THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCT. 19, 1915. THREE km National Coffee Week, October 18th to 234 -- 1" I ft tr If ' . "- 1 mm imo kaa ; I flJVt l fcA-AV triUteA COFFEE - ffupcr-Quality j i the Coffee which satisfies the refined taste of those who know the best. Its full, mellow blend puts it in a class by itself. LANG & CO. The "Royal Club" H ovist . . . . . . Portland, Ore. K "iTyV'i" 77 nn533 . 1 IV Mil 1 iVL vma i Mm8 taiil ERN PAGIFK Misterious Disappearance of Fire Hose To Be Inves tigated by Council SILVERTON NOTES Lang & Co. Were the Only Coffee Roasters Who Gave the Public the Benefit When the Price of Raw Coffee Came Down. MOTHERS OP THIS COUNTRY. Ten Weeks In Bed I Physicians FaKed Won derful Recovery T I wish to inform you of the great have through all ages past and will! through all years to come take care' of the ordinary simple ailments in- cidont to every family with their own; favorite remedy. Tn almost everv home in the land Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- benefit 1 have derived from the use of pound is the recognized standard Swamp-Root. 1 had been a sufferer household remedy for female ills; f -r more than twenty years from kid- thousands of American women owe ney and liver trouble and was almost their good health to it. Made from ' .constantly treated by the most eminent the rout, and herbs of the field, it is physicians, who could only give me a simple remedy in which suffering I temporary relief. I had been in bed women imiv nlaee ucrfect confidence, ten weeks when I began the use of It contains' no narcotics or harmful Swamp-Root, inside of twenty-four jrllg8. I hours I could see that I had been m ; greatly benefited. 1 continued to use I Swamp-Root until I had used several! city, there is a deep undercurrent of bottles when I really felt that my old; feeling that the duy of the loganberry iff trouble was completely cured and I amjis close at hand, and that the oxtcn- ! positive that unv person suffering with sive advertising now unaer way is kidney or liver trouble can be cured by' bringing the berry and its products in Sherman Coined Phrase "War Is Hell" Portland Ad Club Gets In and Will Celebrate Loganberry Day This Month Among the different firms in the The regular meeting of the city coun cil last night was a routine session with the exception ot the presentation of the tentative city tux budget which will be acted upon by the council at a spe cial meeting to be called next Mon day to discuss the separate items of the budget. The tentative budget calls for $174,(100 to provide for the ex penses of the city which with the $10, S00, which Will come to the city from licenses, fines and interest on funds, will provide approximately $l$5,fl00 as outlined iu yesterday s issue of this pa per. On the present property valua tion it is estimated that the city tux next venr will be about 14 mills. Three ordinances were referred back to the council by the committee with the recommendation tlint thev be indef initely postponed, the jitney ordinance was tabled with the one making it un luwful to place obstructions, in streets and alleys. The ordinance limiting the speed of steam trains to three miles nn hour, within the city limits was also slated for indefinite postponement by the committee but was recalled by the street committee and the committee was ordered to make a personal investi gation of the condition of Twelfth street. The S. P. also came in for criti cism relative to the disappearance of somo fire hose during the fire at the flour mill on Commercial and -Trade streets. Counc.ilmnn Mills staled that when he came to the fire it was noticed tlintj there were two freight cms near the binning mill and these cars were rolled i down the Vnck by a number of men who were spectators at the fire I.nter. said Mr. Mills, the cars were moved I across the street and over two lines of hose cutting them in two. Tin fire men made haste to put iu and couple up new sections and left the severed pieces on the ground. Wlie i, they went to re cover the pieces " Kxhibit A" and "r.xlnbit H had disappeared and no trace could bo found of them. It was