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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1915)
t Editorial Page of 'The Capital Journal" FEIPAT EVENT W CHAELE3 H. nSHrT" Jlaaayn. PCEII-HED EVF-HT EVENING EX" TFT SCNPAT. SALEM. 02EGON. BT Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Ina SHIPS BADLY NEEDED L. . BARNES. H. FISHER. VlVe-lT iejt C. AND2LEN. f-e. aid Tress. tuilr Vr eafrie-r. fr yev Ini'.r It fr ye-ir .. 8CBSCEIPTIOX BATES f.5 V Fr .. Z.':''l Ir avrtcs. . The passage of some kind of a ship purchase or ship building bill has become a necessity. Secretary McAdoo shows that for the use of the navy in time of war at least 400 merchant steamers would be needed as auxilaries.! Sestie. tVja Get. !5. E-iisz a r-er.xKis seve rsosri ' (n: the irS:. tie stent wms Mrs tie;v tere. A. P. if is 'zr, here t.Lv wLt 'r? n'rj kites. J This means a tonnage of 1.1 1 2.00(1 to hisHwr m i i-t -facr J i? j . , . , t I i ,'. her erew s:Li.i.:.2 a Tie c r re of n t n i ? nark nar.k From Perilons Most Eminent Medical Anthori&s Endorse Trip a Xew Eeroedv for Kidney, Bladder M A3 Uric Acid Dr. well Dp .11 ;.w :.Z T ,? tt.T .Tn of I - ...... .... .v Kraiuja OU HlVA.. . . ; AjTBors ljrree taat whatever oar be.whieh U tiirtr.T ",' '" - - visa! iua iiltia u ,,,,,-;. P fsrai!i? 05 witt a elae to the prinei- from the rrneou If T KU F' cpoo whiefc it is to be treaty from baekiche or the Vi , w,: .:ire tf duw ao tas be ofctaiaed.; for a 50 teat box 1114 If ba:e. stai-iicg onse or freaeat It Doetor Ker?p Dr '"'!: f nnnatwa b.;:ier or oistrew roa, or if reseriptioB for "w" . f1" -..-it ae.l : tie b!d fcas eae4 raea- Keree's GcMea irH f?1 k mi:im. gt or Kiitiea or too it , the bk-od iae bea' L"? ' wr ot t;il-?r trotibie jast write Dr. i fnr ae past fortr t kt" Piwe at tie Jfargie! Iastime. Buf- Tier are d,rfrek',J!i " fi-. X. 1.: ai a staple of once aad wea aDoetor Pierre . pVZ dftr.iw trmptivas. Tea iU receive for Kr mmJI . f nr45 Ps!, fre m-ii-ai ajvi,e after Dr. Pirree's for !i tok. ToatlB eiexi sas exsa:ad the oriae this " mPs ' . oae cf these r.,i wil be earefx:iT de without eharge. Tablet fonn br a-rirj r, n ' 5d yn w-a fc ssder no obligation. ' " ltTt(- rt'LL EE. Ar EI WIEE TiLEGEAPH EEPf37 I snips under American registry that would be available. ' la a i-mtt t.jr is Sici-ia:i:a ba." t-nij? tie osr a tear z-xu- E A -TK N E i. I B FENT ATIV ES A?vr Kit B. F .nr r . . D:bor St. I v e would have to depend on foreign ships to act as aux-' itrizi. Four oi tie erw were fwer-t i iiiaries should we have war. Private cartal will not: " ' .c? h" ixi J55- i t i . , , , , i , . , , , As a aes;;-r of tie s-cfaai::: ex- .. L Jitic cti:iutri j-wnajf t.::tti. ts urv.!re tar- Ti? ; : Tr-til r-;tr ! j ir j2t--:,--i to j-t ti' -''i. If !'- tarrrr ri M avt '! j a-.;"- or stg .i;-r j .- t:. '.s-s:t ya-!e t ,rtsii:'.-i saia;er. as rtr wt a .i!?rx.:i itif or I?. arr.r s:e .iw. j per on titj t4 IrttLIZ Ji il '-fi!iM have tn taVo VinM rf trio mHw : '' None to Kersei , "f" v :.. , . ':sUa.l n -!t. Het asster was is ? Another phase of the matter is that tne Amencan .'afz of te -".!.- ki v;a;e producer is at the mercy of the foreign ship owner. Just '1'"JZZl A FEW WORDS ABOUT TAXES -?"lTi0W ortign ships are carrying Pacific Coast grain to Europe, and they are charging all the trafP.c will bear, . taKing tor tnemselves the advanced prices caused by the SCHOOL BOYS. BCEGLA2S. war. Portias.!. it Ore. i-. la tie ar rt ai sire L.z:-:-lz i.'