Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 13, 1915, Image 4

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Editor and Manager '
October 13, HMS.
Editorial Page of "The Capital Journa
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
ti. S. BARNES,
Vice President
Hcc. and Treas.
ii.sk. t. .,!;. nor venr $5.00 Per month 43c
Itaily by mail, per year
3.00 I'cr month 35c
New York Chicago
V'ardl.enis-Williams Special Agency Harry R. Fisher Co.
Tribune. Building 30 N. Dearborn St.
Bulgaria turning against Russia is a case of base in
gratitude. When she was weak and powerless, her people
massacred by the Turks, even as the Armenians are to
day, when she was helpless and hopeless, Russia volun
tarily came to her aid, drove out the Turks, gave Bul
garia her independence, and supported and aided by
England helped her developement from poverty to
economic strength, from ignorance to enlightenment,
from military weakness to her present nower. Another
thing that makes her alliance with the Teutons seem
strange is, that during all her struggles both Austria and
Germany meddled in her affairs, interfered with her con
quests from the Turks and encouraged the quarrel over
the snoils that proved so disastrous to her.
No fault could be found with Bulgaria for remaining
neutral. While she was indebted to Russia and in a
lesser degree to England there is no compelling reason
why she should have fought for the allies, but there are
Yesterdav was a legal holiday in Oregon, made so by fVlDrv. Tf nmUhi nr. mott ,w tho nntcnmp of
act of the legislature in honor of that brave hearted old th is. that Ferdinand' will lose his crown, and if the
Spaniard, Venetian or whatever he was, umstopnerj allies wjnhis head
Columbus. Just where he was born or how much is of 'm
little interest to Americans of these days, but what the Arnold K Wheat, in a communication in Tuesday's
doughty sailor did certainly had a great bearing onQr egonian advocates a law prohibiting the hunting of
The Capital Journal carrier boys arc instructed to put the papers on the
porch. If the carrier due not do thin, misses you, or neglect getting the
piper' to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, us thin is the only
way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions.
Phone Main 8).
Anglo-French, Paris Baid,
ousted Germans and occupied
Yprea. Tiie Belgian army
joined the .English at the
northern frontier. German
forces from Ghent were expect
ed to occupy Ostend.
Germany was silent on the
French situation. A Russiun
repulse was reported at Preeni
ysl and a big battle predicted
in Russian Poland.
Russia claimed a German set
back on the Warsaw advance
along tho Vistula, with two
companies captured. Fighting
continued south of Przemysl.
Martial law was declared in the
Portuguese Congo but Portugal,
through mooilizing, has not de
clared war in Germany.
The German cruisers lireslan
and Goebcn, sold to Turkey, ap- -
peared in tho lack Sea. The
British ambassador at Con
stantinople lias asked the em
bassy women to depart.
present conditions in this country. If he had not showry China pheasants with dogs. This he thinks would pro-
i.mr nn rlmihf cniTH'firlP f'lsn WOUlfl in the COUl'Se 01 1 , , 1 ... r ... j i . n .
" J v ", . -. - ,tect tne pneasams anu uo away wiui me army ui amc
time, but imagine this great and glorious section of the
universe remaining undiscovered for a hundred years or
so longer than it was. It is only 42: years since his little
fleet reached the western side of the Atlantic but in that
time some wonderful changes have been wrought
When good Queen Isabelle soaked her jewelry in order
to furnish ships and supplies for Christopher, she little
thought, she was opening up such a big farm, or such an
immense treasure house. She acted on faith alone; for
she knew nothing of Thanksgiving Day, nor did the old
world have any idea of that great national Diru, tne
American turkey, that on that day points his plump
drumsticks towards heaven, opens his big breast for the
whole family, and his rotund abdomen with its odorous
enreo of dressing for the delectation of old and young,
She knew nothing of the tasseled corns that this year
poured their three billion bushel of golden glory into the
world's big granaries. She had never known the degluti
inw iMIciniisnoss of the succulent roasting ear. each
grain a diminitive can of "Carnation cream" put up by
good old Dame Nature and flavored by Ceres herself
from the Jovian delicatessen, and each dainty canlet set
juicy end up on a fragrant cob.
