Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 19, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Salem's Greatest Sale of Women's
High Class Fall and Winter Suits
The very newest models fur trimmed in the most
popular fabrics and colors at astonishing little
prices. See the window display.
Attractive Offering
Women's Raincoats
Seventy-five High Grade Raincoats at one-third less
than regular prices. These are all of superior qual
ity in the popular and wanted styles and fabrics.
They would sell regularly from $7.50 to $25.00.
Special prices range $4.95 to $16.65. '
Women's $7.50 Raincoats Sale price $ 4.95
Women's $10.00 Raincoats Sale price $ 9.95
Women's $20.00 Raincoats Sale price $1:J.:J0
Women's $25.00 Raincoats Sale price $16.65
I (I
m i
Allies Claim Bulgarians Re
pulsed But German Report
Is Different
Paris, Oct, lit. The allies lave re
pulsed the Bulgarian!) trying to cut the
Nish rnilroad, according to un Athens
dispatch today. It was regarded as pos
I sible, though, that TlitH message was
tiled earlier than the Herman statement
claiming Vraniu was captured. If it is
really captured, as the Germans de
clare, the line is cut.
! Athens spoke of staggering Bulgarian
losses when the allies took htrumnitza,
followed by a disorderly rout, in which
the allies crossed the frontier near
The Serbian national riank has rush
ed funds from Nish to Monastir which
has been mentioned as the new capital
for Cerbia in event Nish falls.
Orders are expected dispatching a
strong Anglo-French body of reinforce
ments, with perhaps some Italians, to
the Balkans.
Special Sale of Infants Bonnets, form
erly priced to $4.00. Your choice while
they last JJOc
Women's knitted Toques for Winter
"wear red or white. Your choise, ex
tra special, each 35c
Our No. 765th Wednesday Surprise
Women's Outing Flannel Gowns
Extra Special at 78c Each
Here are splendid Night Gowns of
good grade outing flannel in plain
white and pink or blue stripe pat
terns; well made, generous in cut
an extra value for tomorrow's sale.
Your choice 7gc eacj,
Sale starts at S:'.)0.
See window display.
A Special Sale of Women's
Gloves, Priced $1.50 to $1.75,
Extra Value $1.35 a Pair
Imported tan Cape and white Gen
man lamb Gloves selected from our
superb stock. This offering should
attract all women who have glove
needs to supply, for it offers excel
lent gloves at an unusual price.
See the window display, $J 35 a pr
l7i VSM
Style Store
All Around Town
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist In fitting
glasses correctly. U. 8. bunk bldg.
TUa Knights of Pythloa art making
arrangements to take an auto trip lo
.ilvoiion Thursday evening to take
part in the iuiliiilinu til' several cuudi
dates in tu the Nilvortun lodge.
Attention Moose! Speclnl entortaiu
liicut ly the new committee at the
meeting toaigiit. Kvorylindy come.
Dr. Stone's Drug stom. tf
The Moose lodge will hold Its first!
social session ot the season at the lodge
this evening. A spcciul program has
been prepared for this first meeting at'
ter the summer vacation, and prepara
tions are being made for a large at
Dr. R. T. Mclntire, pnysiclan and
urgeon, L'l l Masonic, bldg. l'hono 4 ID.
During the past 3 hours ft rainfall of
.4IU inch was recorded ley the govern
incut gunge, anil at the same time the
river fell .1 uf mi iu.-li the gunge to
day reading 1.3 below nolo.
Attention Moose! Special entertain
ment by the new commiltoc at the
meeting toaigiit. Kierybody come,.
Dr. 8tone'i Drug Btore. tf
The young people's rally of the Chrl;'
tiiui Kndonvor of the llnvesville ills
triet of the Mnptist church will take
place .Nindnv, .November II. The inert
old oivhards and Mr. Chupia will make
final arrnngeinents for the eoni show to
be held at Mt. Angel on Friday and
Saturday of this week.
Try the Wblte Swan lunches. Best
and ehenpest in town.
The school children of the city, and
the county as well, will onjov a three
days' vacation next week, Wgiuiiing
Monday. The county teachers' institute
will be in session these three days
and every teacher in the county mid
city are expected to be in alt I-
o -
Reliable piano tuner. Thone 2354 J.
Dr. Floyd D. Lewis, who has for the
past six years been associated in the
practice of medicine with lr. Clarence
M. Keene lit Hilveiton, sold his in
terest in the piactice to his partner
and lelt last evening for Chicago for
post graduate work.
Attention Moose! Special entertain
meiit by the new committee at the
meeting tonight. Kvoryhudy come.