.zh !;! J. Z'.i 4 3-1 02 'tT -un i'i G'i-u-: The present rate on grain from Portland to Liverpool f "' :i i5'- is from 90 to 97 shillings. The latter fig-jre means 63 to; -.;r c:--ati. Tie t-ov are tt-1 t. . e nr. . . . . wren cung ioie ir puc 10 feci gn'cents a bushel for wheat, wMIe the price ffore the ar or concession, almost eyeiy public utility com-2S about cents a busheL The shfp owners are charg. ,,any as its fu-s: and most potent argument cails atten- 40 cents a bu5hel nore than ; rJ ?n ti,n to tne fact that it is a heavy taxpayer. In doing so it. fact are taking just that amount from he producer, is probabie the company s are acting m good faith and the Wheat is a bi 6 Jrfce in Eu but onl about he aver. ofr.cials actually believe they are real taxpavers. ; orrQ 1 r ' ' to hav nbherses. ai.l for a shif-ateat of rat trart a:. rs are s oa the wav to the iat-' it?. Wa:'ia.i sai l tie rats Iint-1 r. 02 tile e:2t of the trw'ffh? at cihs a j i i. .; J the ; f:?h o'.t of the water w;tb naer-r tiaws. WELSH TO QUIT THE ETXG. SINKS GEBiLAN EEST207X2 ily beSieve tnev are ieal taxpav As a matter of fact most of these companies are not taxpayers at all. They are tax gatherers from other Iop!e, assembling the money for the state, city or county, and turning it over to the proper officials. That is all they do in the way cf paying taxes as a general thing. The Southern Pacific really pays taxes, on its lands (when it pays) but on its road bed, rolling stock and material it pays not a cent. Neither does the Oregon Electric, the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company,1 or the Salem Water Company. We mention these because as ail of us know these companies. But thev are not alone Vjat. Each of these Crsii-r:. 15. Aw- Gerrraaa rr.iy: an rn, irrtr -the soita entrante vf uer -"i:. i! t;h srjf'aajtB snk .rne t',t&itt to rhwe-Jifi a.ivite t:.;- tr-ier an-! t-e r.jri! c-:r v.:.z i at fen- age price here. With plenty of government owned ships this bare faced hold up could not be carried on. and the farmers of the coast robbed. The government ownership of a big . fleet of steamers seems to be the only solution, and this VcUnA nicsctir matter will be brought up before the comir.-z congress. jfltTr " Mied Excursions New V-wi. fy.. j-. Fre-!-::e WeUa, ::-ttwe;xat riarr:- ioa o tie wo.-E.i. wi: retire siirr Jaiv 4th or next vear. at 2i : a fTiteti.": rr.a !e :o.!ay bv .:s sar.azer. Hasrr P-iV. 'We:.;. tt-M aiiarst JoIset r'-.i ' bar;; White. Jo Maa-!ot as'l Willi 8;vk.e. or 8?ae e-f tiE. be- ow a1 tbea.' sai.l PoHotk. "Thes fee it .j(.r ta. ?v aa ,j,B ; O'.'t asonz thea selves." STABTS NEW HATCHZBT. ST3BMABISBS LOxo Wadiiugton, Oi. l-.-ffjfUlf the navy departmest reive,i , bv tabie to,la.T !.d-a:i-, the t sueee of the rai of :i. foaf KtU, I . r. submarices fr.-.rj a ts... so HomIcI. where ti'T ter lav. A long diitaEs-e -1 .. for Imse.! state t -srA T "tabfefee.l bv ,be K ; hh Zw tr.f. without stPr;-? h-r iltt '2 wiStioHj ' SUNDAY CLOSING LAWS A Sunday law m generally a hard law to enforce. This veiy other pubuc utility company is in the same Sabbath( as cause 0f the wide divergence of opinion as tn the nianmir in whih QiiTioT cViTilii V. r.K.-r.wr,.- companies in establishing its rates takes p,.nfr;p;,1k. imi;..Wl,. t;7C v,0. u:, A. ,vian:? into consideration, the cost of its plant or road its oper- the subjec't and'he u not generally disposfcd t0 adopt the atine exnenses. and deterioration. Each of them esti- ,i j r r mates tne amount 01 revenue it must nave to meet tne Graa.1 Bat.i-U. Mi- i.. Cv?. ean the Great La ice mi,- t t--;-;-bm fci ie.