THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, - OREGON, FRIDAYOCT. 15, 1915 SIX . i , v M H n y y y y y y y h Waffle Day Saturday, October 16 Just What You Vt Two Ranges in One A light Coal fire will Kin the Chill in your Home, and the cooking can be done Quickly and Delightfully withCaa. i f - -. ...... . OTTO a- v - i as Burns Cam 19 CnJ mad Gem II U 11 11 II H u EI n n 11 II 11 11 13 M II M M 11 II 11 II M M n II II u II II 11 u 11 11 II II II Waffles and Coffee Served Free Waffle Irons made especially for gas stoves, $ 1 .00 This price to gas consumers only, and only one iron to each. Waffle Recipe Free to Every Visitor The Gas Company HI ) 3 Si y- . Hi I . - rH ! ; M !'. . V I 1 g i 1 I 0 1! : II 1 H Oscar Figman and Ethel Wilson in a scene from the laughing success. "A Pair of Sixes" which comes to the Grand Opera House om Monday, October 18th. n m of any. other variei-. if approved by I ZZ judge: 1st, Dougherty Hros.. Mollalla. ' IffV W OW SWS WOS W WW SSS O1"! WW OW OWlS SS2SSSZ23 ESISSSSZHSESSSSSSSSSSEiSISSl I AN EASY WAY TO END CATARRH FOREVER Simple Home Treatment Destroys Germs t) Commercial Exhibit Pears. Hjuussr. i, juugueny nnif., -n"iiuna. uispiay or mree doxcs. not less man .Sample of not less than one bushel! two varieties: 1st, D. M. Lowe, Ash- surpnse oats: 1st, C. I'. Nairu, Amity; land. 2ml, ,S. C. Fones, Carlton. ! Commercial Exhibit Peaches. I .Sample of not less than one bushel j Display of three boxes, not less than . side, oats: 1st, C. 1). Nairn, Amity; ; J,vvo varieties: 2nd, D. X. Lone. Ash- j 1.52; skim milk, 04. S; value, .IX To-1 2nd. O. A. Anderson. Milem. " land. j tnl value, 1.05. j Sample of not lew than one bushel I Oth, Haaelwood Ormsbv, Holstcin, bv I Russian winter oats: 2nd, S. C. Foues ; SINGLE BOX EXHIBIT Bees and Honey Department. w. .m. .vi.ik pounds. :-:-; ;. , not I1 I. mi. r,. n ...i. ... fl.,..! - t 11 ! i at value, i.'At f njiira niiin, j;'.;; vaiuc,, wiruu &taJ Total value. 1.5i. .sublimity; 2nd, G. A. Amierson, a- FINAL AWARDS bv X. H. Smith, lem. Sm-rimen of romb honev, .,,... Ol r.r 1. n.,.lilf ,.f ....;..,. .. of This Danferoua Disease. I... i. i 1.7. 1 " " i hi ic i.iiipi'ii-i ru . "i, ruiirn, ; "tU I' I 1 The reason why so many people who (,:.. o. ri.,v,l v. smith llla 1 ,n i i'-"ia, Jerse. suiter irom tatarra never seem aoio; .i,,st attractive display to gat eured is that they are eontinu-1 hmn-y: 1st. Floyd K. .mith ullv kwlinu thu ifiiiinntarv relinf of.o...l I l' L'..,lu. 'r.rli,.n j..i,;, .. ni.t.,' ' .''...'.....'....... ...i i'. i ...J value, 1 .55. 'mJml U"-s" . v v... . ori;iuiru ui rtiiwK'fi iiuiM-t; inn irpsi , . 1- Apples. Yellow Newton: 1st. D. M. Lowe. Ashland. i Baldwin: 1st, L. T. Beynolds. Salem: 2nd. Geo. Armstrong, ("orvallis: "rd. , Milk M.uiids. 50.H: fat .Hiunds. :!.0U; fat I Sample of not less than oue busl.-l . f J,u- "l0- Armstrong. "'.'V ''and handieap, 4.s2; value fat. l.:lo.ts of any ether variety: 1st, C. D. .5:' "S: 1"l!'"' I skim milk, 47.8; value. .10. Total Maii-n, Amity; 2nn. Arthur Jaep-r. I .. K,n8: t, t.eo. Arms I i r.r. Kl.i.,fiuJ fl V., I...,. ! "S. and .1. Hughes. Milk pounds, 5!.fi; fat meats, etc. ttuch thins do open up thuu 24 pounds, oualitv and manner .L.. tl.- ....I .1... Ii,.n.l : .... ... I .. :.i i. i... temporarily, besides stoppintr for a I.. C. Fones, Carlton; 2nd, Floyd K. . I'; ;"'' '.' a', ' while the disKustin blowing b.wkin Smith, Da.las. " ! 