Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 09, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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. 9
reader of considerable dramatic abil-j The guests and the pupils all joined
luh ot Salem at thej''.v' ""r sond number given later in. around the table and spent a pleas-
N Moores o'n Chera- the ProKram being a dialect monologue ; aut hour visiting.
n.1 Y,., '.... -r. '! costume, "Higher Culture in Dixie", ...
in which the clever situations were, Mrs. I. L. McAdams, president of
handled with a generous sense of hn-1 Se.Urwick Relief Corp, number one
inor, and much directness and simplic- delightfully entertained Sedgwick Post
ity. j No. 10, Grand Army of the Republic,
Miss Lavonne f'oppock read the lyric ( Sons of Veterans. Spanish-American
"Apple Blossoms" with much sincerity i War veterans and the members of -the,
and appreciation of the dainty beauty' corps at her home, 245 D street, Thnra
of its pictures. Her exquisite persona-: day afternoon in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
tions of the tiny maiden, in hdmnnd , Thompson Remington and Mr. and Mrs
Vance Cooke's "Moo-Cow" and "The! Edward L. Briggs and to fittingly cele-
TP or .,..:.i .i;,.;t,. ,.f ..v.n I durance," in which Miss I'ona Ktes:ten and recited by Mrs. ' Kazmarek
JL were brilliantly oocned Thursday Kave 8 realistic personation of a brok ! which kept her ailditorg in unbounded
afternoon at an elaborate tea given by,"""""-" ". .
rnoon at an elaborate tea given by I
the W oman a club
hone of Mrs. A
keta street. The honor guests were
Mr. W. B. Harper and Mm.
Kalph Lynch, of Chicago, the
bouse guests of Mrs. C. A. Park.
Numbers of smartly gowned wo
men thronged the spacious rooms
throughout the afternoon, not only club
members, but club members-to-be tak
ing advantage of the. opportunity of
fered to meet and mingle in a delight
fully informal fashion. Even the
weather contributed to the gay spirit
of the occasion, the tasteful and hand
some costumes being in accord with the
ideal autumn day outside. The living
room and hall were aglow with red
dahlias, while the muie room, in con
trast, was decorated with hydrangeas
in delicate pastel shades. The color mo
tif of yellow predominated jn the din
ing room. A short business meeting
preceded the general reception, al
which plans for entertainment of the
atate federation delegates were round
ed towards completion, the various
committees meeting to discuss final de
tail. Those who assisted in serving were
Miss Margaret (irny, Miss Gertrude
Gray and Miss Ida Simmons. Mrs. I'.
H. Raymond and Mrs. Richard Cart
wright alternated in the pouring and
lira. John McNary served the ices.
To you who faced the cannon 'a mouth,
Ana Draving anot and eneil,
To guard our country Xorth and South
For home and duty "fell.
Greeting we bring" on this glad day
And to you grateful homage pay.
And to rour wives so true and kind
Who, fifty years ago. we find
To share your joys and woes to be
rroiniuea o aeep you company,
We bring our hearty, loving greeting.
On thU your golden wedding meeting.
Full fifty years youve lived together,
Sharing gladly all kinds of weather;
Mnch tit annutiinA c-.m if rain
j Have bro't to yea both joy and pain;
Felt the best had eome to you.
fitudio tea at the Bchool of expression,
conducted by Mrs. Anna Rogers Fish,
ll proving a popular function of the ed
ucational life of Salem. Invitations to
this function are being actively sought,
ajid those who receive them, report a
very enjoyable time. The program on
Wednesday of this week was an excep
tionally clever one tho first numlier
being Riley 'a "Almost Beyond Kn-
that's circled
Shave Store" quite captured her audi-brnte the golden wedding anniversary
.' , ,.. , .. or tne two veterans and their wives.
i . arles lard gave an interesting Comrade Edward L. Briggs was born
rendition of .) T .Trowbridge s " Da-j in Marion ,, Ohio, October 5,
r.us Green and Hi. Hying Machine ' jMo Hc terved oT oJ , ,
bring,,, out the situations so clever y A o th, p,omJK. dnriJ th rivi,
and personating hi. character, so aptly, , )f . . . f ,npnr in
prison at Anderson-
that he kept his audience in a constant thf cnnMeraie
rippie or amusement. ,rs. A.-n naz- viIle , he , fakcn prieon(,r b the
n.arek rend K,pl,ng s 1. envoi with ! f linf.der,t at the o 0J "
much dignity and appreciation. : -he : v,r umya
then gave two original poems "A Wej i t, . , ,r
Folio;-. Fancy" a, Tho WiHd.ird'L,1,,"..71', wa" 'Mary A.
t!, co,u,oi.ion of which is as commen- ''U u" wa9orn c,-
dable a. was the clever authors read' "n. " Dumber 2S1S4S.
ing of tiicm. ' , rouI,lc w"e mnrried on October 5.
