Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 19, 1915, Image 4

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    ditorial Page of "The '.Capitals Journal'-:
October 19, 191S.
vxxAauts h. nSHEB,
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
See. and Treas.
Daily by carrier, per year
Daily by mail, per year ...
5.00 Per month.
' 3.00 Per mouth.
New York
Wanl-Lewis-Williams Special Agency
Tribune Building
Harry K. Fisher Co.
30 X. Dearborn .St.
Tkrt f'n.,itiil .Tnurtml carrier bova are instructed to put the papers on the
porch. If the carrier does not do thin, misses you, or neglects getting the
J.aper to you on time, kindly' phone the circulation manager, as thiH is the only
way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions.
Phone Main 8).
According to government reports the season is un
usually favorable for winter wheat, and that a greater
area than ever before is being sown. This of course means
that under average conditions the wheat crop next year
will be the largest the country ever produced.
It is claimed conditions in Europe are such that a
smaller area than usual will be planted to wheat there,
and that the demand next year will be greater than ever.
This on the face of it would indicate a prosperous year
for the wheat grower, but does it? This year the in
creased price due to the war has benefited the farmer
practically not at all. As the price in Europe advanced
the shipping trust shoved the carrying price up to forty
cents a bushel more than during normal times. Recently,
we understand, charters have been advanced to 120, or 125
shillings, or about 87 cents a bushel, while under natural
conditions the average charter was about ?0 cents a
bushel. In other words charters have advanced about
200 per cent.
It might be a good scheme to hold the wheat and let
ships lie idle, until the shipping trust is at least willing
to divide the profits from war prices with the farmer.
It looks as though the farmer got it square in the
neck in every deal. If prices go up on any of his products,
.someone else gets the benefit of the increase, and he does
not. Sometime the farmers may get together and change
all this, but there are so many obstacles to his doing so
that it seems improbable. 'So many of them are in debt,
due to the conditions mentioned that they are forced to
The fanner, however, never has to bother about any
thing only raising his crops; for he is the one manufactur
er who has his prices fixed for him. When he goes to
market with his product he asks: "What will you give
ine for it?" And for everything that he buys he asks:
"What do you charge for it?" With other people fixing
Uie price of everything he sells as well as everything he
buys, he is between the millstones and that he is ground
exceedingly fine necessarily follows.
At first glance it is impossible to understand why
some people will invest in, so called, war stocks, or stocks
in manufacturing companies engaged in making1 war
munitions. Any sensible person must be able to see that
when the war ends, and the demand for these products
ceases, that the stocks will tumble, and be perhaps of
little value.
The explanation is that the purchaser, is a speculator,
putting his money in not as an investment but for the
purpose of selling soon at an increased price.
When the war ends, there is going to be a tumbling in
all this kind of stocks that will crush thousands and may
start a panic that will be felt by the entire country.
As an example of the fictitious values of these stocks
Bethlehem steel has increased in value about 700 per
cent, and Schwab's interest worth at the beginning of the
war about $7,000,000 are now said to be worth about
$50,000,000. The last fellow who holds the sack, who
owns the stock when the war ends, "is going to hear
something drop with a dull, sickening thud."
An exchange speaks of "the idiot who shot the ex
mayor of Grants Pass, mistaking him for a deer." It
strikes us that the biggest "idiot" these days is the man
who will trust himself in the woods while the open season
for deer hunters is running.
No one can ever guess what those wireless fellows will
do next. Now comes a couple of Californians who have
done away with the tall tower used in receiving and send
ing messages, and accomplish this by stringing a wire
along the ground.
It is stated the allies have started troops to the aid of
the Serbians. This seems quick action on their part for
heretofore it has been their habit to wait until the horse
was stolen before they locked the stable door.
Chicago's wrestling with "dry Sundays" is being keen
ly watched by residents in Oregon's metropolis. It is
some further to Tiperary than it is to January first, 1916,
and its concomitant drouth.
Henry Ford suggests that the Japs and Chinese be
permitted to own all the land they care to. Henry will
fiind a very scant following on the Pacific coast.
A Galley o'
"Are you familiar with Dante, Miss
Kittlsh?" asked Mr. Tredway.
"No; but f"can make pumpkin pie
that fairly melts in your mouth." "
"Will you marry -me?" asked the
young man, eagerly.
Now comes Rrigadier General Sir Erick Swayae, and
nays England must recruit :i,000,000 more men by Spring, ;
and adds that unless this is done the military will not be:
responsible for the war.
