Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 22, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Save Dollars on Your New Suit or
Coat Purchase at Meyers Now
The very newest models fur trimmed in the most
popular fabrics and colors at astonishing little
prices. See the window display.
Women's Raincoats
High Grade Raincoats at one-third less
than regular prices. These are all of superior qual
ity in the popular and wanted styles and fabrics.
They would sell regularly from $7.50 to $25.00.
Special prices range $4.95 te $16.65.
Women's $7.50 Raincoats Sale price $ 4.95
Women's $10.00 Raincoats Sale price $ 9.95
Women's $20.00 Raincoats Sale price $13.30
Women's $25.00 Raincoats Sale price $16.65
All Around Town
M M t M
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist In fitting I Yeoman will have open house tonight.
glasses correctly. U. a. bank Dldg. Maiqwe'en party.
lowe'en carnival tonight in Moose hall.
a goou time is assured. A cordial luvi
tation to all.
A Special Sale of Women's Two Button, Leather Gloves
Regularly Priced $1.50 to $1.75, Extra Value $1.35 pr.
Imported tan Cape and white German lamb Gloves selected
from our superb stock. This offering should attract all women
who have glove needs to supply, for it offers fine leather Gloves
at an unusual price . - $1.35 a pr. See ne window display.
m n k w m m it i 11'
1 1 V. E 1 . '
.1 ... L 1
Biggest and
Best Store
100 per cent quality, good flavor, and Drop in and have ono of the White
mild all for 10 cents in Ludoronu, Ha- Swan lunches. Nothing better in Sa
lem made cigar. ' i lein.
Among those who will sail next Lester Peramine and Walter Poar
Tnosduy on I lie steamer Northern Pa- mino relumed today from a hunt of
cific from Flnvol to Han Prnncisco are several days on Hie coast, with a re
Mrs, (leorgo Mack mid Mr. and Mrs. port of Koil luck which included one
.lohn Kroitlo of Dallas. , deer for each of the hunters.
o ! . o
Anything to hny or soil? Help- or! Coma and hear Mrs. Julia A. Walsh's
iiositinn wanted! Try Tim Journal demount ration of tho Duplex Alcazar
Jew Today column. . Knii'c. Huron & Hamilton.
Sit and wonder, sit and ponder, sit and think (this
is not original) Why Damon sells groceries for less
money than any store in Salem?
Buying and selling for cash and having no rent
to pay enable us to do this ,
The following specials for Saturday are ready proof:
Best Valley Flour ....... ..$4.75 per BbL (4 sacks)
$1.25 per sack
Best Hard Wheat Flour .$5.50 per Bbl.
$1.45 per Sack
Everyone predicts that Flour will a'dvancesoon : If
you need flour stock up now at these low prices.
Special, per pound , , 20c
Equal to any so-called 35c coffee sold for 23c in
the city of Salem.
Our Best 35c steel cut Coffee, special 30c
Our Special 30c steel cut Coffee, special 25c
Pure Maple Syrup, per gallon ....$1.65
Pure Maple Sugar, per pound 25c
Fresh Sauer Kraut, 2 quarts for
7 5-cent Cans of Sardines for 25c
11 pounds of Sweet Potatoes for
Best King Apples, box . . . .... 60c
6 Loaves of Bread for 25c
Watermelons, your choice, each 15c
50c Jap Tea, today, the pound 40c
Eggs,-good ones too, per dozen 35c
Bananas, regular price 30c dogen, our price . . . . 25c
3 Pounds of New White Figs for 25c
Just received new Kraut, Sweet Pickles, Chow
Chow, Pickled Onions and Dill Pickles.
We invite cash buyers to take advantage of our
low prices, a trial will convince you where your
grocery money goes farthest. If you can't come,
Phone 68.
We will trade a piano, player piano
or iiu organ for wood, either fir or oak,
Valley Music House, N. Com.
Reports today from Dr. Will Skill"
who underwent an operation at Port
land a few days ago nvo to the effect
that he is about holding his own,
which is considered as encouraging
considering the seriousness of the
Tomorrow is the last day you can get
a 12 piece set of Aluminum ware free
at Duron & Hamilton's.
Guy M. Buford, N. L. Moffitt and
It. W. Kichey returned last evening
from Seattle,- where they had been at
tending the annual meeting of the
Oregon and Washington agents and
superintendents of the Metropolitan
Lite insurance ( ompuny.
