FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY ; THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1915 TTTy.n rmirn onxTrnci ON TRAINS AND NEWS nurj j. vvu vrio stands five cents mm iffli isHiite I SERBIAN SITUATION !S ADMITTED TO BE SERIOUS Greatest Fight Just Now Is That To Win Greece-Aus: trians Claim Successes At All Points, While Serbians Say They Have Defeated Them, and Driven Them Back With Losses of 60,000 And That In Another Battle 8,000 Were Killed or Wounded London, Oct: 22. With the Serbian situation, admitted by Nish to be "more and more serious" despite the "desperate, heroic" resistance of her gallant defenders, all the warring na tions today are struggling for a de cisive victory to influence the wavering course of Greece and Rumania. While Paris reported "no important iction" along the west front, it is known that the Germans there aTe seek ing to bring matters to a head, though Thus far they have met with no suc cess. In the east, howevor, their pro gress in the Riga-lHinsk region is bet ter, though in the Styr region, Slavs have the advantage. About Oiay, the Teutons are on the offensive and a continuous cannonade was reported by the Fctrograd official statement received hero early today. On He Italian front, too, the battles amid I lie ruseed. snow-capped mountains have taken on a new ferocity. Nish franklv admitted that the pres- ciire of the Austro-Germans on tnc north and the Bulbars on the east "is menacing seriously" the herb army. The Salonika line, through capture of Vrania, is cut hi two places, through if allied aid can get as far as Vrania, they will still be in a position to aid Ineir Herb ally. At Xogotin, the Bulgars are strug gling desperately to overcome the herbs. This- place is 2! miles from the main Teuton army and thp two bodies are trying to effect a junction. Austria claimed the Macva plain has been swept clear of the enemy aud that the army of General Kovea and the Germans are advancing along the Morava further toward Constantinople. Bulgars, meantime, have reached west of Tiiuok, which mav fall soon. Tiio Bulbars war office claims that "our offensive is proceeding with liglitening-like rapidity," in the valley or the Kegnlmtz river which is m the possession of ' the Bulgars in addition to the towns of Kctchana, Raujevatz, Tipkillissee and Nikravoto. Capture of quantities of provisions was claimed. The "liberated regions" it was stated, aro receiving the conquerors with indescribable enthusiasm." SALEM 10 ATTEND Delegates From All Parts of the State Will Be Here In November SERBS IGNORE BULGARS. Taris, Oct. 22. Bulgars are half way across southern Serbia at Kumanovo. This is a very formidable Bulgarian in vasion, as it strikes at territory which it is known Bulgaria wants. The other invasions are mere raids. The Serbs are hardly resisting the Bulgarians but are reinforcing their opposition to the Aiistro-Clermnn invaders, apparently leaving it to the allies to drive out tne Bulgars ns soon as enough allies come from Salonika, it is understood the allies approve this strategy. . fO IILK BY WIRELESS AROUND THE WORLD Will Try Talking To Tokio first, Then Try to Talk Clear Around Globe Washington, Oct. 22. Following the success achieved in talking by wireless to Honolulu and Paris, the Arlington wireless station's assistants' next am bition is conversation girdling the world. Instruments are being "tuned up" for talking to Tokio without a Honolulu replay. Success is certain, it is believed, though difficult mechanical adjustments will be reauired. Before attempting this, however, the Nation will try to talk to the-Cordova, Alaska station. Secretary of the Navy Daniels today reiterated his hope that when the wire less telephone is uerfected it will be installed in the navy to supplant wire- ifss telegraphy. May Displace AU Others, New York, Oct. 22. When Europe's varring nations cease their struggle, it may not. be the cahle, nor yet tne wire 'ess telegraph that will flash the great odinus to America. Instead, it may be the human voice, Apeak ine by wireless telephone over the miles of Atltntic ocean from the Eiffel lower uciir This acivs thut the Arlington effort to coin is all in one direction; there is not yet any instrument for replying.