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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1915)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAY. OCT. 15. 1915. SEVEN The Mens' Clothing Department Is Filled With Clothing for All Sorts of Weather 0 The Celebrated Crayon Artist That has been with us several times before, is with us again in our Commercial Street window. His work has been extremely satisfactory, his work is accurate and true to the photo. The only way you can secure "the benefit of his work is to buy $1.00 worth of mer chandise at this store and your sales check or a cou pon which we give you will entitle you to have a pic ture enlarged for only 9Sc to pay for the cost of material. aysa-'iHis New Line of Silk Petticoats just Received All Colors Silk and Linen Petticoats All colors, guarteed to wear, the best of anything we have, special $2.49 One Line Children's Gray Fleeced Underwear, Values to 35c now 15c . Garment SHORTAGE OF 200 By Salem Well Supplied Though Other Willamette Points Suffer Tnt unprecendetited rush in the lum ber business which has started in the ' last few days has marie itself felt in a, ear shortage which has taken the form ! of numerous complaints which have ' been filed at the office of the State i Public Utilities commission in the last j two days. In all it in estimated bv i EAT A EQUAEE MEAL AND NOT FEAB INDIGESTION ft jt ijc )Jt st ))c sjc ifc jt sfc jc 3fC )c )Jt ijc There are hundreds of people in Sulom who wore not the least bit t ar piised when they read in the Jov nal thai Daniel J. Fry is selling Mi o n on a guarautee to rofund the money in case it did not relieve. This remark- i able dyspepsia remedy will relieve the worst vase of indigestion, headache, dizziness, or the general played-out eon- dition that afflicts every one suffering i w ith stomach trouble, Mi-o-na does not j simply relieve, it aims to cure. l'anicl J. Fry can tell you of many I well known people in this city who this remedy has restored to health, often i after they have tried many other methods of treatment with little or no benefit. No other dyspepsia remedy Ins mniln so large a percentage of cures as Mi-o ua. It is so largo that Daniel J. Fry stamls ready to refund the price to snv customer whom it does not help. The best kind of advertising is tho ! the commission that there is a short-! I'taise of a pleased customer, ami thoro .age of about 200 cars in Willamette; nie hundreds in Salem today praising valley today and although the com-; Minna because it does what it is ari- jpauie appear to he using tlieir nest i vertisod to do. A few months ago they leirons to suppiv ears tne nusinoss The bright sunshiny weather like we have been having this Fall or blustery wintery weather, Snappy Smart Clothing, Durable, well Tailored, the kind that makes you proud that you bought them, and that we are proud to carry them. Style, splendid fabrics, satisfactory wear and MODEST PRICES, .go .hand in hand at this exclusive Men's Clothing Shop. MEN'S CLOTHING .broken Lines for ;- $7.50, $8.50. $9.50, $10.00 and $12.09 The regular prices of these Suits are $15, $20 ; and $25. TRY SALEM FIRST ualmm commtmeiAL CLU0 EXTRA SPECIAL Children's Velvet Lined Cream White Pants and Vests Values to 65c Now, 25c Garment FOR ANY SIZE This is a wonderful offer as these are extra good garments. to crowing taster than the shipping fueil uties. I Sawmills which have been shut down I for a year or two or running short j handed are now increasing their output and the lumber business which has been the dullest, in the history of the trade 'for sonic time is now picking up with a i vengeance. The mills are swamcri with j rush orders but tho side trucks are bare I of sufficient freight cars to supply the ' demand could enl nettling without wondering what the result would be. Since using Mioua, they eat what they want and a hen they want, with no fear of suffer ing. This medicino cornea in tho form of a small tablet and is very pleasant to lake. It speedily and permanently re,--licves almost all forms of stomach troublo and is tho only ono sold under a positivo gunrantco without nny re striction, to refund tho money if it The shipping business in the city I does not relieve. This is a good time. of ft u,"l J'ou Kht to take ad vantage of