Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 23, 1915, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 10

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A Galley o' Fun!
I Ted 1
-Hag the girl'a mother Intimat-
l-d that alie favors your nuit?
Ned Not exactly, but when we all
f.n out in their motorcar she always
Ids us sit together In the back seat.
btfort It POISONS tits Jttr.i.IKM tt BONE
Without Knifi or PiiaK f"1
m pat until crarVC'j
No X Hat or otlier M i 'lSr
plant makes th.cure'
An r TUMOR. LUMP or;
SOU on Hie Hp, (ue
or body long is
rmrrn1 It n.m
pailullintlllaNtll'aire J&
I20-M8E BOOK sent Vu
FRKK, M,lU tests- W CM
mouial. u b M BC
! pi UPC D andalwayspolsons deep arm
" U A II 0 C 11 nt eland nd KIUS OUICKLf
One woman ineverTTdiesotcancer U.S. report j
we reiuse many wno wan 100 ion ac man ate
" pi
CoL Goethals Starts In To
Change the Face of Nature
Along the Canal
(By I'nited Press staff correspondent.)
l'auania, Oct. 23. These - liilU and
valleys and various other pieces of
Panama geography that have been lum-
Poor cured at half price If cancer la yet small ! bering around and falling Into the
Of 1 MrS Dr CKAMliT ICO 5JTI??!,i?S 1 nal so carelessly and gettiug it all
i wiui Mil I riri . i i , , . . ., ,
"smcny ntiftwf, vrtsf zmtm skihsi thing
Help Digestion
To' keep your digestive
organs in good working or
derto stimulate your liver,
tone your stomach and
regulate your bowels,take ,
Unl Sal f Aay llMbdM la lha WU. j
Soldararywfcara. U beat. 10c, 2Sc, j
4340 It 436E VakmcU St, San Fraaetaca, Cat.
The Oregon state board of control
will receive sealed bids for furnishing
wood for the various Hate institutions
on the L'7th day of October, 1915, at 2
o'clock p. in., as folows:
Oregon Mute Hospital, main building
1 2nd cords first growth fir wood, "
jcorils pole oak; Cottage. Farm, 1,000
I cords second growth fir, 5tW cords first
growth fir.
j Oregon State Penitentiary, 3"0 cords
f .limit JnniiiHr 'n.r.t r..n.r i M ir.Ht growth fir, ;0 cords pole onk
Ullred l. w.t r.n,i ,h'.. L s,!lt'' 1 nslitiition for Feeble Minded,
r . ..... ...... . )(J (.or(j Krowth flr.
..utm iiiuer MM Meat Oregon finite Training School. .100
cords second growth fir, 00 cords as.
Oregon State Tuberculosis Hospital,
i0 cords second growth fir.
.IomIi Juniper
fi'.nner 1 ever Men!
j fii Wank -How's that?
I Josh Juniper Why, when ue Roes
to town lie don't walk his team most
n'l Ho way an' then whip up an" come
!ilrlln over the top of the hill an'
sluvn Into the village, asnortln' an'
n.'.awiii'; but Just comes pokin' along
lido town ll!; he didn't care a duni
whether anybody was louklu' ut him
oi not.
CROWDS. .. ...
Crowd vary. When three teams are
J itched in front of the Lanfronla post
dl!ce on Wednesday afternoon every
li:idy aayH: "My! What a big crowd's
in town today!"
, On the contrary, three hundred In
tei HchoUstic root ball team all yelling
wouldn't make much difference at 6
'clock p. in. on the Brooklyn bridge.
! Heventeen people. Including two
d'. us and three small boys, are a loy
al, enthusiastic, cheering multitude If
Ilia political meeting thoy are attend
ling la approved by the paper which
write it up.
I On the other hand, a crowd of tr.o
thousand ut an unorthodox political
rrlly in merely "a handful of displrlt
.I pnrlisann."
t When your candidate wins vou ate
Oregon State School for the Blind,
Kid lords first growth fir.
Oregon State School for the Deaf,
30 cords first growth fir.
Oregon State Industrial School for
(iirls. I.jO cords second growth fir.