One of the latest Ideas in floor tiling
will be placed in the lobby ot' the
Capil.il National bank by Fred K, Kriv
on ttho has the woik in charge. The
tiling is tiiii.lt by tiie Ohio Flint Tile
company an. I is of such baldness that
it is i in --vioim to ink stains or tainish
of au nature,
High school students try the Home
ing will be held at the llayesvillv Hap j 1 .itm-li Room at mrner of l lunch and
list church
Dr. O. Hartley, specialist,
blooding ijiiuis and pvonhon.
Hank llldg. l'hono i M0.
Minion streets.
The $10,000 school bonds voted by
Uiictllniiii for the erection of a new
j u: 1 1 si
Xovtf school building were sold this week to
I Morris & Co., bringing a premium of
Word was re.-Alve.l ,,itii lmnu fVnm U01. Hid from I'll firms were re-
l'r. Coffee, of Portland, slating t lui t , ' 1 .-lt..l 1.1. The plans
lr. Will skiff had 1 a operated on .f"r h'' ,,,,,v I'liilding have not as yet
this illuming at the I'oithuid Surgical ; l,nMI "elected,
hospital and that there was much doubt I -o -as
to whether the opetalion had boe. Attention Mooaet Special entertain
sueceiMifiil. , inent by the new committee at the
o meeting tonight. Fveiybody come.
LCoroii Is the highest grade cigar1 B t . . 7,
yoii can buy for lo ,-ents. and Johnpon nd rami y. of Namp.
ttutlt. Idaho, arrived In the city yesterday
, with ft car load of household good sad
-will move on the Itsi-i. fiirtii In lilk
0-! county, nbo.it a mile nd half from
County rrult Inspector C. O.
stable ami former County Agriculturist 'Salem, on the Pallas road. Through
L. J. (Tititun, left this morning to the sgencv of Scott & llvnon, Mr,
spend the day at Mt. Angel. Mr. Con- Johnson r'eceatlv traded his farm in
stable will put iu his time inspecting Idaho for farm In Folk couutv.
Card of Thanks.
Wo. desire to express our npreciation
of the sympathy and kindness extend
ed to us during our bereavement.
v -THUS. K. CAMl'lUXLi
A free lecture will he iriven thn
Opera House the evening of October
-S, under the auspices of tho First
Cnurcli of Christ, Scientist. The spenk-oi-
for this lecture will be Clarence C
Katon, of Tnenma, meiulier of tho board
of Lectureship of the Mother Church
of Christ, Hcientist, of Jfoston.
The work of the SaKm Socinl Service
enter win lie conducted the coming
winter on much the same lines as form
erly, was the decision ot" those who at
tended the meeting yesterday afternoon
nt the miblie library. The Social Cen
ter will co-operate as lar as possible,
with tho commercial club. Contribu
tions and disbursements will follow to
n certain extent the plan worked out
lust winter. A iiuitin,r u-ill 1... t,i.i :
I the auditorium of the public library on
eieiiing or i-riiiny, tictohcr LP, to
elect officers for the'eoming year.
There is ft general feeling among
members of the commercial club that
Coorge V.. Hardy, manager of the
Portland Chamber of Commerce will
bring a message with him when he
comes to the city tiimoirow. For this
reason, tho dinner to he served at the
Marion hotel at 11:1.1 o'clock will be
largely attended. While Mr. llardv's
official position is Hint of secretary' of
the executive committee, he is really
manager of the Chamber of Commerce,
and in selecting him from the nianv
applicants, the Portland business men
undoubtedly had reason to teel tiiat
their new manager was n capable man,
one of handling big propositions.
The student body of the Washing-ton
junior high school held their election
yesterday, hsiiIi ing iu the selection of
mo lonowing orncers: President Phil
lip .Inaknski; vice-president, l.etlis
ilbiscoll; secretary, Hubert O'Neill;
'treasurer, Karl Shnfor. The committee
to be appointed to tal.e up the differ-
oat work of the student body will be
; selected sometime tins week. The stn
ident body of the three junior high
schools will be oignni'.ed on the same
I lines as thoce of stun, laid high schools.
For the first time in the liistorv of the
'Salem schools, the seienth and eight.i
gidr will be given an opportunity to
interest themselves iu school govoril
jnient and lake a ha'id in managing
: their own activities, under the super
i vision, of course, of l lie rineiiMl of
j the schools,
' toreu R. White, auogtor of the state
Industrial accident commission, return
ed from a two weeks' trip into te
mountains where he reports excellent
j luck with the wild animals in the Svl
I van depths.
Trench Claim Gains.