Daniel j. Fry s offer. Salem appears to bo well taken care jof according to the commission because1 " I of the ilumber of freight enrs that nrrHAS REMARKABLE GOL unlonded hero and aro immcdintelv i LECTION OF WAR PHOTOS . available for shipments out to other; TAKEN BY FRENCH SOLDIERS points, The greatest shortage appears ' jio be in the outlying districts where Florence La lmrile, co-stnr with Wil there is less shipping in and it is neces-; liam Morris in "Monsieur T.ecoq," a sary to run in strings of empties to four-act Mutual Mnstcrpicture based linove the products of the booming lum-jon Kmilo Unboriau's famous detective ber mills, j of fiction, is the possessor of VJU re- The Hammond Lumber company re-, markable photographs taken by sol I ported a shortage of 71 cars nt Mill ; ,i,Ms in the trenches In northern City this morning, the Coast liango 1 France, depicting trench life, the lie l.umliei company nt Highland on the j strnction following bombardments and ; Wendling branch out. of F.ugono re-1 Bufferings of civilians. Xlnnv of "tiio ( porta a shortage of ,'.2 cars, the Fisher photos were taken by a Weil known Lumber company at Marcoln ou tho; French motion picture actor who has 'same line reports an 1H cur shortage. Pn ()0 fnmt almost since the op ; Silverton reports ill) cars short and Mo-1 cuing of hostilities. . lalla 15 and numerous other points These pictures take-.t bv tho soldier show smaller shortages. The Salem rail- actor were smuggled past the censor road men in the past have been nll , ,,,,,1 carried into Holland by a -well to secure enough cars to handle the Known American, who forwarded them " freight business here and no shortages t Miss l.a ltadie, at tho Thiinhouser are reported by the Spnulding Lumber .studio in New Kochclle. N. Y. For company or other Sulci in shippers. I 'NEW TODAY j t Out cent par word each taaar- tion. Copy for advertisements u X 4ar this heading should, 1m la by 1 p. a. 2 JHONB MAIN U. H M I cleaner. iiiiimittiiiyTtttiitiiiiiiiiwiir All Around Town Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist In fitting glasses correctly. U.-8. bank bldg. HARRY Wipdow 768. rhone Nov6 FIR W001 $3.50 2249. Twenty one members of the Knighta of l'ythias of this city made a friendly viuit lfiat ovptiiiiir to thp Hulihnrd per cord. Phone i0(gPi jnc j,arty nil going in uutomo- Dr. Stone's Drug Store. tf HOVSEKEEPINO 143 Court street. ROOMS For rent. Oct 16 riKST CLASS SERVICE At night lunch. No jitney. Fred 'b OctlO SECOND HAND H1CYCLE For sale, cheap. 254 8. Liberty. Octlll FOR SALE 3 cows and one Jersey tinll. Phono 29F12. after 7 P. m. tf FOR SALE Sturgis folding cart, good condition. Phone Wain IDuU. uciio TV ANTED Middle seed woman, light hnosowork. O. L. Snencer. 320 South Capital. Oct 15 FOR EXCHANGE Good single buggy to trade for young chickens. Phone 49F2. Octl6 biles. Dr. Stone's Drug snore. tf Here is a question that U worrying several men in this city today. If a Sunday pipe is run iiiiyun a w u. wiuum pay for the repairing of the roof nnd flashing around tho pipe, the plumber who is putting the pipe through, or the man who is putting un the roof. Dr. E. T. Mclntire, pnyslclan and surgeon, 214 Masonic bldg. rhone 440. The Rev. and Mrs. D. tl. Hediick of liuehannon, West Virginia, are vis iting in the city,' the guests of the Rev. nnd Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney, 121ti State street. o Clam chowder the best ever. White Swan lunches. o An address will be delivered next at the University of Oregon Attention Modern Woodmen. F. S. Koms, chairman of Head Hoard of Modem Woodmen, will be here tonight. All members meet nt hall at 8 o'clock sharp. One of the finest trains that has ever been operated in Oregon will leave Portland October 28 for Sun Francisco to oarry the governor nnd tho Oregon commission to the exposi tion, to celebrate official Oregou day, October 30. The truin will run as a special and it is expected that many prominent men in Portland as well as other parts of the state will make it convenient to travel on the speciul. Card of Thanto. We wish to thank our friends and neighbors lor tho kindness shown us during the illness and death of our father; also for the many beautiful floral offerings. MHS. JOHN J. ACKERM AN ! AND CHILDREN. it Prisoner Says Stories Are Circulated