Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 23, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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' ' "M
IT is tin eve of the fifteenth annual
convention of the Oregon Federa-
tion of Woman's Clubs, wnieh will
open Monday evening at eight-thirty
with a reception at the state house in
foe house of representatives.. Ine con
vention will last until Thursday, Uc
tober 28, with the state houso as offi
cial headquarters, all the sessions be
ing held there. It promises not only
to be one or tne most interesting but
also one of the largest meetings of the
State Federation ever held as from 25
to 30 new clubs havo been admitted
into the Federation during the year
thus creating an added number of del
egates. As a full attendance of dele
gates is anticipated, the official list
will be in the neighborhood of 200 to
Club circles have been agog for some
time over the politics of the convention.
The refusal of the president, Mrs. Sarah
A. Evans to again become a candidate,
has left the field open to any aspirant.
Front time to time a number of women
lave been tentatively suggested, but
the contact has apparently narrowed
down to two: Mrs. C. H. Cnstner, of
Hood Kiver, who hus a solid backing
in many of the large clubs anil Mrs.
M. I.. T. Hidden of I'ortland, who also
has friends working for her.. Candi
dates for the other offices havo been
put forward by their, respective clubs.
Miss Marion Towne of Phoenix, is in
line for a directorship. She is able and
popular and was a representative from
Jackson county in the lust legislature.
Mrs. J. W.. Tift of Portland us now
being asked to run for second vice
president. Who is well informed on fed
eration matterd and is known favorably
all over the state. Mrs. .Sylvia Mc
Uuiro Thompson will probably be plac
ed in nomination for the recording aec
roUryship. The Salem club is likely
to have a candidate fur the first vice
presidency, Miss Mattie Beatty. She
a prominent club woman of the
state, is well known and has dona cap
able work for the home club.
A few amendments will come up for
discussion and action. One refers to
the corresponding secretary. The Bug
gention offered is from the viewpoint
of one who has had a large amount
of club eiperience an excellent one.
Mrs. O. J. Frankel has offered an
amendment to artielo III, section 8 of
the constitution, inserting the words,
"No member ahull be eligible to the
name office for moro than two forms."
This plnn is followed in many states, j
Mrs. M. L. T. Hidden suggests a ehango
in the method of appointing standing
committees which she wishes to have
nominated by the executive board and
elected by the convention. Over this
clouse there may arise some doubt as
to which executive board would do the
Another amendment which will come
np, is a change in article X, section.
Heretofore, the Woman 's Clubs have
old Ked Cross stamps for the relief
of tuberculosis. Hut within the last
year, a branch organization of the na
tional anti-tuberculosis association has
been formed with headquarters in
I'ortland. The question now to bo con
sidered is whether tho Woman's Clubs
nhall coiitiuuo their siilo of Hcd Cross
stamps, the funds from which would
necessarily go to the nuti tubercular
association, or relinquish this phase of
relief work altogether to the said asso
ciation, and uIko whether the funds now
on hand from the previous antes of
sfainps shall be retained or turned over
to tho new organization, As regards
the actual program of the convention,
there are intiny significant features.
The IchmiI committees have worked
hard to make tho reception Monday
evening an cnioviihlo soeinl affair nnd
it Is hoped that the visiting delegations
will urrivo in time for this entertain
ment for which an excellent program
Las been urranged.
Tuesday morning will be devoted to
Tontine convention work reports of of-
I- -- f
Mr, Sarah A. Evans, the president
TedoraUon of Woman's Club, which
DOBveuuon in iMient next week.
ficers, standing committees, etc., while
the afternoon will be filled with a ver
itable "Feast of reason and, flow of
soul". There will be vocal solos by
Mrs. T. II. Calloway and T. Orde
mann singers who always delight their
audiences. The president's address will
be replete with suggestions of helpful
ness while the flax industry of Oregon
by tlov. Withycombe is a subject in
which we sec liope for unemployed of
our state. Hook problems will be ably
handled by Miss Cornelia Marvin, sec
retary state library commission. As
the peace idea is the keynote of nil
club activities throughout our state,
tho discussio.i Hball We have Military
Training in Our Schools and the Hague
conference by Miss (trace De (Jraff
will be of special interest. Miss De
Graff has a message for all in her re
port of that greut world conference,
which one should not miss.