Hex Howwrd gave a eharncteriseit gen-j ,
ra sketch called "Consolation" in clear! ' ,,mr'"le Thompson Remington is also
cut, plensaut fashion, showing much ? n"';v( f the Buckeye state, having
natiiralnesi in his ,nception of the! ,M'p.n born ,n Marion county. Ohio. He
character. I rv,a for three years in Company C,
David Howard related "Huuiro N'iin-1 fiix,fen'n Iowa Volunteers, and par-
ble Frog's Mistake" in a svmpathetic I ,!clf'atpd ,n manV hard battles. His
manner which highly amused his hear nHta,'l, battle was with Genoral
Mrs. Anna Roger, riali, who fopnally opened tho seasonal
work of tlit Bchool of Expreasion, with a a'.udlo tea last
ers. .This young bov has iind only a.i rn,1t at Shiloh, and his long service
very few lessons and' give, evidence of ' ,nil,,(1 wi,n Sherman's march to the
fine-work in the future. I ,n" 'losing battles of the Civil
Master Ted Howard quite captured I WBr finally the grand review down
the house with his account of ".loe 's ' Pennsylvania avenue, Washington,
Crime," giving a characterization of D. C
the surill boy that proved irresistible. Mf. Remington's maiden name was
The lust niiiiiber on the program and 1 Elizabeth Jane Tandy and she was born
one of tho most interesting, was the in Keokuk, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Rem-
monologue A Cordial Welcome" wnt-mgton were married October 11, 185.
ine home of Mrs. McAdnms was
made bcAntiflll with Anonmtinum A
J autumn leaves, Oregon grape, Virginin
i creeper, hanging basket, of California
f, poppies, marigolds, nasturtiums, and
J duhlins so urranged and chosen as to
carry out the color scheme of goldeu
1 1 lines so appropriate to the occasion.
j The lights were shaded in yellow tulipB
and water lilies, wuift' the serving
table was hnrmoniously laden with
, salad bowls of golden pumpkins, light
j ed with yellow candle, and the menu
j arranged in a fitting manner,
j Mrs. Effie Wright presided at the
j coffee urn, where an immense wedding
i cuke, lighted with many cundles, was
cut by the two honor guest, who were
j. brides fifty years ago. ,
I .The hostess wi.h assisted by members
j of the Sedgwick eoi,. those serving
wearing yellow nprons and caps. Dur
ing the afternoon a program was en
joyed by the more than a hundred
'guests and the selections were appro
I prialely chosen to stir up memories of
I fifty years ago when the aged veterans
i and their wives were young. The fol
I lowing is the program as rendered:
I Echoes of the Fust Richard Ferber
a piano solo by Miss Gladys Tlinmp-
son. In response to a henrtv encore,
(Miss Thompson plnved "Sabbath Kv
irning Bells."
I Mrs. Ronald Glover saiig DeKoven's
"Oh, Promise Me," and responded to
an encore with "Silver Threads Among
the Gold."
Conirnile John P. Robertson gave a
spicy extemiioruneons speech ill which
..the two aged grooms were given some
; ! advice, and Chaplain l.isle spoke in a
. more serious vein, presenting each
groom with a goldt.i gift from the
Sedgwick post. The brides were also
', i presented with flowers hud a golden
1 coin by I lie Sedgwick corps, each
; j couple receiving Kl, and the entire
. assemblage wns pluitogruphed by a lo-
cat photographer.
Mrs, C. C Clnrk gave the followin"
: original poem dedicated to Mr. ami
and Mrs.
i j Mrs, Remington and Mr.
k.T '1r'KK ''10 honor guests:
For each glad
We'd gladly give to each a pound
Of earth's rich gold Loth pure and rare,
And then scarce feel you'd had your
For truly as thia day has come
We feel each honor you have won.
But since this deed we cannot do,
We humbly give these flowers to you;
And may each blossom that you see
Bear aweet messages glad and free
Of hearts that with true friendship
And of our love we 1 have "you learn.
And now, a. setting is life's sun,
May thot'e of all its battles won,
And "erowns of victory" that mav
For you in God's blest country,
Be hleaaiirgs showered ' upon each
Until the last "Well Iione " is said.
