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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1915)
EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 14, 1915. Special Sale Women's New Fall Suits up to $40.00, sale price . . See window display Special Sale Women's New Raincoats, sale price See window display $16.95 $4.39 to $16.65 ing, October lo, 5:30 to S:30. 30c; ciiiMreri under 12, loc. bo'ly invited. Adults, Every- Elizabeth Head, commander; Mrs. Eliz abeth Van Winkle, lieutenant com Notice To Our Customers We wish to state that our Wednesday Surprise Sale of Cotton Batts at 79c which took place yesterday as advertised was an extra value at that price, for the same batt sells in our competitors' store at $1.00. On account of our big surprise offer our competitor offered batts at, 70c after many of our patrons had purchased ours at 79c. To protect our customers and our name of never being undersold we remarked them to sell at 50c and we were completely sold out, disposing of over 100 batts. All who purchased batts at the first price will be rebated 29c on each batt upon presentation of their duplicate sales check We are never undersold and at all times stand ready to protect our customers and our sales events. Splendid Showing Of New Night Wear for Men You'll find a varied assortment of Men's Night Shirts and Pajamas in our Men's section. Fine quality outing flannel gowns cut generously and well made, 85c to $1.75 each Pajama Suits $1.25 to $2.50 "Pajunion" the new night garment all one gar ment but looks just like pajamas, $1.25 to $1.75 The House of Quality 1 N? J JLk. XlooLOciopoDS My J m W i ff If $3 photo enlargement 98c, t Stock ton '. .Ask for coupon!!. At a meeting of the student body of the Lincoln junior high whool, the fol lowing officers were elected: I're.'ident. Walter Blumenberg; viieprei-ident, JJohn Miller; secretary, ilifS Ifabel Gardner; treasurer, John Mull; ser geant, Albert Koberts. Thene offices I of the student hodv have charire of the general activities of the three junior high schools. Athletic clasws will be organized next v.tek, and with in a short time the Lincoln junior hijh school will take up Work to get in line with the best junior liife'h schools of the state. Photot enlarger for 98c, with each 1 purchase at Stockton's. o Eight prisoners were brought to the state pen this niornine from The Dalles; On the afternoon of Friday, October by the Wa.ieo county officers. This is: loth, the Droger Fruit company ex ttie result of the recent term of the cir- tends to all persons interested in Ore cnit court in that county wiiich has just gon prunes in any way or to all persons cleared the docket. The sentences were: I who would desire to see our plant in 11 months to two year, for adultery; i operation, a cordial invitation to call one to -'0 years for a statutory crime; I at the plant. At that time our offi one to seven years for larceny from a cers and employees will be pleased to store; two to 20 yen i s for forgery; ' explain the modern processes and sani two to 15 years for 'soliciting for a wo-tary methods used by us in prune pack man of ill fame; 2 to years for burg-iing. Droger Fruit Co. OctH ilarv; and two received sentences of1 but that a real, full sized balloon fell bv.that afternoon within, or close to, the city limits. o A meeting to especially consider vocal infections has been called by Dr. H. .1. Clements, secretary of the Polk-Yamhill-ilariou Medical soci ety. Besides the members of this so- cietv, the dentists of the city nave been invited, and Dr. F. L. Utter has Th. Vnmin'i Ttenefit