Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 12, 1915, Image 1

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IT iUti 1 H t I 1 0 STANDS riVB CENTS
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in m Ainnrn nw rnrRinn i
15 ulmiivilu d ikm
WAR NEWS Ot owti
Say Germans Have Been Compelled to Draw Heavily From
Eastern Front To Face French and British 25,000
Prisoners Captured, Representing 92 Regiments 246
Pieces of Abandoned Artillery Are Taken
Paris, Oct'. 12. In tho face of recent
German denials, the French war office
was o'h record today as declaring Ger
many had hastily hurled additional
troops into the western front fighting.
These included even members of the
fiuard withdrawn from tho eastern
front, said an official statement.
The German morale has ecH shaken,
the statement added. t-wenty-five thou
sand German prisoners, it was claimed,
had fallen into French hands, along
'with 2-10 pieces of abandoned artil
lery. Included" in th .-rrsoners in the
Artois and Champagne regions were
men rrom hu uirterent regiments,
German Front Broken.
Petrogrnd, Oct. 12. Tho Russians
have broken the enemy's frout at the
Strypa, and captured 2,000 men and
000 officers, four cannon, 10 Maxims
und are following up these successes,
it was semi-officially announced today.
Bulgarians Enter Serbia.
Paris, Oct. 12. The Bulgarians have
penetrated Serbia at Znitchnr, accord
ing - to reliable information reaching
here today.
Germans Take Semendiia.
Berlin, via London, Oct. 12. Austro-
tvhich the war off ico concluded meant German invaders ha?e captured Semen-
Germany had hastened men from every
where into the west front struggle.
The statement churned French suc
cess in some consolidation moves, while
elsewhere the Germans had effected no
Aviation Station Wrecked.
Amsterdnm, Oct. 12. All German
hangars and their contents at the Ghent
aviation grounds havo been destroyed
iu an allied neroplnno raid,, accord
ing to the Echo Beige today.
On both the eastern and western
fronts, birdmon have been particularly
busy in the past day or two. Official
reports last night told of several at
tacks. Berlin claimed to have brought
down four enemy aeroplanes while the
British statament told of 11 air fights.
dria, a "(nutidivertown, the official
statement today saiijl
Semendria is 24 miles from Belgrade,
at the junction of the Danube and the
western estuarine arm of the ftlorava.
It is a fine wine region, and ships
many hogs. A great mediaeval fortress
looms out before it.
Iowa Railroad Commissioner
Says States Have Original
ed Most Regulations
French Held Their Gains.
Paris, Oct. 12. The French forces
hold their gains in heavy fighting
which, continued Inst night around Sou
cliez and tho LaFolie heights, said to
day's official communique.
German Steamer Stink.
London, Oct. 12. Copenhagen dis
patches today reported a German coast
steamer sunk in Cnlniar sound, Swed
en, presumably by a British submarine.
The admiralty did not conirm the .re
port. Other Copenhagen messages suid
the Gennania, a German steamer, was
beached after, she had been fired upon,
presumably by an English submarine.
Another Goes to the Bottom.
London, Oct. 12. The British steam
ship Hnliaones, 5,003 tons, engaged ii
tho South American trade, has been
sunk bv a submarine. The fate of her
crew is unknown.
San Francisco, Oct. 12. Holding
that too much "nationalism'' is just as
wrong as too much '"states right"
President Cuffurd Thome, of the Iowa
railroad commission today told the
National Association of Kailway Com-!
missionej-s there is a happy medium,
and contended for maintenance of the
system of state railroad regulation in
conjunction with federal regulation
Calling attention to a growing tend
ency toward nationalism, with abolition
of state lines, Thome declared:
"If the national government is per
mitted to gradually absorb these func
tions formerly exercised by the states
it will only bo a question of tune un
til some great evil will demand some
grent remedy. Agitution will follow
agitutiou. There will be no opportuni
ty to try out the new proposal; the na
tion ns a whole must adopt it or reject,
it. Those will be trying times when
the foresight of the best of us will dif.
fer and the future of this American
system will be at stake. It would be
wise for us to weigh well the advan
tages of that which we have before ex
changing it for that which we have
not. We believe that the federal plan
as conceived by our fathers is better
than the new nationalism. We bo
licve tho states aro a distinct factor
in our scheme of government. This
federal plan is a sort of safety valve
against political and industrial revolution."
