THE DAILY CAPITAL JOUKNAL. SALEM. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 27, 1915. The reliabfe household Remedy Good The Year Roun Ready-to-take PE-RU-NA ' POH SALB AT AU DRia STORES r ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM 240-246 Commercial Street. Ladies' Coats ALL NEW ONES. THIS SEASON'S GOODS. PRICES $5.00, $6.50, $7.50 and $10.00. EVERY ONE A BARGAIN Millinery Department IN REAR OF STORE. This department is as popular as ever. We defy all competition. See us for the latest styles in Trim med Hats, Shapes, Flowers and Feathers. Underwear Nice White Union Suits, winter weight, for girls or ladies, only 50c Boys' Union Suits, winter weights, only .. . : 50 c. Two San Francisco" Men- Found Guilty of Violating Neutrality SCROFULA AND ALL " HEI0RS GIVE WAY Cotton Blankets, 74c a pair Big assortment. Extra good values. ' Cotton Blankets, 64x80; our $1.25; now $1.00 Cotton Blankets, 72x80, our $1.50; now ... . . .$1.35 San Francisco, pet. 27. Ralph K Blair, partner of Supervisor Murdock and Dr. Thomas J. Aldis, both of San rraneisco, were found guilty today of violating American neutrality by con spiring to leoruit men for the British army. Lioutcnant Kenneth Croft, Harry K. Lane, alleged field agent, and Olivo Lawrcnco, were acquitted. The probable punishment for the crinio will be two years imprisonment and a fine (f $10,000. This is tUc tirjt conviction of neu trality violation of this since lHo., i when a British ambr.swdor was recalled I by his government alter being convict ed of recruiting for tho ( rimenii war. Judge Dooling's opinion, which took him 41) minutes to read, suys with re spect to the defense contention that no contract existed between tho men and tho British government that they wre to enter the army. "It would bo taxing credulity to the utmost to urfce thit the defendants. did not know whpt was sought by tho con sul general, that they would go to England and enlist in the military or naval service." Without leaving the box, the jury elected William l.enhoy of San Fran cisco, foreman and voted a verdict as instructed by the judge. IWir and Addis will bo sentenced There are many things learned from experience and observation that the older generation shculd impress upon me younger, aihwuj; mem is me iaci that scrofula and other humors, which produce eczema, boils, pimples and oth er eruptions, can be most successfully treated with Hood's Harsaparilla. Thia great medicine is a peculiar com- biantion of remarkably effective blood I I 1.....1.V. f puniying iuu uruuu givmg toois, barks and herbs, which are gathered especially tor it. Hood's Sarsaparilla has stood the test of forty years. Get a bottlo today row from your nearest drug store. Always keep it on hand. STATE AND FEDERAL T No More Duplication of Sur veys to Cause Unnecessary Expense Non-Partisan Bills and Nine Constitutional Amendments All Lost 'Saturday has filed San Frnnciseo, Oct. 27. Admitting the defeat of his non-partisnn and other measures at the special state election yesterday, Governor Johnson today ex pressed the belief Ihnt non-partisanship will ultimately nnd not nt no distant I .3.... U- j..n...J :.. i:r...... ti: I T t 4i.:- i 1 UHIC u? auoi'ivu 111 V lllll VII imu. inn ml said that the ease will bo carried to."""' " V , "" " , , , tho supremo court through English or- P. b'!' ' ''' ' t-y ' no (lcg eX(.ped,nr 20,000 nnd the nine pro .fn'dae nooli.