THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 111915. TWO L Of MHMMH,H- usmess Is Good Social and Personal B I CAROL 8. DIBBLE. Mr. and Mm. It. Moores were happily surprised last evening by a - number of tneir friend at tbeir home on Leslie street, on the occasion of their nineteenth wedding anniversary. The visitors brought armful of beau tiful flowers, including quantities of pink dahlia and gay red roses. Five hundred was played during the even ing, the players circling four tables. ' As an appropriate tribute of the esteem in which they are held, a handsome thermos caso for t'.ieir car was present ed to Mr. and Mrs. Moores. Mrs. 0. K. Schaefer, Miss Cslista Moore and Miss Helen Moore assisted in the serv- ing. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. R. 11. Goodin, Mr. mid Mrs. 0. K. Hchaefer, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kyan, Mr. ami Mrs. W. A. Irvino, Mr. and Mrs. John 1'ollock, Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Oil lingbam, Miss Calista Moore, and Miss Helen Moon. a a ' Kdwin Binney, Jr., and Donald HI an ding, of Chicago, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. Kinney's sinter, Mrs. George I'almcr J'utnam, left Monday on a mountain climbing , trip to liend, by way of tho old Minlo trail. Miss Mary llinney, a sister of Mrs. Putnam left toils v for liend. Com plimentary to Miss Kinney, Mtb. Put nam gave an informal tea yesterday af ternoon, at her home on Hellcvue Ave., asking in a few friends to meet tJe honor guest. a a Mr. and Mrs. Hurold I). Nobcrts have leased their handsome suburban place oa the Wallace rotirt and will leave on Saturday for (freely, Colorado, wjore Mr. Koherta will engage in tho prac tice of law with his fathor-iii-liiw, 11. 1). Haines. Mr. and Mrs. Huberts will leave many friends who will wish them much pros jierity and joy, but who will entertain at the samo time a lingering iiopo of their return. They will motor at least jiart of tie way. Mrs. Isaac. Patterson, stnte regent of th I). A. J., is spending u lew days in Portland at the (!. H, Jackson residence, the guest of Mjss Hannah Fairfowl, Mrs. Patterson went to nttend the meet ing of the I). A. R. yesterday. ' Miss Bess Smith has resumed her po sition at tho state house after a va cation of ten weeks in Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. R, J. Young and son enjoyed a pleasont visit with their neices, the Misses Hrcitkrontz from Ar lington, Minnesota. They have left to finish their seven months' vacation tour, including a visit at the I'anama- Pacific exposition, and vurioua other points of interest. They will also be xntertiuncd by iimny of their friends and relatives during their sojourn. Last Hunduy morning witnessed the first appearance of the new chorus rhoir woich is being organized in the l"irt Congregational church, under the upervision f Mrs. .Iiimcs Piniiell. For several years, there lias been a strong sentiment favoring the organisation of a chorus choir among the church mem bers, and the recent efforts of Mrs. Pinnell along that Jinn have mot with Iho Heartiest co-operation among the members of the congregntion. The en Tollment of the choir u benil fifteen popular feature of the church services. The choir is under the direction of William McUilchrist, Br. Mrs. F. X. Hofer is visiting her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Hofer, in Kellogg, Idaho. Mrs. Hofer will be gone several weeks. Miss Kmilv Jeffries left- Tuesday ev ening for Philadelphia, where she will spend the winter with Mrs. H. A. Gar- ver. or that city. Mrs. oarver, Derorc her marriage, was Miss Kitty Harvard, a former Halem girl. Mrs. If. W. liross is entertaining as guests, her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. H. I). Keves, of Spieldvillc, Mis souri. Mr. and Mrs. Keves are en route to the California expositions. Mrs. Leo. X. Ciiilds was a delightful dinner hostess on Sunday in honor of a number of out of town guests, who motored in to Halem for the day. Palms placed throughout, transformed the din ing room into a bower of greenery. Thoso who circled the table were: Mr. nnd Mrs. I. F. Yoakum, Miss Hallie Hrnith, and (1. W. Ksiisol, of Dallas and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gunderson, of Silverton, and Mr. and Mrs. Leo N. Chillis. a a a Mr. and Mrs. John B. dinger have leased the Harold I). Roberts' place on tho Wallace rood, and will occupy it about November J. a a Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stockton nnd daughter, Miss Zoe Stockton, left to day for Sun Francisco to attend the exposition. a a Mrs. IJ. J. Iliekerson was the hostess at a dinner party at her home last night given in honor of Knv. L. N. .i. Ander son, of tho Columbia River Conference. Those present were. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ilieker son and K. Craven. A pleasant time was had by all those present. II. F. Wickner, chief engineer of the construction company which built the lolumliia Kiver highway tnrough Clat sop county, is in Iho ci'ty checking up the estimates for suid work with tiie highway department. He is accom panied by his wife, who until her inur riiigc was Miss Frances Diniick, of this city. Mrs. Wickner is renewing ftcftuunlaiu'6 with her 'ninny friends here. a a a Delegates to the stnto federation from too woman's civic welfare club in I'ortluiid, were elected ut a meeting of me cum todiiy In tlint city. Miss .Mar garet K. H. Fife, of New York, n noted educator ami social worker, gave an adilresn before the club. : PERSONALS Mrs. J. (I. Greenwood of Dullns is in the city today. V. M. Brown is a Salem visitor to day, from Independence. C. F. Hoss, an attorney of Silverton, is in i ne city tin ii v on eun bus inc. Kl froe from Bensout of Soda J Uf The relish that takes the L 7 lead over all others for . I use with hot or cold IFfr meats, game, fish and w many other foods. It ywvj is pure whole- Xy IN EVERY DROP" Black SillcSto Polish Indifferent. Itdoerniot dry iut; can b wed to tho lut drop; liquid mnd put orw quality, iolutfy no wate; nodutrt or dirt. You met your money worth. Black Silk ,l Stove Polish It not only moat ernnmnWl, hot ft trim a brilli ant, ailky lustre that annot bobtainl with any other polish. Bliii-k Bilk 8tov I'uliih dora not rub off-It lMta lour timet aa kn aa ordinary poliab-ao It avw yoo tima, work and monty. Don't force! when yoo want love polish, bo mire to k for tilark 611k, Ifttian't President Hamilton Urges Fanners to Write County Judge Asking Retention up th bratatovopoliiih yon evflr your luoDey. Black Silk Stors PolUh Worlu, Stflrliac, Illinois. Dm nhrk Silk AlrDrylnt !ron F.anai!on tcrmtem. rrif ttm, ittovfl.pipea, aril auto rmibilc tire rimi. I'reTctiu rutting. Try it. Km Blark Silk Mini Pol. Ub foritilviTwara.nickel.tin wara or brnM. It work quickly, MHily and Icavt a bhlllnnt atirfare. It hna no cijuui tor una on aotomwoilcs. uitrd-yourdoakr will refund L'nder date of Oitober 12th the fol lowing letter and correspondence has been sent out to many farmers and the Capital Journal prints it to give it the widest publicity: Dear Sir: Please note the attached correspondence. The Salem Commercial Club believes that this work should be continued, and ia endeavoring lo induce the County Court to make the necessary 'appropriation of tl'JOO for ivio. I I therefore reanest all those who are desirous of seeing this work continued, that they either write to the County Uourt or to me, or call on tne t.ouniy Commissioners in person and express that an agriculturist be provided for in Marion county, as is being provided for in ten other counties in the state. I will submit all such letters ad dressed to me, to the County Court with another appeal for the appropria tion. This must be done before the 1st of November as Mr. Cbapin will prob ably lcava Marion County at that time, unless he is assured that his services will be wanted for the balance of the year and next year. If you believe that this work ia de sirable, please give these communica tions as much publicity as possible, and urge those interested in the mat ter to respond to this appeal at once. Yours truly, W. M. Hamilton, President. I 115 N. Liberty St, I near State St. We are well pleased with the business in our Dress Goods department. It has shown us that ou goods and prices suit the people. We have just ceived a shipment of new Coatings and Suitings" To meet the demands for high grade Dress Goods we have placed in stock an extra fine Chiffon Broad cloth woven from the finest wool yarn finished verv smooth, a beautiful rich lustrus fabric 52 inchw wide. Specially priced, yard .$2.40 In all colors. We carry the famous American Lady Corsets $1.00 and up. See our window display. KAFOURY BROS. 2rs' -; the People. Fl OF Light Regard For Martial Vows Shown In Cosmopoli tan Stories, Followed Seattle, . Wash., Oct. H. Dr. Anna j(i sc )Jc sfc st )Jt )fc js sjc sc jc 3t sjt )c fc )(( 4c DON'T USE CTJHlilNO IRON! HERE'S A BETTER METHOD fc st )c sfc j( sjc st c st j)c )J( sc jfc )Jc sfc (Woman Beautiful.) Hy no means use a heated Iron. It makes the hair dry and dead looking, giving a most unkept appearance. Af ter brushing the huir thoroughly, juBt dip a clean tooth brush iu a saucer of plnin liquid silmerine and run it throHgli the parts of the hair to be curled. Do this at bedtime and you will be quite surprised when you behold yourself iu the mirror next morning. The huir will be beuutifully wavy and curling and the effect will appear alto gether natural. You will have no trouble doing up your tresses in the style you desire and thev will look nnd feel fluffy and com- ! fnrtnlilit Ynn neeil urtt hiiHitntA in use pure liquid silmerine, which you can procure at liny druggist's, as it is per fectly harmless and will leave no greasy, gummy or sticky trace. A few ounces will lust for months. last Sundny and it is expected to reach sV ' " .,, , ' , 2 ,7""'NH' twenty this week. Ullimatelv It is ,,r , ' ' ';'"';' lt even hoped the choir will inel at least , " 8 of fow ''". 