Practically every important advance
step in the regulation of railroads,
corporations and great consolidations,
he said, has originated with tho states.
Spanish Red Tape Longer
Than Prevailing American
Styles For This Year
Ostend's fall to Germany -threatened,
London and Paris
admitted. Havre. France, was
iiittde Belgian government head
quarters and Osteiul's populate
hurried in boats to England.
French advances were report
ed at Berry-BU-Bac, French
center, with slight advances in
tho Mouse and Argonue regions
and the loss of Lllleto the Ger
mans'. Germany reported violent Ar
gonne fighting, repulse of the
French Soissons attacks and
tho tailing of Hanebronck and
Ypres. Allied Wovro victories
claimed, wore denied,
Russia said Przemysl with
drawal was "strategic." Ger
many claimed to hold all west
ern Russian Poland except Wur
sjvw, A Rtissian-Anstro-Gernian
Vistula buttle was predicted.
A Kiao-Chau, .lap-German
armistice was declared while
the dead were buried. German
feeling caused ninrtinl law to'
be deehred iu tho union of
South Africa.
Northwestern National Bank
Plans To Absorb the Mer
chants Natl Tomorrow
Chinese Mail Steamship Com
pany Will Fight Japs For
Ocean Service
After Months of Dodging Bul-j Divers From Warship Run
garia Is At Last Forced to i Across Wrecked Aeroplane
. Take Decisive Action . Half Buried In the Mud
London, Oct. 12 After days of doubt! San Diego, .On!,, Oct. 12. The body
.is to K'nnt Bulgaria actually intended, of Lieutenant W. R. Taliaferro,' army
in the Balkan tangle, her forces have, aviator, and his military biplane in
delivered a blow against Serbia at Gar- which he fell J 800 feet into the -bay
iiwghais near Serbian Kniiuhevat.,i yesterday nfter a spectacular flight,
.1 ),, ...:i... v:.i, .,,nr.iin,r in! were discovered lute today aud towed
,. . .'. . ...'. Thin 40 North Island where the body of the .lUxl from the shock leaving
"N - ., , ' ":.... I vountr armv man
is on ti e rai runii tiic unit must u - - . .. .i,..,., . ,rt,l
u,se from Salonika If they help tl.e " '"" ' V!', '"j ,
i : , ti.a m,.,, ,.nll,,u TlntltO an uinieriUMiilf cniuoiiniiiui:iii vu
lot !, T...f.in ..l. om.n The I nn UIIlieriUM.lg
r,,.,.t,..', t.- Unlimriiin divi-ithis side of the bay.
Minus crossed the frontier at Garibog-
Meantime, on the northern frontier,
I'idd Marshal Von Mnckensen's ISO.
'Kio Teuto.is nre still advancing soutb
irstward, aid ul;io toward Nish for
i junction with tho Bulgarian.
The Serbians aro reported resisting
this advance, but it is. believed they are; inter.
nly trying to delay the Teuton drive i The bodv
l ing enough to Rive tho allies Ume Jo
"line to their rescue. .
While the Teuton crossing of the
f'anube has been successful, the Serb
' ins claim the Vanity has not nisnngiil
i mien the Serbian' bunk of the Save
Mid Drinn. Hard fighting is reported
't both rivers.
The Spaniard's affinity for red pep
pers evidently extends to red tape, ac
cording to a list of legal documonts re
ceived at the office of the Btate in
dustrial accident commission today.
