Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 20, 1915, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of
October 19,
Editor and Maa
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
, 8. BARN EH,
Vice -President
Sec. and Treas.
Daily by farrier, per year
Daily by nmil, per year .,
$5.00 Per month 45c
3.00 Per month 30c
New York Chicago
Ward Lenin-Williams Special Agency Harry
Tribune Building
It. Fibber Co.
30 N. Dearborn St.
The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the
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Ihonu Alain 81.
The Oregonian commenting on the Ferris bill says:
"The Ferris bill does not provide that in case the govern
ment takes over a power plant, it shall pay the amount
invested in it as Mr. Walsh says. It provides for payment
of a 'fair value , but excludes value of leased public land,
There is a story to the effect that an old woman com
menting on the job Adam had in naming all the animals,
sapiently remarked: "Well it might have been hard work
to think of names for some of them but any blamed fool
could have named a hog." Somehow that name does seem
to come easy and often without much provocation.
Recently we have not heard much about the animal, but
only a few years ago "The Salem Hog" was conceded to
be about the biggest and fattest porker m existence. Per
haps the breed has run out or deteriorated, and a finer
quality of hog with more ham, leaner side-meat and not
so mucn grunt and appetite nas taken its place. Being a
resident of Salem it would perhaps be out of place to com
pare the Salem porker that was, with the later and more
aristocratic porcine specimens.
We are moved to this little dissertation by an editorial
in the Medford Mail-Tribune, of and concerning the Port
land hog which is far from complimentary and indicates
that the Portland hog while much larger is not of so fine
haired or of such high class stock as the old time Salem
The Mail Tribune takes the Portland hog to task and
scolds him soundly for no apparent reason other than his
size and appetite. It points out that this Portland hog
has opposed terminal rates for Astoria, and equitable
BLUFF an boast are props
. for a weak case. VELVET
is its own argument in the
court of last resort yo pipe.
VELVET'S arguments are mildness, combined
with a fragrance and flavor obtained by curing
choice Kentucky Burley in Nature's way not less
than two years' ageing in wooden casks. 10c tins
and 5c metal-lined bags.
franchise, pood will, value as a eoine concern and future
profits." This is true, but it seems to us that these very rates lor Medlord, Baker uty and other interior cities,
things should be excluded. There is no reason why a, and for no other reason than that it feared they might
company developing the water powers of the state under
the leasing system, should be allowed to capitalize any of
these fictitious values.
True, under our present system, and for that matter
our past one, all of these things have been capitalized by
the public utility companies, but that is no reason why
it should be continued. ' Indeed one of the greatest causes
of complaint against this class of companies, is that they
have one and all worked on this plan, figured all kinds of
fictitious values, into their capital and made the public
pay interest on it.
For instance a water company is given a franchise to
lay mains and supply water to some town. The franchise
as a general thing costs nothing, yet should the city want
to take over the water works, the company would expect
to be paid a liberal sum' as the value of the franchise.
Now there is no reason why any public utility company
should be paid anything for any values of that kind should
the government take back that which under agreement it
has permitted them to use for a given period.
The Oregonian advances one idea, which is undoubted
ly correct, but which is a powerful argument against
turning the water power over to the states. It says: "If
congress were to turn over the whole matter to the states
by conceding the right of eminent domain, the fight which
the power companies are now making would be trans
ferred to the State Legislatures, should the latter impose
onerous terms."
Without intending any reflection upon the legislature
it can safely be asserted in the light of Oregon's legisla
tive history, that if it was up to the legislature to boss the
job, tne power companies would get tne water powers
practically on their own terms, and unless some restric
tions or limitations are placed upon the legislature in re
gard to leasing or disposing of the water powers then the
whole matter had better be left in the hands of the gen
eral government.
It will be claimed that this would prevent the develop
ment of these powers and retard the growth of the state.
.This would to a certain extent be true, but the water
profit by such rates, and Portland lose. It points out that
Portland objects to the lower freight rates granted Wil
lamette valley points on lumber shipments to California,
than Portland has.