-r raid the instructions Posod constitutional amendments by f, th. Tivi.i.i, ,.ci n..,oi t n,.! "mail pluralities. British Friendly association, seemed do- . M,)re complete returns today showed signed for no other purpose than to s;- that most of the measures were defeat cure new recruits for the British army 5d jn npnr,y every county in tho state. nere, witnout appearing to nunc violat ed tlio )nw; to accomplish tho results ! NEW T0DAY One cent per word each inser tion. Copy for advertisements un der thia heading should be in by 2 p. m. HIGH COST OF LIVING 2H0NE trIAIN 81. PHONE 937 For wood saw. tf HARRY Window 768. cleaner. Phone FIR WOOD $3.50 per 2249. Nov6 : Pione tf FOR RENT Modern house, 1345 Court street. Oetafl . I SECOND GROWTH FIR $3.50, de livered. Phone 311. Novl .moll , lhnna 58F22. Oct27 San Francisco, Oct. 27. Per haps, you, too, have suffered, gentle reader, but if so read this and take heurt.. Cold boiled ham, just a mod erate portion at that, costs $100' aboard Pullman diners running from' Juarez south to Chihuahua. Baked beans that you get at a nickel a hundred in Boston cost a cool $100 a dish. The cheapest thing on a menu on this line, received here to day, were pickles at $40 per. A thirst aboard one of the Pullmans is likewise extremely Borious rye at $N0 a shot; beer, the same per bottle; ginger ale $100. P. S. These prices are, how ever, in depreciated Villa paper money. P. rt. (again) It only takes a trunkful of money to get a square meal. FOR SALE 3 cows and one Jersey bull. Phone 29F12, after 7 p. m.. tf FOR BALE; A. square. Hallet & Davis piano, excellent tone. A bargain. Phone 741 M. . Oct30 MODERN FIVE ROOM HOUSE Fur nished or unfurnished. 339 Mission, or phone 1737W. SPLIT BODY OAK wood, $4.50 per eord; grub oak $5.00, $5.50; aso $4.50. Second growth fir, $3.50. Paone J954, during business hours. J. H. Eaton. Novll FOR SALE Best paying well estab lished small business in Salem, clear ing from $100.00 to $125.00 montnly. Ill health cause of selling. Address 31 B., care of Journal. MONEY TO LOAN On improved farms at 7 nr cent BlinUal interest. I am reprefenting the Commerce Safe Deposit ft Mortgage VO. "'"""i rWarrnn fliilxlr dnlivery of mOneT. Write me or cel. at Marion Hotel. F. J. Berger, Salem, Oregon. w ELECTRIC QTILTER Down quilts a specialty. 405 S. 12th Btteet. Phone 90S. Nov2 CHOICE ?OAT MEAT 5 per, pound, Damon k Son. 85. N. Coin '1. Phone 68. tf WANTED $300 loan, 2 years, 40 acre security, Miluc $1200. Address care of Jonrnnl. Oct-S against which tho statue is directed, and to do tho things themselves for business without appearing to do so. SI; PAUL CORN SHOW Allen Bros. Get first Prize For Yellow Dent and B.M. . Smith For the White OUCH! LUMBAGO! ! RUB PAIN FROM 0UlL, LhlllL UttOIV QgJ Rub Backache Away With Small Trial Bottle of Old, Penetrating "St. Jacob's Oif An execution agreement was received today by John 11. Lewis, state enginoer, from Franklin K. Lane, secretary of too interior, providing for co operation between the state and the United States in the issuance of permits for water power development on the lands witiidiawn by the I'nited States for water power purposes. This agreement has been executed on behalf of the state and is now in force. The purpose of this cooperative agrement, as stnted in the preamble is I "to avoid duplication of work amt ex pense, to make available to both, the dutu secured nnd the nction taken by each, and to facilitate tho approval of applications for water rights for the occu!incy nnd use of lands including in power-site withdrawals in the state of Oregon tor the development of water power. ' ' Heretofore it 1ms been necessary for those doiiing to appropriate water for power development to first secure a per mit from the state engineer, which in volved the mnkiiig of surveys and the payment of rather heavy foes. This permit was then presented to the in terior department with an application for right to occupy the power site with drawal. Net infrequently the applica tion wus denied