Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 09, 1915, Image 1

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mm claim
ffidd Marshall Voa Macken
; son Must Await Rein
Germans Captured Trench
From French On West
Front Yesterday
Varis, Oct. 9.-r-So decisive the Ser
bians defeated the Austro -Germans
who tried to uipture the Belgrade-Con-atantinople
sailroad, Nish assorted to
day, that it is predioted no further ad
vance will bo attempted until Field
Marshal von Mackcnseu has been heav
ily reinforced.
The Nish officinl statement claims
rthnt the Teuton advance guard whieh
crossed at the Belgrade fortress has
been partly destroyed, and partly cap
tured, while at Varak, 2&abrz and the
jsle of Prograrskn, tho enemy has been
confined to the brink of the river.
Elsewhere, said the statement, fight
ing continues.
That the Teutons are not only hurl
ing some of their Russian f"fces Into
the attack, but also am utlising some
of their Itnlian troops is indicated
from the statement.
Vienna is Satisfied.
Vienna, Oct. 9. Serbian resistance
to the Austro-Gcrman armies who crofs-
1 th,Hhi.' tt" pee, one of the captured positions,
eil the berbiiin lino at three Doints lias': i ..- ' '
a - ' . ,,
tet V'm officially
im!il0(1.tty: -To V18 S?rb,aa TtlT
tion thnt ti.e invaders l,avo not ad
vanced beyond the river banks, forming
the boundary, the only answer here is
that "attempts to harms our opera
tions have been fruitless everywhere
Germans Capture Trench.
Taris, Oct. 9. German forces cap
tured part of the first line trench near
Lointry last night in tho course of a
series of reconnaissance attacks, it wij
nttieinlly admitted in today's oommiri-
Tremendous Gemma losses, around
Loos yesterday, however, were report
ed. The Toutons attacks in their druse
lines, followed by many columns o.ily
10 ne wiped out By f rcudi artillery.
EusEians Claim Victory.
Petrogrnd. Oct. 9. In the fierce Pro
longed battle about Dvinsk, the bal
.uice of t)ie Infest gains swayed m
Uussia's fnot wis officially clniiied
today. There Were, however, oo vital
changes n ho positions of the two
armies, battline now with an artillery
'ire thnt envelops the whnlo Dvinsk
front. Ribsiur, captnrei included Bn ' 3.733 tons nr.d tho Scawtiy, 3,031 Ions
arvored triTH witH VSjO pTiscrcrs and been sunk.
many iiinchino giins. Fifteen hundred I No referenna was mado in tho offi
wei nde -Hno-"r rear Lulik. At , "ial report to tho fate of their crews.
some points Germr.n proerens, however, . '
wns rdiM-tcd, Minister Leaves Sofia.
Fion Ilriswnlitsc.'t river crossing to ". Tke Bulgarian minis-
ti.iinr..in i "protected Uittlo" was re-j'ir has left Serbia. This move, it is
ported racing, believed, prernges jither an actual dee-
I'e'aiJs arc Ufktig regarding the of-'iTP'ioi. os.Gtnto of war without a
ru inl renort th,;t a British submarine
'lestroyed a Oerman traiisrt off the
O.'rnuin enp't..
Off HchVk.
Tushiin war.4iipa
When it comes t' retreatin to' Rus
"ians are no tight wad. Nobuddy kin
feel as hurt when he's slighted as th'
f-ller who wouldn't have gone aayhow.
By George R. Holmes.
(t'nited Press Htaff Correspondent.)
Phillies Field, Philadelphia, Oct. 9.
About 20,000 persons saw the president
and his f inr.ive nt Phillies Park this
afternoon. There was
also a ball game the
second of tho title
series between ' the
Phillies and the Red
Sox buj; nobody
evinced much interest.
ifO The preisdent s liau-
ceo was here. The per
Don whose utmost in
terest in the bull game
;i wms Kill Klein, the
leuinn iimnirA in
mmmmmm Met, but even ho
HOLMES turned his back to the
struggling athletes and took a couple
of looks at. tii.t president's fiancee.
