THREE Look at the Store Windows This Weel SCHOOL BOARD HAS THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, . OREGON, TUESDAY, OCT. 12. 1915. Ove Merchants, at the invitation of the newspapers, are joining in a mighty continent-wide window display. They are showing the goods made familiar to the public through newspaper advertising. They have prepared some very interesting and attractive windows, which are designated by this sign: . : . 4 INTERNATIONAL NEWSPAPER DISPLAYPEEK We Sell These Standard Products All Advertised in the DAILY NEWSPAPERS The goods will interest you. The windows are attractive and the whole display is a progressive move for better business. Spend a few minutes looking over the attractive shows our storekeepers have made ready. . - Better times always begin at the dealer's counter and Window Week is a business builder. Newspaper Window Week October 11-16 This week is what is known as International News paper display week, and you will find that every store in Salem carry lines of national advertised articles and in buying your- Fall and Winter needs try to get an advertised piece of goods, for when you order goods of national repute you know that the quality is there or it would not be advertised. You will find here an outline of the different stores and a few of the advertised goods that they carry. Buy the National advertised article this week and help the local dealer get better discounts, and local advertising through the local papers. National Advertised Goods carried by the following Stores: MEYERS DEPARTMENT STORE . Munsing Union Suits . Arrow Shirts and Collars , Nettleton Shoes Onyx Hosiery for men and women Dr. Denton's Sleeping Garments for children Xtra-good Clothes for boys ,. , Butterick Patterns Daisy Air Rifles American Model Builders. THE TOGGERY Florsheim Shoes Crofut-Knapp Hats Fitf orm Clothes Dent's Gloves Onyx Hosiery Paris Garters Stetson's Hats Coopers Underwear B. V. D. Underwear Keiser Neckwear Triangle Collars Boston Garters E.T.BARNES Thompson's Glove Fitting Corsets Boston Rubber Goods " -Tower's Fish Brand Slickers Belding Satins'" Skinner's Silks and Satins Fleischer's Yarns SALEM WOOLEN MILL STORE Hart-Schaffner & Marx Clothes Just Wright Shoes ' Arrow Shirts and Collars Malory Hats Interwoven Stockings Dent's Gloves KAFOURY BROS. American Lady Corsets B. V. D. Union Suits Hall mark Shirts Indianhead Muslin Roberts' Hats Cooper Underwear Keiser Neckwear Atlas Union Suits Longsdale Cloth Niagara Silk Hosiery WM. GAHLSDORF Universal Percolators Universal Household Needs Hoover Electric Sweeper Guernsey Ware Community Silver Libby Cut Glass Heisey-H Glassware Onyx Enamel Ware PRICE SHOE COMPANY Hanan & Son Shoes Royal Tailors Ground Gripper Shoes 2 In 1 Polish Whitmore & Sons Polish CALEF BROS. Royal Morris Chairs Way Sagless Springs Kirsch Curtain Rods L. V. Floor Polishers Gunn's Sectional Book Cases Wizard Mops Bissel's Carpet Sweepers 'Congoleum SCOTT & SCOTT t Goodyear Bicycle Tires Vitalic Bicycle Tires G. W. JOHNSON & CO. ' Packard Shoes'1 Steinblock Clothing Silver Collars Holeproof Hosiery L-System Clothes GEO. C. WILL , Edison Victor Talking Machines Columbia New Home Free6 Sewing Machines Standard WESTACOTT & THIELSON CO. PostToasties t Kellog's Quaker Oat Co. Heinz Varieties Libby's Lea and Pen-ins Domino Sugar Gossard Corsets Oldsmobiles DuxBak Clothing, Fiske Tires 3-In-l Oil Shredded Wheat Biscuits Armours Sniders Royal Baking Powder MRS. P. E. FULLERTON- Queen Quality Shoes HALVERSON & BURNS Maxwell Automobiles HAUSER BROS. Gillette Razors, . Winchester Goods U. M. C. Catridges Remington Goods, J.C.PERRY Scott's Emulsion, Colgate's Toilet Articles, Peruna, Pape's Diapepsin, Pape's Cold Com pound, Swamp Root, Rexall Remedies, Bromo Quinine, Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, Castoria, Syrup of Figs, Jad Salts, Adlerika, Pinkham Vegetable Compound, Bromo Seltzer, Wizard Oil, etc. ROTH