To Prejudice Public Against Him With several new styles of serpentine dunces, the iiigh school boys will cele brate down town this evening, as sort of a preliminary rally fur the football game to be played tomorrow on Wil lamette field between Salem high and Newberg high. Tho game will begin at 2:311 o clock tomorrow Hl'lcrnomi, 1 nianv and as this will be tho first game of from the glories of armed the season for Newberg and the second for the Salem boys, the homo boosters I are already feeling exultant over their prospective victory. After the down town celebration tonight, there will be a bonfire nt the high school athletic field. . obvious reasons Miss l.a Radio 'a friend requested that iiis uume be withheld. That Sherman knew what ho was talking about when he made his fa mous chiiracteriuttion of war is muni I bail verified by a glance through the idiotogiaphs. Interesting as they nrn from a photographic and memento viewpoint, nevertheless tho pictures in instances remove the veneer otiflict and HOT FIGHTING NEAR LOOS bv President Carl Gregg Doney. His subject will be, "The Effects of the I o Wnr on the Religious Conditions in I During Ui past 24 hours, the river Europe." i raised .3 of an inch, and is now at a o frnnge of 1.1 feet below low water La Corona, a Salem where quality rules. made cigar FOR SALE Young Berkshire boar, White Leghorn coekrclls. H. A. Clark, Balem. OctlS SHIRTS Cut and. made to order. Sat ;fsoinn irnnrfliitped. 180 N. 23rd street. OctlS FOR SALE A square Hallct & Duvis piano, excellent tone. A bargain, rhone 741-M. Oct 18 FOR RENT Furniture for five rooms, complete, first class, reasonable. Phone 1187. Octl5 Members of the Christian church Sunday school aro utit working this week, securing pledges from their friends in order to bring up the attend ance rally day to 1000. Last year, the attendance rully day of the church wnn 915, nnd now the figures have been set for 1000. IX)WT linn's watch with. gold fob, on Ferrv street. Return to Journal ot- fiee. Reward. $j.00. Cecil Cooper, the five year old son of O. E. Cooper, 1005 Broadway, fell from an apple tree yesterday and broke both bones of his right arm just above the wrist. Dr. Julius H. Garnjobst was called nnd soon had the arm band aged up in splints so that the little fel low is running around ns usual today. mark. On this dnte last yeur the river was two feet higher. September of this year was just four inches short of the rainfall of one year ngo, and for the first half of October, there bus been only a half inch of rainfull, com pared to 1.28 inches for the same time one year ago. I o OctlO FOR RENT Two houses, corner Win ter and Chemeketa streets. Enquire 354 North Winter Oct 18 3914 FIVE PASSENGER FORD First class condition, 300 cash. Address P. F., care of Journal. OctlO LOST Pair of gold rimmed glasses, be tween 21st South and 19th street. Leave at this office and receive re ward. tuiOICKKEPEH Wants position; ex perienced, references furnished; low wages to start with. Address A. P.. care Journal. OctlS A GOOD STOCK of merchandise for sale or trade for clear Salem town nroiicrtv. 400 Hubbard Hldg. rnone lfi44. Lafhir & llolinger. Dr. C. Hartley, specialist, inflamed, bleeding gums nnd pyorrhea. 410 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phono 180. Nov9 0 Helen Allen, the eight year daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Allen, No. Commercial and Hood streets, fell from a wood pile yesterday afternoon i and suffered a fracture of the wrist. At the home conuug rally celebrated last evening by the members of the First Christian church in the church parlors, it was announced that the Indies of the church aud made a nicer profit of $815 from the restaurant con ducted bv the united circles of the ' church nt the state fair. This sum 'd is ubout the amount made bv the Indies one year ago. The home coming meet ing was well attended, the evening's entertainment consisting of speeches, readings and several selections of music. tho Dr. Mott was called, and today little girl is reported to be getting t0 arrange for the entertainment along nicely. I of the State Press Association of Ore gon, which will meet hore on the fifth and sixth of November, the touritft tf Dr. Wisllcenus has moved his offices from the Hubbard building to 400 