School teachers. Here Is an oppor
tunity awaiting you. rictuses suitable
for the school room, unframed, 14c,
framed iltfc. Duron & Hamilton.
j Yeoman will have open house tonight,
j Ifalowe 'en party.
i Henrv E. Reeri. r.mintv asflessnr nf
! Multnomah county, was a Salem visitor
.vi.uj uu i-niieu ui uie uiiicu vi lie
I tax commission at the state house.
We will trade a piano, player piano
i or an organ for wood, either fir or oak,
I Valley Music House, 201 S. Com.
street. .
Miss Gertrude Sipherd, of Kansas
Oity, who has been visiting at the home
of Mrs. E. E. Bingo in this city, lcfi
today for Portland accompanied by
Mis. Ring6. Miss .Sipherd will return
to Kuusas City by way of Seattle.
Dr. Stone's Drug score. tf
John Moses, an Indian hoy at the
Chemawa Indian training school, made
his escape last night from that insti
tution but was captured in this city
by the .Salem police. An officer was
sent down from the school and returned
with the runaway.
Dr. E. T. Mclntire, pnyslcian and
surgeon, 214 Masonic bldg. Phone 440.
To make arrangements for their an
nual memorial services, to be held De
cember 5, Exalted Iiuler Anderson of
the local lodge of Elks appointed the
following committee: Harry Wiedmer,
O. J. Myers, Charles K. Deunison,
Frank Light and A. E. Kurtz.
Dr. Stone's Drag Score. tf
With the closing of the1 schools this
evening, the pupils of the Salem schools
will be at liberty until next Thursday
morning. The Marion County Teachers'
Institute will bo in session the first
three days of next week and nil teach
ers in the county arc required to at
tend. , .1
Dr. C. Hartley, specialist, Inflamed,
bleeding gums and pyorrhea. 416 U. S.
Bank Bldg. Phone 'ISO. Nov9
A booster meeting -was held this
morning in the auditorium of the senior
high school to work up enthusiasm for
the football game to bo played at Eu
gene, November 7, between the Snlcm
and Eugene high school teams. Short
talks were made by Morritt Davis, Miss
Heginn Long, G. B. Bonel, H. O. Clan
cey and Principal ,T. C. Nelson.
855 Free
North 1 1 n tii n 1 V. Ui' Deliver
Commercial IUIIIUH V JUH Any iW
in Salem
Ralph Peterson of Globe, Arizona.
and Mrs. Emma Rose, of this city, were
married yesterday uy the Rev. A.
Moore, of 8t. Joseph's church. After
a short visit at San Francisco, they
will leavo for their home at (ilube
Arizona. Mrs. Rose is a sister of Mrs
0. R. Feist, 84(1 North Cottage street.
Pictures. Just the kind for the
school rooie, unframed 14c, $2.2.i
framed pictures !ISc. Huron & Hamil
The contract for the excavating and
foundation work of the building to be
erected by W. V. Moore on Court
street was awarded today to tho firm
of Dnlyrymple and Bule.v, in competi
tion with six other firms. The eon
tract for the superstructure will be
letVvithin a few days.
School pictures. Reproductions from
tho old masters, uiifnimcd, L'.'ic seller,
lie; framed, $2.2!5 sellers, flSc. Huron
& Hamilton.
I II. W. Cooley, of the Sunny Glen
farm, near Salem, left yesterday ioi
Sun Francisco to be present nt the steel.
I judging ut the I'ltiinmiiPneit'ie exposi
tion. Air. I oo Icy litis devoted much of
his time In recent years to the raising
of pure bred stock. After a short stuv
in San rnneisco, he will visit in oth
'. or parts of the state.
I Tho Valley Music House has just
traded in on players pianos, six or
eight very fine upright pianos, ranging
in price from $70 up. See them nt -lit
.V. Com. street.
i The organisation this evening at the
Commercial Club vl u Floral Society is
attracting generul interest among those
interested in flowers, (lovernnr Withy
; combo, Mayor llarley 0. White aiid
O. M. Elliott, director of tho Civic
, department of the Commercial Club
; have all expressed their interest in the
! organizing of such ft society for Salem,
j Those- attending this evening will be
j come charter member.
i If you want a bargain in a fine piano
see the Valley Music House nt 2t4 N.
Com. street. They sell the ('nickering,
i Kimball, I'ncknrd, Stegcr i Sons, and
iiiianv others.
I., Charles B. Smith of the Spaulding
; '-ogging company, will leave next week
ion a six weeks' tour of California to
introduce the new specialties now be-
ing made by this vompiiiiT. These in
clude the Indiana silo, Kaaybuilt gar
' ace, sectional barn Mid beach house.
