Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 19, 1915, Image 1

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    til ' ' ft fflffra "(! .
Aged Women and Even Children Join Ranks To Resist the
Invaders of Their Country-Putting Up Desperate Re
sistance With Indomitable Courage, They Are Still
Forced Slowly Back, Getting But Little Aid From Allies
Who Are Anxious To Get To Constantinople
London, Oct. 19. Serbian defenders
(ire putting their last ounce of strength
into an effort to delay the invaders of
iSerbia on their way to Constantinople.
Even aged men and women, together
with Serb children, fired by the crisis
iu the nation's affairs have joined the
fighting lines, according to dispatches
received here.
But despite their gallant defense,
Uiey are being forced slowly to retire
before the might of Field Marshal Von
Alackensen's German armies, contesting
every foot of their fatherland
The Serb losses are admittedly tre
mendous. The invaders, however, have
suffered proportionately moro heav
ily. -
From Strumnitzn. now in their hands,
it is expected the allies will head north
ward and threaten ssofin, so as to dis
tract the Bulgars from their west
ward advance toward tho German lines.
The allies hope the Serbians can de
lay the Teuton hordes long enough to
Hive the British, French and Italians a
free hand against Constantinople, now
(lie goal of both Teuton and ally.
Meantime, the belief growing here
that the allies, reported landed at Kiios,
intend to hammer through to the Otto
man capital. Railroad facilities for
iiui'h a move are good.
And, while Turkish resistance is an
ticipated, it is believed here that it
will be weak from scarcity of ammuni
tion. (ierman concentration in the Cham
pagne and Vosges suggested that a
French drive is contemplated, to keep
the Teutons busy on the west front. The
Hermans reported unimportant gnins thi
the east front between Riga and Dv
.iiislt. Elsewhere, however, the Rus
sians are still on the offensive.
Serbians Pushed Back.
Loudon, Oct. 19.-BIoody battling
between Serbs and Bulgars is still in
progress today along a ten mile line
between Vrnnia and Ristovatz. The
Uulgars are trying to cut the Nish rail
road between these points aud thus de-
Prisoner Is a Physical Wreck
-Expected Judge's Charge
Will Favor Him
By Alice Roh'e.)
tl'nited Prens Stuff Correspondent.)
Coino, Italy, Oct. 19. Crumpling tin
,!,. tit. .,...:.. I.:- .I-.,,,.:.. t.i
inony, when he bared the tragic details
f his love for Mary Scott rantln.!
California!!, porter Charlton, youthful!
American presented a pitiful figure ini
court today "when his trial for murder
was resumed.
Ife tried desperately to answer in
Italian Judge Seincen's questions re '
Harding details of yesterday's story ol
'low he had gone mad with love for
this beautiful woman, lint, thomrli he
had studied the language in prison, he Hon in the city council providing for
was far from possessing the fluency for' reducing the mayor's salary from i,
piesentntiou of an adeqiintrt defense, j "" to $3,0110 per year and the annuiil
Then, too, the inefficiency of the in-' "Jintl of the city comuiissionerH in-
b-rpreter accentuated Charlton'. dis-j''1" fruln r'."u0 ,u
tress to such mi extent Hint some of' The city commissioners huvc hud
Hie American correspondents .interced-j grout sport during the Inst week slush
"d for Charlton with the court. nig others budgets ami voting for sal-
One during his pathetic storv, Charl-ior' reductions iu -departments other
a dramatically appealed for the ':in ,hl'ir own- Wl"' , '"Wits
.nidges consideration, dwelling oil his : Wonting encounigemeiit.
'nudicap through iinfnmilinnty with Incidentally, Commissioner Daly's
Hie language und his inability to ex- budget wbs under consideration today.
By J. W. T, Mason.
(Written for the failed I'res.)
New Vork, Oct. 19. Resignation of
Sr Kdward t -arson as attorney general
"f England is perhaps Hie first step In
Hie overthrow of the present govern
ment. This would be more certain if
Great Britain had statesmen capable
of succeeding the present cabinet mem
bers. But this) is not the case. The
greatest political minds are now In
cluded in the coalition government, and
it is improbable that a ministry of
iperior talents Could be organired.
Three men in Great Britain possess
lay the allies from aiding the herbs.
