Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 13, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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unvpsnAV. rift. is. igik.
Social end
CAfiOL &
The many friends of Miss Marguerite
f lower win do giaa to learn iojh ae
lias returned from her summer vacation,
pent at Portland and Oregon City.
Jdiss Flower will resume her vocal
work under Miss Minnetta Magers, and
will also broaden her musical training
br a course of lossons in the School of
Expression under Mrs. Anna Sogers
VuU. liy thus enlarging tne scope or
her dramatic talent, Miss r'lower will
ae doubt be sblo to give her audiences
many additional treats in the near fu
ture. Bne will make her home, as in
previous years, with Mrs. It. A. Har
ris, 1010 North Cottage street.
Mrs. J. A. Churchill left today on
two weeks' visit to Astoria where
she will be the guest of her daughter,
Mrs. James Elton.
Mrs. C. A. Park, and her bouse guests
Mrs. W. K. Harper and Mrs. Halpb
Lynch, of Chicago, will go to Albany
tomorrow to spend the week end as the
guests of Minn Klizabetii Irvine.
i :
Mm. Effie Wright entertained her
Monday school class, the D. P. M. of
the Jason Lee Memorial church, last
Batunlay afternoon at her home on
North Fourth street. The class enroll
ment is nineteen and the girls spent
a very pleasant afternoon, electing
their officers and initiating new mem
bers, this being the first meeting of
the season. Later dainty refreshments
were served, Miss Vera Wright assist
ing in the son in g.
A motor party consisting of Mr. and
Mrs. N. H, Atchison and daughter, Har
riet, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Perilling, and
three daughters, motored tin from Port
land Hunduy. Mr. and Mrs. Peddins
pent the day with their daughters,
who aro attending' Willumette, return
ing in the evening, accompanied by
Mr. Atchison. Mrs. Atchison and her
daughter remained until Tuesday as
the guests of Dr. and Mrs. K. N. Avi
on. Mrs. Fred C. Fish, of Bend, is visit
ing Mrs. Ira Jorgensen at her home on
Mouth High street.
Mrs. Charles Ilolwny, of Portland,
has been the guest of Mrs. J. Montcalm
Urown for a few dnys,
Mrs. Homer Smith and Mrs. O. C.
Locke motored to Portlund yesterday
on a visit
Mrs. Walter L. Spnulriing entertained
the La Courier club Friday afternoon
t her home on Court street. This wns
the first meeting of tiiu club since tho
nninier vacation, anil a pleasant af
ternoon was panned with faucywork, ac
cording to the usual custom of tho club.
Rod and white cornntions murio effect
ive decorations. Mrs. Hoy II. Mills as
sisted in the serving. Additional
guests for the uftornonn were Mrs. C.
K. Spunlriiiig and Mrs. Cliurles H.
Smith. The club in cm hers are: Miss
Zoo Stockton, Miss Nancy Sknifn, Miss
Edna .losso, Miss Mary Eckerlin, Mrs.
laul Johnson, Mrs. j(o,v Mills, Mrs.
Chester Cox, Mrs. Joe jioinhttrt, Mrs.
Lilburn Hoggs, Mrs. Hurry Wunderoff,
Mrs. Paul Helimidt, Mrs. Seymour Skii'f
and Mrs. Walter Spnulriing. Tim host
ess for tho next time will ha Mrs. Lil
burn Hoggs.
Mrs. Sinclair and Mrs. Seth McCarty,
of Oruuri Junction, Colorado, who have
been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. N. T.
Hcllyer, of Hnlem Heights avenue, the
inst two weeks, leave tonight for Cali
fornia. They will attend both exposi
tions and visit other points of interest
on the const, returning to Co lorn do, the
last of December.
Miss Lola Sinter returned toriiiy from
a few days' stay ut Portland, where
iie attended the fortnightly meeting
of the McDowell club of that city.
