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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1915)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAY. OCT. 15, 1915. FIVE L E CAMPAIGN 5C Also packed in packages of 20 for 10c The Cigarette of Quality Salem Boy To Play In Game Against Washington State Team Tomorrow . (Capital Journal Special Service.) Oregon Agricultural College, Corval lis, tr., Oct. IS, Hews that Ki-Cap-tain Hofer, ,tlie Salem member' of the Beaver football team, will be able to Co iuto the came tomorrow, has brought cheer to the supporters of the local team. Tomorrow's game with the strong Washington State squad that a week ago drubbed Oregon 28 to 3 will be perhaps the most critical game in the conference series as far as the two contending teams are concerned. i Not anv too much confidence in the home team lias been expressed by the coaches or felt by the followers of the game and the fact that "Oluomy Gus'' will appear for the first time this sea son iu a conference game has done much to brighten the Aggie prospects. The ineligibility against . ' ltnugry " Smith and Thompson have been re moved so that the line should be even stronger than it was last Saturday when it held the Whitman team almost The biggest selling 5c 'cigarette in the country. A smoke quality that you and thousands like, and you keep on liking them, and when we add up the big sales, it makes Pied monts the big winner. To make this cigarette more attractive, if it's possible, we now enclose a Whole Coupon in each package. This will give the Piedmont smokers an opportunity to secure some of our very elegant premiums the best articles ever offered the public. You will find many articles you would enjoy having we want you to have them also articles that please women and children. Send for a large, illustrated catalogue it's free. There is no purer or milder form of smoking than these splendid Piedmont Cigarettes GIRL VERY SICK rHs How She Was Made Well by LydiaLPmkham's Vegetable Compound. New Orleans, La. "I take pleasure I in writing these lines to express my grati tude to you. I am only 16 years olj and work in a tobacco factory. I have been a very sick girl but I have improved wonderfully sine taking Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegeta ble Compound and am now looking fine and feeling a thousand times better." Miss Amelia Jaquiixard, 8961 Te houpitoulas St, New Orleans, La. St Clair, Pa. -"My mother was alarmed because I was troubled with; i t: :: ' :;. Vs w IN NEW JERSEY HOT Last Week of Campaign Is Filled With Parades and Street Meetings Trenton, X. J Oct. 1.'. Suffrag ettes and anti-suffragettes today en tered upon the lust lap of several weeks of hot campaigning before Tuesday's special suffrage election. The suffrage workers arB confident. They count on outlying districts to off set any losses in the densely populated counties where factories, with many foreign workers, mostly men, wield the balance of power. The women have been assisted in their campaign bv several auto loads! all this and of Xew York speakers, who have to-jthe pictures. Moving pictures actually taken on the batt)e front; showing both the (iernians and their opponents in action, are included In the Herman war pic tures which come to the. tirand theatre beginning toay (Friday). The moving picture operator who went into battle like the other soldiers of the kaiser's armies, stood right ou tho .firing line and took his one chance in a million against being shot. Ine films he lirought back give the best evidence yet brought to America of just, what the war is in reality. To view them is to sit and have tiie but tle unfold before you in marvelous clearness and detail. Trench life, trench fighting, cavalry charges, bombardment of forts, field artillery in action, (iermans on the ad vance and in retreat, French soldiers in retreat, falling walls, crumbling forts nun' a more is included in With armed soldiers the day addressed big throngs at street corners Irom their innchines. suppression and had pains in my back lh "" wll virtually eiul tne.r and side, and severe headaches. I had campaign tomorrow night w ith, a big pimplea on my face, my complexion was ' . TZl r i j .. . . , j i the "pros ' will hold a series of street sallow, my s eep was disturbed, 1 had niep.l (ho llnll lulll tluv nervous spells, was very tired and had i,. u, ..OVPrfioW" will be ns no ambition. Lydia E. Pinkhum's Veg- ' ut or srt.Htl.r tim the inside ses- i.t.l Z"1 ...! J IM.