Speaker showed the crowd some slug
gi ig during practice. Jack Barry did
some flihy second basing, Dave Pan
croft opened up a utiw bag of tricks.
Nobody snw them. Nobody applauded.
The president's fiancee was here.
In vain did the athletes strike Nejio
leonic poses. Nothing doing the pho
tographers would have none of them. A
picture of a ball player oan be taken
any dny. Tho presidential box, fes
tooned with fliiRH, banners and the
floor covered with green carpet, was
in the ground tier neur tho Boston dug
out. On one fide of it was the box of
W. F. Baker, owner of the Phillies;
on the other wr.s E. E. Pennocks.
Neither had n sjirpot on the floor. The
Phils exercised stur-priveleges aud got
on tho field late. They wero takiag
lenc.ed German shore batteries aud de-!
stroyed German tronckea.
Heavy Cannonade.
London, Oct. 9 From vantage points
wrested from tho enemy Friday, south
of tho important strategic point of Ta
huro, n heavy bombardment is Being di
rected against tho Germans. L Ira
u& uiuitiHHirii in uis au nt's nrum iv
f u im!Drtfi..tli,J-cnch gain. The
hoavy 'artillery battle along many
points of the Iront is plainly a part of
tho program of "clearing the way for a
continued ndvnnco of the allies.
In tho l.;ittlo around Loos, tho Brit
ish have decisively checked the Ger
man coii'iU r attacks.
Have Not Lost Divers.
Amsterdam, t. 9. Contradicting
l the British claim t'jut (SO German sub-
mnrinos have been destroyed, a snmi-
ofrVinl Berlin statement today said:
"We havo at our disposal a consid-
crnbly greater number of uiklrrsoa
bouts than at the bagimilng of the
wur. "
Bulgarians Concentrate.
Athens, Oct. 9. Officered by mnv.i.v
Gerinnnn, and strongly sivprorted by nr
tillery, the bulk of Bulgaria's ravulry
is coueentrated at Kostendil, 15 miles
from tho Serbian border.
Submariaes Active.
London, Oct. 9. After days of in
activity, Gorman suhnwinos resumed
todav. Tho British vessels Hilvcr Ash,
Kaisor to Serbia.
Amsterdnri. Oc. 9 Kaiser Wilhelm
my r mi .. "'
9. stt-::--r.-y-mi
s reported trnm iiernn to ne aooni ioi' r", - - . .-
leave for Serbii to supervise military declaring the amount of loot taken in
In the Germans' drive for the Parkersburg train r.bbery was less
American Aerial Legion
Will Return
By William Philip Simms.
Paris. Sept. 13. (By mail) After
the war is over th American Tanbe he caught circling over ltseiins.
legiou now enlisted with French fore-Other daring cxpluits are to his credit,
es "for the period ofthe war," will Me is held in fstoem by the French on
. "l-WiriHe cqunlity with the best French avia-
return to Ameru'a as the hacadriiiei
Ameri.aine" and promote propaganda, fc( Am.ricans, by enlisting
fer more thorougn American aerial de !for fht of )h(i war,, uft.
tene. ' dergoing tne required training have al-
American members of the r reii, B y fweWfA ,h,.lr y.en yApvru
foreign Aerial i-egio ""''.'"-V
asked the l-ienc.i governnu-.. ....
conornt them into a single irni
'',, lM.l-rshiii of C T. 1 The icenited Americans Include Wil
"vin."! ' oh': Ametfcan tiJri Thaw, already undclieotenaat.
JB?-iV;taM, of the Internationalorman X'K. l'i?;..:
ATKL",.nn.'Ln'. lndivldt-1 exploit. ...,,!. and Didier M.sson. .
I K. recorded under the collwtive
title of "F.scadrillo Americsine.
Hi,. Amnrtcan bovs have tilayed
and ar playing a i Important part In
making, through daring aerul raid,tion yecemry.
their preliminary strides an hour and
a half before the gr.me. All of this
shows the morale effect of onf win.
President Wilson and fiancee, Mrs.
