THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON, TUESDAY, OCT. 12, 191j. Sport Looking At His Picture It Is Hard To Believe He Could Write Such Doggarel By Berton Braley. (Writtou for the I'nite.l Press.) ItoHtun, Oct. 12 One swallow doesn't make u summer, however joyous he jnay sceui and though he bo nil wine a hummer, ' one pitcher does not muke a team; his curves muy wond roiiBly meander, liiB fust one huvc a . v'-t. 4 vicious Spin, !ur ; .1 even guys like Al extiuder muHt Imve a I.ITTl.K help to win. Thus, in thin thrilling exhibition, A. in Hiiite of Alexand er's nit ill, Imh ti'iim displnyed such In- 1 iniiiiiii m swinging Jut the leuther 1 i 1 J that thcro was nury bnttiii( rally, and when the final frnmo wns done mid Hooper (rubbed t ha t needed tally, the Uostons hud it, two to one. And now, in quit a the self Maine me ter of Hubert Leonard do we sing, a pitcher with 0 bull that's fleeter than any bird on airy wing, tree hits wiib all he' gnvc the I'hillieB, nix batters whiffed liiii curve in wrath, ami cer tainly ho gave the willies to that great Hliiggormiin Cruvuth. (In tliiH regard it bIioii1iLLi uientiuned that Unbby'a fallen pretty flat, and though he'B dnuhtlcBH well intentioned, in nine times at bat he's lundod only one hunt crash, one lonesome hermit of a hit, though he wiib tooted ub a uniuHhcr who'd take but bull and murder it. We juiiHt in justice note, however, that (lubby made one high one Hour, though Lewis euught hi brave endenvor by running bcvcii miles or more.) Thin I.ewiB person's erneliing single, which nunc within the final frame wns as it proved, the winning bingle that guve the Huston bunch the giune, so us we chronicled the story of what the idnyers tried and did, this bird deserves liis shnre of glory you gotta slip it to him, kid. Then Hpeaker also earns the praises of folks who like a ringing swat, he hit I hut bnll like hclctihlueii and Imaged it, twice, around the lot; in fact the Ked Hox demonstrated the ancient law we all ri'cnll which Archimedes simply Hinted "to win vou gotta hit the bull." Three of the Stars Were Californians Han Francisco, Oct. 12. When the excitement of the world's series has died nwny, mid baseball fans are toast ing over the winter league, there will be plenty of fodder for California bnselnill fans to chew. For Iniseball players who either are unlive Ouli fornlnus or at one time drew pay checks lu the tloblen Stale before they "went up," have played a big purt in Hie world's series games to (late. Three of the stars of yesterday's game, formerly pluyed with Nt, Mary's College, OuliVu-'d. Dutch Leonard, conqueror of Alexander the grout, Har ry Hooper ii ii 1 1 Huffy Lewis, who won the second gume for lloslou with timely hits. lieonard Is a Fresno boy, Hooper hails from Cnpitoln, I nl., nnd Puffy Lewis is an Alameda buy. WASHINGTON PROHIBITION. Ol.vmpiri, Wnsh., Oct. 1 i. Volumin ous briefs are o:i file today witu the supreme court lu the prohibition case which is to be argued October 2'.', with all Judge sitting en bane. The con stitutionality of the In w adopted bv the initiative of the people is attacked. The law is to go Into off net Jnuiinrv I. m f ... Sep'ti5ti& A he Mill V 1 T-f UUll 1 11C GOTHIC the new 0 ClUI-TT.PhABi.HiY tCH,ti li. I V ky Made from the mm ft I'J A I tJV Jl 'it. . News FERGUSON WARES CONTENDING CLUBS Sizes Red Sox Up As Winners and Gives Many Reasons for His Conclusion By Fred S. Ferguson. (I'nited Press staff correspondent.) Hostoii, Mass., Oct. 12. The Ked Hox have outpitched the l'hillies in two out of three games, outhit them from the word go, und out- fielded them, and finally have out guessed them nt the most critical point oi the world's se ries to dute. it you ure in of the reu- son for the fact thut the Hox have a ono game edge and appcur to be point ed straight to the fEXIGTJSOM world's title, there it is. When the turning point of yester day's game arrived the l'hillies were outguessed. Then came Lewis with a good solid blow, scoring Hooper, and the show wus ovor. The turning point came before Lew IS amuck. It was with .Scott s sacri fice which followed Hooper's single. Hcott fouled twice. Another fouled bunt und he would have been retired. I'nder all ordinary rules, he should have hit the next bull. The l'hillies guessed thus, and lost. They