Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 23, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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3C!jC(fC9! ft 3C 3C C j( 9fC (C l(C 3C 9( )ft
A Most
A Sale of
Here are high-grade Silks of staple quality to be
placed Jon sale for Monday's selling at unusually low
prices. No better chance to save on desirable black
,'15-in. Black Messaline Silk, good lustrous quality 79c
;5-in. Black Messaline Silk, superior grade 89c
:!5.in. Black Taffeta Silk, good value 79c
:i5-in. Black Taffeta Silk, extra value 99c
:iO-in. Black Satin Supreme, high grade cloth . . $1.49
:i5-in. Black Peau-de-Soie, good heavy quality $1.49
:S0-in. Black Grain Silk, very fine $1.69
W-in. Black Faille Silk, beautiful finish $1.49
M-in. Heavy Corded Black Bengaline Silk . . . .$1.69
i We Wish to
Our 1-2 Stock at 1-2 Price Sale Will Close Tuesday
Only Two Days left to take advantage of this great event. Salem never saw such
an extensive cut in Furniture before. Buy that Xmas present or that odd piece
of Furniture now; we will store any article and deliver to suit purchaser, free of
charge. Look at these prices then act at once.
F pi
I Bed Room
1-2 Price
J $:W Birdsaya Maple Dresser,
T 2 no French bevol C17 rn
plate mirror j)lf .JV
J 127 Blrdsoye Maple Chiffonier,
I 16x10 rrench bevol MO CA
plt mirror flO.JJ
$J7 Mahogany Dresser, 22x28
French bevel plot C1Q CA
mirror ylJ.Dv
$18 Solid Oak Chiffonier, 10x20
Frouch bevel plate
f minor
I $20 Dull Ash Dresner, 22x28
J French bevel plate
1 mirror
All our coal Heaters
X One-Half IMci. Wei
f have a nice line off
Heaters, ask for our'
Important Announcement Regarding
Women's Suits and Coats
Every Suit in Meyers big stock has been reduced in price for quick
selling-all the newest and most advance styles-fur trimmed-latest
fabrics and colors not one reserved-no excuse" in not owning a
new suit now with such surprisingly low prices in effect on our en
tire assortment.
Coats, too, are very much underpriced-lt will pay you well to visit
this department.
JUST RF.rF.IVF.DNw'Wnol MifMv Blouses and (lvmnasinm Rlnrnners-.nf crnnH
grace navy Dine nannei-we
Announce to
Dining Room
1-2 Price
$29.75 Table Mln.x6 -ft. Ex- ffl A or
tension, solid Oak $14.0 J
S.r6 Table, clinch, 8 ft, ev- MQ AA
tension, plank top pO.W
$:0 Table, 48 -inch, 6 ft. ex- CI C AA
tension, square base y 1 J.vU
$23 Table, Winch, 8-ft, ex- PA
tension ipl.jU
$21 Table, 42iuch, 0ft ex- CIO AA
tension, quarter sawed oak ... yliU.UU
Lhf, Mro4. 0ur. 'r of rtm
III! ' I 1 1 I I 111
urge an eany seiecuon Deiore sizes are oroKen
No. 766th Wednesday Sur
prise Sale, October 27th.
An Offering of
Cotton Comforts
at 98c Each
Those who need inexpensive
Comforts will welcome this
Wednesday event. Silkoline
covered floral patterns reg
ular full bed size a real sur
prise value your choice
Wednesday 98c Each
the Public
Closets I
1-2 Price
$34 Quarter Sawed
Oak' Buffet
$17.00 1
$15 Colonial Quarter ffOO CA I
Sawed Oak Buffet $&.DU I
$12 Quarter Sawed ffOI AA
Oak China Closet ffcl.vU
$:t Colonial Quartered CIA CA f
Oak Chin Closet tfl J.OU ?
$:io Solid Oak China
- prices $29.70 X
and up.
J tit,
'iff!? m'"m
In The Art Section
The Columbia Manual Series have just arrived
complete instruction in the following volumes:
Pricilla Crochet Book of Edgings and Insertions.
Pricilla Tatting Book.
Pricilla Crochet Book of Centerpieces and Doilies.
All tatting and crochet workers will firid much of
interest and instruction in these books. Price 25c ea.