The firm has been very successful in
' selling these new lines iu Oregon and it
is now tuoir intentions of introducing
them into all parts of California.
i t v o 3
May or may not be alike. You
may and you may not need
glasses. The only way to fiud
out is to have your eyes
Carefully Examined
Then if you need glasses buy
them if you don't you will bo
frankly told so.
In any event you will be fairly
Miss A. McCulloch
208-209 Hubbard Bldg.
Phone 109
While hauling wood on his farm yes
terday four large raccoons were dis
covered on the Ed Mnthis farm here.
A gun was secured and the four big
fellows brought down. They proved
to be unusually large and handsome.
The skins are valuable and in southern
countries the meat of these animals is
counted very fine.
The ladies of the United Evangelical
church will hold a cooked food sale at
tho W. W. Moore store.
A. O. Barbour and Horace Sykes, of
this city, returned to Salem yesterday
from a hunting trip at Sear Camp in
the Rogue River mountains. The party
secured seven deer and one bear. Will
Walton was also a member of the party
but left early on his return trip after
killing one deer mid breaking tho rec
ord at bagging mountain trout.
Chicken pie supper Friday evening,
October 22 in First Congregational
church. Price 35c. 5 to 8 o'clock.
Mrs. W. H. Parker will commence her
dancing school over Pomeroy's Jewelry
store Fridav evening from 8 to 10
o'clock. Phone 1671J.
The funeral of Mrs. Lydia Augusta
White, who died yesterday morning at
her home, sWo Rose avenue, will oe
held at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning
from tho Highland Friends churcliKThc
Rev. Harry E. Marshall will have
charge of the services, assisted by the
Rev. Josepliino Hockett. Burial will
take place at tiie Lee Mission cemetery.
Stated meeting of the
Do Molay JT'oinmandery,
No. 5, K. T. this even
Chicken pie supper Friday evening,
October 22, in First Congregational
church. Price 35c. 5 to 8 o'clock.
The ladies of the United Evangelical
church will hold a cooked food sale at
tho W. W Moore store.
Congressman W. C. Hawley returned
from Eugene and Corvnllis last even
ing and left today for Newberg and
Portland. He will return in time to re-
coive the delegation of woman suffrag
ists who will call on him next Mon
day, under the leadership of Miss Vir
ginia Arnold, state organizer. Their
call will be made on behalf of the Na
tional Woman's Suffrage amendment,
to bo submitted to congress at the
coming session.
Rev. J. B. Freeland, of Los Angeles,
California, will hold quarterly meeting
in the tree Methodist church, lliilS -.
Winter. Services Friday, Saturday and
Sunday nights nt 7:30 and Sunday
morning at 11 a. m. W. J. Johnston,
About 500 students, representing the
student body of tho junior high school
will meet this evening at the auditor
ium of tho high school to tender a
reception to the members of the fresh
man class. As this will be the last
reception to be given this class, spe
cial arrangements hate been made t'oi
an interesting time, in which the dif
ferent groups of tho student gody will
have charge of the program. The re
ception will begin promptly at 7:45
o'clock this evening.
Housewives. Tomorrow is the last
day of the Duplex Alcazar Range dem
onstration. Hear Mrs. Julia A. Walsh's
reasons why you i.hould install one or
these labor saving, expense reduci.ig
Duplex Ranges in your home. Buren &
Sherrill Fleming, manager of the
Salem Poultry and Egg Circle, reports
an increasing membership since the
state fair. According to Mr. Fleming,
the farmers were interested in learning
that the Circle was not a stock com
pany, and that even with but a few
dozen eggs u week, they would be wel
comed into it. During the last few
weeks when eggs have been so scarce,
the Circle has been paying its members
from four to five cents over the market
price. This price iins been soVurod,
said Mr. Fleming, from the fact that
all eggs are carefully candled and as
sorted, and sold to special clubs ami
houses in Portland requiring only the
best miide of eggs.
I The GRAND Theatre
We' sell the best
We sell the
because we believe you
will get correct style,
high quality, and the
best of workmanship.
We are exclusive agents for the Packard Shoe
$4.00, $4.50, $5.00
& W. Johnson & Co.
141 N. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon
'Salem's Best Market Place'
7 lbs. Baskets 40c
Oregon Whito Grapes 40c
Tokays and Malagas 40c
New- Mincemeat, lb 15c
Xcw Sauer Kraut, lb. 5c
New Raisins, lb 10c
New Hominy, quart 15c
Special Sale ends Saturday....
Pound 35c," 5 Lbs. $1.50.