neevis firm of . rhea Alveolaris. Another paper to the Maccabees met last evening and iu-be read is one by Dr. J. Earl Else, of stalled the following officers: Mrs. I Portland, who will take for his subject, Charges of Murder Stirs Y"...l I 11 t i n ti frmn til A St Hrnl I rOlllt ! mander; Mrs. Kaia Smart, past com- loiiowmg tnese iper u mander; Mrs. Melvina eloper, chaplain; j Mrs. Jennie Miller, record keeper; .Mrs. Caroline Bushnell, finance auditor; Mrs. Minnie Baker, lady at arms; Mrs. Edna Kitterman, sergeant; Mrs. Kath erine Babbington, sentinel; Mrs. Emma Smith, pickett; Mrs. Nellie Maund, musician; Mrs. Viola Swarts, captain; Miss Heba Beers, color bearer, Xo. 1 ; Miss Tobina fcteivang, color bearer, Xo. 2: Ensigns, Miss Gertrude fcwarts and I Miss Myrtle Herdlein. I from one to 10 years for larceny bailee. Chicken pie supper. The ladies of the Central Congregational church, Xine teenth and Ferry, will serve a chicken pie supper at the church, Friday oven- plater, both of this city. The meeting will be held in the auditorium of the Oregon state' hospital at 7:3u oVloyk next Tuesday evening, and is open to McMinnville, Or., Oct. 14. $u,i0Ill has this section of Oivgon been as it was today over t)i . rest of William Branson, 22, ad Jj William Booth, 30, in louuection wit the murder of the woman's hul.n,,i Booth na, lasr Friday at Wilamina. shot to death. l,.H7ttl iT a WffA I 111 rir 1. . " .. all who are interested in preventative, ",-,v . I " " J " "! It Q,J. I v eloped that Booth hal an.-uyd i r o ni minim ii nil ucv n ts . Hransou. both were being .uM jn - l i! mis. ur c onaiuui! iur iiriiiiii nr tk ,he We. V. I. S,a.ey: Vnn ofis tile COllCC, aitnumra tma iu inc that within the last few years, he has , ammlipil inanv business men in tiiat; medicines. Among trie stuaenis uus iau neim- . iug the Caiutal Business ( ollege, .arei section of the state with students from barged with the sihwl commission of the crime and yf. Booth with being an accomplice. Both prisoners are members of ninn. the college. Those registermgthm)-,- eer families. Mis. Booth is the mothir the last two weeks, all from Uregon, i are: George Disbrow, Dee; .1 13. Ash- the province of Alberta, a s).e.-ial rc enfelter, Mikkalo; Mane Griffin, Da 1-, ,.e.ltion ,.ominittee has been appyintfl las; John Tweedie. Woodbnrn; I rank , w j stalev. director of the ari- rseisnee, .woro; wmar n. inn,,, eultural department ot the commercial las; J. H. McKinmc, Jn.lepcndence; i ciub They will have general charge of M. VanXuys, Turner; J. W. Alauk, In-!tnc meetiu2. ,0hu H. Scott is haii ,lej.endence: E. E. Addison, lndepend- j man al, BOting -with him are Oeorte ence; W. W. Barry and Georj-e D. Bar-1 w j0hnson, Jr.. V. H. Steusloff. 0. 0 ry, Kii-hmonil; Edith Kaino, MrshIield.(.onstal)ei F j Ruicrt, and kWl 0 jCatlin. President Kerr, of the I. A. t;, In order to handle the crowds that and several others from tiie co!lc n will attend the armorv .Saturday a-: expected to be here for the afternoon ternoon to hear the address of Duncan and especially to hear the talk of .M. Marshall, minister of agriculture for Marshall. 