NEW SHOWING of Sweet-Grass Sewing Baskets,
various sizes priced at 25c, 50c, 79c, $1.00, $1.25,
$1.39, $1.69 '
R. M. C. Thread for tatting and crochet white and
colors, per ball 10c.
The House
If Vfc
All Around Town
Dr. Mendelsotm, specialist in fitting
(lasses eorrectly. U. 8, bank bldg.
The river continue at the unusually
low record of 1.3 foot below low water
mark. A rainfall of .15 was recorded
See Lyceum Ad on page 3.
Mrs. E. C. Simmons, who was operat
ed on about four weeks ago for appen
dicitis, baa so fnr recovered that she
was taken to her home a few days ago.
Dr. Stone's Drug store.
The stock of the Needlecraft Shop
was purchased by J I.. Stockton for
33 1-3 cents on the dollar and ia being
removed today to the Stockton store.
Meetings every night next weeifc at
the llaptint church.
Keith White, who wag severely burn
ed in the automobile accident October
10, when Carl Anderson was killed,
has ao far recovered that he will return
to his work Monday at the bicycle shoji
of Arthur V. Moore.
Dr. R. T. Mclntlte, pnyslclan and
surgeon, 214 Masonio bldg. Phone 440.
The area under the dome or the State
capitol building mi the first floor is
roped off today and as dangerous ter
ritory while the workmen nro repairing
tho glass in the arch. A number of the
panes of glass were missing and these
will be replaced.
Dr. Stone'i Drug Bio re.
I B. L. Beal, a well-known printer, who
bus been foreman of tho Kugeno Ounrd
mechanical department for several
years, was a visitor at the Capital Jour-
nnl office today. Jlr. Beall has lately
severed his connection with the Kugeue
See Lyceum Ad on page 3. .
Dr. C. Hartley, specialist, inflamed,
bleeding gums and pvorrhea. 410 U. 8.
Hank Hldg. 1'houo lSO. Nov9
Mrs. Rexie McOrcw. of 1000 N. Cap
tal street, wuals wnshlnir. house clean-
ling or any kind of house work to sup
port her tive children and aged moth
er. Is ory needy and worthy. .1. O.
Cook, superintendent of t ominous Mis
sion, l'lione MS.
Change of acredule. Beginning with
Monday, November 1st, the schedule
for the Salem Independence Auto Wage
will be as follows: Leaves Salem,
comer State and Liberty streets, 8:00
a. m., 11:00 a. m., 3:30 p. m. and 7:30
p. m. leaves Independence, opposite
poHtofficr, :iiO a. in., 12:30 p. m., 5:00
p. tu. and it: 00 p. tu. i
of Quality :
See Lyceum Ad on page 3.
Fred W. Wilson, of The Dalles, will
deliver tho unnmil memorial address of
tho Klk lode, to be held in the lodge
rooms Sunday afternoon, December 5.
Mr. Wilson is a prominent lawyer of
that part of tho state and is known to
the legal fraternity of the citv as tin
eloquent speaker.
Meetings every night next weak at
tho Baptist church.
Officers of the McMinnvlUe lodge of
Elks and members of the lodge will
come to Salem on the evening of Thurs
day, November 4, to put on the special
initiatory work of that evening. The
evening will be of interest to the local
lodge us arrangements have been made
for the initiation of a large class.
Don't forget the White Swan Sunday
The Commercial Club is today in re
ceipt of a letter from the Ladies Aid
Society of the Gay street M. K. church
of Mt. Vernon, Ohio, asking donations
for their Christmas bazaar to be held
early in December. In return for a
suitublo remembrance, they offer to dis
tribute Oregon literature.
Let us tie your comforts, prices reas
onable. (.'. K. of Central Congrega
tional church. Phone l03.r.
Fuller Brothers of Silverton, have
leased the building mi the southeast
corner of Liberty and Ferrv stieets, ami
will establish a job printing office.
This firm for the past year tins been In
cated at Silverton, but were formerly
from this city. With the opening of this
job office, Snlem will have II firms
doing job printiug work.
Meetings every night next wcei, at
the lliiptist chinch.