Gnlt, arrived at the park at 2:04. A
mighty cheer swept the stadium as the
president and Mrs. (lalt made their way
to the flog bedecked box reserved for
The fenutiful future first lady of
the land smiled pleasantly in response,
to cheers. The president bowed and
doffed his hat and agreeably posed for
an army of photographers. At their
request the president and Mrs. Oalt
faced each other and smiled into each
other's eyes while tho cameras clicked.
President Wilson then presented his
fiancee to Mayor Blankenburg and
President Baker of the Phillies. Tje
game was delayed four minutes waiting
the arrival oi the party.
The president showed extreme good
nature but photographers became so
persistent that ho stood up and shak
ing his hand nt them, shooed the camera
men awnv. Thev had been snapping
the persideut and Mrs. Gait for a good I
five minutes. '
Before the presidential party ar
rived, (,'ravnth amused himself by put
ting homers in the grand stand.
The Red Sox, however, were forced
from tho lair long before 1 o'clock and
went about their business in a silent
and efficient sort of way. May served
up Boston's slants for the Red Sox to
knock about. For Philadelphia He
maree worked.
The infield was in good shape. Cease
less efforts had turned yesterifcL's
s)oiigy blanket into firm smoothness.
Sial Train Carrying Detec
tives Is Rushed To
j) Tj.,;,',,
Wheeling, W. Va., Oct.
. .
O. train of a quantity of unsigned
bank notes, a special train rushed
there today carrying fifty detects en.
Posses Tave Returned.
Piu-kersburg, W. Va., Oct. 9. Posses
returned today from the woods hero
ubouts without locating the bandits,
who yesterday held up a Baltimore &
Ohio trnin and escaped with a large
amount of federal reserve bank notes
as well as much unsigned currency.
Kurlier reports indicated that some of
the bandits had been cornered. The
loot was variously estimated today to
be from $100,000 to 1,000,000.
If the loot is as vast as reported,
this is the largest single robbery in
American history.
The authorities aro not likely to ac
cept the government s offer of militia
to assist in tho M'nrch. Detectives and
government agents are working
throughout the. state on the theory
that the robbers wre either employes
of the railroad or in close touch with
the postal department.
TT ui.Hioncil
Washington, Oct. 9. Ttie postoffice
.l,,,, :.-,! tnt,.mi ill today
I thnn $100,000 iu unsigned bank notes.
After tho War
France's deputation for mastery of tje
Wevmann has shot down a German
i ,,;0re are iniit winding tip tneir proba-
. . ,
Aside from tho regular training
'which they have undergone as piloU
; they have lM-en given by the rrenrb
. governinent all of the sjic ial instruc-
word from S.st.ille that. a POHW,'.,, ,.cl.,. KnoM(.8 wa"M uho
with bloodhounds had Tounl the trull i injllr,,j j H n-inill at Silverton. Dur-
of bandits who ycsfe'iUny lyted a B. &iiirf the wee"- there woro 184 accidents
moo pup un are happy as is VIAUL oIINuLl ouUK m
HdlUII UUMMUL j ,,11. nlli MiT
AT S P IIFAIlTleffluch-TalkedofEnpse-: W UN N K N IN II H
Grabbed the Lead From Resta
In Twenty-Ninth Lap and
Kept It
By N. C. Parke
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Sheepshead Bay, Oct. 9. Tearing off
102.6 miles tier hour on the averaize. Gil
Anderson, in a Stutz, crashed across the!
finish line this afternoon in the 330
mile Ator cup classic with a mark of!
3:24:42, faster than any human being
ever drove before. Anderson grabbed
the lead from Kestn in the 2!)th lap, and
kept well out in front most of the time
Roney was second and Burman third.
Peugot Takes Lead
Sheepshead Bay, X. Y., Oct. 9. Rip
ping around the two luile oval at a
rate of 104 miles an hour Dario Rta,
driviug a Peugot early took the lead in
tho groat 350 mile dash for the Astor
cup. Johnny Aitken and Ralph Mul
ford, both driving Peugots were in sec
ond places, A crowd of 1)5,000 greeted
tlie twenty entrants at the start of tho
greatest motor race, with thunderous
On tho eighth lap Oldfield (Delage)
was out permanently with n broken pis
ton rod and Mulfoid followed a few
la liititi With a broken connecting
rod. Cooper (Stut.v joined the cripples j bnrrnssment s he wned for the re
at tho 48th mile wirA a broken valve, turn of the hat.