- - " eitftuie vumiJuuMu iiu miiAi-u iiivj a charm in my case and has regulated me. I worked in a mill among hundreds of On tiie other hand Cole, tho most .j girls and have recommended your medi dependable kicker mi the team, is out with a bad knee and may be able to get into the game at all, and Iak-v, a hard plunging fullbnck, is nlso out with an injured tendon. The lineup of tho team will be ns follows: Knds, Moist nnd Schuster; tackles, Laythe and Smith; guards. Anderson, llofcr and Cole; center, Hissett and Vcager; Imlves, Captain ISillio, Abraham, New man and lhitton; fullbacks, 1ocy, Hoer- line, and Allworth cine to many of them." Miss ESTELLA Maguire, 110 Thwmg St, St Clair, Pa. There is nothing that teaches more than experience. Therefore, such let ters from girls who have suffered and were restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound should be a lesson to others. The same remedy is within reach of all. If you want special adriee write to Lydia E. I'limiiiini Jieuicine t o. (conn So bitter is tho campaign that the suffragists fear illegal voting will be attempted at sdmo points to defeat the cause, and hence they are taking extra precautions. The local field is perhaps tho best , dentlnl) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will .... ),c,... .. ,vitii tiu.i be Queued, read and answered by a me .iium . .......... .. - . . ... ,.,.,i. .1 If ill U U (BUU 111 111 Dl I II V IVIIU1I1 HVV fnvornlile weather and intense interest in the game, one of the hardest and most interesting struggles ever seen on the Northwest conference football field is expected. COMBE SAGE TEA IN Grandma Kept Her Locks Dark, Glossy, Thick With a Mixture of Sage Tea " and Sulphur Salem Egg Circle Proves- A Success E MURE SALTS 1f Your Back Is Aching or Bladder Bothers, Drink lots of Water and Eat Less Meat moving picture man cut his way through barbed wire entanglements and took pictures on the way. He went in to buttle with tiie others and ill some cases w..s among the few to return. The Herman war pictures are vivid and real istic. Thev are being shown in Amer ica for their educational us well us their entertaining value. As an evidence of now close the cam era was to the fighting, included in the films ere some captured from h French moving pictuie outfit of which the operator was killed. Tho camera was picked up later and sumo of the films saved, although some of tho films had been riddled with bullets. Falling walls nl the stricken llclgtoii cities, crumbling fortifications of the Namur and l.iegi forts; tho field Iiiih pitals, Turkish soldieis iu action, hun dreds of cavalry horses and their men in a charge and numberless other hair- raisiug iie'iuis are sliowu. Ant the least interesting is some close views of trench fighting. Hy many wiio hnvo seen them, 'ho pictures tiro said to bo I tho most marvelous yet brought over ! from the war zone. It's Possible That There are other shoes made as good as the Flor sheims but certainly there are none better made. The Florsheim boxes are marked "For the man who cares" and most of us certainly DO care. . , Most of us care to avoid corns and bun ions and there are few Florsheim users who pay much money to chiropodists. Regard less of the recent ad vances in the prices of leathers, heavy con tracts placed by the Florsheims in antici pation, enable us to give our usual big val ues at $5, $6, $7. Florsheims