Fnris, Oct. 111. (inins fr the French
in the combat about Bois-en-hnchc were
claimed today by the French official
statement. Solidly installed positions
there, it was stated, were wrested from
the Teutons, while. French infantry
over night repulsed rliree grenade at
tacks. Bobmb and petard fusillades were re
ported at I.ihons, cast of the Navarian
farm and elsewhere in tho Champagne.
"French artillery silenced a henvy
bombardment of Eparges," the state
ment added. "Our aviators bombarded
the Burlioncourt aviation ground of the
Germans Sunday and Monday nights
and demolished hangars."
Fred E. Brietzke has resigned his posi
tion with the Salem Street Hallway and
will move on the farm six miles east of
The choir of the First Christian
church will give a musical prugrum to
morrow evening at tho Oregon iStuto In
dustrial school for girls.
Just 10 days after his death, the body
of -Mrs It H Kyle was laid beside that
of her husband, at the Mission Lee
cemetery. Services were held this after
noon for Mrs. Kyle, the Eev. H. D.
Tatmnn of the L'aitcd Brethren church
Chief Deputy State Engineer cantine
returned today from a trip to Hood Riv
er, where he inspected some construc
tion work on Columbia highway. Locat
ing Engineer KMiutt has changed his
headquarters from Uowena to Alosicr
to begin tho survey from Mosier to
Hood itiver. Tuo survey will bo fin
anced by WascO and Hood Kiver coun
ties. Walter S. Oleeson, recently elected
grand keeper of records and seals of the
grand lodge of Knights of Pythias of
the state of Oregon, has taken offices
iu the L. S. Nntionul bank building.
Tomorrow, a meeting of the finance
committee will be held in the city to
purchase furniture and fittings for
the ofi'ice. II. A. Johnson of this city,
is chuirmau of the committee.
Five Salem agents of the Metropoli
tan Li;'1 Insurance .:npany left tliiu
morning f .r Senttlo to attend the con
vcntio'i of agents of the company for
Oregon mid Vpshiii,vn. Besides Dr.
W. C'arleto.i Smith, the local physicians
of th; euMpnny, those attending nre
Supeii'itenden; F. A. Laurrendine, Guy
M. Benuford, Virgil C. Kush, Niekolus
L. Mol'fitt aud Bernard W. Rickey.
Judge Galloway today handed down
a decree granting a divorce to Henry
Hepner from Delia Hepner who brought
the action. In his findings of fact
Judge Galloway states that the conple
were married in this county July 2,
1913, and that no children have been
boru to the union. The decree con
tinues with the statement that the
court finds that the plaintiff wilfully
abandoned her husband and is guilty
of desertion and that the further
charges made by her are not material
to the case mid" the decreo of divorce
is granted to the defendant, Henry j
Hepner. The plaintiff was given the!
right to resume her former name or
Delia Smallwood. A stipulation was
filed in which it was ngreed that the
plaintiff should accept 5o0 from the
plaintiff in full settlement of all of
her claims against the defendant and
that Henry Hepner should retain all of;
his property free of any claims of tho
plaintiff. The plaintiff likewise re
tains all of her property held before the
marriage. 8. M. EmKcott represented
the plaintiff and Grant Corby appeared,
for tho defendant. .
Ideal Weather Brings Out Big
Vote In New Jersey.
Fraud Is Charged
20 Acn
J. H. Missler was today appointed
by Judge Bushey as administrator oft
the estate of Adam Missler who died
intestate in Turner, October M, leav-
ing personal property to the value of;
$5,700. The only heirs-are J. H. Miss-
ler, a son residing at Stayton, and Mayi
Forrest, a daughter residing at Turner..
An answer was filed today in the i
circuit court today by the defendant
in the case of E. M. Page against
Ermengarile Carey, an action to collect:
money alleged duo on a promissory
note. The defendant admits that she I
signed a note for the sum alleged but j
states . that it was for memorandum
only and given to her father, RichaVd!
W. Carey. She asserts by way of a!
counter claim that she provided her
father with a home at her home on!
East State street for four years and j
cared for him and boarded and lodged i
him for four years and that she has a;
valid claim of WOO for such services.!
The alleged promissory note culls for!
$.167.81. Carey F. Martin is attorney
for the defendant.
For the last three days empty
freight cars have been shunted upon the
side tracks in Oregon nt tho rate of (ill
per day instead of .10 per day as iu the
past according to the Public I tilities
commission. The car shortage that is re
ported in this state is rapidly being
eliminated. Commissioner Frank J.