5" j!,: spitting and but they never Most attraMive display of xtn.en.d j t;i; lb. v d! M. M cure. To drive out Catarrh for ood honey; let, lovd f,. m t h , lnMan; I r ' , . . , . i ,j i t it t- . Kieowen. AI ilk pound l-.f.o: tat you hsve got to get down to its real . Jnd. J.. (. in-n, ( arlton. j , .,5. , 1 f . M ki cause. Catarrh is a Rerm disease. The' S-in.en of beeswax, not less than ' ' ' - T - air is always full of catarrh germs l' pounds, soft br.ght yellow wax toij1 U -'' d,UP- -4' lotal ,,lur' thrown off by one person and absorbed J' given prefer, n,e: 1st L. C Fones, j j (wt.ndole 0, i1lrw ,,v p,.r. . . , 0...1 Li I L- n..n..u ny anomer ami woen ine sysiem umi;- - kin. Milk m.,ln. -,,K. fu. ,11,,i fail to throw off such germs they find permaneut lodgement in the nose, throat and head and multiply rapidly. The germs of catarrh can be best destroyed by inhaliug the pure medi cated air of llvomei (pronounced lligh-o-me). This splendid and powerful other healimr .nt. ha. a wonderful . "- K- Smltl VMali- 1st, 1.. C Fones, Ca.ltou; 2nd, Flovd ' ft and handicap, 4.1.1; vj.luefat K. Smith, Dallas. 1.24;, .1 ; value, .l.t. Total Honev vinegar, not less thau one gal-1 u,l!!'i ,,,,"i'',i , r. , -r i 1: 1st, 1.. C. Fones. Carlton; 2nd. L,1''' ''1 M"" '" TJ' Flnvd K. Smith, Dallas. IVkard Bros. pounds 50.8; fat K.IWI u ...L..,l. ......ll.t.B tl.ln,. 1... 1 ... .......v..r, bees: 1st, I.. C. Fones, Carlton; 2nd, pounds : value. .11. Total value. l..'ti. . ..: .... i r Single comb nucleus, Golden Italian ' ""' lT'' "' " , iulo your nose, throat and lung. bv nk M. All;y, Salcn. mean of a sma-1 hard rubber inhaleV! 1J:ft;t:;S(i'",d,,,l ,,,,e: Agricu,tr. Daniel J. try and other leading sj , , , Caucisiau bees:' Individual farm exhibit,: Che, drugg,.ts here U Halem and vicinity; ,. r Mm yUl.M,K Mollt.viiB; 2nd, D. M. supply with every treat ment. Inisi js,-.,.,,, ak-f: The largent, best and Lowe, Ashland; 3r, Leonard Gilkev, medicated air is certain death to the' , .,'tr,rtive iteretiiig exhibit in Thomas. germs of atarrh and drives then, eum- ,hiB ,),,.,,.,, M lilK, cui Jcrcd : Special premium offer by the (iurney pletoly out of your system and when' nV() K.-Smlth, i)Max Seed & Nursery company." of Yankton", the germs are destroyed the ralarrh Dalry Cow Contest. I H. D. with all its disagreeable symptoms will, lsti cIlw.adt, M.ritl h.-jm,.:,,, by W.I Best 10 ears of corn, F. M. Sherman, stop. Even two or three minutes nseM Hisl.op. Milk., J 13 pounds;" fat Lebanon, Ore. will give refreshing relief, while, if pounds, 4.210; fat and handicup, ii.l"5; Rest nt,d largest collection of po you will use it tow or thdee times a value fat, 12.02; skim milk, 1.1H..I.I tutoes: 1st, F. M. Sherman, 1-ebanon. day for a few weeks it will completely I ,; value, .28. Total value, 2.:i0. Best nod largest collection of veget banish catarrh and every symptom of, 2nd, St. Manes beaut v, Jersey, by aides: 1st. F. M. Sherman, Lebanon, catarrh. As Hyomei is t.leasaiit to ;. 1). ( arv. Milk jmunds, 44.3'; fat 1 Oregon Eaised Seed, breathe and is alwayr sold by drug- pounds, 2.o;i; fat and handicap, ii.2:i; Sample of white beans: 1st ,f B g.sta everywhere with a positive guar-; value fat. 1.X7; skim milk, 4I.:!7 Hawthorne, Salem; 2nd, F. m'. Slier antee of siiecessful results or money pound; value, .08. Total value, S1.U5. 1 man, Lebanon. back, surely no catarrh sufferer should; .Ird. Vive La Franre, Jersey, by 1'ick-1 Sample of rnpe: 1st, S C. Fones. go long oeiore trying iois simple Home aril. MUH poumH, M.W; fat pounds, 1 Carlton; 2ml, F. M. Sherman, Lebanon. "nMy. iJ.tMi; tat and handicap, 5.07; value fat, Hiimnle of carrot: 1st. F. M. Sher- COPPEB TEMPTS THIEVES. 