The address of Joseph P. Byers of
Philadelphia, Pa., president of the
American prison association and exec
utive national secretary for the care
of the feeble minded, who will speak
on "The Duty of the Htute to its De
linquent and Defective" will be of ab
sorbing interest. Mr. Byers is an au
thority on prison reform and has an
important messngo to give which all
should hear. His lecture begins nt 8:15
sharp, Tuesday evening and will be
preceded by music under auspices of
Monday Musical club of Portland.
Wednesday at JO a. m. comes "The
Children's .Hour" with the rights of
children by Mrs. Millie Trumbull, the
crippled children by Airs. P. L. Camp
bell and the child that should never
have been born by Mrs. Sarah A. Ev
ans. These interesting addresses will
be followed by Mrs. Frederick Kggert 's
report of tho scholarship loan fund and
Our State University by Mrs. Geo. Gcr-
Conferences of the various depart
ments will be held for an hour Wednes
day afternoon to be followed by music
and addresses on three interesting sub
jects as follows: Tim Folly of Fashion
by Miss Fannie Hurley, Property
Mights of Women by Frank 8. Grant,
late city attorney of Portland and Land
Grunts and Waterways by O. P. Put
nam. The program for' Wednesday
will be one of the most interesting of
the convention.
Wednesday .evening will be devoted
to eongregntionul singing and club re
ports whilo Thursday the finnl business
of tho convention will be completed.
All meetings will be held in the house
of representatives. The public will be
cordially welcomed to all sessions of
the convention except the reception
Monday evening which is open to only
invited guests, club members and their
The list of delegates' who will attend
the convention are, to date:
Port hi tul : Mrs. .lames M. ffeeves,
Mrs. S. H. Hliimaur, Mrs. IT. A. Moore,
Mrs. Robert I). Schmidt. Mrs. K. T.
Taggert, Mis. U. It. MeClellan, Dr.
Mary Louise Kvnns, Mrs. M. P. French,
Miss Jessie Hammond, Mrs. C. F.
Clarke, Mrs. (1. W. Tabler, Mrs. Mary
li. Stevcus, Mrs. Daniel Grant, Mrs. ").
Goviintz, Mm. J. W. Tiff t, Mrs. O. T.
Stiinpson, Mrs. Alice Hutterworth, Mrs.
Hubert Hcrgor, Mrs. C. II. Higins,
Mrs. G. J. Frankel, Mrs. John M.
Scott, Mrs. ,1. V. Drake, Mrs. J. D.
Spencer, Mrs. Cluis. Kunyou, Mrs. K. T.
Wade, Mrs. ('has. Ilnniiltnir; Mrs. (i. L.
Ilulund, Mrs. S. W Brock, Mrs. II. C.
Haven, Mrs. Kiitherinw Durst, Mrs.
Fred Dicker, Mrs. M. R. liaird, Mrs.
J. U Storla. Mrs. tN'ellio Itoznrth, Mrs.
H. C. Pottit, Mrs. II. F. Cannon, Mrs.
G. II. On nmn, Mrs. I,. (1. Newton.
Cnvarllis: Mrs. V. H. Gardner, Mrs.
G. W. Peary, Mrs. M. D. Daughters,
Mrs. lowiN Wilson, Mrs. S. Iliutsoelt,
Mrs. Minnie I,oo, Mrs. W. McCreiulv,
Mrs. Dick K.vger, Mrs. W. ,1. Kerr.
Hood Kiver: Mrs. J. Edgcrton, Mrs.
Frank Duvouport. Mrs. A. I,. Page,
Mrs. C. A. Hell, Mrs. M. F. Uvarwav.
Forest Grove: Mis. A. II. Todd, Mi's.
-" -" l'
of the Oregou
hold It annual man' Club.
E. E. Williams, Mrs. J. F. Miller.
Cornelius: Mrs. Joseph Leiter, Mrs.
Meron Tibbits.
Prineville: Mrs. Collin W. Elkius,
Mrs. M. A. V. Millican, Mrs. Mable 8
Bell, Mrs. Agr.es Elliott.