-ree-i ioe tse Eatiar.i d;a.ter at Chitai) tie i.;ra'ciai a;i i!.'rJ-a .t-raa-ai;. titaray t-.iiv into the ha:..i of the T.-.? tOEnreirit rrver;Ter, !r.:.;i. '.V..h, ' tt. J". W;:h a; 4c of ! . - ail a rr.-z earweitv of o.'" J-V fry. tie thiri hat.-herr it Grays Har-r-:r eoastry ts '.at- in f iU oferati-'.a t -'.e;,, i re-V.. Ia a.i-iitioa to fal- t'i. hat'herT wia tan.!;e trout SEATTLE ENTEET ATN3 PBINTEES. -T: 3SK LINES CAN' BE SAVED. Sat:. Wa-h "'t. 1. Wih:r.rtc.a. aal hritiih i.orircb:a n.i?'tr ;r.r;:tr Le eate:U.cet bv the Ural .i:s:s;03 l'ai;ei Tyt-othae or Acer;:, a; a c ji- r- ill. it. j i i vat:oa .N.tJj!av attera-x-n aal even- vrvino vi-fitilrl hovo tha Hoi- r.hc.Hi-a ti f..Vi o n-nt. sVinf ....... ....... . i i . . . i . . "ui imii. ua uiuii icu ui uui a v a tiiai. iae at ise 0OT.:!.er-.aj rr. .rev l. taxes charged against it, its operating expenses and inter- tA crn:u Vl-r.n1r K , my61:nW a.(b. of tie tt'e est Then it fixes rates to suit conditions, subject only to . 'a' u,"c,V-' -:-r-t t . . . , , , . , ii- .i-i' icivcujics3. iiic Ullici CAllcilie ai C ll.Use rtllU 10US. or a: o rIo.-s. Mien rean lLinni's u uie ifuerai ui biaie puunc uuuiies ur. railroad commissions place on them. M T;wtsea.s. Wa. 5B- Cvt. 1.5 It !-e! :eve-! Pros-iae-: tvriri: h- Jinrin tha Aav ni rino fnr omnciiiTiont nnln nr.,1 nrwr rrA rf ei will steak. 1 ne Opeidting e.X- omnccmont Ot tVlOt Rot-OCH fVloca 4n- ovfi-nmn.. Vir TPtT Trt r.rit V T IV TDT-iTrr", V w J : u"11 .iaAe ljaR1 great majority can be found, but differ widely in their it, else the companies would go broke. The companies f.i,., J J collect irom tneir patrons enougn to cover operation, e B:.:e F-jiaei iiner "tt.-ha. f!'-'! from the rrjekj near !': W;"s,;,a yere.r-.:ay 4ai towed to ti.i tt 'in be rt. h-5 tip surT:ieBtiy Lere to jrrt.:t her Veta taken to Se stt f-t jerrraiseat rerarr?. The thin tEto .ieei. wattr vttr :av bv wrs foar ai the V. .S. roast giiard rtearrer Sr."iorr:;h. Notice of Brriew and EqiiiuiuI Assesssjeoi 2oiL The Stxtj Tv ri...,. :i ... . , .-a iuirrn as t bear ! of e3uai;iat;;a the c. j tol to Salem. Oregoo. 05 tie third day ia Ottober, 1915. a;! j.-jIjIi It . amine the ajsewmeat r "J tr it Blfc and review the same. ij Vonefi .s errors ia valaatiots. ifjtrirticMi qcaatitses. or qualities ;.f propertj kt :t aftiexsable. acd ia i-jiikbi 4 semeats nade by it: ir.1 it shall bt the duty of the perstni tn, tioii? icterested to arrear at the tin and plaee aj roiB:ed.' " Petitions or appiitatk-s for the re d iction of thaoge of arj rtwcitest tf a partieiilar a.e?.itr.t ii!l he .it in writing, verifiel by tie oath of ti, afplleactj its president, set re-ary, eu agina agent or attorsey ia fait, ud be filed with the b-ar-I 4'iria; the f.nt week it is by law rei':irii to he ia sei sioa. and any petition or isr.hVitiM act so made, verified a;J filed riufl act b eonsidere-1 or attr,' ap,?1 ,j t board. STATE TAX COMMISSION. Br Frank K. Loveil, Setrstarr. Stt.'e. Wa, j may be af :lrc i 15.- 1 'i.C'O'.er X-ray .-ms'i A law that is not backed by public opinion is ahvays: th'fo'v imi.'.Tthe Smt? tO JUSt hOW the of Wt.itaroa. if ri2ii'.:M Kale by iU. r Oea Unto Wiaheawer.ier. of the ueiv, inai 11 can Khooi ot f.-e,---.