Miller, now in San Francisco, reported
today that the H. p, company charged
the shortage on the coast to floods in
Texas und the excessive locnl demand
that has sprung up in the lust few
Emmett Q. Hall left for Portland this
afternoon to tele the final examina
tions for ndmittnnco into the marine
corps of the 1'uited States navy. After
in days at the recruiting station in
Portland, he will be sent to Sun Fran
cisco and later to join the Murine corps
at Mare Island, wheie final training is
given recruits before assignments of
service. It is Mr. Hall's intentions to
eventually join the aviation service,
but before this can be doue, several
mouths must be spent in the marine ser
vice at Mare Island, about 30 miles
from San Francisco.
Following Mm example set by Uie
movies, the price of flour and sugar!
has advanced an now sugar is '-"!
cents a hundred higher than it was
yesterday. The eastern refineries set ;
the price on sugar and when they an
nounce an advance in the wholesale
price, the retail moves up in proportion. I
Valley flour a sack has not advanced'
but as the price is already up on
intent, the chances are thnt within a
few days nil four will advance 10 to
l."i cents a nick higher. A few weeks,
ago wheat was sold in the city nt "0
cents n bushel. Now it is 83 cents, and
flour is going up iu proportion.
0 I
The Salem Six O'clock club of the;
First Methodist church will hold its
first meeting yf the season at the lec
ture ruins nt the church next Monday1
evening at OVJJ o'clock, with the usual
i' cents chatge for the dinner. Men of,
all tiades, professions and callings are;
invited to these dinners and addresses!
which follow. The meetings adjourn'
ptomptly at S o'clock. The address
next Monday evening will be delivered
by Congressmna W. O. llawley on,
"Kurul Credits," a on which I
lie is rcciny informed, as he is a
meiulier of the rural credits committee)
of the house of representatives. This I
address will be Mr. Jlawlev's last mes-1
sage before returning to Washington.
After filing a suit for divorce and
receiving tho promise of her spouse:
that ho would be good in the future j
Elsie A. Ward filed a supplemental,
complaint in the circuit court this
morning indicating that she still wants'
a divorce from her husband, William1
L. Ward. She states in her supple-!
mental complaint that after the sum
mons was served upon her husband in!
the former- suit that he came to her
and said he would treat her with all
due consideration in the future but thnt!
after three or four days he swore nt
her and struck her and that she wns
obliged to 1eavo him Again. She asks
for the care and custody of their three i
year old son Delbert D. Ward. Turner j
& Turner represent the plaintiff.
Congressman W. C. Hawley will leave
for Eugene this evening to be present!
tomorrow morning to take part in the!
Fledge Day exercises of the niversity,
with Governor Withycombe and W. K.
Newell, regent of the university. To
morrow nfternoon, Mr. Hawley will de
liver on address before the department
of commerce of the university on " Rur-1
al Credits'." Before returning to '
Washington, he will spenk-Thursday at j
Corvallis, Friday at Newberg, Satur
day at Hillsboro and Monday evening
before the Six O'clock club nt the First
Methodist church. On the 2sth of this
month the congressman will leave for
Washington. As a member of the rural
credits committee of tho house of repre
sentatives, ho will meet with this com
mittee during the month of November
to properly prepare a bill on rural
credits to be submitted to congress
which convenes December 0.
Trenton, Nr. J., Oct. 39 Due to the
suffrage watchers, more gallantry was
noted today than ever before in New
Jersey elections. The women watchers
had their orders from Mrs. Mina Van
Winkle, head of the women's political
union, as follows:
"Challenge every voter who looks
suspicions. When he comes up with his
hand bandaged and' needs help in mak
ing the ballot, make him take off tho
bandage. They have concealed a multi
tude of votes in other elections.
"And, when the voting is over, sit
on the ballot boxes until the counting
begins. No matter what happens sit
on them."
Indications this afternoon were that
tho total vote will reach the average
of a general election balloting. Ideal
weather helped materially to bring out
the rural vote on which the suffragists
largely rely for victory.
Despite this, Mrs. Van Winkle,' at
Newark, charged wholesale frauds were
perpetrated by repeaters who voted
against the suffragists.
Several watchers returned and re-;
ported their credentials rejected and
they had been driven from the polls.
it was charged, too, tnat tne "amis'
escorted voters to the booths, and open
ly electioneered before the booths.
Senator Clapp of Minnesota, Miss
Rosalie Jones, noted for leading the
suffragist bike from Xew . York to
Washington and a small army of New
Vnrlr wnrkrrn nidocl tlln watehillir. I
Sheriff Esch Gets Up
Early and Captures Man
Wanted For Larceny
"The early worm catches the corn"
was the opinion of William H. Porter
this morning when he stalked the
Btreets of Salem in the uiiHty dawn only
to encounter Sheriff Esch who was
holding a warrant for Porter's arrest
issued Augustrl9 of this "year. ' Porter
was wanted on a charge of larceny al
leged to have been committed at Don
ald and a warrant was issued for his
arrest in tho justice court at Wood
burn. Tho warrant was sent to Sheriff
Esch for service but Porter had de
parted for parts unknown before the
nrrcst was made.