407 Salem Bank of Commerce building o FOR RENT In East Salem, T 1-2 Btorv house, basement, 4.00 per per month. Phone 135B. OctlS TAFIA The imported Percheron stal i i;n -;rliinrr I '!.",() nnunds. will be sold Saturday at the commercial cluh's t.ublic" auction, corner Liberty ami Trade street. Salem. BALDWIN nnd Spitzenberg apples do Funeral services of J. O. Sutton, who died at Hood River yesterday will bo held tomorrow afternoon ot 2 o'clock at the chapel of Webb nnd Clough, under the auspices of the Grand Army OctlS, of the Republic, of which he was a ! memlier. He will be buried in City View cemetery, beside his wife. and publicity department of the Com mercial club. F. (J. Deckubni.h direct or, will meet nt 10 o'clock tomorrow morning at the Commercial club. Act ing with Mr. Decknbuch, on this com mittee are P. II. D rcy, W. M. Ham ilton, Robert S. Gill and Paul Wallace. To attend this state meeting, editors from all parts of the Btate will be present. Mrs. Os-i octis ; livered for 50c per bushel. ear Meyer. Phone wtn. 3UCTWEEN 60 AND 70 Good grade goats forle bv V. F. Drager, 540 State street. Phone 50. Oct 1H MONEY TO LOAN 11,000 up to 10,-' 000, on improved farms. Taos. A.1 Roberts, 209 U. 8. National Bank; Bldg, Salem, Oregon OctlS PPLIT BODY OAK wood, W-SO por cord; grub oak ".00, ".S0; nsn 4i0.l . Second growth fir, 3.50. -P-ionej 1954, during business hours. J. Eaton. tiovUi WANTED 1200.00 at 8 per rent In-1 terest, on resilience proiierty in Sa-i lem, conservative worth 3000. Car. rying insurance of 2.5i0. If inter eacted call on Geo. B. Jacob Co., roomi 3. Barn Bldg. rhone 2124. tf. MONEY TO LOA On Improved farms at 7 per eent '"lu' interest.! I am representing the Commerce Safe Deposit Mortgage Co. of Portland,, Oregon. Quick delivery of moner. Write ma or eal. at Marion HoteL . JJ. Berger, Salem, Oregon. tfl This Coupon Good Price. for Reduced Mme. Schwartz Whose exhibit of Mari Antoin ette Facial Preparation! attract ed so much attention at the BUte Fair, WILL BE IN SALEM with hr assistant. Watch this paper for announcement of date and place. Madam Schwartz will be pre pared to give demonstrations at a reduced price of 75 cents in order to- introduce further to SaUim the excellence of her methods nnd the Marie Antoin ette Preparations for otesnsiiu?. preserving and care of the skin. X, p. To be entitled to tb re duced pri"1 mt out this adver tisement and mail to M11E Hi'IlWARTZ, 334 14th St, Portland, Oregon. While driving east on Bute street Vnn can cut nmr corn meal at Pnhlie yesterday nltcrnoon atwiit J:.J o ewes. ; Market Saturday. Oct 15 in attempt, eg to cron, the street car ' 0 track at ottnge and State streets, Wil- I The funeral aerricea of Mrs. Mary lial" McAllister, of Pratum, was struck I Campbell, wife of Thomas K. Camp-. west bound ear, escaping fortun boll, will be held Knturdnv morning Jtely without injury. Jt seems that at 10 o'clock from St. Joseph's Cath- -Mr. McAllister did not see the a- olic. church. Bv special request of the """'(! '" "'" family, friends are requested not to.1 ,r"M 1 ,r,a' Bd 'f"re thc send flowers. Burial will be beside, '""tor'.., could sop, the horse was her parents in the Catholic cemetery. '- ,r"w' ' ,.MeA"'"1''r n I a'"' '"""v "inashinB the buggy. The Attention Modern Woodmen. T, B.,B"r,M' als "'l-'i uninjured. Korns. chairmen of Head r. R. Korns of Clueago, chairman of Modern Woodmen, wi be here tonight.' , . . . , . , All member, meet at hall at o'clock " " "J 'i'"""'' "f h' " I tcll ti uiniiui is v Jiuirni , miis? tit i n. '""rl'- lfdiiiff men of the order will deliver an address this evening at the WeCnr nnck hall. In order that the members of their lodge may have an opportunity of hearing the add reus, the Woodmen of the World will not hold their regu lar meeting tonight. The committee in charge of the visit of Mr. Korns are A. J. Hwncnink, F. A. linker, Ernest Anderson, C. H. lieinkle, and the local clerk, lift A. Tnrner. Those on the reception committee this evening nre F. A. Baker, A. J. Hwienink and Ray Grant. Frank Lamm, a farmer living in Ma rion roiiiity, and Miss Gussie Wester,' also of Marion county, were married yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the parsonage of the First Mothodist church by tho Rev, It. N. Avison. Homa Hunter accompanied the party to wit-, ness the ceremony. I Oeo. ftrotth, landscape gardner, all kinds of garden work attended to.' liernnuuendatioa in city. Phone 250 R. OctlS Lus Angeles, Cl,, Oct. 15. Brand ing reports that ho wus on thu point of a nreuHiiown as "unmitiguteu lies, David Caplun today denied the printed statements to the effect that ho was ubout to confess. "l ain not on thu point of a break down, nor have 1 made, or even dreamed of making any confessiou. 