Ylurio Berazulreze was killed in a saw
mill at White Pine wine time ago and
was buried and ns promptly forgotten
but over in Spain his record was kept
officially from tho time he first said
"da da'" or whatever tho Spauisn
youngsters call it in Castilian,
At the offices of the commission to
day are seven sets of legal documents
bearing I4 worth of American consu
lnr stumps and 2K pages of deKsitions
to prove that the deceased had n widow
living in Spain. Tluee Sini-sh judges
aiinied three sets of miners, one, a do-
nositioii from the widow, one a record
oi' the births of both the deceased and
his widow and their marriage record
signed by tho judge, and one the de
position of the judge who affirms that
the records are official and all are
written in Snish and niimt be trans
lated before the commissioners are able
to accept thein.
Vlorio Beraznlre7j', who caused all of
tho trouble had his arm torn off iu the
innvcvcr from, the edirer in a sawmill
of the White Pine Lumber company and
a wnlow
was removed from'aj three children in Spain. The
amounts have not been estimated y
the commission because the records
Iwve not vet been translated and re
duced to plain " Tinted States."
San Fruncisc.o, Oct. 12. China,
through her influential merchants, to
day loomed up as a strong contender
for the Pacific freight and passenger
trade with Japan. With the announced
intention of taking away from Japan
ese bottoms as much trans-Pacific trade
as possibl, the Chinese Mail steamship
company. has purchased the former Pa
cific Mail liner China from tho At
lantic Transport company, as tho nu
cleus for a fleet, which soon will be
one of the largest on the Pacific.
The Chinese Mail is backed entirely
by Chinese of the United States and
southern Chinn. It will establish an
extensive service between Han Fran
cisco, Honolulu, N'nguxnki, Manila and
Invaders Checked
Except At Belgrade
Nish, via London, Oct. 12. Hurled
back at many points along the Danube
Save aud Drina, the Austro-Ocrmnn
invaders of Serbia nre not progressing
except at Belgrade and vicinity. Along
the Danube, they hud been repulsed be
tween Flnwa and the Morava river
mouth. When they uttempted a cross
ing between Sinedcrevo and (lodomins,
they wore repulsed,
The Serbians ngnlu took Dedijonte,
inflicting henvy lnsscs on the enemy.
Kven in the Belgrade neighborhood,
the Teutons are mcettng with strong
resistance. The suburb Ghent Vnticliar
is iu tho hands of the Serbians, despite
repeuted heavy attacks by the invad
org. CHASED TOE 12,000 MILES.
Portland, Ore., Oct. 12. Plans for
tho absorption of the Merchants' Na
tional bauk by tin; Northwestern Na
tional bunk arc announced hero to
day. The change will take phico to
morrow. -
With the addition of the resources of
the Merchants'-National, the North
western will' have deposit of approxi
mately 1)18,200,000, and a reserve of
$2,010,000, according to figures sub
mitted to the comptroller ot currency
at the time of his last cull in .Septem
ber.'' rii. 1... M. ....at.
I lilt! tlItimUllVU in Vim wiim.vo.-
ern Nutional will remain tue same, nna
some officers of tho Merchants' Na
tional will become, officers of the
11. L. Pittock is president of the
Northwestern National bank.
Six Fives Will
x Face Charles George
Milwaukee. Wis.. Oct. 12. A "con
vention of wives," alleged to have been
married bv Charles George, New Or
leans clubman, is planned by District
Attorney Znbel when George is given a
tireliniinarv hearing October 21 on
charges preferred by Mrs. Mae Hitter
George. Six "delegntes" will represent va
rious sections from New York to Snn
Vruncisco, including Mrs. . Albertina
Jensen-George of Los Angeles and Mrs.
Ida L, Austrian-George of Snn Francisco.
Quakers Played Good Ball, and In Six of the Innings Got
Men On Bases But Failure To Wallop When Wallops
Were Sorely Needed Sent Their. Hopes of Winning
Down Blow the Freezing Point :
, ,
Boston, Mass., Oct. 12. Tho
world's series title will menu
that $:i,80.OH goes to each
member o tho winning team,
and 2,5;i7.5H to each of tho
losers, according to tho best
available figures . this after-neon.
Stock, 3b 0
Bancroft, ss 0
Paskcrt, cf U
Cravath, rf ......... 1
Liiderus, lb
Whit ted, If. & lb .
