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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1915)
EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL J0U1KAL. SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAY. OCT. 15. 191". 11 o f!L thip WE- WEBM) 1 - rvSSZD, ME EYE f .TZrX P I 7 A1M&M AmMMrm p-MA um Ll " Itfy ' " lj 0 I rr. Drawn Tdj OllfT . Storrett f THE. WECK HvtT"! Told YOU TfVST 1 v. JL I I J.' .. J' DoT"3TFT Pow-t (Sett V4 i 'A 6'" If "wcSt wires. i$ CtztHE'.yl moce! IvC OCT Of CrETllW w JJJif , y. REMEDYFoaMEN - Or MITAT'0W8 Gorge E. E.Uli, M si Ui tSJTifrr '.tl Iklf- til f u:f: ill Se r; ( .Tr ill!d Hi iilf i iUif V(T(il dlild 0L K I OMUl 'i II flijlit I'l Jl fl LMliMii ntivjlit iilmf il'--Mi't ?j.r 1 ! i lifc Mr. Untili, ur it tu Ut wm he likr iMd di.y n ic 'H.Il1 (if HI I" IH-M. jjf fjl1 (1i'"'Ci 1ic fm-f-K (.1 tfif am jicl iiMi'f i-b July , 17. imJ i wliut i kiumu iii j'&rtmt'iit t k "'.5 ctny mni.'r '0 FOR BIG MARKET DAY Large Lot of Stock and Much Material Already Listed For Sale i'i Jiitii 1" 11 ii i' lieu xk!-, it. e kJuiet. i'f lui-kii M.rfUii. aiiutict (f lij.Til- jjtu.'f ff A'trt ir i-'wi-t-j iVrnutd K, niili jicifht, ki if t.ii'.'Kij if i.i,f oi ;lf ii:)y j.rfc-titkl. liri-llupfcj i!,tji .f i!it ln,' tTiig k fl n--Mi(;-. Tii Htr :.') ii f I'lhrf jl tin- kraiorv, iiuucUi-, LU" v jr. ?tt- ku' t.ou kkh, kt : .'! (.' It( ix . t lllif ifU' Uc fi j ". fj". e Bk; if of I'-'. 17. 7'irre boif jtt," 'i:.n icili,i'..-k. White Ribbon Tram Coming Tomorrow.; W. C. T. U. Delegate :BSESSss2SSEasssiaE2Eaaa Missing In Seattle: n 11 J? mm lor EwrulMiu id jjem in rik iLp tji:i!l niktl-1 Milct .jki fin ttld i,i Sb t. m. Ai'cr.i ug 1o )We m rhi.v. 1t;fi. in, '( ki.v duul.1 k1ml J1. Kkrm- ft ikf iu HfJ:ijil,p lh-jr ii.T-, 1tif ' uniTtiilt-' in ' biiti't. Kfif; .'iLy K1fii''nf t.JiriliMii. hh I tiuL-11-it ut 'tin. t bkkr I'Ci-ti ni itif Imra t;re iLe sale lite I'lai t. Inij-i 1lic vkrifj A former BuJun rtool pri. j! prkdukle of WilikBiett it-r- tr, Wg.B 1lr- 4kr fiifkrcaicj t "II lkudTiJl t 1l" Oft-guli tlrjilrf. t!cioine huiidur. Virtnl lJiad. to rMuktfj iron Uar d imriuit ut Ikrru iiipl-tn-iit(i tJ lurm :.f tur t'tiivfTiuij i.J Jvr (.ran mlj t'C buU all kiuot. of faco in li . ... i . . ,11 ... J kH .. . I 1 Jl . . i t 1 - i . . . I f I'l.ii'iiu, uu ji j.ji j. tiniTil uii.1 2i 11 J.jUiJii 01 Tt-i'HJiMr;, J br ? n cif fiomri) Una Waniiik Mii,i.-f. 1 kt auditm j mil ,.B 0.v are iitm . l'ati1Kr int. aiJ thi i'Uit lflorc tLs wile. wLjifc bJj-. i t.- '... tlicir firt tJ'J.'fiifkOff m liic cil.r. Mkrl k1 i.'i .' . Il it. 1be iivi t;'fn HiU'ii-1 all df bi''b niij U-: J .ii u," tl a "' In : 1. hy;zy, airai,, bkt.eM. 2. Wallit. Tklia. 