She knew nothing nor did the world of the Argus
eyed potato, bursting with mealy lusciousness that under
the wizard touch of man, now serves as food for half the
She knew nothing of the brown leaved tobacco sweet
solace of our idle hours, father of dreams, and original
creator of moving pictures with films just from fairy
land. She knew nothing of these, yet she staked Christopher
like a queen, and in the draw he naturally got a royal
He knew nothing of them either, but according to
the Spanish ideas of those days took home, as the
choicest and most valuable product of the continent a
few free born natives as slaves.
And now 42:5 years after good queen Isabella's invest
ment was made the women of this country are asking to
le emancipated and made the political equals of men. In
the light of what one woman did for this country they
should succeed.
At the same time it seems it would only be proper to
boost Christophers exploit, for he did not even have theiK"""' constantly against Kidney troui-
iirmni' nf Vinvinir trii rmin rv Vin rlionvm-n.I nnmn.l ff.,! lo, because we. eot too much and all our
wardens as the pheasants then would not be killed off and
would increase without any care. Perhaps Mr. Wheat is
light, but then the same result could be more easily
reached and the life of the pheasants made much more
safe, bv prohibiting their being hunted with guns. This
would also furnish more sport for the dogs.
A young Japanese opera singer says woman has but
one love, and that when a woman gives her love she gives
her life. This listens all right, but the woman who says
she can have but one love, is only 24. Before she is fifty
she will have another think coming especially if she re
mains on the American stage, and follows the lead of the
American warblers. ...
Rub Pain From Back With
Small Trial Bottle of Old
Penetrating "St.
Jacob's Oil"
The women voted in Norway Monday. If there is any
voting to be done in the warring countries, unless the
war stops soon, it will have to be done by the women.
There will not be enough men left to officer the election
booths. They will probably also have to occupy the
offices. .
Marshfield, not satisfied with having one dollar day,
insisted on a second. It might have saved time and work
to have had a two-dollar day at first. .
As a name for a submarine why not use that of the
tasty doughnut the common every day title of which is
Take a Glass of Salts Before
Breakfast If Your Back
Hurts or Bladder
Bothers You
The American men and women must
What a misfortune it is for the nation that the Ore-
food is rich, Our blood is filled with
uric arid which the kidneys strive to
filler nut, they weaken from overwork,
become sluggish; the diminutive tis
sues ilog nmt the result is kidney
I ...... 1. 1.. 1. 1. ..I. I... ...... I.. ........ .....I n ..lo.
gonian editor can not be president of the United States
nil decline- iu holt. I.
it h!it Inner nnntlirh in snttln thn fvSon tm,d,ln. U!. Wh,. your kidneys feel like lumps of
"v v 'f -"-f," v.vvwv w. .'"..nun nuuim.i. uc i lend: v,.ur buck nurts or the urine
seems to be the on v person who knows whnr nnn-hr in hn .cloudy, toil of sediment
or vou are
done and unfortunately he won't tell. He just lays back ' lu V, "IX0 'ZZ
and finds fault with everything done in connection with',i,k ,,r v"yr- nervous speiis.
.. .. j . . , V 1 . , . . . . in id stDiiiiich, or von Imve rheumatism
Mexican matters and insists that whatever is done isi,,.,, th,. weather is i.Nd. get in.m
wrong. Just the same kind of individuals used to stick ;V":rJ'l!;u"""'i,t "'"I"1, ,,,"r "i"',''' "r
, .i ...,, . . ., ,, ... , . . .lad NilN: take a taldespnonfiil iu a
to the editorial chairs in the northern cities during the!sins of water before breakfast for a
tew ita.vs a Ha your Kinnevs win i.ieu
ait tine. This famous suits is mnde
from the. acid of grape and lemon juice
combined with bt.iii'.. and has been used
for generations to tlush and stimulate
closed kolueys; to ncutriilire th acids
in the urine so it no longer is a tourer
Civil war and conduct its military affairs, to their entire
Mrs. Gait, the president's fiancee, being a lineal
descendant of Pocahontas, who saved the life of Captain ,h"K ,nuU" Muil,ll'r l1'
John Smith, when "Toky's" father had ordered that re-! w,,.'d' suits is inexpensive: cannot
doubtable soldier knocked in the head with a club, she
should be especially honored by the Smith family. This! eve
should insure the president's re-election should he again!',',,,1'
Ik? a candidate. rl he support of the Smiths would settle it.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 186S
Capital $300,000.00
Transact a genera! banking: business
Safety Deposit Boxes
jure, makes a delightful ettcrvescent
ivater lievcirgo, nmt oelongs in
homo, because nobody can make
mistake bv hsvii'g a good kidney
flusdnng any time.