The Dalles: Mrs. Sylvia W. Thorn
pson, Mrs. Marv L. Logan, Mrs. W. A
Hell, Mrs. Benton Mays, Mrs. 8. A
I Tillamook: Mrs. Ethel Bales, Mrs.
Jessie Plank, Mrs. A. C. Evenson.
I Independence: Mrs. J. F. Cooper,
Mrs. Elizabeth losper.
Eugene: Mrs. W. TBoynton, Mrs.
Minnie Washhurne, Mrs. Delcon, Mrs.
i E. J. Frazier. Mrs. Frederick E. Dunne,
I Mrs. Albert. L. lngalls.
McMiniiville: Mrs. F. H. Buchanan,
Mrs. F. S. Wilson, Mrs. Leroy Lewis,
Mrs. D. K. Livergood.
Pendleton: Mrs. George A. Hartman,
Mrs. Wilso'i D. McNary.
Koseburg: Mrs. A. J. Lilburn, Mrs.
William Hell, Miss Marie Martins, Mrs.
J. A. Huchar.an, Mrs. W. A. Smiek.
Sheridan: Mrs. C. II. Kunkerberker,
Mrs. Montgomery.
Ashland: Miss Mollio Belding, Mrs.
A. W. iinrtlett, Mrs. W. P. Counds, Mrs.
Walter Hlaylock, Mrs. C. L. Brown,
Mrs. Nellie Briggs.
Medford: Mrs. Cbas. Scherffline.
Woodburn: Mrs. Blaine MeCord',
Mrs. Herbert L. Gill.
Lebanon: Mrs. Nellie Amos, Mrs.
Evelyn Ford.
Baker: Mrs. Susau W. Moore.
Seaside: Mrs. Warren J. Eastman,
Mrs. V. 0. Webb.
Newberg: Mrs. E. L. Evans, Mrs. W,'
S. Parker, M:rs. h: M. Parker.
Amity: Mrs. Mary Dicky, Mrs. Bel
la B. Thomas.
Oregon Citv: Mrs. George Harding,
Mrs. J. W. Norris. ,
Ontario: Mrs. M. E. Newton.
Oak Grove and Milwan: Mrs. B. G.
LaOrande: Mrs. Albert Hunter, Mrs.
E. n. Kiddle. . ,
The eomniittee chairmen are: Head
quarters, Miss Mattie Beatty; hospital
ity, Mrs. Charles Weller; information,
Mrs. Everett Anderson; pages and
ushers, Mrs. F. H. Spears; printing,
Mrs. Max 0. Buren; comfort, Mrs. K.
S. Wallace; decoration, Mrs. R. C. Bish
op; press, Mrs. William Onlloway;
trains and baggage, Mrs. II. P. Minto;
social, Mrs. W. E. Kirk; credentials,
Mrs. J. II. Albert; reception, Mrs. W.
C. Knighton; hotels, Mrs. B. F. South
wick; music, Mrs. E. F. Carlton; hall,
Mrs. George G. Brown.
A romance quito after the heart of
romance lovers culminated happily
Tuesday afternoon, when Miss Kath
leen Price of Eastbourne, Sussex, Eng
land, became the bride of Ernest H.
Hunt of this uity at St. Paul's Episco
pal church the Kev. Kobort S. Gill of
ficiating at the ceremony. The wed
ding took place at 4 o'clock on the day
of the bride 's arrival in Salem at the
close of a long journey across an ocean
ami a continent. Tho bride waa beau
tiful in a hundsome maroon-colored
suit, completed by a becoming black
velvet picture hat and a neckpiece of
ermine. Siio curried a lovely bouquet
of white carnations. Preceded by lit
tle Mnxine (Hover, the ring bearer, the
bride and groom entered tho church
together to Lohengrin's wedding march
softly played by Miss Lillian Slater.
The dainty ring-bearer was prettily
froeked in white lingerie, elaborated
with a pink ribbon sash and hair bow.
The church wns aglow with masses of
the brilliantly hued autumn folinge.
