; THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCT. 15. 1915. THREE 'veircoats - nnrmii rai rnriiifmiBiii Has demonstrated its power to please. The hundreds of patons from Marion, Linn and Polk counties who filled our immense store on opening day eagerly selecting from a stock second to none in Oregon, is a tribute to the untiring efforts of this firm whose every aim has been to better serve our patrons, the good people of Salem and vicinity. Our stock is unequalled. We carry only merchandise of the highest standard, while Comparison Will Show That Our Prices Are Lower READY-TO-WEAR $18.00, $20.00 and $25.00 Ladies' New Fall Suits Blue, black and brown $7.90, $10.90 and $12.90 $7.50, $10.00 and $12.00 Suits and Dresses Serges anil Scotch Tweeds, sale $3.90, $5.90 and $6,90 $12.50 and.$15.00 Ladies' Persian Lamb and Caracul Coats $7.90 Misses' and Children's $3.50 to $5.00 Coats on sale at $1.98 and $2.98 MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Velvet Shapes, small and large, all new; values to $2.00, sale 98c $1.50, $2.00 arid $2.50 Trimmed Hats, Turban shapes, sale 98c :)00 Ladies' Trimmed Hats, small and large, no two alike; $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 values, sale :. $1.49 98c and $1.50 Children's and Misses Felt Hats, all colors and styles; October sale price. 49c gar. This is the real weather for Overcoats, and you can depend on it that it will get worse. WINTER UNDERWEAR Remember we have every thing you can wish for in good warm Underwear both in UNION SUITS & TWO PIECE Just the thing that will prevent you from catching cold. CLOTHING We have the very latest cloth ing to suit the most particular buyer at prices that are aston ishingly low. $10.00 to $15.00 In latest clothing is not much to pay for a Suit. You can get it here for these prices. t Don't Delay Buy when you need it, the earlier the better. rick Bros.- The House That Guarantees Every Sale Cor. State and Liberty Street. Y. M. C. A. Collects $212 j Russian Advance Is In On Day's Work Halted By Austrian Why Pay More You Can Buy It Here For Less I Silks Dress Goods 36o and 40c Bilk Mulls, 27-lnch, all colors 36-in. All Wool Serges, regular 75c and 85c, all colors - $1.00 Soft Mesallne Silks, all. colors, sale - Shepherd Check Dress Ooods on sale at 18c, 25c and $1.50 Silk Poplins, 40-ln. and colors, sale black 23c 39c 68c 39c 98c 8 I vis ItftmAcf'i'e 61-4c ...:39c 41-2c 61-4c 81-3c ....9c lll-2c . 15c 81-3c 9c and 10c Outings, sale 65c Satin Table Damask 1000 Yards Dark Outing 10c and 12 l-2c Gingham 12 l-2c Cretonne Draperies '. Clothing, Furnishings 15c All Linen Crash 18c Galatea Cloth 2Cc Curtain Nets 50 dozen 15c Towels. Men's $10.00 Suits. Boys' $3.50 Suits $1.98 Men's $3.50 Sweaters $1.98 Men's 75c Underwear ... 48c Men's $10.00 Mack- Qfi QA inaws pD.IU Boys 50c Work , OQ Shirts 03C 60c Gloves and Bus- or., per.ders fciJC $1.50 and $1.75 Sweaters ; Underwear Hosiery Children's 35c and 40c Cotton Fleeced Underwear 85c and $1.00 Ladles' Fleeced Union Suits, sale , 98c 23c 48c 10c Children's 18c and 20c Fleeced 1 Oll Hose, all sizes, sale IL1, Ladles' $1.25 and $1.50 Wool and Silk and Wool Underwear, (Jg, 15c and 18c Fleeced Hose Groceries 50c and 65c Wash Boards 35c Special jjlond Coffee j English Brenkfast Tea 1 dozen boxes Matches Condensed Milk Arm and Hammer Soda..., Diamond C. Soap Canned Corn and Tomatoes ... 