Miss Averil Morris celebrated bcr
birt Inlay Friday evening nt her home
on Noith CottiMre street, by asking in
a few friends inl'tiriniilly to spend the
evening. I 'ink rones intermingled with
variegated ivy formed attractive dee
oqntio.iH thrimu,hout tlio house. The
evenng nus ideni tint ly passed witn
games and oilier festivities, usually in
spired by .bivtluluy celebrations. Those
who pin ticimteri ii the evening's fun
were: Miss Mnr.jorie Minton, Miss
Hlntii'liu Dnike, ,loe' Minion, William
Cbittick and Hen Minton,
Nov. Carl II. Elliott mid J. N. Hknife
returned toriiiy from Hrowusville where
they have been uttciullng a meeting of
the Presbytery.
Mrs. K. K. Uingo is entertuining Miss
(lertrmlit Siplierd, of Kitnsns City, Mis
souri, hs her house guest. Miss Nipiierri
is en tonte fiom (nliforuin and will
sjM'iid u few weeks in Salem.
A double wedding anniversary whs
celebrated recently ut the home of Mr.
and Mis. C. (I. Henderson on Ferry
slrer. The occasion was tho first
wedding niu.iveisary of .Mr. and Mrs.
Marian Henderson' nnri the thirtieth
anniversary of Mr. uuri Mrs. C. tl. Hen
derson their piuents. Other guests at
Ibe dinner were! Mr. and Mrs. Katu
Phillips, Miss Mary Phillips, Miss (Iretu
Phillips anil .Mrs. 1 .011 mo Arthur.
The Northwest Section of the Wom
an's I'uion of tho First Congregational
church will meet Friday afternoon at
two thirty ut the home of Mrs. F. W
riteuslotf, 007 N. Commercial street.
1 Tho Misses lleriiice it ml Ilertha (lark
; nave been entertaining as a house
truest, Mrs. K. C. Ford, of San Fran
ciaco. Mrs. Ford is un old time friend
of the lurks, osving known them in
i-aswieua, .their former home, Mra.
Ford left today for Minnesota.
ft a wiwvtintiu
Mra E. Cooke Pstton is spending
the day in Silverton. .
Mrs. E. A. M. Cone, of Aurora, it a
visitor in the city today.
Mra. Jennie Randall, of Seattle, he
has been visiting at Hit lioiae of M. C.
Findley, will return to her home tomor
row. Mrs. L. J. Frachtenbergis in the city
today from Chcmawa.
Miss Laura Bikson is visiting in 8a
lem today from Brownsville.
Mrs. Y. P. Thompson, of Silverton,
is visiting today in the city.
Boy J. Hoffman land Miss Edna
Hoffman, of Keiscr Bottoms, are here
this week visiting their sister, Mrs.
Ulen E. Unruh.
Bev. R. N. Avison and the Rev. Ford,
superintendent of this district of the
M. E. church, are in Albany today.
Sidney B. Elliott, cashier of the Ka
lem Bank of Commerce, is in Portland
Miss Forest Enos went to Portland
today to accomfpany her sister, Mrs.
C. E. Cooper, who is returning to her
home at Calgary.
W. W. Moore, of the Moore furniture
store, is a business visitor in Portland )
today. ' I
Otto Rchellborg is in Portland today
attending the meeting of the grand
lodge of the Knights of Pythias.
Supreme Court Holds That
Judge McGinn Had No
Right to "Bump" Defend't
The decision of Judge William Gal
loway in the Howell partition suit was
modified in un opinion handed down
this morning by Jnstico Harris, of the
supreme court. Judge Uulloway held
that Flducia F. Howell was entitled
to a foe simple title to 1'i.tll acres of
land in this county nnri the supreme
court holds that she is entitled to an
undivided one half interest in this
property and has a dower interest in
the other one-half of the property.
A trial .judge in the circuit, court has
no right to express a nopinion in open
court threatening to "bump" the de
fendant, according to nu opinion hand
ed down by Justice Benson in which
Indue McCinn, of Multnomah county
is reversed and theense remanded to
another department of the Multnomah
couutv court for retrial.
In this suit which was brought by Al
bert iuu H. Kugenstein iifcuiiiiHt Henry
.. Otteiilioinier, a former Salem hop
man, to collect rininitgcs for personal
injury, it wns shown by 1111 affidavit
Hint Judge McGinn expressed an opin
ion in open court in the matter nt Imr.