can be bought in Salem only of us. HAMfiOMSIIOP CO. Leading Clothiers Tho Toggery 107 Com'l St. When vou r kidneys hurt and your three! back feels sore, don t get scared and d,en than the local , proceed to load your stomach with wu,.1..1 ' 1 ding to Shcrrill Fleming,! lot of drugs tlmt excite the kidneys and T J " '( the Circle, and who has ' irritate the entire urinary tract. K''Pj( 'f()1. jlmj() The Salem Egg Circle by shipping eggs thnt are absolutely fresh to markets in Portland and Seattle that demand a high grade of egg, is able to net its members from two to cents moro market, according .........t., .... charge of the receiving and shipping.1 .voi.r kidneys clean like you keep your Organized eral months ago, the, bowels clean, by lushing them will a ! Circle has gradually increased its iiiein. bership and develope, a business tint; v ; Bur AW The is Proving uK ( . f , k, , . , fipr , mouth of October on account of the n wy B,ruhl ,.,., u sea rcii v able Ml be organized at Dallas, and with ( or- i ,.i tl c lots of water vou can't drink To Hold Examinations For Government Jobs . i In several examinations to be held in Seattle during October und Novem ber, by the civil service commission, but one is open to women, that of as sistant lilnai inn, which pavs, when first entering the service, a salary of FRPE ' en( 'r our IIustrated catalogue of handsome presents which you can obtain for our tags or coupons. Send your name and address on a postal, address Premium Department, 331 Battery Street, San Francisco. n 77 7 77 7 7 A 7 m. I will Sftitva am unnfrnuf nf trnaonf Tiric. es of the above articles. Regular weekly trips are now niado through this section by a meat dealer of Salem and by a duller of Prutuui, dispensing fresh salmon. ' GOOD ADVICE S This modest man oesn't want to dis cover that 7th point. J It would make him too famous The old-time mixture of Hugo Tea and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and faded hair is' grandmother's treat man mm. I folk are nirain using it to keep their hair a good, even color which unite sensible, as we are living in uii age when a youthful appearance is of the greatest udvautrge. Nowadays, though, we don't have the troublesome tuMi of gat'iiering the sage and the mussy mixing at home. All drug stores sell the reiidy-tn use pro duct called " W'yeth 's Sage and Sulphur Compound'' for about 50 cents a bottle. It is very popular because nobody can discover it 1ms been applied. Simply moisten vour comb or ;i soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time: bv morning the gray hair disappears, but what dcligiits the ladies with Wveth's Sage mid Sulphur is that, be sides beautifully daikening the hnir, utter a few ni'iilications. it also pro- thnt noft lustre nnd appearance A aaiem Ultlzen oives lniormatlon or 0f nbundance which is so nttractive ions will be helil October junior telephone nail lelcgiaph engineer with a niiIiiiv attached ol'i 7L'II to .tlllsil n year and also iur forest ranger, whose salary from the first service is placed at $11(1(1. Tim! i-veiiigo book student would have lint little chance of successfully passing the nil m-i I mi oi iiiicni lanueix HH 11 aowledge of wooibruft, nnd packing for long hikes over mountains is ueirsifirv, Assistants iu dry land arboriculture I are wanted, niul for those who can i qualify, the salary is $7.1 n mouth, ! with a gradual increase until a maxi mum of ."IKI is reiii-lied. I'Vom the government's view, a timber inspector rarc.ty of eggs the ( , rele ha. W M im of so wu vm riv ble to sell in its special markets tor , ml,llM.stjlllll , vitu importance ! 