25c 23c ... 39c 40c 61-4c 5c 4c 9c SALEM'S BIG BUSY STORE The Greater Chicago Store EVERYTHING TO EAT AND WEAR London, Oct. lo. After swecpni; their way across the Miry pa river in met with admitted In ;du,v" This Austrian, it was admitted hnve assumed the offensive ut certain points, though the wur office iliil nut .. . ., . their way across the Mlrvpi -'.2 ".ll'',:,,M,;(i.ili.'l.,, the UuMiuna have subscriptions mlm(, r,.VllrR1,H I'otronnid lid utlget iur the ,i .',.!,.... u Tho Y. M. C. A. solicitors tit their luncheon today reported , since yesterday uuoii in to apply to thin year's limine Nnleni association. Tho following is today's list of nub- :i ... 1.1. v IB. " . ... I !i .1 i. I I I 1. Hrown Kill'" unuiu mo uuucub nan V t" Wain ' JVtlll l,l"l'l',,!llrb' fruitful. Many posl- ' K,lw,iv "! 5 0(l ,'""!', w,,it''1' tM0 !SlllVH "IMl ' """'If ' Dan T Fry "ViMI ri'",'w(,'l offensive nru still in their ' Or, ii'eau $l(MKi pose'-sslon, it was staled. il.nflar & Hulingor 5.m ! , 0I,M "",,c . f '"'"K "'!" ' the .1 A I'atlerHon ... $! 00 1 'lvi"B'( region, tleriniin airmen were i'l J. Miller ifWlO r(,rl"t'l "'tjyp. . Muck Welch it5 III) . erliia'K oiticinl notification to (Ireat Men W. Olc ot't ".'..!'..'..'.'.! 1 !!' ifiollll) I 'lr''11'11 "M a statu of war with Hnl il'.'H. Webb $iU)0 i gn'in t'xitK bemuse of the Inltor's ut- V. If. Kiiylnr ...... 10.00 ,UI'11 tf"m Znitchnr o "uilovinto. r'ied Steincr . . . J2.ttl) , 7T 7Z- 7T V. A. Kiii) 42.(111 A ' mily ly tho nauio of Wind Iiiim j (Ir'alie'r Mro. ' if ID. (HI moved into tho Modioli, liousn recently KlttN Market ifS OII 'occupied !y tho Will Moore, family, i II. A. Johnson, Jr.' '. '. '. '. '. .' .' .' .' .' .' ." .' . iv(l(l ' . ''"K''11" ' de, of Abonle.-n, Wash- 1 'iit.li $10,110 1 "'f'""! ri'liirnoil to his homo lifter ut iiJninv ' n! oil " two weeks' visit hero with his pin- .ludirc. Ki.liin rl.00 "."'"i . . udo, and Iih W. W. KoHcbrauiil. $5,110 MIK 'r llnto.piil Udo. . , Mm. I'.nilo WimhIh is vi.iit.injr. at tho home of her Intnerniliiw, A. H. Woods, in Nor 111 Stayton while her liunbniid and a few friends nro off on u hunting tnii Total, : $212.00 , WEST 8ALEM ITEMS ir. lid CroHnaii ono time renldent ol DALLAS LOCAL NEWS in the city this week looking after his many business interests. Mrs. Robert Hachtler and children mill uniD niu ..vifi j ......n. turned to Dallas late Monday nitjht. Mr. ami Mrs. II. Opp and children i left the first of the week for their old' fondant. showing in the circuit court on a writ of imiiidnmus and denied the petitions for widow 's pensions. R. Adams. Mrs. Jack Billups. of Portland, was: visiting this week at the home of her vieit a't th(, h()me ( h,,r B,jni jPlil,e m,.. ness jurcnis, guuKe and -urn. u. u. i"- ('(,., , Portland. The esse of (irnoe Driscoll suninst . . . . ... v i.... c i.,.,.i ,-;uii ,iitli left I lie first nf thn week for their old i x, r..ru vbltV ua null,.,! In ,l,.r.nrf. . ! r11 'am8' ?!. ''""""J". Pff-i t. .T"', ;.i.:.r; 5.lV;...l. home in Pennsylvania where they will ",,l,er 1 of the circuit, court this The famous chimney ease was on in i th 7iv Thnr liTv ! Mrs. Elizabeth Sniootz is visiting Wayne K. tireenwooil, verno tomp- with some inside information relative couri inis niieruuou. 