and the cost of milking surveys and the pavnient of fees to the slate engineer's office v4 total Iohs, thus causing the unnecessary exendi tnre of money and much dissatisfaction. It is jiroliable that tho state will re ceive its greatest ndvnntage through section eight which provides: "The secretary of the interior will furnish tho state engineer with copies of all reports ol construction work anil opera In fan Francisco there wus n majority of 7,000 against the non-partisan measures while nil other parts of thejtion reports on power cases in the stute With an attendance of 400 the St. Puul corn" show closed yesterday, con sidered by many as the most success ful corn thow ever held in that local ity. Governor Withycotnbo was the speaker of the afternoon, followed by Postmaster Hukestein, county agricul turist Chnpin, and I.. E. Larson of i Oregon Agricultural College. D. L. Van De Weile presided at the afternoon meeting. The first prize for the individual display of 100 ears of yellow Dent com, was awnrded to Allen Brothers, for the best display of 100 white Dent corn, the first prize wna given to B. M. Hmlth. To S. Merten was awnrded the first prize for the finest ten cars of yellow Dent, while B. M. Kmith re ceived the first award for the best ten "ears of white Dent corn. The best single esr of corn, regard less of variety, was exhibited by.L. L. Ernst, who received the first prize award. B. M. Smith displayed the best popcorn, receiving first award, and C. F. Y eager, first on aweet corn. WILLAMETTE NOTES. bay district registered heavily against the proposnls. In ban irnncisco only .Hi per cent of the total registration, or 50,000 votes was cast. Returns from all pnrts of the state show that everywhere only a smiill per centage of the totiil registration went to tho polls. - Sentiment ngainst non partisanship was strongly expressed throughout the Sun Joaquin valley, with the exception of Fresno county, where the balance in favor of it wus smnll. In the Sncrninentu valley there wus a majority against the measures, as there wns in Alameda county. Club Women Turn Attention To the; Coming Election (Continued From Page One.) Mrs. Faucell, dean of women at O. A. ('., spoke in chitpcl this morning. Mio nnd Dr. Doney were at ono time classmates, later, die stated flic had heard him pie::ch in the Methodist i-li u rco at t'cliimhini, Ohin, but she hud been surprised to kur.i that Dr. Doney wus of Willamette univer sity. Mrs. Fauc'itt U attending tho .,... ,n , , , .!, Woman's Club Federation which ia in WANTED -50 sheep o keep on bar, j .peaking of education good pasture. J. It Watson, Njljjlhe ,tuteil ,hat .,ny education, which ""'e failed to product) men and women in spired for service, wus a failure, in EXPERIENCED restaurant hand wnnts work. John Deloff. 16 S. High street. Oct 29 GOOD COW WANTED Must give over 4 gallons testing 5 per cent or better. Phono 427H. Oct29' WAITRESS And good plain cook for restaurant or boarding house, wants work. Call 2401 Trude, or Phone 768. ct2S Back hurt your Can't straighten up without feeling sudden pains, sharp aches and twingesf Now listen! That s lumbago, sciatica or maybe from a strain, and you'll get relief the me me:it you rub your back with soothiiig, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil." Nothing else takes out soreness, lameness a '.id stiffness so quickly. You simply rub it ou your buck ard out comes t'ae p:iin. It is harmless aid ducs.ii 't burn the skin. Limber up! Don't suffer! Oct n -miall trial bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" from any lruj store, a,id after using it. just once, you'll forcer thut you ever had bnckiii'he, luinlmgo or scinuca, oecause your duck will nev .T