1 ul ' (I cents a dozen. A Circle will soon,,, k(,- , ki(ll(,V(, ll(.tive , ampi ,g an vullis and Lebanon, will ahip direct to .... ,111,,. m from any idiarmacist Saleui us a Ventral shipping point. j about f our ounces of .lad Salts; take It is the intention of 1 'rof essor i tnblespoouful i.i a glass of wal; r be Lumli to continue to organize these U,,,.,. brcnkt'nM c::c!; morning for a few circles in the Willamette valley, and ,iilVn and voi:r l.iilrevs- will net fine. wnue conipirauyiy m '" .in.s. anions s. s n., . ' is worth fMH n dav, while a I brarvi t bo,. Iibv.i been n snccesstu operutum o Lnaues and b mini nice, coiul iucd , ...... . ' j -I .... , ...... . ' . ... .. , . . , . , ..... .. ... iinsiswdil, only ( raws (liiwil 101 M in nian.v of the eastern states and , w,t, lith,:, Iu.h ,,, a used U. ; n-, , -. Canada. It i esumaieu unit m .c. ci:iii.... u. . .. , (.( r0 , ,,, ..eiauiiers. in nevs: tu ncntui ize i n aeius i tin-1 ... .. " .1 urine so it no lunger is a source Li' ii litution, thu;i eiding bladder ditu.'r.leis. .lad Salts is im xpemiivej eaniiol in jure, makes a delightful efferv.cent lithiu-water beven go, and belongs in 1 everv home, bccuie nobody ran make la iii'i:dako by l aving a good kidney i flushing at i.ny tunc An Optimist A man w ho 1 ., mm ci" .!: 1 - . 'V '-,-. Fish Brand Reflex Slicker $3.00 when Old Trob says rain. Waterproof, absolutely Pror llrt. 7S nil Satisfaction Cuarantcrd , Srnd fan ralaWw A. J. TOWER CO. f " BOSTON VSIIWIW9 Jersey, fully HO per cent of the eggs arc distributed througli these i ircies. The local office is in the building of the Salem Fruit I'nioii, mid now that tho business has assumed larger pro portions, the secretary is devoting all his time to the business. Civil service examination for other government positions will be held in Seattle, and any one desiiuiis of taking a chuii'-e, enn receive infoi mul'iini from poHtmiister lluckestein, HATESVTXLE ITEMS. tir i n 1 tl;.uU Special Service.) WaSnllMOIl DdnKCr Ilayesville, Or., 'Oct. l.).-.Mrs. Kllenj 'ClnrMAA WIfli Pm-mru1 .. MfN """'J """'.. "f. W"''!''1.'" Johnson, who has been lit Albany ion II UII 151JU1J,"" grou, nas wrnien 10 i nier 01 ru- some time, has been nt home for a short lice Welsii of this city that her niece, stay, nnd iuis gone V) Albany ugnin, bull Seattle, Wash., Oct. Itroken fin-1 M imm Klsie Uncus, is somewhero in Sit will soon return for a permanent l".vl aneiallv and in spirit ami unable tom or vicinity und iilono since tho i,ere. I raise ':i,.iHI bail rcniiired bv the state death of the girl's father, Isaac, Uncus, Mrs tiat-thn 1'eterso.i, of Salem, hasjf,,,. , j r,.,.aHe, II. II. Howard, former "bout six inoaths ago. The letter slates been visiting nt the home of J. I'.-ter- j ,.aH,i,.r U1 manager of the defunct pri-i that there is another aunt of tlm young ton vate bank of Christopher, K nickerbock-; woman's 111 Itelliagliiiiii and they wish C. If. Hanson, went lo Portland S11.1-! er ,ln, Howard, of Auburn, Washing- provide tint girl with a homo since dav morning tor a short stay. I,,,,,, jN j the eountv jail hero today, ' n' without parents us her Miss Uingo, of rioncer, is 11 guest at ,.nirged with pcrjur mother died H years ugo. the home ut her sister, Mrs. M. Hitchey. Howard, it is 'charged, swore falsely The police have searched all of the Jt is hard I v infJ to be out of doors , Stttl.nieiit of tuink resources j records of the city and have run down nowadays. As l' Itosche was coming ; Hirt I v belore tiie bank had passed in-j "very possible clue Hint would lead to out of the barn one morning lust week, , ,; m, of tie federal bankruptcy the girl, but so fur have been unable to Charleston S C, Oct. Several ' a stniv sliut struck 11 1 111 just ow tue ,.ollt on J,,,,,,,,, v 3, 11)1 1. locate aer. 1 lie inner 10 ine ponce . ... J i.:ii...i'.i.u .r...,nnA in :...... .,.l a,if.i,.r on the shoulder. As i,vl,,-,l .. to work at oibl lobs to ".vs that the llitlier of the girl wrote l;..f ntt,.,lnt noon iinnniinceinent of ! vet no seii.iiu comiilicutions havo dc- . , tumiW since then and 'for a j regularly up until about taiee years uiuuiciiiul primarv results. velopcl, but hunters slionld be more tlllie WUH eniployed by the county as a 1 ago and then The democratic committee had just I -refill, b-t something serious inn; trustor. . 