Niehuff, 2b
Burns, c. .'
('hulmers, p
Becker, If
K. 11,
O..A. E.
Only Five Jurors Passed and
These Will Be Challenged
Peremptorily Tomorrow
Divers from the warship ran across
the aeroplane bent and twisted out of
nil semblance and buried deep in the
007.0 of the bay bottom, about noon to
day. Lines were immediately made
fast to the wreckage ,it was lifted and
towed ashore.
Funeral services will be arranged
was not marred.
Agrees With Germany
English Case Unsettled
Bill For Bi Loan
Before House of Commons
Washington, Oct. 12. Acceptance of
Berlin's offer to arbitrate Germany's
llinhilitv in the sinking of the American
Bulgarians Repulsed. Lh'i( wniiam P. IVip, wsii contained in
Li.ndon, Oct. 12. All Bulgarian nH ft note the state department todnv gent
Ucl.s hnve bee.-, renulsed thus far, thM, i!,.mn, n Wei on office. This al-
Serbian legation toduv announced. Hiey
lid the ltulgtria:i ijxasion began Moll
lav night.
Both Big Teams To
Come To the Coast
Loudon. Oct. 12.- The bill providing
nil it ii utiuu of the American half bil
lion dollur lonn to the allies was intro
duced in tlio Iioiiho of commons to
night., l lincellor of the Exchequer McKen-
na explained the loan is neceiwary to
balance exchnnge, inasmuch as Amen
din imKirts the xist six months have
increased 2lt2,Omi,OI)U whilo miKi'tn to
America, decreased iiO,OOH.OOO. The1
fgures did not, include government sup
plies. lie defended the etrms of the loan,
:min2 tho American rate is generally
aniicablv tlie;l"Ker man ine i-.:iKi.n run.
Lou Anceles. Cul.. Oct. 12. Per
cmptory challenges will be exercised
tomorrow against the five jurors tem
porarily passed fr cause iu the mur
der trial of M. A. Mciuniiil, nuegmi mi
Namara accomplice. All five are sub
Wt to removal bv these peremptory
rdmllenires. The prosecution's first
mnvn will nrobablv be against John H
Dean of Ios Angeles, who said after
being questioned that he believed the
Times building was blown up by gns
and not dynamited, despite tlifl Me
Niunnra confession.
M,.iii,iiiiiir of talesmen by both
.;,!, nt the nresent time seems direct
ed largely toward ascertaining the
nrosoeclive iurors beliefs regarding the
Kilt or ini ence of the McNamnrns. the melon cut,
Hevcrnl veniremen WHO ueciarcii inev
litzol scored standing.
Philadelphia made a last ditch attack
in the eighth inning and camo near
tying tho count. But again it wus the
same Old Btory of failure to wallop
when wallopn were needed. Two men
wore down when Gabby Cravath came
up and hit a low liner to Speaker in
center. Tris saw thero wag no chance
to get it on the fly and set himself
for tho hop. It hopped all right but
clear over his head and wont bounding
awry into deep center while Cravath
puffed his way around tho bases, fin
ally stopping at third. Frod Luderus
then got his third hit of the game, an
other liner over second which scored
1 7 21 10 0
'linn for Luderim in eighth.
Butted for Chalmers iu ninth,
Boston K. H. O. A,
Hoooer. rf 0 1
Scott, ss 0
Spenkcr, cf 0
lioblitcl, lb 1
Lewis; If 0
Gardner, ,'ib 0
Barry, 2b ...' 3... 1
(.adv. c 0
Shore, p.
0 0
8 27 10 1
Totals 2
Runs mid hits by innings:
Philadelphia 000 000 010 1
Base hits 110 101 120-7
Boston 001 001 OOx-2
Base hit 002 112 02x-8
Summury: Three" base hits, Cravath.
Two base hits, Lewis. Sacrifice hits,
Whitted, Shore, Lewis. Struck out, by
Chalmers, 0; by Shore, 4. Bust! on bulls,
off Chalmers, !); off Shore, 4. Runs re
sponsible for Chulmers, 2; Shore, 1.