hurt or cause a-iy more misery. It never disappoints und has been recom mended for 60 years. lose part q.f hi.i claim as there nre not enough thirdu to go around but the ninin question to be decided is "Who 4I111II dig thcinf" Justice Webster wus culled upon to decide such tin action which wns Instituted In his court tnis afternoon in a case brought by Ward K. ngninst C K. Marty. R.iy F. Shields aid Ivnn 0. Martin were U3 opposing rttorneys. At a banquet in Missouri the local orator responded to a toast "The Ladies." In unbroken elo quence he told how the roses, the lilies, the peaches, the "cherries, and the stars had been robbed of their 'beau ties to endow the wo men of Missouri. A Kansan squirmed with envy, and when the orator sat down he arose and drawled out, "The women, of Kansas arc all that and then some." Just so with the clothes we sell. Read the flowery ad vertisements in the magazines then come to us, and you will find our clothing "is all that and then some." New Winter Suits $15 to $30. S t y 1 i sh Overcoats and Rain Coats $10 to $30. HAMK0NDBISH0P CO. Leading Clothiers The Toggery 167 Com '1 St OREGON Today Only POPULAR RETURN ENGAGEMENT OF GRAUSTARK STARRING Francis X. Bushman VIOLA VEECLEB HOLMAN MAEY BCIIULTZ Violin Duet TOMORROW rRIDAY MATINEE SATURDAY The ColloiMoa of Modern Railway Drama PRESENTING EAKLE WILLIAMS ANITA 8TEWABT A Blf Foor reatura Directed by INCE MATINEE 10c EVENING 15c sizing up the student body she quoted a phrase from Wordsworth, "Itliss it is to live, but to be youi:g is heavenly." Mrs. Faucet t is a Host at the home of I'reaiJont iloney. Miss Jones, of Wenutciice, Wisconsin, I merce, Oregon Agricultural Cn a friend of Miss Carolne Sterling, has' been a guest ut tlu Mew Drop club l'ur a fow days. She will leave this af ternoon tor Kb 1 Francisco whero she will spend a few week in teeing the exposition. outside the home tliAn in it.' Consider, caiimng, linking, laundering 2:0(1 to 2:15, The l'lnnnlng of Meals. Tho Family limpet. Uresa The effect of our constantly changing styles on the Family Itudget and on women in general. Are they sane und suited to our needs! 11 11 vo you n guest room! 2:15 to ?::ill. Question box. Public limit), Mrs. Kndio Orr-Dunbar, 1euder, Hoom "I . Question box. Art, Mrs. Alice Weister, Leader, Koom "D", What art means to the state, the homo and the i.idividur.1. The influence of color in the hime, Mrs. I.uuru It. Doe little. The el' feet of tho righ't sur roundings 1111 tho henlth and morals of children. What club women do to fur ther tho Interest! ol' art in Oregon. Commercial Course , CI Tin cn.rse if :u'y iu the eoramer e.iil di piirtnicut of tn Salem schools has been id .pied i' fi ll by tho com mittee on it: -ic'tii(,ustii,n of eommer cii.l riii.Kn, uppoii trd by the National KliC'ito AtsM'ifition, y. Iiich met this summe,' in I i-tkcli'r. Hie c liniiiittce nppeinled by this na tional nsKiiriiitiiin investigated the courses taught i'i till part 11 of the country, nnd fiunlly adopted the entire Oregon cniire. which will hereafter be come the sliunlard for the whole eci'litry. This is griitifying to -tint educators in this slnte, and especially to Merrit Uavis, wlin him charge of the commer cial course in the Hnlem schools, ss Mr. Ddvis is Minimum of the Oiegim cirnniittce for commercial study. The other members of the committee are .1. A. ltfiill. denn of the school of corn- ge, 11 nil Don Honors, ilcun of the school of com merce, Cnivcr-ity of Oregon. of Oregon, with sets of blue prints of maps and plans of such power pro jects alter completion of construction, except such as may have been filed as i'onf uleutial intoi million, nnd with pro c'duiation Jiagrnms of all power site withdrawal-! in