Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 14, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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An authority on Aluminum, has been engaged
for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 14,
15 and 16, to demonstrate the superior quail
ties of the famous
"Wear-Ever Aluminum Utensils
President Doney of the Willamette University Made Boost
er Talk, and Heads of Departments Along With Their
Reports Offered Many Sugestions-L H. McMahon
GiVen Special Credit For Inaugurating Bathing Resort
"Try Salem First" Advocated By the President
Expert Analyses the Games Supreme Court Holds That
and Places Credit For
Judge McGinn Had No
Victory Where Belongs
Right to "Bump" Defend't
Regular monthly meeting, to ! hi'M' taste quite right. If home bakeries were
oil the third Wednesday of each month -given more bullies, they would neiil-
was decided on la,t evening at an en-' Uf!l-V,fut '." """"'"" that would en
,, . . . ,, ,. . , able them to compete with anything in
tuu.'urntie meeting of the ( ommerciul j,. '
;lub and a a im-aus towards good fel-; Inquire About Tl&x
jr.m.b.p luncheons will tie nerved pre-; Hrv Ml.ver dirfef, J ,he .
ceding the real business of the even- camill, ,,.,,;,,, re,,ortt.j fhu,
That the general meetings of the
' ommeri'inl club will be well attended
ami that its membem are actively in
terested in the work to be done, wan
ewdent last evening by the large num
ber present and the clone attention giv
ii to the report of the governors, of
tiie different departments
Before the regular reports were re
ceived, the Kev. Carl Gregg Doney.
president of Willamette university, wa
introduced, sad in a short talk men
ioued the faet that the university
brings into the city annually from
150,000 to inO.OOU a vear, mo,tlv
a'lt-na.i niiriiij tiiq it v I Am it n
Regarding the work of the different
departments, I'resirlent Humilton stated
that every member was exacted to des
ignate just where he would like to be
iHsigued, and in case they did not, as
signments would be made for them.
Director F. 0. Dcckebach reported
that the tourist and publicity depart
ment had been fairly busy in the way
of entertaining visitors. Over 100 vis
itoii had been taken care of during the
land grant congress and that while the
committee did not find it convenient
to serve a banquet for the delegates,
during both days, loganberry punch and
wafers hint been rerved in the rotunda
of the state house, through the aid of
the Women's club. As to the part tak
en by the Commercial club in the state
fiir, Mr. Deckebneh was inclined to
think that the club, as well as the Cher
nans had Hot done quite enough. Here
after he hoped that the city would
demonstrate their appreciation of the
many visitors by more extensive decor
ating, and that all would join in mak
ing fair week a genenil time of jollifi
c ill ion.
About Factories and Things.
The industrial department, through
its director Anirnst llnt-kestpiii. utnteil
that several biwiuess propositions had
been made to them, but oil luvestign
tion, were not satisfactory. Due firm
which wanted to locate its fnctory here,
would do o, provided t5U,000 worth of
stock was sold among the citizens.
While) Huleui needed pay rolls, the
speaker was of the opinion that we
could better help the city by patroniz
ing our home factories and help build
them up. Also spend our money in
our own stores.
Just an a practical Illustration, Presi
dent Humilton suggested, why not bur
bread made in the city instead of semi
ing to Portland and to Kugenet Mov
ing home made bread would be a prac
tical demonstratiuii of our "Try Salem
Firat" idea, even If tho bread'Uid Jiot
"DOME wasn't
built in a day.
Neither was any
thing else worth
while. It takes
mo'n two years to
"build" a tin o'
Long eareful curing put.
that aged-ia-lbe-wouj mcb
lownrM into Kentucky'
llurtty tie luxe vbi.h
rn.ke it VILVrrr. The
Smoothest Smoking Tobjc
co, 10c tin. and &o uu-tal-lined
, ,, i tnlilisliing the pool Inst summer. He
for the building of (he nor 1, west . ,,, marh' mun rmU ,,,,.