Following the ceremony a pretty wed
ding dinner was served- nt. the home of
Mrs, F. P. Talkington on North Church
street, covers being laid for eight of
Mr. Hunt's close friends. The color
motif carried out in the table appoint
ments wns red, the centerpiece consist
ing of handsome scarlet gernuiums, cir
cled by softly shaded candelabra. Ex
ceedingly unique hand colored place
cards displaying a tiny bride, with a
genuine veil and pearl garniture, grac-
' 'v ,
Mrs. r. A. Elliott, the president of the Salem Wo-
ed each plate. The ring, dime and
thimble without which no wedding col
lation would be complete, were conceal
ed in an especially inviting pink and
white wedding ke. The rooms were
tastefully decorated with autumn leaves
and hydrangeas of a deep crimson dye.
Mrs. Hunt is the daughter of MrB. W.
T. Price of Eastbourne, England, which
is the, former home of Mr. Hunt, hie
mother, Mrs. ,M. Ridsill still residing
in that eity. The romance which re
sulted in the wedding of Tuesday and
which has been replete with uch
ilyllic. charm throughout, began
four year ago in England, when
Mr. Hunt returned to visit his former
home. It wna originally planned that
the wedding should take place in Eng
land, but on account of the war, it
was decided otherwise and Mrs. Hunt
made the entire journey alone. On her
arrival in New York she was met by
Mr. and Mr. Albert Hurst, (Bertha
Holman) former Salem residents, who
entertained Mrs. Hunt extensively dur
ing her stay in the metropolis. She
brought with her a handsome array of
wedding gifts, including beautiful
pieces of silver of a distinctively Eng-
luh pattern. The bride who is a ra
diant impersonation of charming girl
hood at twenty, almost obliterates from
mind any thought of the daily trage
dies of the war-striken country, she
left behind her. But back of the win
ning appeal of her eirlishness lies the
poise and maturity of the true English
woman, who is swift to quicken to the
sufferings of her country.
As to the suggestion that there
must be many lonely girls in England
now, Mrs. Hunt added "Yes, and
many mothers. So many single sons
have been lost."
She mentioned also the fact that the
women are again resuming their knit
ting aa the winter draws near, carrying
it with them to whatsoever there be in
the- way of social affairs and even to
the opera and theatre, the bride of
the week Having knitted 20 pairs of
mittens last winter.
Mrs. Hunt' home in Eastbourne is
only sixty miles from London and
though no tight nor sound of the Zep
pelin raids penetrated within her home
precincts, yet the excitement which pre
vailed in the aftermath of the Zeppe
lins' course, flooded far and beyond
Eastbourne ana . other neighboring
towns. Last winter w hen a portion -of
a regiment, -was stationed at East
bourne, various homes were called upon
to house the soldiers, that of Mrs.
Hunt and her mother accomodating six.
When questioned as to any emotion
felt by the passengers as the ship on
which Mrs. Hunt sailed, crossed the
war zone, she replied that considerable
relief was evideneed on board.
She who left an old country, a maid,
to become a bride in a new land, has
enthusiastically expressed herself as
thoroughly in love with Oregon and in
particular the town of Salem itself,
where she and Mr. Hunt will make
their home. Mr. Hunt is the official
pianist at the Grand theatre and as a
result of his wide popularity has many
friends in the city who will do honor
to his bride and welcome her as a
happy addition to their midst.
. .
Charming in every detail were the
bridge teas at whjch Mrs. B. K. Page
and Mrs. J. N. Smith entertained in
formally Thursday and Friday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Page on
Chemeketa street, a large number of
matrons and maids enjoying their hos
pitality. The living room was taste
fully elaborated with a profusion of
variegated dahlias, splashed with red
and yellow. A most attractive decora
tive Bciieme was carried out in the din
ing room, where yellow wa the domin
ant color note. The long tea table was
centered with a graceful Japanese bas
ket, blending into soft browns, tied
with yellow tulle, and filled with quan
tities of tiny button marigold in browns
and yellows. The glow of yellow shad
ed candles added the finishing touch
to the harmonious effect. of the room..