He states that Germany has between nine million and!
ten million men between the ages of 18 and 15 available.'
for service, and that therefore it was useless to talk about
wearing her out. He thinks if Great Britain will raise
three million more men Germany will see the fruitlessnessj
of holding out longer. j
It is impossible at this distance to understand just
what England is trying to do. It was claimed only a low
days ago that England had two million men in her army:
at home that could be drawn upon for aiding Serbia. It!
is difficult to see why she should want more men, when'
this two million is not sent to the front. Three million
more men or for that matter thirty million will not have1
any effect on the war, so long as they are kept in England.;
However, General Swayne's statement is enlightening,
as to Germany's strength. j
Even with the addition of half a million dollars worth
of counterfeit gold five dollar pieces, the supply does not
seem to have swamped the demand. Besides if the coun
terfeit fives are so good that only an expert can detect
(hem, and if everybody takes them, do they not perform
all the functions of money, and are they not just as good
as their full weight brethren?
The summer night's a total loss; we go to bed and kick
and toss, and groan and shriek and pray ; we wallow on
our beds and weep, in vain we cannot get to sleep until
the break of day. And then the milkman
comes along and whangs his large and
strident gong, the errant newsboys scream,
the grocer's man is at the door, and all the
wheels of traffic roar, and spoil the morning
dream. But in. the fall how well we rest!
When I've removed my shoes and vest, and
to my couch I go, I find myself at once
asleep, enjoying rest profound and deep,
the kind that children know. For seven
hours or so I snooze, refreshing weary gall
and thews, from grief and care aloof; if
you would wake me in the night, you'd have to bring some
dynamite, and blow me through the roof. And in the
morn, at half past five, I wake, so glad that I'm alive, that
I must sing and dance; I sing and whistle, sound and hale,
as I put on my martingale, my shirtwaist and my pance.
Take all your potions, dope and pills, and throw them in
the babbling rills; they are no use to men; when one can
sleep for seven hours, that little nap restores his powers,
and makes him young again.
Not long ago, when swain was mad
His passion to make known,
He hired a buggy or he had
Conveyance of his own;
With Lover's zest and manly pride
He took the dear one out to ride.
How charming was the moment when
in some green lonely lane
He dropped the reins, and boldly then
Spoke out his love and pain;
Her waist his arm could circle, and
Her hand was in his other hand.
Well, lovers still may love the same,
But in an auto? Nay!
Yfhat man dares play the same old
In the same brave old way?
Instead, he's shrinking from her touch
And wishing she'd not talk so much.
he's speeding up he's' slowing
He's watching out the while
He pounds the gong with grin , and
He has not time to smile,
Much less to sigh, to plead, or kiss
What sort of courtship, pray, Is this?
Worse still, when aeroplane, so brisk,
He steers pn fitful breath
Of shifting wind, in constant risk
Of broken bones or death
What man could love's wild depth
Careering in an aeroplane?
Shall science alter passion's lawa?
And, later, shall there prove
No need of love-making, because
There won't be nny love?
By logic's light, it seems to me,
This must, alas the upshot be!
A poor or inferior butter will make the best
bread distasteful
Marion Creamery Butter
"Meadow Brook"
Tt costs no more and you Get the Best
Rupert It was a strange case! Ho
left the club one night to go to the
opera and was never seen or heard
of afterward!
Harold Disappeared as completely
as If the earth had opened and swal
lowed him up, eh?
. Rupert More bo, if possible. In
that case he might have left his hat
above ground, or there ml;ht have
been a crack left to show where ho
disappeared; but this fellow, mind
you, disappeared as completely as if
he had married an authoress.
: W
Much Money On Train
Engineer Cracks Robber
On Hand With Shovel
New York, Oct. 19. While revolvers
flashed, eyes peered out from behind
blni'k masks and the cry of "hands
up" rang out, the West Shore freight1
was held up and robbed in true wild
west fashion nt Haverstraw, only "45
minutes from Broadway" early to
day. The bandits looted one car and es-:
eaped in an automobile.
(juick thinking on the part of the1
engineer of the express following the j
freight saved a large amount of cash, I
jewelry and valuables. He saw the rob-j
ber9 on the track ahead, ns lie slnuvil
down in response to a danger scma-1
more, out tnroning on lull steam, lie
eseaiied. It whs rennrteH Hint flin ov. 1
press carried a largo sura of money
ior rne Bun-treasury, and it is believed'
the bandits -thought they had stopped '
the express when they' held' up thei
freight. !
Frustrated in their plans to make a!
big haul, tliev esenuod in their nntnnm.
No trace of the bandits had been
found un to noon, and the vnlnn nf rim!
t..,.. i
UM'l wim llllKIKUVIl,
It developed that one bandit grasped
the hand crin on the render nf tha nv.
press, but was felled when Engineer
.uuui mi ins KiiucKies witn a suovel.
It Is Apple Day
The Country Over
Portland, Ore., Oct. 1(1. "Apple
day" was being observed nil over the
United States today. The entire nation
was eating the delicious fruit which
the northwest grows fn such perfection
and profusion. ,
In the Pacific northwest nil dining
cars, hotels, cafes, lunch rooms, cafeter-
303 State Street
The Milestones of Life
are indicated by the
By preserving the teeth
you help prolong life at
the same time enjoy life
as you go along.