ettect nt the tune of too execution of this contract and shall no-: til y tho state engineer of any changes; and additions thereto. ' ' Under the pin-' visions of this section 11 great ileal of valuable inforuwitio-i will lm received at the stati engineer's office nnd will be spbjcct to public, inspection which would otherwise not be avniluble to the public. It also placed in the hands! of the Mate engineer progress reports of development winch will eliminate tho necessity of mr ny field inspection:! and suve much expense to the sWito, $ $ HERE'S NEW VIGOR FOR OVERWORKED STOMACHS Dtiniol J. Fry, the popular druggist, has been in the drug business long enough to have his own opinion of tho best way of selling medicines. He tayt tho plan adopted by Mi-o-nn, tho grout dyspepsia remedy, is the fairest lie has ever hoard of. lie dnesu't believe that a medicine ought to be puid for unless it does the user some good. Ard Mi-o-na is suld under a positive guarantee to relieve dyspepniu or to refund the money. You simply leave 50 cents on deposit with Daniel J. Fry nnd if, after you have used the box of Mi-o-na you decide that it has done you no good, all you have to do is to tell him so and be will return your niuney. Hundreds of people huvo been relieved of stnmnch agonies by using this re markable rtinc.'y. It is not simply a food digester; it is a medicine that puts all of the digestive organs into normal condition and gives ruddy, glowing, vig orous health. A change for the bettur will bo seen after the first few doses of Mi o 1111. and its continued use will 100 n give the power to cat anything at any time und nut suffer distress after ward. Mi o-na is sold under a positivo guar antee to refund the money if it does not cure. This is the strongest proof that ran be offered as to the merit of the medicine. Nothing lesrens a mini's success In his work or n womnn's fascinating per sonality more than a weak stnmnch, with its attending evils. Use Mio tin and sec how mm h morn there Is in life. Teachers' Annual Institute Closed The Willamette valley la not tho only section of the northwest becoming interested in the flax industry. The trnstou Hardens Oo of Wnllu W11U11, Wash., planted NO acres in flux this year nnd the results seem to have been so siiusiaeiory, mat an mipnrv was ....:... I .1.: 1 .t . I i-.viYvi mi morning ny wie ulllllier- cinl Hub, asking for tho names of 1 was preparing to continue their first manufacturers of machinery for con- success in flux raising, uiid was in tho verting flux into tow. The correspond- market for the proior miiehinery for once rather indicated that the company ' handling the raw product. e liuve n rrn tuf fur n Itu IIiim'M 'i.m i,irlv o.iik Mrs. h. L. Hteeves was a wi,h th l-hilo.losi.ins. - 'I k. Lull. ),,1VU guest to d.nnor lust evening at thejhwn tnntily dworr.te.1 and a large gram this ccuiing but in its plnci ' 11 llallowe en rt v Seat Sale Now Open MME. JEANNE .JOMELLI AT Th e Or egonTheatre FRIDAY Admission 50c, 75c; Loges $ 1 .OO I Always Watch This Ad Changes Often FOR THE WOODSMAN .We have all kinds of Axes, bledget, Wedgci, Buwa and Equipments for the woods, All hinds of Corrugnted Iron for both Iioofs and Buildings. A good $800.00 Laundry Mangel, slightly used for ono fourth t:;igin&l oost. 19 AND 20 NEW OVEROOATH AT $5.00. 1 pay 1 14 cents per lb. for old rags. H. Steinbock Junk Co. Tho House of Half a Million Bargains. 