voted to send a bill for $10(1 to tho S. P. for the hose and if the bill were re fused tordffer a reward for any in formation leading to the apprehension of the parties who drugged off the hose. Mis. Rnt'liffe was notified tint no matron v. cu'd be employed til the O.i gn l-.loclr'.e. depot owing to the pres ent condition of the city's f:..Mios. I inhts were ordered at tho Intersection It has been necessary to equip an other room at the grade school and engage a new teacher owing to tho crowded condition of the fourth, ami fifth grades. Miss Kora Browne will teach the new sixth grade room. This makes two teachers to a grade up to the sixth grade, with an average of ,'15 pupils to each teacher. The enroll ment is about 10 per cent above what it was last year. Martin' Tinglestad was in Port land last Tuesday, to be in attendance at the hospital at the time of his father's operation, ile returned witti Kev. ii. A. White Tuesday evening. The Uuv Chumncss family are hav ing their iiousehold goods shipped here from (ioldondalo. Wash., where thev have been living, and plan on locating in this city. Kenneth Bennett, the little son of Mrs. Bessie Bennett, was taken to Sa lem the first of tho week to consult a specialist about an nbsccss that is form ing on his leg that was injured some time ago.. The little fellow was in the hospital a long time when he was first injured, and it is to bo hoped there will not have to be another operation. John Quail, the transfer man, moved to the Milster house on North Water street, the first of the week. llr. and Mrs. A. K. Wrlghtinnn at tended the grand lodge session of the Knights of Pythias at Portland this week. I.con Hertzol nnd wife were business callers from iSeotts Stills tho first of the week, Mrs. W. B. Preudell died nt the home of her father, John Mosor, on Tucs day of this week. Hhe cause of her death was apoplexy, and cam as a shock to-her relatives and friends. She is survived by nine children all of whom live nt Berry, Wash., except one in Canada. Uer husband passed on two venrs Biro, at Berrv, Wash., and she has been in Silverton a little over a year Change of Time Motor Car Service between Salem-Dallas-Falls City Effective October 20th, No. 170 No. 168 :I0 P.M. 5:00 P.M. 0:40 P. M. 5:00 P. M. 7:4,i P.M. tS:00 P.M. Lv. Pall City ... Dallas Salem No. 167 Ar. 6:0,1 P. M. o:30 T. M. 1:00 T. M. All other trains siune as before. Portland, Ore., Oct. 19. Regardless the use of this preparation. of the statements of some historians toi X am now in tho best or iicaitu, uer-; ', ..,, "'' "-- ntro.rt. me ngnt nc the contrary, Rev. Thomas Ewing Mier-; ter than 1 have been for ten years or Wherever tho berry was sold lM-tHir,,ot iri. stntimi w man, of St. Louis, son of General Sher nf r.'wen v-tliirrt ntul Tlnvnl nnd nt to favorable consideration, not only in ii.tvree.i'cr of Hose avenue nnd Suriici near the old Ferrv was ordered moved 1 do not know how to express year in tho improved cartons and with ,.t0 vhirteeiith nsd state streets. . .. . ., . t. in . , mi, iii'rrf.r nii'imiiiK ill .uurKiiu. it ill I man, is firm in tne declaration tonny , myseir as strongly i msirc, m inm -.- .-- - - that his distinguished father really did J of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, as 1 am with recipes for its correct preparation coin tho world famous epigram "War sure that it saved my life and that my , h.v. Rr,lly -ncrcnscd, is hell." good health is due entirely to this' tilc hen he evaporated It was in the early RO's, Father Sher-!great remedy. 1 hoartilv recommend it. lofftuiborry was first sen to the eastern man said, in an address before the gra- f0 cvery Jtteret and 'am confident; duating class of cadets at a military , thpy ca , be bouefito.l as I have been.l " - , " P J tZVirV- scnool in Micnignn. I It is a pleasure tor me, gentlemen, to evaporated' fruits Now that all I In an interview Father Sherman i v,,, .. i,: recmmiiendntion. Icr evnP"r""u ."mm now inai nil n ,.mill .tronrlv advocated military and naval! mp u. t PurcK. PK" " " '.tn spec.a.lnt , (li(((.UBB , umi, (lf v ... - i (iir.timm. tti'itor roan tr nre (imninfu. t .. 1 . 