314s4llt4tMtMiiiiSAiiSli32i2iiHl i NIGHT ROBES sKttttttttttHtttntttttttttttttttt itmtitti All Around Town Have Mine. Hone corset. Lyon fit you The Hob Nob. o with Nu- Bi'tlttfflttt Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist In fitting glsisei correctly. U. B. bank bldg. J. O. Jones, district manager of the ; Woodmen of the World for the Hnlem district, was in Hulrm today on busi Bess. Mr. Jones resides at Met.ger. o Reliable piano tuner, Phone 235-1 J. Mlsa Bess Smith, a stenographer In1 the office of the statu trciisurer, has re-1 turned to this city after u vacation of j 10 weeks spent iu visiting iu Wvom-, ! (( j Dr. B. T. Mclntlte, pnysiclau and liugeon, 214 Masunic bldg. l'honu 440. j NuBone corsets sold by Mine. Lyon at the Hub Mob. The special offer of $2.75 for a year's subscription to the Dally Capital Journ al, Farm Magazine has been extended to November first. This Is a bargain everyone should take advantage of, for so big an offer Is seldom made. Dr. Stone's Drug Store. tf The Trauen Vereln held their first meeting of the full ycsWrduy at the home of the Hev. George Kindlier, lOSO Ntnte street. This society is the wo men's club of the Lutheran Christ's Evangelical church on Mute street. State; Highway Engineer. Cantlne Ii-ftHalem ttiduv for Hood Kiver t o look i over the contract of the Newport Land I onstriiction rompiiiiv on Columbia, highway. Uygrnde is a Salem made cigar of un sin passed iuality. , E. Stricklin, an assistant engiu- eer in the ottice or Mate r.nuineer Lewis, Iiiin returned from milking n sur vey nloAg Trout creek and May creek in Jefferson mid Wasco couutirs. This " survey win made in accordnnce with O. E. Burtnett pleaded guilty to a1 the adjudication of the water rights of ennrue oi senium inioMciuiiig lupior t lit) residents in this vicinity, to one ishiimoiis in municipal court yes terday nnd was given a fine of fUn bv City Kecorder Elgin, llurtiiett paid the fine. El M El II II II El El n 11 II 111 El El II II El El El II M n is El El El AT HALF PRICE The Wexford was closed this after noon by P. 11. D'Arcv. According to a statement made this afternoon bv Mr. D'Arcy, the theatre will be opened' Friday evening under entirely new. 4 . ' 1...! iiiuuKi-iiii.-iii. ji rimt-mcius are ueing , m made today for the best films that areiJ to be found in Portland, ami hereafter M only the highest grade of pictures will , be shown, If you haven't tried a White Swan 13 lunch you are missing something. H BRASS BEDS 1-2 Price ,$35 Brass Bed, heavy con- CI 7 CA tinuous post and fillers jpll.JU ?30 Bed, extra heavy fillers ffl C AA and husks ffi J.VU 824 Bed, Acorn top and post, fflO A A several heavy fillers ltUV $18 Bed, two-inch contlnu- qQ Art ous post, five heavy fillers... yl.UU $15 Bed, two-inch post, (M FA six heavy fillers . .J J I .DU $12 Bed, two-inch post with medium fillers Bed Room Furnishings 1-2 Price S35 Birdseye Maple Dresser, 24x40 French bevel plate 117 CA mirror. p' S27 Birdseye Maple Chiffonier, 16x 20 French bevel plate (P in rjj mirror j)lJ.i)U $27 Mahogany Dresser, 22x28 French bevel, plate M O C A mirror iplO.OU $24 Solid Oak Dresser, 22x28 French bevel plate ffl O A A mirror - $1.UU $18 SoUd Oak Chiffonier, 16x20 French bevel plate CQ AA mlrrot V.vJ $20 Dull Ash Dresser, 22x28 French VT. $10.00 2JB2SS3SSS2E3 OUR STOCK LI li I m m tTOwwrminiiii-ririii.Bro El Buffets, China Closets g 1-2 Price $26 Quarter Sawed Oak Buffet $34Quarter Sawed Oak C17AA Buffet .: pll.vU $45 Colonial Quarter Sawed (POO CA Oak Buffet .. y&C.dV S42 Quarter Sawed Oak ffOI AA China Closet . il.Uu $39 Colonial .Quartered Oak fl1Q CA China Closet tpw.Jv $30 SoUd Oak China ffl C Art Closet ilO.W Ei BP E E4 il sa m Dr. Stone'i Drug mora. tf Mine. Lyou of Boston Is allowing this season's new model cornets." 1IH Coin-mercial. " County Judge Gunning, of Wasco county; J. I,. Kelly, Leslie Hutler, of Hood Hiver; Judge Cornelius and Com missioner Frye, of Clatsop county; Dis trict Attorney Fulton, of Astoria, nod County Judge Cltirko, of Columbia county, were in Salem yesterday to at tend a meeting of the" state highwiiy commission which was held lit the state house yesterday afternoon. Dr. C. Hartley, specialist, Inflamed, bleedi.ig gums and pyorrhea.. 