Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 08, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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October Underwear Sale
Women's, Misses' and Children's
Knitted Underwear
Harvard Mills Knitted Underwear, vests, pants,
union suits, in cotton, wool and cotton, all wool, silk
and wool, long or short sleeves, ankle or knee lengths,
light medium and heavy weight 25 Discount
Children's Ecru Fleeced vests and pants, sizes 16
to 34 25 Discount
Women's Ecru Fleeced vests and pants
Children's grey wool mixed vests, pants and union
suits 25 Discount
This gives you an opportunity to supply your fall
and winter needs in knitted underwear at a big sav
ing. Pictorial Review Patterns
U. G. Shipley Co.
145-147 North Liberty Street Salem, Oregon
K I .A
Social Personal
Thn U,....,,, ...:n i i. .. . I
The Woman's tlnl will ii,,,;,.
second mooting thin year tomorrow nf
lernoou nt two-thirty at tho library.
Mrs. K. K. Page will nk on "Woman
and the Uw," with imrticulur refer
ence to tiio responsibilities ()f W(m.,
under tho law in the court. 'I'll in lec
ture will bo especially interesting in
view of tho inppii.nK of tlip Htiito Fed
eration to he held horn thin month. Aim.
Page, who in a graduate of tho Willam
ette law school ami a member of the
Oregon bar, I ably iinlifiod to pre
sent thin topic to her audience in a
rloar mid forciblo manner, na alio has
studied tii n subject for years and stands
high in th profusion. Plans for tho
meeting of tin federation will bIho bp
A nnrtv cnnHlMtimr nf n.. 1 m ....
, - . ,,,, i,lIB.
Lee Stonier, Mr. nnd Mrs. lion Olcott
and Dr. Johu 0. Kvans motored to Nes
kowin for tho week pud.
Mrs. Rova (iiinz-Mountuiii, of Walla
Walla, Wilmington, i visiting nt the
nonio of hor parents, Mr. and Mrs (!
O. (inn., of South Kith street.
Mia. J. R. Pollock ia entertaining
Mra. W. A. Htrnltou and two children
?.'! I'0r,l,u"1 a Kueata ut her homo on
. liiithor street.
Mrs. Thwdoro Daniels uml MrH. .1.
K. lturke, of Kokomo, Imlianu, were He
lem viaitora the pust few cluvs, Mra
liauiola being tho guest of Mra. (loo
llntt'h at IKItf N. Front at root, ami Mra.
ltnrko, thtiRiuwt of Mra. .1. H, lloekett
T:r,,r Kim street. Thpy left fr Call
t'ninia on luat evening's tniin, where
they will viait both expositions.
Distinguished visitors In Salem tliin
wppk ar Mra. W. It, Harper, and Mra,
Ralph Lynch, of Chicago, guests of Mra.
t'harli Park ut her country homo on
Iho Wallace road. Mra, Harper ia the
wife of tho Into William It. Hnrper, the
former, noted president of Chicago lni
veraity. Tho guests have boon attend
ing tho Panama Pacific exposition ami
will mill io on extended viait in Salem Tho Daughters of Isabella, of the
Wore their return to t ,t. Wed-! Catholic church erterlaii e 1 , Alt
neaday a purl of friend motored ovlboy. luat evening at St. 1m Vim"
riiiulu Mi,.. i'i i .i i . .. I " " """"" inversions, 1 np
gnosis. Miw l'.linbe h Irvine, of A . ,.,,m,ii i.. i.. i. .... .
iniont whm Mra. A. Siest. Mrs. .1. i.ehold
Miss Mllinti limit ia visiting in Port
land with friends.
tuny, a cousin of lir. Harper will be a
finest over the week end nt tho Pink
Mrs. James
lleenuii, ami Mrs. ,1, ti'
Siimi Lucile Belle is sailing tomorrow
(iico. Miss i-o will also viait Lob
: Angeles and otner poinw or mtereai in
southern California, being gone about
a niontn.
Misa Rita Htirer. returned today
from a short stay in Cortland.
I Mra. Louis Larhninnd has been mak
ing a short visit in Co rt la nit.
; Mrs. Charles Smith, of Portland, is
.spending a lew days wim ner dougnter
ii ii.. ,i n i i. I xr
.writ. jiMrvpy ens at ner nume uu n
o .. i.
'oujiimcr Htrwt.
I .