4 t 1 preparedness. ; ' 1 1400 Center St. Portsmouth, Ohio, i Thg iociiuberrv fruit is so stroiiir that', """g1''- "lumuiiicuiinn us reim Father Sherman is in the northwcsM perM01iall ,ippearlM bfore me thli! t'e , , "J 8 L cook ng t , "e i fbr:''1 ' " "'r"n'u,",r" .uf ' I!"1"';, looking over the country with a view I 3,h f J, m9, Mrs. II. J.j 0 f , ir' , "r te S I nsa InZCommerc? , no .. , .. . .. .., ,.A. i ineui ana inne v'u " I mis proportion or wilier is necessary ,i ',.m..,.,.;i n,,rtl, i,.. ur,, o secure the original volume or tlte st(ire Tjl(! , W(1(( rcf(irrfl , ,M, .puce which was converted into sugars , , r(1ItHnittP.. Ti. Drlitiu to lm- I he Kp'eet committee wns ('iv- ii per irission to purchase 2,000 yards (f No. 2 crushed gravel to resurface llighl land avenue from tho fairgrounds roiid to Broadway. Taxpayers' Meeting November 10, It was dcciibd to eal a -.neetinu ol the tax payers of the city in the council r 10, noil. He left for scuttle late last nigut . . ,,,. nn,. in fa..t I K. A. caivcrr, Thieves stole six bronze door sills j from Cleveland's new eitv hall. Civic ; spirit, though strong in Cleveland, can still find room to permeate. I Notary Public. Letter to Dr. Kilmer ft Co., Binghamton, N. T. Stove PoK8hroP5oj Y0U1& t Should in t no evaporating process .i.rtv street from the south line In addition to the titilOicity campuign ()f ()uk Mtr,.,.t , tle nurth linc ,)f i,,,,. now being pushed by the interested Mr)l(,t ,,y Krn;ng wnH r,.f,,rr,.a to firms in this city, the Portland Ad dublh ,:mlllI1tt,,B allJ tlu ..i,, CI1. t... tnl. ..n il.n firm 1,4 ..H ,l,n li.l.nn. I " IIUH lUM'll 111,' ilKt l"l i"- berry, and to especially bring the at tention of the stato as well as the whole TTS different from I others because more care' - U taken in the making and the materials used are of higher grade. Black Silk Stove Polish Makes a brWItnt. silky po'l'h that floes not rub off or dust otf , an ttiie sUnclastp . tour times as lonir ordinary ttova polish. Used on suniple sioves nociu by harilwar nnl grocrry denier. All ,.l i.afnnl lluitnn vnur Puok tOV4. don't lird It th bait tv polUb T'"l " i o'd, your dLlcr Ii ojtlnnil to r ro- d yiwr I money. Iwft ,m tf lalc btovi-1 o.uu. Uuik la Uquid or r.iuto- -tint qiwlity. Black Silk Stove Polish Workt Sterlinir. DlinoM Dk Black f Ilk r.Dcylr Iran tmmrl m arBti-n.rKlfil-'rt.clop-l'.p"-' r'?wnti nHno. I T.'m Buck fttlk Itotal ff-ollh fiTntvpr, nirml I rbTHM. lthwinoetuaii'M,ilon stores. PmvA What HwamD-Root Will Do For You country to its ndvanrtiges us a iinna, Send ten cents to lr. Kilmer & Co., will designate a special day this month Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample sizeto be known as loganberry day. Thr bottle It will convince anyone. You ; action on the part of the Ad club of will also receive a booklet of valuable I Portland will be noted in the daily pa, information, telling about the kidneys pcrs throughout the country and W'lllb sad bladder When writing, be sure and! of inestimable benefit. And to Interest u . . t iV. :i c0ii.r the school children in lognnberries, the ijoZa? SguJV V;nt..d o..rfb -m offering of W journal. r ' J I fnr til0 ert nol,m on loganberries thai dollar size oouies tor u.e v b, nn . nn . - ,...,... of tho day i 'f Hofer Appreciated Florists To Be There (Capital Journal Special Service.) Corvallis, Oct. IX. (Ins Hofer, a Cornier Salem high m hool stur and ex captain of the O. A. ('. football team, went into tiie game with W. S. C. nt Corvallis Saturday for the firt time this season. Although not folly recov ered from his injury received iu pre season procure and carrying Ins hand Five Fatally Injured Hundreds Are Hurt Juliet, 111., Oct. Ii". Three trainmen two pas.e-igers were probably fa tallv injured, and a score seriously hurt today 'when a Chicago and Alton com muter' train run into an open switch. Among the injured was Mrs. W. Tavlor, of California, whose legs were broken and skull fractured and she was I..:., ...l Intor.-uMV. iiiji.i.-M . ,,.i i n season practice ana currying ins iibiiu (,f the 3.1 MHsenKor. i aboard . :,,,, ,, jM ,.. h, Hv,, nia few escaped without bruises or ;,01,,,rf fousive game at left Too trammel were ...ig in.... " ,, Kr..