Sofia claimed- the capture of obscure
villages a few miles inside the eastern
and northeastern Serbian frontier, and
asserted the Bulgars had occupied the
Morava valley in the Vranin region.
Vienna met Serbian claims that the
Austro-Germans had beon repulsed
along the Danube, with an official
statement describing tho Teuton's
steady progress all along the Balkan
This stnted that the Serbs had been
defeated in the region of Avala, 12
miles southeast of Belgrade and were
retreating slowly on both sides of the
road to the south. North of Ralja, the
Austro-Uermans are attacking the Ser
bians fiercely.
In the Mucva district on both sides
of the Morava the Serbs were reported
The Bulgarians continue to occupy
heights in the northeastern Serbian
trinnglo between the Danube and
Timok rivers.
Germans Capture Town.
Berlin, via London, Oct. 19. Field
Marshal Von Mnckensen captured Ob
renovca and the Teutons advanced fur
ther in tho heights south of Belgrade
today s official statement announced
Several Serbian villmres were taken,
The statement confirmed the capture
of Varuia 'bv the Bulgarians. They
have advanced into the Pirot vallev
crossing sevornl streams and taking
villages in their pafh. , ,
Obrenovnc is on the Save river about
40 miles southwest u Belgrade. The
town of 1'irot is 25 miles from the
Nish railway.
State Declares War.
Rrmic, Oct. 19. Italy has declared
war on Bulgaria, making Serbia, F.ng
land, France and herself definitely un
der declaration, and Russia "in a state
of war," which amounts to the same
press the subtlo shades of legal differ
Then he sut back in tho witness
chair, hopelessly.
ThroiiL'hout the trial, his manner has
been one cf insupportable guttering.
and anxiety to got the case over us
speedily ns' possible, t'nder extreme
nervous tension, he has been seemingly
on the point ot collapse.
Judge Seiaeea'n attitude, however.
has been vorv kind, and he has done
all possible to assist him with the lun
gunge, It Is believed that his charge
to the iiirv will be favorable.
The close of the trial is expected at
the end of this week. Most of the
testimony is in executive session but
besides the regular officials, however,
three elegantly-dressed women are con
cenleil in ,i partition In a corner of
tiie courtroom listening to the evidence
nrnrniCCinriAr IJaly
Hunting for "Bunk"
Fortltuid, Ore., Oct. 19. "I'm going
to see how much of this economy talk
I of some of the commissioners is 'bunk'
; and how much is sincere,"
With this remark City Commissioner
W ill If. Daly today introduced a mo
the characteristic of American energy
and activity Sir Edward Carson,)
Minister of Munitions Lloyd deorgc
and Lord Norlhcliffe.
Carson has Just retired because he
objects to the policy of muddling
through the war: Lloyd George recently
warned his eountrvmen thst they could;
only hope to win the wr by nsing allj
their energies; and Lord Nurthciftel
has long been pessimistic regarding the
government ' methods.
Their unanimity of judgment at this,
critical time suggests that Great
Britain ! drifting, if not to -defeat,
then at least to compromise pace,
Leaps From Bed and Begins
Shooting Despite the Pleas
of His Mother
Los Angeles, Oil., Oct. 19. Harry
Duncan, a lather, slayer of Police Ser
geant J. F. Toolan, is hiding somewhere
in the city today while scores of pa
trolmen aud motorcycle officers search
for him.
He killed Toolan at 4 a. ra. when the
sergeant, accompanied by Patrolman
W. tt. White went to Duncan s home
to arrest him on suspicion of having
stolen automobile tires.
According to George Duncan, a
brother, Harry Dimenn leuped from
bed when the officers pounded on tho
back door, rushed to the head of the
stairs, und opened fire. His aged moth
er clung to him desperately, implor
ing him not to shoot. Toolan fell
dead. "
Wheu White had summoned help, of
ficers removed Toolan 's body and sur-
routiuod the house. Mrs. Duncan cried
from a wfndow that there were only
women in the place, but the police
Droke iu and found George Duncau hid
ing in a wash rooi-.. Harry had es
Eleven Rooms
Were Set On Fire
Tacninn, Wash., Oct. 19. The lives
of several persons were endangered
early today wueu tires were discovered
in eleven diffrunt unoccupied rooms in
the three story rooiuipg house on South
h street conducted by Mrs. Alice H
That the fires were of incendiary or
igin there can be no doubt, according
to Fire Marshal Chantler, who investi
gated. Carpets, beds and curtains, in
five rooms on the second floor and six
on the third floor, were set ablaze.