On Thursday four tables of bridge were
arranged for the players, the card hon
ors falling to Mrsi IThouias Kay. On
Friday the guests- circled six tables,
Mrs. Paul Schmidt, capturing the high
score. An additional number of guests
called both days at the conclusion of
the card games, early in the afternoon.
Presiding at the tea-table on Thursday
were Ms. A. X. Husii and Mrs. J. H.
Alberts. Mrs. Mux Buren, Mrs. Clif
rord Hrown, Miss Margaret Gray and
Miss Gertrude Gray assisted in the din
ing room, and Mrs. J. V. Sutherland
and Mrs. William Allen In the living
room. On Fridnv Mrs. W. C. Knighton
and Mrs. Fred Steusloff poured, while
.Mrs. rrtink Hrown, Mrs. E. S. Tillmg
hnst, Mrs. W. M. Hamilton and Mrs.
Chester Cox assisted the hostess in the
dining room, and Mrs. Lenta Westacott
in the living room.
Mrs. Asiihel Bush was hostess at a
perfectly appointed dinner Monday ev
ening at her home on Bollevue street,
tho occasion being the wedding anni
versary of Mr. and Mrs, Bush. The
table was beautifully centered with
delicately ti ited, pink roses inter
mingled with clusters of dainty spirea
of the same shade. Covers were laid
for eight, the guests list comprising the
ushers at their wedding. During the ev
ening, a few friends dropped in inform
ally. Those circling the table were:
M. mid Ms. chnuucey Bishop, Mr.,
nnd Mrs. Clifford Hrown, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Theilsen, Mr. and Mrs. Asahel
. '
Mrs. W. E. Vincent was a delightful
hostess Tuesday afternoon, when the
Ageudu Sewim; club met at her attrac
tive country hoine, Firdeu, i" Engle
wood park. The affair was one of the
forerunners of tne Hallowe'en festivi
ties now drawing near, and the decora
tions, consisting of tho golden pump
kins ami Virginia creeper, were in ex
cellent accord wilh the motif of tne
party, fhe aftcr-ioon was passed with
needWwork, followed by a dainty two
course luncheon. Th centerpiece was
an immense pumpkin filled with thr
autumnal hued fruit and rovers were
laid for eleven. Mr. E. B. Millard
poured the coffee. Those present were:
Mrs. Seymour Jones, the guest of honor.
Mrs. Artnor Boschen, Mrs. R. R. Jones,
Mrs. II. II. Vamlervort, Mrs. T. J.
Kunts, Mrs. Von Eschen, Mr. E. B.
Millard, Mrs H. E. Voorheis, Mrs. A. E.
Hunt, F. C. DeLong, Mrs. I. H. Mills
Mrs. I. 0. Van Winkle, Mrs. A. A.
' '
The members of the Thursday After
noon elub gathered at the home of Mrs.
George Rodgers this week according to
the custom of the club for a 1 o'clock
luncheon, followed by an informal Ken
sington. The house was attractively
deeorated with zinnins and delicately
shaded pink roses. The club members
are: Mrs. H. H. Olinger, Mrs. Frank
Durbin, Mr L. F. Griffiths, Mrs. R. E.
Lee Hteiner, Mrs. Milton Meyers, Mrs.
George Brown, Mrs. Edwin Baker, Mrs.
R. P. Boise, Mrs. W. H. Daney, Mrs.
Oliver Locke, Mrs. Joseph Baumgurt
ner, Mrs, C. L. McNary, Mrs. Carlton
Smith, Mrs. George Rose, Mrs. George
Rogers. Mrs. Frank Meredith, the
house guest of Mrs. L. F. Griffiths, was
an honor guest of the afternoon.
A nnmb?r of society women in Sa
lem are planning a unique bazaar for
the bonefit of the Y. W. C. A., to be
held Wednesday, November third at
the Lauterman buiiiing on Chemeketa
street, between Commercial and Lib
erty streets. The fete will continue
throughout tha afternoon and evening,
and besides including the customary at
tractions of the regulation bazaar, as
candy and fancy-work booths will num
ber many novel features, comprising a
tea-garden and other side allurements,
which will be announced later. It is
anticipated that more or less of a car
nival spirit will conduce to the suc
cess of tho affair. The funds raised
will go towards the furnishing of a
room in the new Y. W. C. A. building,
which is nearly completed. It is lo
cated ou North Liberty street near
A delightful afternoon was spent on
Monday at the home. of Mrs. E. E. Wa
ters on North Summer Btreet, by a
group of ladies who meet every week
with their sewing. Autumn foliage in
troduced a brilliant color note into the
decorations throughout the rooms. Mrs.