- But En gineer tarty, or tno A. T. nnd T. com pany, "dreamer of dreams that come true is hope! ill or completing tins por tion of his experiment soon. Aud, it w;ns he who talking over the long distanco phone from Chicago last night to reporters here, announcing success of the Washington-l'aris-llono-luln experiment, said that may be the good news of peace may come by the wireless phone. The Arlington station found that, while communication over water should be clear, ho was troubled by static in terruptions above l'?ris. The air seem ed surcharged with electric, wages from the French capital which "got in tue way" of the voice. But cables from the Kiffel tower confirmed that they had heard distinctly in tnc last test the words of the Arlington sender. This was no regular conversation, but rather a series of test words, which would es tablish the fact of communication. The next great step in the wireless telephony experimentation will be an effort to talk from New York to To kio. This will be possible, Carty predicted recently in San Francisco, though he suggested that for such a test, the transcontinental wire phone might be linked up from New York to the Gold en Gate, and then rolayed by connec tion with a wireless from San Fran cisco to Tokio. Sterling Exchange Goes Still Lower (Copyright 1913 by the New York Ev ening Post.) New York, Uct. Tl. superceding otn The speciul committee in charge of the preliminary arrangements for the Boys' Conference, which will be held in this city beginning Friday evening, November 2'i, nnd closing Sunday even ing, November 28, met at the Y. M. C. A. today to formulate plans for the entertainment of the 3S0 boys who will come from all parts of the stato to be the guests of the churches of the city. The- general committee which will be divided up into sub committees will be composed of Rev. Y, B. Dorks, Rev. r. T. 1'OTter and Rev. J. C. Spencer from the ministerial association; Rev. James hlvtu from the Sundiiy aehul associa tion, U. a. uingrich and 1.. 11. Comp ton from the Salem Y. M. C. A., five lnvmen are A. O. Davidson. William Flemming, A. M. Hansen, Paul Wallace, and Ernest Blue; five older boys are I.lovd HolJiinnn, Llovd Lee, William Moouev, nnd Harold Eakin, and O. M' Elliott will represent the city schools with two to be chosen iroin the Wil lamette university Y. M. C. A. George F. Rodgers was also appoint ed chairman, of the entertainment com mittee, Mrs. T. W. Bruuk will have charge of the banquet, -Joseph Albert. Glenn Niles and Dr. 11. C. f.pley will form the committee in charge of the boys' Sunday meeting, W. B. Dorks and A. M. Hansen will arrange for the ushering nnd incidentals of the meet ings, Mux O. Buren and Clarence Hamilton will be in charge of the fin ances. O. If. Elliott will hcc to the local attendance and Charles Nolund will be the publicity manager. It is planned to farm the boys out in the homes of the people of the city for the two dnvs the visitors are in our midst nnd the general plans for their entertainment Include a trip around the state institutions. 1 In- banquet will be for about MO boys and will be held either in the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium or in the armory. The further plans for the boys' con ference will be completed by the sub committees and will be announced in the near future. DESPERATE ATTEMPT TO C0MPE INTERVENTION E STABLISH MILITARY 1 E FOR THE RAIDERS Mexican Troubles May Cause Court Martial Proceedings To Be Taken Claim Americans Hostile to Carranza Are Causing the Trouble EXECUTION OF WOMAN HORRIFIES ENGLAND London, Oct. 22. British rage and was rushed because the military gover horror at the German execution ofluor feared the kniser would extend Miss Edith Cavell for assisting allied ; clemency, and thus weaken the gov soldiers to fleo Belgium promised to day appreciably to affect war senti ment, in the wake of disclosures of Am erican Minister Brand Whitlock'a ef forts to prevent