1 M" in the ci.j Thursday. J , , fc , t,lig wwk. , ton Ml1 L. S. Kinseth have returned t0 the tooth rcpairinR industry. The brought by H. A. I..hes nj-ainst Kogene Cobb, of Portland, is In the- . returned Iho first of from Portland where they attended the Prve rliMng buzz of the dental drill Hclioo District No. i4, of Marion city a guest at the home of Ins grand-j . bllin(,88 tri t0 Grand Idge session of the Knights Blul tho soothing scratch of tho sand-1 county. Mr. Hughes is a contractor mother, Mrs. Alice Dempscy. Portland i of Pythias. 'paper were reproduced along with tho who contracted to build two chimneys Miss Martha Hank, of Tillamook, is ' ,,.n.i il, Mrs. M. B. Grant nn.l little daughter, expert testimony relative to the germs : for the Palem Heights school for $020. a guest of friends in Dallas this week. JMigeno "nnett, repres n 11 Marion, hsve returned from an extend-! which eause pyrea. I'yrea is a disease! Owing to some alterations he was to .1 American Typo Joinders company of . . , ..ii.l.niff festified receive .'10 additional mid is now suing Knfem ' re n X tv vis Ving a 'th M H on Washington. I ha he entered a contract with Dr. ! to co t $-i.-,0 from the school board. ! C T' ? L Jl? f. V, .. VrV l! ThJ,.rsi,".'. , i. ., I Dr. it. II. McCallon was a Palls City 8k iff whereby she was to have eertaiul The school board refuses to pay, ac , " v "w 1 " I -Mrs. ;mun uym-n is visuuik i;ii-,, . ......... .i.:. l. i. Ti. ... r... it. a -k. ' cr.r. nir In the answer, lecuuso Here I Iivch In 1'ortlaiwl this Week. t..ii- .... l.l .i i. i . ... A..Plifii.i.lii nf ai.ttiinrft "" . . " " . . - . I niul l-.l ison. a lormer innas nusi- 1.111,1 mr,r, or tins sum. nno men ciaiincu . , Mrs. hd Plaster has reiurnc.i rrom i '4i ih ,.1oir!c Ii.... .1.. ..... ,.l,i:,n. t n ( another , uiven bv the contractor to show that, light plant at FulU Citv, wh a lo-al , .IcntiHt to have tho work roniovtMl he- the work wan ronij.I.-trl n'or i" t !. . 1 ... ,l! 1. m- li 1 ' . i. nt;urn... i - ub;ff ti t.Iiihm f r 1 F nirhi'H re nh en Unit lilt' . . - i . , . iintiuHu vmiKir tiiih wren. r. j-iiinui, rRHMi ir huh i ipuuciw-iiji j, mh, nmn ' i i W. y. luller returne.I today to Lan-, M.ss .Nettie Paul or anion is a o , )ie ,llimi ,hat the sulise.iucnt trouble was; school board disi hargcl (he architec , on where he has a big job cruising Km.8t at the home of relat.ves in Dal-; . IjU(.uilllllute ,l,Bt they have been: ,le to a disease calle.1 i,yrea which af- and employed a janitor in lieu thereof, timber for Yamhill county, in that, lli9 ,, WPPk ,iscontinne the electric : fected the mouth of the plaintiff. The! and that he was unable to secure the V";,,my- , it t , v ' ,(?,.i8 U 'Sa " Wel"k, service until tho rainy weather sets in.! plaintiff in her complaint asked for, certificates for tin- reason The ch,.. Mr.nd Mrs. W. II. Boals have re- visiting friends. A. s- i h to lrt-1 ..-. inl dnmatics in the sum of M'i andlneys are now smokcles because they turned from a several week's visit ati Arthur Starr was a business visitor - . , wi), (,ltfir the Good ' 2.ri00 general dftinages. Crant Corbv nre .-xl.i1.ilH in the case anil "in school the Panama Pacific exposition in San j Tillamook this week. K,1,ar!tnn hosoital and study to bo a is appearing for the plaintiff and A. j board claims that, they were not built Francisco. j Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klliott and "'JV" 1 ' in iL.n.lit ami Ueoriw CI. Hiiu-ham for according to the plans and the plaintiff ; Mrs. Abel Vglow was a Salem visitor jiv left Tuesday for California whcre " son' the defendant. Iclniins that they could not be built, of I the certain inside dimensions licciiiisc . i: . i.. i , :,i tne bricks called for were too large anil A l.ilirrii.K.- r. ... .1 it... ..r:..A f.f I liA rrinntv fli.ru In 1 '' HL 1IIH III 1 1" I. " . ' v...... fr. IF S Trli.li mill Mn. li W ' liiley of Portland, are the guests of "' niIciii, nut now ol I'ortliinil, hi their brother, .lames Jacobs and family. livt''1 Thursday evening for u visit at Mr. and Mrs. K. Hhodes were calling the .1. T. Hunt home, on friends ill llroolis on Hnudiiy. : Mr. and Mrs. Aduiii W urn left Tlmrs- Miss lae. Pitts spent thV week at the day morning lor Vnncoiiver, Wash ng home of Portland I'rlenils. ' ' f"f several days' visit with then Mrs, Williams nn.l daughter, Miss , Otto. ' 'J H'K'H Kthel Williiims, of Hnskatoon, Husk, are Mr. Kcllur was in Porllnnd Ibis week KKUcsls at the FA. Meeker home. Miss linsiiiess. Williams is an ordiiined minister and: Mayor lieo. Irn.ure is in a critical will fill the pulpit of the I'hurch of condition with stomiicii trouble, at thn God iu Norf. Salem for a time. Salem hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mules have' Mrs. Maigaua .Nicols is s) ding the rented and moved into tho Mragdoa ! month with her son, Andrew, and fain house rceeiltlv vacated by the W. A. 1 'l.v t ""V1""- i u:...n i'... ,.,i,.. i.. .. ,..... ..,i (,. II... I .Mis. r.li.alietii Mn 'lull niul son. daieo tho circuit! i..,,i.nu ... i il.. Wnll.w... rn.l ore week end ituests lit the J. II. Katon ' I home. I an a m L r:-..i. iL. I. I .t .. .!11 .i... I 4l. vr.Myiiil.n ntlfl. '' ! ...r mn hi in c. . mey win m'u .-,...n........ - ;,,,, 1(.nve fr IrtlUnd this week Miss Dollio Burk was In Salem the visit relatives. They expect to be, yu han rlr(.llfls,,d the first of the week attending a meeting! away for several weeks. Sunnvside Moving Picture theatre, of the Methodist missionary society. Sheriff John W. Orr was in lor aml,l Itnrber WM B visitor the Hon. If. V. dates, of I'ortlan.i. was .moiuiiiv. issimk eimn ; Cocoa Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, 1915 Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition San Diego, 1915 For Flavor and Quality Baker's IS JUST RIGHT It hal the delicioui tine nd natur! color of liii!li:erade coco beam; it i skilfully prepared by a perfect mechanicjl prexxu; ' without tlie uie of chcmkaU, flavoring or artinaal cilonns matter. It i pure and wholcaome, conformingto all the rauoiui nrl Sutf Pure Food Laws. Caution: Get the genuine with ouf trade-mark on the package. WALTER BAKEil & CO. LTD. EaublUhed 17M DORCHESTER, MASSACHUSETTS IVnnk I-nmin. a laborer of Jefferson snd Miss Gnssie Wester, also of Jefferson. Surah Kemnier. I,ellia Yoho, and Kva il first of the week. Willard Morrison has returned to his home at New Pine Creek after a short visit at th home of his uncle, Frank Morrison. I Smith, who applied for widow's pen- Kred Krakes is in Black Rock this;..,,- i..t rn(, an,i whose petitions In i.k s cuest of Mr, and Mrs. Xollie ,,, .,. reieetnd. filed a notice' nn.l the tiluintiff I'iven up to end in fiomiek. L. ,.,.ul in thn circuit eonrt toduT. : elinliin October Ml to file an amended ( hsrles Winters was a Ballston busi- iru. iBintlff are appealing from the complaint, and the d teinlant up to nun The jury was dis- mitroversv which has been on for the last six months will finally lie ne eldeil by the iuvy late this afternoon or tomorrow. W. ('. Winslow is rcpre sentinir the plaintiff and (Icorge 1. Miimhnm the ilcfeinbint. The case of (I race Driscoll iicinsl I)r. Mark Skiff was continued toouy TONIGHT TOMORROW jjj Matinee & Night SENSATIONAL MOTION PICTURES WAR The Famous German War Films Explained by Dr. Fred Topkcn, Noted Traveler This Wonderful Story Picture of the Most Ap palling Conflict in History Depicts actual Living, Moving Scenes. Admission 23c. Children under 12, 13c. IA ..i..;n.ir. r nnneiilinir from the cnun.laiat, hud the defend 1 ness visitor Thursday afternoon. ,lrifn of .Indue Musliey who made a including October 'JO to plead to tie I .1. Hunting, or w omnium, yisim-u Dallas relatives this week. 'amended complaint. i ehiugcd. I! wTjen ln BALEM, OEEOOK, top at ' i COURT HOUSE NEWS t. u . pai o.r. I The jury returned a verdict In favor j of the defendant awarding him t3H.25 , nip. iiik'. ... . - i 1 receiver, against Rex I. Russell. This .was a question in bookkeeping and both sides claimed damages S(iInt the I other. Keitt uid ''larke representerl tho plaintiff and C. K. Ross, th dr.- BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modem Free and PrlvaU Batha BATES 7BC. 11.00, 11.150 PEB DAT C. E. 8TINKETT FOUND GUILTY (Capital Journal Hpeeial Nerviie.) Dallas, Ore., Oct. I".. '. K. Htinnett, a prominent farmer residing east, of this citv, who was arrested last Hiitnr day following an oll"ed murderous t lark upon Ins wile, was tried tnis wees iThe only hotel in th busines district. I nm (, jrv after being out but a snort ' . .11 Ti. Th ... .... .KJI.. . ' . . i' . ..J ....llto ....! iNoarest w an m.-fvw., .mwho. "uwiinne reiuriieu a v.tuh,i m k'ihi,t i-. Capitol Buildings. A nom Away from llom I. a. BUOH, Prop. Both Phones. Tt Auto B. he wss senlvnced to an indeterminate term of fron six months to M) years In the state penitentiary at Halem. Wal ter I Tnoe. Jr., one of tho attorneys for the defendant, made a motion for a new trial which will be argued today. Always Watch Thi Ad Changes Often FOR THE WOODSMAN Wo hava nil kinds of lies, fjledgcs, Wedges, Saws uud Kipiipmcnts for the woods. All kinds of Corrugated Iron for both Roofs anil Buildings. A good $H00.00 Laundry Mangel, slightly used for onn fourlh original cost. A Woodsaw comiilet for sale or will trade. Two Tonics and llurness at a pric.o that will surprise you. H. Steinbock Junk Co. The House of lialf a Million Bargains. n02 North Commercial Htreet. Toono 808. IPPWlSJflrMIWltiSI