torongl, the medium of our institution.' llilln(M,( , were handicapped
nnd if anyone Im, any good ,, ens as to ri ,,.,-
we e!vJ item" ' " ""m'"'r 1 "'K--t-J that the
J ; ... . . ' citv council be taken into the civic de-
Mr. Deck.bach . 8ugga.tl.ns. i ,jnrtni(.nt. This department had circu
In report.ng for the leg.slat.ve and !,,,,, , titjm n! (li ,her
taxation department, T. 11. Kay, duec- a(,r(1JI)i '. Wllam,Tfte and had also
tor, sta ed hat as here had been no ; tri(1(, ,fJ , d , u
special legislation la ely, there was but It w , , pJ , Vw
little- to report, but that w, h.n the ,, jt & f ; h ,
next week he would issue . call for Ins ,,,,, , , '
committee to discuss laws regarding i u.n,,,. ,,.,i ..-i:. , ,
land grant, and water power, as thev J""' , "r ,h" f"" "
ihiL'ht affect the state. ' ' out a mol.th before
department saved the merchants money
iy Keeping nniair solicitor out of
town, and that no one nhould contribute
to any solicitor, unless provided with
a card from the mercantile department.
Mr. .Meyers was in receipt of a letter
from an eastern manufacturing firm
asking for samples of our flax and
prices as they were in the market, and
were interested in what we were do
Th civic department was represented
by Mr. Snutliwick, who Mated that the
swimming pool had been a great suc
cess, and that much credit was due to
I.. H. McMahon for his efforts in es-
the fair opened.
Membem Should Ba Social.
T) I. Howard, who soko for the so
cial department in the absence of Mr
Dick, was of the opinion that members
did not spend enough of their time in
the social rooms, and that at present,
plans were being made for ludies'
nights, twice a month.
Just at present, according to W. I.
Htaley, the agricultural department is
pretty, busy, as the members' are all
working on the market day for next
Saturday, and the address to be given
at the armory next Saturday afternoon
by Duncan Marshall, of Calgary. Mr.
Ntnley felt that proper interest had uot
been taken in the farmers market, and
that nothing much no far had been ac
complished, the future, work of the de
partment was in the poultry show to be
given here next January and in the sev
eu corn shows, under the supervision of
1,. J. Chapin.
The agricultural department hud ap
pealed to the county court to include
an appropriation in its budget for the
support of the county agriculturist,
and while tne request had not been
definitely turned down, nothing had
been done, This department intended
lu tun" r department of agri
culture at Washington for aid in the
study and prevention of brown rot.
Referring to the stand taken by the
county commissioners in not including
in their budget money for the support
of a county agriculturist, president
Humilton said that letters were being
mailed to various farmers and granges
explaining that the county court was
not inclined to appropriate half the
amount necessary, and if the farmers
wanted this work continued, they should
make it known to the Commercial Club
or county court.
Mr. Chaplin Talk.
1. J. Chnplia was called on for an
address, in which he evpluined the na
ture of his work, noted tho seven corn
slums arranged for the fall, in con
junction with the com and potato show
to be held in Salem December 1-4. In
referrring to the work of the countv
agriculturist, J. H. Albert said: "I
believe to discontinue this work would
be a calamity to the county and 1 be
lieve the farmers and graugea of the
county believe in continuing this
To get the general sentiment through
out the county, a resolution was pas-H-d
unanimously declaring that it was the
sense of tho meeting that tho agricul
tural department iuite five members
from each of the granges in the coun
tv to come in and discuss the proposi
tion as to whether they wanted the
work of the county agriculturist con
tinued, tlideon Stol. said the drniu
age of French Prairie was of vast im
I Kirtance to the county and that the en
' lire country needed more tiling.
A proposal to hold a weekly live
wire lunch didn't meet with much
i favor, but when It was moved to make
it a monthly meeting, with a lunch and
a general good lime, the motion passed
' uiinuimoiislv.
Pacific Coaiit League otaudlngs.
Sun r'ninciwo .... 113
Suit l.nkr nu
! Angeli'n IM
Vernon !U 101
Oakland sit 10.1
Portland ;.i to;
Yesterday' fieoults.
At I .on A nuclei Inm Antfclcn
.1, IWlliind 4.
At Sun Kriiucinco - Oakland 1,
Vernon 0.
At Salt LakeSan Fiancitco
10, Salt l.nU tl.
New Vork, Oct. 14. Not until he
liimxe.l here did I'hila Judaon ltcver
big of l.o. A undo, know that hi
'daughter, Ray, known a tie "Ameri-
nit Vcnim" hod been severely hurt
I wneu he walked in fiout of a speeding
; automobile. IteveridKo was on a trip
here to nee about obtaining a asport
lor the girl lo return to (iormaiiy u a
i iteo i im mime, at me itrinsn ica-j
jtlon had held up her return. She had
recently toured th I'aiteJ. States. i
By George B. Holme.