The plaintiff claimed Hint she was hit
by tun defendant 's nu 1 0 uuri brought
suit. The .jury in the first trial riisa
greeri but in the second trial nwnrricri
nor VI,(ll0 riniuagcs. Before Hie second
triii I Judge Mctiinu ifullcgeri to have
Kuiil to the riefi'iiiluut:
"You humped this woinuii once nnri
! have humped her again in court anil I
propose to see this time Hint soma one
else is humpcri."
The other cuscs opinions linurieri riown
were as follows;
Allan It. Joy, appellant, Mabel
Pnlcthorpe, appealed from Multnomah
county, suit to enjoin ricfciiriniit from
trespass, appeal dismissed, opinion by
Justice Mcllride.
Miiniiie Sleeri vs. Xicnff Shoe Manu
facturing company, uppcllaiit, appealed
from M ult 11011111I1 couutv, motion to
ii h m i hs appeal denied, opinion by Jus
tice KitU in.
$ He
In order tliat tho farmers coming to
Hie big market si'les ilny here iu't
Saturday iiinv feel more nt home, those
in ciuirgn have appointed a glini hiiiiri
committee whone iluty it will lie to take
cUsrge of all who are not very well nc
Ununited nnri make them feel nt home.
Tonight a goneriiJ meeting of all the
departments of the commercial club
will be held at the cloli rooms. This
is one of the regular monthly meetings
when the gcucrut buiiincHs of toe com
mercial club will be iliscusscri. Presi
dent Hamilton is on for a speech, and
other members me prepare) to take an
active part in the riiMciisniuus.
Automobile tourists are now few and
pretty far between, but today a -worn
nnri travel staincri car nppenreri on the
streets with the banner of ( oncoiriiil,
Km 11 Kim. This town is noted by those
who like to read the governments daily
reports of temperature, its about the
hottest place in (lie I'uitcri states, com
pared to other cities on tho western
The educational and. charity com
mittee of the civic department of the
commercial club met lust evening aud
decided 10 co operate with the member
of the Social Service Center during the
coining winter. The member of this
committee are Mux (). Hiiren, II, tl.
White, K. F. Tiseher, K. A. Harris and
O. M. Klliott.
Already the farmer are becoming In
terested in the nvnrkct tiny to be held
here next Saturday and several have
seht in lists to the commercial club of
what they will bring in to be sold a
auction. The list incliirie almost ev
erything in the farming line, includng
surrey, buggc, harness, borne and
Crooked horaa traders, winded nor
and all suck, will hive no chance at the
market day to he held ker neit Satur
day, la fart, the committee iu charge
are arranging affair no tiiat fraud of
every kind will be eliminated. When
the auctioneer put up a karat he will
Tht Food-drfnk for All Apt.
More healthful than Tea of Coffee.
Agree with the weakest digestion.
Delicious, invigorating and nutritious.
Rich milk, malted grain, powder form.
A Quick Lonca Prepared in a Mianta
Unlamm you may "HORLIOICS
you ntmy pel m Subatltrntm
Shipley's Store
Extraordinary Opportunity
to review the finest display of
New York and Paris Model
.Suits and Ires."C8. Special
Orders by
Thursday Only
tell of its merits from the owners'
standpoint. But to insure the purch"
nuer against any possible fraud, the
money for which the horse is sold will
be held by the committee until ten
o'clock the following Monday morniug.
Then if there is no complaint, the
sale stands. If there is a complaint
and the horse found not In he m ..l,,lm.
ed, the committee In charge of the
mnrnei win ticcme as to the right and
wrong. Every horse sold will be put
op unoer a guarantee. The present
miitingement remembers what happened
nt the lust market day,' but the farm
ers may fed nHsured that at this salo,
every horso will bo sold under a miar-
Line-Up For Football
Game Next Saturday
For the football game to be played
next Saturday afternoon on Willamette
field, between Salem High and New
berg High,, the Salem team will line up
us follows: Daryl Proctor, captain and
fullback; Claud Hadcliff, halfback;
Oral Hngcdorn, halfback; Roby Rad
cliff, right end; Victor Taylor, right
tackle; (ieorge White, right guard;
Cecil Harff, center; Rufus Bonrtwright,
left guard; Roy Williams, left tackle;
Whitney dill, left end. Substitutes,
Allen Carson and Victor Reid.