It also points out that its fight against Astoria is a
purely selfish one that has resulted in Puget Sound doing
in the way of commerce $136,000,000 worth of business
while Portland only had $23,000,000.
In conclusion it further points out that this course is
similar to that of the biggest hog in the pen, getting its
feet in the swill trough, and keeping the piglets away even
though it could not use all the feed itself.
In view of the Mail-Tribune's showing Salem might as
well admit that the glory of her porcine products is a
thing of the past, and that the "Salem hog" even in his
palmiest days "wasn't no great shucks of a hog anyway."
Portland is awaking to the necessity of helping herself.
Not but that she has always done so, but this in a dif
ferent sense. She is getting behind Mr. Strahorn in his
proposition to build railroads in Eastern Oregon, connect
ing the seggregated sections of that vast domain, and
making it tributary to Portland. Heretofore Portland
has been much in the position of the farmer who year
after year takes big crops from the soil without putting
anything back. Portland has discovered she must go to
using more fertilizer.
Must Be Destroyed Before Catarrh It
self Can ..Be ..Cured, says Specialist.
Wonderful Besults from Breathing
Medicated Air.
A Russian manifesto expresses the regret of the Rus
sian people at the "treason of Bulgaria," and asserts that
it is with bleeding heart Russia draws the sword against
her old friend Bulgaria. At the same time she says, "she
will leave the fate of the betrayer of the Slav cause to the
just punishment of God." Bulgaria will have no protests
to make it Russia takes no part in her punishment.
The tentative budget prepared by the city officials for
next year calls for about $185,000. This means that the
cost of running the city will be $500 a day. It also means
that a tax will have to be paid amounting to $10 for every
111.. It 1 1.1 - - - . . O - T . W
powers Had Better remain undeveloped, and tne growtn; person, male and female, big and little, in the city.
ol me state neid duck, ratner man nave it grow more
rapidly only to be owned by a combination of big corpor
ations. Congress should take a businesslike view of the mat
ters, make leases for say 50 year periods on liberal terms,
and have those terms stated definitely and unequivocally,
so that companies leasing from the government will know
exactly what to expect before they begin operating under
the leases.
The water power of Oregon will sometime be worth a
billion or more dollars. Is
1 gyggp235
Walt Mason
When I have ceased to rant and rave, and all mv earth-
it any wonder the big capital-ly days are spent, I pray you place not on mv crave a
ists are working so hard to get a chance to develop them j large and gaudy monument. All ostentation's doubly
and then own them?
Portland's $5,000 commissioners have developed an
unusually economical streak. After several days' discus
sion over reducing salaries, they finally agreed to cut the
salary of one cook from $(" to $C0 a month. Now will our
big contemporary, the Oregonian, keep still, be good and
quit growling about extravagance.
1 j. r 1
1 JziJ
Commissioner Daly of Portland passed the buck to
the mayor and other commissioners by moving to cut
$1,000 nfi" tlu vo.'U'lv s.nl.irv nf purii if Humi Of emn-co
it was only a blulT, and Mr. Daly had no idea it would be I l)0X-' How foolish is all such parade, such pomp amid the
called. It probably won t be. but if t is. Mr. Da v w be'Praveyani gorsei a nunured-donar saddle laid upon a
vain, when on this world we've closed our
eyes; give me a slab, with legend plain:
"Beneath this board your uncle lies." For
if I've cut some grass on earth, I'll need no
marble to proclaim the story of my sterl
ing worth, or to perpetuate my fame. And
if I am a false alarm, not worth the room I
occupy, no towering shaft can add a charm
to my bum record, when I die. How foolish
look the gents who sleep beneath all kinds
of sculptured rocks, who were considered
passing cheap, before we placed each in his
perhaps the. sorest one in the bunch.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1S6S
Capital $300,000.00
Traneact a general banking business
Safety Deposit Boxes
fifteen-dollar horse! When I have jumped this mundane
realm, and journeyed o'er the silent sea, a three-foot slab
of slippery elm is plenty good enough for me.