302 North Commercial ritrcnt. Thotie 6C8. Dew Drop J nn, ono of the most popular girls' organizations on tho campus. The V. W. C. A. sandwich day was crowd is ope- ted, Walter (ileiK'r baa been mode cir dilution iifinger of the Willamette anxiously awaited by the studonU and c0cgin,i. Mr. (Jleiser was editor ut Urn Collcgimi last year. Ills aim is to increase th- circulation of the col lege weekly .fr up to a 1,'ino paid up tubwriptioiis. Dean, of the cnllr-ve of music, left for Kugene todry, whero be will give an or n rcitul at the Find Methodist rlinn h this evening. when chapel convened a rush was made for the sandwich stands. The young ladioa who bad charge of the booths were: Misses rther r.inini'l, Daven port, Wilt and McKenuon. ' The Y. M. C. A. Is branching out, doing extonrion work thia year. They are sending four young men to hems wa every Mouday evemn to carry on Itililo classes. Lut Monday evening a rtag Mixer wes held in the gyniiia slum and a jolly good time was had by .all. Those who compose tne deputation! team am: ticrlmrt, H4iley, Mauldla, .ami ixinsiierrv. Zemo for Dandruff The Marion county tenchers nniiuiilM institute elosa'd its meeting this after I uiHin with the ndilrcss uf M. H. I'it i mil u of the Monmouth Normal Htntc, school, who spoke nil, "The Converted I H I'ulilic." !H The sexsion this morning was opened by 1 . I , (Irilfith Hith a talk on "Club Work' with departmental work by I M. I., Fulkerson, Margaret Cosiier, I,en j Aiiltiniin, superintciiilcnt O. M. Klliott snd principal J. ('. Nelson, of the Ha- I lim Senior High school. The morning s session rinsed with the nddrens of llnr rid Keller on, " What to Kay in Telling Children the Life htory." The rrgirtintion nt the Institute this year ruuibered W'tl. As no evening sei'sious vere hold, many of tho tench ers availed tlioiiii've of the opportu nity to attend the right sessions of the! stute redirt.toii ti Oregon Woman's! rluls. tttttutummttuinmmtuttimrwnmammtmmttMtamuttttmmtumtnmtamnti The History of the World From the Dawn of Creation until The Great War Is depicted in ait, S' lence and industry and presented In wonderful colors PANAMA PACiriC EXPOSITION Baa Francisco This wonderful Kxpnsition clones Dec. 4 Don't Miss It I,et you always look back lu 101." with regret Scenic Shasta Route Through the wonderful Valleys of the Willamette, the riiincntn, the 1'inp ijiiil mid tho Rogue o Iters exceptional diversion. Lou) Round Trip Fares Full particular with copy of booklet "Wayside Notes, MiHida Ilouto" or "California and lis Two World Ki posi tions'' on application to nearest ugent n, U.-..I......;. , r :,... .,..:.... ml lots do not want a slow ir..i.....i aot hold a program tbi evening'., 1,''? llntJ'S ,th ""r'?" .customary. Inster.d they will initio. KTra5J ! hsir U" 'W"' Mtf into their ranks tho lew men-who were! tht, at sny'dmr store a bottle f recently ele ted. they aret Mintoa,1 wmo for or $1(koV eitrJ l.r htum, Otto, Atterberry, Wilson, Irvine, aire. I a dlr-.t.d, for It L 1 I'eterson, Hall, Kwing, Hrka, Itandall work oniekly. It kills tt dniidrutT (term and UanL Tho initiation committee 1""'iies tha hslr rant and imniHIstely bava been working for alut a month y"J ""'" IP. It la sura and sate, preparing some lew and original stunts S.,'., 1 Z"1' V1?0 ud and when th. candidate. hva n..,.d , i . "?.,,""n.'Hf harm- .tlirougu thcr trying ordeal a big feed Ibiug to w I, sW "f ta iT"m "7" grocery bill a-id then annlher pnrtv win lie awTiiung tiicm. Uo UllpfDlve. ' caiina a third for serviroa performed i n will not hold a pro- Znmo, ClTtUnL i Is Who Shall Dig the Potatoes To Be Decided In Justice Court When one party nv as n third of the potato crop for re'.tnl of the Inn, I. an other owns o o thiid for planting limn nnd another hes nttf.ched a thinl for n evidnt that someone is going to SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Bcott, General Passenger Agent, rortlund, Oregon. Oregon Day at Panama-Pacifc Exposition October 30 ammuwmit4ttinntiiii;iiiumwwmuummmiwamnmii:nomm4t