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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1915)
1 THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCT. 9, 1915. THREE Eugene Begins Work of Raisin g Funds for Woman's Memor- ial Building at University PEN FLAX PLANT NOV sufficient for spreading out all of t'.ie ! 4 M Max which will be prepared at the plant when it is in full working order. ' One carload of the l'lttx machinery is still on the road but the ilant tiiis year will be a small one on account of I the beuiniiinir of the industry. No la bor savin)! machines will be installed T us mere win riwhvs ne an uniumunce i of help available at the penitentiary j plant. Ulll rUUCI lOUOU lOCHH JCCIITKTJ lOUUID OUOOH y I I H ."(. A . (: - - "TP "WW University of Oregon, Eugene, Oct.' students, and faculty women, was final-1 rooms, a kitchen with supplementary but on a much smaller scale than the L,t o The nest eee for the Drocosed ' lv begun over the state by Mrs. George quarters, and a suite of rooms for a i one Mrs. Oerlinger has just launched, , eb ... ,,T, Gerliuger of Dallas the one woman matrou. ! resulted in tho finishing a year ago of 100,000 women s memorial building at the U1fivergity board o re)jent8. . j Gifts of $300 or more will entitle the the Y. W. C. A. bungalow, the state university was raised yestcr-j tne ,nol,ev for this building is to , donor to one of the memorial tablets in ; Mrs. Oerlinger visited many eastern tlay by the students and faculty and by be raised from private .sources if pos-lthe building upon which any name u'-! universities this summer and s.iv tlmt .t- i 1. p.. .. frU ;l.l TIia k..;i.r..... la t. !. oil lh 1 im.ntn.l hv f., .lni- will lio insni-ilipd. oi.i.iiiiii aim SU) mui used was a progressive dinner, served j social and indoor -athletic activities of ! These tablets will be part of the per-1 everywhere sue found men better taken in courses in two circuits of five houses the uuiversity women. It is to contain ; mnnent decorative scheme and the' care of in an athletic and community each, of which 900 persons partook." j a gymnasium, social rooms, rooms for ; building will take its name from them. I Way than women, and came west again TI,a,A.mi1iiii fn. Iha wnmitti inpin-1 nnrVncti vn avniiinsticii. rpst rnnnifl nnd I A CftllUMliirn colldtlcLetl-bv women be- resolved that the State llnivnrHiiv orial building, which for many years game rooms,' a largo swimming pool, a j longing to or interested in the univer-j should have a building exclusively for nas been a dTeam or alumnae, women i running iracn, lociter rooms, dressing suy aim exiciuung umt wvrrai jrau, mu Margaret Mason Writes of Gotham Fads and Fashions MAEGAEET MASON. Although you have a stunning hat i A swagger suit and things like that If you're without a veil, you see, Without avail your style, will be. New York, Oct. 9. What matter if this be a vale of tears if you are all done up in a veil of lace! Who's go ing to know whether your face is leak ing or wearing a smile that won't come off. Salome was awfully careless about dis carding once but ally the white creations are the newest and most striking of garments. Oh you : SOCIETY t (Continued from rage Two.) i i'ii ir A i . . i : Ti ' ...... kid coat, vou 're bound to get miludy 's graj'ucniiiircii, airs. ,, rv or, goat if 'doting hubby do'esn't coL a HAft. Kfif through for one . Leather and kid trimmings are very good for frocks and blouses as well as gene; David Harris, weimling; addi tional guests, Mr. and Mrs. V. B. South wicK, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Sonthwiek, every one of her seven veils at1 chiffon velvet is one of the lovliest com , ' ti : ,nh mnrei binations of the season and you can t once out iue m.u .... . f circumspect and never appears witnoui b k .f,ii b i,,.. at least one. This headstrong dancer or, , -" - old was supuosed to have quite a col- banueu. , . ection of these filmy articles of ap- , unk banding on amethyst satin is parel, in fact quite a corner on the veil charming although skunk mighty ex mark'et, but an'y fashionable damsel ofijv. 