The game will be the first of the
season for the Ncwberg team and sec
ond for the Snlem boys.
Report of Committee
On Bathing Resort
(Continued from Past On.)
organization and that one point must
be always in mind it must be free to
all children.
W. H. BYR1),
Report on Swimming Beach.
August 4 t 4,00
August 5 H.H0
August tl (j.00
August 7 7,35
August 8 7.35
August 1) 24.00
August 10 u,55
August 11 9.40
A mist ii 43g
August LI 1270
August 11 1255
August 13 UU5
August Id .17.M0
August 17 17.55
August IS h.70
August HI n.25
August i!"
August "I
August 21
August L'.'l
August 21
August .'1
August Uil
August L'7 , . , ,
August "M . , ; . ,
August "tt
August :ni
August HI
September 1
September -September
3 , . .
September 4 . . ,
September 5 . . .
September ti
September 7 . , ,
September S , . .
September t . . .
1 11.95
...'. HMIfl
4. 25
September 10
Septembei 11 J 155
September 12 55
Frank Zinn lil.lil
Incidentals 25.00
Wilson, salary July $ "0.00
K. Moores, .iiilnry July 12.00
Wilson, snltiry August (12.00
K. Moores, salary August B8.00
llcrsckbiicu, repair crunk I.oo
Denuison, labor nnri bout 1,1.10
Hollier, haul cable 2.25
Win. Urown, burin) ,, 7.20
C. K, Spsiilriing, lumber IM.51
J. M. Beck, labor 9.75
Portland II., 1.. ft (i ) t)H
Portland It., U a P. Co., second
cable 4,24
Dennison, skiff, rent, labor .... 20.15
Hay Farmer. misccllNiieoo 3
Henry l.ee'sign 2.00
Salem Hdw., nails, lantern .... 8.K3
F.xtra hel
August S'i fins
August 211 345
September 8 :I15 T.2,1
Extra labor on house 3 Jn
K. 1. tlilbert. lime 15
Wilson, Hklsry September 24.00
K. Moore, salary September ... 24.00
C. Iry, labor on path t.tto
Ieiinison, labor and boat 7.80
Cable 10.74
Adv. labor 59.95
.$50 45
. 47172
Total receipt
Total disbursement
As soon a the jury retired today in
the ease of Nash versus Dimmich, the
ease of Charlea DeLong and others as
the Twentieth Century Mausoleum com
pany against T. W. Itavis was called in
department No. 1 of the circuit eourt.
This latter ease is an action brought
by the mausoleum company against Mr.
Davis to eolleet on a promissory note.
The plaintiff alleges that Mr. , Davie
contracted for five compartments in a
mausoleum being built at Van Wert,
Ohio, for the sum of $!95 and gave his
note for this amount. The sum of
$231.67 waa paid on the note and the
company sued to collect the balance al
leged due on the note. Mr. Davis seta
forth in hi answer that the company
did not adhere to its agreement is the
contract and gives this as the reason
for refusing- to pay the balance. Walter
Keys represent the plaintiffs and At
torney W. H. Trindle the defendant
C. F.. RiirtnAtt wm urTRloTied in the!
circuit court department No. 1 this
morning on two indictments, one charg
ing that he sold liquor to W. E Brown
and the other that he sold liquor to
Mary Payton. His bail was fixed at
$200 on each count and being unable to
furnish this amount was taken bach to
the county jail. Burtnett will enter
his plea Saturday. Smith & Shields
are appearing for the defendant.