The race was for cash prizes totiflling1 She was dnssed in a siiily tailored
over r,ll.()00 and it. inaugurated the new black broadcloth suit with the coat cut
$3,500,000 planked speedway which is
pjanned as the fastest iu the world.
Two Accidents Reported
To Commission From
Marion County This Week
But two accident were reported to
the state industrial1 wv'ideut eomiuU- j
sion from Marion county lor tho wek ;
a.i:.,.. f l.tfl,.,e ' unil ttnfti nf IllPMlM
were from Silverton. Clarence Dahleu
I f... mil I a M'lki .i Ui.rLimT in
rei'ortcd to tlic .loiimission, tmee oi
wnich were Intnl.
in- .i i..i .,,,,.,K,.n ,.,,.n,.i.,.l 111
m IIMT IVWl u .....
were subject to tho workmen's com- la modification of the air tight Sunday
peiuistion'a 33 were from public util- lid order, made utter f'oiponilion Couii
ftv cornoratioiis, !. wore froui other- std Folsom uml thief ol I'nlico ellnly
firms ami conjurations who have re-
jectfcd the P.i t, 1 was from a cororn-
lion which Uses not employ inixir in
hazardous oesHpntiou.
Tho following sbows tho number of
accidents by industry: Hawmill 4'.',
railway operation 21, construction 19,
logging HI, iron and steel l.'l, mining
C, quarry 5, brewery 4, paving 7, wper
mill U, tresusser on n. ii. 4, trniiKpuria
tion company 3, warehouse 2, light and
power 3 telegraph and telephone com-
anv 2, passenger on R. R. 2, bvMander
2 laundry 2, railway company 2, and
of tho following on i (incii: Department little truth m I .e.. VMiatcwir pei-j Todny 'a gume was full or those tense
store, couiinissliM house, creamery, I koiibI eonwetioi e y be, I can only .i-1 n.oments. One aide wns ulwuys threat
wood yard, machine shop, canneiy, ; 'on e the law. j ening to break op tho gnnie, but nnv-
bakery, Imrdwsrc ropniauy, machinery,! TH iuhJA was here to help c.eleb .ate rr (uite sniu'eeeding. Foster pitched
brick a;nl tile, iinnoisteriug, gnruyc,
fruit drying, pinning mill, tuna luni:
pipo Mfg., meat packing, wixnlssw, con
dunsery, and hes'ng plant.
(Copyrighted l!'!5 by toe New York
Kveiiing Post.)
New York, Oct. 9. The opeiSng was
somewhat irregular on tho stock ex
change today, with many railway
shares higher, but with many industrial
lower, and the market continued to
show yesterday's tendencies.' The in
itiiil industrial lower, and the market
continued to siiow yvstordny's ten
dencies. The initial strength of rail
way stocks continued. Home advanced
two points or more, practically all of
them showed incrcasig strength. In
dustrials received much less attention
and many declined.
Oregon: If air to
night, warmer In
terior southwest
portion; Sunday
fair, and westerly
The Much-Talked of Engage
ment Ring Proudly Worn
By Mrs. Gait
Newark, N. J., Oct, 9. (Aboard the
presidential special.) Happy as chil
dren, President Wilson and his fiancee,
Mrs. Norman Gait, are en route tn
Philadelphia to the world's aeries
On Mrs. Gait's finger gleamed a big
solitare, set iu platinum, which spark
led as she removed her gloves after
boarding the train at New York. She
?nd the president selected it last night
' ,NW rlt- from n collection sent to
clunri .llwT Prtmcnt. by
avenue jeweier.
"Isn't it perfectly beautiful,"
smiled Mrs. Gait, displaying the gem,
as the president looked on in open
prido and delight.
Leaves for Philadelphia.