the killing. Enlistments ernor 8 authority in the court-martial. As a result of his part in the affair it is believed Brand Whitlock'a posi tion at Brussels will he difficult if not impossible. His documents are a plain MEXICAN BANDITS MAV PAIIOC 1VA0. KIM I UHUOL UHII, TEIAOE II were brisker. All peace talk was si- statement of fact, which do not ar- lencea. ine disclosures ervstnlizerl tnei raign tne Hermans ami are not nceoro determination in England to wage the 1 pnuied by his own conclusions. Yot, KtLtMt j To" UvS ' Z nSthe;rs.n;er financial cosi,ler.ions in today ir Washington DC market, because of its intimate bear- Phi, became a'po'anibility today with ling on industry and commerce was the v. i.nf ti... t, itn el'r'ort to coin- renewed fall in the rate of sterling ex- miinirate with Eiffel had succeeded. In change Sight drafts on London sold ..u:.: .ui. u'.kin.n enn-lat MM 1-4. a decline of 1 12 cents ersntion was picked up in far away j from yesterday which increased tli.de iio,ioulu. dine, for the present week to more than ti.,.. j. ik. ..raMiInn liv wirele.is three cents. t L -L i , . , -in i - - - -I The pressure of commercial bills was i the reason given for the weakness A" V SlWAs ?JTZ I which was not surprising in view of the I'iynirf lOrtirH" returns of America's export trade, tes- 1 TI ..-I... 1 II.. .l,;.,..,,,nu fnun TCruuy, im-M "illinium i-ii.j . here alone amounted to 1'l.fHil.OOO. From Monday morning to Thursday night the total was l7,lHm.noo, R new high record for such a period. The strength of a strangely abort ed group of stocks determined the tone of today's market. Baldwin locomo five. Hock Island, C. S. Steel. Corn Products, and Westinghouse were lend ers of the upward movement which progressed very well during the morn ing, but wnvered and occnsimiolly hull ed in the afternoon. The volume of business wjii large. AUSTRO-GERMANS DEFEATED. Bucharest. Oct. 2-'.-Pushing their wav through Serbia in their drive for Constantinople, H.OoU Aiistro-liermans were killej or wounded in a 'rb coun ... ... L- nl TrnnwisiI. south of 1 O- inrevac, while the remsinder were forc ed to retreat toward Semendna, ac cording to advices here today. A German division heading from Belgrade toward Uskovae lout one- ! third of its strength whea flanked by j Serbian artillery. i ti,. main invaders, however, are sinter clothe. World peace must look steadily moving south akin tne tiei ).ke an awful big proposition f tlTj grade -Constantinople line througi tne ird p' th' average family, 'Morava valley. I Deputation of Women to Call On Him In Behalf of National Suffrage This has been a hard summer on our Miss Virginia Arnold, of Portland, state organi.er of the Congressional Union of Woman Suffrage, is in the city, making arrangements to organize a deputation of voting women to call on ( ongrcssninn lluwlcy on behalf of the National Woman s suffrage amend ment. Although no time has been arranged when this cnll will be mado on the con gressman, the probabilities are that be will receive them next Monday. Mints Arnold expects several of the delegates to the Mother s Cungrcss, now in ses sion at Corvnllis, to stop over and join the deputatio.1 here. Among those who may be hoio are Mrs. Alva Iee Ste phens, president ff the I'arent-Teachers association, of I'ortliiud, und Mrs. W. J. Hawkins, of l'orlli. inl, who has heou active in the work for woman suffrage. Miss Cornelia Cook, of Portland, well known in this city, will ulso arrange to join the Indies here. She is chair man of the state committee, and has taken rent interest in the suffrage movement. Today Miss Arnold has been in com munication with Mrs. A. .V Bush, Mrs. George Calmer Putnam, Mrs. Anna I'nge Fish, Mrs. t'harles A. Bark, Mrs. Alice Dodd, Mrs. F. A. Elliott and oth ers. The state orgnni.ntion has been espe cially active in urging its senators and representatives to vote for the bill which will soon come before rnngriMs, known as the Susan B. Anthony amend ment. Sei.ators Cliuiuberlain and Uiue have both received ileleijiitious asking their suppoit for the amendment, and all three of the congressmen of the state will be waited on before they return to Washington for the opening of Cuii greKS, December (1. Miss Arnold wishes 1o secure the co operation of all tin' club women of the city, n well as those interested in the church woik, W, (,'. T. I.'