rus sian liners, one Kussinu gun boat and one French steamer. Severe fighting everywhere, stubborn resistance end some British gains were reported by the allies. Belgians drove the Uermuns from the lower Yaer valley by flooding it. Germans made advances at Rheinis, the Mouse and in the Wovre dis trict. Germnns repulsed a French attack at Vernon nmT made gains in the Argonne, Berlin stated. Heavy fighting con tinued in East Prussia and the Germans were retreating along the Vistula, Russia said. Indian troops joined the defense of Tsing-Tnu, Admiral Lord Fisher succeeded Prince I.ouis of Bat tenberg as Britain's first sea lord. E May Present Formula to Pope Spain, Not America, To Manage It Geneva, Oft. Sid. Announcing 'Prince Von Bnelow'i arrival at Lucerne, tho Tribune asserted today that his pur pose is to endeavor in consultation with another diploma to find definite formula for presentation by the pope to the allies with a view to ending the war. It Is believed this was tho basis for tho recent rumor that Von Buelow was about to lot President Wilson and King Alphonso of Spain know tne terms on which Germany would ugree to peace. SPAIN MAY BE MEDIATOR. Washington, Oct. 29. Whether Am erica or Mpain President Wilson or King Alfonso will mediate in the Kuropenn wur was tho absorbing ques tion among officials here as a rcnult of renewed intense interest here and abroad in the question of peace. "The wnr is noW being fought in the capitals of Kuroe," .a cabinet membor snld. "Developments tliere look ns though tho war is about over." Many authorities believed that Htiain, rather than the United Stutes will be mediator when Kuroe is ready to lay down arms, This belief was based on the fact that the I'uited Htates may not be regarded suitnblv by Germany in view of her disputes with tile kaiser over his submarine warfare. Unofti cial information from Germany was to the effect thnt America is not In the best Hsition to be the chief peace fac tor. While tho German-American contra versies have been amicably arranged thus far, the feeling among the kaiser's subjects is still iuid to savor of bitter ness toward America a feeling which ol'ficinla here confessed does not augur well for I uite.l States c.iaaces of set tling the conflict fiunlly. By Move May Arm A Million Turks By J. W. T. Mason. (Written for the I'uited Press.) New York, Oct. 29. The union of Germnns and Bulgarians In the north eastern corner of Serbia concerns Great Britain more than it does Serbia. The junction was effected, not to threaten Serbia, but to establish u quick route for supplying munitions to Germany's impoverished nllv, Inrkeyt. these munitions, however, must move over MO miles of mountain highway in Serbia and 100 miles of Bulgarian roads before they reach the Orient railway, Such a move can only be countered by a rapid concentration of the allies either in Bulgarim or Turkey. And the Germans will be able to equip the idle Turks with needed supplies iuiIchs the f.lliity put Mmir cnmmmiii'iit lolls. Hence the challenge to the allies is serious .Ills effect on Greece and Hiimiiiiia can tint bo allies. source of satifiic tiou to the JAPS' FRIENDLY TIP. Toklo, Oct. 29. Fearing the creation i nt a monarchy in China would mean calamity lo the far cast, .Iiiimiii has ad vised Viilin Hhi Kf, In friendly fashion tn tiostiHiiie the move to turn his re mililic into the iiroi.osed new form of uprising, Kveti assuming tluit .lapan wishes to gain control of China such an outbreak would furnish an excuse for intervention nnd tne nukndo pro iimnblv thinks the outbreak would be more Inrimdiihlc than he cares to j handle and therefor, prefer, to execute MrluiiMt-A i.,.liv h., hi l.v Muin iitner means, aid Faysse. "The explosives will nut be permitted to enter Klllott bay." Seventy five tons of nitroglycerine wwnld be enough to blow up the whole of Heattl. SERBIAN -WOMEN ID CHILDREN IN RANKS Resistance Fiercer Than That of Belgians and Wcmen and Children Fight and Die by the Side of Their Husbands and Fathers Mountainous Country Makes Teuton Ad vance SlowSay Threats of Death From Own Artil lery Alone Forced Germans to Charge Russians By Carl W. Ackerman, (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Berlin, Oct. 21). .'Fiercer than Bel glum" was the semi-official descrip tion I heard today of the resistance tho Teuton invaders of Serbia are meeting, Though it was said tho cen tral allies are progressing more rapidly than hud been expected, the difficult ties nevertheless are tremeinloiis. They are nt present in tho Serbian Alps where nn advance is particularly arduous. The Serbians aro fighting madly, with women nnd children pnr! ticipatiug. Sniping and bushwhacking are incessant. Heavy enow in northern Germany) brings the realization that the winter; campaign is opening. Moreover, thej newspapers are already beginning to discuss the soldiers Christmas. 