1 Vp beroi., J: fkft di-i. I iitlil ycir olj driving mkrf. j 4. H'.v t'ni'iij ).av hoa. i ". i!if ijnv,fu i b t' Kt'iif. kn j iliree i. J t -. t J - jihii l.c-l, iLhltrcs oil I'.n'k n.iic. oil Leitfr, im'li iiil.s. tiij:n kn I v iislii.oiri. t et fikt iron'., jit'-siti ckrtiet. 1tro vont franx. 'elk and 7". feet of tinrjen boae. j m Tl . i i. mire Liue. two tocilieti. tBCi kLo T:i:mhtow nftertioo;. it specim tram if eiell SenttJe. Ws-ii., Oct. .;'. Mrs. Msdf I'. AsdrewK. ttfed DS. ol IV.rtJiLj, 21e.. ceiecme to tie W. '. T. 1'. e(.t.T.tin.-m liei-e. a reicrtfid tocur to ibe t.t.lice I us miKemg. Le uls Just .eeri Tu-Mir ; eveaiag. At ilie-Ute Wiltarf. vhcr'e 25 o'dd'k, be ba4 len R(.j.i.itc. Ler j.ers..ijh el ded, inta fe('u intfcrt- (See ltd j'km.ed to FjeLa a Tetr in lki;iom;a after ilie fcmveiitioB aiid siie is known to lave had eonrideraU mouey in ber j.:.-isef-w cm. B B fl fl 1 5. Tea y-r old L.r(. hazr assortturM (f llirnem. i". Ot;e lew T'eeritig j.'.ttlo digjer. 30. Mon-ij.5 niaebiae and rale. U. ';. kLd bkniesi.. 32. 0.e baif aoita rbirbeax, dresej 1'. Nine uiciith o3J Leifer. 34. One Hulking nikre. ! ti.e meiL!r of :, r,tti ma W. T. t". wil nop off si .Saleni for ovt buur, ou tbeu war l.-n from Ibe na tjoraJ to eel recently l-f-ii in Sekttle, .Tkies oeleifate of nacim there nil be oer 7ii will be eatertaiae-l in the , sl, Oct. IS. Mrs. MW1 nty by the Oommerl club bv firt-t "f 3" C- T- l"- om aeivi:.,; tbetn with tie '-jice df tie ('rUsiJt-. Maine. refKined 10 the police iocki-berrr at the ns'te bonw and h fnawap from ber hotel here since later hv automobHe r.kt to tbe fUte Ta.r looted today at Baia jnjtLtiou. i wj.ije jMknd, across lie bav from Se- . v , .... ' iere she bks been via! tins with it 3e (;unny to ine-nds. .aleio Beautif., " to delerales1 1 ' , ri!t every ttat in ti e totLiry kiij ei;.te,i tLkt thou Uui; autorii( ;ll volunleer their ner. in mi,! ). ut tie fain at 5:25 tomorrow eveninc. It. has been klso iopgexted lliat ihoae who: (an arrate t asfint ;u ti.e entertain- j "fit of tie viaiton. j-boae lo the Com-1 aet'ia! ebb, in order tlkt j ar-: rkiigetneatj can be ma b.iet Fred Muscott Sajs He '.to III . W M -mm . Mid fint of Whiskey For $1 TOch Is a Crime in A in "Luxury Quality the new flat box- REVOLUTION high-grade cigarette values. Made of far costlier tobaccos far more skillfully "put together"- far more delicious to the taste than any other 1 5 Cent, cork-tip Turkish Egyptian cigarette in the world. Don't pay 25 Cents for cigarettes until you have tried "Luxury Quality" in the new flat box. -6tipfenne J con AlZrrC. T ! protective inner oucr men it" r tr r n , red Muwott Hold a jout (if wb;tJ;eT for . aceordinjr to lis own Fialeroeui 1 in j'ohee eourt this nomine. kLd sod a proceeding is a crime m tte oj'inion ( Police Judpe Elcin. who aenteme-d it ' man to 20 days in tie city jail. UuwoV K'ld the T'olice officers' he rnr.