GROCERY CO. National Biscuit Co. goods Cresco , Johnson's Chocolate Cottolene - ' " Heinz 57 varieties Baker's Chocolate Carnation Milk SALEM ELECTRIC CO. " Willard Storage Battery Co. Hot Point electrical appliances General Electric Co. supplies OTTO WILSON Buick Autos Goodyear Tires U. S. SHIPLEY CO. Zerolene Carter's Underwear Royal Worcester Corsets Paris Garters Kaiser's Underwear Phoenix Hosiery STOCKTON'S Bon Ton Corsets Ide Slver Collars VICK BROS. Ford Automobiles D. A. WHITE & SONS Conkey's Laying Tonic Conkey's Flyknocker "So-Boss-So" Sherwin-Williams "Fungi-Bordo" Mica Axle Grease BRICK BROS. Stetson Hats Arrow Collars and Shirts Poros Knit Underwear Shaw-Knit Hosiery Wilson Bros. Goods Crawford Shoes ' Rosenwald & Weil Clothing Alfred Benjamin Clothing Paris Garters, Boston Garters Priestly Raincoats POOLE'S DRUG STORE- Bromo Seltzer Horlick's Malted Milk Jad's Salts Emulsified Cocoanut White Pine & Tar Cough Cure Musterole Oil Shampoo Fairy Soaps Syrup of Figs Peroxide Cream Everybody Wants to Know About Wilson Wedding America's Greatest Cigarette Washington, Oct. 12. The .Into of President Wilson ' marriago will e announce.! in lie time. This was the onlv intimation today from the White House concerning plans for his wedding f HEAD STUFFED FROM 1 I CATARRH OR A COLD J Say Cream Applied in Noatrila I I Opens Air Pannage Kight I'p. Instant rclicf-rno waiting, clogged nostrils open riiilit ii or Your the voiir head clear an.l !" .! ,ft?r?!:?r ..t. .,. von can breathe freely. No more hawk n"".r,r""" ing, snuffing Fixes Rates For Non Resident' Pupils and Employs Ad- j ditional Teachers j For those who wish to attend the Sa jlem public schools, and who live out-1 jside of the school district, the board of directors Inst evening established a tu ition of $15 a semester from the first to the sixth grades, inclusive, and for the seventh and eighth grades, a tuition !ot" $20 n semester. For the ninth grade and senior high school, on accouut of I the higher cost of these grades, the tie : it ion a semester is frill, with a provision in favor of students from Folk county, in which they will receive' a refund, provided the actual cost is less than $00 a year for each pupil. Miss Jennie H. Fry was elected ! teacher for the ('.runt junior high school at ft salary of $80 a month, and Miss llisap..a, of Oregon City, to that of in- istructor in nrt, to fill the position va cate.! by .Miss Floreneo nest, wno went to Portland. The. wirenttenchers association of Richmond school wns given permisiou to plant elms at the Kiehmoud grounds. The petition of Washington junior high for a shower bath for the boys wns referred to the coininjttee on buildings. The schools lured pretty well on the exhibit at the state fair, as they were awarded second prize, and with it $-0, which. helped some i paying the $;ll..U cost of the exhibit. For beauty of ex hibit, the Snlein schools received first award, but on the general award, Port land received first. v The matter, of the budget for the l coming year is now before tho board, as according to the present state, laws, I this budget must be made lip by the j lfith of November. ! COURT HOUSE NEWS t 1 ' ! ' This is the real weather for Overcoats, and you can depend on it that it will get worse. WINTER UNDERWEAR Remember we have every thing you can wish for in good warm Underwear both in UNION SUITS & TWO PIECE Just the thing that will prevent you from catching cold. CLOTHING We have the very latest cloth ing to suit the most particular buyer at prices that are aston ishingly low. $10.00 to $15.00 In latest clothing is not much to pay for a Suit. You can get it here for these prices. Don't Delay Buy when 'you need it, the earlier the better. Brick Bros. The House That Guarantees Every Sale Cor. State and Liberty Street. The jury in the ense of C. T. Fults j against William Psetnk awarded the defendant dumnges in tho sum of $1 , yesterday afternoon in department No. i 1 of the circuit court. This was an action brought by Mr. Fults to recover $2:100 damages alleged to have been . sustained in u real estate deal. Mr. 1'sctnk considered himself damaged in the sum of $1,000 by his answer and! cross coniplninfc and (lie legal battle was! on. W. I.'