Noel Wolfard, who is under indict
ment charged with criminul assault up
on the person of a girl 16 years of
age, was arraigned before Judge Kel
ly in the circuit court this morning
and will enter lis plea tomorrow. At
torney D. H. Allen is appearing for
Stating in her petition that Gene
vieve Jennings, now 14 years of age,
was deserted bf her parents when about
a month old, Charlotte Phillips today
asked permission of the county judge to
legally adopt the minor child. The min
or child was born February 8, 1901, and
ha been cared for nearly ull of her
life by Charlotte Phillips, who resides
in Jefferson. It is stated that the
present address of the parents of the
child is unknown and even their given
names are unknown to the child or the
Two petit juries were out this aft
ernoon aud for a while business was at
a standstill in department No. 1 of the
circuit court. The jury in the case of
Nash versus Dimmick had not returned
a verdict at the time tho jury in the
case of the Twentieth Century Mauso
leum company versus Davis retired and
a 24 jurymen pructicully exhausted the
panel the court was adjourned owing
to a scarcity of talesmen.
An inventory and appraisement in
the estnte of John H. Schnap wag filed
today in the probate court. The report
shows that the deceased was possessed
of real property consisting of 124
acres of land valued at $12,400 and per
sonal property bringing the total up to
$13,(107. Kllis Stevens, James Cutsforth
and J. S. Cooroler were appraisers.
The will nf Lemuel Limmon was ad
mitted to probate today by un order of
Judge Bushey. The estate consists of
real and personal property to the esti
mated value of $15,000, Mary J. Lcm
mon and Kdwnrd L. I.emmon were ap
pointed executors of tho estnte bv the
terms of the will. J. A. Baker, Louis
Fletcher and I). B. SimpBon were named
as appraisers.
P. C. Keegnn, aged (!2 years, was or
dered committed to tho Oregon State
hospital today after an examination by
physicians who pronounced him insnno.
Keegan was arrested yesterday by the
Salem police upon .. rnmplnint from
residents of this city. Keegan is a scis
sors grimier but believes that llarlam
Oil will cure any ailment the human
flesh is heir to. Dan Sullivan wns also
committed to the asylum today by an
order of the county court.
Henry Albers was ordered commit
ted to the Oregon suite trnining school
today by County Judge Bushey. The
boy is declared to bo incorrigible by
the police of the city.
MARSH-In 11 local hospital, October
l.'l, 1915. Howard T. Marsh, nt the
age of (i.
The boilv was sent this afternoon by
Webb 4 dough to relatives in Port
Iniiri. HKDOKIS At the home of his dough
ter, Mrs. .lull 11 Aekcrmnn, 130 Owen
street. Snlcm, October 12, 19.15, No
tliniiicl Scrirois, at the age of 79
Surviving him are two daughters,
Mrs. John Ackerjnnn of this city, 11 nil
Mrs. F. 1 Thompson, of Kansas City,
and one son in Nebraska, Funeral ser
vices will be held at 2 o'clock Thurs
day afternoon nt the chapel of Kigriou
4 Hicharrison, t lip Kev. F. T. Porter of
ficiating. Services will be conducted at
the cemetery by the members of the
O, A. K. of which he was a member.
Nearly $300 Is Raised To
day bv Y. M. C A. Workers
The Y. M. C. A. solicitors today re-
i-orted subscription amounting to
275.50 bringing the total up to nearly
a.'HHl for Hie Sulem association for the
coming year.
The following is the list of Subscrib
ers toilnv:
11. II. Vniulervort ....$20.00
A. . Moores m
J, V. Jones
IfcT. Revnold -
l. .1. Prv, Jr
Ir. V. it. Thompson -.
Kafonry Bros .
Jno. Moir
K Frienri
A. M. Thompson .........
Merle Harding -
U M. Bogga a Co.
I am Kasmusarn
V. G. Holt
Geo. K. Waters
Steuslnff lima.
! J. J. Kobert ....
K. C. Bishop ....
.. 5.00
.. 00
.. 18.00
- 5.00
5 60
HINGES To Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Hinges, in Portland, Ore., Monday,
October 11, 1915, at their residence,
809 Belmont street, a daughter.
Mr. Hinges was 11 former Salem
Hooper Sets Fans Wild
Making Two Home Runs
(Continued From Page One.)
fanned. Burns up, strike one, swung;
strike two, swung; foul, ball one, ball
two. Burns popped to Gardner. May
er np, strike one, swung; ball one, foul,
strike twoj'fouL Mayer fanned. No
runs, no hits, no errors.
Foster was getting stronger. Niehoff,
Burns and Mayer all swung hard.