1915 turns up her nose behind one or coats and buttons and bindings ot bright Mr n a A.l,nn Afr civ.le lwket. colored leathers add up-to-date touches Ml.g t) white, Mr. and Mrs. James T. to many a fall and winter toilette. I Albert, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Albert, Miss You simply can't get away from fur,1 (;mra Albert, Mrs. I. .7. McAdams, Mrs. however, no matter if you go further! Arthur Stout, of Wendling, Miss Vel- ana strip tne animal or nis inner siun.ima White, Mrs. Hugh .lory, .Mrs. J. H, Heaver bandings on seal Drown sarin or her fifty-seven varieties and sniffs dis , dainfully at poor old Sal's paltry seven. When you take tho veil however, be McOlellan. www The Young Woman's Christian asso ciation of Siilcm, has been favored this week by a visit from Miss Jane Neil Scott, who is the executive in the Northwest field of this organization. Miss Scott attended the board meeting on Tuesday mornine, mid in tho nftci- as a Biibstitiutc, flying squirrel fur, noon gave a talk at the university be- but the effect is hardly a happy one as fore the students of W. C. A. She also the flying squirrel is soft ami matted spent some time conferring with the I I looking and undoubtedly would show to heads of the different departments of sure and take a smart one. The widcl aavamaKe on a E"''1''"R uorBO ur "c" i"u wor.iui.ui.. .inss .in.n w in M..b ..w,i,.i m;.u i.. ... i :.. miv a flving squirrel. return to Salem in January where she tricate black lace border are simply A? a .maor ?' faPt and R"d nflt Bf ist in a fr, r"isi"K Btnnning ami are worn tmthpred in;, "" " - . : ... . . , B closely to a tinv black turban like a 'an none but if you have the price ben of the Y.V. C. A board arc con- 1 skull cap and then flare out like a lamp1 ,1,,re 9 n,hln? t0 bea be band the details of their budget, ! I shade or the full skirt nf n VJ.V, J i this season provided its a real fur baud, and making plans for a vigorous cam-; We Have It Every article wo have in stock has features of decided merit. The following deserve particular attention; Cascara Laxatives for relief of constipation, billiousncss, impuri ties of the blood, torpid liver, etc. Effervescent Sodium phosphate .for relief. Heartburn, Jaundice, Dyspepsia due to constipation, an instant relief for sour or acid stomach,' Hygienic Tooth Paste, a fragrant dentifrice that cleans and beau tifies the teeth and prevents tho fermentation of food on them. Poole's Drug Store Deputy Warden Sherwood is experi- . nienting with the flax chaff as fer- . ' . j on his bean patch inside the One Hundred Tons of FIaXlI"1,."T!i.if.'rlhL'iT! chaff serves the purpose as well as the IT cany indications puiiu. PERSONALS I i Has Been Thrashed and Seed Stored for 1915 Why Go Home to f Lunch AFTEK CHTOCH When vou can drop into The T White Swan, 301 N. t'oinmercial, and get a nice rich vegetable or 1 tomato soup, an egg omlett, peaches and cream," Boston browu bread mid baked beans, your choice of either cantaloupe, water melon, or grapes. Tlread and butter, tea, coffee, 4 milk cr chocolate, and all for 20c The old machine shops nnd foundry at the penitentiary is again humming with lmlustiv as the tlax thrashing ma chinery Is put in operation to prepare! ... ! . . tne straw lor the later stages in the' ',,l,l,u" 13 '""" manufacture of the fibre. The buildings ! la" on business. are heaped to the roof with bundles of! Arnold Jenkins, an architect of Al-i the tlax as it was pnllod in the fields baiiy, is in Salem tooay on business. !'nK or ine exua quality demanded Dy and hauled in to the pen and these Jmes Hamilton and wife and W. W. i "UMr ,""U, bundles arc being run through the 12: Wrieht. of Oloverdule. were in the citv ! Henry h. Bents is todav snipping 22H thrashers to separate the seeds trom I ..Au,.,r,i i bales via the I'aiiadiun Pacific direct to the straw. The seeds are swept up and " T , . . ... . '.London. These are lions taken in on taken to the cleaners where they are K 21n J H 'tm-t. The reporte.i announcement iml p.i i.ti,i l.i.,, fvnm the city yesterday to attend the 1.. K.!(l,,,f ,,. i .:, .... -. .... ....... ......... ..v... .... w. ..l I.....V i nun. iii-iikii 1(111:3 n ill uui it- seeds so tnat tho state will be able to r1'. :,. .. ii sou luutrui. sue through bills of lading on hops bc- Mrs. Alice Hildebrand returned yes-'i,,,, .i.:, "i v.,i,.., i U. i J,. has not been next year's planting. llay '' w0 months' vacation ! r0,l,i;.t,,,,,lltll.e bv ter 'Mnm9 or th leiu that confronted the i Bt "'' l'0- . Q , . .'Southern Pacific agent. I. in ui i uui ii mill i x, Chnves V. llurton, of Salem, arrived .... ,,.,,.,,, pen plant was the dis- .... ... 