Mrs. Walter Denton, teacher of ptono,
who has given an appreciation of music
to many young people of Salem, is re
suming her class work this week at her
residence, 148 X. l:'tu street.
Mrs. C. L. Hadley, of Roseburg, is
spending a few days in Salem, as the
-guest of her sister," Mrs. W. H. Byara.
Mrs. Hadley is en route from New'nerg,
where she was a delegate to the W. C.
T. U. state, convention.
The Thursday Afternoon Sewing club
met this week at the home of Mrs.
Milton Meyer, on Court street. This
wa. the first meeting of the season and
a most enjoyable afternoon was passed.
The time is drawing near for the an
nual meeting of the state federation
of women's clubs, which occurs October
25-2S, inclusive. The activities of the
week will 0en with a reception ten
dered the delegates by the Salem, club,
Monday evening. Several prominent
women of the atate have been men
tioned for the presidency for the en
suing year, but thus far Mrs. Chas. II.
Castner, of Hood River, is the only one
who ha. received the endorsement of
her home club.
The first lecture by Professor Wal
lace MacMurray in the course on the
Literature of Today, takes place next
Tuesday evening at the auditorium of
the library. The subject will be The
Importance, of the American Theatre
as represented by Mackaye and Thomas
Moody, with refiCT-nce. to Mater, The
Canterbury Pilgrims, Sappho and Pha
on, As a Man Thinks, The Great Divide,
The Faith Healer.
The opening of a Juvenile dancing
class by Mrs. Ralph White, next Sat
urday afternoon, will fill a long felt
want in Sulcm among many mothers,
as regards the early social training of
their small folk. Mrs. White taught
dancing in Chicago before coming to
the const and since her residence in
Salem has frequently given private les
sons in the various fancy dnuces for en-
tertninineiits. So successful has she
i been in her private work thnt her many
I friends have urged her to open a dauc
I ing class. As an outcome of these re
j quests, the juvenile untieing class will
I meet every Saturday afternoon in the
I hall over Pomerny 's jewelry store, from
two to four, under Mrs. White', in
jstructinii. Small masquerade parties
j and other juvenile festivities will mark
i the social life of tins class from time
j to time throughout the year.
Mrs. Patty, of Amity, is the guest of
her daughter, Mrs. Roy Shields, at her
homo on Hose avenue.
. .
Miss Gnynll Baldwin, in an inter
view in the Oregonian, says thut the
war has not affected vitally, musical
i'Mni. linn. $ ruiti
Rain Coats Q
Nifty Slip-On Coats in
sizes 4 to 1G years ...$3.00
An excellent grey rub
berized Raincoat with
hat to match, ages 12, 14
and 16 $4.50
An Overcoat
By Any Other Name
Would Keep You
Just As Warm
When we mention our new Overcoats don't get the
impression that they are Overcoats in name only.
1 hey are graceful in drape, youthful in shape and of
positive quality. In patterns of fabrics, for the
young fellows they are unusual. At our cash prices
they are marvels
$10.00 to $20.00
for Mendependable Cravenettes and Slip-On Coats
of various styles and qualities
$5.25 to $16.85
I K A, K D I C.t tvfVfi I a ixq
i y' . j; i o imt
All out doors invites
you in a Summit Mack
inaw. The quality and
finish of these coats are of
the highest order. The
colors and patterns are
strikingly pleasing no
freaks. Priced xip to
Late Arrival of Fall
inter Coatings
The very latest in heavy mannish materials in solid and mixed
colors, all of the latest weaves.
54-inch All Wool Zebraline in black, per yard . ... . . .$1,75
56-inch 2-Tone gray plaid Zebraline with green overstripes
.splendid value, per yard ;. 195
59-inch English Tweed Plaid of 2-Tone brown and gray, extra
good value, yard : $lt83
58-inch Fancy Scotch Tweed; the most popular coating material
of this season, special, per yard . $2.00
Dress Goods Department
You will find our Dress Goods Department a well selected
new and up to date goods. You will find our prices reasonable-
We-invite your inspection.