Anchorage Property
Owners Indicted
Seward, Alaska, tVt. 1.1. Anchorage,
the base of construction of the Alaskan
railway is ic o stnte- of excitement to
day over the return of ten indictments
by the federal grand jury at .lunenil
acnint n owners of lots at Anchorage
charged with selling lienor and erinit
ting gambling. When tha government
sold tiie lots it was stipulated no Honor
or gambling would be permitted. This
nguviueut, it is alleged, was ignored
in the new town. whii h has grown In
a few mouths from a few cabius to
more than S.dOO population.
When your back is sore and lame or
lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has
you stiffened up, don't suffer! Get a
small trial bottle of old, honest "St.
Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, pour a
little in your hand and nib it. right on
your aching back and by the time
you count fifty, the soreness and fine
ness is gone.
Don't stay crippled! This soothing,
penetrating oil needs to be used only
once, it takes the puin right out and
ends tho misery. It is magical, yet
absolutely harmless and doesn't burn
tho skin.
Nothing else stops lumbago, scntica,
backache or rheumatism so promptly. It
never disappoints. . .
A Tobacco Judge
will tell you every time that
the real, sure-nuff way to get
the full, tasty satisfaction from
tobacco is to chew it That
liberates Nature's sweetest
juices, stored up and aged in
tke tobacco leaf until mellow
perfect. And when you chew
"PIPER" you're chewing the
highest tvpe plug tobacco
made rich, luscious, tongue-smacking
TolaceoCaiapigaa FliTor
The feature of "PIPER"
that makes a man chew it
forever is its wonderful
"Champagne Flavor" that
delicious taste found in no other
tobacco. Once you know it youll
boost " PIPER " for life, r
The finest selected leaves "of
well-ripened tobacco; hard pressed
so as to give you a long-lasting
plug that's "PIPER!"
Sold br dealers evwywliir
in 5c and 10c cata aanitary.
foil-wrapped, to praaarra th
Th Tobacco
Company of
-vr,v California,
-.VY San Francisco.
' ii i i 1i -iiil
Send 10c and
your tobacco
dealer's nam.
nd we'll send a full-size 10c
cut of "PIPER" and a hand
some leather pouch FREE,
anywhere In V. S. Also a
folder about " PIPER." The
tobacco, pouch and mailing
will cost ns 20c, which we
will gladly spend because
a trial will make you a
steady user of "PIPER."
She Made Up a Mixture of
Sage Tea and Sulphur to
Bring Back Color,
Gloss, Thickness
Common uiirnVn anco brewed into a
heavy tea with sulphur ami alcohol udit-:
oil, will turn i'i:iy, Htrvakod urn! fuilt'il
hair lietiutu'ully ,rk ami luxuriant, ro
inovo every lot of dandruff, stop seBlnj
iti'liinir nn. I fulling hair, j not a few I
nillicut ioua ill prove a revelation ifj
your luur i fining, gray or dry, serag
uly mid thin. Mixing the !Suue Teal
n ml Sulphur reripe at homo, though, in
troublesome. An easier wny is to get1
tiie ready to uso tonic, costing about1
! 1'iMit.i a luryo bottle at drug stores,!
known ns Uveth's Sage and sul-i
phur Compound, '' thus avoiding a lot!
of muss. j
While wispy, nmy, faded hair is not;
"infill, we all desire' to retain our youth-j
fill nppeariuii e mid nttrnotiveDOHS. Hy !
darkening your hair with Wyeth'g Sago'
and Sulphur, no one en tell, beranse;
it does it so naturally, o evenly. You
just dampen a sHnge or soft bruslij
with it mid drnw this through J'our
hair, taking ene small strand at a time;!
by morning ii II ursyi hairs have disnp-j
peared, ami, nfter another application!
or two. your hair boeomes beautifully
dark, glossy, soft, grid luxuriant.