., biismeas women nod parent teachers associa tions. Hie ia at the Marion hotel, where arrangements are beiu made for the call ou Mr. ilawley, although the er ad time has not been decided. Mim Arnold is an netive worker In the cuuse of woman suffrage. After the calls on the congressmen of this state have beiu made, she will leave for .Molilalia and Washington and co oierate with tnj Indies interested in the movement in celling on the can uressmen of these states. After this work has 'been fomplete.l, she will return to Portland and assist in making up a general ttate coia Washington, Oct. 22. Following on the heels of Mexicnn border raids of the past two days, Secretary of War Gnrnsou today brdered t ho Twenty eighth infautry from Texas City to Brownsville and the Twenty-third from Jacksonville, Fla., to Texas Cit). The Twenty-eighth was the last gar rison at Texaa City. Its removal to Brownsville indicated the seriousness with which the war department regards the most recent raids in that section, where American soldiers and civilinns havo been killed and wounded. As re serves were necessary at Texas City, the department ordered the Twenty third from Jacksonville where they had been engaged in target practice. Secretary Garrison asked the depart ment of justice agents to assist in stamping out the bandits, and the ques tion of establishing nn army secret service is under consideration.' The government, too, has in, mind creation of a "military r.one" by court- martial and summary punishment of the raiders. Mrs. Pamias Tells Story of Her Crime San Francisco, Oct. 22. Broken un dor a police third degree, Mrs. Mary Pamias, admitted slayer of the crip pled Michael Weinstein, her former lover, this afternoon confessed to tho police sho had hacked up his body In cold blood. ' ; i "I killed him Monday night not Tuesday," she said... "He had been up to supper and 'went out with my nus band. Then he returned. I demanded that ho give me my love letters and the uicture in his watch. I was ter ribly afraid my husband would learn about tuem ami I invea my niisnnnu. "Weinstein and 1 had hcen very familiar. I lied about that before. "I told him that I would kill him if he didn't give up the letters. He only laughed. Then I went and got the axe. 1 Kilieil mm and tried to pin his body in the box couch and it wouldn't fit. So I put It in a truna. My husband came home and went to bod. I couldn 't sleep so I told him. Ho wouldu t believe mo ana snia J was sick. Ho went back to sleep, Then came Tuesday, I decided to cut up tho body and get away with it. For several hours I worked over tho corpse rinuny J. war to the bitter end. Newspapers admitted that the Eng lish woman committed the technical of fense for which she was liable to death in aiding soldiers. The press denounced, however, her actual execution, in view of the fact that no act of espionage was established against her and the fact that she had worked with self denial for months in caring for wounded Ger mans as rendily as for her own coun trymen. Ambassador Deceived. Whitlock'a communications with the German government at Brussels indi cated to the British that tho Germans had been guilty of bad faith in the case, that they had failed to keep their agreement to notify him of all steps, mid, instead had followed a secretive course, which even his pleas late at night to the German governor bad failed to check. Tho documents made public by the British government show ed ho had even pointed out thut repris als might follow execution of the wo man. Ho had snnl, too, that horror would inevitably follow killing of Miss Cavell when she had not been convict ed of actual espionage. British horror was not modified by word from Madrid that the kaiser has pardoned tho other women involved in the Cnvoll case, including Countess De Belleville nnd Mile. Thulier. Some