Kafoury B
115 N. Liberty The Store for the People Salem, Oregon
life in Berlin and other large cities of
"It would, no doubt, be of great in
terest to our American people to know
just how little musical conditions in
Berlin have been affected by such a
devastating war," said Miss" Baldwin
last night. "The past year of the war
I passed in Berlin and I was astonished
to see how everything was carried on
in the same old way. The opera houses
and theatres were just as crowded as
S. Stewart, Miss Binney, of New York,1 gen, Miss Dora Andrescn, iliss Florence
.Miss Margaret Gray, Jliss Ida Sim-, Smith, Miss Leona Peterson, Mis Ma
mous, M,s Gertrude Gray, Mrs. C. K.i rie Hovdcbo, Miss Grace Tolniau Miss
bwanson, ol Pittsburg, Miss Aline ; Stella Willson, Miss Hcdda Swart
lhonipsot,. , j Miss, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Collins. Miss'
The Sol,.m v... K.ar7 0b MASS ?.'"' Barber, Mn
.. y .. , .u. l,. itceuer, Mrs. w. t: took.
6" v o" . u. oj.itriMioi wiiu Hi LIDiic OH'
The fiftieth wedding anniversary of
uition of Mcnuelssohn 's "Klijau" last
Mendenhall, will reassemble for its first I , ""W v""' " mnv
rehefiral 01 the present season on Oc- e' Tues!lsy afternoon by a pjthenajc
s 1 a . . 1 toher is nne .. trr.,n ,...vt i or relatives ana close trieni s of tl
in peaceful davs iu lact it seemed tOiloutT onv ween iroin next .uoimuv 1 . , , . . ,
!eVr w.V Mr. Mondeuhall announces the ??ZTl !J A""
Manv of the old oatriotie oneras lOiienng lor the next concert wi bo up , , . , J
' u ' i i , l!BlnH"? " , ?to i.ia nsnal hiirh fin,inl n,i ; v,u : decorated in green and ye ow, quan-
ramas, which had been discarded 10 V 8 1,fcUal "'B" standard, and nishca . f .,.. i.;,: t,i
on the shetf. were hrn..hr to imj.resa upou all members the im. i of fall lowers being ie.l to ca:-
rv out ine coior sencmc. i ne picasuro
asm. .Many
and dramas
and laid on the shelf were hrnmrht ! ,0 impress upon all members the im
tn ,he nnWie eve d v vora ' portanco of being i resent at the first 7 " 1 eo or sencmc. i ne pica,
,, . r ; ' " : , . V, I rehearsal Thiu chm sil n,.iotv- ,v .,. Bnu general iestivmes ot tne occasion
o -o nr 'tstreh.d i tjiat all ,gcrs tai. U'o a vT'cd hVX
power as warriors and masters of art. ; a, an'ne ot it. Inis lirst rehearsal Uaui,hei.s of -rrs Bri. ...hn ,. . flH.
"It was wonderful to all foreigners , open to all new singers who ffi1 "Z
to note the management of everything. ! lu ""' ' : towns foi the epochal event. Those pres-
Wherever sons of enemies were em-j 'ent: The children, Milton Brigg. 1'cs-
ployed, as in the case of the first tenor! rs- i'ii"i M. Hoggs enlertaincd dleton; Mrs. Minnie Munroe, of Tort
in the Royal opera house, they were ! aeligntf ully at a Kensington Thursday land; Mrs. Anna B. Wliittier. of Cor
asked to retire and their places were j afternoon at her home on Owens street, vallis; Mrs. B. A. Harris of Wend
immediately filled by German artists. ; honoring Mrs. J. . Barker, of Hose- ling; Mrs. K. T .Albert of Eugene;
The concert season was successful, i bulS tl,e guest of her daughter, Mrs. ' '
moi-t of the noted artists having made '' t. Josse, and Mrs. (J. A. Schlbrede, , ,.
their appearance as usual but. of of Marshfield, a former resident of (Continued on Pie Three.)
course, as was to be expected, there Koseburg, now the guesl of her lather, am
were no Russian. French or Knglish George S. Downing, of Salem. The
artists illuminating the footlights. The rooms were attractively adorned with T-f-r-44-f--4T-T-T
Mrs. Anna Rogers Fish
Dramatic Keader. Reoitals for
clubs and private function".'
SZS N. Liberty. Phore 1020W
noted Philharmonic and Bluthner nr-'nutumn leaves and oilier seasonable
chestriis jilayed to Dust as crowded , decorations. An exceedingly pleasant
houses as ever and have furnished ae-' r.fternoon was enjoyed, as the gunsts
companiment to many of the coming included a coterie of lurnier Hoselnii'g
big artists of the near future. acquaintances, several of whom are
"The Rnynl High School orchestra visiting in the city,
has really suffered more than any nth-'
er. The members playing the wind in- -Mrs. H. G. St. Helens was a charm-
struinenis were nearly un otticers and ; i"g uinner nostess Jhurgday evening,
were called to the front at once. How-' at her home on Court street, in honor
ever, this did not daunt their courage of Miss Olive Custo, who left this
for a moment and the professors them-; morning for Tacomn, Wash., to spend
selves took up the work of the stu-1 the winter with her sisters. Later the
dents and made the orchestra n great ; guests adjourned to the living room,
success. ' where a pleasant evening of music and
"It is said to think how many of the conversation was enjoyed. The guests
colleagues with whom I have played ; present were: Mini tmv rtn Mi-
music have fallen one by one for their ; Llurah Covey, Miss Lena Bewlevl Miss
country. Still there are always others Mable Brassfield, Miss Ruhv 'Baker it
to take their places and things go on Mis8 Audrey Hicks, Miss Stanis ndre- I
just as smoothly as before. Professor'
t Beaver StatePrinters
J Society and Commercial
I Printing.