It was thought that the man would
return to Woodburji and the case was
held pending. This morning Sheriff
Esch rolled out early to make a country
trip nnd when he camo down town he
met Porter on the street. Tho sheriff
exnrcssed his pleasure nt meeting For-1
ter nnd insisted upon taking the man
back home with him where Porter is
now domiciled as a guest of the county.
Poliin? Places For City
Primary Election Chosen
The polling places for the primary
city election to be held November 1
when aldermen from all wards of
this city will be nominated have been
announced and will be as follows:
Ward 1 Basement of Garfield
school on North Cottage street.
Ward 2 City hall.
Ward 3 Basement Masonic, bldg.
Ward 4 Hendrick 's building, 21
South Commercial street.
Ward ii lieddaway 's store building,
corner Hood and Sixth streets.
Ward ti Clark's grocery building,
corner State and Twenty-third sts.
Ward 7 Poisal & Shaw's store
building, corner Commercial and Miller.
', nearly all
Cllltiviltii,,. T ' t
-v land, can be - j
$55 per acre bo niJ
netnj the money.
S' R- care Journal
Change rfSdieAfc j
Beginning with
OV. 1st, the sehcdul- f! 7' 1
will be as follows:
-Leaves Salem ' t i
cor State ami ufl ?. 1
liberty ,, , . ... '
8 A. M.
1 1 A. M.
3:30 P. M.
7:.!0 P. M.
9 A M
12::tl) p. M
" P. II
9 1'. IL
Insane Patients Are
cl: j t p
Superintendent R. E L Stein
send four of his parties back ,l',c
old homes across the Atlantic wean
day when the train conies tl,rb ti
San Franosco at 8 o'clock tl,iSCve
The patients are Ed Johansen of W
en; Olaf Forsberg, of .SwPdei;
Amoratti, of Italy, and Arthur BIU
of England. These patients will bp
ported at government expense and it.
tour will be placed aboard the train U
custody of Dr. 1). it. 0.ss, of tbe(H
gon State Hospital staff. Dr. Ks, tf
accompany them to New York l
they will be placed in diarge of tt
government agents There is arp
number of insane patients tobeJ,w
ed at this time and the ones f.jro Su
Francisco and Salem will be joined h
others across the continent.
Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 19.-8, I
rearson of Oregon was third tr.hi
with 314 in the national indivHn
rifle contest.
Sergeant James Stewart of 51
chnsetts won.
HE5E two great qualitis
'surround you at
Hotel Nortonia
Anything that inspin
tKese qualities that encci
ages good cKeer--is sure tolt
hailed with acclaim. WW
some foods tempting
served -are delightful"ii
one full of snap and gecj
humor bound to. Bepi
th day with t Nortwi
meal-tke kind that sustain
be Happy.
Rooms ttttrt privilg of UiH
or mora ths day. Rcon
The thing thtt ppli-nwirt
114. off
12th it
Our One-half Stock at One-half j
Price Sale Is Drawing Large Crowds. Come j
Today and Buy While the Buying is Good, j
Push The Button and Rest
Sl&sy (jiairs,
$22.00 quarter sawed Oak Royal Rock
er, with cushion of desired ffl 1 flfl
colors, now .'- iP1LUJ
525.00 solid Oak Rocker, flJIO CA
leather seat, now yiiOV
$7.50 large, roomy Oak (PO 7C
Roclfer, now rMr
$36.00 all-over leathor Rocker good
.$!: $18.00
Would ninUe an exceptional gois'i
serviceable Xinas present.
$30.00 Royal Chair, quarter sawed OA
you know what the Royal (TIC JJfJ
easy chairs are, now ipii.wu
$18.50 large Oak Rocker, Tap- CQ 0C
estry scat, now yJAii
$28.00 Birdseye Maplo Chiffonier,
French bevel plate mirror, T" 0 AQ
$25.00 Oak Dresser, large Frencb
bevel plate mirror, J2 JO
$27.50 Princes Dresser, waxed Oak,
large French be.vel plate (T19 7S
mirror, now ?
$18.00 Smoking Stand, solid CQ M
Oak, now : - t'
$7.50. Library Lamp, very 7jj
pretty design J 'j
$8.00 Hall Tree, now jj
$14.00 Brase Library Lamp C7 Aft
, w W44404'