-i..l and followers of the? the rums, or ma ioro...... . "",n" o. A. C. team nUke nre glad to hear crashed headlong into ,. sw t h engine , f fQ (fcc at speed or ".... "Midie" Allen, a so well known The commuters and four coaches. AW Government expert, engineer, of Packard and Ford companies, and other authori ties, declare oil from a.phalt-base crud has greatest efficiency. And it was on tfficiencf that Zerolene, the oil made from Ca'ifornii asphalt-base petroleum, was awarded highest competitive honors San Francisco and San Diego Expositions. Standard Oil Company 6alm fa Standard W for Hotor Cars here took the place of Abraham, in-1 jured ill the latter pint of the last, ipmrter, and made some good gains uguinst tho heavy Washington staten who succeeded in plugging the O. A. C. line for score of zk to (). I Halein and I'urtlnnd fionsts will be represented bv elaborate! 1 .... ... i :...!.... I .1 il ;exniits at- iiurticuiuirHi annw .11 icorvnllis November Hi, 17 nnd 1H, if plans work out. This show is under the direction of the dcpattiiient of horticulture at O. A. C. and prob-' ... collection of .; gineer. A. A. was uppoliitcd by Mayor White to succeed himself lis a mem ber of the library board and the tip. pointment was rutified by the council. The crosswalks on Miller struct were or dered repai'ed and an old fire horse was ordered Innned to a farmer who would prov dc the animal with a good home. Budget to Be Submitted.- The tentative budget which will be submitted to the public meeting of tax payers culls for tire niilowing items: General Funa. Recorder's salary, $1,200. Clerk hire, 1,7-10. Treasurer's Hilary, $1,000. City attorney, $1,1)00. Stenographer, city attorney, $400 Mnr-hal's salary, $1,200. Sain lies, police department, $4,ftl0. Kxpi use, city jail, $000. Suluries and maintenance fire ile paitniut, $15. too. Health offic. r, $.r.00. Iiiciitcntal c:ieiises, henlth officer, .::(.!!. I uo'ic. park". $2,500. l.iuhtiiiL', $1.".,435. Kiigimfiihg and surveying, $3,000. Honil redemption, $3,7SH.O.'l. Public libriitv. $5,l0. Klc-tioiis, 1,500. of niblic $1.IMI0. Public printing, $1,000. Fuel, city hall, $500. Incidental expenses of city, $5,000. Snbiiy, p"iict inutro.i, T'."''. ' Salaiv, pi'li'-c matron O. K. depot, I $100. Water sno fire liydrants, $1,000. Diiiid i nt el 'st and instullineiils, $12.3 "7 .50. Maintcnahee of baud, $.1,00(1. IU ile n, pt 1 "ii of sink.n fund loan. taking care of her aged father. Funer al services were held nt the hoaie, Fri day afternoon, Albyn Essen officiating. The body was shipped to the old home in Washington nnd infd to rest beside Hint nf her husband. Miss Esther tlremniels returned to her homo nt Salem, Friday, after two weeks spent with her sister, Mrs. rloyi HllvillL'tOll. norn At the limn nnoncr nome ens. of town, on Friday, October 8. a seven nnd ..lie- half nound Hirl. A fine baby boy is also reported at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Crowder. Mrs. Oeoriro Do Spain cave a dinner Wednesday evening, in honor of her father nnd mother, Mr. and Mrs. K lllstndi who recently came from Toron to. S, ., on tt visit. Mr. and Mrs. F.rmal Cramer returned home Friday, and will occVpy the liem mington cottage on Koous street. Mrs. A. I. Porter came home from the Silverton hosiiitnl Wednesday where she hus been treated for blood poison. There was one place that would not heul 'und it was decided to try grafting new skin on the affected part The oneration was performed by Or Keenn und was very successful. She is very clad to be able to return home nft er a four months' stay at tho 'hos pital. ' . Rev. O. A. White aceompaiiii'il B Tinglestad to I'oitlnnd Monday where Mr. Tinglestad wns operated on for gall stones at the Mimiiiitnii ims nitnl Tuesday morning. H en me thrnno-h the oiieralion finely ami is re covering ns fast as can be expected. Dr. F. I). Lewis has gone to Chicago tn take up a post-graduate course in one of the large hospital of that city. Mr. and Mrs. A. Brnnkey and li'tle son were visiting nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kwert nt St. ruul the last of the week and spent a