New York, Oct. 9. President Wil
son and his fiuncee left here for the
world's series game nt Philadelphia nt
11 o'clock.
After tnking breakfast with Colonel
House in the bitter's apartment the
executivo motored to the St. Reois ho
tel to meet Mrs. Nornmii Onlt,, his be
trothed and they- then motored for n
time along the fashionable Riverside
Drive. Mnny automobiles followed.
Suddenly a gust of wind sent the nuto
president's hat whirling away, while
the entire nuto procession stopped and
several persons rnced for the honor of
returning it. Mrs. Gult, beside him,
laughed at him, somewhat to his em
loner and slichtly cut-away in front.
Her neck pieco was of black fur and
die wore a largo corsage bouquet of
M'l .rple orchids', 1U tircwitlt-lit n
ftift. '
Chicags Will Not
Obey Mayor's Ukase
Chicago, Oct. 9. Mayor Thompson
may is.Hiio ukases and edict galore, b.it
,rrow. Where then, is thirst, IHere
will be drink, providing it is l.ouglit
bet'ne niidiiighf tonight.
I II' U Will 11 1V I'llUH it hit
n lupiui '" r ,'
an be served in tlfu eiilos
Inod rcHtaurnnts on tlic Siiboutli unilnr
ivlayor s Statement.
Francisco. Oct. It. Mayor
linm Thompson, o. ( hicngo, arrived in
San Francisco tadav and I rum ma bath
tub iu u local hotel issued a statement
to newspapermen ii which ho wild:
If the newspnpeis wain ine in mm,
tell them that with icieiiice to the
i cleaning ii;
Chicago, 1 will eiilon e
the law. As mayor, 1 was sworn to do ;
it, no matter what has been said nbii.it
! pre-election pi -mie, tlne gli Micro ml
1 1 no iiku nay ar in. i uraiis i inm .
position tonn,
Eelgrafc Captured
By German Invaders
London, i let. 9, Ti.e Germans have
ai.turd Hint H Iii''gr.'.d'.:, i' v.-.is ad
; nutted here todav
Bnlin, Ma Undo,,, t. .Bc1grade
the old capital of S,;bia i. almo.t el,
lir.'tV III IIIIT IIIIIK1B IM iruiili. in- v-
" We have captured the greater part
of Belgrade," said in ofliciul stale
ment today.
Dynamite Railroad.
Amsterdam, Oct. 9 Bulgarians dyna
mited tho Salouiku L'nkiib ruiliond
bridge near I)cmirkaii, according to a
lliicharcst dispatch, thus cutting tho
line from Salauika.
Advices from the Balkans have indi
cateil llulgiitiu's first novo would be
an effort to shut Srbin off from the
outside world by wrecking Lit railwny
Washington, Oct. Recogni
tion of arraua as provisions!
president of Mexico was def
initely determined this after
noon ' by the l'nn-American
peace conference.
IIIMMIIIU I1UI1 111 I III 1 1 1 1
Midget Pitcher Delivered Airtight Ball, Holding the Phillies :
to Three Hits, and Made .Three Clean Singles Himself
Today's Game Was Full of Tense Moments and It Was
One of the Greatest World's Series Games Ever Phyed
So Far As the Red Sox Were Concerned
Score by innings: R. H. K,
Boston 100 000 0012 10 0
Philadelphia' ...000 010 0001
A 1
Today's Box Score.
II. O.
n n o
H. O.
0 0
A. E
10 1
3 27
x .Iiuivrin run for Thomas.
xx llendricksen bnMed for Scott In
Hevcut ti.
Summary! Two base hits, I'osler,
Cravath, Luderus. Struck out, by Mov
er, 7; by Foster, 7. linns responsible
for Mayer, 1; r.'ster, 1 Huso on balls,
off Mayer, 2: oft' Foster, none. Time
of game, 2:05. I'm pi res, F.vuiim,
O 'Loughlin, Uig'er and Klein.
Attendance Figures official, !!(),
Soil, Gross receipts, i.",o:'t. Nation
nl commission's share, 3,201); players'
shares, 2S,093.0rt.
By George R. Holinca.