I Mr. and Mra. O. L. Price, of Portland,
siMJiit Wedni-wlay in Kalem, as the
truest of Mr. Price's sister. Mra. P. A
i KUiott. Mr. Price ia an attorney in
i i ortland.
I . . .
I Miss Henrie-tta Kuniler who haa been
visiting ner tirotner, H. I . Kumler and
;her sister, Mrs. Jieo. Hatch, left on
Wednesday for Seattle, where Bhe will
join tier sister, ..Mra. .1. X. f oster.
! The Christian Endeavor of the Prea
bvterian church crave a novp) nml n.
jjoyable social Wcdoewlny evening at
lilt" i-iniri-ii imriiirH. I r. wu a miiutnni
I affair throughout, as each miPRt renre
m-uitxi a Minn, a pleasing musical
program was also triven as follows: i'i
Jano solo, Misa Lucile Kmmons; voenl
iaolo, Misa Marguerite Flower: vocal
solo, Professor Walsh : tiano duet. Miss
es Eva and Ida Hogue. Those assisting
in tne serving were: Miss Lucile Koss,
j Misa Lois Martin and Miss Gertrude
i f.akia.
I Mrs. J. F. Barker, of Roseburg, who
; has been the iniojit nf her ilunrrlitnf'
I Mrs. L. T'. Josse, is leaving tomorrow
jior i orvauia, wnero foe will visit her
: buu.
MLsfl T.innn TCn-hnrtlktin nf VonitAii
Vpr. Wfishinrrtn:,. nrri.e.l in Rolcm mi
Thursday evening to remain at the Roy
F. Richardson home, while Mr. and Mrs.
nicnardson are sojourning in Califor
nia. The parent -teachers association will
meet this evening nt the Lincoln school
house at seven-thirty. There will be an
ano solo, by Miss Mildren Brnnk, a few
rcinaiKs nv nufierintpiutent r.lliott and
a vocal solo by Miss Alice Judd.
The P. E. 0. which met at tiie home
of Mrs. Caroline Selee on South, Com
mercial sireet, .Monday evening, gave
a most illtm-estinir nrmtrun Imi-nnna In
jtlicir subject for this year, "Travels
inrongn America." Mrs. Heleo read a
ixiper on "The NW England States
and Boston,' Mrs. M;irtha Bowers read
Whittier'a poem "The Witch's Daugh
ter," and Miss Rppina I,ong gave a
rending. A social hour was enjoved
later, Mis Moody assisting the hostess
in tne serving.
Mrs. O. Howe, of Silverton, is In the
city today.
W. H. Kwgpr, of (iervais, ia in the
city today.
George Vick and family are Portland
visitors today.
II. O. Overtnn .f Vn.,.ll.,.. :..
the city vestorduv.
Lester Keenen, of Portland, was in
Snleni jesterdny on business.
Mrs. Elvn M N.!h ,.l i : :
.. . , iK-iimn, IB
a tiusiness visitor in the city today.
.tuss wave i asto will leave for Seat
tle tomorrow for an indefinite visit.
Attorney V. S. Lamport was in Jef
ferson yesterday on legal business.
Mr. and Mrs. W. .7. Morford, of Air
lie, are in the city today on business.
Put McArthur, congressman for the
firsf district, is in the city today on
It. A. I. uens, district agent of the
Prudential I.ifo Insurance company,
was in Albany yesterday on business.
Mrs. James S. Albert, li-15 JSotith
Summer street, went to Portland last
evening for a short visit with rela
tives, .Mrs. Norwood Cox, who has been
visiting the families of C. E. and J. E.
Scott, returned to home at Springfield
Knv F. Richardson nud wife will
leave tomorrow afternoon for San
Francisco, going ou the steamer North
em Pacific from Klnvel,
lwf,f ";'r
A Sale of
Summit Shirts
About 250 of soft cuff and soft detachable
collar shirts made of fine soft materials in
tirt'ttv strine pffocts. nlsn nl;iin Whp If mv.
w f erred, white collars may be worn with
these shirts which makes them doubly good bargains at
these prices. There are all sizes from 14 to 17 and the
regular prices range from (50c to $2.25, to close out at
once as follows:
fiOc, 65c, 75c grades 50c
!)5c to $1.15 grades 75c
$1.25 to $1.G5 grades $1.00
$1.85 to 2.25 grades $1.50
If you know a shirt bargain when you see it, you'll
buy liberally of these tomorrow.
mmsmRM iiiiii
Cottolene is pure and wholesome
The shortening you use in cooking and baking should have all the excellence of the
food that is prepared with it
Cottolene itself is a pure, wholesome food, consisting of ultra-refined cottonseed oil
as fine as the choicest salad oil and beef stearine from selected leaf beef suet
I f
is not "just as good" as other cooking and frying fats it is better than
any other more nutritious, more wholesome, more digestible-fcetter
in every way. :.