pluyed for tho expected solid blow. Instead Hcott bunted. This caught them flat footed. Hooper scurried to second, Hcott wus thrown out at first, but the win ning run wus perched on second with only n single needed to stow awuy the gume. Lewis delivered this ufter Speak er hud been wulked, Leonard gets the credit for pitching equal to Foster, who wus Saturday's hero, lie furnished no personal dra matic cliiuux by mulling individually the winning run, but it wus dono for him, just us the nocossnry hit would hnve been delivered for Foster hud the latter needed It. Alexander pitched Another stonily, brainy game, but the Red Hox artillery was effective enough to put over two runs, which with Leonard standing the 1'hilly sluggers on their heads, was suf ficient. As things ure going, the se ries may go dowu us one of the best pitclmd world 's tills in history. Foster nnd Leonard of course, loom up as the real heroes with a three hit game euch, but Alexander worked 18 innings, mid was scored on only thrice ulthough he was nicked for fourteen litis. Mayer yielded ten hits und two runs, milking 21 hits and five runs the Ked Sox have registered for three games. The l'lilllies were hold uvea tighter. Oft' Hhoro, Foster und Leonard they connected with only eleven hits in 27 innings, nnd scored five runs. Iluucroft is the only 1'hilly pluyor who has hit safely lu every game. Nlehoff has not hit once, nnd he is the only player of either team, who has played thrice, mid failed to connect. Lewis lends with two safeties in the first, none in tho second, threo in the third, including the winning smush yes teidiiy. Ciiivnth nnd Luderus, the siege guns of the 1'hilly artillery have been al most entirely spiked. F.xoopt for Hut unlay 's uprising, when their brace of doubles brought a run from Foster, neither reached first more than once. Crnvuth walked in the first game, and Luderus singled in tho snme. Cactus bus fanned three, times ami Luderus four times, The latter whiffed three times yesterday. Tho l'hillies must win toditv to hnve a look in. ArresM Fnr Working Old Pool Room Swindle Tacoinn, Wnsh., Oct. 12. Charged by the police with attempting to vie tinilo, .1. C. Anderson, nu Illinois t'lirm- i or, bv means of the old jkioI room swindle, three men are under arrest here today and will have a hearing in police 'eoiirt this afternoon, They are Juliii Brown, alius "Hasebull Wilson", C. II. Allen mid .1. Howard. The trio arc alleged to have operated a fuke pool room where Anderson is said to have been allowed to win several small bets on supposed horse races, lie wusj fiunllv induced to make a lurge bet Hint wss on his way to a bank yesterday afternoon to draw $.),000 which he hud wired to Illinois for, when detectives arrested his companions und after- Iward discovered the "pool room' which wiib elabointely fitted up with tclcgrii'h instruments and other pninphernullH. rijftt crude Ir - f r) mmmmm The Jury of Aw.rdj at both San FramisA anJ San Diego Expositions found an oil nnJe from California ishalt-bas miik, h ghit In lubricating hVitm-f, Thai oil wm jfj-'otrntrhefsct, too, thai inch unliiawd author i. L" i i J N1'1 KnKi,im. "ginwts o( Hit I ckid and froid Motor Coninamin, and otheti, luva alio (ton on rvord In favor of olli nu.H liom aiphali-baM erud-in accord with thod. culon of th Expoiinon luriet prove that i,i. lent Ii mad of th rtfkt cruda, and mad . $it. STANDARD OIL COMPANY U'-lilvunu) w Standard 'Oil 'for Motor Cars Great Pitching in Former World Series Regarding the pitching feats of form er world 's series the Hnseball Magazine, leading authority on such matters, has the following: The following pitchers have held their opponents to three hits or less since 1N84 in world's series guuies: One Two Three Hit. Hits. Hits. Keefe 0 0 . 1 Homier 0 0'.' 1 Kadbourne 0 1 1 King 0 0 Plunk 0 1 Brown 0 1 .) times 0 1 Curuthers 0 1 ('rune 0 0 Dineen 0 0 Keulbuch 1 0 Welch 0 0 Terry 0 1 Walsh 0 1 Coombs 0 0 Hedicnt 0 0 Totals 1 7 10 "A team is just as strong as Its pitchers," und this axiom is particular ly true in u world ' series, where the tenseness is apt to cause uu extraordin ary number of muiiual errors. (Jood twirling by both winning and losing box artists has "been the rule rather than the exception since the modern big series was instituted. F.xcellent games have boon pitched by tho follow ing: 190.1 Dineen twirled two shut-out gumes. l'liillippe won three contests on sheer merit. Young's two victories were won by his own skill. lllO'i Muthewson 's three shut-outs of the Athletics is busebull history. 