-.. j his whiskey in Gervais and so!d one I of it to William Hayden for He j i'rke above quoled. Early Morning fire Costany 515,000 Albany, Or., Oct. 5. Fire in the f'arter and Robson bailding early to day did dama-ce estimated at more' than ; $b"i.'"i(i. 1 The loss to Turner and Eaffle' bowl 'S ailey? was said to amount to : and the datoace to the bniiijing M.. I'.arJier Hardware comjianv also ' )t beavilr. WMh -AND A CDF AT t f &7 2 AMf;nvr.ni77iw s RUSH E(?. TOWARD Oust 4m HER PLACE YOURSELF IN THE POSITION OF EDITH MAITLAND. IMAGINE FIFTEEN HUNDRED POUNDS OF FEROCIOUS SIL-VER-TIP CONFRONTING YOU, A DE FENSELESS . WOMAN WITH NO AVENUE OF ESCAPE: A RIFLE CRACK AND OUT OF THE FOREST EMERGES SEE THIS WONDERFUL PICTURE. ft CPWffll ris v m m BBS CYRU5JPWNSND" BRADY.. TODAY AND TOMORROW IT IS A ViTAGRAPH"BLUERIBBOFFEATPRE , . ' : 1 t ' ; : : ; PACTTIC COAST LEAGUE STANDING w. L. I'.r. .IIS 4 .57 .h'l f7 .5';7 .106 92 .5 :5 301 ,42 410 Nan Francisco Salt Lake . . . Ixis Anpeles . V'erii'in Oakland 1'ortland 7S 30 YepterdkT'a j&etnJtt At Los Angles Lo An geles 5. Portland 0. At Salt Late salt Lkke 7. San JFranriwo 6. At San Francisco Vernon K Oakland 3. : i ! 1 i..: H n u n a a a M n is u VAUDEMLLE FOX & PRIDE3I0RE A Bit ef Variety. B B B B B B MATINEE 10c M SU Jti.M. U IOC R JAPS AGAIN BEATEN Tokio. 0t. 35. T3. Ctiit-kn sity bawbaJI team defeated Keio uni versity 3 to (i today. Tiie score: ' K Tl T ; Chicago 3 ; j , Keio o 2 3 Mai officials will at as agent. Ti vessel will Mart its first tr; finder the new owners October 2' cr 30. Articles of incorj'Oration of tk China Mail Steamship con. piny been filed. ! CHINESE OWN CHINA" 3MTJEDES TEIAL DBAGS. Los Anceles. Cal., Oct. 35. IVi'it . .. r . .. line wnous illness oi n.ei iti"" MbaVrie T. J V -n0 V ' Sebmidt. allepe McNar,,-a acco- Atiantie Transport lmer. wiU oificial- I t,ii. r, in .Tmlire WtlUt' rt j Kucome me t rot-enr of t, ; . ' ... . , . . .. '", " lOiiav wiTB AlUirnev M(Kre (lams tilt J A meeting will be held tomorrow aft eranoa at the bon:e of Mrs. H. B. Theil . 22 North "apital etret. to ron- :-.vr lormmg . ioeyl chapter of the I). , i hn.ese Mail steainstip eon.try to- ! " K?' , Tl-.w.tlVwitk tr- i rVnt ATIT T?i,.V.l1 iXXS - ! ie, Three ' tnore UW.-H , ter.n.pu, wm ...e present. i dit.on lo bat. me its own affairs. Pacific : haileafe. i ea, ISCents Excellent New Suits for Boys ; ) 4 ! ' 1 I! I i i ! t ! it t i i: All day Saturday we devote our time to outfitting the Boys who are busy at school during the week. New styles Knicker Suits, Norfolk models, linen lined pants, rainproof, afl wool materials sewed with silk and linen thread. Blue Serge and fancy patterns. Every suit guaranteed. . PRICES $3.00 TO $10.00 SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE