Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 15, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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OREGON'. FRIDAY. OCT. 15. 1915.
Social and Personal
. v
Aggies and Washington Eadi
Hare a victory to Their
At a '.r-tr rfr;it.i afteraooa Xn. Robert JLc-wi.t? Rr-.: s
ItataeriE V- Hnto-Mia la.i, tie eta-nia? Kett.r. ,.-?.::" af-er-
aeatr of V:. as.4 Vfra. D. Cade, of i a: ter tow oa V.ri kir-i
Wrt Sfaiear. asaosaee-l ker earajreaaeat rrre-t. eesa; 'i-er'ary to J!r?. ". .4. vhS-1
t Aitrrt Liizr, cf Euui, N'e-ifcre.1 of if r Tie wn wr
traut. tie wsi.ijf to fae piaea ' tajvfaUy erate-d w.-h a.tiiza
Jtwrewbr. !iTTTJrt:fr for a aortal Bf-!)ara, eakiiat aa! f.
fcreoj at tie : tit k had beet U-j
d to a'jost u. rrs fir fne&d read-; Mi.w Giie Wester and Fraak Lseb
inj ia Sajras. Wn asd Saiem of Iia'.r;.a. wr r:.:r'.r ata.-ne-l is ten
F5r:2ht with th rj-3et teat they , e-.ty y-Terdir. lr. Lait . a ie:iw
bns? aril? or fa-y work. Cvrts-oa of Mr. a ad VI.-. Bossa ( . Hanter. tf
as-j ,art Oerta; jatt wer eed e'f- aiiB Tie ;f who art wt.i
tire-'r :n tie ieratio of tie brut kaowa ia ta. vyn.tv will n.ik tieir
aai a?a? mi w?re the ?3tsta atade a-iiie .a :::fi.
wttt ati b-itied taersarivm witk -
tfaraty :-nor. il,t Beh Bed- 't Mn. Joia B.--i o I'crtiaad
fard adied tie !anr of th (a uj mora.i. tw th ii.
paay It readme " ral sr. asjal - .
lriin T t J? frrr.o V- ' f-. V It 1 L .
fa 4a ..! fcr $ Lyiia Kea aad elab lanaiir. M-sa-iar afr-r, " t-r-M t-onow. 1 tnai af jaT
a. J ifatita.jr b Jtriii tr ta
rit cf th i.rr;a Are-.-Wajiio2toa
-rir jrtn at Oirrailia toxw-
K.w. W. .. C. ft'.i lit CaivM--f:?r
r.f t.)r-gm 2 to 3. a wk a;. awJ
at O. A. C. -b frr Wi;:au i4 ! 7
a ti !.xt ta ;iBT tmor-
r; w.ii iiv? a S?aa rtp to tie hoa
:rt j'.iat-y tr Trak;aerf a and O.
A. C. U ?fT. Orrzoi mef.t liho
Him Va.-inrt M.rsx-a 'r';'! a ulaiatT kr iox oa ' .kete:a
tw".'M ii,s'i,3. Af.T wii:rh ht ; .
tie H;a K-i U la;a:r whit ra ' Mrt. W. r. Ka rat'-"! ftt a f-fa-tow
pnH t ea-k gt tke aa itT a I'a-.'.kz-i ti n-k.
aii!.T.r.t wii'i were kar;t ' .
4 v,z'-1-t w::k r.tt-oa st;a:a' M.m Ui I"Tr W? tt: fKi.sj for
ta isit:ij of tie art;. Tio pre-, pir w-r-t!- ! ;a -".r-sj res,:!:
eat were: ;ntk ker ri'W. Mr. S. f. bjw-. t.a a
Mn. D. ra4. Kin. J resafL Mf. ; f arss ia tie Ea: V;r. Mr. aa !
Farak J. K::o?t. Mm. J. W. Haat, Mri. Krt. fain ar mizt-l :s tie rr:t
Lyiia faa; :!!. M-i. M. J. Matt, Mn. a l da:rv h3.rr ;t ttat M:
J. 1. Xiwo. Mra. K. A. Hsst, Mrt. Bowea I- r-it-rrl .s a
F. M. Mcre, Mr. Mat:Ma '"c:t, Mrj. M. lfH ivpt, a 't-: .r rr.'.
Artinr Ex. Mr. Je Wiiwa, Mr. ;ra-ier in Go-terror tff';.
Tei ifta.fon. Jirt. Jcla fcegutl.
O.:aosr D bie't team remait idle
t'mtrTow. Tie firn i'ig raaie ia wi.'
G.bmo 3i:ter4i:T a: fr.iatet Otto
Ih-'t.t tu f ;t Ssie, fiUkaek, os tk
f-iKil t:a. aa4 A;seorrh. a fre?h
Bii.-.. : ti't:z Hi ;'.te. He rarater
to :;:'e Mi'ler. t:. lie lalfta'k
Brr'SZt't. a s:cr. U flarir-g quarter
tu. l;s' ora iv;;g tes un-
Mr. MarT Srr.;a HraBBta. Mr. Ji.it
Broek, Mrt lr.A.' Ka'. Mrt. ark
Sicm. Mr
lera. K.t Y. A. Tto3i;--,. ifrt. J. Y.
Iiedfor4. Mrt. MTrJ S;.xt.ofl, llr
Albert Li.ji-r. if.n
Tk eijhti r.ie cf tie L.a-.a Jjt-
,jr H rj ji"'.. ej-;4 the Ci?.er? cf
tk'ir f:-ir.t yer ;r a fci-
'ottt: K;"!i! A cii-.ftTi f'::;.-it.
Vera Ir-r: j--t.re-..Va' E-;:va
, t'a .r. .'jre Kr' : .-.-a t
. arrr.f, Ysiiy kt-y at! erjra2t
t r3., I iarei'e Hirr.j. K'.rnta li
of fire i'rei.Ja Kith Mee.i!irk3:
, ' ' 'i'e- r-:-ict. Ever.c: -re-
Mr. Jos a H-3?t of I'ortlaeJ. k-; !ry. fVrrot lawU.t; trearer.
jirs. n. H,.n. ia"1: i wo wee., Jiuta
retorsel to I'ortlacJ yter.-jT. ft&e,
aj a"-oaar.i-l rr Mr. B.h aa 1
Mr. Harry i lav. "to o.K'.ore.l don
Date of Marriage
Is Still Unknown!
- if S3
Miaa ( ia:a V. Rr. M m Marzaret M
. M m heh V. IV if -.r i. Mjm A !
B. firBrr,, M:.M lit im Be aai M.i
I.rdi B. K-i.
fur the .'jr.
K. W. 3T.5it;i. of Lake Beatoa.i
Miaaetota. i a ; ti l nut l th
Wiii::r... O't. 14. Arrival of Col
E. M. iic.fe ef New Vori. at ?i
Wt:te K'vs gave rrs :x:sa to-iay
to ei;:i(.a to tie .tat of tk
rarr.aje e.f :tt V.'i:sa to Mn
XorsB Oait. Ho-e. znera;ir rmrf
.i a tie yr:T'ntf '!?'. r-erwaai
friAzi. wa r:.st r-i a tie eie-u-t
)!' t-:' for --t hjib. as 1 it was
stierttcoi ie w-.;i aj i tie eaut:re it
,ar.-ai?:t? ijrt:: fir lie "eren:.or.r.
! We. Mr-. ia!t rn ref5rtei boy
ar.-aartz ler t:c :j:vii fotrrntiOB
e:ir:t tt arsi
koiEe of Mr. an 1 Mr. Oeorz Wood I
Mr- feeil Hawley an.l rkii-irea, of I K- '-ray. of Taraer ?"a:e
ra rrannw-o. are gneu of Mr. b4;"' 13 '" ty yeteriay.
Mrt. V. r. Hawley at tke r korae oa; A. ML M.ctoa. an attorxcy of A!!sy
t Jim ira uawicT and lui1 wan ia the ctv
feeil Hauler will ,jen'l th weea e-ad , bsiB.
t Alf.aB.r at tie iret of reiatirea.! t..- i,... w.t
yeter:ar or. !
Mrt W. C. Hawlev nfjrisel tae fore
frt tt tie wek f.-onj a a-ort Uy at
ia toe fify yrtf.U oa buinee.
W. I. In-.;, aai L. A. Bv.-u lfr
k:i aoreifij to a:tt.J tie i eatraj Wi!-
Mr.. P. M. Barr aa.i .ki'.lre. ,.,.lmett ta.iey eajt.t..)S an t Libb
Mr.. I'tank Kr,trhh wre WooJboro '.. 'otnt v '1:r'
Tin tori re.ter.isr.
rran I;rb'.o ar.l
"HJfTi tb. u.orn:ri,r
Mr. and Mr. O. Iuaari and tki) lB!e.'tne for I'ortlaa.
?rea of I'or!as. tut W.Beta.r ia! W. r. Kaiitoa w,0t
rini at th- f :. of Mr. and MraJthi rorani
wiwr .ia.jtwa on .ona i weaty )
fourth ilrwi. la i ftrr.yB. MrV :
rtiRjp.)B .el ia a few f:n.! for tea
to fet y.n. La-iriaarf.
03 tae t'reoB'
to I'ortiaa-!
: w:U .!
J n or, tie
aa f. 'aa-
tat 'ur('r I. A. r.'ho
' (rm lia".l t..frnrrovr a:"r-.
, tean -t (irtat Northern f.-r
M3 rr.! Hoover an-! Mie. !.! ..M"; !"hn J- -:'
Ptakr have retwrned from . week '.j "I" " ' ,
Uit ib I-orf.B-1. " "'""'atti." and w:fe. of
Kilvertoa. re in The i :tv vtr-iar,
A r.,entTeber Mo. iati,n i, 1 E: "f R'' B! :ff. .lifm,..
i? for.! at th. Mo..Bt.,a View " f'V?-
ib the riry Tk .m iar.
Mr He!ea Miller Srn, Invtrortor of " .
axal ei.re,o. at -,i!m, ..ft. ! u"J"l;, AUMIT iSS.
a.ty, laiar.i hef.ire tk
a t-B a.x.r.2 tt ta::or of aeverai
ei. t tii !-! tie -rei.;est ' ward
rob. Mj'k of ki ' kth.tjf has bea
ii-.J is New Vor. bei :t wa
ri.n? i.:y tk s.et:o:i:t woi4
tre: tki botatza or-ier.
Tie jre-.iiet.t ,s oi..irto4 to be
; inzLL to f ir-1 a ?w summer reav
!ese. r.-,My :B S"e Jry. his kOm
tae. tioie'n Hariaiieaden ico3 in thr
ors.iB. N". 11. ta sot yet beet
M astise. 'ar:B;r, de-orator as i
rair.t-r a. bjy ren.vatir:jr tie Wkite
';. ma'iin it tiek aai ;aa for
the oee-JtaifT of tie new first ia-iy of
!kr Un i.
Tae -:'!ent ' -eriry to-iay eall-t-i
ia !f:e Wahi..a:toa Kwiety e.iitor
to .ii.'UM w-.th tiem tie matter oi
ian !.,ng rw.ru of tbe eereirsony.
Another Billion
Dollar Congress!
For good cooking use Cottolene
You will find in making biscuits, pie-crust," cakes and doughnuts that Cottolene is
" supreme, because it is the purest cooking fat and possesses important food values.
It is a precise combination of specially refined cottonseed oil, of the highest grade, with
pure beef-stearine from selected leaf beef suet This combination gives Cottolene its
unexcelled cooking qualities.
There are imitations, but there is no substitute
for Cottolene.
For economy, s wen as for good cooking, use
Cottolene. You wfil require a third less of it than
of any. other shortening or cooking fat
We guarantee Cottolene for its purity, for its
wholesome qualities, for its food value, and for its
superiority, as shortening.
Anyone who can "cook or bake at a can cock
and bake better with Cottolene,
irt'tte t niver- j
Mrrlook Wo-1
maa !ab of IVtiand to.Ir on "Wo
" - ' - - ' ' ' -"' VI ' II I J.JU
ad Other Suffrage State."
Wa,;.:r.c:. t. Ort. 15. Ti tatioo
.'-'"'V ,b "ttaia jrf pet of aaother
"t.i.'ii-n d.-ilar" ronrr.
B-KV-t etiaiatv r.cij-iled todar ib-li-t
tiat the iegiiatr t a'aked
to it i r riite fr..m I1.IhO.OiAOi.iO U
ll.L"! i.t"',i. The frumrr bat t
eek!y df;eit of ab--:t b!
th.i m.M lie met. A bond iue to
mate uj. tk: nhortae, and to provide
i' T tie military preparedoeM (rr.frrtUB
ia uiidr d.voMnoo.
tf . . ' . are lw rit.wti.t.t aitK A ..i
h:l offiriala boj (hat the revisin
ill I tb mean of avridir.j; a brn!
Write our General Offices, Chicago," for a free copy. ofour rco cock book H0 ME HEIVPS."
Cottolene makes good cooking better
Berlin, via
.r. . 'is Ad-nit-;
: Dress
I Up the
! Boys
If you only knew what an excel
lent pick you could make from our
stacks of Suits on our counters,
you would have the Toy down
early Saturday morninjr.
You would pay a leading cloth
ier in Portland a handsome price
for the identical Suit selected from
the same line.
The only difference in your pur
chase, if made here, would Ve in
Price really, ours is almost home
ly in comparison.
And, the same transaction, in
volving the same Suit and Price,
could not Ik? made anywhere else
in Salem or vicinity.
We can't illustrate and describe,
in catalogue fashion, in a news
paper, but we ask you to come in
to actual touch with some real
Clothing values in Salem.
The Fabrics are the best and
most handsome that a given price
can buy; the workmanship is of the
highest order; the styles include
every touch of present require
ments; the prices are
$2.65 to S725
Extra Heavy In Brown and Gray with two pairs
Wool Kersey of pants for boys of 11 to 17
years of age...,.
The Little
Tillamook Prepares For
. Teachers' Institute
FV grama Bnn.-ufir the annual
tea.-hrr' in-taut f...r Tillamook ec-un-ty
are Ixing eent out by (,'oMotv Sehov.f
.-.i(-eru :,B,i. ..t V. . Hi).'!, the enn-t-rti-u
b held in the high vhoi.'
buillirj in T.liamotk. rVKiaiiitp on
'Uir I and euriBuicg tbiee ilav.
The jfir from wili,i. rf the rrtiu
ty are Frank K. Well, . at.tart .tate
H'ljk.rintendvi.t of j.uhlie ig.iruetiir. :
M. i'tttman. head of the r iral vb-- i
ur;artmer.t tf the M.,r.ir.'.uth Norma!
H-hii-d; l 1. l:ler. d (.artmer.t of in
d i trial ei.Ka'ion of tie Or.-.-..n Ari
ru!ti.rr.l r,l!.K; . . ir jis. ex
"fi'i.-t ii.i.,.n ' f ), I'niverritv '.
Krrg, r.: Mr. M. I., r'uiher n. tTiinarv
fjreinli.t. h. lr,-. n. and Mr. Har
1 t-i t H .. , 1 H.-::. r ,.f tir B-" an !
lo.ri.' A;,i . . i.-tv. -..r':i..l.
Seven Accidents Reported ;
From Marion County'
Seven a .-i.i.nta were reported rem:
Marion eo-.n'y to th State Irduntnali
A'eident rorex -eioB for tie week t&d-'
itg (VtoW 15. Of this nuait'er five:
were r;. rtr l trom Silverton. ci.e from
Stayton. ar.d i ne from halem. nhrre W.
K. Burtser ;r.;ured hn eye in the irca
worit. Tio 1 1 be r aeeident' were.-;
Frack I) I. v. M'4rton. .ftrainfd iLkle.
ami!l: T. J. l'attron. silvern n, in-iure-1
eye. -itr.ill; Charles M. Wataon.:
i!ert-. .t tkigh. Mwmiil; Butier ('.
f'o!. n. brokwu Boe. flmrirc;
mili; R. H. hilts, Silverton. pasied!
f't. aS!!'.: KoLert Howe, !-i!vrtou.
iLj'i.'i"! i.ie. ,j mill. !
I'uriie ti rart wee. O'tober 10 to
15. ir:'lu.r-. ti.re were reported to thej
t;.te Inli-'-.il Aee'.dent eommiMicB !
aeidett. of a kick number taoj
wore fatal,
of the t.''a! numlf report.!. 141
were ;.wi ;o th workmen ' er-"-ienai..:i
al: C-i were from poblie util
ity en-: rarior..; 18 were from firm or
eorporatioc who have rejeeted tie pro
visions of the act. and one was a firm
vhich doe not employ labt-r in biiard
(u oetapatioD.
Following b sfcowa tie nsn'rer i tc
tidcts by indn'try. ita:!road o;ri
tion, 24: sawmii!. r'.t: l-zsizg. 13: irc.n
and fteel orki. 9: coat paekirs. II:
ernT:netion, 1": fjr niiiU. 5: trars
portatico rompany. 4: licit asi ,-.wr.
4; ai.d 2 eak cf the i.jl'.iz.g: Eipr
roBipany. irricativn eosijany. t?ir.:'er
'OEpacy, brewery. Mja:ry. hardware
eonipany. and and crawl, railwav n
pany. i.a'. 3: sod or each for the
remainder: Knceerir. work., fa asd
eoke romvany, banery. mawtiery. tank'
and tip mfj.. garu. flo'jr.Ei niui.
fire xtiB!iitr.r. e..r.drr.erv. j '.aritf
mill, lime and eypin. mbl-er w::kt.
ship buildiii)f. fijel oaspEr. wx'n
mill. telHtraph eo-mrary. departitt
tore, pla mfa.. f.rr.:tare r.fj-
j Fortland. Or.. - t. l'o Ki Governor
;0wa1.i Went a:!! e!t the .?eno.-rtie
Bomtnaioa for eor.i.-e- ia the priaia--
r nrvt : riES. it was r-imore'l its pol
itical eir-les todar.
"She Needs Me" Says
Forgiving Husband
h-rwt-,.:f. U. i art. ". Thcaih
u.in'l. sko. .ho an.l hrr .hillren fle. f
''id aith J. '. Ftiaunfof.1. a r. m
ii.vi.t n.kiiraroe nan, Mr. Mral. aa
l.a. v to.iav rh br b';-bnd and had
hit. fL.ll f.-rc.v. r.
j "-he nr l vr," r;lair.ed the Vn
laol, l'r..fe.r M.r.-.i, a Kal ed.i
ator. af'rr he had embraced ber and
inlaw..l kvr ainin in hi. h"ine. "And
a .in.a i arbt.ini to blatn. '
Maahile Brant.ir. fa.ej . harg.
; of etwlvirloment an I m hite tlaverv-.
1 He refue.i to comment oa the outrun. e
r'f hi thort lited ti'min. e.
For little tots, 2 1-2 to 6 years, are
"lust an ente ns thov rm " Wa
Vcstee Suits "ave them in Gra'' Wue ami
Black Velvets with white, wash-
a,Jie vesu 53.U0 to $5.00
JiamU SadtJicrc
' t
!. Anfel.-a. t al , tvt 1 Thrma C
Miirjuy, "hoaotary judw" of the
ninnv court aker -eiou armted
fur beirj dmnk are umtioned, wa
fme.1 ' by I'.dioe Ju l, t raaford
livtav for ptv!mir.
M.iri kv i a:l hi fine. II aai ar
retd by Mvtnieyrl itfi.rer hen for
.pee.lia i Wet Wa.hinittoa atreet,
iVtnt.rf n
The Original
Umt0m yN mmy IfOfttlOKT I
jrvar jr gwt m SmMtUtmtm,
Just Received
Women's and Misses Silk and Wool Combination
Dresses in all the leading Fall shades
African Drown, Bottle Green, Navy, Black and
Novelty Mixtures. Sizes 16 to 42. Priced S12.50 to
Just Received-"
Women's Taffeta Silk Petticoats in all the staple and
fancy shades. Priced S2.9S to $6.00.
Just Received, New Neckwear
Ostrich Feather Boas in all the popular shades and
New Hahr Ribbons All prices.
Woolen Auto Scarfs something new.
Fur trimmed imported Collars very stylish.
Just Received A complete line ef staple Gloves,
all prices.
113-147 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon
Tt Wilhrcette Institute of Scien
tific P.esesreh aas t&lied to order bv
Pre. Y;::i JJ. Bartlett at tviene'e
Hal! Jaft Bight. About 20 members
we.- preeit. tie ibj.-:t cf the meet
ire wa to ..-.-utiine a working plan for
the eottiiLg year. It a a deeided to
have a number of the bu.'iee men
who a: v-ietitificaiiy iceiined five
let3re at future meeting.
I'eaa C'iae of tie ColKe of Muic
ia jel-ted tie ma Tor tl.e WU
iaxotte Gi i.lub f..r tie eomicp vear.
Tiey are: t Tesor. Andor- :. s'teev.
es. Jeffrey. Ma.-ster: 2nd ten.-r. Ir
v.te. Mil-.. mitk. Gi;!t: lt ta.
"hajlar. Hiil. Jak.on. M.Kre: 2nd
bs.. I.vobj. Mefa'.f. Df:gia. Bower.
The elnb will praetiee every Wedcej
dav afterro n and u-jricf the Xma
fioiidsy ttey plan to make a tonr
Civicj: reeral at varioiu eitiej on the
trip. Tie d-jb will f-e eirc-iinniv
Ci-d thi rsr. a a unirier of th oid
mesUr tr baek and the ru-a men
th tt oit of a large camb.-r of ap
l li'ar,t.
Tie .W.a-j-e Literary ioty rre
jenfd a very uiqfie a-iin nuiriN-r
t-r.ram r.t tiieir nieetmu thi ar'rrnoorj
Mi l.aura R.. pnidEt ea!l, d the
.ciety to order and the roil rail a
reT-ocded to by "N";ts to CnL"
Mii Carrie CookseT pave a tail a
"Aifcrted yatt", nkka u f.Co
. uniuer ry il: ii--a Wines,
"Nut I Have-jKEom". Tie aeat
taik was entitled "Tie H-ar; ef A
Nut" by Mist Assii Harr. d Hi
11 Garrett. The tUsi-Z tussler if
an inftrsmeiiikl by Miss iWrtrajt
The Fliiladtfian Sx:e-y at tieir
meetiBg this af:ertB :ii a tie utte
of their program "Tie Nartc-M at
Ti pretrram as foijow:
Martial maie, vietrtis.
B!aticB of I". S. to a
Mi Beryl Helt.
National socirs cf i-
Roadirc. "War B;.i-f". M Fn
ees Gituc.
Muiiie. vietroSav
Both soeseties are at
or uxjay and aex: we.
53 active eamfiaicB t r
. vis:
'ieit !r-.
Wahir.cton. t. 1 ..- .'.i
lis. Amrriran eon;;l .-: t tL"
oo. to.iav rei).Tiel to ta - e i :-''"
with the V.ate.-5 F-r-e ,i !?
ia Mei.co. SdarA'in'' r.t t-ett?
had Iwea n-ntioted a a kwt
for aniba3dor to new M x. it t'--T.rr:nf.
Salem's Educational Directory
j Music Business Law
Schools and Colleges
Capital Konnal and ladtutrial School
Term of 12 week opn Sptembr 13 15
13tk and Wiibur Street, Salem
Music and Art
Miss Beattlca Shelton jjaj, f. jrr.hrrt
, T.-ker ef Tiaao. Eao-Caata;te
ftadio 543 Marioa St. rkon 12S Voeal TtBtkfr
mult E. Churchill Pianist fT'- "f i-'i
! of Wertera Coojervatorr, fkirago rioea
Slndio Kooma 1 , OTra Hoes h)ii . '
Be, rkoc. i;i-K.
Qa Wt2
ML4 Eadlt Barton Pnaut
Tackr cf Voie tad Theorr Li:kitikT Tceknie aid Ptirtr
Studio Bcem 4-M Hubbanl BMg. Boti tea f jBiproTd Mjkc Stily
dene 1017 Nortk TwBtitk rtrt BtTBeri .
William Wallace Graham
TeaclMr of VMia
Pupil of Boyal Hip Sekool, Brri, CrmT, adr Joak:.
teatt, Hahr axi Markea. Lettara cf kika eomateadatira frca
Nibw aad on half yeara Earoceaa xpatMaca. X apeeiaJty c
JiiBerm. r
Prodi a S.tvrCTii of park week at Eotri Marttm. rrr irr''1"'''
PkoU 1S4T itV"T IBl Mai7 Sctaiu, Aaautaat, ISO N- tu
WlHaaetta ITslTtrsty
-Opens September 13 15
Cart O. Doary. Pr:4e- .
I H. Van WlakJa, Daa ct L