tew days with relatives tit Ml. Angel on their wnv home. tho Arthur TTuluirt family invited few neighbors to their home last r'li day evening to un old fashioned corn roast, in honor of their guest, Mrs. Silns Newell, who was visiting here from Now Hampshire. They report a very plensnnt time, and rounded out the ev ening tnnstiiig mnrsliiiinlhi, euting cantaloupes mid drinking cider. Mr. und .Mj . l'helps entertained their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Karl 1'lndp find little son, of Hei'miston, Ore,, the first of this week. Mrs. Alfred Oswald and children of Ml. Angel were visiting at the Joe l.ais home on Tuesday Inst. Mr. Oswald is a sister of Mr. l.ais Jul y Circle spent lust Saturday night with friend nti Woodburn and took iu the big dance in the evening. Mr. ami Mrs. H. B. I.athiiin and chil dren, also Mabel Stewart, motored over to Si.lcul last Sunday where they spent the day nt the home, of Mr. nod Mr, j M. I.. 1 .a th 11 m. j Rev. J. ('. Muscimol and wife were calling nt the country home nf Mr. nnd! Mrs. Arthur llobart, lust Monduy nfter- 1 Dallas Airlic Motor 3:00 r. M. ;l:2t P.M. 3:30 P.M. Motor Lv. Dallas Ar. 4:30 P. M. Monmouth 4:30 P. M. Ar. Airlie Lv. 3:35 P. M. Gerlinger-- Independence No. 138 No. 137 3:10 P. M Ar. (lerlinger Lv. 4:3B P. M. 4:55 P. M, Lv. Independence Ar. 4:52 P. M. For further information as to rales, time of trains, etc., consult local agents. SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon, iauttuimtttttnwtnttittn:Knmtnmttttmt:tmn Mrs. Everett 1'hilipl, of South Silver- from Monitor Sunday and visited at ton, got his finger in tho cogs of a cider Harvey llartman's. Mrs. Jacobson in mill, sinusliing it badly. This little chap a sister of Mrs. Hurtiiiun. seems to have been rutner unfortunate 1 Spencer Baxter has accepted a posi- ... 1 , 1 . . 1.. j.. ... I A! t At... L'....4 VI, I.'!.. ........ US tlllS IS 1 110 tlliril urcuiein 111 .llisr lll.l.u. ut mu r.iisv invumuii x. Aiu.t flio.i; short, time, but fortunately 110 scriouin 1'ortlund, Ore., leaving for thut plnco results have followed any of them, .Mommy, iie expects to 00 gone unlet- B. F. I.ohr, of Koseburg, was ill the . niitciy. itv for the week-end. a uuest ut the 1 Mrs. Chus. Page was pleusiintiyl sur- home of his wife's parents, Mr. and prised lust Monday afternoon, when a Mrs. John Wolfard. goooiy uumoer or. ner iii'iy riicnus, rep- Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Miidsen nre niov- j resenting the l'yluiiiii lodge, gathered ing south ot town near the electric light plant, where he will bo near his work. Airs. W. T. Main entertained some friends from Bamboo, Wis., the first of the week, they were Mr. Mnttke and two daughters, who are 011 their way to tho Frisco fair, and traveling by automobile. They have been traveling inc July, and plan on wintering in California. The Misses Blanche und Ina Hubbs entertained the teachers of this city In at her home lor a social utteruooii. Mrs. Page is soon to move to their coun try home on the Abiiptu, Tho regular meeting of the W. S. H. C. was held at the homo of Mrs, B, H. Bentsou last Friday afternoon. A very interesting and instructive business ses sion wtis attended to ami a program, the first of a well prepared course of study was given. Mrs. S. K. Kichardsou sang a pretty (Ionium love song and was followed hy .Mrs. (t. H. Uentson, eluding tho high school faculty, Mr. and 1 who devoted 1111 interesting liulf hour Mrs. James and (lordon McCull at their home lust Friday evening. The decorti tions wero the beautiful, ninny tinted autumn leave, and rook was the ev ening's diversiou. A fino time is re ported by nil present. .Mr. and -Mrs. K. K. O'Kiuie und chil dren went to I'oitlnnd Tuesday for a visit with ilrs. O'Kaue's sister, Mrs. Wronn on the discussion of current events, in which some of the Indies joined, A pa per by Mrs. Main 011 the "Develop ment of (iermnny as a World Power," and a short talk on Oregon early his tory and Oregon law by the president, Mrs. A. J, Iticliardson, each vliowing a careful study of these subjects, wen' enjoyed by till. There iH a plan to have a tluee days' ileiuoiistiatioii Iu