(1'nited i'recs Siaif Correspondent.)
New Vork. Oct. 14. The Red Sox
outfield. Hooper, Speaker and Lewis,
gave liostou unotuer world's baseball
lii'foie the late lamented series, the
I5oton outer defense was rightly called
one of tho greatest in the game. The
title today is obsolete. Jt is now the
greatest outfield of all time. And
figures iirove it.
The three played the series through.
Hooper batter .M-0; Lewis slugged .444;
while Speaker trailed along with .2ft,
making tiie battiug average of the
trio. ;:.
Out of lionton's 12 runs, ten crossed
the plate on their hits. They them
selves scored seven. And out of Bos
ton's 42 hits, the outfield made "0
with no scratches.
Furthermore except for a " bloomer "j
ruling by the official scoring board
late in yestehdav's game, the outfield
would have teilded perfectly. The
"bloomer" was the decision giving
Hooper an error after it had been first
charged to Uardner, and Larry himself
would probably admit it was bis mis
take. Certainly no outfield in history ever
played such a game under "money
conditions," which ball players them
selves contend is the acid test. In no
game but one did they have to pull
a iieming suiur mar raiseo ine siunus
to their feet. Hut tiiey did pull these
stunts when they meant cutting off
alien runs.
Boston's pitchers, however, are going
to get the grtatest credit, because it is
fundoui 's habit to remember the. name
of the winning (wirier longer than it
remembers the bloke who drove in runs,
or the same blokes circus catch whica
shut off several runs.
And, Boston's pitchers deserve a
lot of credit. lint, take an ordinary
outfield and stick it ill the place of
Hooper, Lewis and Speaker, and the
pitchers would have lost every game,
excepting Saturday 'a which Foster won
single handed.
With all the sparkling play, however,
yesterday's finish was all that saved
the series from going down into his
tory as a drag affair. There was not
enough extra base hitting to make it
spectacular to the blcncherite.
Hooper saved the series from the
odium of being colorless, and provided
a scusntioiutl finish. His homer at the
critical moment left a good taste in
everyone 'a mouth.
$80,000 IN TIIE BALL.
Philadelphia. Oct. 14 Eighty
thousand dollars was rolled up
in the ball Hooper crashed out
for a homer in yesterday'
ninth inning. It cost President sje
I. a ii inn of the Ited Sox ttO.OUO ;
and President Baker of the
Phillies a like amount. The sum
represents the receipts of the
game today, had Philadelphia
won, as the magnates would
have got all the money except
the national commission's
Burns ftbixuift
Burn rr?i'"" "
g MtMkalllrM
Ca a Co and Ca
By ArcAZAR Woman Demonstrator
COME Vou are cordially invited.
Every Lady attending will receive
cA Useful Souvenir FREE
SaUiu (am'iUcnv-,
The decision of Judge William Gal
loway in the Howell partition suit was
moouie.j in an opinion namled uowni
this morning by Justice Harris, of the1
supreme eourt. , Judge Galloway held
that Fidueia F. Howell was entitled
to a fee simple title to IS.til acres of:
land in this county and the supreme1
court holds that she is entitled to an
undivided one-half interest in this
property and has a dower interest in
the other one-half of 'he property.
The full title to this case is Grace
Howell, Katie Howell I'hrig and Guy;
N". Howell, plaintiffs and appellants
against Fidueia F. Howell, respondent,'
and Amy N. Howell, appellant and
defendants. Joseph 11. Howell and
Fidueia F. Howell were husband and
wife and John M. Howell 'was their;
only child and the plaintiffs in the
case were the children of John M.
Howell and Amy X. Howell. It ap
pears that the husband and son pur
chased two tracts, one of 13.61 acres
and another of 20 acre? and according
to the latter testimony given in the;
case Fidueia F. Howell helped to pay
for the land. In 19oS a suit was
brought to divide the 3o acres and the'
referees gave 15.01 acres to, Joseph
and Fidueia F. Howell, 11 acres to
Amy N. Howell and three acres to
each of the three grand children. The
grand children then instituted a suit
against their mother and their grand
mother'. Amy N. Howell defaulted!
and Judgo Galloway gave Fidueia F.
Howell a fee simple title to the 15.61
acres of land.