Ilid.t on four foot round slab wood
will be entertained.
Specifications will be furnished up
on application to the secretary.
All bills to be accompanied by certi
fied check in the sum of 10-per cent of
the whole amount of hid. payable to the
Oregon State Hoard of t'ontrol, which
sum so deposited by the successful bid
der shall be held by the board as a
guarantee that the bidder will enter
into a contract to furnish the amount
award. All bids to bo enclosed in a
sen led envelopo ami marked " Uids for
Wood." and to be addressed to the
The hoard reserves the right to reject
bii ur au unia or 10 accept anv parr
oi a ui'i.
K. Li. fiOOMN',
Secretary, Oregon State Hoard of
stuffed up, have peeved Gov. Goethals,
So today he pointed out a couple of
mountains that he said were causing
all the trouble and instructed his men
to "take 'em awoj.-
"What, the mountaiusf"
"Yes, the mountains."
"You mean you would like these
mountains removed."
"Precisely. Hove 'em at once."
The mountains, be it added, began
moving today.
It '8 really a small matter. Moving
a few. mountains more or less is of
slight concern to Goethals. Chopping
a hole in the face of the earth and
building a young sea to connect a cou
ple of others that didn't dismay him.
Why stop at shunting mountains
around t
"Construction days" are being re
peated in Oaillard cut, formerly known
as C'ulebra cut. A score of big dredges
and steam shovels and an army of
workmen are removing thousands of cu
bic yards of earth from the recent
slides from Gold an1
Gov. Goethals a few days ago ex
pressed hope of reopening the canal
November 1, but the date may be ex-
Pomona Grange Has
Interesting Meeting
Editor Capital Journal: Pomona
Grange met with Aumsville Grange
October 17, 1915, with W. H. Stevens,
worthy master, in the chair.
The following officers were elected
for the coming year:
W. M., W. H. Stevens.
O., Mary Howd.
L., H. C. I.ibby.
S., Bro. Whitehead.
A. S., W. H. Jones.
Treasurer, Anney H. Davidson.
(secretary, fcva Jones.
G. K., Bro. Kercher.
L. A. 8., Sister J.ewis.
After the election of officers a recess
wag declared for dinner, a dinner which
only grange ladies know how to pre
pare. After dinner an open session was
held. Mr. McMahan was introduced,
he being gent by the Commercial club
of Salem, asking that the master of
each grange appoint a committee of
Contractors' ! f've to meet with the Commercial clnV
at some future date, the committees
to confer with the Commercial elub on
the needs of the grangers and farm-erg.
tended. Nearly 200 vessels, held up by
A motion was made instructing each
the slides since the latter part of Sep-1 master to appoint a committee of five
, .. ... -.,....) L . ill. 1 . 1 1 V
in meet wiiu me commercial ciuo on
November, tho Commercial club to feed
all who would attend. The motion car
ried, the motion being made as a body
of people, not a the grange.
Mr. Chopin wag then introduced and
announced the dates of the different
eorn shows. Prof. Miller, of the U. of
O., was then introduced and made quite
a lengthy speech. '
Prof. McPherson, of the Agricultural
college, made gome remarks on the
work of the grange, and said the worst
fault was the grange came together the
main thought being the dinner, not tak
ing up the things they should but the
temher, wait at the docks at Balboa
the Pacific terminal, and Colon on the
"When will the slides permanently
"That's as easy to predict as the end
of the Kuropean war,- Is the answer.
The removal, bodily, of the two
mountains Gold and Contractors', being
blasted away and the earth sluiced
down to fill hills and valleys a mile
distant, is expected to stop the slides.
That the slides will sometime stop
forever "some day" is certain. This
is confidently stated by Gov. Goethals.
The worst slides, it is believed, are
Secretary of Navy Says Gov
ernment Owned Plant Is
Most Economical
Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 23. A big gov
erument armor plate plant and projectile
factory is proposed for the navy's de
fense program this year, Secretary of
the Navy Daniels said yesterday at the
state fair. This will be the keynote of
the administration's military prepared
ness policy.
He urged too. the government shin
purchase bill to provide naval auxiliar
ies, in addition to the extension of gov
ernment manufacture of munitions.