ilnim'-i- John Sidney Youiiir was born in Ver-1 tie science during tho Silverton fair, moat on July 1H, 1H70, ami passed tiwavland it is expected Hint a representative ut the homo of his sinter, Mrs. Willi from Corvallis will conduct the deiu Blair, tit (lutoway, 011 Monday, October j (lustration. The next regular meet ing 11. Mr. Young wus eniiiigcd iu busi ness in this city several years, having by his kind and genial milliner won many friends. He has lived on his farm near Miiripinm, until about three weeks before his death. Ho leaves a wife and four daughters, also his mother, Mrs. 1,. will bo held ut -Mrs. F. K. Callistors. A FISHERMAN '8 TRICE Seattle, Wash., Oct, 10. llei 1111111 t Huuek is out on $.100 bond todny ('. Wliittington, six Druthers unit One cliaigoil witn stealing nsn. ne owe 111 1 sister. The funeral services were hold 1 nrrest to the ingenuity of lOlnicr W. from the M. K. church at this place utjSaiiford, a fisherman. Snnford had been 1:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Hev.; missing fish from his nets. To identify Atcheson nsd the locui W. O. W. order, the stolen fish he wrote his mime on it of which he wus a member, conducted piece of paper, Inclosed it in a sniull ti.e fiinernl services. Interment was buttle and placed the bottle in the mtide in the Silverton cemetery. throut of a dead salmon. Then he H. Jacobson und wife were over' waited for the thief and caught Hunck. Mill Wood! noon. The little six-year-old 111 of Mr. a ml ably represents as fine September 30 of $S2,i-A The report showetd the following figures: Receipts. Balance oil'hi.nd nt the close of lust quarter, $105,585X1. Total cash received July improve ment fun, I. $l.4H0.3O. Total cash received July municipal j fund. 1.51)2.72. Total cash received for August, nn-1 buildings,! iiroveinent fund, $S.12ii.27. Total ensn rcc.vfi. o. ;ii,"i. nicipal fund, $370.20. Total cash received for September Im provement fund, $12,05.34. Total receipts, $1 15.S5I.10. Disbursements. Total disbursement July iinrrovc meat fund, $2(i.325.-i4 Total disbursements July municipal fund. Total disbursements July i.J"'iii newer fund. $2,03H.42. Totnl disbursements August improve Special Price for 1 Q Days 5 Load Lots at $1.75 per Load Prompt Delivery - Spaulding Logging Company horticultural products is seen in the . , . :.. ', . ssnl upper Willuinette valley Not only ' J; , 'lm(. ,; products of the orchard and gaiden, but I ( V; " " ' all sorts of machinery, etc., for the handling of these crops tin shown, making It r.n instructive display at well. BAD IN MAN 7 DIRECTION Portland, Ore., Oct. . Cruelty, i ..i:... .......... . L:ll V....L. "I " " ?' ... '. . T. a: I: ' Um- total. $15,000. on fib, here May by Kate Sapping- f -'r , ,,,.,, ton, against Lieutenant (hfford f. . , ... .,11i i,.., SappiagtonU. H. A. urge, .tutioned k nnnrtrrlr report to the council 1,. at Tci. cTty, Tela.. ' "'K', ''"S on tud H, cU,M in. lii.iu 'encv f-oin street fund levy ol ment fund, $710.27, Total (iisnorseineiiis spec to !)01. titreet Tund. Sul ir.v. street commissi, ner, $1.00. Material and labor, street depart ment, is.tro. Coi,:t ruction and maintenance city bridge $1,000. Bnerial Sever Fund. Tnntnlliiients 24,0lKI, Interest $21,- August inn nicipal fund, $7,7M.fiO. Total di'duirsenients serial ewi-r fund, $117.04. Tola disbursements September nil- Iprovemcnt fund, $1,744. m .1'.. ,..,.,, tu Mi.i,tinibir mil- I moo " I nir' fund. $10,507. Total tlisbursments spcrlnl s.w.r fund. $701.0(1. Total disbursements, $12,020.10, Balance nn hand at close of Septem ber 30, $S2,02!J. The report state further that there is In the bank $2,1011.112, of Oak addi tion bonds, ' Always Watch This Ad Changes Often FOR THE WOODSMAN We have all kinds of Axes, Sledges, Wtxlgcs, Suw and Krpilpmcnti for the woods. All kind of Corrugated Iron for both Roofs and Buildings. A food W00 Laundry Mangel, slightly used for one. fourth oriitnl cost. A Woodsaw complete for sale or will trade. Two Ponies and Harness at a price that will surprise you. H. Steinbock Junk Co. The House of Half Million Bargain. 302 North Commercial Street. Thone SOS. 1 ; , . t'- 1- (Mrr.,"-