. Winslow represented tho plaintiff and Smith Hhields the de-1 fend'int. lly awarding the defendant damages in the sum of $1 the costs fit! the action are taxed against the plain-1 tiff. I I The csro of Julia 1. Nash njjninst B. I M. Dimiek was called in department. I No. J of the circuit court this morn ling. This suit was brought to recover possession of un unto truck. The i plaintiff testified that she owned the ! truck which was in the possession of tho defendant who refused to restore it to her possession. She claims dum jnges in tho sum of $-'00 for the alleged 'wrongful detention Of tho truck and I $1,0(10 for the price of the ina. hino. The I defendant enters a general denial of tho allegations of the plaintiff and seeks to recover either the machine or $1,000 and $1,000 additional for the al leged wrongful dentention of the truck. John Hayno' and Winter, Wilson & Johnson are attorneys for the t.lnln tiff and W. O. Winslow and H. SI, Kn dicott are representing tho defendunt. Amarringo license has been issued at. tho office of the county clerk to Walter K. (lar.lner, a Hulein carpenter, an.l Martha H. Kir.hner, of Mudetiy. This Trip to the Panama Expo sition a Life Time Event Oregon Electric Ry. North Bank Road and tho Fulatiul A f OHltOK I IIICIKK I 1 RAIltwrt 1 Steamships, "Northern Pacific "Great Northern" Kvery Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Hest of tho trip in daylight. 2(1 glor ious hours on the ocean. Fares include, meals and berth and free extras, Numerous Drillinnt Attraction! iug October. dur- , The will of Louisa l.nprntt was ad mitted to probate today by an order of County Judge Itnshey and Aiijeliijuo Lnpratt Setting was appointed exeeu i trix. The estate consists of real nud personal l.roperty vnluod at $l-,000 and tho heirs are: Anjclique Uipratt Mat ting, residing in Marion county; the children of Mary Ann Lapratt King, to-wit: Josephine King, of Portland; Andrew King, Jinlph Chaves, of Ma rion county; llachcl Chaves, of Mon tana; Kosalie ( haves, of Ht, Johns; the children of Hose Ijipratt Fnbre, nnme ly, Joseph Fnbre, I-eona Fnbre Haines, Peter Fabre, all residing in California. F. X. Moisan, John He Jardin, and Al ex Moiiiui were named as appraisers of the estate. I " 1 DANDRUFF BuRELT DESTROYS THE II AIR Forest Industries Conventions, Dnily Stuck Shows till December 3. l'eaoo Congress, The Farmers' Month. Loggers' Congress Oct. 30, Oregon Day, "Zone of Plenty Week", Druin age Conference. Something Doing Kvery Minnie and at a Hundred Different rlucci iu the Jewelled -Pity. Kouiid trip from Salem, tM.OO. J. W. Ritchie, Agent, Salem, Oregon. fll.. ! 1 I,. !.:..! inns ii jo.i wiii.v m in r ,i wii. "i:. beautiful, glossy, silky huir, do by nil, broken means get rid of '! southern part of tho state. it- I 11-.. I I I.tiifitft, ami V1l ir. HUH Jinn. ii. .in. i ..., and Mrs. I'ercv Calvert motored to Portland Tucs.uiv and spent tho day. II. A. Hale, of Portland, si.ent Wed nesday night with Hev. and Sirs. F, ('. llutler going on to Mt. Angel Thurs duv morning. Mrs. Surah llnrrett Is In Forest Grovo at tho horn of Mrs. M. H. Shrock who goes to tho hospital soon for uu operu- ' Dr. S. W. Weaver ard I. M. Hcholl were in Portland Wednesday afternoon attending a meeting of tho Multnomah countv medical society, ( hris Hosteller was injured at a saw mill cast of Hubbard Tuesday while working with the elevator, his foot was .opening of school Monduy. Airs. ,i. n. wiiiio was operate. i ou Wednesday for appendicitis, and gull stones, 7h in number, ranging iu sio from a pin head to that of u pea. I'r. Uny J. Strohui of Portliin.l, assisted with tho operation. Mrs, White