Lodgers asleep in tho house, were
aroused by a woman residing across
the street who saw the glare of the
flames. Firemen extinguished the fires
before much damage had been done.
Fair Frounds Office
WfflNot Be Moved
On account of vigorous protests made
by the people living near the fair
grounds, tho postofficc department held
up tho removal of tho sub-station to
the Crown .Drug store. This does not
indicnto that eventually n sub-station
will not be established in the business
sction of tho city, as the letter from
the postoffice department to Postmast
er lluekestein merely stated that tho
removal of the sub-station had been
held up, awaiting a more complete re
port as to the advantages of a station
iu the business district.
Tho substntion near the fair grounds
was originally established when they
had no service. Now that this section
of the city has a service of twice a day,
it is of more general benefit to the city
according to the postmaster, to have
the station located in the business dis
trict. Tlir? letter from the postoffice
department nt -Washington culls for
more general Information and reasons
why a station located in the business
district would be of more general bene
fit than one located near the fair
Will Report On
Sinking of Submarine
Snn Francisco, Oct. 19. Carrying a
secret report of his findings iu cntiiiir
tion with the sinking of the submarine
F-4, and the death of the crew of SI,
Lieut int Commander ' Furor, who
has been conducting an investigation,
1 tmlnv from Honolulu, l-iirer
would mnlie no statement upon his re
port. He was instrumental i the rnis
ingof the F -4 from jts wntcry griiye.
I-ofe Bui hns promised t' give hit
'wife a diamond pennant when th
Georgia lynchers are brought t' jus
tire. Th' funner who iimvI t' com t'
j town with a little jug o' hsv tied be
hind his vehicle now das an' extra tire
" E
Millions of Lights to Flash
Greeting to Tonight to
Their "Daddy"
Says Electric Lights Though
Were Best Thing For
World He Has Done
San Francisco, Oct. 19. Ablaze with
millions of lights the lights Thomas A
Kdison made possible through his gen
ius San Francisco and tho bay cities
tonight will burst forth in a radiance
of welcome to him.
Fvery big building on both sides of
tho bay will dnzzle with his wonderful
inventions, every street light, every ex
position searchlight will be on full
Through this great illumination the
man who started life ns a telegraph
operator, will ride to the Commercial
club, where, as a telcgraphor again, he
will join with the men who today
"pound brass, " in banquet whose
menu will be printed in Morse's code,
and at whose seats tiny telegrnph poles
will carry wires to the electric chief's
"The Foremost American."
As he makes his way to the banquet
hall, great dots ancr dashes from nn
electric, sign atop a skyscrnped will
flash forth California's messnge of wel
come to him as "foremost American."
The exposition will honor him Thurs
day, with "Kdison day." It will be a
holiday for this mnn who revels in
work, and who boasts that he sleeps
only four hours out. of the 24. Knjoying
the city with him wns Luther Htivbnnu
the plant wizard, and Henry Ford, who
aspires to put the world on wheels
and at peace. The three visited the
exposition, saw all .a sights, and fet
ed and honored.
Phonograph Hia Pet.
Chatting with newspaper men, Ed'non
was asked what he regarded as his
greatest work,
"Oh, I like the phonograph best,'
he smiled, "but I suppose the begin
nine mRde with the ctrlc, light and
electric power transmission did most to
nelp the world."
He thought a moment, and grew remi
niscent, recalling a great "failure" li
the list of glowinir successes. It wus
his method for extracting iron from
low grade New Jersey ores.
Just as he had the system complete,
alone came a discovery of ore that
could be scooped out by the triiinload
and the inventor wns disappointed
Wife No One Chased
Him Around the World
Han Francisco, Oct. 19. After a fit
ful voyage over tho mntrlmoninl sea
to say nothing of around a goodly part
of the world M. Rubinstein, Honolulu
merchant, arrived hero today, en route
to Dallas, Texas, with his first love,
who hud threatened him with bigamy
Rubinstein said he married wife No.