Third: Boston Hooper up, strike
one, called; ball one, ball two. Hooper
homed to center field tieing the score.
The ball bounded over the fence into
the crowd. Scott up, four, strike one;
strike two, ball one, ball two, ball three
Scott flew to Paskert. Speaker up,
ball one, ball two. Speaker singled to
right. Hoblitzel up. Mayer was lifted,
at this stage of the game and Bixey
put in the box. Hoblitzel up. Gainer
batting for Hoblitzel and will play
first baseor Boston, strike one, called;
strike two, ball one, ball two. Gainer
hit into a double piny, Bancroft to
Niehoff to Luderus. One run, two hits,
no errors.
Hooper's homer ws the first of the
series. Carrigan took Hoblitzel out be
came of his weakness against left
Philadelphia Stock up. Gainer on
first for Boston. Stock out, Gardner to
Gainer. Bancroft up, ball one, strike
one, called; ball two, ball three, strike
two. Bancroft flew to Hooper. Pnskert
np, strike one, called; ball one. Paskert
singled to center. Cravath up, ball one,
ball two, Paskert out, stealing, Thomas
to Scott. No runs, one hit, no errors.
Mayer had been nicked six hits and
two runs. His team mates were hitting
better and their three hits had kept the
score tied.
Fourth: Boston Lewis up, ball one,
strike one, -called. Lewis flew to Whit
ted. Gainer up, ball one, ball two, strike
one, called; strike two, called. Gardner
wnlked Barry up, strike one, called;
ball one, strike two, foul. Barry forced
Gardner at second, Stock to Niehoff.
Thomas up, ball one, ball two, striki
one, called. Thomas rlew to Cravath.
No runs, no hits, no errors.
Thomas' effort was caught by Cra
vath with his back against right field
Philadelphia Cravath up, foul,
strike one; ball one, ball two, ball
three, strike two, called; foul. Cravath
fanned. Luderus up. Luderus drove a
homer over the fence. The ball cleared
the fence by 30 feet. Wbitted up, pop
ped to Gardner. Niehoff up, bnll one.
Niehoff singled to center, his first of
the scries. Burns up, ball one, ball two,
foul, strike one. Burns Binglcd to right,
Niehoff taking second. Niehoff scored
when Gardner let Hooper's throw get
away and Thomas also dropped the
throw to the plate. Gardner was given
the error. His throw to the pinto was
low. Kixey up, strike one, called;
striko two, foul. Kixey out, Gardner
to trainer. Two runs, three hits, one
Foster's support was crackling. Gard
ner should have two errors, if it were
possible to give a man two on one play.
Ho lost Hooper's throw and then threw
bnrily to Thomas.
Fifth: Boston Foster up, ball one.
Foster singled to center. Hooper up,
ball one, foul, striku one; foul, strike
two; ball one, ball two. Hooner took
first when hit by a pitched bull. Foster
taking second. Scott up, strike one.
Scott flew to Whitted, both runners
were held ou their bases. Speaker 'up,
strike one, bnll one, bull two, foul,
strike two; ball three, foul, foul. Speak
er out, Kixey to Luderus. Foster tak
ing third unil Hooper second. Gainer
up, ball one, bull two, strike one, swung.
Gainer flew to Niehoff. No ruus, one
hit, no errors.
Bixey wns going good. Foster's hit
was the first one the Sox had got off
his delivery.
Philadelphia Stock up, out, Gardner
to Gainer. Bancroft up, strike one.
Bancroft singled to center. It was his
second hit of the game. Paskert up.
ball one. Paskert flew to Speaker
Cravath up, strike one, swung; ball one,
bull two. Bancroft out stenling, Thom
as to Scott. No runs, one hit, no er
rors. Carrigan had both Ruth and -Mays
warming up after Bancroft singled. He
kept them working steadily.
Sixth: Boston Lents up, out, Ban-
She Will
So her doctor said. Her
friends and. neighbors felt
sure of it too. They have
used Pcruna themselves
and know of its merits.
That old cough that had
worried her for years and
years, for which she had
taken all sorts of cottph
medicines, has disappeared.
Pcruna is doing the work.
She will recover. Indeed,
5he has recovered.