is lin ing nicely at this time, Fnterprise, THE MEXICAN SITUATION. blowing, headache, dry- The story that the president had . ' ness No strugg .eg orratn at nignt , ...i. "Inva leleihone" connecting an.i your ri,,,i U. ...... -- "Ham" Patterson To Manage Tigers l.oi Angeles, Oil., Oct. 12. "Ham" Patterson, former (.layer with tho Vernon team, scolding to an interview given out iu I.s Angeles l,y. A. Koch, vice-president of the Vernon baseball club will be the 1010 manager of the "Tigers." He i to replace "Doc. " White, who succeeded to the manage ment uf the Vernon team upon the leath of the late "Happy" Hognn. starve your hair an.l ruin It it you , .A. with"ri,D(i uaU, It doesn't do much good to try to"",' H"j" uj'n.ifor.l nl Mls Maa i brush or wash it out. The only """'(jon.lrav arrived Tuesday from Klinyra i way to get rid or uan.iruir is to wi)1 mK0 thclr noma wit)l Mr. tad solve it, then yon destroy It entirely. , , Horshborgor. To do this, get about four ounces orj (;toro jjcmnnt In Hubbard ordinary liipiid arfon; apply it at liitft't r0,,j0 0f diiyn tho first of tho week en when retiring; use enough to uioisien routo , 11H Mllfl j, Myrtlo Point at the scalp and rut) it in gently witn too finger tips. llv morning, most if not an, or your Kl Pnso, Texas, Oct. 12. (icncial Ob regon s fones were reported t.i'loiy up-pi-ou. hiiig .Inure., wliero a battle is to gur.led t atlleitieu have protesle.l to the stuto and Hgri.ulturo depart incuts that uu einl. argil should be laid ou importation of Mexican cattle, us Villistas nr.) slaying uiftiy ucrosx tho border owne.l by Americans, love telephon i pinnhatieally denied. . ' m,.,',.,,,ti nn,l Mrs. Gait's I Get me rin inni' " -- If White is replaced it is doubtful I t l, n m,;ii A,iiiiiti with the Tiiers as his small bottle of Fly s ( r-am , , vl.ri white was at Al'l one time a famous pitcher With the Chi- It Halm from your druggist now, a little of thia fragrant, antiseptic, whito Sox and hn was a member healinir eream in your nostrils. It pen- ,1Mim i,v chi- ii fashion-, -t rates through every air passage of "Cubs" for the' world'e rhfiin tTn.V:nrtM Tim' able nowadava to say "no" to the iu(t-ithe head, soothe, the intlanied or .,xonM., )..(IM. ceition of ' "little drink"; time swollen mucou. membrane and relief ' Don't stay stuffed- A cn( a word wilt tell yout I Fe." . ! I.hcn It was the sign of moiiyco.iuip- ruinr. ,..-.. y. Men who da', drink eommoa, , Jot r"" I rtor, in lA Journal N.w Today dandruff will be gone, and three or four n.ore applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it. You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop, mid vour hair will look and feel a hundred times better. You can g"t li.piid arvon at any drug store. If is Inexpensive an.l four ounces is nil you will need, no matter how much dandruff you have. This simple remedy never fails. IIUBBARDNEWS Miss Maud of Woodburn spent Sunday evening with Miss Helen Ilontrager. Mssrs. Karl Crow and Alvin Hutton, of Portland, spent Sunday in Hubbard the guest of N. K. Crow. Ml H. Kroiiitdiiilf returned Wednes day front visit with 'relative ill the ter taking a nice bunch of cattle to the Portland market. J. W,, principal of tho east sidn achool at Woo. II. urn, spent Hun. lav afternoon with his friend Prof. Jay V. Kike, who arrived in Hubbard Friday from Portlund to bo reudy for the FOR SALE Voatcb Seed and Gray Winter Oats. CHERRY CITY FLOURING . MILLS Always Watch This Ad Changes Often f OR THE WOODSMAN We have all kinds of Axes, Hle.l(jes, Wedges, Hnwi und Kciiilpmciits for the woods. All kinds of Corrugated Iron for both Hoofs and Dull.lings. A iod SOO.OO Laundry Mange), slightly used for one fourth original A Woodsaw complete for sale or will trude. Two Ponies and Harness at a price that will surprlso you. H. Steinbock Junk Co. The House of Half a Million Bargains. 302 North Commercial Street. I'hono 80S. l'.j.,.j ' f ua lory uun