1'lauk pitched u splendid gume, und Bender, also. 19l)(i Brown nnd Altrock hurled su perb ball in the opening game. Keul buch pitched a one-hit game. Walsh pitched n two-hit contest while I'feister was holding the Hox to four. Altrock nnd Brown ngnia enguged in a hurling duel, the former getting a 1 to 0 ver dict. 1!M)7 The first gnmo, a 3 to 3 tie in 12 innings, wus well pitched by both Donovan und Reulbach. I'feister, Keul bach und Overall held the Tigers to ono run in euch of the threo following games. Brown pitched a shut out in tho Inst contest, 11MM Overull pitched two grund games, one of them a shut out. Brown came through with a four-hit shut-out. Mullin twirled superb bull in the only game Detroit won. llttl I Donovnu nnd Mullin euch pitched tin effective game. Adums' tossing in three gumes was superior. 1IIHI Bender twirled a brilliant gume. CoombB pitched mngnilicently in his luet gume. lill 1 Mnthewsjtti nnd Bender had a fierce duel. Hunk nnd Mnrqunrd had "everything" in their game. Coomb nnd Muthewson hud a great fight, .Tuck holding tho (limits to throe hits in 11 innings. Bender twirled two more mngnificont gumes. li'12 There wits some great pitching in this series, Muthewson, Mnrqunrd und Bedient each pitching with skill vt a muster, though Mutty outshono 50,000 Builders To Gather Next Week At Big Exposition Sun Fmueisco, Oct. 12. More than 50,000 builders, representing every de partment of construction work from excavating to roofing and all the liues of business (depondoiit upon building operations, are coming to this city to tuke part in American Builders' Week, October IS to 23. From the opening day to the Inst, the celebration of the achievements of the modern builders will continue without interruption. It will be the first giitnertng of its kijid ever held and builders ure coming from the Atlmitic const, from the stute of the south, from the northwest and mid dle west to lake part in the mammoth demonstration. Hpeciul trains will be gin to arrive on October 17 bringing delegations from all parts of the coun ty and nearly every visiting builder hus reserved hotel accomodations for the entire week, The main feature of the elaborate program will be the colossul street pug emit in which four miles of floats will tell the story of the progress of build ing from the hut of the pioneer to the sky sniper of today. Furthermore the pugcuiit will portiuy every stage iu building const ruction today and will re veal iu actual operation nearly every process used in modern building. It is predicted thut the American Builders' Week pngeuut will be the greatest in dustriul purado ever held on the streets of an Anierii'iin city. o ninny branches of building work already hnve signified their lutentioii of taking part iu the huge pngeuut thut it has been neces snry to divide it into thirty divisions. V) .T. Thurston, soorotury of Ameri can Builders' Week, f7 Post street, San Vrnneisoo, requests all those w ho intend to come to San Francisco to tuke part iu the eelebratloii to notify him, giving tho name of their business, the orgaiii ration they reiireseut, the number in their party and the duy and hour of their nrrivul. A KEVEE FAIUNC WAY TO BAN811 UOLY HAIRS (Aids to BcJv) Xo woman Ts Immune to superfluous growths, and because these are likely to appear nt any' time, it is adslsnble to always have some delatono powder. tn, Vnlled Brethren people, and flour- t. i.a.v fl... .utn.uli.n K...a !..t . ... . . ' 1 ' MnMll, ,v un- M,r I..,- Vi.n.nuH l"-"-1 A paste Is made with some of the powder and water and spread upon the hnlrv surface; in about S minute this Is carefully removed and the skin wnnhed. Von will then find that your skin la entirely free from hair or I furi. Bo lure, however, to gel real dclutoiie. Feats thorn all. Wood dia wonderful work in one gume. liil.3 Muthewson ngfliD twirled two almost unbeatable games, and 1 lanK did the same. Bush was also effective. 