1,1 twenty-five voices, With the eneonr- agfiiient and earlv sui ss which the 1 roroHI,"r ', of (lie extension de organisation hus oncniinlered, it will no doubt form a vilr.l nnd exceedingly pnrtiiient of the O. A. ('. is here today, cniirerring Willi i rmt Inspector C, (), Consliilile. Mr. and Mrs, Otto Schelberg rcturnod last evening from Portland, where they have been attending the state grand lodge of the Knights of Pythias, Mrs. h. W. Metger left this city for Portland today where she will spend a few days visiting friends. P 1 iain. don I -ass "Never Mind I mmer S .1 ra . km iTi-' i . ii' x u ..-a ti mm mm I a iv tne i 11 ir ii ii t vr -11 r ZZt I The germ-proof, dust-proof, moisturo-proof, wax-sealed wrapping keeps the New Post Toasties In Perfect Condition But more important these flakes are made by a new process that gives them a new form and a distinctive flavour, entirely dillVrent from other corn flakes. In this new process, intense heat expands the interior moisture, producing little pearl-like "puffs," a distinguishing characteristic of the New Post Toasties. These flakes have a body and firmness that don't mush down, even when cream or milk is added. Toasties come f actory-frcsh, aa crisp and delicious as when they leave the big ovens. Try Them and Note the New Flavour Your grocer has them now. Mr. Wv M. Hamilton, President, Commercial Club, faiem, Oregon. " Dear Sir: Your recent favor re ceived regarding desirability of con tinuing cooperative farm demonstra tion work in Marion county. We are very sorry,' indeed, that we. felt it ab solutely necessary to order the work discontinued. This was done on October 6. As you arc doubtless aware, it has been much more difficult to finance thia work in Marion couaty than in any of the other ten counties in the State -where it is being carried on Your difficulties during the laBt three months of last year, in raising a few hundred dollars to meet a de ficit, made n decide to discontinue the work thia year, before a large de ficit was incurred. The usual method of financing' this work in the ten other counties of Ore gon is for the county court to directly appropriate one-half the sum neces sary for the year, the State providing an equal amount when certification of the appropriation is mado to the office of . the secretary of state.. In Marion county, reluctance of tho court to ade quately provide for the work seems, to bo caused, more than anything else, by the belief that there are only a few of tho rural population who are inter ested in it or who desire to take ad vantage of the services of tho coun ty agriculturist. Judging from the conditions in the other counties in Oregon, where the work is being car; ried on nnd the fact thnt there were on August 1, over 600 county ngricul turists employed In the United States, we believe a substantial majority of the rural population of Marion county nre interested in tho continuance of this work. If it is to be continued, it will be absolutely necessary that iin mediate steps be taken to convince the county court of this fact. Provision should be made at thia time not ouly to carry on the work to the end of this yen r but also to continue it dur ing 111 HI. We feel thnt Mr. Chnpin has accom plished a great deal in your county, and we certainly hope financial ar rangements may he speedily made n order that the wrirk may be continued. Hnetlv reviewing somo of his more important activities we feel that his rnuipnigna for more clover and com have each resulted in the growing of several thousand,, acres more of each crop tliuu hits ever been grown before in your county, in one season. His well prepared plana for seven com bined corn shows and farmers' insti tutes at seven different places in the county, this full, have .been enthus iastically received and we hope may be successfully carried out, even though deprived of his needed super vision, Iu organizing and planning for the drainage of 4K,0U0 acres in the northwestern port of the county, we feel that he has started apiece of work that will be of inestimable value to the population of that section and of the whole cnmitT. We hope this pro ject may be curried out, now that so much uir tin' preliminary work has been dene. Mr. Cliapin has also given a tremendous amount