Ilig statement was the first official
word that the armor plate and pro
jectile proposal is included in his esti
mates. He declared that under the in
creased price the government has paid
for its plate and projectiles, it could
have the proposed factory several times
"The navy," he said, "with a mod
ern plant can manufacture plate for
from $230 to $200 against a non-competitive
price of $425 to $489 charged
in our last contract."
Concerning the necessity for defense,
he said:
"The great losses of the European
war relate to prepareonesf rxthcr than
to strategy. Some of the belligerents
thought themselves adequately pre
pared, but found they were sadly mis
taken. Such lessons will awaken our
people to a new interest in defense."
Instant' Relief With Small
Trial Bottle of Old, Pene
trating "Si Jacob's
For the
iov, win .
From Zl
bottle. J
cure the "
stubbor, Tea"0"
tie, or A v.."
oy ati
and at
ment of the Interior, Office of
Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C,
.October 12. lul". Senled nronosuls.
Rlsd tu learn that an orderly crowd , plainly marked on the outside of the
cheered the returns. sealed envelope: "Proposals for Addi
t ltut when the other fellow et tbern ;tiun to Itnck
now over. The last was the worst I orotner torgot to add tnat tne grangers
since the "big ditch" was opened. allow outsiders to take up too much
"Shoring off" of the precipitous of their time, not leaving the grange
mountains which form the einnt bound- enough time for their own work
arics of Gnillard cut is the gradual,! So much time was taken up by speak-
ihj Hie .pained In read that "a mid
and dnnkenued niuli patrolled thi
HtrcelH all tiWit Insulting pedestrians
mid breaking window."
slow process which will prevent future
The peculiar geological formation of
the Panamanian mountains makeg this
the feat difficult. Instead of firm
rocks or snndv subsoil, interlaced bv
Assembly Hall, Salem heavy forests, like the Bocky moun
' r. ud addressed to the tains, those of Panama are shelving
of Indian Affairs, hills of red and yellow clav, covered
ing, the degree work had to be post
poned- until the evening session, but
most members from other granges could
not stay for the evening meeting.
IS. hool, Oregon.
' " I 'oinmiMiioner
j Washington, D. ( '.," will be received w ith tropical trees of small stature and i
'at the Indian office until 2 o'clock p. undergrowth which does not "knit"j j(:ci)c!(c:j)t!)e(
in. in .oveiiiiier i i, iin.i. ror iurnisn- tae loose sou.
When is a crowd not a crowd? Vt hen
yu are standing up In a street car.
tAuyhody with eyes can see that the
jioople sitting down might Bcrooge up
bit nnd make, room fur you.
j If, however, you are Heated, It a
Jtl'iiti Out the crowd Hitting down is
"out all the trntlic ran bear.
I Let Hie Devil aud the hindmost 1 Missouri, and Builders' Ex
klund up together ( linage, St. Paul, Minnesota, and at the
I Keen away from crowds. A crowd ?i Surintendeat of the
' Mirin i mini ii imiui, nriiiu i n 'TV
tfmi. For further inforimition iinplv to
I The "slides' 'are not an avalanche LJhere. re .hu"dfe?? ?' in
ion or an addition to the brick'of rock and earth from the top of the li T T- T , ,
bly hall, in strict accordance with ' mountain peaks, but a movement from i"ed h.e? h read ln he J' naI
duns, specifier tiong and instruc-. below. As the bast of the slanting ' Daniel J, Iry is gelling Mi-o-na
ing materials and labor tor the con
st ruction
the I
lions to bidders, winch may be exam
ined at the office of tiie paper or peri
odical in which this advertisement ap-
cuts wenken through seepage of rains
and water in the canal, the earth soft
ens and is, pressed, downward and ont-
p. is us much sense as a headlesx
(bickeii. I make that comparison be-
Mine I know a chicken so dealt Willi
f UH
.cm n't resent It.
tun with riowds you are lititdo to fill
biv rt and be stepped on.
the Superintendent of the Salem School.
ATO SKI.I.S, t'omiuissioner.
