THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON, WEDNESDAY. Oct. 13, 1915, n M II 13 We A Record Breaking Sale of Women's New Fall Suits Priced Up to $40 ave ; Your Choice During This Sale $16.95 EIGHT i ",,"B"" H ti II M n ii n ii 14 M II II M !! II II II 11 ti li II 11 11 ii M II 11 II 11 II 11 11 I! II 11 II 11 11 11 t 11 M II 100 fine quality, stylish, Fall and Winter Suits go on sale tomorrow morning at this surprisingly low price. Unquestionably the most important offering of women's new suits this season: It is the most important because the assortment is large the styles are latest the colors desirable popular materials of standard quality the linings of fine grade made by experienced man tailors and the price is so unusually low that you positively cannot afford to disregard this event if you have not yet purchased your fall and winter apparel. Every garment is positively new of guaranteed quality and are priced up to $40.00. These 100 suits must be sold rapidly and the price is bound to move them. Take Your Choice During This Event $16.95 Women's Coats Priced up Women's Coats Priced up to $18.50 Special -. te $17.50-Special I. See the Window Display ; $9.95 $3.98 A Rousing Sale of Ladies R ain Coats Seventy-five High Grade Raincoats at one-third less than regular prices. These are all of superior quality in the popular and wanted stylesand fabrics. They would sell regularly from $7.50 to $25.00. Special prices range $4.95 to $16.65. Women's $7.50 Raincoats Sale price ; , . $4.95 Women's $10.00 Raincoats Sale price .' $6.65 Women's $15.00 Raincoats Sale price '. $9.95 Women's $20.00 Raincoats Sale price .' , $13.30 Women's $25.00 Raincoats Sale price .' .' $16.65 THE HOUSE OF QUALITY II Hi ti ft 11 y h F1 mm s if . i- If J- III If II 11 If ; li ft m . Bb j m ' l.Y iioooploopp.s 11 II n 11 si Salem's Style Store Court and Liberty St It Just the Overcoat or Rain coat you have been looking for and now is the time to I ouy 11 you wish to get the B mu vaiue ui yuur purcnase. Our prices "will please you $10.00 to $25.00 G. W. Johnson & Co. 141 N. Com'l, Salem, Ore. tmnmmtttmmmnntmnumnmtmunnunmtmmmt! Certainly We take Into consideration the shape of your note; Tim dlstanco your oye are apart; whether your eyes are deep set or the op posite; whether the lushea aro long or short, when we make a pnir of hIuhkch fur you. Tliut'a part of our nervioo the service Hint maheii glasses good to look ut ntf well iin good to loiflt through. All Around Town Miss A. McCulloch OPTOMETRIST S!08 200 Hubbard BMg. 1'hoiio 100 Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist In fitting (lassoi correctly. U. b. bank bldg. 0 V. Dowser, mayor of Hilverton, was in tlio city yostordliy. 0 Dr. B. T. McIntUe, pnyalclan and urgoon, 214 Masonic bldg. i'hono 410. ('. 1). Hartley wait in tlio city 'fues diiy, from Hilvcrton, ' Removal. E. E. Baker, attorney, 204 Hunk of ('oniiuorco. 1'lionn -llK, Several momberi of the Knights of l'ythin nre arranging to attend a spe cial session of Hie Indgn at lliililuiril i tomorrow evening. A visit to the Hub jbaid lodge hail iieeu ariimged for IiihI Slltlll'.lllV l llllt WilS pOStpOIK'd. Dr. Btone'i Drug more. tf Tlio ninth grade of the BaJem Ilolghta school, Hunt li of tilt1 city, gave ii sur prise parly Inst evening to O, Ii. l'nn iii, PmiKiKUntlH roiiil. Mr. Ihin- lap wax formerly a teaelier in tiie Ha leiu HeightK ncliool, ami in now generul delivery eleik in tlio Hnlem postofl'iou. Dr. Stone's Drug 8tor. tf To Help You Choose the Electric Cleaner That's Dest So many claims have been made for various electric cleaners that you are puzzled, no doubt, to know which really is the best. To help people decide this really im portant matter, we are now demonstrat ing loovi SUCTION SWEEPER It is by far a more thorough cleaner, than any other, because it is an electric carpet sweeper as well as nn electric cleaner. The patented electric driven brush of the Hoover sweeps up all lint, hair, thread, etc., and shakes to the surface the grit and dust imbedded in the carpet, so that the suction gets all the dirt. MADE IN FOUR SIZES. , Come see the difference that the electric brush of the Hoover makes demonstration now in progress every afternoon. Call whether you wish to buy or not Wm. GAHLSDORF The Store of Housewares 133 NORTH LIIJEKTY ST., NEXT TO SHIPLEY'S The White Swan have been spring ing ' Hiirprim'H. (lood out for leiu money. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stockton and daughter, Mihs Zoo Htockton, will leave tomorrow for a visit to the I'anama I'ai'il'ii' exposition at Kan Fruneiaeo. Mr. Stockton my they iuivo net nn npo- (nil mite lor the return, but will stay just us long as tliey aro enjoying them sel es. For a mild amoke that satisfies try a 1ii oroua, Salem made. The date for the final reception to be Kiven to I h freshman elnss lius been postponed, but it will probably be given some time next week. Kveryone of the DUO student of tiie high ai'hool will bit ko part in the reception, which will be held in the high school gymna sium. The evening's progruni will con sist of selections of music mid address es by varous members of tho freshman i'Iiihh and ofl'icers ami members of the student body. tions are being made, fur his reception, but that a reul, full sized balloon fell which will bo in the nature of a joint that afternoon within, or close to. the meeting at the iM.odern Woodmen lodge, hi i no jici.ornacK i.anK. city limits. The Salem Amateur Symphony or-' . . . . afternoon or rrlday, Octoher chostra will meet h tho First Christian1 ',,,h' t"e Drager Jrnut company cx church next Saturday evening at 7! to ull persons interested in Ore- o'clock to resume work for the winter.!" l,r""es 1,1 "nv wl-v or io a11 P"ns All members arc iircoil to come as well ' who llJ (lo8,r0 t() 8pe ol,r Plnnt in us any others who desire to play. 1 operation, a cordial invitation to call ers unit employees will be pleased to All owners of Hoover Suction Clean er should see demonstration every af ternoon this week at Win. Oalsdiirf's. la.'i X. l.ib.'ity street. Ralph Yoho. the boy who was In jured last Thursday evening in a friendly scuttle with several boys, and who wms reported by the Portland pa pers to have died that evening, is out of danger ami 011 the fair road to a unick recovery, according to lr. .1. U. Vnn Winkle. The boy la sitting up to- nay 1111. 1 expects witnin another week to be out 011 tho streets ngnin. In 11 friendly scuffle, a pocket knife blade entered fully cue and a half Inches, just above the heart, causing internal hcniorilingc, Keeping the home clean at tho least expense should interest every lady. Si'e our demonstration evcrv ' afternoon. Wm. (lalilsdorf, l;l.1 N. Liberty. Just to show a proper fraternal spirit an to also give tho members of their lodge an opportunity to hear one of the most cloipii'iit 'cnkers ill fraternal circles, the Woodmen of the World will not hold their regular meeting Friday, hut will attcad the open session of the Modem Woodmen, who will be ltd dressed by F. li, Korns, chairman of the board of directors of the Modern Woo.lbum of America, llioat prcpara- Shipley's Store Extraordinary Opportunity to review the finest display of New York ami Paris Model Suits and I)rese. Special Orders by NR. B. E. FARREIX Thursday Only The street committee of the city council spent yesterday afternoon at Turner, inspecting the Yoelc crushing nuichiiic, which belongs to tho county. A member of ttie committee stated that the crusher seemed to be doinir satisfac tory work. This trip of inspection was made as it is probable that the nextll city budget will provido for the pnr-ji ennse. or a rock crusnor, similar to tlio 1 T one owned by tho comity, which cost I liWO. W. II. Cook, ns chairman, and X a. w. aincy, ami A. 11. tluUelston, are T ..,.. ,l.....u .... .1 4. - "'viiiuvifl ui IIIU nill'UI, CUIIlllllllUC. AttenUon, Sedgwick Post, O. A. R. You will please turn out and attend the funeral of Nclluiniel Sdori8. Co. C, Colorado Cavalry, who"died within our gates, at tin 11'iidortuking parlors of Higdoa & Hichurdsoa, Thursday, Oc tober It, at 2 o'clock 11. 