1914 Rudolph pitched two masterful games. James' work was tho best of the series, and one of the greatest on record. Plank pitched shut-out ball, and lost only because of a misjudged fly bull. This record proes beyond the Bhadow of a doubt that consistent 61 pitching has been one of the features of every world s series ottentimes as good box work being shown by the con quered as by the coiii,..cror. Who Has Pitched Greatest Game? Who has pitched the greatest game ever seen in a big contest? Who, of that grand galaxy of hilling heroes Brown, Muthewson, Coombs, et al. has the honor of pitching th best gume ever seenf There are many, a great many, but six of them witnessed the best twirling ever seen in the big .cries. They are: The second gume in 1914 Bill jumcs. Tho fifth game ,in 1913 Eddie Plank. The third game in 1011 Jack Coombs. The second game in 100(5 Ed Reul bach. The third game in 1906 Miner Brown. . The fourth game in 100(5 Ed Walsh. 19H The second game of the world's series furnished another sur prise, -tho Bostons shutting out the Athletics in one of the closest and most exciting duels of history. James pitch ed n wonderful game, holding the hard est hitting team in th arena to a single and a double. He struck out eight, and only 28 men faced him, three being pnssed. 1913 The selection of Plank was a fortunate one for the Athletics, as he pitched one of the most effective games in a world's series championship scries. Plauk allowed only 29 men to face him, and but for a muff would hnve shut his opponents out. 1911 Coombs pitched a wonderful nme, holding the Giants to three hits in 11 innings, twirling HKe a demon whenever men worked their way to first. 1900 Reulbach, though wild, was wonderfully effective, holding the White Sox to a single hit. "The game resolved itself into a duel between Walsh and Pfeister, with the right hauder clearly outpitching tho Cubs' star southpaw. "Altrock showed nerve.speed, control and intelligence." He guvo only two pnsses nnd allowed only two hits, not a safe crack being registered until the sixth Inning." When all is said and done the work of Eddie Plunk on October 11, 1911, van undoubtedly the high-wntor mark in world's scries pitching history. Nev er was the cross-firo artist , better, and at his best, thero were few his peer. It eems strangi to leave the nnme of Mathewsou from the above, list, for his work in tho aggregate has nover been equalled. Such courage as he snowed in the face of his team's demoralization was sublime. French Remedy Aids Stomach Sufferers Franco has been colled the nation without stomach troubles. The French have for generations used a simple mix ture of vegotuble oils that relieve stom ach and intestinal ailments and keep the bowels free from foul, poisonous matter. The stomach is left to perform its functions normally. Indigestion and gastritis vanish. Mr. lleo. 11. Mayr. a loading druggist of Chicago, cured himself with this remedy in a short time. The demand is so greut thut he imports these oils from France nnd compounds them under the nnmo of .Muvr s Wonderful Kern edy. l'eoplo everywhere write and tes tify to the mnrvolous relief they have received using this remedyone doso will rtd the body of poisonous aecre tiona that have uccumuluted for years and convince the most chroulc sufferer from stomach, liver or intestinal troubles. Mayr's Wonderful Remedy is sold by lending druggists everywhere with the positive understanding1 that your money will be refunded without question or quibble if ON K bottle fails to give you absolute satisfaction. Wilbur Wright's Father Taught In Sublimity 10th Session Legislative Assembly, Territory of Oregon, in the Council, levembor I.', KIT, A Bill to establish a college at the town of Sublimity in the comity of Ma rion. Sec. 1. Bo it eniic ted by the legisla tive Assembly of the Territory of Ore gon, that there shall bo, and hereby is established in or near the town of Sub limity, iu the county of Marion, a col lege, to bo called mid known bv the name of "The Sublimity College,'' and that John Penny, Thomas J. liiinnnnl, 1.. S. Stayton, loiso llnrrit, William Bishop, Joretniiih Kenoyer, Povid R. McMillan, James Campbell, Allen J. Ihivio, lladlev llobsou. Solomon Albri- son, 0. W, Hunt, .lamed M. Chandler,! it., i i. . . . .