I years ago in Chicago. Later ho quit
her and we.it to Arizona where he got
what he supposed were divorce papers
from a lawyer. He later married in
London wile No, 2 and went to Hono
lulu. Then he Ion-id he was not legal
ly iinspliccd from No. 1, who had trail
ed him, so he had the second wedding
annulled, quit his business and agreed
to go bad', with No. 1 to Dallas.
Wilmington, Del., (Jet. 19. En route
to New Jei-ey to vote in the suffrage
election, President Wilson today par
doned ( Hiiicron Spear of New Vork,
former heal of the Collins Wireless
Telephone company, who is serving a
fivo year term ill Atlanta for criminal
conspiiucv to Use the mails to defraud.
Iioiolou, et. 19.-Seen today at the
II ,'inl ni aviation grounds Giiiiiame
White, aviator, denied persistent re
ports Hist lie had been shot as a spy.
Oregon: To
night and Wed
nesday unset
tled, probably
rain nortlinest;
generally fair
south and east
portions; south
erly winds.
Soldiers Are In Ugly Mood
May Attack Mexicans
For Revenge
Brownsville, Texas. Oct. 19. Engin
eer H. II. Kendall and an unidentified
United States cavalryman were killed
and Dr. K. S. McCain, of Cameron coun
ty, Harry Wallis and Conductor Moran
were injured when Mexican bandits
early today held up a "Frioo" train
seven miles from here, later the ban
dits fired tho railroad trestle, blocking
the pursuit of a detachment of troops
while they fled into tho brush.
Terrorized passengers said the bnn
ilits. derailed the train andthen swarm
ed into coaches, shooting at random.
Tho Mexicans afterward burned a
300 foot bridgo between the wreck and
Brownsville to delay pursuit, and also
cut the telephone wires.
Five hundred soldiers and civilians
aro trailing them.
The bandits, reported led by Lus De
larosa, a noted Mexican from Matam
oros, removed tho bolts and spikes from
tho nuts. Tho train passing over the
weakened spot jolted tho rail out of
place and the locomotivo and tho two
forward cara were ditched. Engineer
Kendall was crushed to death.
Before the passengers had recovered
from the shock, five Mexicans entered
tho first cur still on the track and be
gnu shooting. Their bullets hit three
American soldiers, killing Corporal Me
lice instantly. McCain and Wallis ran
into the toilet but wero dragged out
and shot. McCain was hit iu the
abdomen Jind is dviug, Wallis' left
hand was shot awav.
Other Mexicans entered the train im
mediately, shouting "Death to tho
gringoes. Kill tiie soldiers. They
told the passengers to hand over their
valuables. Those who resisted were
clubed with revolvers.
Several passengers were forcod to re
move their shoes and outer clothing.
One swnrthy bandit pulled tho shoes
from the bloody corpse of the dead
soldier. Mexican passengers, however,
were not inolestnd.
McCain and Wallis probably would
have escaped, had not a M.exiran pas
senger pointed out their hiding place.
The informant was later taken into
custody, and it is believed ho will be
Lnrnsa's connection with the holdup
wns established by the bandit a cheers
of "viva Don Luis," and "viva Luis
De Darson," whilo they worked. All
of tho raiders were armed with car
bines of the Cnrranzista pattern.
The remnants of a camp alongside
the track indicated that tney bail wait
ed a long time for the train. A dyna
mite bomb, too, was found iinexjilodcd
nearby. .
Americans hereabouts are much ex
cited, mid military authorities fear a
concerted attack on tho Mexican in
reprisal. Soldiers too, are in an ugly
mood, and officers are having difficul
ty in restraining them.
Nation Cries Out For Leaders
Who Can Show Courage
and Face the Truth
By Ed L. Keen.
(I'nited I'rcss Staff Correspondent.)
lomloii, Oct. 19. "tan the Asipnth
ciiliinct Ini-1 7
That wus what nil Kngliind in lied to
i day. That there have been differences
in the body over ninny of the gravest
problems of the war has long been
known. I tut the resignation of Hir Ed
ward Carson emphasized tin m so slnirii-
Iy tout many politicians cxi t the
speedy fall of the caliinct.