Harvey Wells and Mrs. Charles McNary
assisted in serving. The club, which wiil
hold informal bridge teas after Christ
mas, will meet next week with Mrs.
John McNary.
Miss Marcella Bynon and Miss Alice
Baker entertained the Snikoph Dram
atic society of the high school Tuesday
evening at Miss Bynoa's home on
North Summer street. A varied pro
gram of entertainment was enjoyed by
the guests, following the initiation of
new members in the early part of the
evening. A mock trial caused much
merriment, as did also the impromptu
fortune telling. A marshmallow.-toast
added to the pleasure of the evening
and later the floor was cleared for
dancing. The upstairs rooms were pret
tily deeorated with the deeply toned
marigolds, while the dining room was
adorned with Virginia- ereeper, autumn
leaves and red dahlias. Assisting Mrs.:
Bynon in serving were: Miss Edith
Bynon and Miss Helen Rose. This af
fair marks the first of a number of
pleasant affairs to be given by this
society during the winter. The mem
bers of the society present, were: Miss
Vesta Smith, Miss Ruth Schultz, Miss
Teresa Fowle, Miss Beatrice Walton,
Miss Alice Baker, Miss Blanche Drake.
Miss Grace Tyler, Miss Odell Savage,
Miss Vivian Beck, Miss Marcella Byn
on, Miss R. M. Hopkins, the faculty ad
visor; Ralph Barnes, Edward Ranch,
Allen Carson, Avan Schomaker, Aubrey
Johnson, Oral Lemon, George Caust,
Carlton Savage, Victor Bradson, Victor
Taylor, Richard Avison, Lyle Barthol
omew. ...
A social event claiming a lare share
of attention this week was the guild
dance given on Wednesday night at
the armory. The affair was permeatad
with a delighUMlly informal atmos
phere. In fact, the dancing fete this
year was ono of the most largely at
tended and most successfully carried
out in every detail of perhaps any of
the annual Guild dances. Not the ieast
of the well-received features on the
in was tho exhibition of new
dance steps given by Professor and
Mrs. Montrose Kingler. Of quiet bear
ing, and revealing a finished skill in
their performance, these artists charm
ed their audience time nnd again. Mrs.
Ginler was most attractive in a love
ly pink gown, later appearing in a deli
cate cream taffeta, made in the new
pannier style. The floor was thronged
with dnueors throughout the evening,
the whole effect being gay and bril-
Toilet Cream
Will preserve the skin
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Oeeip Oabrilowltsch and his wife,
the great artists who are offered
lem this year.
liant. The singing of the Orpheus
Chorus was especially enjoyed. They
gave the dancers an added treat by
singing a waltz song as an accompani
ment number for one of the dances.
Among the decorations which contrib
uted to the beauty of the hall were the
dahlias donated by Dr. R. E. Lee Stein
er. Much of the success of the affair
is due to the managing irammittee, com
posed of Mrs. William Lytle, Mrs. John
Coughnll, Mrs. Carlton SnsHh.
Groups of ladies were stationed at
the various booths. At the candy
booth were Mrs. H. V. McClean, Mrs.
J. H. Olinger, Mrs. George Fox, Mrs.
J. A. Wood. J. A. Wood served the
ice ereain. Mrs. H. B. Thielsen, Mrs.
Russell Catliu and Mrs. C. H. Dopp
were at the punch table. Mrs. Ada
Strong met the gnests at tho door. The
young girls who assisted were Miss
Ethel Rupert, Miss Doris Churchill,
Miss Beatrice Walton, Miss Charlotte
Croisan, Miss Helen Wood, Miss Tora
Moitensen, Miss Lillian Slater.