J. T. Fenn, custodian of Wlllson park,
is exhibiting a specimen of riH k tnkci
from his fnrm near Halls Ferrv, which
ho believes is very much like the decom
posed granite used by the Union Pueif,.
on its roadbed, and
city of Denver in its street paving. The
rr,.ii,n mm urougni in to lie shown
to railroad officials.
Reliable ptano tuner. Thcne 2354J.
Fred Lewis, a formor High school
boy, is here for a short visit, from
W ranged, Alaska. For the average
man. without any special training, he
thinks Alaska Is overdone, as there are
thousands there who are unable to se
cure employment. After a short visit
here, Mr. Lewis will go to Sn Fran
cisco, j
Finisher here, photo enlsrgementa for !
!c at Stocktons: Ask for coupons. J
Hariey 0. White is in Shedds looking
I after the shipment of clover seed.
I W. W. Moore and L. N. Pinion 11 i
I spend tomorrow in I'ortlaiid.
Airs. 1,. A. Lupton is a week-end vis
itor at Albany.
C. D. Miuton, a real estate dealer of
Portland, is in the city today.
George K. Parks, of Portland, ia here
today visiting with friends.
J. H. Hassey, a prominent farmer of
Coneomly, is here today on business.
Mrs. K. Bunty, of Voodburn, is visit
ing here tordny. ,
Charles L Ogle is here today from
Miss Anna Schcibner, of Portland, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Mary Scholl,
44(5 Union street.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R Euth returned to
day from a six weeks' visit with friends
and relatives in Iowa and Nebraska.
See Lyceum Ad on page 3.
All the latest patterns and weaves
can now be seen at D. H. Moshers, Sa
lem's tailor for men and women. I
D. H. MC3her, Salem's leading tailor,
has a full line of new fall styles from)
which to choose. Call and look them
over. j
Clarence C. Eaton, C. S. B., of Ta,
coma, Washington, will deliver a free
lecture on Christian Science Thursday,
October 2Sth, at 8 p. m., at the Grand
Opera House.
For the ladies, fur top shoes are the
latest, and they are now being shown
by the local shoo shops. Thry are from
the stylos set by Princess Olga of Rus
sia, and with the short dresses now in
vogue, the fur on the top of the shoes
can bo easily observed by those who are
incliued to observe.
Dr. Abseln, dentist, Bank of Com
merce P)ldg.
The county courts of Yanhlll and of
Tillamook counties were in Salem today
to meet with the state highway commis
sion to discuss some matters pertaining
to tho road which is now being built
through the Yumhill Toward Tillamook
county through Sour Grass valley. The
meeting with the highway commission
wns culled at the capital building this i
afternoon. j
See Stockton's window, $3 portraits
for !)Sc. Ask for coupons.
The Arto-Frisco Club, known as the
prize drill team of the United Artisans,
is preparing to give their first dance
of the season next Wednesday evening
at the Moose hall. Since winning the!
nrst prize at JierKeley this summer as
the finest drilled Artisan team on the
coast, they are much in demand, and
will go to Portland early in December
to drill before United Artisan lodge
1N0. l.
Hygrade spells the best 5 cent cigar
money can buy, Salem made.
Monday evening before the Salem Six
0 clock club of the Jlethodist church,
Congressman Hnwley will deliver his
aauress on "Kural creitits," his last
public nppearance before returning to
Washington, ihe dinner will be served
nt 0 o'clock in the parlors of the First
Methodist church, and the session will
closo at 8 o'clock. Men interested in
tho discussion of rural credits are in
vited to come.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank those who so kind
ly aided ns in the lant sickness ' and
burial of our dear mother, Lydia Augus
ta White, in behalf of her finily and
relatives. N
If you are going to the exposition do
not overlook the fact that October 30
is "Oregon day." Governor Withy
combe w ill be there aud as will Gover
nor Johnson of California. They will
have a military escort from tho hotel
to the grounds, and a dinner will be
given in honor of Oregon's governor
in the evening. Monday evening, No
vember 1, a reception and ball will be
given in tho California building for
the Oregon party. "
Exhibition and sale of water color
paintings bv noted foreign artists
scenes in Kgypt, Switzerland, Italy,
Scotland and .Wales are among the
varied and interesting subjects to be.
shown. He sure to see these pictures
worth thousands of dollars. Here to
day and Monday. The Frame Shop 4
tlittery. H79 N. Com'l.