1 1... u ......... tl...! the result. r ''r,.r . , :; ,., A il Armstrong, of Pale,,,, was n OLD BOARD HOLDS ON the killH wnn Sidney Cohen, reporter Bellingham Woman Seeks Her Niece, Elsie Bacus Priceless Value. Gttm 5 PEPPERMINT-INREOWRAPPeR -C'.NNAHON - IN BLUE WRAPPER FRUITLAND NEWS T. E. Herren and Mrs. Ilcrren, of Turner, called on friends Sunday. Fred Bressler, brother of 11. '. Dress ier of this place, is reported quite ill at his borne in Albany. H. (,'. and Bert Hressler have re turned home having finished balling at the Livesley hop yards at Quinaby. Potatoes as far as at present dug, are not yielding well as lost year. By consulting my diary for 1DG 19 years ago (I have kept a iecord day bv day for about .10 years) I find these "entries: 10 lbs. of beef, V bu. oats 4.",c: 5 lbs. prunes, IV; 3 lbs butter .1"c; wicnt 1 bu. 6dc .Ian., 18B7, I paid h0 cents for wheat. This ' When you suffer from backache, I Headaches, dizziness, nervousness, I Feel wenk, languid, depressed, I Have annoying urinary disorders; lo you know what to dot ! Snnie Salem people do. i Bead the statement that follows. I It's from a Salem citizen. Testimony that ran be investigated: j C. W. Hill, wagon maker, HUii I'orth Front street, Salem, says: "I had more ; or less backache and iny kidneys were , disordered. Dunn's Kidney Tills have ' always relieved me in a short time. I know" of several other people who have j taken Dean's Kidney Tills with good ! results. You may continue publishing the statement l' gave before, recom I mending them." i Trice .We. at nil dealers. Don 't ' . . .. 1 .: 1 1 4 simpiv bsk lor a Kinney icnn-u k'i Dean's Kidney Tills the smite 1 lint Mr. Hill hud. Foster-Milburu Co., Trps., Buffalo, N. Y. COMMISSIONERS RECALLED North Yakima, Wash., Oct. 15. flov ernor Lister Inn announced he will appoint W. K. Counibe nnd W. L. Dim mick 'as successors to County Commis sioners Lancaster and Stuart, who with Commissioner. Stahlbut. were recalled reeentlv by an overwhelming vote. The l two new appointees are to name tne third member. Uotn loumoe sou mm "mirk were leaders in the recall move ment. KILLED HIS SON. besides, prevents dandruff, itching I'.calp and falling hair. The Cracker We're Proud To Sell! Several Killed In An Election Riot Coventor Manning ordered out the milit ia. North Yakima. Wash,, Oct. 1.1. A I his letters ceased but t lit' v have received the inloiiiiiitiiiii that Isaac Uncus died in this city earlier in this year. To Make Skin Clear Don't worry abont skin trouble. Ton ran bv a clear, chsn romplMion M using a little aeiuo, obtained nt "ru etor Jor iV. or eitra large bottle at 'z"nio easily amoves nil traces of plm iilns Mark s. and rinswnriii iind make, tlve skin rleir and "'hy. Zuo is ueilher watery, "t'eky rr arer and .isins noilun. It U easily P,.I,I and wis a triHe for each pplicatioo. It i. always pidabl. Zmo, Chrvelaui Clatskauie, Or.. Oct. 1'. A. 1?. Mollis ( ffricf stricken today over i. .lootii'nf his son. lit. whom he shot ....i l;ii,i while stalking a deer. The boy died inslantly. BILLY EBIDY DEAD. V San Francisco. Oct. 1-1. Sim Francis co baseball fans were sho ked today on learning of the dertii. in Cleveland, Ohio, of Hillv Keidy, former major league and Coast league pitdicr and the first twirbr to uw th sloxr ball with great success. Ueidy camo to tiakUnd in )!"" as a pitcher and a a year Istcr Ihtiiiii, manager of the ii.u Tewsnl trie en.i oi m ii. .....on he was mn.le nmrager or ine Seals. A most popu lar and effect ive remedy for breaking up a COLD. Satisfaction Guaranteed OPERA HOUSE Pharmacy visitor in IWycsvnie oil ruinuny. ( has. Mciidenhn'l and family, of near Brooks. s.e,:t s recalled by i.n overwhelming ' '!'lisri:ili"'wi;koff spent Sunday at1 vote, the old county eonimissi, rs to Iiih.i,., 'day claim they are legally iu office The Indies' iiiissiniinry society met at ,inlj m,.,.,..m,tt ipnilil'v, and as Mr,.' " Wednesday p. '"' " :,,,,. b . m . i . . 