. 1
Medicine taken into the stomach will i
never cure catarrh. And neither will the
sprays, douches, lotions, creams andj
other temporary reliefs that so many!
catarrh victims make a habit of usine. !
To cure catarrh so it won't come 1ack
you must first drive from your body
tho millions of germs that are flourish
ing iu tho inner recesses of your nose
and throat and are causing the
There is a preparation which does this
palled Ilyomci (pronounced High-o-mc).
Hyomei is a germ killing vaporized air
formed from the purest oil of Eucalyp
tus combined with other healing and
antisentic ineredienls. You breathe
Hyomei through tho mouth and nose by
means of a little hard rubber nihnlor
which druggists furnish with it. This
modicatcd germicidal air penetrates in
to every fold and crevice of the
mucous membrano of your nose and
throat, kills the catarrh germs that
lodge there, soothes, reduces and heals
tho swollen inflamed membranes, stops
the discharge and opens up the clogged
noBe and air passages in a truly wonder
ful way. It gives blessed rolief in five
minutes from catarrhal distress of every
kind and if you make a practice of
breathing Hyomoi for a few minutes
each day for just a few weeks not only
will all the symptoms of catarrh vanish
but the disease itself will be a thing of
the past. No one need try or buy Ilyo
mci on pure faith. Daniel J. Fry ' and
many other lending druggists in Salera
and vicinity sell it with the positive
gunrnntco that it must cure catarrh or
thnt tho money paid for it will be re
funded. Hyomei is very inexpensive
and with this protecting guarantee be
hind your purchaso there is absolutely
no reason why any sufferer from catarrh
should not give it a fair trial.
Another Building
For Court Street
Plans and specifications of the fonn
dation work of the W. V. Moore build-'
ing to be erected on Court street on the
lots formerly occupied by tne Rowland
house, prepared by Oeorge M. l'ost, are
being figured on by contractors.
This foundation work is somewhat
complicated, as a stone wnll on the west
side of the lot is tied into the Brewer
building, which will necesHitiite under-
pinning. On the ensr side of the lot,'
the Pkitf lunliliiig only enters the
ground to the depth of two feet, nud
this wnll will also have to be under
pinned. All this must be done before
the excavating work begins. The oxen
vnting will be deep enough to permit
of n basement with nn eight-foot ceil
ing. and will extend unrter the sirte
wnlk to the curb line.
Attempt Being Made
To Corner Certain Drugs
rortlnnd, Ore., Oct. 20. The belief
prevails among l'ortinnd druggists to
day thnt nn uttempt is being made by
eastern speculators to corner certain
drugs mnile scarce by the war in Ku-
; rope.
Let tern nre sum to have been re
ceived by Portland wholesalers from
eastern concert vnich nre attempting
to buy up the supply of drug? to be in
cluded in the alleged corner.
A movement Is on foot here and else-
where to thwart i'le object of the rpocu-
Y. Y. WooV.v.ird, a wheioMih drug
gist of lVtrtlnt.it, in reported to be lik
ing steps to brim; tl e tntttcr to (lie at
tention of the t'oliril trade coinrnii-sun.
Scuttle. Vli Oct. II'. Two masked
men armed with automatic pistols held
up and robbed the Cilicns' bunk of
Kenton, n suburb, ot several hundred
dollars iu gold nud , arrenry late this
afternoon ami escaped in a waiting au
tomobile guarded by a third man. after
an exchange of shots with ritirens who
enme to the rescue of I'nshler K. V. '
tiilkau. One of the rescuers was wound-1
A posse headed by (lie city marshal if ,
( In I'looe ui suit. The robbers were heav- j
1 ily armed. ,
For Catarrh Wherever Located.
A sure, safe, tlme-trlej remedy
for Catarrhal Affection of every
description, Sold by all Dru
(Ista Write the Perun Co of
Coluw.bus, Ohio, Thejr wlU ad
vise you frw.