Let me attend to your
tooth troubles.
Examination free.
Lady attendant always
PHONE 926.
ias and private homes worn serving
apples prepared in almost every con
ceivable way.
All stores had special displays of the
fruit and reduced prices were in effect.
England now lias a campaign on to prevent waste in
food stall's. This may bo bad news for the shipping trust,
which gathers in all the profits from enhanced prices, but
it will not all'oct the American farmer, the price of whose
wheat is fixed for him by said trust.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1S63
Capital $300,000.00
Transact a general banking: business
Safety Deposit Boxes
8. P. SUED FOE $30,000.
Eugene, Or., Oct. IS. A suit for
p.'lo.iMio again! tin. Southern Pacific,
growing out nf the killing of four chil
dren near I'resswcll a year ago when
a train struck an uiitomolulo is on file
here todav.
II. II. lioliiiiett. S. S. Morse and V. W.
Tronuor, fathers of the children are
the plaintiffs.
Portland, Ore., Oct. IS . That Europe
is almost famished for wheat was indi
cated here today when n local export
er is reported to have sold a steamer
cargo of liluostem nnd club on the basis
of $l.l'l I 2 er bushel in Portland.
Sales of liluestem in the interior nt
l.l'l per bushel were also reported.
I .on Angeles, t'nl., Oet. R O. K.
Weilleiver. a liveryman of Fresno, was
treated at the receiving hospital today
for illness nunc. I by drinking tooth
ache drops. He said he dinnk the
toothache balm because the young wo
man who mi he admired refused to wed,
although he proposed many times.
Koine, Oct. IS. Hecaiis of the war
the papal finances are undergoing
crisis. "Peters pence," the minimi of
feiing devoted to upkeep of tho Va
tican, in yielding n minimum amount,
and it t understood that the Vatican
plans U appeal to American Catholics
lor Hiil.
iidiauapolis, I ml., Oct. .11'. Chnrycs
nf conspiracy to cm nipt the Marion
county election, made, under Indict
ment, against Tom Tnggnrt, democratic
national committeeman fur this stale,
were dismissed today on tho state's mo
tion in criminal court. Prosecutor
Kuckcr announced that ((inclusive evi
dence nuiiiust him was lacking. This
action followed the stale's failure to
convict Hell of similar charges.
London, Oct. is. Seventvonc aro re
ported to have perished when tin Aus
trian submarine sank the French
steamship A.luiiinl lloinelin In the Mod
iterraiiea,! without warning.
A Inter Marseilles message said S3
of the crew weie lauded there, but men
tioned no casualties, so it is uncertain
whether the ;U included nil aboard.
Vow York, Oct. IS. America will
soon bo banker for Italy, i well as
lor her allies, she has arranged for
''," Oiitl Oihi !, ,vl.;. i. .. nl,-.,l
. through lne, lligginson and company
of New York and Huston in thff form of
one year notes of f 100, 300 and fl.lHHl
. Luw &bJuJt -iV jit
1 Paris, Oct. R The Dulgsrians hv
penetrated Serbian Macedonia and eut
I the Salonika Nih ruilroad. renrdinii
Jto Austrian rcporU from t.!eiiev todny.
I armor Honk-'SyuIre FushalonR !
ilnrted as a poor bound-boy, nnd now
l the age of forty-eight, he's got ths
biggest farm In the neighborhood,!
with a fine house on It; he1 got good
teams, money in the bank, daughter In '
bonrdliV-school, son In college, and so I
forth; and Is fjggerin' to goln' to the
legislature. I
Farmer Dentover-Gosh! It pays t0 I
bo prosperous don't It T ' j
Mrs. Van Flashlngton (at the Char I
It sr Ball. rnni1.on,ii,,K.i r. I
think you can do proper Justice to my
gown and my Jewels. Mlsa Wrisht ?
I Woman Reporter (meanly)-i fancy
I wasn't a circus preas agent two
years (or nothing!
WIllii-Bunip has an elegant home,
hasn't he?
Clllla-Yei; It has all the comforts
ot traveling.
This Trip to the Panama Expo
sition a Life Time Event
Oregon Electric Ry. ypzK.
North Bank Road
and the Talatial
Steamships, "Northern Pacific"
"Great Northern"
Kvery Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Best of tho trip in daylight. 20 glor
ious hours on the ocean. Fares iueludo
meals and berth and free extras.
Numerous Brilliant Attractions dur
ing October.
.Forest Industries Conventions, Dally
Stock shows till December 3.
Pence Congress, The Farmers' Month.
Loggers' Congress Oct. 30, Oregon
Pay, "Zone of Plenty Week", Drain
age Conference.
Something Doing Every Minute and at a Hundred Different Tisces
in the Jewelled City.
Round trip from Salem, flO.OO. .
3. W. Ritchie, Agent, Salem, Oregon,