111. of said dav. Interment i.i (I. A. ft. Circle l' L. I'otind, coniiiiiindcri 1). Webster, Adjt. explain the modern processes and sani tary methods used by us 111 prune pack ing. Drager Fruit Co. OetH A. s More Extraordinary Opportunity, and Ilresses. Orders by MR. R. E. FARRELL Thursday Only Walter S. Oleeson was yesterday elected to the office of grand keeper of tho records and seals of tho gran lodge of the Knights of Pythias of the state, to succeed L. R. Stinson, who had held the office for 18 years. 0 . A cablegram from Liverpool was re ceived this morning by the Drager Fruit company from their agents advis ing them to nvako all shipments by rail. The recent slide in the Panama canal will block water shipments un til probably tho first of the year. Attorney E. E. Baker, who has re cently been associated with S. T. Rich ardson, and als formerly with K. R. Ringo, will open offices on the second 1 floor of the Salem Bank of Commerce': building. ITr. Baker ig one of the' many graduates of the law department ; of Willamette university, who arc mak ing their way in the legal world. Poultry growers in the county are beginning to show nn Interest in the an- j mini Marion county show to be held in ; this city next January. In order to have 1 things in proper shapo and all arrange- j ments completed in time, W. I. Staley,j director of the agricultural department of the Commercial club, appointed the following committee: Walter H. Smith, Dr. E. E. Lee Steiner, Gideon Stolz and i Joseph H. Albert. I Next Friday afternoon the Drager Fruit company will hold a reception to the people of the city who would like to inspect a model packing plunt. It is claimed that the process used on prunes is the only one of its kind in the state. Tho methods of packing are sanitary, and the work will go on as usual during the afternoon while the visitors nre being taken through the plant. Tho new building is located, at tho corner of Trade and Cottage streets two blocks south of the postoffiee. Members of the Social Service Cen ter will meet next Monday afternoon nt 5 o'clock at the public lihgiry to dis cuss the work of the Center for tlio coming winter. The members of the Social Center are: Jos. li. Albert, O. M. J-illiott, ' Max Burcn, Mis. A. Jf. Bush, Rev. Robert S. Gill, Ur. Fred erick Thompson,' Rov. R. F. Tischer. Mrs. W. K. Anderson, R. A. Harris, II. O. White, Judge Bushey and Ivna li. Martin. A contract station of the postoffiee department will bo established next Friday, at tho Crown Drug company, 332 State street. This station is estab lished for the convenience of down town putrons and its business is con fined to selling stamps, writing money to review the finest display of ."'r" ?"'! ,r.ei!,,pri"tf U',1tcr9-. In ,a -T 1 11 1 1 contract station, no parcel post pack- JNew lork and Paris Model 1 nfroa will hn wniohn.l nt ro.miva.l Tn Suits and Dresses. -Special 1 a station, like the one to be establish- Tl.l .1. .. T . eu in ine v.rown .urug store, 110 extra force is put in to handle the business, and those in the store do not come un der the head of the classified service. Those with parcel post packages to be weighed or mniled, or postage estimated will do their business nt the postof-licf. "Salem's Best Market Place" New Sauer Kraut 5c Pound Lemon Cling Peaches 15c Basket Sweet Cider 25c Gallon Best Bananas 25c Dozen Grapes Concords, basket.. 40c Tokays, basket ....40c Malaga, basket 30c Ben Taylor, who ranks as the senior employe in the Salem postoffico, with a record of l!"i years laitiiful service, I states that Monday afternoon nt 4 :."10 , o'clock, while at his homo, H:l7 t'en-1 tor street, he suw a large balloon, with) a trapese instead of a basket, passing over that part of the city, and that it finally fell to the ground somewhere in the northeast part of the city. Mr. Taylor states that not only he 'himself, saw it, but possibly a dozen of his neighbors and that ihere is no doubt1 Westacott-Thielsen Company Buy Mud Guards For Your . Bicycle NOW AT $ 1 .00 A PAIR Or we will' put them on your wheel and guaran tee them not to rattle for 23e additional. Scott & Scott The Growing Bicycle Store 252 State Street iiaiifciii'i' 'i'j,iia., f,m tsafc ' SPECIAL AT THE OREGON Francis X. . Bushman in HIS LATEST SUCCESS The Silentl Voice One of the Triumphs of His Career. Today and Tomorrow MATINEE 10c EVENING VAUDEVILLE VIOLA VERCLER HOLMAN, MARY SCIIULTZ Violin Duets EVENING 15c