3.H0; fat ami handicap, 5.07; value fat, Hnmple of carrot 1.70; skim milk, 50.04; value, .11. To- mun, Lcl.nnou. trong, Corval- Sample 'of not 'less than one' bushel' Plat Exhibit Apples, shelled corn: 1st, C. E. Holtgrieve, Tort-1 Baldwin: 1st. L. T. Reynolds, Sa land. lem; 2nd, D. A. Breese, Salem. l'eck of popcorn: .t. C. E. Dickey. I (iano: 1st. L. T. jieynolds. Salem. Salem. " ! Jonathan: 1st, D. M. Lowe. Ashland; Display of not less than 12 ears of"'"L -' J- Currin, Morrow. ; U r? m l-l ri ti !i n I h ts h ill ri j -.3 w 4 I f I 1 u n v u : H U M 1 n Nothing to Eft out or replace. Simply Pull or Push Lev. er" and oven is ready for use with cither fuel. AT LAST The COAL and GAS Range that is Right, .DE,10fSTnATI0J NEXT WEEK By Ai2R Woman Demonstrator COME-you are cordially invited. Every Lady attending will receive zA Useful Souvenir FREE jjJgl!.IinaiiL-i;iam field corn: 1st, J. B. H:.thorue, Sa lem; 2nd, (i)lbert & Patterson, Saleai. Sample of not less thuu 14 of an acre, display of sweet cor..: 1st, F. .u. Sherman, Lebanon. King: 1st. D .M. Lowe. Ashland ; I 2nd, O. P. Bond. Salem. Northern Spy: 1st. L. T. Reynolds. J Salem; 2nd. F. Rosche. Salem. lellow Newton Pippins: 1st. D. M. Twelve largest and tallest stocks of I Lowe, Ashland; 2nd, L. T. Reynolds. corn: 1st, D. M. Lone. Ashland. ' aiem. Display of winter wheat, three va-j Roxburg Russet: 1st, F. Rosche, Sa rieties, five sheaves each variety: lst, : lm. F. M. Sherman, Lebanon; 2nd", S. ( . Spitzenburg: 1st. L. T. Reynolds, Fones, Carlton. .Salem: 2nd. F. Rosrhe, Salem. Display of sheaves of spring wheat.; Swaar: Jst. L. T. Reynolds. Salem, three varieties, 6 slieavks ach va-j Waxen: 1st, L. T. Reynolds, Sn riety: 1st, F. M. Shfrman, Lebanon ;, lem. 2nd! S. C. Fones, I'nriton. j Wolf River: 1st, j. J. Williams, lu- Display of shews of oats, three va-; dependence, rieties, five sheaves of each variety:! Arkansas Black: 1st, J. J. Williams, lst, C. 1). Nairn. Amity; 2nd, S. (".. Independence. Fones, Carlton. j Plate Exhibit Pears. Collection of glasses, not less than Bartlett: 1st, D. .vf. Lowe. Ashland. 15 varieties: lst, S. C. Fones, Carl j Beurre D'Anjou: 1st, C. J. Currin. ton; 2nd, F. M. Sherman, Ibanou. j Morrow ; 2nd, D. M. Ixiwe. Ashland. Hojis, best displry in cured slate, not I Bose Bourre: 1st, D. M. Lowe, Ash less than 100 pounds, to be raised by j land. exhibitor: 1st. E. V. D. Paul, Sheri-' Beurre Clairgeau: 2nd, L. T. Rev dan; 2nd, Fred Ycrgen, Aurora; ;(rd, .! nolds, Salem. E. Martey, Salem. i Cornice: 2nd, D. Lowe. Salem. Display ot broom corn in sheaf : 1st, I Winter Nelis: 1st. L. T. Reynolds. ! Salem; 2nd, D. M. Lowe. Ashland. 1st. j Fall Butter: 2nd, L. T. Reynolds. Sa I lem. 1st, New Seedlings: 1st, D. M. Lowe. Ashland. Plate Exhibit Peaches. ; tal value, 1 M. 4th, Model Bonnie Echo, llolstein, by San rrancisco, IM. l.'i. Because ofj, i.. ,ith. Milk pounds, 105.04; fat the high price of copper under war ron-' ui.ds, 4.74; fat an.t handicap, 5.27; ditloni, eopper stealing is prevalent i fll, l,,"'. L55; skim milk, loo.l.'l; tv. i'..;. i u.ii i i . . value. .20. Total value, $1. 70. The tinted Railroads complained to j Sthi K(1,,1(. v,ln ,,y N day that I.OhmO orth had been stolen Smith. Milk oounds. 08 .f: fHt nounds. from them in the past 24 hours. 