of personal help to farmers in all parts of the county. The Potato drowera Association, or ganize,! under his direction, if contin ued, is bonrnl to result in stunilarilir. I ig the seed potato crop. Other organ- i.alions ornmiijcd as a result of his efforts will undoubtHblv be of great xaliie to the county, if encouraged and developed. In spite of things accom plished, we ciiniiot feel but that this work is scarcely begun and will result in gicnt things for the agricultural development of the county if it can be continued, Very truly yours, M. O. Kvans, dr., Acting State Leader County Agent Work V. 8. Iept. of Agriculture. Next Bunday will be observed as ral ly day by the local Salvation Army corps at their new barracks, 334 1 2 Court street. Lieutenant Colonel T. W. Scott, provincial officer from the head quarters at (Seattle, will be heard dur iug the day, and also tsff Captaia J. Andrews, brad of the social aid indue trial work of rortlami. The wtieee of the day will begin t 1 o'clock in the morning with an old fashioned kaee drill, led by Captait Kelso, Other ere ices of the'day will be eondueted by the visiting officer. An Invitation to at tend these Meeting! la extended to everybody. why use brown talcum powder!. "To spoak generously, to speak pre cisely, to sfqak purely, to speak dis cretely, to Bpeak justly, to speak en couragingly, is a fine art, probably the finest, the loveliest, tho grandest of all arts. "A character is never an accident. "I have something big and glad to. I tell you: One of my students is hungry for knowledge. . "It is not honorable to say, 'I am so busy,' when that is not the reason. "I am not saying now that a man should never steal a kisB; but I do say thiat only a cad would boast of it af terwards. "Two characters are too wonderful for mp. vcm. there nr threft that, nroiliw J. Knowlton, an osteopath and student I my admiration; the sophomore who ro of the occult, figuratively dropped "a'spects the rigiits of a freshman, the bomb into the trial" of "Dr" 'Ralph M. freshman who can love a sophomore, n Ti't a t 4i, ah r v. 4, 'and an upperclassman who dohghteth v. uu .mum uwi, '"o not in a Ireshnian-sophomorc fight. make good. sure that the new i entirely Yogis, when she testified as a witness for the defense in Judge Jurey's court today. On cross examination, Deputy Prose cutor Ilelsell asked her: " You have testified that you do not consider the conduct of DeBit and Mrs. Oerber licentious. Now do you not con sider it licentious for an unmarried couple to occupy the sumo apartment together J" There wag a mild burst of applause from a throng of Yoga followers bb Dr. Knowlton replied; 4'1 think there are cases of necessity when people of different sex muBt live together, and I think this can be done with propriety. It depends entirely upon the character of the people con cerned." Bhe had previously stated that there was "never a cleaner gentleman, than DeBit." Wie was questioned as to whether she had known DeBit and Mrs. Gerber were not husband and wife, and in formed the jury that she had been so informed by Mrs. Gerber herself, who was known as Madame Isona Deltit. "I understood they were married un til she told me difcreiitly," said Dr. Knowlton. " Hie confided in me by telling me of the awful ekperiences she had had with her husband, lr. Gerber. She was in an awful state of health when she came to Seattle." Mrs. Gerber herself real ted her reasons for letting it be understood she was Madame DeBit, and after she had given nil her testimony sat at the side of DeUit almost in a state of collapse. Several times she whispered she thought she was fainting, ' "I let people call me Isona DeBit," she said, 'in order to conceal my identity and hide my husband, t sug gested the change of name myself, as l knew it would be my greatest pro tection to take the name of Deltit. "Mr. Deliit has been my only pro tector and true friend. I hud lost everything but mv child and 1 was afraid my husband would find me and take her from inc." "Remember this, my son, my dauuk ter, when you respond to the proW,'. roll call that a zero with your untarnished, is tar better tuan t Z feet mark with a pain in your L science. "Kisses are priceless and holy! i girl should give the first one wit, delicate discrimination. "Do you know what yon might do if yoit should utter the words that m trembling n your lips,' You mi, wound a heart, you niight m,in friends, you might tarnish a reputation, you might poison a soul, you micht & grace yourself. "There is tmo searching quests that 'people are forever asking behiiC our backs, about us: 'Can he be tinn ed J "Arc you angry with your motiei! That is not a good reason wiry joj should kick the cat. ' ' When tho day arrives to pay your BORN 0IIJ.K To Mr. and Mrs. Albert 11. Gille, at the Willamette Sanitarium Thursday, October 14. 