Notice is hereby given that we, the
undersigned resident tax pavers, re-
If u ,.r..u .l I, ....... ...... ,11 r""" iiiiiik i'-n per win in inr rcsniein
1 ,' , ; "' ' : tax pnyeia in road district No. 4, Ma-
.m are worth. If they are aftrr you ril, ,.oml,Vi Olos,uni n().
,uh brickbats it Un't so bad, but if ti.-e to the lax payers of siiid district,
iffy want tu crown yuu with lautel jtlmt there will be a meeting of the res
lyi'U are lost. P-ihaps the ;.aret wiiv i'lent tax payers of said district at the
If to holler Stoii thief!"
'aio wiitlli.
! Keep awsy fiom crowd' If th
eren't crowds there wouldn't lw
tit kpockcts.
I'lrst Citizen- The Chinese ain't so
Xr liehlnd .llie times us wo supposed.
; Second Cltisen -No, Indeed! I reck
on they could pull oh" a renpeet ible
m'hiu' lHe,
"And bow does Mr. Publlcman really
pears, the tinted States Indian are-1 ward, into the canal channel bv the
houses at I hicitgo, Illinois, anil St. I,
. The slide movement occurs compara
tively slowly. It is detected bv en
croachments from the base of the cliffs.
Sometimes the movement is go speedy
that dredges and tracks are covered.
Generally the earth at the base slowly
mounts and is pushed until it encroach
es into the channel.
When the upper part of the hills are
cut away to such an angle that the
pressure upon the earth beneath is re
moved, the slides will stop. The recent
slides were expected.
As an expedient minimizing slide
danger, parts of the towering hills have
been cut away, in sections, or terraces,
like a steep lawn is terraced to pre
vent erosion and "cave ins." The same
principle, on a gigantic style, will stop
the slides.
Gold hill hns been known as the
.Tonnh of the "Cut." - Contractors' bill,
another source of bad slides, is almos'
strnight across. These are the only
two important slide danger points re
maining iu the "Cut."
When construction was first begun.
Iov they have been
for nil uu J,n',l noose nt t hr.inpoeg, Oregon, in
said road district at 4 o clock p. m., on
1 1 In 1st dav ot November, li'l'i, for the
i purpose of1 'he prepniation of an item
ized estimate of the amount of money
jpinpuscd to be raised by the levying of
I an ndditioual tax for road purposes, in
said load dlstlirt.
j (Signc.u John A Garin, P. E. Os
l borne. K. S. IKbnrne. .1. K. Smith, Cur
itis ( olciiinn. Irene Coleman, Johnnna
ixnnpp, r iniiK iiipp. Albert tvnnpp.
n cr Libel, Harry K. Fawl.es, Marv
K. Finvl.es. ' (Vt.
j "We
Iwren h
II, he Is a happy medium be
lli cat teat ures and Ids phot o-
'Ilbisp person, isn't boT"
, "lilase? Why, lm say that
kvtn tired of the autoniobtlo."
Herlin, Oct. 22.- Bulgarians have oc
ciipied KumaiioMi, it was ofticially
staled today. This is midway between
the eastern ant western frontier of
Serbia, on the road which connects with
the .Vsh Salonika line.
on a guarantee to refund the money in
case it did not relieve. This remark
able dyspepsia remedy will relieve the
worgt ease of indigestion, headache,
dizziness, or the general played-out con
dition that afflicts every one suffering
with stomach trouble. Mi-o-na doea not
simply relieve, it aims to cure.
Daniel J. Fry can tell you of many
well known people in thig city who this
remeuy nas restored to health, often
after they have tried many other
methods of treatment with little or no
benefit. No other dyspepsia remedy has
made so large a percentage of cures as
Mi-o-na. It is go large that Daniel J.
Fry atands ready to refund the price
to any customer whom, it doeg not help.
The best kind of advertising is the
praise of a pleased customer, and there
are hundreds in Salem today praising
Mi-o-na because it doeg what it is ad
vertised to do. A few months ago they
could eat nothing without wondering
what the result would be. Since using
Mi-o-na, they eat what they want and
when they want with bo fear of suffer
ing. This medicine Comes in the form
of a small tablet and i very pleasant to
Jake. It speedily and permanently re
lieves almost all formg of stomach
trouble and is the only one sold under
is puaime guarantee without
money if it
aide of (S,,bl hill -..r ,),.,. - . .. . guarainee wunoui any re
. . i iiii uun. in rofiin.i h
linmlifMt 'if N'nu- tli ... lima K..a.n . ' " a. tua
away to a'verv slimline anr-le and will!?"?.?0 .ev.- Thi ' tim
" " . ... i i
soon lie ren ecu to a 1,01111 n-ri.rp t u o
danger will be almost removed.
o get well and you ought to take ad
vantage of Daniel J. Fry'a offer.
lors. in t. L.'.Kising above its: ni., . ... . .
closing mark of vesterdav, Bethlehem ! ,ll:,1'l"'XVl1''11-' 22.-udge
ii-- I'I'flini ll.l HI illMi. 1UIS HUH a ,i --
fr...;.. .1....0 t: ,....i.r' lu' state
....i.,.,, ,.,,..,. i.o i. ituirD im 14(11
Everybody Admires a Beautiful Complexion
Oriental Cream
Jin IndkpemaUt and Delightful
Toilet Requisite
for Fashionable Women,
it 1
died here early this morn-
1 '"K at St. Peters hospital, where he
i had been confined fur the nasi few
weeks. He had been suffering from can
cer for two years. His wile and son,
Benton, were at his bedside when the
cud came.
Judge Crow became a member of the
Scats were at a premium in the
Congregational church last Sunday
evening when James Eivin, pastor of
the church, gave an illustrated address
on Germany.
On Sunday evening the same speak
er will deliver an illustrated address
on trance and will show that France'
believes she is fighting not only for
her Own life but for tiie principles of
liberty and republh-anisni. France be
lieves that the war of 1870-1 was an
utterly unjustifiable attack upon n
peaceful and unprepared neighbor. Thel and spirit that makeg for progress,
ll.atinl. HnLKn. a .lint 1. 1 n .kll.l.n (IT.!.- II. . '
A.G... u dviijici iiguia tuui- uib cuiiurcu
may have the right to think and speak
and feel in Freuch that there may still
be in the world a French race which
the world needs.
France believes that she stands for
liberty first and foremost among the
nations of the world. Every one knows
tnat trance has contributed very large
ly to the liberties of the world and
especially to the liberties of America.
Thos. Jefferson, the writer of the
"Declaration of Independence," "de
rived his ideas very largely from the
philosophic thought" of France of the
ISth centmy. France has been called
the fatherland of Jefferson's thinking
and the Declaration Tf Independence
was French born.
Carlyle said that the French revolu
tion came, a truth clad in hell fire. But
that revolution stood for terrible
truths, it was the resort of a suffer
ing people ETainst aristocracy and mis
rule. It made France love liberty and
dare for liberty as few other nations
iiave done. Liberty, Equality, Fratern
ity was the cry of the soul "of France.
Not only haj Franco contributed
largely to the cans" of liberty through
out the world, she hiis also contributed
largely to the intellectual and spirit
ual life of the world and has also been
called the mother of radical thought.
France then iu this war stands for
the defeiise of the worship and prac
tice of liberty, born of a great past,
full of glory, of achievement of con
tribution to tha world's love, the
world's gaining of liberty.
Tho address will be 'illustrated by
fifty stereopticau slides and will cover
such points as the French contribution
to liberty. The inheritance from the
revolution. Tho weak point in tho
I . e , ..
iit-ifiopinciii 01 r ranee, r.vervbodv n
Rheumatism is "pain" only.
Not one case in fifty requires inter
nal treatme.it. Stop 'drugging! Rub
soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oi!"
right into -your sore, stiff, ' aching
joints, and relief conies instantly. "St.
Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheumatism
liniment which never disappoints and
can not burn the skin.
Limber up! yuit complaining! Get
a small trial bottle of old, honest ''St.
Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, and in
just a moment you'll be free from
rheumatic pain, soreness and stiffness.
Don't suffer! Relief awaits you. "St.
Jacobs Oil'' is just as good" for sci
atica, neuralgia, lumbago, backache,
Government Educator
Praises Newspapers
Washington, Oct. 23. "The smaller
newspapers of the country have to their
credit one of. the really great achieve
ments of the last few years I mean
the spread of compulsory education,"
declared W. Carson Ryan, Jr., editor of
the United States Bureau of Education,
in an interview with the United Press.
"Two years ago there were sir
stateg without compulsory education' he says, ''other things may and will
laws? todni? thero am K..f iri.il,. :l' :.t.... ..s ' "" ""I
change is largely due to the smaller
"Here, in the Bureau of Education,
we have learned from years of exper
ience to depend upon the paper of this
"It is a curious thimr that munh e
the educational progress of today is be- memDer of the crew of the Americas
ing made in the smaller towns. The lM r,Bge& ship Dirigo, ready to tail
big city has the system, the organ- v" Swe1f,en "rgo of barley hivt
iz&tiou. the diseinlinp hnf k anniiA deserted, following refusal of their
city is apt to have the independence J""1"5 for i"creased Py for the torn-
spini ,na manes tor progress. i i' sr
Th smaller nn.-.r.on.. -v. ' Although the American fla? haihem
for its boosting of progressive idea,. Z0il
The only cash drug store in rw'
owes no one, and noBone 0VeS u
neg barge gtock; its seU "
and show cases are loader witsT"1
medicines, notions, toilet
wines and liquors of all ki?K
medicinal purposes. Dr St0n. Ut
regular graduate in medicine L 1
had many years of Men.. I4 ?
practice. Consultation, are fre. p
scriptiong are free and only L ,
price for medicine. Dr S,Z ful?r
found at his drug store, SaS
from 6:40 in the morning aft
night. Free delivery to ..i "A. 8 4
therity and within "a radi,,
Demand for Lumher
Will Save Northwest
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 23.-The tm
of the European war will mark in ,Z
of depression for all parts of the Cii
S8'?? except for the northwMt
which will be stimulated because of the
1p'ner,in'i?8,t;'-V' ording to Eda,S
F. Trefz, field secretary of the Cham
ber of Commerce of the United States
who is iu Seattle for a few davj, '
" P!nrnna m.ioi I, n , . n . . ,
.-rw u,UIi uo,c juur luniDer,'
be done without. You have An. ,..
terial that will be in demand h. ....
of the country will not be so fnrt.
, , .
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 21. Twenty
It is apt to be in closer touch with its Mi,lorS iC-c,8red the haard to Pt8t
'AVlnitton-Ftli'kbsmi,a U a rerjr 1
Vorsilllo chap, isn't lie?
IVllor Oh. e.I IU make a dif- j
Vrant kind of fool of hluuuU almost j
iverjr d.y In th woclt, ' -- .
si !
rUa rVuniNhanusVUnnl
'itiiiiiiiiii Cotu.
TiJ?.'.''.;l';,, . t'fi
A dally neee.slty for tli ladles' toilet
wnetl-r at buie ur while tmv.-llnir it
pnt't the skin fivm Injurioiia prTwu
of the el-meius. klvcs a wonderfully ef
fective h.-iitv t.i t!ic compli-xion. It la m
x-rfw t nn-areaay Toilet Oi.'ni ami poa
ltlvlv will h,'l c.iu or en.-oitrdite the
Krtll of hair nlilih all Udlra should
ltu .nl nuaiM-t Ikm a-Lvtlnu Mltet pr.
I'm jiioii. h-ii -.t iiu liiir I'owUn or oth
er en.Ttlom l v-t tii akin, 11 prvveula a
grcrt.y nj't'--i::iii -e.
Courjud Or tntil Ceaam has ben
rmilily r.-.s.nHiwc.l-'d by ptiislcians. act
rv.sea. aitiner .m.l women of fushloii for
n;i': ii cntsirv and cannot be aur-
imssc-I when preparing for dally or vn
Ina nltlre.
.. . .. . Oouraud t Oriental Ci-m curva Pkin
TaeaM and rclVvea Pm-hum. Rem.ii.-s Tj, l in.pl,.. tr, kb-ada, M..td
IVt bra Itssh. rreckb-a nit Vule.tr lt.siuaa. Ye'low and Mud ty Sk: nlvli.
a i1.-tt-al.-tjr tlar and r..fbir.t foo.nlcxi.m wtil.li cwrv won.sn ib-Mr..
N '- 'l ror a.ile by lrUKiata amy Kiri, jr U..l Issil.-ra.
FerA T. Hopkina, Prop 37 Great JoneStrel, New York
vited and everybody welcome."
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 23. Struck bv
two different automobiles within less
than a minute of each other, Frank
Dillon and J. W. Dunn, both of 600
Lucile street, are at the county hos
pital today seriously injured. Dillon
may die.
With several other men they were
crossing Duwamish avenue shortly af
ter midnight when a string of automo
biles came along. A machine driven by
William Kersten, struck Dillon, and a
moment later a car driven by Leslie
M.liinis, knocked down Dunn."
Moth drivers were booked on open
charges at the Georgetowr police sta-tiou.
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Halls Ferry, Ore., Oct. 23. Mrg.
Mather's brother, John Colman, and
wife, of Fruitland, Ore., have been
guests at her home at Halls Ferry.
Shelton Brothers are at the Wallace
orchards in Polk county helpiug harvest
their mammoth crops of fruit.
Mrs. Lizzie Roland has been quite ill
at her home.
The Flemings, of Southern Oregon,
who have recently purchased a 10-acre
tract of land from the Riverview Land
company, are excavating for new im
provements. -
J. T. Penn, another recent purchaser
oi a du-acre tract from the above com
pany, is making great improvements.
Also Mr. Barks, a chicken fancier, is
preparing to make a great showing of
very line Dirus.
John A. Lankford, employed with the
State Highway department, is located
in Southern Oregon.
Mrs. Zella Nichols is visiting with
ber sister, Mrg. Lankford, at Riverside
park farm.
The eounty roads in this vicinity are
a busy scene at present, being heavily
graded prior to the winter storms.
Harry Tracy with his team is making
gome record hauls from the gravel bar.
E. M. Croisan, who has large land in
terests at and around Halls Ferry, has
taken a contract to gravel the county
road in this vicinity, having conceived
the feasibility of utiliing the gravel
from the gravel bars-in he Willamette
river by bridging from the mainland to
the islands a distance of 160 feet, there
by enabling him to procure the finest
kind of material for road making.
unless their wages were raised.
San Francisco, Oct. 22. Battling
Nelson, who is at El Paso, wired friends
here today that he had arranged a meet
ing with Juarez promoters to discing i
S-round bout with Freddie Welsh
Christmas day. Nelson is offering the
champion $10,000 for the bout and stat
ed in his wire that he "may be able to
raise the ante for a finish bout."
IHtland, Ore., Oct. 21. Arrested at
ine request of Centralis, Wash., auth
peddler, it in a hospital I
fering from injuries he
Taeoma, Wash., Oct. 22. Not ex
pected to live. J. A, MeUraw, a fish
here today suf-
lll Ulrica tin received when
struck hr an automobile drivoa by M.
H. Kaffclaon Inst eveninp. Meflraw
stepped out from behind his delivery
car with aa arm luad of f ih when the
other machine ran him down.
giving tho name of Merit K;-hfnrd
aged 24, and claiming to be the gon of
a wealthy eastern, man, is being held
here today.
The detectives claim to have rWa
which may implicate Richford in forg
eries in San Francisco and other coast ,
- ...-,, .manic wrmupi ui inei -;;. . . . . . -
supreme court in im and wag ehief I , 0!??rX' f mBn
justice at one time.
He was born in Delaware, Ohio, April
15, 1S31. - 1
Portland, Ore., Oct. 22. A fire
threatened to destroy the lightship ,
off Tatoorh, October" 14, and was only
extinguished after tho crew had fought
desperately for eight hours, according
to a report from Captain Kerr whick
reached the lighthouse iuapector here
The flnmes had horned their way
through the double lining of the coal
bunkers and were attacking the bull
when controlled.