"The lawyers are all using Vampires
Jerry street showed wonderful signs
of revival this morning, as nine of the
booths were filled with produce and
vegetables brought in by the farmers,
and customers were buying at every
booth. One or two of trie farmers had
taken the precaution to advertise, re
sulting in their doing a good business.
Those who are interested in the suc
cess of this market, now believe that
a farmer's market is an assured fact.
At least, it was doing a good business
this morning.
Card ofThanks.
To those who have been so kind to us
in onr recent bereavement we extend
our heartfelt thanks and hope to per
sonally thnnk them later; to those who
were kind to our husband and father,
we expicss our deep and lnsting srati
tude. MRS. L. K. STINSON.
Logan l. stinsox. i
It is necessary for the success of the
SUM'S dltV llllil pinmm! ,,!,... ... i .
j held in the city next Saturday, thut the i
I : V""" ,,uu snouiii ue sent a list
of articles to be offered for sale, uc
cording to W.-S. Low, who lias beeu
I devoting much time towards making.
' . "''"V'ces. Ho suggests that '
.lists should be sent in nt once, care of!
the t ommerciiil club. While personal let-1
ns will not be sent to the farmers in I
tins Viciiutv annniiiiiincr ... .i. ...
vet it i, expected that the success of
the sole one week ago will bring in a
crowd large enough to assure a market
every twoxwecks,
The student bodjr of the senior high
school entertained the freshmen last ev
Your Child's Sil.
ghould f be a mosfii.
portant consideration.
Many children are ha
dicapped in school or
subjected to petty nerv
ous or physical ills bv
the effects of imperfect
vision. An examination
of the eyes of 100,000
school children in New
York City showed that
nearly 30 per cent need
ed glasses. In Boston it
was more than 20 per
cent and most of them
were down on the books
as (stupid) (stubborn)
or (unruly). '
Wearing glasses in
childhood often averts
serious trouble later on.
I make a snemnltv nf ov'
. , " - k v J J.
amimng children's eyes,
and have fitted over a
thousand children in
Marion and Polk coun:
ties. I do not use drugs
or drops as they are
dangerous, and if glass
es are not needed I will
frankly tell you. "
Nt) extra charges for
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn,
Rooms 210-211,
U. S. Bank Building
ening with a progrnm that was entirely
original as well as interesting. In a
spirit of fun, several of the stuilentu
were dressed to represent members of
the faculty. The special feature of UV
evening was the mock marriage in
which Marshal Ryan and ilarcellu By
non were the principals, rcprescntflij!
to gome extent, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Homing, who were recently married.
Music wns furnished by the high school
orchestra, which was encouraged by re
pented encores. Pumpkin pie mnl ap
ples, with cider were served for the re
freshments. Arthur Wilson, secretary of the Chet
rians, has issued a call tor a geuera!
meoting to lie held at the Commercial
club rooms, Monday evening, at 8
o'clock. Besides the regular business,
the proposition of attending in a body
the manufacturers' and land proilnetj
show at Portland on Salem day, will be
W. S. Low will move his real estate
office next Monday from its location
on State street to rooms in the Murphy
block, over the Portland Hallway,
Light & Power company offices. The
rooms occupied by Mr. Low have been
leased by' a Silverton firm for a mat
C. E. Gilliam received a telegram tto
afternoon announcing the death of hn
brother, J. A. Gilliam, at Oakdale,
Wash. He was formerly a resident of
Polk county and well known ia tip
part of the state.
ATTENDANCE 16,000,000
' San Francisco, Oct. 23. llasing their -figures
on tho fact that the lii.OOOW
mark in attendance was passed M
night Panama-Pacific exposition of
ficials today estimated that the totn
attendance for the exposition pern
will reach 18,000,000. It required jurt
lfl days for the last 1,000,000 person. t-
enter tne grounus.
Eye Glasses
Are You In
Many persons believe their f)
sight good while all the '"".
slight, scarcely noticeable, strum
is raising havoc with the op'
nerve. In time come heads
nervousness and other utltii.it".
'Prevention is better Oir.n fare.
291 N. Commercial St
Hours, 9 to 8. Ground
ASK roa
I tw ,