As Rosenthal will be unable, owing
to European conditions, to cross the
ocean this year, his placo has been
filled in the prospective musical artists
course here this vfinter by Ossip Ga
hrilowitsch and his wife, Clara Ga
brilowitsch. In the tour of these dis
tinguished nrtists there is presented
musical opportunity that Salem people
will very likely find irresistable. Ga
brilowitsch has never appeared here be
fore and besides tho charms of novelty
his playing will make the appeal of real
greatness, for he is great, one of the
most poetical of the great players. Not
that he has not also splendid "technical
equipment, but, as Max Smith says in
the N. Y. Press, "Among tho various
masters of the piano few, if any, set
the heart strings of the listener into
vibration as does Ossip Gabrilowitsch.
Listening to Gabrilowitsch is an experi
ence for he never loses his grip on the
poetie substance of the works he is in
terpreting, never fails to quicken the
imagination and the emotions."
Mme. Gabrilowitsch, as the gifted
daughter of Mark Twain, first at
tracted attention as a contralto some
seasons ago. She is said to havo fault
: Salem's Educational Directory :
Music Business Law Art
Schools and Colleges
Capital Normal and Industrial School
Term of 12 weeks opens September 13-15
13th and Wilbur Streets, Salem
Miss Beatrice Shelton
Teacher of Piano.
Studio 343 Marion St. Thone 1209
Frank E. Churchill, Tiuniste.
Pupil of Emil Liebling, Cricago; gradu
ate of Western Conservatory, Chicago.
Studio Booms 1-2, Opora House Bldg.
Re. Phone 167 I B.
Miss Lnclle Barton
Teacher of Voice and Theory
Studio Boom 40 Hubbaid Bldg. Besi
dence 1017 North Twentieth itrect.
Phone 564.
William Wallace Graham
Tewher of Violin
Pupil of Royal Hlah School. Berlin. Germanr. under Joachim,
teau, Hlir ad Market. Letter!
Nine and one half yean European
Qt.,,1 a. ...... - r ,
-...u.u un oiuiuiji uz nci wee
phont hotel or isquir of Mis Mary
Phone 1547-M.
Madame Clara Gabrilowltsch, two of
in the musical artists' course for Bi.
less diction, taste and insight. H. U
Finck says her voice is a true contrail
which is rare in theso days, and thai
it stands the test of soft measures' witi
out deteriorating in quality. If tk
course becomes a reality, Gadski will
appear in December, Ossip and Clan
Gabrilowitsch in January and de 6or
goza in February.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. McB'ce motored
down from Corvallis to spend the wk
end with their daughter, Mrs. Julhis
Hopt. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Erwin, of
Arlington, Oregon, are also gueiti it
the Hopt home. Mrs. Erwin is a iitei
of Mrs. Hopt. 4
Miss Elcne Fawk, who has been quite
ill for the past week at her home 01
Nob Hill, is slightly improved.
Miss Evelyn Calbreath left Portland
Tuesday for New York City where ti
will resume her vocal study under the
tutorage of Franz X. Arena for an
other year.' Miss Calbrenth ia the
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Ca!
breath, formerly of Siilem. ISlie hat been
passing the summer in Portland with
her parents and her sister, Mm Helen
Calbreath. This will be her fourth win
tcr jreason in New York.
(Continued on Pave Six.1 '
Mrs. Anna' Rogers Fish
Dramatic Reader. Recitals for
clubs and private functions.
326 N. Liberty, Thone 1C36W
l B eaver State Printers
i Society and Commercial
Phone 1512.
f Boom 1-3, Patton Block
Willamette University
Opens September 13-1."
Carl O. Doney, resident
L H. Van Winkle, Dean of U "CJC0
and Art
Dan F. Langenberg
. . Vocal Teacher
Tate pupil of F. X. A""1',,
Studio 314-15-16-17 nubbard BUg.
Phone 2079
Elm Wellet
' Pianist . .
Liiehitezky Technic and Dunning sjr
tem of Improved Music
Phone 13,1 BfeiDnerW.I
of highest commendation from tun
experience. A specialty made or
, . .... . nnointnlfl't
at uoiei xriuo. -i r g,
Scltulti, Assistant, 180 . CH
. kattnam - nwp-M