4' ,. Hooding Brothers of St. Paul liavo u..l f .l; ,1... "vie i.isi cii-iuiiK in "I'vii.i .".,., ...-,; , ., ... provide the growers with plenty of r leaned seed tor : The first problem bnililpra nf tha lum .u "i-viiii a .... ..,1.1 l..,. .1,..., num. iniji.-. luvv limi uu'i lUUIIHVl- ir..i: ... .i ed to l.nchinund & Talbot of Snlcm. machines. This was solved by Engineer ' , .J Vc '.'..i. n... ..,.i.. ' Knuft'mnn, on the J. N. McKnv farm. ('. W. Barriek and Superintendent Culy! "! "3;. 80veral davs in the ci v i "Uo ol,l hi over-contract hops to by installation of a blower system , "" T' . 8 J tlie ut ,fhe The i(.e js ot livea tn rpimiva 1ia .lnut frnm flip, muchiiips i on OUSIllCSS. I mi t .Inn lfvnn ...1.1 fin 1...1... l.l. ..,!, and carrv it outside. It is in the shape , .rs , . Wat's ' I Of of a huge fan that sucks up the dustj Yb11, tU18 orulnR where she has been nnd tends to render the factory snni-' ,r. several days on business for the tnrv nin hen t ifn . vm-u out. .Ins. ltyan sold SO bales this week to Felix Isaacson, fur the Wolf Hop company, nt 10 cents. Prcd Bents was in tho eltv from, Far- ... m i.. .. i i l . r. . i- .. . .i. . i.t nun iii-iiiiiinii. . i . , 1 inii .iiuiiiiuv, jiir. nmiiH neiieves tun About 100 tons have been thrashed ; ltHS hop crop will approximate about but there remains about 500 tons more! visit to Seattle until early next week. ,)0000 ,,0Hmlgi jI(J aUo boliovos that in piles but which will not be thrashed . "'ill spend the, winter in Seattle ,growtfrs tnn r8aijz0 ,mu,ji better than until the ground for retting the flax visiting with her sister. present prices if they do not foreo the is available. The retting ground con- Mrs. Rolo Drain, wife of ono of the 1 1lnritt sists of about SO acres located one and proprietors of the S-wKcMlrnin garage j r )o ,;lig (ll(B grmvors j,avo s10Wu one half miles south of this city near of this city, left yesterday afternoon : )jttl xi0(V B,,n their hons and the old Westacott and Irviu farm. Wal-, for a visit with friends in Bortlniur navo wited for the buyers to come to ter -Johnson is now working on this and Salem for several days. Eugene I tleilli i 0ther years, this city hn AURORA HOP NEWS. been full of growers anxious to sell nt tins time in the season. Aurora Observer. place with a gang of 50 men who are Guard grubbing and cleaning up the ground to be used for sprca(l'nK out the flax. j Tho flax straw is spread out in loni: rows nnd after n few weeks of weather The W. A. Yemen lot of lllinut 12l it in tiii-timl nvnr Tmiu tnmrhuua thA lml.iu lit rliniimiintr U'llu llllrclin Hlhl thisf fibres and nids in preparing them for morning by Henry U Bents at 10 cents. (JgpgndtlblS & JOUIOSl int.- luriiicr (iiuccsscs. ji is iiuiui;iii , i iicsi iius win ii in inn- m niv 1 AAATr A n that even the 80 acre farm will not be, em firms represent .! by Mr. Bents, bo- v ni AO. Always cheap and always 372 State St. Phone 278 shade or the full skirt of a premier uunseuse. The question of length is a vital prop. I paten at that time. Miss Scott ex. pressed herself as being highly pleased it... ..i ... osition with theBe new bouffant veils. Thn tnnrA nlnbnrntd IticA nnna full will down around the wearers shoulders and1 izillK the principle, of universal peace, bust while others with but a narrow1 prepared by David staw .Ionian, pres. border flare out piquantly just level I i'l"1 of Leland Stanford, Jr., university f Peace Day at Fair San Francisco, Oct. 9.-This is Peace; with the plans for the. new quarters li nt fh fir A nroffram memornl-! :Illch .w ,U b. 