Funeral Directors Say
Preachers Spoil Funerals
Sua Kiain isio. Oot 13. Those jolly
fellows, the (liM funeral directors in
rlmventiou here have been told by
I'red K. Pier. e. of Im Angeles, just
how they should aet and dress if they
would be successful III their profession.
They should be, he says:
Serious, but not gloomy.
l'lgnified, but not morose.
tioiitlo, but not fawning.
Self possessed, but not self Conscious.
V'netly masterful, but not bossy.
Sympathetic, but not ltichrymose.
Their dress should be onnt but not
gaudy and toey should avoid a vulgar
display or jewelry.
Incidentally, Tierce paid his rompli
ments to the 'Moth heu he com
iniMitrd: "I have observed that some presch
ers would spoil anything and that they
are adept ut spoiling funerals,''
Adams. Miss Pearl.
Allen, Mr. Alf.
Allison, Mrs. .John P.
Ansliind, Win.
Autemieth, K. L.
linker, Mr. John 0.
Baxter, Mrs. J. Unllard.
Hrundridge, Mrs. Alva.
Cameron, Miss Kntherine,
Caee, Mr. Ilex.
Clnpp, K. L.
Covey, Mr. (leo. C.
Cross, Mr. Homer M.
Kvans, Miss Oupheny.
(arrick, Mr. Vern.
(ieorge, Stove,
(iillson, Mrs. l'enrl.
Hamilton, A. K.
Hazdon, Jamelo.
Heath, Fred I;.
Heedson, It. H.
Heitter, Mrs. Thelma.
Hilt, Miss Kstell.
Hoechswender, Mrs. Geo.
Johnson, Mr. J.
Johnson, Mr. John L.
McCaskey Reg. C.
Meyer, K. A.
Pacific States Detective Agenev.
Peck, Mr. P. L.
I'ounilstone, Earl.
Kniholn, Dr. John.
Ramsdell, Mrs. C. H.
lingers, Flo.
Siielton, Mrs. Hula. .
Simpson, Mrs. Carl.
Simpson, Jerry. '
Sloan. Lester B.
Stemple, Master Willie.
Taylor, Mrs. Maggie.
Tomlinson, Fred.
Hurrying Details To
Recognize Carranza
Washington, Oct. 12. Huste to com-pl-te
formalities attendant upon rec
ognition of Oarranza was evident to
day. The administration probably does
not. want, however, to appoint a new
ambassador. A formal statement of
plans, though is exjiectcd soon from tie
White House.
An American embargo on numitionj
for Villa hjas not yet been reimposed,
but for all practical purposes, the order
is in effect, whtlo an official order re
establishing it, is expected this week.
Border customs officers, in the mean
time are detaining munitions shipment!
on their own authority, to investigate
Guatemala and Brazil are the only
Vancouver, Wash., Oct. 13. Right
Upv. I'VllY VtfrwilLr"ilcn vicor oonnrnl nt
the diocese of Seattle ami state chnplin countries on this continent evincing a
of the Knights of Columbus, is dead j reluctance to reeog iize Carranza, while
here today after a long illness. He wagi16 principal European nations iiavo in
40 years old. formally advised the state ileiartuieit
, that they will follow America's lead.
Rome," Oct. 13. Archbishop Petrelli,
Portland, Or., Oct. 13. X. K.
("Patsy") tlnrke is elected todav to
succeed M. (. Dickinson as manager of apostolic doleeate to the Philippine!,
the Oregon hotel here. Dickinson re- will represent the pope at the .lopaneie.
signed. Clarke is well known in north- mikado's coronation, it was learned lo
west hotel circles. iday.
ALL chewiug-gum" is at sword's Joints
xi. with the thermometer.. J?p north
the cool, crisp days, and down south the
extreme heat try in different ways to'
urge gum into a crumbly condition.
But no matter when or where you
buy Sterling Gum you will find it crumble
proof. You will find that each stick quickly
become a velvet-bodied confection.
So you will always find real enjoyment
in Sterling Gum while hunting for that
7th point.
Th Star Hat Odm Co.
Loot 1 aland Citr,
Oreatw Ntw Vwk
IO0W r-
30 -E
r3 r-