Htolen bases, Bancroft, Dugey. Double
idnys, Scott to Barry to Hoblitz.ol to
Hurry; Clinlmers to Hums to Wlntt
The Score by Innings.
First: Philudolphin Stock up, ball
one, strike one, called strike two,
called; ball two. Stock singled to left,
and out at second, Lowis to Scott, Bun-
! croft up, (Stock trying to stretch it),
ball one, ball two, strike one, cuuen;
ball three, wulked. Pnskort up, ball
one, strike one, called; foul, strike two;
ball two, bull three, Jtnnoroft stole sec
ond when Barry dropped the ball Pas
kcrt funned, duly touching him nfter
dropping third striko. Cravath up, foul,
strike one; strike two, called (Ban
croft on thinly ball two. Cravath fan
ned. No runs, one hit, one error.
Shoro had a closo call on a roller
from Cravuth which wont foul by
Boston Hooper, up, ball one, str.ike
one, called; ball two, striko two, call
ed. Hooper fanned, swung. Scott up.
strike one, culled; foul, strike two; ball
one, Scott fanned, swung. Sienker up,
ball one, ball t,woi ,m" 4nr,",i triK
one, called. Speaker walked. Hoblit-.
el up, strike one, called; Speaker out,
stealing, Burns to Niohoff. No runs,
no hits, no errors.
Chulmers was using ft spltter which
had Boston batters completely baffled.
His two strike nuts were clean ones.
Second; Philadelphia Luderus up,
bull one, foul, strike one. Luderus
singled to right field. Whitted up, foul,
strike one. Whitted sacrificed, Hob
lit.el to Barry. Barry covered first.
NUlmff on. foul, strike one. Nlehoff
fouled to Only. Burns up, ball ono,
Time of game, 2:0(1. Umpires, lUgler, ' blll-"t,ire. T.urn(, walked.
Klein, Kvans, () 'Longhliii.
Official Figures.
Attendnnce, 41,000.
Gross receipts, S2,O.(l,50.
Players' slu.ro, -,:i0ft.ll.
Clubs' share, H,708.:i7.
Total players' share for four guines,
H5,Mli!.S5.' This is divided 00 and 40
per cent between the players of the
w iniiiiiir and losing tennis. Twenty-
three men on each tcum will share in
By Oeorge Holmes.
(1,'nited Press Muff correspondent.)
Ilraves' Field, Boston, Alnss., Oct.
12. Boston 's onrusliing Red Sox
climbed to within one giime of the
world's baseball ehiiiiipiiniship this
... .... .. I .. .1...'....!..,. ill, I lOllllit-M 111
i ... tin is Columbus I'nv. .ine-nuemoim, uj u. i.-...."h ..- ... -
:cnt ' i. ., h,.r.. the1 the fourth uiimo of the series, Z to I,
.li.-1 !"'" J"'.'" T. I,,.:, ; li,..f,e n crowd that Hacked tho main
! first Wllliess is iiiu.-M. .
believed the .McNamnrss guilty,
that it Would take positive evidence to
Oirden. t'lnli. Oct. 12. After ft flight .h.. i-nntriiiv to convince them the
of 12,000 miles tiniugh America a'"' i q'iinea building was not dynumited,
( anadu, Kollie A. York, 30, wanted iniWPr), 0UKt,,, ,v the defense.
California for allegeil counterfeiting; v .....ion of the trial was held to
wus in custody today, following his ' (, M this is Columbus Day
rounil-up by neciei nervice Agent
n.l .... II ..1 f 41. U.. I T u I. a .11...
j nonius vnii.iiiiu. w n" ' , flrni witlic
Another member of the same gang
was unoMed in Ohio yesterday and
both will bo taken to Cnlitor ua fori
trial. Until, it is alleged specinlizeil in
! gold coin of line workmanship,!
Thousands of dolliirs, it is claimed, wn-sj
circulated by thein on tho Pacific'
coast. i
Chulmers up, foul, strike one; ball one,
strike two, called; bull two Chalm
ers fanned. No runs, one lilt, no er
rors. Chalmers was Shore's third strikeout
victim. With a runner on second, Nieh
off again failed to get a hit and his
record fur the series ts still blank.