(I'nited Press s'nff correspondent.)
Philadelphia, Oct, i.. eorg Foster,
the smallest pil'dier III baseball, this
uftern iiin won i Ingle-handcil the sec
ond (' line of tin world's series from.
Phil '.lelphiu, 2 to 1.
Pi. till", of you cnii, about us tense
ii ninmei l ns the grand old game ever
saw- the ninth inning; sc.oro tied 1 to
1, and two out and the wisning run
i awaiting on second base, men u you
your iii'iigl nation still is revolving, put
a p' Inhcr who ha chucked as brainy
and clever a guino ns a werld ' series
etiver saw. nt lint. That man was
()(.i,ige Foster. And Foster
Uning single on n siv.ling line oyer
w.,Mm an.
,. run Hint bo
nm it 100 per eon
ml unrulier cuuin in nn
oxted Boston's stuck
proiiniiy II em (jiumi m.-i ..ii ..j
world's siries crowd and certainly
the bed. ganio that President Wilson
(vet saw or probebly will ever .
Tl... little Itcwtnninn held the far-
,,,.,r.d l'lullv wrecking crew to three
, two ol w'ho li, however, came
fifth inning and resulted in Philii -
ii,,. f mi niiiiiL' nun resuiicn m iinm-i
Boston R.
Hooper, rf 1
Kcott, ss 0
Speaker, e.f 0
Hoblit.el, lb ...... , V
Lewis, If 0
Gardner, 3b
Barry, 2b 0
Thomas, c 0
Foster, p 0
x Jnnvrin 0
xx llendricksen .... 0
Ciuly, c 0
Totals 2
Philadelphia H.
Stock, :ib 0
Bancroft, ss .0
Paskert, ef 0
t'ravnth, rf 1
Luderus, lb 0
Whitlad, If 0
Nichoff, Bb O
Hums', . - 0
Mayer, p 0
Totals 1
jli.li.t.ifi ' lmiit inn rket. Cravath in tli:'i...i it,,m no. ball one.
' . ' . . .... ., :....
inning Inn) ten on wiiii n r. -n-iu
.1....I.L. ..i,i,.l. Inffv i.ewis did well
lliril.,., -
hold to bis thnn .three liases,. . r reo
I.tiderus. wh. ouls de T,f Cravntn
the most f en red member of MoieuV
; " , .' ' '
rowl, doubled to renter field wall and
nlk. Mover
hoped to cross
the 'I 'd Sox board of strategy pitel
erratic ball. He was In hot water l
the fi't inning and was plainly ncrv
on, lie eot nvsy badly by ."'kiio
Hooper. Hcott died an easy death nr
siiceesslvn singles by Speaker- and
lloblitzel aided by an error bv Burns
nllo'ved the first marker of the game
to com" across.
With thut one run lid vantage to bol
ster him up, Foster pitched like a
For four Innings not a Philly reached
first base, five ot them dying by
strike outs. If Boston doesn't stick
'leolgfl Foster's monument on the Com
mons, it ought to. Foster made ns
many hits himself as he allowed the
Phillies three.
Cams by innrriRS.
First inning: BostonHooper up,
ball one, wide. The nme, was halted
while the first ball thrown out by
the presideat was returned to him.
Strike one. called; stnae 2, culled;
bull two, wide; foul bull three, Hooper
Hcnlt lit), fouled to Luderus.
Sneaker up, strike wa, called; foul,
Btriko two; ball one, ball two, foul,
bull three, wide, foul, Speaker still up
Speaker singled to right, Hooper tuk
ing third. HohliUel up, Blrike one,
bull one, Speaker out stealing, Burns to
Niehoff, Hooper scoring, Burns drop
ping tho bull nt tho plate, it was un
error for Burns. Bnll two, Hoblitzel
singled to center. Lewis up, strike
one. Hoblitel out stealing, Burns to
Niehoff. One run, two alts, ou error.
The president showed excellent con
trol when he tossed out the ball with
which play was opened. Hat iu hand,
Umpire Uigler then handed, it back to
him after Mayer's first effort. Tho
Red Sox thea began bombarding.