Cottolene does not absorb tastes or odors. Heat it slowly and use it
over and over for all kinds of frying ,
Always use a third less of Cottolene than of any other shortening.
Cottolene goes farthest and gives the most gratifying results.
Pails of various sizes. Arrange with your grocer for a regular supply.
Write our General Offices, Chicago, for a free copy of our real cook
. book, " HOME HELPS."
the N K., FAIRBANKlgSHil
Cottolene makes good cooking better"
All Federaton Leaders Leavs
rvti ... i .1 i .
ojr it .in union m uie Merest
" Ti . fT '., M0W of Compromise
Duuumg Last iearnow
rwrw tm mm
mere are loomany l nx, a, oet. s.-charie8 r.
" Mover. T.rii.ifl.it .if .I.a 1'.... r.j
emtiou of Miners, will be joined here
liy Heeretnry tiny Miller, Who will as
sist him in his rij;ht in behalf of the
Btrikintf miners of Clifton.
Moyer said today nil federation lend
ers had left Clifton, no it was now up
to the operators to muke (,'ood on their
promiiic to meet the miners' committee
after outeied influence was removed.
The county court has bejrun its pre
linikuiry 9kii-ininhi,r to tteeiire a new
steel bridge across tlic jriver nt. this city
but hiiH HKiiin bumped up anainst a le
Kal tnti;U. Last ,viar there were not
eiioiiKh laws to allow the erection of
the hridKO but the legislature met last
winter and now there are too many
laws and the county court is still in a
Tho tax coininisHion was appealed to
to interpret the law in relation to the
II Hr cent increase in the tax levies and
Charles V. lialloway has. replied that
the county can increase its total levy
for either lUKI or 1HI4 by six per cent.
This means that it will not bo necessary
to confine the increase to separate
funds nud tli.it the limit prescribed by
law of six per cent of the previous year
will limit the county to an increase of
tho road and bridge fund but can go
ahead nml increase the total county tax
levy by six per cent and use the pro
ceeds to erect a steel bridge across the
The total amount for which the coun
ty court of this county made levies in
liiKI was ;i!ll,ti:u.til and in 1914, $:!,.
T'.'O.SS. Thus the tuxl-iR power of the
count v ciiurt for this year is limited
to (!"'", I :t'2,i!S or the amount levied in
W14 plus six per cent. Tho county
tax budget for in I, I ht not been made
"p yet but it is estimated that it will
be about the same is last year. Ae
eurdiuir to thin ii u.u.l.t
tv about !0,nou for the erection of
the bridge provided there were no in
creased expeuscs in any other depart-
footed IfaUcf!
Till Food-drtnk fr AH Igefc -
DeGcioui, inrigorating and ustainoMt.
Keep k on your tkkboatd nl bti
tXo"l travel vkloo t
A okk kack prepared! ia wtimda.
tfmlmmm jkm My l.tfmtGX'S
mmqt get m SmbBtttmtmm
More Militia Arrives.
Clifton, Ariz,, Oct. 8. One hundred
additional militiamen arrived here to
day lud encamped a mile south, to
guurd the wagon and railroad en
trances to the mine camp and block
any attempt to import strike breakers.
The town of Morenci is alarmed over
the report that non-unionists, driven
ont of the settlement, have gathered
at Duneaii nnd are preparing to at
tack Morenci.
meiit of the county. It is believed that!
this amount will be sufficient as Ma
rion county and Salem will put np for
two thirds of the cost of tho bridge and
I'olh county for ono third according to
the special law which mis passed by tie
last session of the legislature.
xJTermof 12 weeks opens September 13-15
DIED i 13th and Wilbur Streets, Salem
the latter part of November, simply, at"
Mrs. Gait's borne.
San Diego and fc'an Francisco are al-,
ready bidding earnestly for the honor
of entertaiui.ig the presidential honey
mooners but they are still undetermined
about their trip.
Guarded By Policemen.