I Phona 1512.
Booma 1-3, Fatton Block
Willv Hess, the famous violinist and
also conductor of the Royal Hieh I
School, has been made to realize what '
war means through the loss of his only
son, but still even tnat don't daunt
the musical spirit. 1
"Music has hecome, or rather is.
such a pBrt of the (Ii'rmun and Berlin '
that it is impossible to exist without
it. Even in the biggest bnttles and
attacks it is always music that urges
on soldiers toward the enemy. In Ber-!
lin. one can alwavs hear the finest '.
high class music for a few cents, and ,. ... . , .
at the present time the poor unem-:Capltal NonnaI Industrial School
ployed musicians are singing and play- Term of 12 weeks opem September 13-13
iu; wie TiuKsoiits in tne nonse garuens
and on the streets to earn their bread, j
"Most of the big musicians are :
coming to America this year because
of 'the mitihtv dollar.' but this past1
season in Berlin has been enough to
prove that Berlin is undoubtedly the I BUM Beatrlc Bneltoa
creutest musical city of the world." L . .. vT or Piano.
: Salem's Educational Directory :
Music Business
Schools and Colleges
13th and Wilbur Streets, Salem
Willamette University
Opong September 13-15
Carl O. Doncy, rresideut.
I. H. Van Winkle, Dean of Law SchoU
Music and Art
Studio 345 Marion St, Phone .1209
A eroim ot ladies met at the home: rrn Churchill, rinnisle.
of Mrs. ( hauncev Bishop on Friday af- i"np of Emil Liebling, Cricago; gradu-'
ternoon t discuss plans tor raising f Western Conservatorv, Chicago. '
money to nimisn a room in ine ootid- i-s, upera House Bide
Dan r. Langenberg
Vocal Teacher
Tjite pupil of F. X. ArcnJ.
Studio 31415-16-17 Hubbard Bhlg
Phone 2079.
i.ig beinif urei'ared for tho Young Wo
man hnstian Association. It was
decidi-d to have a nowlty hauiar on
the third of November, the detailed ar
Rev Phone 1671-B.
Hiss Ladle Barton
Teacher ot Voir n4 Taiw.r.
rangements to lw announced later. As-1 Studio Room 404 Hubbard Bldg. Resi
itin(t in serving ref rwhrnents were,len; 101T North Twentieth atreet
Mine Gertrude Grey. Mis Margaret I'hone 564.
uray, Mia innnev and Miss Aliae
Thoniison. The ladies interested and
Elm Wellcr
Lisehiter.ky Technic and PunLing S?
tern of Improved Muaio Study or
Borinneri v
Phone 1351 695 N. LiiV
ho insum success are Mrs. Clifford W.
Brows, Mra. Joiin II. McXarv. Mrs.
Jnhn J. Robert . Mrs. Henry W. Meyers,
Mr. Win. ('. Knighton. Mra. Frederic
0. Thielnen. Mra. S. W. Thompson, Mrs.
Writ. H. Burghanlt, JrM Mrs. W. H.
1, vtle, Mrs. Asahcl Bush, Mrs. Melvin
Plimpton, Mrs. Zadoc Riggs, Mrs. Har
rr E. Clay, Vra. George Palmer Put
aaai. Mm. Harvey Wells, Mrs. R. M.
William Wallace Graham
Teacher of Violin
J'w ?f Ko,lt m Germany, under Joachim, Mar-
wau,Halif aad Markea. Letters of highest tommendatinn from them.
ine ad one half yean European eiperience. A iPecinlty made ft b'
Studio om 8tnie!n of pach week at Hotel Marion, for ap'!',,",'
fee 1M7.M q Ml Mary Schul, AaaiaUnl, 180 st. 21ft
Hoer, Mrs. C. D. Gabrielson, Mrs. Fred 'l