According to the review of the
case in the opinion of Judge Harris,
Joseph and Fidueia F. Howell came to
Salem shortly after the civil war and
resided in this city for 10 years be
fore filing upon a homestead. In
IMS thev came back to Salem where
Joseph Howell became head janitor at
the state house and Mrs. Howell served j
meals to the state house employees. j
The boarding house prospered and Boon;
she was making J100 per month while
her husband made but $75 per month,
as janitor. The son, John M. Howell!
worked with his parents and the three j
lived in harmony and purchased prop
erty from the common fund but art
cording to Justice Harris' opinion, "it;
is quite likely that the strongest band
at the helm was that of the grand
mother. Fidueia F.' Howell, who is
now 79 years of ago, and has been
blind since lPuC, is entitled t reap
the fruits of the partition suit by us-i
ing or selling her interests. This de-l
crea is final on this appeal and modi-j
fies the judgment of the lower court:
without judgment for costs or dis-l
bursements in this court." Justices
Me.Brido, Eakin and Bean concurred.
A trial judge in the circuit court has
no right to express an opinion in open
court threatening to "bump" the de
fendant, according to an opinion hand
ed down bv Justice Benson in which i
Judge 'McGinn, of Multnomah county
is reversed and the case remanded t
another department of the Multnomah
county court for retrial. -In
this suit which was brought by Al-
WiiatYou Want
Two Ranges in One
h w
u u u
u u
A Light Coal fire will Kill the
Chill in your Home, and the
cooking; can be done Quickly
and Delightfully withCaa.
Nothing to lift out
or replace. Simply
f Pull or Push Le.
er" and oven ia
ready for use with
either fuel
The COAL and GAS
Range that is Right.
An attractive menu has
set of three sauce pans
Replace Utensils
Griddles, Stew Pans, Cake
Pans, to be demonstrated.
Many Other New and Unique Tests to Be Performed
Ray L. Farmer Hardware Co.
Cor. Court and Com'l Sts. Everything in Hardware Telephone 191
bertina H. Rugenstein against Henry j ham, A. Piseher, D. M. Wagner, G. W.
J. Ottenheimer, a former Salem hop; .Sanders, X. T. Hellyer, F. A. Pearcy,
man, to collect damages for personal J. McDonough, 0. F. Blunck, F. Brady,
injury, it was shown by an affidavit. C. W. Parker. L. J. Lownds, J. E. Gib
that Judge McGinn expressed an opin-' son.
ion in open court in the matter at bar.!
The plaintiff claimed that she was hit NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS.
by the defendant's auto and brought
suit. The . jury in the first trial disa- Notice is hereby given that wej the
greed but in the second trial awarded j undersigned resident tax payers, repre
uer $.1,000 damages. Before the second senting ten per cent of the resident tax
trial Judge McGinn isalleged to bavejpavers in.Road District No. 27 1-2,
said to the defendant: Marion county, Oregon, hereby give no-
"You bumped this woman once and:t-,. tn the tux navera of said district.
have bumped her again in court and 1 1 that there will be a meeting of the
propose to seehis time that some one: r,8ident tax pavers of 8aid district at
else is bumped." I Sunnyside school house, in said district
The other cases opinions handed down lat 2 0.clock p. mi on the 1st day of
rolloW!: ' November, 1915, for the purpose ot the
Allan R. Joy appellan Mabel; preparation of an itemized estimate of
faietnorpe, appealed from Jiultnoman the- amouut of money proposed to be.
county, suit to enjoin defendant from;.;aj i, ti ,vvi,, nt n.ldit:nn:il
trespass, appeal dismissed, opinion by(
Justice McBride.
Mannie Steed vs. Nieoff Shoe Manu-I
laciurinjr company, appenanr, appeaieu;
from Multnomah county, motion to,
dismiss appeal denied, opinion by Jus-!man, Turner, Ore.; Gottf. Neuensch
tice Eakin. wander, Turner, Ore.; Monroe Nye,
Grace llowell et . al., appellants, vs. Turner. Ore.; Fred Bheppard, Turner,
Fidueia F. Howell, appealed from'
Marion county, suit tor partition ot
property, judgment of circuit Judge
Galloway modified, opinion by Justice
B. H. Miller et al., appellants, vs.
Julius Fisher et al., appealed from
-Multnomah county, suit to
iiiiiiiiieuance or an acnon at law, ( tue cirCuit court of the state of Oregon,
opinion by Chief Justice Moore, Cir-lfor the countv of Marion and to me
cuit Judge Oatcns' judgment for the! directed on the 25th day of Sept., 1915,
ucienuanis reersea. upon a judgment and decree duly ren-
Krishna Hanaswamy vs. Hammond dered, entered of record and docketed
Lumber Company, appellant, appealed, in and by said court on the 18th day
from Multnomah county, action to re- of Sept., 1915, in a certain suit then
cover damages for personal injuries,1 in said court pending, wherein J. B.