Her name Is Mrs. William
Hohmann, 1744 Lincoln Ave.
Chlcaao, 111. She had suffered
with catarrh of the bronchial
tubes and had a terrible cough
ever since a child. A .he rot
cider ihe grew worse. She
ccnurhed both winter and sum
mer Had to sit np at ntht
Could not sleep. "But all that
baa Wft m now. Peruna baa
eurd me."
There art othera, and there
la a reason.
AN -
The Newest Discovery in Chemistry.
This is a recent discovery of Doctor
Pierce, who is head of the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo,
N. Y. Experiments at .Dr. Pierce's
Hospital for several years proved that
there is no other eliminator of uric acid
that can be compared to it. For those
easily recognized symptoms of inflam
mation as backache, scalding urine
and frequent urination, as well as sedi
ment in the urine,, or if acid in the
blood has caused rhumatism, it -is
simply wonderful bow. surely "An
uric" acts. The best of results are al
ways obtained in cases of acute rheum
atism in the Joints, in gravel and gout,
and invariably the pains. and stiffness
which so frequently and persistently ac
company the disease rapidly disap
pear. Go to your nearest drug store and
simply ask for a 5u-cent package of
croft to Luderus on first ball pitched.
Gardner up, foul, strike one; ball one,
strike two, called; ball two, foul. Gard
ner popped, fouled out to Burns. Barry
up, ioui, striae one. Jtsarry safe on
Bancroft's error and took second on
Bancroft's low throw to Luderus. It
was ruled an error for Bancroft. ' Cody
batting for Thomas. Cady, strike one,
called; strike two, swung; ball one, ball
two, foul, ball three. Cady walked.
Foster up, strike on, called; ball one.
Foster out, Niehoff to Luderus. No
runs, no hits one errors.
Philadelphia Cravath up, ball one,
strike one, called; ball two, ball three,
strike two, swung. Cravath whiffed,
for the second time. Luderus up, ball
one, foul, strike one. Cady now catch
ing for Boston, ball two, foul, striko
two; ball three. Luderus walked.
Whitted up, Luderus out, stealing, Cadv
to Barry. Whitted up, ball one. Whit
ted flew to Speaker. No runs, no hits,
no errors.
Seventh: Boston Hooper up, ball
one, ball two, strike One, called. Hoop
er out, Niehoff to Luderus. Scott up,
popped to Luderus. Speaker up, ball
one, ball two. Speaker out, Buncroft
to Luderus. No runs, no hits, no errors.
Bancroft's spear of Speaker's liner
was a pretty play. The ball was travel
ing a mile a minute.
Philadelphia Niehoff up. out, Foster
to Gainer. Burns up, strike one, enlled;
ball one, strike two, foul. Burns fouled
out to Foster. Bixey up, ball one,
strike one, swung; strike two, swung.
Rixey singled to left. Stock up, flew to
Hooper. No runs, one hit, no errors.'
Eighth: Boston Gainer up, strike
one, foul, strike two. Gainer beat out
an infield hit to Stock. Lewis up, foul,
strike one; ball one. Lewis homed to
center field bleachers scoring Gainer
ahead Of him. It was Duffy's third
hard smash of the series. Gardner.flcw
to Paskert. Barry un. strike one.
swung. Barry out, Bancroft to Luder- j
us. Cady up, ball ono. Cady flew to
rasKeu. two runs, two hits, no errors.
Philadelphia Bancroft up, strike
ono, called; ball oim. - Bancroft out,
Scott to Gainer. Paskert up, bnll one,
srriKe one, calied. Paskert flew to
: -i.....v .. v.,, ...
,iu,i. vn .1 ' . -, . .
swung. Cravath walked. Luderus up,
ball one. Dugey went to run for
Cravath, ball one, strike one, called.
Luderus took first when hit by pitch
ed bnll. Dugey had started for second
and Cady made the throw. Tho umpires
f .!, ib.i ...3
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: Salem's Educational Directory j
Music Business Law Art
Schools and Colleges
Capital Normal and Industrial School
I Term of 12 weeks opens September 13-ls!
13th and Wilbur Streets, Salem
Miss Beatrice Shelton
Teacher of Piano.