13.17; fat and handicsp, 5.05; value fat,1 2nd, F. M. Sher- Sample of turnip man, Lebanon. Sample of cabbage: 1st, F. M. Sher man, Lebanon. Sample of table beets: 1st, F. M. Sherman, 1'baiion. Sample of mangel wurzel: 1st, Leon ard (iilkev, Thomas. Sample of peas: 1st, F. M. Sherman, Leonard (iilkev, Thomas, Exhibit clover, frve samples: F. M. Sheiman, Lebanon. Exhibit alfalfa, fie samples: F. M. Sherman, Lebanon. SKcials wands wonder forage plant:! lst, V. Weinhart, Salem. j Flax fibre: 1st, Eugene Bosse, Sa lem. Vegetanlea. Manuel wurgcl, six specimens: 1st. P. M. Sherman, Lebanon. j Sugar beets, six specimens: 1st, F. M. Sherman, Lebanon; 2ud, lyoouard! (iilkey, Thomas. Potatoes, early variety: 1st, Bird) Rickard, Munroe; 2nd, Mrs. Ida S. Buk- er, Salem. Make Good Brides But Poor Mothers Sacramento, Cal., Oct. 14. Native daughters of Californit and other Am erican born women in this state are not doing thetir full share in perpetuating the puritan blood, it appears from fig ures made public today by George D. Leslie, statistician for the state board of health. These figures show that while the na tive born and American women of Cali fornia arc stroug for marriage they are not strong for children. Although there arc fewer brides proportionately among foreign born women than American wo men and' native daughters in the state, the proportion of births to the foreign born is considerably greater and is showing a steady increase. The number of births to American born and native California brides and mothers in gradually falling off. HER FIRST BIRTHDAY PARTY SAX EM MAN FINED. Dallas, Oct. 15. C. O. Jo'i.nson, of Salem, was fined 25 in the justice court last week, for shooting rroai a public highway. Johnson was arrestcl Thursday evening by deputy game war den Bay Bremmer of Salem. TO SUE LUMBER COMPANY OI ympia, Wash., Oct. 15. Alli-piitj; the wrongful taking of 5,0O,O00 feet of timber on state school lands in Skagit county, Attorney General Tanner i today preparing suit against the Prk-er-Bcll Lumber company for 4o.Ui), treble damages being allowed under tlw trespass law. Elberts: lst. D. M. Lowe. Ashland. Plate Exhibit Prunes. Italian: 1st, D. M. Lowe, Ashland. Silver: 1st, D. M. Lowe, Ashland. Petite or French: lst, F. M. Sher man, Lebanon. General Display of Green Fruit 1st, D. M. lwe, Ashland. Evaporated Prunes. Display of not less than five boxes, each weighing not less than 10 pounds: 1st, t. A. Jvurtz: L'nd, Willamette al- Potntoe. late ariety: 1st, I). J. Al- v Prune association; ,1rd, H. S. Gile -kire, Salem; 2nd, J. B. Hawthorne, Sa-1 t?o. lent. This Trip to the Panama Expo sition a Life Time Event Oregon Electric Ry. North Bank Road and the Palatial m Steamships, Northern Pacific "Great Northern" Every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday BcM of the trip in daylight. 2H glor ious hours on the ocean. Fares include m cm Is and berth aud free extras. Numerous Brilliant Attractions dur ing October. Forest Industries Conventions, Iily Slock Shows till December 3. Peace Congress, The Farmers' Month. Loggers' Congress Oct. 30, Oregon Day, "Zone of Plenty Week", Drain age Conference. Honiething Doing Every Minute a ad at Uundred Different Place ia the Jewelled, City. Round trip from Salcui, 1.10.00. J. W. Ritchie, Aient, Salem, Oregon. Irf'liai.mi; 2ml, S. C. Fones, Carlton I Sample of flax seed: lst, S. C. Fones, I l.cbauon' i anion; ini, i.eonnra ui.Kev, l nonius. I Sample of Timothy: 1st, S. C. Fones, , Carlton. Sample of red clover: 