'n'y for occupaucy about November, first. was presented. with your chin Many of the smartest hats are made with the veil already attached. It is as vital an adjunct as a flower or a feather, x Besides the lovely black lace ones there are smart taupe, brown and blue ones in a medium mesh with embroi dered eiltres in Hn.iirnw Vnssnr 50 vcars oeo) are like th'e ftrpclr ltev nr fhn Will nt T- I here todnv to show the world just how The borders for veils of course offer! important to it educated woman has wonderful opportunities for the display shown herself to be. of versatility and originality among de- tniKiicia aim uircau.y we nave inline uuu enjoyable social events of the early sensou, the members of the club enter ing into the spirit of the occasion with zest. The table was beautifully cen- Celebrate Founding of Vassar roughkeepsie, N. Y., Oct. 9. Fifteen hundred women, alumnae of Vassar col lege, (the first exclusively female edu cational institution, established at I.ydia Booths suggestion by Matthew Vassar 50 years ago) are gntliering fur playing the role of veil edging wue metallic borders of galoon or tin sel are used on veils through the mesh es of which threads of silver nnd gold gleam fitfully. - You are to be kidded a lot about your top coat this fall, for the toppiest top coats of them all are made of white kid, if you please. Amazingly start ling they are too with linings of bril liant green, scarlet, purple or orange. Teachers Plan Foreigners' Aid Albany, N. Y., Oct. 9. Capital dis trict teachers today compiled their four-lesson course in the state inaugur ated campaign to conquer illiteracy, ar ranged and directed by State Kduca tional Commissioner Finley. Effective means of teaching foreigners Knglish and civic knoweldge was the purpose. . Dry Fanners Show Products Denver, Colo., Oct. 9. Twenty ( olo- Others of white oilcloth vie with the kid rado counties, exhibiting their products effects and linings are more often in at tho international itiy-rarining i serge in those coats than of silk. Grey gress, competed for costly premiums to kid and tan are also shown but natur- day, Colorado day. "You are as well as your stomach" HOSTETTEB A word to the wise Is sufficient. TRY HO TETTER'S Stomach Bitters For Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Constipation and Malaria. ' ; i : ; STENOGRAPHERS Why Not Use Columbia QUALITY Carbons? Made In Oregon 100 Copies Guaranteed from Kach Sheet. Columbia Carbon Paper Mff. Co. 33rd & Broadway, Portland, Ore. I '41 Thursdny evening there was a very itlcAMnnt IwitiHA imrtv viven nt the hnine of Dr. and Mrs. O. L.. Scott, lHliO S.l,re,l Wl" lIIIIK carnations. 'I hose cir Liberty street, in honor of their ;ionse!',ll"g the table were: Mr. and Mrs. guest, Mrs. C. II. Casement, of Tacomn, "I'd" Thielsen, Mr. mid Mrs. As-ihel Washington. The homo was very pret-1 "", i,r. mm .urs. nurry my. iir. aim tily decorated in astors ami dahlias, the I1- 1- A. I.ivesicv, air. and Mrs. Clif- cnlnr mluunn bninir nlnk nml ureen. A I 'Old Brown, Mr. mill Mrs. ChauilCBV . " 1 " . I li:..l.n.. . I l -I..l..:.. iii, . . iinuui, .i r. nun .tiiw. .iicivni i llllipion, Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts. ter, Miss Opnl Bowen, consisting of piano and violin solos and duets. Later various games were played, such as unwinding a large spider web, the vari ous contestants following out their Arrangements arc now being mado to ascertain definite dates for tho concert eourseof the three groat artists, (Indski oils comcKiunis ioiHmin uui ineiri.. , fc i ti .i i . ,. , ' threads which led to prizes secreted '';'tt'al, should Salem i v.,in. nf .1,, 1,,.,, fn. Uvue to secure them for tne winter. Miss Sylvia McDonald delinhtfullv entertained a group of her friends. iiliiiiii:r X nv.iu urvnviib ncivi 2i.i s. i. i i - . . L'. H. Casement nnd little daughter, flT r ,'"" t. ' L'leone, of Tacon.a, Washington;' Mr i 'Kh' "'.v " '' T " nd Mrs. Wm. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. ! "".'" Kd Woods. Mr. nnd Mrs. Rov Shaw. !w'!c Brl08'fr. gnests present were: Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Johnson, Mr. and ' J,fv MTfc""l'". Mim Blanche i Mrs. J. W. Huble, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ' M' ""1 u.liw.ske, Missj Perry and daughter, Velma, Mr. and ''v Hawkins Miss Grace McOoi.ald, Mrs. Koma Hunter and daughter, Ma- M,M 1 cnrl ' ol1"'"' M, Morv orKclt. pel, Mrs. H. N. Eley, Mrs. . J. M. , Bowen, 'Mrs. Winnit'red Kurrey and Mis. John Dubiiis gave an enjoyable daughter, Aneta, Miss Viola Mynott, ".")i0" ,art.v lust evening nt her home Complete Stock, Low Prices, Easy Terms These are a few reasons why we claim a share of your trade one thing of the greatest importance not mentioned is quality. We make it a point to handle only such goods