- , f0!:o-.i. The is of a piece with the tantf. The importer pays it i;' u froa,i ot .;n j r" 3 n. when he goods enter the country, but he does not neglect. indee it does not seem possibIe to eRact a law 0f this B to W- iany. . " " deterioration and taxes, in addition to dividends, and they hard t0 enf and Ui 0Jon as simply turn over the amount they collect for taxes, or gabbalh should be obsJn.ed vaFries so v, ,.art of it to the proper authon les hard, claimed there u c It 'j if o itUiOii (nth t H ii tiiHT I n r iniimi-tui riot't? it . r t r rtiiji t ti 1 1? orni'frii r r t rr n r ,o r ') nn o r r it ri i An r - rnA . w a"u "ua "llul l" .t I1 t K- u L kincl that is perfectly satisfactory to anybody, for no consumer, who uUimately pays the tax. It is so with the maUer whatlt . S0Jme wffl j . Ja liter pnmii.tnips. I hfv imv nvpr rprt.nn siini? in thp iiav .. ... ' ; T : ; ' J , : , even its advocates win complain tnat it does not so far oi taxes, out me consumer, me man wno travels on tne r,nr.t,u w y. BATS TTEN FISHEEMEN. An Ait rrVi road or uses the goods or products hauled over it eventu- prba gome dav gome ius may , th oblem any pays tne entire tax. ine railroad collects it in its hnr in th: Vahf nf t rc ir -h e merchant necessarily adds the cost of freight 7C: A Z L ' ' " f"- pays the whole to to lills and th to his goods, and the consumer finally business, taxes and all. Seat'!?. Va?h., O-.-t. 15. Pat liave turae.1 f.herceu.-at the San::h satmot at-hery and are thrtaten.ii to liei leie the troughs of fmier!";r. keye. or ling to wor 1 ree:ve.i here toiay by Ffh t. vn;rr.nar larwia. Smrirtea fnt R. R" )a Through the kindness of Congressman "Pat" Mc- Dr. Rok'ttT. Morris varns the country and especially Arthur this office is m receipt of a copy of the federal the marriageable male portion of it, against the "cultured agricultural department's bulletin on the "foot and woman." He rather uncallantlv likens them to the highly mouth disease." It is nicely illustrated and we suggest bred techurn hen. which is an indefatigable laver but a should make good and profitable winter reading for those failure as an incubator. History shows that the doctor is politicians now loading up for next year's election cam Hl least partiallv correct in his statement but considering Paign. The part devoted to the mouth stage, of the ! 1 111 11 11 . 1 disease snouiu oe especially wen studied. the real amount of "culture" and the number of "hiehly intellectual uplifters of other folks." there are. the indica- tions are, the country will be safe from this source for Tomorrow is "Tobacco Dav" at the Panama Exposi several centuries to come. tion and amon? other things that wiU be d(me fa thevay ... . . . , , ., , . of celebration, is a big parade at 10 o'clock. It is perhaps Causes underlying the financial failure of Dr. Newell needless to say, that if all the users of tobacco in San Dwight Hilhs. the eminent Brooklyn divine, was the first Francisco, residents and visitors, should take part in the subject taken up at the opening of the Laymen's Mission- parade, that it will be the biggest crowd ever gotten in ary Movement convention at Chicago yesterday. The jne at lbe exposition, or for that matter on the coast. 