Studio 345 Marion St. Thone 12M
Frank E. Churchill, Ptaniste.
Pupil of Eroil Laebling, Cricagoj gradu
ate of Western Conservatory, Chicago.
Studio Rooms 1-2, Opera liouse Bide.
Bes. rhone 1071-B.
Miss Ladle Batten
Teacher of Voice and Theory
: Studio Room 404 Hubbard Blrig. Resi
dence 1017 Norta Twentioto street
, Phone 564.
William Wallace Graham
Teacher of Violin
Pupil of Royal nigh School, Berlin, Germany, under Joachim, Msr
tean, Halir and Mark. Utters of highest commendation from t'
Nine and on half yean European experience. A specialty mad of
gin nt ft.
Studio oa SaturvxTs of each week at ITotel Marioe. JWT riM,in,""t'
phone hotel or iaquir of Uls Mary Bclmlta. Assistant, 180 V. 21'
vhone 1547-M.
" An-nrie" manufactured bv Ts
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der trouble, send him a sainnb,',1
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Pierce's ehemist will examine H
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times more active than lithia i r
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able. Advertisement. )
lime-Loss in Tnbercn!o$ij
! the Jourxal of the Amt.
jnraicai JlMOClatloa
1914) wm the foilowin;i '
" tine
Jkat i tabcKolonl. or ! ikflT
tuberculosis utmKt nn ittiJZ,
Mailt of calcium lllmtl u i
both la the arlae and uK, JJJJ
a drmlaerallutloa haa brra tkJuSl
to be a forernaaer of the it.ViJ
aient of tabercnloal , "S
"Foreea fetdtna- of ubrrlMu
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able by a large nun ,,W,M
who are apcelallili,; In the rr.
meat of pulmonary tuherculila.
If tuberculosi. Is due to a lo, ,
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Eckman's Alterative In the treat
ment of this disease may be due. I.
part, to the fact that It contain. I
lime salt so combined with other
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Always we have urged users et
Eckman's Alterative to attend strict
ly to matters of food.
In addition to rest and proper diet
some effective remedial agent teema
to be needed, and tn numerous caaei
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losis and kindred throat and bron
chial affections Eckman' Alterative
has supplied this need. ""
It' does not contain opiates, nar
cotics or hablt-formingr rlnitrs, eo It
is safe to try. Your druggist haa It
or will order It, or you can get it
from us direct.
Eckmaa Laboratory, I'hUadflpkla,
had to compare notes before they derid
ed. Whitted np, strike oue, called, ball
one. 'Whitted out, Foster to Gainer.
No runs, no hits, no errors. . ,
Ninth: Boston Foster up, strikeout,
strike two, swung; bnll one. Foster
fanned. Hooper up, strike one, called;
strike two, called. Hooper drove a borne
run into center field stiind, breaking
the tie. It was the Bed Sox third home
run of the game and Hooper's second.
Scott up, striko one, called; strike twj,
called; foul, ball one, bull two. Kcott
out, Bancroft to Luderus. Speaker up,
strike one, called; ball one, ball tw,
striko two, swung. Speaker fanned,
and was thrown out nt first whei
iJJurns dropped the taird strike. One
run, one hit, no errors.
i ni aaeirinu
Philadelphia Niehoff up, strike one,
'.called; striko two, swung; ball .one.
' I Niehoff fannc
I Niehoff fanned. Burns up, Burns out,
Gainer unassisted. Killifcr tmttuif; for
Rixey. Killifer up, out, Scott to Gain
er. No runs, no hits, no errors.
Totals: JL H. K
Boston 5 10 j 1
Philadelphia 4 9 1
Willamette University
Open September 1315
Carl O. Doney, president.
', I. H. Van Winkle, Dean of Law 8cH
and Art
Dan F. Langenberg
v Basso-Cantante
Vocal Teacher
Late pupil of F. X. Areni.
Studio 3H-W-H-17 Hubbard BMfr
Thone 2079
Elma weller
Pianist , -
Lischitezky Technie and r-unuisf
tern of Improved Music Hudy
PhonaUM' """w
Pslaace net $107.73
Total .. ..