opinion by Justice Bean, Circuit JudgelHall and Emaline Hall were plaintiffs
McOinng judgment, for the plaintiff and Harold Fuller Hawkins was de
affirmed. j fendant in favor of plaintiffs and
State of Oregon, ex rel, B. W. Otto: against said defendant by which exe
vs. School District No. 3, Clatsop cution I am commanded to sell the
county, suit to dissolve Union High property in said execution and he rein
school district, appealed from decision! after described to pay the sum due
T...1.... T ft i i . . .... . . "., .
of Judge J. A. Eakin, opinion by Jus
tice Bean, affirmed.
Redondo, Cal., Oct. 14 A blue ribbon
Persian cat, property of Mrs. George
Haynes, was accidentally locked in an
ice chest and frozen to death here.
Notice is hereby given that we( the
undersigned resident tax payers, repre
senting ten per cent of the resident
tax payers iu Road District No. 3, Ma
rion county, Oregon, hereby give no
tice to the tax payers of said district,
that there will be a meeting of the resi
dent tax payers of said district at the
Case school house, in said roard district
at 3 o'clock p. m., on the 1st day of
November, 1!)15, for the purpose of the
preparation of an itemized estimate of
the amount of money proposed to b
raised by the levying" of an additional
tax for road purposes, in said road dis
trict. (Signatures D. T. Moore, Chas.
Kueusting, Lars Olson, M. A. Daniels,
A, J. and I. B. Cooper, John Berhorst,
F. 1). O'Connor, E. U. Yergen, Goo. V.
Case.'J. F. Yergen, M. E. Wyckoff, B.
A. Gilbert, V. A. Jackson, Peter Feller,
Horace V. Thielsen, Emma S. Thielseu,
Laura J. iSlocuni, Ella B. Wood, J. R.
Notice is hereby given that we, the
undersigned resideut tax payers, repre
senting teu per cent of the resident
tax payer iu Koad District No. SS, Ma
rion county, Oregon, hereby giv no
tice to the tax payers of aa'id district,
that there will be a meeting of the
resident tax payers of said district at
Liberty Hall, in said road district at
S o'clock p. m., on the lat day of No
vember, li13, for the purpose of the
preparation of an itemized estimate of
th amount of money proposed to be
raised by the levying of an additional
tax for road purposes, in said road
fignatur Wm. Zosel. E. Dougher
ty, K. Williams, S. Boughertv, A. Ack
ley, A. E. Free, H. J. Zercher. J. R.
shield, F.dw. Deneer, W. Dorman
Frank Ilrubeti, B. Hhaw, U. 0. Miaw,
A. W. Wire, Bruce Fox, Henrv Nevens'
J. J. Mclonald, I. W. Gilmer, J. D
Mann, B. Cunuiughaui, C. D. Cunning
been arranged f 3r each day and an especially low priced
like those illustrated is offered to those who wish to try
this excellent ware. ' ,
that Wear Out with Utensils that "Wear-Ever"
Set Sells Regular for $2;
Special at Demonstration
tgx for road purposes, in said road
Signatures Thomas H. RobinBOn, R.
p., 2, Box 54-A, Turner, Ore.; 1). S.
Pearson. Turner. Ore.: Carl Winkel-
Ore.; 8. Newby, Turner, Ore.; C. H.
Taylor, Turner, Ore.