- . .: muiguu iumni'ii mid ineir iw-iav , and successors are hereby declared to j be A body corporate nnd politie in tow, I ny uie mime and style of "ine trus tees of toe Sublimity College. " So reads an old paper in the posses sion of J. 1'. Davie of thia city. The Allen J. Davie mentioned above was J .1. Davie's father, and Hiutley Hob son was the father of J. T. Hunt of the Waldo Hills and 1). fct. Stayton wus Muse Stayton 'a father. the nbovo college wa organised by IrtllOll HIlOlll S OF 111 VA M Th first president of the eollege was Milton Wright, of Ohio, father of the celebrate,! Wilbur and Orville Wright, known all over the world aa the origin ators of modem avintion. Hu, 11. J. Kollia of thia eity, who went lo school to President Wright, still corresponds with hint in hi home ms mn in Dnyton, Ohio, where he is a bishop in the United Brethren church. All of the above goes to show that Oregon is a pretty old country after all. Stnvton News. SIMPLE WAY TO HAVE BEAUTIFUL WAVY HAIR . Lustrous, fluffy, wavy hair plavs an important part iu the scheme of beauty. A heated iron should not be used to give the desired wavy effect, for it destroys the life, lustre and fluffiness of the hair. It is fur better to use plain liquid silmerine, which curls the hair more effectually, more lastingly, and nt the snme time keeps it beauti fully soft, "light" and glossy, It is beneficial instead of harmful, and it is such a aimple thing to apply the liquid before retiring, using a clean tooth brush for the purpose and drawing this down the hair from root to tip. Very different from the tiresome, fussy, od orus eurling iron method. nire silmerine in liquid form mav be found in any drug store and a 'few ounces will Inst a very long time. It is neithar sticky nor greasy and leaves no sediment, spots or streaks. The hair will be quite manageable, no matter what the style of eoiffur Kew Orleans States: Soon will be aeason for "th browa October ale'' we have read of ao often but to which we are a stranger. The ouly ale w have ever tasted had the color of an old straw hat. Egypt r If man re a 25, "lust cost J cents w!tU r a't Von ' li i mi than 25 r """Affa,. UaV Quality lliltnil' II l THE ELDERS HONORED. The veterans at the soldiers' homo at Roseburg honored Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Elder and doughter, Grace, with a re- ception hold in the assembly hall of the nome the evening of the 30th, which was largely attended. A memorial was presented by the members of tho home expressing their thnnkg and appreciation for the many Kindnesses rendered during their more than ,12 vears management of the home. Mr. Elder was also presented with a lvandsome gold watch as a further tok en of the high esteem in which he is held by the members of the home. The memorlnl commends Mr. and Mra. hldor very highly for their kind and considerate treatment of the members in sickness or iu henlth.-atayton standard. . STRAVENS KAPPES WEDDING The marriage of John StravenTand Uora Kappes was solemnir.ed Tuesday morning in the Gcrva.s Catholic church with Rev. Father .Seroski officiating. The bride was charming in white messa line and carried a bouquet of white carnations. She wns attended by Miss Helen Stravens who was gowned in a dress of pink messnline. The groom rfS".!mrU,'d hZ. Luke K,PP. "thr of he bride After a wedding break fast at the home of the groom 'a ra rer, s. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Stravens, the bridal nurlr Kn.i.,.i i. . . .. . , normoouna train for a short honeymoon. The young couple will be at bom to their friends on their farm about three milea north east of Oervaia. Gervaia Star, v w , "" OSt - REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS John P. Benton to Arthur W. Keens et ux D L C of A. P. Wallis cl iii-7-3W. Lefar and W. T. Hoffmire to Flor ence E. Wethey, Jr., lot 9 blk 5 Card well add. V. T. Hoffmire et ux to Florence E. Wethey, Jr., part of lots 1 and 2 blk 51 Snlcm. W. W. Hall et ux to J. M. Stewart lots 7 and 8 blk 6 Ben Hall's add Wood burn. George W. Johnson et ux to Lcroy nnd Catherine Hewlett part 'of lot 1 blk 80. .Thomas W. Johnson et ux to Antoa Stenger et ux part Saml Welch el and 34-5 1W. Chns. Kreft et nx to Dorothy Kreft lot 11 blk 11 Englewood add Sale. Salem Bank and Trust Co. to Anns Kreft lot 2 blk 4 Burlington add-S lcm. HELP YOURSELF back to health by careful diet and the. assistance w be derived from trial of Ii OS TETTER'S Stomach Bitters "THE TONIO THAT TONES." ,