1st, F. XI ! Sherman, Lebanon; 2nd, S. C. Funis. : Ca.ltou. I Sample of white clover: 1st, S. C. Pones. Carlton. ! Sample of orchard grass: lst, P. V j Sherman, Lebanon; ud, S. C. Fones, Carlton. Sample of Alsyke clover: lst, S. C. I Fones, Curlton; 2nd, F. M. Sherman. I .elm non. Sample of golden millet: 1st, Leon ' ard (iilkev. Thomas. Sample of German canary: 1st. F. , M. Sherman, Lebanon. Sample of alfalfa: 1st, S. C. Fones, Carlton. Snmple of red top: 1st, S. C. Fones, Carlton. Sample of Italiua rye: 1st, F. M Sherman, Lebanon; 2nd, S. C. Fours. Carlton. Sample of vetch: lst, S. C., Carlton; 2nd, F. M. Sherman, Lebanon. Sample of not less than 12 bushel bluestem wheat: 1st, Arthur Jactsr. Sherwood; 2nd, C. J. Iiamsden, Mac leay. Sample of not less Thsn 1 3 bushel rol.i wheat: 1st, C. J. Hunt, Subl.m Display onions: lst, F. M. Sherman, AUTO RUNS AMUCK. I Squashes for table: lst, F. M. Sher-1 Portland. Or.. Oct. 1.".. Run down mau, Lebanon; 2nd, S. C. Fones, Carl- when Bernard H. Trumbull lost control ton. I of his automobile, G. W. Hume, aged Largest squash of any kind: 2nd, K. j til, was sev erely injurey Thursday uf M. Sherman, Lebanon. iternoon. Pumpkins, six va.ieties: 2nd, F. M.I Before coming to a halt the automo Sherman, Lebanon. jbile mounted the curb, crashed through Tomatoes, three snrieties: lst, P. M. a painters scaffold aud into a shoe store window. 1st, F. M I Several other persons nt.rrowly ';escei-ed injury during ti.e automobile V ,iiignr. Sherman, Lebanon. Display of vegetables: Sherman, Lebanon. HORTICULTURAL DEPT. Commercial Exhibit Apple. Display of five boxes, not less than three varieties: 1st. F. Rosche, Salem; 2nd, X. C. Jorgensrn. Salem; 3rd, Geo C. E. STINNETT INDICTED. Dallas, Or., (M. l-V C. K. Stinnett, a farmer livinir east of the city was Armstrong, Corvallis: 4th, D. M. Love, indicted by the grand jurv Monday on Ashland. I "'o counts, assault with a dangerous i u. mggg I weapon and threat to commit a felonv iMaistiifA n,.i ..hit irt'b-v 8M00,i"K h' Stinnett pleaded PIMPLY? WEIL DOS T BE!j.wj rf;r jwill come up ia circuit court todav. It People Notice It Drive Them ; is I'O'jfved by many that the man is rrm... . . .it mentally unbalanced. Off With Dr. Edwards . Olive Tablets HONEST FIVE CENTS WORTH. f't oil ty. .01 not embarrass yon '-. M. 15-The jury i set of Dr. I or awards at the Panamat alifornia ex- A pimply face w mil. h if von r.lra illiv. TOIeis. The sain snoum ignition is to.lay considering the ad- . i .,l"wn u' -(Visaoiiiiv ot awarding a medal to a n .1 iffl .h. fcom.w. .ml thlw"''a I'viug i Ottawa, Illinois, who fNimpie or not less than I Z tnishel liver with (Hi "J a),-t rerentiy a visitor at the exiosition mc;iiii spring snrni: isi, n, , roues, Carlton; 2ud. C. J. limit, Sublimity. Sairple of not less than 12 bushel white velvet wheat: lst, C. J. Rsms den, Marleay; 2nd, S. C. Pones, Carl ton. Grain and Grasses. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tableta ara the sue- The woman sent a letter with l'iv cessful suhstiiui for calomel there' I ... .... to th ,,,:; , ,..:.:.. i never any iWknes or pain atter Ukln ' w'tion authorities and them. explained that she wished to pay for a it. Mixoror ouve Tawevs no imi umiinn. cup sne nan used while at the Which calomel dora, and it vtlv- exposition, but for wiiicl she had for ly, but ibelr action Is rnii and aaft In- ia ' " ur ,or strad of v an, Irrimtlnir. Ken o pay. Little Miss Bernita Elizabeth Hale, entertained a number of