Now York, Oct. 8. ilor.les of patrol-
Washing'.on. Oct. 8. President. Wil. "ten, secret service officers and mo-
l l-V. -. 1 i:..,A.. Ill ,.....,1 Proa .innf.
uu nun nis parry including tus finncee, "",j'-,J iu-oimc mu
Mrs. Norman (iiilt, left here at 10 Wilson- his affianced bride, during
o'clock todny for New York I their , visit here to prevent annoyance
uUed'p'rS.rru ih seT i'-r '"tr:-?! M;T1i
engagement ing, & attend a X&L n0b? ffi ZtX
Jmnorrow they will witness the : courisitv of Fifth avenue throngs ia
world s series game at rhiladelphin. A ' their shopping plans is unknown, but
great throng was at the Union station , it was believed tho president would
!?u m-?-""1 8t 1ho f,1,"r0 mistress l1Bve a collection of diamonds sent tt.
ot the VVhue .louse. The crowd, most-1 Colonel rlouse's apartment where h
ly temiiiine, wishe.1 abo to see the vyjll be a house party guest,
president, but lor once, he was of less . 1 ' . .
interest tiian another in the -party. j '
Pou1 W ?nin' "10,hcr )f Mrs i E1!a Byno today filed a suit in tf.e
Calt, acted as chaperon. I . .. ' .- . .. . . L,t
m. , ... j circuit court of tins county iitanist
ri V " of '"f Ir1-V Bre so "'oi-lK Marty, chargtnic that the defendao
lied thjit they will spend another day I is in wrongful possession of 1 acres of
iPT ia!, t!"tllr,liy' Ramcland belonging to her and that she
1 5 i" F"HtponMl by rain. It i damaged thereby to tho extent of $2-0.
was understooil today the wedding date McNnry & McNary are attorneys for
had been advanced and that it will be the plaintiff .
: Salem's Educational Directory :
Music Business
Schools and Colleges
Capital Normal and Industrial School,
Willametts University
Opens September 13-15
Carl o. Donoy, President.
I. H. Van Winkle, Dean of Law School
SCHIEMAX At a local hospital, Oc-!
tober T, 11115, Helen Lizetta Seliin
Music and Art
Misa Beatrice Shelton ' i
man. dnuchter nf Mr ... i u .. Teacher of Piano.
rVhbmsu, of Thonuis, Oregon' at th' Stadl 345 Mrio St. fhone 12D9
H''C'U-V"arl L Canrciail, Pianiste. i
l-OTTKR-At the residence 2031 State 1 fTLw , LibiinK. Cricagoj gradu
street, October 7, 1915, Claries N. ' st?,iLe ,lo00.rV,lt0r-V' "RO.
I'otter, at the age of !. btudio Kooms 1-2, Opera House Bide.
II ia uirviv..i i. hi- . Res. Phone 1671-R. 6
Dan r. Langenberg
A' oral Teacher
Ite pupil of F. X. Arenz.
Studio 314-15-1617 Hubbard BMg
Phone 2079
lie is survival i.v hi. ". Phone Ifl71-B.
U W. Potter of Salem, and' Theodore " . . .,
I'otter. of New York c;t .... . Barton
iIhhm 101? V...L m .. ..'
Asire'vs. A vat. no funal
ment have been made.
Kuget Guarl- Th tnful n
at the University of uregon is at pecs-1
ent 771. The enrollment by classes is1
as follows: Freshmen, 370; .sophomores,
p; junior, 121; senior. W. there are, i
besides, n nuluate students, H stie- i
el, ana 13 whose chuniifirstion has!
not yet beea determined. xn. earoll-.
eat for the first semester last yer '
was 727. Portland d Kugene led in
nnnbers this year. Portland sending
HO, and Koceae 17. WrSnk .... i
dt (ob frea eutside of the state. 1
denee 1017 North
1'ti one 504.
Twentieth street.
Elma Weller
Lischitezky Technic and Dunning eas
tern of Improved Musie Study W
Beginner . .
Phone 1351 695 N. UWM
William Wallace Graham
Teacher of Violin
teaa PLCi, HLRfc BrliD' G"r. -"Aer Joachim, M
Nine' a.a ..!., higaMt eomi,endatio from them.
n EurPeM Priac A tpecialty made of be-
rhiott? l?" 'I t Hotel Marl... For appointment,
C 154m ' " Assistant, 180 N. !lt 6t,