'Conditions for tho winter struggle are most favorable for tho central al lies. On the western front, the situn-l Hon is satisfactory. Russian attacks! are unimportant and don't effect Field; Marshal Von Hindenburg'a general; advance. Thero is at tho snmo time nnly pity and contempt for tho Italians, who have failed to break Austria's lines despite throo major offensives in five months. f Tho success of the Serbian Invasion is creating a profound of diet on Ru mania and she is mora friendly than heretofore toward tho Teutons, Simnl- toueounly, Greece's - neutrality pleases the central allies. ' Serbians Forced Back. Berlin, Oct. 29. Serbia' resistance to the Teuton Invaders is fast collaps ing. Thrt main drive of tho central allies Is advancing west of IjsPovo toward Kragujevac, according to offlcinl an nouncement. General Von Gallwlt. has pursued the Herbs to heights southeast of Svllnjec where heavy fighting is in progress. The Austrian forces driving south eastward, hnve crossed the Kolubara northwest of Rudiiik, over a chain of steep mountuins on a broad front. The Germans have occupied the mountuins on both sides of Topola, "Long ami sanguinary fighting," preceded the Bulgarian capture of Plrot, the importunt stronghold on tho east bctweeil Nish and Sofia on the Nish-Conatantluopli! railroad. Kust of Vicegrsd, whore the Serbians have been a few miles inside the Aus Iriulh frontier, tho Aiistro-Ilungnrlnn forces have expelled them by an ad vanco ou both sides of the Karaulu river. "Two flanking counter attacks bv a Montenegrin brigade were repulsed, ' the official announcement said, Artillery Forced Charge. Petrograd, Oct. 29. Going to ex tremes to forcoMhclr men into action I TO EDITH CAVELL Notables of England Present -600 Nurses From the Front Attend London," Oct, 29. Knglnml puid its tribute today to Kilith Cuvell, F.uglish woman, victim of a German firing sipiud ill Belgium. Memorial cxorciitcs fur the wornitn, now regarded us a nn tiomil martyr, drew one of th largest crowds to SI. Paul's cathedral in the history of the famous structure. The high and the lowly joined in the tribute. The ipieeu Mother Alexandra was present. The king could not attend be of his accident yesterday, but both ho and the queen were represent ed. Cabinet members, diplomats ami oth er notable persons joined in thu serv ices. In the front seats, 000 nurses from the front, iu their army uniforms, sat with In. wed heads In tribute to tho wo man, who had served as nurse uud friend to the men of the allied forces. Ambassador Page, whose messages from Minister Brand Whltlock revenled to Kugland the horrors of Miss Cuvell 's execution, was unnble to attend, I). If. Moslier went to Oregon City yesterday and returned with his fam ily, who and been visiting relutlvoi in tUt city. on the Dvlnsk front, German artillery men to tho rear threatened to fire on their own men if they did not chnrg the Slavs, according to official claims today. Spurred on by tho realization that death awaited them whatever way they turned, the Teutons finally dashed into the attack and were shot down with terrlblo losses. This fighting occurred around Gnr bunivkn. For a time the tido of battla turned in the Teutons' favor and they succeeded in occupying some Russian trenches but later were dislodged by a strong counter attack. Continuance of the artillery battle in the Riga, Pripet and Styr section was reported. The war office claimed repulsa of German attacks 'at many points. Bulgars Capture Plrot. Berlin, Oct. 29. "The Bulgarian victoriously entered Plrot fortress to day," said the Sofia official report to day. Plrot is 35 miles southeast of Nish and 10 miles inside the frontier. It ia on the NiHh Constantinople railroad be tween Nish and Sofia and has strong defenses, its location on the railroad makes the Bulgarian victory important. The British CasnalUe. London, Oct. 20. Premier Asquith announced today that the total British disunities to October v were as follows: Killed, n,00O officers; ,im men; wounded 12,(133 officers, 304,832 men;' missing 2,000 officers, 73,177 men. In the western theatre, the casualties wore 4,401 officers and (J.'I.O.'iO men killed; 9,101) officers and 22.1,710 men wounded; 1,507 officer aud 61,134 men missing. Just Burned Powder. Petrograd, Oct. 29. German sub marines harried the Russian Black seat fleet nttucking Varna, Bulgaria, yes terday, but the under-sea craft attack did no damage, it was officially claimed today. Tho Russiun fleet bombarded the port for several hours, with sea ptanes co-operating by . throwing , bombs. Ilaclior works, aud coast batteries were reported heavily dumaged, but it is denied that the tow itself suffered. There were no Russian casualties. . Advancing Steadily. Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, li, I., Oct. 29. Portlier progrea of the Teu tonic, invaders in Serbia was recorded by tho official statement-from the wur office today. " West of the Morav river," it mud, "we kuve reached Batorina, Rurnik, Cumick and SlackovliM. . General Bov mlyeff's Bulgarian forces are pursuing the Serbians. ' These locations aro about 00 mile south ami southeast of Belgrade to thu west of tho river. Mexican Joan of Arc Visits Washington San Francisco, Oct. 2-1. P.ngnged on a secret mission to Washington, aud the errand of buying Cnrriin.isla uni forms, Colonel Kiitnnnu Plores, known as the Mexican ,)i,un of Arc, arrived hero tmljiv. She commanded the Mex ican wurship which took Guaymas, and more recently has been interested in the subject of artillery, Before reluming to her Own coun try she will visit her children in a Texas convent, and will confer here with a brother of Generut (Miregon, TOMORROW "OREQON DAY" ... San Friuii Isco, Oct. 29-11 Ore- gnu day" will be celebrated at the 1 'u no in ii -Pacific, exposition tomorrow, with Oregon s chief executive, dailies WitJiycuinbe, in the role of honor. The gov- ernor with his party, which included Mrs. Withycomb", their daughter and tt number of Oregon boosters, arrived to- .In v. The Oregon building will be M the scene of the festivities. j Hundreds of former and visit- l lug residents of Oregou today I planned to attend the eeremon- I les In honor of their state. Ore. li gOll UppiCK, I'HIIT H"U t'KIIIIIKT(l,T l- juice will be distributed among the visitors. Governor Withy- combe will be presented with a casket of jewels similar to those on the Tower of Jewels, . Klamath county day was eele- brnted at the Oregon building i today.