her little friends at the home of her grandpa rents. Rev. and Mrs. Butler, last Wed nesday afternoon, the occasion being her first birthday. Those present were Misses Dorothy Scholl, ljiis Thayer.. Master Henry Moomaw, Master Walter ' Mnest Kiel, Mrs. L. SI. Scholl, Mrs. Mrs. C. Moomaw, Mrs. F. Thayer, Mrs. Fred Giel, Mrs. R. H. Hale and Miss Mary Goudy. The home was decorated with autumn leaves. Refreshments were served, after which music was enjoyed. At the close of a pleasant afternoon Miss Hale left for Portland with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hale, by auto Wednesday. Little Miss Bernita received many nice presents from her little friends. HubWil Enterprise. TURNERTOPICS Turner,- Oct. 14. Surprise Grange held its regular meeting at the I. O. O. F. Hall on Octolier flth. with a large crowd in attendance and a good time enjoyed by all. The morning session was crowded with business as usual. There were several new applications brought in. We regret much to lose our worthy chaplan at this time, but he has moved over in Polk county and can't attend regular now. Bro. and Sister Elwood, too, have moved out near Seio and can only be with os occasionally. Sister Xenl was away visiting and Sister Earl presided over the kitchen, serving a fine dinner at 12 o'clock. At the lecture hour in the afternoon session Mr. Ellerson gave an interest ing talk on buying and selling cream, after which an oen discussion was held and many interesting questions asked. Claude Darbv of the t -;n. ' Grange was also a visitor He gave a' short talk ahouj the Corn Fair to be ! held there November 5-fi, extending an ! urgent inv itation to all to be prescut. ! Several committees were appointed j to look up displays for this fair. GRAND THEATRE Monday, Oct. 18 MAIL ORDERS NOW m --v,'.- . -K:ttsvf !v.' - - ' ljl-fhrW mm 1 Mtn WM 'J 4'V' With OSCAR FIGMAN vA N. T. Cast Prices 50c, 75c $1.00. $1-50 Beat on sale Saturday. mm "catarrh of in BLADDER rciv.d m 24 HOURS BfC0"'i?j No on who Ilk., oliva TitbMn I eror Sample of not less than 18 bushel . br,,h. dull, listless, -no food ' felln. white winter wheat: 1st, 0. J. Rams den, Mallear; Sod, S. C. Fones, Carl ton. Sample of sot less than 1-3 bnihe' goldea chaff wheat; 1st, S. C. l'uues. Carltoa. Sample of not lesa than VS lu.shel red fife chaff wheat: lst, S. C. Fours. Carlton. , Sample of not less than 12 bushel consult ion. tori'id llv-tr, bad dlsponllKin or iitmidv fac. Dr. Kdward Olive Tatll are purely vUble rompoiuid uixed with olive oil; you will Know liiam by irwlroltv rotor. DALLAS MERCANTILE 8T0RE SOLD Dallas. Or., Oct. 15. The Dullas Mcr eantile rnmpauy, one of the city' larg est business establishments, 'ehaniteil . . ... . I ,Tini a, kifd , 1.1 . 1 . 1 1 ..... Wrmm amicinl with livr and bowe4 com- ichaaed the interests of the stockhohl- ntainikaiid (Mive Tablets aio the InuiMiMo-.era ia the institution. Mr. ( rider Is IyT'.ra;"o;.r;r1,,;Aub.r i iz:L men"...'0.! T7ful v,"ns r how much tetter v.u fel ami to.. "sies men and already has a Urge iw iM in- Mr mt. All druir'st (r wrr m aou.i.oii to the pur The cuv tablet Compaay, CvluubuA O. tiaase of yestcnlav. ' V f n-ii tjjLrfi f i Cenimie Lamb Chops the sweet, juicr sort that al'iHt nifl in the mouth. That' the kind y-'u f here. They are just examples of i grade of meat told exclusively at t market. Try ome for br.'akf luncheon. By them vou can juog ,( well it will be for you to lX " ? meats here. Independent Market 137 S. Com!