Philadelphia JStock up, ball one,
Btriko one, Stock out, Scott to Hoblit
isel. Bancroft up, ball one," ball two,
strike oae, striko two, swung; strike
three, Bancroft funned, l'uakoit up,
striko one, called; ban one, strike two,
called. Paskert out, Barry to Foster.
No runs, no hits., no errors. .
Hoblitzel got au ussist on the piny
Oil Puskert. Ho knocked the Philly
eonterfieldor's hot one dowu but could
not hold it. It then rolled back to Bar
ry, who nailed it. Tho president and
" Mrs. Gait were Intently interested In
the game and watched every piny
Second inning: lloston i.ewis up.
(strike one, culled; ball one, strike two,
called, foul.
I.ewis fanned, unruncr
up, ball one, strike, catted. , unrulier
singled to left field. Barry up, ball
one, foul, strike one; foul, strike two.
Baity funned. Thomas up. strike one,
called. Thomas out, Muyer to Ludorus.
No runs, one hit, no errors.
Mnver had settled in this Inning and
was liending them over for the Red
Sox batsmen with terrific speed. Both
Lewis uml Barry swung hard for their
third strik
Philadelphia Oruvatli up, strike
one, sailed; ball one, strike two, swung.
Crnvath fanned. Luderus up, ball one.
foul, striko two; foul, strike two.
Luderus fanned, He swung at the Inst
bull. Whittcd up, striko one, called;
ball one, ball two, ball three, strike
two, called; foul. Wliitted out, Scott
to lloblitzel. No runs, no hits, no er
rors. Foster certainly looked good. ( rn
vath and Luderus, the Philly singers,
ill their we L'ht behind two
healthy swings in thir
striking out.
Third inning: Boston Foster up,
bull one, strike one, called; bill two,
foul, strike two; bull three. Foster
fanned and wns thrown out at first.
Burns to Luderus. Hooper up, strike
cuie. - It was a foul strike, lloaper
funned. ' He swung nt it. Scott up,
bull one, strike one, nlled; ball two.
strike two, called. Wcntt fanned. He
swung. No runs, no hits, no errors.
This was Mayer's fourth stnkeoi;t
of the game.
President Wilson and Mrs. Oalt
Manuhed heartily as tin' rniny pitrn-
victims threw their bats to
I ground and went back to the bencs.
Third inning: rniiin"-i'i"-
- N ie
j hoTf np, strike one, culled: foul, strike
1 tw0. ,u ,., ball two. Niehoff fan
Bums out,
' ' " .1 ' . ... . ..1 !...
u Moblit.cl to Hosier, wnu r.uvrr. .....
teli M.r in, Mnver was given
,H1K. , --
, Bt. ,., t0 the tiut.
Bnll one,
bull two, striko one, called; foul, strike
two. Mayer Tanned, wo runs, mi nun,
no errors. .,.'., 4
Foster hung up his fifth strikeout
when he funned Mayer. At this stngn
not u singl" IMiilly had readied first
base. The president and his fiiinceiv
followed closely the course of tho balls
and fouls into the gi'undstund, but dis
played no dismay for themselves.
Fourth inning: Boston Speaker
up, bull one. Speaker popped to Hun
croft, lloblitzel up, strike one, culled,;
1...M .nn bull tWO. bull three. Holilit-
gel out. Luderus unassisted. Lewis
up, foul, strike one; ball one, foul,
st 1 ike two, Lewis singled to center
field. Gardner up, ball 0110, ball two,
foul, striko two; foul. Lewis singled
to center field. (Inrdner up, luill one,
ball two, foul, strike one. Gardner
flew to Whittcd. No runs, 0110 hit, uo
Muyer was using a curve ball
right banders and a fast onn to the
left hnnders. Aside worn Lewis, all
of the thrse hits off Mayer up to this
time were gotten by left banders. He
had struck out four right ham era.
Philadelphia-Stock up, ball one,
.trike one, called. Stock flew to Speak
cr. Bancroft up. foul, i" oni t"1'
""(CoBtUiwd oa psga lil )