The illness of 1'rcuiier As(piilli
strengthened this feeling. ci'o Oiic
doubteii tjie genuineness of this,
though it was recalled, however, that
the same forerunner preceded the res
ignation ol Tliiiophilo Delcasse, I 'rem Ii
foreign minister.
On one hand extreme pressure Is be
ing broiignt to bear to prevent whole
sale resignut ions, as this would neces
sitate a nationiil election, and it is
generally felt this is no time for such
a test. On the other hand, it Is lis
serted that lilt liicrensiulv vigorous
prosecution of the war alone can pre
vent such a development, however ill
opportune It might lie.
Chickasaw. Okl Oct. 19.-Two per
sons were killed, another is missing ami
three wero iiijmed, one of them fatally,
vshen n southbound Kock Island pas
senger train crushed heinl oii into a
fast freight nt Agawam, 1.1 miles south
of here early today.
New Vork, Oct. 19. In a soaring
market, Bethlehem common today sold
at an even 500, aa advance of 470 since
the war started.
A desperate general Herman
attack , was repulsed by the al
lies, France said. Germany re
ported "strong "opposition"
at Ostend, on the Ysor and at
Nieuport. An allies' Lille at
tack was reported repulsed.
Kussian successes reported at
Warsaw and south of Praomysl
were denied by Austria. The
British submarine K-3 was re-
Iiorted sunk iu Hie North Sea
iy German battleships. Berlin
interpreted the sending of Por
tugese troops to Africa as indi
cating British aid against Boers
Japanese, for "military pur
poses," havo occiipiod tho Mar
shall Mariannn and Carolina
islands east of the Philippines.
Japanese blockade boats, To
kyo said, destroyed the (ierman
S-90, which sunk tho Japanese
cruiser Takachiho,
Winnipeg, Man,, Oct. 19. Johnny
O'Lenry of Seattle, champion light
weight pugilist of Canada and Patsy
Drouillord of Windsor, fought - a HV
round draw hero lust night. Drouillurd
was knocked down for tho count of
nine In the second round but came back
fighting harder than ever. O'Lcary
had the better of the bout but it wns
declared a draw. The biggest crowd
that ever witnessed a bout in Winnipeg
snw the go,
Will Call Election In January
For Election of Congress
and Step Down
Washington, Oct. 19. Mexico today
re entered tho family of nations. After
nearly three years of civil war and rev
oliition, the new government wns bom,
with General Venustiano ( iirranza at
its head, with the titlo of "chief ox
ccutivo of the defacto government."
A note from Secretary of State
Lnnsiiiir to Eliseo Arredondo, Car-
ituiMi's cousin, according Carraimi's
recognition, wns Hie, formal step in
bringing Mexico back to tho fold, Sim
ilar notes wero sent to Arredondo by
all tho conference countries.
The titlo of president, provisional or
nil interim, will lie assumed ny i.,ar
ranza or conferred by the congress he
proposes to convene shortly.
Within the next two days President
Wilson Is expected to lay an embargo
on export of munitions to tho "rebels"
of Moxieo. t arra ii7.il wilt prolianiy soon
cull municipal elections for December
in the territory lie controls. Then in
January ho will cull an election con
gress to assemble In the spring to ar
range for the June presidential dec
Hon. In this he will not be a candi
London, Oct. 19. Whether the reslg
nation of Sir Edward Carson us nt
tomey general, foreshadow tho fall of
the Itntisn cnmiift wns discussed nn
every hand today. Everywhere it. was
recognized the crisis in the govern
meat's affairs Is grave.
"We should deeply regret to sen the
lin vei nniest come down," said the
Globe, "but it assuredly must fall nil
less it siiows strength and decision Iu
such grave mutters ns the Gallipoli ex
pedition, the rescui) of the Serbiiins,
problems of recruiting and waste, and
Zeppelin attacks.
"The nation cries out for leaders
who can show courage to face tiin truth.
If the cabinet fails lis now, it will
Sun Fruucisco, Oct. 19. Iiiaugtirnt-
ing the Toy Kisen Kaisha's new ser
vice neiween ,iiipilll, ctoiiui iiiiencii hum
Kan Francisco, the Anyo Maru, a spleu-
lidlv eouippcd liner, arrived here to
day. She carried only four cabin pas
sengers, but in steerngo carried !100
Trenton, N. J., Oct. 19. -Headed by
ill foremost eiti.eii, President Wilson,
all New Jersey today went to the polls
to register its will' on tho statu wo
man suff rage ipiestioii. '
Conservative judges said the vote
would bu close, lie suffragists cliinii-.
ed their majority ' 25,000 while j
the "antis" said they will have a!
i hiroM nut torit V.