Boston Hoblltzcl up. ball one, bull
two, strike one. called; bull three, striko
two,' failed. Hoblltel fanned, he
swung. Lewis up, strike one, culled;
bull one. Lewis out, Chalmers to Lu
derus. Gardner up. ball one. Gardner
flew tii Pnskert. No runs, no hits, ni
errors. ...
Lewis got a great hund from the
rrnwil when he cnino to bat. DuffV
could not deliver, however, and wns un
im.V lull.
Columhus To Land At t I
San Francisco Tonight
Snn Friiiicisco, Oct. 12. Hack in
1 14112, Christopher Columbus landed on
I the shores of America. Tonight nil 1ml
Itatioa roliinibim with his fleet will
m....,i ,.n Hi,, ulu.res of tiic Mnrinn as
". . - I,,,t i,l Ik,, ntunaition Cidiinilius holi-
Memnhis. Tenn., "cr. iz. Ad voi- i. ..' , 1
. . a .t ii . ituv nitpi'ini I'vi'iim ti i"
uiiifr ui tun tunr 1 . .
Litton, Oct. 12. The national com
1'iiisinu about noon decided to allow
the Hed Sox and Phlllic to go on a
t uir to the Pacific foant immeilLately
t blowing the c'oe of tie prcient ser
ies. They wil play Chicago, Omaha,
cner and other western cities. It Is
planned to hare the clubs play in Snn
I ntnclwo the last Soturdar in October.
Presidcht Tener of the National
!esgu mid: "Details will be worked
"it witain t few days."
. airrm'il to iiotrotiale
interpretation of treuties einrnng un
Kryo loss over which Germany raised
a question. . .
Secretary liinsing announced recoipt
of a memiirniidiim from Knglund, out
lining the evidence upon which the
prize court recently confiscated Ameri
1 ' ...1.....1 nt- at.'i iifin.-
mi" ThV. ;, r .men U cJnvincediKad by her ss .ccoiinianist on ft con
mm. 1 ne i " I""' " , ' . ,.rt tour. Alter filling twenty eu
""l t. in raliforni., Melb. wiU go
. .1. . , nii r,i mhh til i:h uinrr
pacKcm 111 pt-iui.i'H
detained cargoes.
San Francisco, Oct. 12. Because
Xfme. Melba liked Professor I Ma Wnld
roi' iiiterpretntioii of how lavalleria
Kusticana would sound in raff time, he
is tho first American pinnist ever en-
Washington, Oct. 12. President Da
.lav called San Diego by long disitarf body f Lieu
. . ...1 ir...,l th nilv tif I nitcd states
Wlcnt' WiHon V regret at bis' 1m- lo hi. death into the b.y from . biplane
bility to attend tho exposition. 'yesierusy.
Snn Diejo, Cnl., Oct. 12 Divers from
the I'. H. S. Snn Dieui early today bad
falleJ In their efforts to locate the
ieutennnt Walter Taliaferro,
army aviator, who fell
iciuit toils v lias a 'i
ers" l4ii:id him i'l ilis
., ):...!. 1.....L i Ilia I'lirillitF AtllitlMtW
won a decision from Gene Delinont of prcsident
Memphis in un eight round bout last j
..n,.m,,t lolSiK-nkers included Sninutd M. nhort
ninonce. Ji ri.lwf. My..r Holph and the exposition
lof Charles' J. Schi.abcl, a promineot j tho third inning oil a comlniinti
1 1 Portland attorney, have been k. I In peculiar hits ami f ir,tms .11 s
I! ho Kur.,p.n wn; while serving with Harry had walked, Cady dumped ,
I'the Gem .... army. Three Inst their I toward Cl,al.nr. and George fell
Third: Philiulelphia ritoen UP.