1 want to brand the whole story as an unmitigated lie, designed to prejudice the public against the dofciiduutH now; on triul in the Schmidt Cuplun case,"; said the alleged McNiihuma accomplice. "1 appeal to the people not t ivc any credence to these detective stories. I have nothing to confess." I Judge Frank R. Willis this morning denied the request of Defense Attor neys in the M. A. Schmidt murder trial for a continuation of the case until Chief Defense Counsel Fuirall has suf ficiently recovered from his illness to be present in court D. A. MaloneT of ine Modern Print shop, hus taken over the Wexford, u.nd just to introduce the new pictures to the public, u free show will be given this evening. It is .Mr. Mnlone's in tentions to show only high grade, films. ; The Modern Woodmen of America will hold an open meeting at their hall tonight when tiic Hon'. Frank R. Korns, chairman of the bonrd of di rectors will deliver un uddress. All Woodmen and friends are requested to be present, Weldonrelcht of New York City is in Salem today. Mr. Weidcn reieht says he is of German descent, notwithstanding he was niimed Mi chael. He also says New York hasn't aay weather like we have been having ing in the Willamette valley for the past two weeks. An invitation has been extended by the local lodge of Kills to tho Me Minnville bulge and Its oficcra to put on the initiation work here on the evening of November 4. On that even ing a large class will be initiated, and an invitation to attend will tin extend ed to other lodges in the valley. Mrs. J. C. Purdy, 900 Mtll street, wus in McMiniivilli. yesterday, visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hobcrg, who are preparing to celebrate the (13d anniversary of their wedding on the 13th of next mouth. Mr. Hobcrg set tled in Salem in li'ii and was one flf the builders of the original frame First Methodist church, Georgia, Shepard, the three year old sonof Fred Hhepnrd, living about seven milrs sooth on the Turner road, was instiintly killed yesterday morning when he fell from the sent of a wugon at his father's fulm. The little boy was on the seat of the farm wagon and was thrown out when the horses suddenly started, striKtrig on his head The child's mother was in the city tit the time of the accident. Paris, Oct. 15. A shattering bom bardment mnrked last night's fighting before I s and north of Souche,, tol day's official statement reported, Heavy grenado attacks, too, were made south of Boisen llache, German gunners delivered a thunder ing canuniiade between the Oisu anil Aisne, and throughout the Champagne, while the French replied sharply. furnish striking arguments why uni versal peace should bo acclaimed tjy all civilized countries. Storcoplicon slides nre now being innde finin the photographs, and Miss l.a lluilie is planning to show them nt a gathering of the members of the New York Ponce society. Later tiiey will bo exhibited in various parts of the country, and prominent mlvocntoH of peace will be naked to lectuio at each showing. "Monsieur Leeoq ' will be shown at Ye Liberty today and tomorrow. Considerable work la being done by lite street department on the cross walks lu various parts of tho city and in filling of holes with gravel, es pecially in North Salem. Do You Know That Flour Is , Going To Be Higher? Wheat is advancing every day and Flour will soon follow. If you want Flour at the Right Price let us recommend Fisher's Blend or Art Flour to you. FISHER'S BLEND is made from Minnesota, Mon tana and Bluestem Wheat. Blended and milled in America's finest flour mills. OUR STQCK IS OLD FLOUIl Fishers Blend, per sack $ 1 .CO Fisher'n Art, per sack $1.50 SPECIAL PRICES BY THE BARREL. B lliii'ltiiiMiisittiaiiisinsi,'r n nf ',s9 . rwfirin rial MiMir The PERFECT Flour for Every PURPOSE A PRODUCT OF . AMERICA'S FIHE5TFLGIHHI115 ROTH GROCERY COMPANY