The damage was not great.
The Dalles, Ore., Oct. 2L The citi
zens of The Dalles were still puzzled
today by what appeared to bo tmoke
issuing from the vicinity of the crater
of. Mount Hood, 10,000 feet below the
It was either smoke or a peculiar at
mospheric condition, they declared
The phenomenon was witnessed by hun
dreds for many minutes late yesterday.
Give Your
A Chance
Help it, when it lacks tone or strength,
by the use of
Stomach Bitters
You 11 find it very helpful
Beware of Ointments for
Catarrh that Contain Mercury
as mercury will surely destroy ths spum
of smell and completely derange I
whole system when entering it throw.!)
the mucous surfaces. Such articles shoull
never be used excapt on prescrlpuoni
from reputable physicians, as the dams
they will do la ten fold to the g"i;'"
can possibly derive from them. Halls
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. I.
Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O.. contains
mercury, and is taken internally, actini
directly upon the blood and niucouj sur
faces of the system. In buying Haus
Catarrh Cure be sura you get the enje
ine. It la taken Internally and mad
Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co.Tes
timontals free. .
Sold bv DruKirlsts. Price T3c per bott
Take Hall'a Family Pllla for conlllt.""'
tub imasni ncim A
X7i'N U4ilk'i"rtsA
CTt ltlt uul nia lilu. R.ua.
ii f4Nf i"r '
tui iMi.wm ititiMl iVII.iAta
L a. ILJ trt. AlnV
Portland, Ore.. Oct. 23. Regular
joiiiii.'auon meeting are being
held here h" the Hooze Fighters Union.
Anticipating the enforcement of the
statewide prohibition law, effective
January 1. a saloon which has here
tofore made a speciality of whisky nt
12'a cents a drink, has reduced" the
piice to five cents.
Pelrograd, Oct. 22The Russian cap
tured 14H Anatrim officers and T.S00
men, two howitzers and many machine
guns in the Alexmef region, Galicia,
it was officially announced today,
Tnrka couldn't do wome in Armenia
if the Koran didn't forbid the use of
intoxicants, could thert
SISTER: Read hy Free Offer!
I am a woman. '
I know a woman' trial.
I know her need of sympathy and help.
If you, my atster, ara unhappy because of iu
health, if you feet unfit for household dull,
ocial pleasures, or dally employment, wro
and tell me Just how you suffer, and as b "J
frta ten day' trial of a horn treatment suit
to your newts. Men cannot understand """
surfacing. What we women know frora . e
perience, we know batter than any man. I "'
to tell you how to cure yourself at tnme i
Cost of about 12 cent a week. ,,.-ta
If you suffer frora woman peculiar a'"
cauains; pain In th head, back, or bowi.
n of waight and dragging-down """..Vj
falling or displacement of palvie organs. J
kidney and bladder veakns or Bn,t;""L,
and pile, painful or Irregular periods. s,,r" "
condition and diacrurjei. xtrma nervou
. T i. i . . juim ta cry.
,Z1 Lit 0 w.,lrlne- "'low complexion with ark circles under th eyes, pai '
th left, breaat, or a general letting that lit I not worth living.
the1 d'SEriTJ1"" aiImnt easily and .urely sonquercd at home withwjt
ine a.micera and exnena of an .n.r.n... ' j .h i to "''''
ID au..i.i. rou can pa Ue ood wnnl i .Li ",C ...nl. My home trf
I , """N. j !
I ' ! I . " '"'.!
It .
xi-. " m
i ecn a,ckn.y..U??s?r To Moh"' of Oaugbtera, I wdl explain how to overcome
?mt ?ei o th.m t rir,,' irnl"": headaches, and las.it.id. In you'
AtuthS, nJLT" and hMl,h- Tell m U you .re worried ebt tJ
tnaf i!,d dortT,"! ,tt",t you "0-"hti to clve my hom treatment a t;n J
accept mv .en.?; !. ln':,r"'- "h dally work, 'if health I worth klng c-'3
BSi :.X&!ZVyfy- -artr feeland relurn t. a
y., . '" " 1 a "iJ, not thi ofIr arain. AdJres. .