pnekea tlio liiniii- , I. , i,..i ,v, Mrike one, cnllen;
moth new Braves' field. , ,. HrVt two. Stuck out, (liirduet to
Philadelphia's defeat is now a threo-, , .i.ij t Bancroft up, ball one, foul,
day-old story of failing to hit iu fh" : H(r;,t(, ,,. m two, ball threo. Ban
inin hes. m,rt walked Paskert up, (it wns Han-
in only threo of the nine innings did ; (,r)ft I( K1,(,())ll frl. t 1c t foul, striko
I'hiliidelphin fail to get men on bases, mWi Htrikt two, swung. Pas-
but each time her sluggers succumbed ( ,,,rt fKlu.,, Cravath up, flew to Low
to tho elusive slants of young Kriuo ip) Nu TUM ni) 1tB no nrrors.
Shore, who by his victory made lip lor 1 .,ilie kept Shore working,
his defeat iu the opening gtuno of ! huvini; hud a man on each inning. Ho
series. Lewis was again in the in, the. number of the Philly sluggers,
Paskert und Cravath.
Boston: Hurry up, strike one, bull
, ,, . . 1..11 .1...... ulpiL.i luvn
1 one, nail two, urn. mf-v, n...n
called. Harry walked. ( "dy up, foul,
1 strike one. Cady sate at first ami Bar
I ry at secnml on un infield single. Shore
I up, strike one, culled; Harry weut to
j third on Kvnns decision that Chalmers
.,,,, In a bulk. Itiuler reversed this,
however, and Harry as sent back ti
. ' . ,, -'. Ml I t.. T I,.
sccolul. nnore sitcriin-iTii, nun 1 w ....
viduul star, accepting six chances with
out a bobble and driving in Boston's
second run. Batting honors for the
day were eipinlly divided between
Fred Luderus the big Philadelphia first
sucker and Dick llnhlifzcl, who oper
ates around the sume ling for tue 1 ur-
bihp or mn rOijrlNS KILLED
Portland Ore., Oct. 12. Nine cousins ' rigan clan. Boston's fust run came ...
... , ' . J. 1. ..1..1 . i.... I tk. ii.ImI Iniiinif 10. a coiiilniintiou of
1.. . .. lj 1 .... u ...lia..,l
.' IVCS O ir (IE ne IICHIIIIT, ur nun .....
Oregon: Tonight
and Wednesday,
occasional ruin in
'kiudiiiem; proli
ably showers esst
K.rtion; souther-
by tho Gerinau government today.
San Francisco, Oct. 12. Asking 1
minimum wage of Ml a month for first
grade operators and "0 for assistants,
tli wireless onemtors union, on strike,
increasing! ha presented its demands to the Mar-
conl coninv.
Home, Oct. 12. Pope Henedii t has
written personally to the sulti.11, pro
testing against the wholesale massscre
n bunt !
dow n
while trying to field It. Miorc sncri-
ficcd them to second and thid resp
tively and Hooper got a freak single
which scored Barry. Tho bull took a
bad hop as Niehoff wus setting for it
and bounded clear over his head. Chal
mers then steadied nd forced Scott
to fly to Whitted, Speaker to pop
weakly to Luderus.
Huston's other run fame In the sixth,
when, after Speaker had died, Hob
litzel pushed a low liner over second.
Duffy Lewis then lilt ft terrific, dou
ble Into left field which carried on a
line to within few feet of the wall.
derus. Hooper up, striko one, r alien.
Hurry scored on Hooper's bounder ti
Nlehoff, which went for ft single. Cady
too third. Scott up, strike one, foul,
striko two; foul. Scott fouled to Whit
ted. Speaker up, ball one, bull two,
bull three, foul, strike one. Speaker
out, Luderus unassisted. One run, iwo
hits, no errors.
Chalmers made a Rreut try for
Cady's easy roller, which started the
fireworks after Hurry had walked.
Chalmers fell as he tried to reach the
''"fourth: Philadelphia Luderus up.
.iri.. nn. united! ball one. Luderus
. a rtMiriiuna ill Correspon If u said 1 Only remarkably fast work by Whif- '
today. ' W tb hi " duublu- Hub- CCoottau.d .. K two) , J