1 I by the gvc,, verv interesting program was carried. '' " out' alter which u social hour wus en-j nor has not yet organized unty busr joyed, and ligh' refreshments wcie; m.s jM u u atandstill. The surety com served bv tno hostess assisted by M rs. t y (if t)l(, niU)l)v treiiMirer hns in White. The next meeting will be h.-M Wm m wnrri(t iimr , , m n ..;n.r n.wimM until the itit nation if i Ooiiulas, Ariz., Oct. I,". Morn thin,1 "V. ''. I'rive'.t is c,;,hcd 'to his bed (.,.ar,(, .,, if , SBilrv, J,y ,,e cults, j :'.'"" ogees anived hero today from .L ..L ..i ,.u. nri,,,,.. ' . . . ,. 'Ague Tiiela. M mi v more went to Nil- w,th a tr. k KrH' - 'Tho new Imard consisting of Cmmis-; A . , t, . , u , (M1 M be. to get the roof on before tiie rainy , are to organ, ye tnmorrow. season bet!ini.. ' nn...s.ei " 1 " " J',1... tea. to rs' training class will meet A lyl HKINliN CHINK HAD MONEY. Senllle, Wash.. Oct. .". - Inventory and nppi iiisciuciil of the ctnle of Ail King, the Si.nttle Chiiiese, who com mitted suicide iu Sio'rillncuto lit .-it mouth, is ou file iu the superior couil mouths, is on file in the superior eontt ,;..r.,)il. The cause of the, suicide ro mains a mystery. MANY LEAVE MEXICO. You naver tasted crackers as good as Snowflake Sodas In fact the entire Swas tika line of cakes and crackers is in every way delicious and most pleas ing. Try tiie new family package of SNOWFLAKK SODAS packed in a convenient and E?rs useful sanitary tin box. Uvt AT ALL DEALERS baked here In th Northwest by the PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT COMPANY PORTLAND, OHECON (visitors welcome) Sun next Siiadnv imiiicilititclv after diiv school. I I.iIiii Voder is among the sick. Mrs. I'itts n-id sou, Frank, atte,,.e.t rvice in Sulci i on Sunday. COMFORT WHEN THE SKIN AILS KEAL ESTATE TBANSFEES. Ileliiiire, If ynu need its mai Veliuis lusiliiig ef A. C. Nel-on et ux to . r. lieliuire, lects do noi nesmiie 10 nru j ..hi...... a... Uiarger dipm, III, , 1 W. it eannoi possioiy iinrm. Hcter .1. Uoniird et vir to Marv K.I For the treatment of Kc.ema. Acne, J Coleinaii, lot H, Oak l,awn 1'ark Add. Tetter, I'sol.iasis, llarber s Itch and Isuleni. (stintcs its healing powers ipnekly, im- I l. I.. Kiniinel to U'Aotn K. Hi kin-i provemeiit being seen daily. I son, psrt John Win I mi Claim, til. n. 2 When treating I'linpbs. ltd ., W- l:c Ulnntoii Claim, H, 2 W. 'Complexion n isncs, nniies, n..r (ieoige i!. Swart et ux to N. II. Stone-, Troubles, etc., I f, nil results are oe- brink, lot 7, block .r,4 Sale,,,. ten to be noted over night, only a W II Cake et lis to Samuel Ames, small qiia.itity I g reipnrcd. A (i I'svii. Claim ltd. tl 1 W. A word about soup- I'oslum Heap, . i imeilicated with l'olam, i the oap of Mr. Consul (iracev at Seville, Spain, ,uv benefits for t.-nder skin. Try one reports a paper shortage in the king- j month for toilet and batn, ' Idor.i. tiernian. , Kngland, Kusniu, yr unples. send Ic stamps to Kiner , Krnuce, Italy and other KurnHan ns-t,,..y jil,ointori , 'M West ""th St., Itions lkve a few "scraps" they might j ,.w Vork ' it y. Sold by nil druggist, i let her have. v Salem's Best Market Place I Buy J'LOUE Now I'isliers llleiid, sack $1.00 I, lil'lcl Snow, sack $1.-00 Snow While, sack Il.lfi five Slar.sack 11.40 Kcoiioinv, suck fl.'M AI'PLES Kings, bushel 73a I'ippin, bushel 75o ORAPE3 Tokays, basket 400 Concords, basket llo Malaga, basket 30c HTEEU BEEt' Vain-v Kill, lb lHc I'ot lloast, II Ho Short Kibs, II 12 lirisket, II lie I'uro Hamburger, lb IDc COUNTRY PORK T.olii ( hops, lb 18c Kill Chops, b 1H Shoulder Kiinsl, II, l'J 1 iio Leg Itousl, II 17 l'liru I'ork Sausage, II lie CHICKENS Spring t hi, lb 2 Young Mens, lb !?! WESTACOTT-THIELSEN COMPANY 151 North High Stretrt Orocery riioit H:10; Meat Plione 810 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimihiimihiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii"M-TimHimirTr' '