Sheriff's Sale of Real Property
On Foreclosure
Notice is hereby eiven, that by vir-
enjoin;tue 0f execution duly issued out of
tne plaintiff of four thousand five
hundred and no-100 dollars, with in
terest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent
per annum from the 1st day of August
1914, until paid and the further sum
of four hundred and no-100 ($400.00)
special attorneys fees together with the
costs and disbursements of said suit
taxed at eighteen and 60-100 dollars
and costs and expends of said execu
tion. I will on Saturday the 30th day
of October, 1915, at the honr of 10
o'clock a. m. of saia day at the west
door of the county court house in Mar
ion county, Oregon, sell at public auc
tion to the highest bidder for cash in
hand on the day of sale, all the right,
title, interest and estate which said de
fendant and all persons claiming under
him subsequent to the execution of the
mortgage herein foreclosed in, of and
to said premises hereinbefore mention
ed and described in said execution as
follows, towit: Beginning at the ne
corner of the D. L. C. of Hiram Tay
lor and wife, in twp. 8 S., B., 2 W, of
the Willamette meridian, thence W
15.10 chains along the N line of said
Hiram Taylor's claim; thence S 25.88
chains parallel with the E line of said
claim to the line between W. A. Wit
rel's and John Witxel's land; thence
S 85 degrees E., 15.10 chains to a point
on the E line of the Hiram Taylor's
claim 7.50 chains N of the nw corner
of the D. C. L. of Cha. Craft; thence
N 27.20 chains along tne F. line of the
Hiram Taylor claim to the place of
beginning and containing 40 acres of
land, more or less, situated in Marion
county, Oregon.
Said sale being made subject to re
demption in the manner provided bv
Dated this 27th dnv of Pept., 1915.
Sheriff of Marion county, Oregon.
By W. I. Needham, deputy.
In the Circuit Court of th Stato of
Oregon for Marlon County.
Jay Bowerman and Wayfe Bower
man, plaintiffs, vs. Naomi L, DeLong,
To Naomi L. Del.ong, defendant. In
the name of the state of Oregon: Ton
are. hereby commanded and required to
appear and answer or otherwise plead
to the complaint filed by the plnintiff
in the above entitled court and cause
on or before October 14, 1915, and If
you fail to to do the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief demand
ed against you, which is for m deer of
this court barring and forever foreclos
ing U of the right, title, and interest
Fry Pans, Tea Kettles,
Roasters, etc., demonstrated
of the defendant in and to those certaia
premises ia Marion countv, Oregon,
and each and every part "and parcel
thereof, described as follows:
Eighteen (18) acre, of land from the
twenty (20) acre field and sixteen (16)
acre field immediately east of ad
parallel to the ten (10) acres of land
which the said J.. L. Smith agreed to
convey to one Katherine Dick, the said
twenty acre field being in the north
west corner of the farm of said J. L.
Smith situated in Section Six, Town
ship Six South of Bange Two, West of
Willamette Meridian, Marion Comity,
Oregon. And also one (1) acre of tim
bered land lying south of the sixteea
acre field arid running to the creek
immediately east of the-one acre which
the said J. L. Smith agreed to convey
to said Katherine Dick. The said-tea
acre tract referred to and the one acre
tract referred to being adjoining the
said Katherine Dick tract and immedi-'
ately east thereof.
And cancelling and declaring void
that certain contract made and entered
into on March 14, 1913, by J. L. Smith
with Naomi L. DeLong and recorded ia
the Deed Becords of Marion County,
Oregon, in Book "127" at Page 627
thereof, and decreeing the plaintiffs to
be the owners in fee simple of said
premises free and clear of all claim of
the defendant, and for such other snd
further relief as the court may deem
meet and equitable in the premises.
This summons is served upon you by
publication in the Daily Capital Journal
for a period of six consecutive weeks
(seven issues), beginning with the issue
of September 2nd, 1915, and ending
with the issue of October 14th, 1915,
by virtue of an order duly made, rend
ered and entered in the above entitled
court and eause by the Honorable Wil
liam M. Bushey, County Judge of Ma
rion Connty, Oregon.
Dated September 1st, 1915.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Notice ia hereby given that the un
dersigned administratrix of the last
will and testament of Zarilda Miller has
filed her final account in the County
Court of Marion County, Oregon, and
the same is set for settlement on th
18lh day of October, at ten a. m.
Any objections that may be filed
against, said account may be heard it
said time and place.
Dated this 14th day of September,
Oct. 14. MAMIE M. HA YDEN.
Notice ia hereby given that the un
dersigned executor of the last will aid
testament of Laura Chambers, deceased,
has filed his final account in the Coua
ty Court of Marion County, Oregos,
and the same is set for settlement oa
the ljth day ofOctober, at 10 a. m.
Anv objections that may be filed
against said account may be heard t
said time and place.
Dated this 14th day of September,
Oct. 14. '. . JOHN H. McNABY.
dwell well-to aweu
is to dwell at
. Hotel Nortonia
tk. Keynctt cf comfort
and contentment of gu-
Thruout tU Kotl-:pr
Dining Room to Roof Ojr-den-th.
thing you vJant-notlung
you don't want
Apr"tixm nw.U J
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