1 lymen took a businesslike view of the situation, and con- eluded the nest remedy was to give all ministers an education in finance so that should they invoke the good will of the (lodiless of Chance, in the fields of speculation or amid the highwaymen of Wall street, they would win instead of lose, and thus save scandal to the church. Now comes the Albany Herald with the statement that several men are mining on the Santiam and making from 7" cents to ilM a day with a pan. If this is tine there, should be some good placer mines some place along the KG MM A N G E R The delegate who truly wise is. won't rave around and stream, for if a man can make even 75 cents a dav with a Paw tne dirt; lor every time your temper rises, you do pan, he should be able to clean up that many dollars with your system grievous hurt. Go ask the doctor, if you're a set of since boxes. lh;s of course, if there is plenty of gravel. It is probable, however, that whatever gold is secured is from "crevicing." LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1S63 Cipital $300,000.00 Transact a general banking business Safety Deposit Doxcs SAVINGS DEPARTMENT doubting the truths I hand out by the ton. and ne win say, l ou bet ! ou re shouting ! For anger shortens' lives, my son." Oh, when with senseless rage you quiver, you heat your blood, oppress your heart, disor ganize your patient liver, and-quite upset your applecart. Not only that, but when you're frantic, and rant around and jaw and scold, the people note your curve and antic, and say your head "should be half soled Employers, too, will not desire you, tney win not like your hothead style; they'll try you once, and then they'll fire vou so hard you'll bounce for half a mile. How does the fair immortal Lil lian preserve her youth, while others slip? She says she always counts a million, before she lets her temper rip. ! ;lf EXTRA a:t:k.-ti..n toJay al to- ii.orrw. Mature .taily. The 4rreat"t picture ever taiea LET 'ER BUCK at th ROUND-UP Also a four-part Mutual Ma-vr-pKtre featuriii FLORENCE LA BADIE and WILLIAM MORRIS Support-! by a lon-pany cf Sum in-ludinj .I-.iU.i Flaa.1. Aiphi.nse Eiihtr airl R.virjaU Ear!ow The Great Thanhouser Feature MONSIEUR LECOQ A Play of the Pri I'n.lerworM with a Stroi.jf 1'nderi: irrent of Le and My.terv, bv EM ILK GAnnlUAr, the ehnt. SuriMi:,g'.v nage.! aa, H'leadidly arte,). r Ur a . : of thrill, nuiifii. anl eitttaiot. TODAY AND TOMORROW Matinee Daily. AIX.l Path Weekly Xtws, Showing the Latest World"! E rents. Ye LIBERTY Theatre Always tJa Best Pictures Adult 10c ChUdrea 5 THE SENSATIONAL GOSSIP OF THE TOWN IS THE FOLLOWING PRICES MADE ON PIANOS One S6.50.00 Player, now for $268.30 One $250.00 Silent Piano for $140.00 One SOo.OO Violin and leather case for S 10.00 One $65.00 Columbia Talking Machine with records free, for $ 35.00 J. & C. Fischer, sold for $500, now . . ." S278.50 Hobart M. Cable, sold for $450, now . . .... .$237.50 Kohler & Campbell, sold for $300, now '. $175.00 PLAYER MUSIC AT COST If you ever intend buying a standard Piano don't pass up this opportunity, a chance of a life time, never again. HOWARD PIANO HOUSE 421 Court Street. California Then East You are offered Panama-Pacific Exposition San Francisco A.-know!e-lged lo b "The Most Beautiful The Moot WoB.lerf.jl - The Most Important iu hiMory at alirot no additional expense while enroute to the at. 10 Days Stopover tt San Francisco and 10 Days Stopover at Let Anjeles .ire permit. 1 on til one way tiek.ts Eat reading throu jh Ca:l:.'i THE OGDEN ROUTE spWa.lid hijfli tlass train erviee and fa-inatiim .verf -y Farther parti -nlars with eopy of folder "Wayside Notes. Oregot Route'" "Oreat Salt LaXe rnoiet" from tear et agent. SOUTHERN PACIFIC UNION PACIFIC John M. Scott. General PatMnger Aleut, Portland, Oreoo, ,-t