believed , the emperor lind made this move because the women were French and Belginns, while he had refused mercy to the English woman, inasmuch as German hate of England Is keener than its feeling against any oth er nation. Blame the Governor. The best informed persons, however, thought that ' Miss Cavell 's execution they present the Germans in such tight that it is regarded as certain the Germans in Belgium will immediately see the harm these statements have done to public opinion. "The execution mirrors the spirit of the German administration in all its callousness and brutality which are not spontaneous but calculated and system atic," snid the Manchester Guardian. "The Germans often nsk why they are so little loved in the world. Miss Cavell 's execution contains the key to the answer. If they, fail to find it, then their soul is indeed lost." A Pretty Warm Boast. The Birmingham Post said: "Miss Cavell 'a execution Bhows that high German military judicial and ad ministrative authorities are all tarred with the sumo brush as the common sol One Hundred Citizens of Brownsville Threaten to Cross Border BANDIT LEADER READY k FOR ANOTHER ATTACK ,Secret Mass Meeting Held to Plan Reprisals Bodes No Good for Mexicans Brownsville, Texas, Oct. 22. On hundred citizens today announced that diers who murdered, raped nnd looted t tho next instance of banditry along t'lgium. The sol- tlio noruor note tuey intern to cross in- their wav tlironirh Bole diers hnlftho poor excuse of hot blood nervous strain or nn Incentive from those above them, but those responsible for Miss Cavell 's execution acted cold ly aud deliberately lit merciless pursu ance of a carefully prepared system whose inhumanity did not disturb them because they themselves wore in human." Above the horror of the execution, here there sounded throughout England a note of prnise for tho heroism of the woman. Knowing that, sho fnced almost eer tnln death, she was calm. Her nerve never faltered, nnd when Mr. Giihnii, an English clergyman went to her to ad minister rommuuioii, sho. told him she was well, knew whnt she had done and was happy to die for her country. Tho Whitlock papers described her as "admirably strong nnd calm." E Higher Court Decides In Favor of J. IL Lauterman, Reversing Kelly The supreme court handed down ten opinions today to clear up the week's business before going to Pendleton to hold court in thut district of the su premo court. Among tho decisions handed down today was that famous divorce case of Itosa B. Sutton against lames N. Button. James N. Sutton, Jr., a son of tho couple was killed in a stu dent fracas at Annapolis and the in cident attracted wido attention at tho time. The possession of a photograph thit .liii'niiMnil inn WHS one of the got it in tho ho bunoH of contention In the case In the couch. In the afternoon I , went out and got a hotel room. Then I went back and found "is watcn ami toon mo picture out of it and kicked it. "I tore un some of the love letters. Then I convinced my husband of my guilt." Shivering as sne loin uie smrt, broken enmiiletelv by hours of ques tioning, the woman added: "Then I framed up the story l loin you. "But,1 fiercely. supreme court. Tho trial judge, (.nil leiibein, awarded the plaintiff Id a month uliinonv and awarded the photo graph to the defendant. Tho supreme court held that the lower court was riidit. in the alimony (iiiestion but erred in the disposition of the photograph ami the decree was moilirieii ny tue su preino court. A petition for substitution of names was allowed in the case of Service & Wright Lumber company against the . . . i .1 , U. .... i V.ill. v piiilu.'iiV eHti nil II V. till- Hind Here sue spoae uimosi "'r" ,' - , i,i. ..... t. ,.,v him. me hints, in an opinion written by Jus- band that mad; me do it. 1 Mldn 't ! tie. MeBrle. .Justice Bennett wrote . , . 1 1 u ninnviiiiii """""" want him In know. .i,.i., ,.f i,l,. IVrev It. Kollv of the circuit court of this county was icversed ill the rase of Camp 4 Dul'ny nuninst J. II. Lauterman. This was an lit TRYING TO FORCE GREECE. Paris, Oct. 22. That tho n!