416 U, S. Hank llldg. l'hone ISO. NovB Conrad Homyer, who has been in Ta conia for the past six months, re turned to the city yesterday to make this his perinnnent home. After spending six months or more nwnv from the citv, he decided that Salem was about the best i home town in the northwest. J The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Paul Parish will meet with Mrs. Frances' Newberry, 14th ami Center street, to morrow afternoon. Please bring mite boxes. i To Help You Choose the Electric Cleaner That's Best So many claims have boon made for various electric cleaners that you are puzzled, no doubt, to know which really is the best. To help people decide this really im portant matter, we are now demonstrat ing ""hoove" SUCTION SWEEPER It is by far a more thorough cleaner than any other, because it is an electric carpet sweeper as well as an electric cleaner. The patented electric driven brush of the Hoover sweeps up all lint, hair, thread, etc., and shakes to the surface the grit anil dust imbedded in the carpet, so that the suction gets all the dirt. MADK IN FOUR SIZES. Come see the difference that the electric brush of the Hoover makes demonstration now in progress every afternoon. Call whether you wish to buy or not Wm. GAHLSDORF The Store of Housewares 133 NOKT1I LIBERTY ST., NEXT TO SHIPLEY'S Is This Your Boy ? You cannot expect him to be interested in his school work, if he cannot see clearly. Glasses may tie just what he needs; un less you are positive your boy's eyesight is alright you should have his eyes examined. I am making a Specialty of fitting chil dren's eyes correctly. No extra charges for exam ination. If glasses are not required I positively re fuse to supply them. Dr. 31. P. Mendelsohn Rooms 210-211 U. S. Bank Building, Phone. 110. II tl u t tl u a n a 11 El u n S in u u 1 14 mm n it n n ti El R a 14 n ci a ti n ti II 11 11 M M n n a it ti ii C3 M El 11 tl SI tl tl n ci ti ti ii ti ii 1-2 Our Stock will be Sold at once Come Early Come Early HOME SFURNSHtK S COR. COURT & HIGH STS. All New Stock In This Sale 1-2 Our Stock will be Sold at once Library Tables, Etc. 1-2 Price SH Quarter Sawed Oak C19nfl Table with cane ..end ylL.VV $;!0 Mission Wax Table, sire ffl P A A top 29x18 pl J.UU $35 Colonial Table, slie top ffy $55 Genuine Leather Couch, CfJ CA size 31 lul by 6 ft. 9 In. yLt.OV $ 12.50 Genuine Leather Couch, MU Mou loose cushion ffOI OC effiH-t p4.1XJ $:5 Monarch Bed Couch ff 1 0 C A uphulsteroil, brown denim ... y'""' Dining Room Tables 1-2 Price $56 Table, 51-inch, 8 ft. ev- ffOO AA tension, plank top pO.Uv $30 Table, 48-inch, 6-ft. ex- CI C AA tension, square base plD.UU $C5 Table, 45-inch, 6-ft. ex- (MO rrt tenrion lC.0U $24 Tabic, 42-inch, 6-ft; ex- fflo AA tension, quarter sawed dak ... y l.w $tJ0 Genuine Leather Daven- ffJA nr port, dufold style pjU.UU $35 Chase Leather Daven- ffl 7 TA port, unifold Btyle .. fl.DU Chairs and Rockers 1-2 Price S20 Bent Back Oak Bocker ffl A AA with leather seat iflv.Vw $19 Kingcraft Chair, goat- CTA CA skin auto seaf yV.OJ $18 Oak Bocker, reinforced fiQ AA back with Wtither seat pMU $17 Quarter sawed Oak ff O CA Bocker with padded back...... yO.OV $14 Quarter cawed Oak 1700 Bocker with leather seat P UV $8.50 Leather Seat Rocker Cyl OC with auto cushion yiMO 1 OUR. li It ta is fJ m El EI El a BS K El El a u E3 e n & m u E3 a a El IB U 13 P r n n Ei Eft 13 E3 ED U E3 El P 0 n ti ES El AT HALF P s u RSCE J4 n El IM Vflf W WW 1 MUM f