1915, a ion. ( v rof. James I. Matthews. Prof. Jamea Matthews, Willamette "gi gave his annual chapel tnessnee of wisdom and concentrated thought to the students yesterday morning, ilis suli.ieet was entitled "The H'Jnd Chap ter of Proverbs,'" and U worthv of be ing studied as much, if not moro, than the toirty oae chapters in the Bible. iaey are oils of wisdom that deal whb toe aiians or everyday life, and they covered uch ft wide territorr that some one wit applicable to every in dividual in kin audience. Mm message was at follows: "If yoo would not be caught, do not do it ii toe lord niauj you a blonde, "Keep your fingers clean if you are a treasurer manunng otjicr topics-! (lobts- moct your crC(litors e,ac'tly m money. i tn0 minute either with the money or "It is my responsibility ana yours to. n,4.jiv ovrilnn-Unn ' nccp uuiacivm 41k iu nnovi laic nii tne otner moiner s precious sons aua daughters. "When yon get your check from home, do not buy chocolates and cut gllnss the very first thing. "Are you a lodger or guest in a private home! It is not honorable for you to tell outsiders what goes on there, also to open bureaus, or pull out table drawers, or touch letters not intended for you is very dishonorable. "The devil says, 'Only just onco, ' God says 'Pleasure forcvermore.' ' ' WJen yon nre ready to ask why a person should be decent in the dark, send the question by anonymous let ter. "Are yon away from home? Then it is your Christian duty to write moth- er a letter every Sunday afternoon, a; long breezy one, telling her all about I your studies, your -games, your friends, your steady; and hearing sweet mes sages to father and brothers and sis ters, and the family dog. " Strange logic to slap little brother, or pull little sister's hair when you are vexed with yourself. "Stop, nul consider now. Suppose you keep on acting and talking as you ar now. Will your dear mother be able to suy next June thnt your table manners iinve improved, your language is moro refined, your gonnial conduct is better, and your character stronger and truer "In putting off the old and putting on the new, as you must at college; cleave to what is good in tho old and "Reputations are more fracrile tlu their glass, and more preicious thaa diamonds. "Tiiis would be a choice old worll if every young man were as honorabk with girls as ho would like other young men to be with his sister. "The finer and larger you become, the more you will love anil appreeute your father and mother. ' ' Do you see thct big-hearted, e pablo, magnetic lady Sho was ohm a tom-boy. ' ' Somo people think the liigiibroar not a pretty boy; but his folks w dreadfully stuck up -when the rejiori' come home. "God knows." Skin Muddy? Dull eyes, blotches and other skin blemishes result from a disordered di gestion. Purify the blood, tone the stomach, gently stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels and bile with BEECHAi'S PILLS Urcert Sal. of Any M.dicina to AaWotM. Sold ayarywhara. In boxea, 10c, J5c HUIE WINOSANG CO. Big line of Waists, House, Dresses Silk Goods, Men's and Sort' Suits, Pants and Overalls, Ladles', Gents, and Children's Underwent. Oversbirts, Sweaters and Shoes. Ladies' and Children's Taney Drewes, Neckwear, Ladies' and Genu Hosierr, Gloves, Comforters, Blanket. Embroideries, Laces and Mattings. We make up Dresses, Wrappers, Kimonas and White Underwear. All goods selling at lower prices. 291 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET I : Salem' Music s Educational Directory Art Businees Law Schools and Colleges Capital Normal and Industrial School, terra oi ia weeKi opens September 1315 r Ti.tent. 13th and Wilbur Streets, Salem I. H. Van Winkle, Dean of La Willamette University Openi Septomber M Jo Music and Art Miss Beatrice Sbdton Dan F. Langcnberg Teacher of I'iano. Basso-C'antsnte Studio 345 Marion St. rhone 12U0 Vocal Tia. her rrank E. Churchill, I'ianis.e. h&llJf Pupil of Emil Liebling, Cricago; gradu- SluJl 31" pi. -079 ate of Western Conservatory, Chicago. m Studio Booms 1-2, Opera House Bide. Res. Thone 1671-R. , Elma Waller . Miss Luclle Barton Fianist - Teacher of Voire and Theory Llnhitezky Tecbnio and Dun'iiOg w Studio Koom 404 Hubbaid Bldg. llesl tcm Of Improved Music ftuuy donee 1017 North Twentieth street. Beci"""! 'ii I'hone 564. rhone 1.151 635 William Wallace Graham Teacher of Violin v Pupil of Soyal High 8chool, Berlin, Germany, under J1"'nin''? teau, Ualir and Market Letters of highest commendation fro Br Nine and o half years European eipericnco. A specialty made o gisnert. , Swdio oa SAturCkVi of aeh week at Hotel Marion. w rr'"'',,, phone hotel w liquire of Mias Mary Sc&nltx, Assistant, 180 . 2l Cl" Those 1547-M. V I