- lies will resort to o'ce ngniiist Greece wan dcCiiicd in- erenaingly likely today follow- ing the intimation from Athens tout Greece will adhere to her policy of armed neutrality. The allies' ultimatum nskod her to either demobilize or to eomploto her mobilization and attack Bulgaria before November 1. Continuation of armed neutral- ity diplomats said would be an absolute defiance. SLAVS CAPTURE 18,000. Geneva, IM. 22. Eightoen thousand men and miles of trenches in tne hcKaii icnioa. along t'l" fiver Aa, fell before the Slavs uccordin ( to a Hudom dis patch todsv. Southwest or the nvina. Kussians continue to progress while southwest of llvinsk the Germans are retreating. In eastern Gnlicin, the Has- niaiis are advancing rapidly against the Austria ns. Justice Bean, Ciicuit Judge Kuvan uugh affirmed. Theodoro Lengelo vs. George O Slonn, et al appellants, Polk county appeal , dismissed, opinion by Justice r,jimii. S. II. Singleton vs. K. H. lthodes, ap pellant, Linn, suit to foreclose a me chanic's lien, opinion by Justice Eakin, i IriMiil Judge Galloway affirmed. Germans Must Solve A Serious Problem By J. W. T. Mason. New York, Oct. 22. Tho increasing Russian successes are assuming pro portions which must be beginning to attract tho notice of tlur cent nil allies. Since Field Marshal Von Milckeusen left to direct the Serbian drive, the Slavs have been hammering the Teu tons around the Pripet marshes and have finally bent their linn there. The Gerumns would bo in danger of an east Prussian cutiistrophe from the Russians if the latter could produce a genius like Von llindcnberg. The Teutons must reinforce there If they would save their gains. -With Von Miifkcnscii asking reinforcements in Serbia, the time will perhaps nr rivo soon when the central allies must decide whether to curtail their Bulkaii forces or shorten their eastern front action 10 recover umiie.v uu.-14.-u .1 1 1 v retirement. contract for the erection 01 a uwei.i ng Thif nn( luk(ltvinn nation i this city and too 1?U tL '"" cont rlln.ti.ig to such a grave ei, ud lii nvni of tho diiintitf. J ho ... . ., .. , .... ,i,i tii. .(.. I u ,1 1 decision from uie central uiuen. j 11 n uiiieiue court held that the ileieiidant . ,, . .... .. ., ..." l.li.,o,l .,.v Ihe claims un- smns are .niv.ng ... iimu to Mexico and "take it out on the greasers." The situation ts extremely tense. Mili tary and civil officers realiao it will be difficult to restrain these nnd other citizens, and they fear international complications. A secret muss meeting was held th s afternoon to plan reprisals for the re cent Olnuto und Ojo De A gun raids, in which six Americana were killed n'nd 11 wounded. Luis De La Rosa, bandit leader, ts re ported to have gathered a strong force at .limine!! and to have returned to the border, awaiting the first opportunity to cross tho river and repeat his re- ent nttack 011 an American train. The river guard is being doubled. State Ad jutant General llutchina is in command of the rangers, while thousands or sol diers, officials, rungers and eiviliana aro scouring the brush hereabouts. WORK TOR INTERVENTION Washington, Oct. 22 Reinforcing the Rio Grande border today with addition al troops was one of several steps to end terrorism of Mexican raiders there. Secretary of War Garrison sought spe cial secret agents from the department of justice; afterward Attorney General Gregory discussed the situation with President Wilson. v It was nn open secret that many of ficials believe the banditry is perhaps inspired by Americans hostile to Car ran.a, who aro still hoping to force Am erican uterVentlon in Mexico. If so, it Is expected Gregory's men will run them down. "Secret agents on the bordor will be increased immediately aa rapidly a the department's facilities permit," the attorney general announced after seeing Wilson, It wns charged that Americans, tak ing advantage of the great number of Villistns and Texas "bad men" near the Rio Grande supplied them with en- courngemeut in the rorrn 01 runas lor playing tho desperate game of over throwing Carranza by getting the Unit ed States