The battle of the "pros" continued
to dawn today, sad they wero un hand
during the day to see that there were
no election frauds.
At Newark, a wenry-eyed group of
suffragists held forth when the sun
law tied over the city tins morning
They had talked all day, and nil night,
even though in the fatly hour of the
Will Enlarge Dry Docking and
Repair Facilities On the
Pacific Side
BE NEARLY $400,000,000
Plans to Expend $500,000,
000 For New Ships During
the Next Six Years
Washington, Oct. 19. The Pacifio
coast, within two years, will be euard-
ed by the largest fleet in it history.
under plans of Hocretary of the Navy
Daniels, it wns learned today. Con
tinued operation of tho Panama canal
is tho principal factor in his proposals
for the Pacific fleet, and the Atlantic
fleet will frequently cruise to Pacifio
waters. When dryiloc.klng and repait
facilities have been permanently en
larged on the- west coast, Daniels pro
poses to divide the fighting forces and
keep a Btrong- fleet in tho west.
His plans for const defenses include
tho strengthening of protection for
San Frnncisco und other largo citle.
Increase la Big.
Under tho ndniinistration's defense
program, tho annual "war" budget
will bo from .'lflO,000,000 to 100.000,
000. This represents an annual in
crease of from $145,000,000 to 17r,.
000,0(10. The differing number of new
dreudiiaughts each year will cause this
Officials are now discussing whether
a permanent change in revenues will be
necessary to meet Hie enormous ex
penditure proposed.
1'residoht Wilson is expected not
only to outline the dofenso program
when he speaks In New York Novem
ber 4, but also to suggest the question
of raising revenue.
The annual expenditures planned for
Hie army range from $155,000,000 to
$175,000,000 after next year's proposal
for ir IN l,U(Hi,(llill. The present year'
appropriation was (110,000,000.
The Navy Budget Grows.
Tho navy budget annually for the
next six venrs is expected to runge
from 05,000,000 to 225,000,000.
Permanent upkeep of tho proposed in
creased fleet und army will likewise
inenn a tremendous Increase in the an
mini "servico" budgets. ' Daniels
plans to expend $500,000,1)00 for new
ships alone in the next six years,
while Secretary of War Garrison ex
pects to spend $10.1,000,000 on arms and
ainmuiiition and $81,000,000 on forti
fications In tho next four year.
For maintenance of a oitir.cn volun
teer army of 400,000 regulars, the same
number of reserves, and a 140,000
regular army, It is estimated that the
increased annual cost will be $25,000,
000. Increase of 1,000 in the number
of officers drawn from tho militia
largely will cost another $500,000.
Cut and Stabbed
But Marry Anyway
Sacramento, Cn! Oct. 19. With
bridii an 1 groom bearing numerous
cuts and stabs inflicted last night by
ii spurned lover in an attempt to
thwart the marriage, With Treadwell,
department store cashier, today becnino
the wifn of II. A. Grltibiy. Although
in much pain they decided to curry Out
their marriage plans.
.1 1 1 ii it Dins, the discarded lover, was
iu the police station on a charge of
disturbing the peace, us tho marriage
ceremony was performed.
Japanese bound for the British sugar
plantations iu rem, and 100 otner steer
age passengers. She is in charge of
Captain Totu and carries a fl,Oo0 ton
nun uing they found scarcely any one
except the patrolmen mid milkmen fur
an audieiiei).
The suffragettes uukWi a whirlwind
close. Kour hundred of them nil over
the state conducted meetings well into
the night,
They centered their work chiefly is
the big Industrial centers, where their
! right lulmitteiliy is iinrcicsi. it iiies-
cities tiro carried, said the suffragists,
the rest of the state will be easy.
The polls opened at 6 o'clock and
will continue until 9 tonight.
President Wilson left Washington
early this morning, and was slutcd to
east hi vote In a fire house voting
booth at Priuccton early thia efttin
i noon, ,