that we know will give you satisfaction, and make you a regular customer at this great housefurnishing store. Open an account with us, you will find no unpleasant features about our easy payment plan, no matter what you purchase we will make you terms that will please and satisfy you. ! ' 3 DAVENPORTS This Davenport as illus trated has tufted back and plain deep spring seat, well filled and construct ed for comfort, upholstered in green denim, Just the thing to enjoy the long winter evenings in front of that cozy fireplace. Sells regularly for $:i7.50. Special $27.65. Miss V. Zozel, Miss Opal Bowen and Virgil Meador. . Mrs. John .1. Huberts was hostess Thursday evening At a duck dinner for a group of fric.icls who have given an and .Mrs. William McOilchrist. Jr., Mr.1 annual duck dinner lor several yeais nnd Mrs. l.eiinon Harding, Mr. and psr. on E street, in honor of Mr. Duliiiis birthday. The rooms were taste fully' decorated with masses of roses anil nu- j sturtiiiitis. The Cornell score cards were used. The guests present were: Mr.l Proftspor Wallace MacMurray, A. M., who will deliver the first of course of lecture on "The Literature of To- day" at Willamette university next Tuesday evening. Th hoauhold htlper$ yout uiY ned$ can fc found quick' lv through tin Journal Want A eent word will tell your wants in a Journal Ad under Ne Today. Try it. The-nffnir is one of the most i Mrs. Lewis Metzger, Mr. am Mrs. Jiilm Lewis, Mr. mil .Mrs. Kobert Himpmin,1 Miss Margaret I'ntnam, Miss Jean Belle, Louis Henwui, Joseph McAllister, A. A. Hull. Ms DWELL IN COMFORT is to wel wellto dwell well i M is to dwell at Miss Murv Binriey, of South Bencii. Conn., who is the house guest of her sister, Mrs. fieorge I'nlincr I'utiiaiii, was delightfully entertained Thursday evening at a dinner given at the Ma rion hotel by nieiiilivis of tho younger "Ojcial set. j Hotel Nortonia wKer personal ettention is trie Keynote of comfort utd contentment of guest,. , (J0yernment Yar(JS I nruoiii tne noiei" i it 1 1 I P r' Dining- Room to Roof G.r. h Underbid For Divers den--th atmosphere is dc fciibed by ever guest es HOME LIKE. Every thing you wont "nothing you don't want Apptisin mnU tlif jw" Kung-hv th fltvof of horn. Roonu itfilli priviUg cf Uth J I r more th dy. Room widi pri-Jtbtl$1.50omortirii; TK thin! tlit ppl"i"lrt pricn. W 114 ff ' WFii Whinton WJunton i. M 12 PaitLnJ oW'nshington, Oct. 9. How government navy yards underbid private concerns for six torpedo bout destroyers was In dicated today in an official tabulation of the liids recently "made by the Navy Hepnrtmi'iit. The Mare Island Navy Yard offered to build one boat for 7iL',:)H, with a figure tfO.OOO less each! for two, besides guaranteeing delivery1 in twenty months. The Norfolk Nary Yard bid" 1706,300 with delivery in 29 months. ' Crartips of Philiidwlphia, the lowest private bidder, offered a rate of S.'t.', 000 for three HO -knot vessels, plus U, fiOO for Pacific Coast delivery. The bids indicate that the Mare Island yards will get one, if not two, of the awards. . OTHER BARGAINS That should interest you: $35.00 China Closet . . . .$22.50 $:)4.00 China Closet . . . .$21.75 $25.00 China Closet .... $18.75 $15.00 B. E.M. Desk ....$11.55 $20.00 Oak Rocker $15.70 $20.00 Morris Chair . . . .$13.75 $45.00 Leather Chair . . .$31.50 $19.00 Book Case $13.65 An extra good value in a Streit Adjustable Arm Chair, as illus trated, frame of quar tered oak, golden dull finish, upholstered in green-,mohair, foot rest, full spring seat and back, and at the price quoted is a gen uine bargain. Regu lar $20, special $11.75 I ' 7 H iJ&--- HEATERS HEATERS Have you inspected our Heater display this season, from the number sold this week the new patterns are certainly meeting with approval. Come in and look them over, they will surely please you. Seethe, New Mission Heater, priced from $14.40 up. Other Heaters from $1.25 up. BEDDING What about Bedding for this Fall and Winter. In this store you will find an extra large line of the highest grade bedding, bearing our usual guarantee of sat isfaction and priced in our usual popular way: Cotton Blankets from 90c up II .Comforts from $1.40 to $3.00 Cotton and Wool Blankets, . . $2.75 up Eider Down Comforts from . .$8.85 up Your Credit Is Good We Trust You Ad. '