to intervene. The statetHepartment advised Carran za regarding the raids but his inability to act was recognized. Suit To Be Brought To Collect ?4 On Insurance Policy The Horticultural Hire Reliof of Ore gon, by Harvey Wells receiver, today filed a suit in the circuit court of this county agai'ist G. M. Itecves to collect an assessment alleged duo on an Insur ance policy. This is the first suit tiiat lias gone into court since tho ieceier secured permission of Judge Galloway to bring suits against the policy holder to collect on the unpaid assessments of the defunct Insurance company. Thu outcome of tho suit will be watched with intcro.t by the .'WO policy holder in this county who have not paid tiietr assessment levied by the receiver and also by the 2oH others in the state who are in the same condition. It is alleged In the complaint that the defendant Insured n dwelling at 'Jli'JII Oak street ill this city for l,OIMI on September .'!, Iltl-I. It is further al leged that the assessment was levied mittee, which will include several from this city, who r.re interested in the movement. THE WEATHER : Oregon: Tonight and Saturday un settled, probably rain west, rlomly east portion; and southerly winds, X, voui'eis wipr..:.,,..-,! ., , ........!.. border at a time when tb.. tit. per cent of the Hie, . at 10 was entered in Itiiinanian misidou has arrived at ' ).. .,,ren.n court 111 an opinion writ-1 Pctrngrad to discuss with. Russia of ten bv Juntico Benson with Moore. .M. Bride,' and Bennett concurring. The olhev eases decided weie as fol lows fern for lluinania'a participation Problems facing German leadership are growing more complex. Perhaps soon Ihe Teuton heads will consider f ust Bide Mill & Lumber company Ts ! what territory they now hold can be Laurelhurst compniiy, appellant, M oil abandoned with b ust harm. unman county, suit to foreclose a I if) a, niotion to dismiss aopeal allowed, opin ion bv Justice Eakin. II. "if. Dcvics vs. Don P. Ilea et a I, appellants, .i tin uoiiiao 1 1,0111 , novo- ing promissory note, opinion ny .insm-i. Burnett, I iriuii .nidge I'uws uumhk Joseph Fellman et al, appellant, vs. Tidewater Mill company, !.ane county, . . . .? 1.. 1.... 1- 1.. 1 ...... involving cerium no mien m .'' rnniitv. i 11 1 11 ion bv Justice Burnett, Cir cuit Judge Calloway rewrsed. , ,pa ,v, appellant. ' Yamhill n.y,! hih marks in the recent bar exami.ia 11 ,'. . . 1... 1 1 ,. ,,,,, id l.v the state bar assoc III Thirteen New Attorneys Turned Loose to Practice by State Supreme Court Thirteen new attorney were released today and given diploma by the state supreme court entitling them to prac tice In w in tins stiite ly viriiie or ineir i lii.n inr iiersonal iii iurics. opinion by Justice Burnett, Former Circuit Judge Holmes reveised.' City of Portland vs, New England Casualty company, appellants, action to recover 7S... upon a noun, nppemen lion conducted by the stute bar associn tioii. Of this nam Per, six are rrom Portland, Hires from Halem, two are from Eugene, one is from Fossil anil one from Sheridan. The successful applicant are! Ford tier ci lit v.lich amounted to $0 and that this sum was paid. An additional III per rent was levied later on the oth er 40 per cent of the policy nnd the plaintiff seek to recover and tho costs of the actum. The costs will amount to more than tho originul amount uskeil lor as the filing fee for the suit, was 'i. Four other suits hnvo been under con sideration by Receiver Harvey Well and Attorney Donald W. Miles but in each enso the policy holder has hast ened to pay up us soon as hn was in f 0 1 111 I that the matter would be taken into the cinirts. from Multnomah county, opinion byi Hendricks, Fossil, Ore.) Walter M. Huntington, Poitlnnd; K. M. Alton, Porlliind; Gcriildino McCowon, Port land; I). E. Fletcher, Salem; Oliver J. Van Valin, Salem: It. W. Cabell, Port land; l'niil Y. Eckert, Portland; W. D. Calkins, Fiigcne; O. It. Carson, Salem; Bay Mark, Sheridan; W. O. Harbour, Eugene; Arthur M. Geary, Portland. Judge Taft Isn't miming for office; hence he can say wnat he believe about woman suffrage. ,