London, Oct. 19 Premier Znmni has
given assurances to the allies that,
'though neutral at present, Greece, will
j take lip arms against Bulgaria if tho
I latter crosses tho Ureek frontier in
aa effort to cut the Snlonikn-Nish rail
, road, it was learned authoritativlv to
j 'lay. "
Taeoina, Wash., Oct. ifl.Two un
masked highwaymen held up Deputv
Sheriff C. W. tlubb last night and took
ins star, revolver, a dollar watch and
I.St) from him. After pocketing their
loot, the bandits marched tlubb ahead
of them to ill woods and then ordered
htm to keep moving. He did.
Expert Tells of the '
Unbreakable Farm Bank
By David Lubin.
(I. S. Delegate, International Institute
of Agriculture, Home.)
(Written for the United Press.)
New York, Oct. 'J. When President
Wilson declared that "the question of
Rural credit is the most vitally import
ant problem confronting the Americau
people today," he certainly knew
whereof he spoke.
Yon farmers who go blindly on from
year to year, letting financiers dictate
whether you shall have enough cash at
reasonable interest with which to run
your farms, are doing a very foolish,
and unnecessary thing. i
Yesterday I told you how you could
farm an efficient National Marketing
organization with ramifications in ev
ery township in tho country.
Today I am going to show you how
you can form a National Rural Credit
System along tho same lines. A system
owned and controlled, not by bankers,
not by business or professional men,
nor by anyone whose interests would
conflict with yours but owned ami
controlled absolutely '.by you The
Parmer. .
What I tell you hore is nothing but
facta about a system which, in the 151
years it has been in operation in Ger
many, has not known a single failure.
Its nionils now, hold their own as they
always have, whether in normal or in
abnormal times. Whyf Because its
bonds aro based upon the land itself,
which no one can harm; and they are
bonds issued by the farmer himself.
The system is known as tho. Land
schaft. You can adopt and adapt it in
the t'nited States if you will. You
would thus have your own organized
financial co-operation under charter
rrotn the V. S. government. Yon aud
a group of your neighboring land-owners,
after getting the charter, would de
termine the nctuul cash value of your
combined laudholdings. Sav it was
You would issue on each mortgage,
bonds to be sold in the open market
on security (your $5,000,090 worth of
laud being tho security), so sound thnt
you will readily dispose of them at or
above par. The bonds would draw 3 to
4 per cent and run from 50 to 75 years.
Who, you ask, will be the buyers?
Your neighbors: The butcher, the
shoemaker, the widow with a mite to
invest; all people with small savings or
large. The security for so small as a
I(M bend ia still your $5,000,000 worth
of hind. Thnt land is the capital stock
of your borrowing association.
The security fanner Bill Smith gives
to this organization, (iu which he is a
partner, by the way), Is a mortgage on
his particular land. Under this system
there are no lawsuits because the
fanner's mortgage is rendered equiva
lent to a judgment against the land,
which the organization itself would en
force, if necessary, to collect.
Before this system could bo success
fully operated in the United States,
however, the national government
would have to pass legislation prohibit
ing' further questions of land-titles on
lands of these co operations, and also
for determining the soil-valuation of
each section. .State law changes would
also be necessary in this connection.
However, this is the only real solu
tion of the problem of rural credit.
Why do yon not get your congressional
representative iu lino on itf Also vour
slate legislature f
You will find some of the moncved
interests opposed to all this, for 'in
stance, tne mortgage money-lenders.
Kut the other and large moneyed in
terests of the country will favor this
system, because it will put vou'on a
prosperous basis and therefore increase
Lung Trouble Yielded
to This Medicine
estimate Eckman's Alterative, i
remedy which has caused minvn!
toveries. One follows:
1M23 Glrard Aye, PMli pt
"Gentlemen! In the winter (
1903 I hod an attack of Grippe, tel.
lowed by Pneumonia, and later kr
Lung Trouble, in the wlater el
11X14 I had a coukN, nlaht eweata,
fever and ralaed quantities e( anlil.
looklnK atnlt, and Inter I ha auar
hemorrhnicen, at one time three Is
three ancceaatve days. Three aayrl.
clans trented me. I Tvaa ordere tt
the mountain, bnt did not a. Bek
man'a Alterative was reconmeadpe
by a friend. After taking- a aaull
quantity I had the flrat quiet alghi'i
sleep for weeks?- My Improvement
was marked from the flrat. I aaliei
atrenarth and weiR-ht and appetite.
I never had another hemorrhage
my eongh aradnally lraaened aanl
entirely gone. I am perfectly well."
(Affidavit) ANNIE P. LOCftHRAX.
Eckman's Alterative la most efflct
clous in bronchial catarrh and se
vere throat and lunir. affections and
up-buildlng the system. Contain!
no harmful or habit-forming drugi
Accept no substitute. Small site, II;
regular alze, $2. Sold by leading
druRKTista. Write for booklet ot re
coveries. Eckmaa Laboratory, Philadelphia,
and stabilize the value of their own
You will find that your opposition
will come from the small-loan financial
interests, who are not anxious to see
you get out of their grip by organizing
your own financial system and having
the people at large turn their money
over direct to you, oa bona-fide and
gilt-edge security, because they are at
present obtaining this very money
front the people an.i lending it out to
You . must not forget that yon omi
the land; and that the hind is the basis
of all wealth; that therefore you hold
the fundamental security: It is only a
question of putting this security in !
ceptablo form.
All you need is organization. Yon
must have national organization. Given
that, you will have no more credit
And if you will organize your na
tional marketing organization you sill
have no trouble in getting your "IV
breakable farm bank" organization.
London, Oct. 19. Sinking of the Wil
son liner, Aleppo, 3,S70 tons, by mo
marine, with the rescue of the crewwu
announced today.
Stockholm, Oct. 19 A British sub
marine attacked the German stcamshipi
Pernambuco and Soderhaniin in the
Baltic, sinking the former.
Brownsville, Texas, Oia. 19.-SWJ
Mexicans, most of them dressed i Car
ranza soldiers, early today wrecked and
shot up a "Frisco" train near he
killing two Americans ami woundin?
four. They escaped after robbing the
passengers anil looting the baggage,
Bremerton, Wash.. Oct. 10 The divt
repair ship Prometheus will leave
ncsdny to repnir the radio station "
Cordova, Alaska, recently dumog' "
fire. -.
Chicago. Oct. 19. Colonel EdfirJ
Raeev, millionaire sportsman, and 5
er of Mayor Thompson, died here toaaj
of Bright 's disease.
Sufferers from Backache, Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble.
Hefore an Insurance Pompanv will
take a risk on your life the examining
physician will test t".ic urine and report
whether you are a good risk. When
your kidneys get sluggish and clog,
you suffer from backache, sick-headache,
dizzy spells, or the twinges ami
pains uf lumbago, rheumatism ami gout.
The urine is often clondv, full of sedi
ment; ciinr.els fiften get sore and
sleep is disturbed two or three times a
night. This is the time when vou should
consult some physician of -wide experi
on?.'r,"nrh n 1)r- I'leir. of the In
n , 'i?'0' ""'i s,lrK'al Institute,
liufftilo, N. Y. Send him 10 cents for
sample package of his new diseoverv
Ail-uric." Write him your svmptonis
and send a sample of urine for test.
Experience has taught Pr. Pierce that
An uric is the most powerful agent
in dissolving uric acui. ,,,,
d. a " ,
melts sugar, besides Ix-m,' " " - ;r
harmless and is endowed w'tn.ft,
properties, for it ;rccrv.s Mr
in a healthy condition by thuronji :
cleansing them. Being ? ni,n
more active than lithia. it '
heart valves of any sandj ,h,
which mav clog them and cne. tf
degeneration of the blood ,,A,.
well as regulating blood lir
uric" is n regular iiuurance ana
saver for all big meat eater i "
who depo.it lime-snlts m tneir
Ask the druggist for " -Vy"lfJ
up by Dr. Pierce, in M-oeut j"
Dr. Pierce', Ples;ant J,,,"l'7riW
liver and bowels have been i
known for nearly SO years.'"1