Fancy Eib Roast, lb lgc
Pot Roast, lb uc
Short Ribs, lb 12 ic
Brisket, lb nc
Pure Hamburger, lb 15c
Loin Chops, lb ; lgc
Rib Chops, lb lfc
Shoulder Roast, 11 12 l-2c
Leg Roast, lb 17c
Pure Pork Sausage, lb 15c
Spring Chix, lb 28c
Young Hens, lb 22c
151 North High Street Grocery Phone 830; Meat Phone 8M
Country Sausage, backbones .and spare-ribs, shoul
der roasts.
Eggs are Going Up. Fresh Ranch Eggs, Candled,
This Week, 35c per Dozen
Special for Saturday Evening, six to eight thirty,
13 Lbi. Sweet Potatoes for 25c.
Special prices on Brooms next week.
Ward K. Richardson
2395 North Front Street
fj John Barrymore
That Inimitable Comedy Star
The Incorrigible Dukane
S. & C. Vaudeville
Dr Carl Gregg Doney will deliver
an address Sunday evening to the stu
dents of the Chemawa Indian Training
Judge Wehster . is now traveling
around in an clectrio automobile and in
a few days will have it housed in one
of the Spnulding Logging company's
"Kusybilt" garages.
Harry Weston and Frank Reed of the
Oregon City Transportation company,
rowed frnm F.nmiiin in Knlnm vniifiiv.
day, inspecting tho river and noting
Kimgs unu general conumons, prepara-1
tory to putting on a boat service be- j
tween this city and F.ugone. .
The river today Is at an unusually ;
low water stage for this time of the;
year. Todny the record is 1.3 below;
low water, while just one year ago the j
stage wns 7.1 feet above, over eight,
feet higher than at present. Last yeiir
between the 17th and 20th of Octobci t
there was a rainfall of 2.18 inches. j
The attendance at the Friday night
Hihle class held under the nuspices of!
the Y. M. ('.' A." niiil the V w n 4 :
has so far exceeded expectations that
the Ireirular session timi.rh -uiH
lield in the Congregational church in
stead of the Y. M. ('. A. building. Rev.
W. P. White, of the United Presbvter
inn church of Albany will ngarn be
present 'and if the interests keeps up
to the past record the elnss promises
to become one of the largest nnd most
interesting in the history of the local
Soniinerville, .T. C Perry, 0. 0. Shell
berger, J. O. llclt.el, tieorge Winohfll,
E. B. Kramer, S. H. Snyder, J.
Davies, A. J. Ruddiff, G. W. Harm.
W. B. Gilson, Neil Summerville, W. F
Morse, C. K. Barbour, A. W. Kb
dorff, F. T. Schrain, George C. 4
Walter Lemian, A. .1. Hanson n
George 81( eels.
.aiunniM"iHWi mmf0"n
The Washington Junior high school
held a booster meeting yesterdav after
noon, to arouse a proper spirit of en
thusiasm for the football game whicl
will be played tomorrow morning at 10
o'clock on Williim.tie field between the
Wuslioington junior high school nnd the
Grant junior high school. Cliff Busey
was elected veil l..,l.,r .,,,.1 "i
black were adopted ns the school's col-1
OI'S. SllOl't ndi!rt4ttia m-., u.. !
I luncipiil F. .S. (iniiuctt nd several of
the teachers. Even the girls of the
athletic classes made short talks of encouragement.
Will Begin Monday,
Oct. 25th
This affords an IT J
those who have to work ur
day, but have a desire t.
their efficiency, to do so by alt'""
at our night sessions.
We will teach the irf
if a sufficient number cure k
to Vny the cost of nm.ntciuim-
keeping, .Shorthand, Stenot 'J, ' ,4
ing Penmanship, Tyr",'"
v.. o v wo mint 1.UU&C ;
of Knn'htn at PvM.ih. ..,.. ... !
- - TV V HI, lV 111 fl
"ii rxening to put on the initia
tory work of the Silverton lodge. A
Mil. met Mi wrv.J ..::. ... i
,.' " 1,1 .s..orn mm
address were made by Claud Barrack,
last t.rand Chancellor Wrightmnn of
Xilverton, .lames O. Ifeltzel and Wal
t. ii m...,
. , mumm.tmit Umis Bechtcl, J. H. Garrison, W. B.
"The Heart of Jennifer" - - Hazel Dawn f1
"Out of Darkness" - Charlotte Walker A
IB! Ill
Spanish is now f"'"mt
tention on account of , ,ri,.
growing trade with ; . f,
countries. A success ul tca ',
year's experience will
this subject.
The principal will !' ' "f'
Fri.lav and Mturday cvcu.nu" '
week 'to talk with any M
special inforuiatioa.
Capital Business
High, and Terry Stfc