Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 08, 1915, Image 1

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.a ifc 3f ss ))t s(c jjc sjc j(s s(c (c sc ijc jc : )jc rfc
. 2 'iMi , . .
Manifesto Is Published Giv
ing Reasons for Position
Operations on West Front De
voted Namefcto Cannon
ading Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, I,. I.,
Oct. S. Bulgaria lias joined the Teu
tonic allies because only in this way
can all Bulgarian's be united, accord
ing to a manifesto issued by tho Sofia
government. '
In. return for the nuipnrs' aid, Aus-tio-Germany
promised parts of Serbia,
giving Bulgaria a frontier, with Hun
gary, which is absolutely necessary to
Bulgarian independence, the manifesto
At the same tinje, the statement cast
doubt on the good faith of the allies'
pledges. Russia was denounced as
seeking Constantinople and the Dar
danelles. Great Britain as aimiug at'
the destruction of German competitive
uid Franco us wanting Alsace-Lorraine
with-the other allies planning to
rid) foreign countries. 1
- The manifesto held up Austria and
Germany ns defenders of property mid
peaceful progress. It declared that
Serbia is Bulgaria's worst enemy and
accused hor of oppressing "purely Bul
garian Macedonia with unheard of
The Teutons, it declared, are vic
torious on all fronts and hence it
would be suicidial for Bulgaria not to
join them.
Paris Says rasolent. 1
By William Philip Simms.
(Cnited Press stuff correspondent.) ,
Paris, Oct. 8. The Balkan campaign
i.- opening today.'
At the same time terrific artillery
bittling marks the frout in the Artois
(id Champagne regions, while from
Russia and the Dardanelles there is
but little fresh news. In addition to
giving her reasons for aligning with
'he Austro-Germnns n reason based
largely on expediency because of Bui-,
Caria's belief in victories for the cen
tral allies Sofia also made public her
rejection of the Russian ultimatum.
This denied that Bulgaria had employ-,
d Teuton officers, ns Russia claimed,
but maintained the riuht to employ,
tliem or anyone the nations cliooso. '
It also asserted that Bulgaria might
borrow from nnvnno she desires, and
to make any political affiliations she
The message is deemed here ns In
"nfionnllv insolent.
Oreece Remains Neutral.
. Athens. Oct. 8. Oreece lins decided
to declare ail attitude of benevolent
neutrality toward the allies, it was
learned today.
The king declared he intended to en
1'ige in no conflict with anv belliger
ent. The Greeeo-Serbiun treaty of 1913.
hi- maintained, does not oblige Greece
We're jest begiunin' t' find out
what Kx President Tuft would have
done. Some womea'git ole before we
know It or rather beforo we git on
to it.
11 Mi
RIT0 lif M pJf
ecjAtt tW X
tARTHf rie UlVvVU
By George E. Holmes.
(Vnited Press Staff Correspondent.)
Phillies Field, Philadelphia, Oct. 8.
Phillies and Red Sox began the first
game of the world's premier baseball
struggle this afternoon on as rotten a
playing field as the annual classis was
ever contested on. The infield was cov
ered with a slimy treacherous blanket
of muck which a small army of ground
keepers labored feverishly but vainly
to mnUo tirm underfoot.
IShortlv before 10 o'clock the diamond
was flooded with gasoline and a match i
applied.. The conflagration dried off
the surface, but scarcely reached the
real seat of the trouble. Sawdust,
crushed brick everything was thrown
onto tho playing piot, but all threat
ened to make tho infieldeis crazy with
grief uud consternation.
The crowd, of course, packed the
hand-box park to suffocation.
Hundreds stood outside the gate and
gave up a small fortune for the coveted .
paper slips.
Speculators paid their winter expen-j
sea on tho proceeds of toduy's barter
ing. Bleachers Fill Quickly.
The $l bleachers were filled within
thirty mimttes of the time the gate op
ened, and these fans patiently awaited
the coming of the principals.
They were rewarded, or at least satis
fied ut 12:30 when John Patrick Moran
with a good old Irish swagger, led his
white suited cohorts through the gate
under the centerfield bleachers.
Ten minutes later the Red Sox troop
ed in.
A (Mile, uueumic sun camo out ns
Moran and Carriguu greeted ouch other
with seeming fervor at the plate 'uud
smiled to tho camera.
The Phillies were the first to take
the field for baiting practice. Demurce
served up soino shoots for Mpraa's
sluggers to poke at.
In the meantime tho Red Sox"wore
wallowing in the mire on the side lines,
taking the kinks out of their arms. The
infield appeared so soggy that it seem
ed a runner would almost surely mire
down. Water was standing on the sur
face in fro.it of tho benches. For
tunate enough to have been unloaded
by tho Athletics, .lack Harry appeared
smiling ns n world's scries eombata.it
for the 'steenth time. Whitted, now
a Philly, ulso wore the expression of
the cat thut had just swallowed the
canary ns he stepped up for practice,
bringing recollections of tho days ot
tho Braves.
By one o'clock the crowd was stream
ing in, and at 1:15 the grandstand be
gan to snow signs of real life. While a
hand teased itself with popular and
near-popular airs, Alexander, Moran,
Bancroft mid other Phillies, together
witli Cuirigun, scaker, Hooper, Lewis
and other Ked Sox posed in various pos
tures, alleged to be graceful, for a
swarm of photographers.
Scalpers Are Scalped.
Tho scalpers and speculators who
have been making wads of coin on
world's series reserved seat tickets
since yesterday afternoon, were handed
a solar plexus wallop this afternoon by
the Phillies' mnnnifeiueut.
The bottom dropped out of tiie scalp
ers' market shortly afternoon, when the
management fit the I'inlly pari; opened
a window tor tho sale or seats ni
the face value of (l a set. Only one
set was sold to each purchaser.
Within live minutes the news was nn
over the eitv and hundreds rushed the
to do so in the present circumstances.
dernums Report Progress. - .
t Ilerlin, ,viji London, Oct. S. Gil
man progress south of Kte Marie-I'y
where the French threatened the Ger
man railroud was officially announced
today. Counter nttneks also cleared
nwny the French attacks east of the
, Knvariu farm.
Heavy Cannonading. I Berlin, via London, Oct. A. Tlie
Paris, Oct. 8. Heavy cunnonading j three invasions of (Serbia by Austria
lust night about Souchez and Hill 14ii nnd Germany are progressing satisl'nc
nt I.a Folie in the Artois region, wns;torily, the war office nmmuiiced to
reported in today's official com- j day. Fighting is going on ut several
iniii(ue. A sharp trench battle raged . places, hoot Ii west of Belgrade, sev
southeast of Tuhure, the (mportaiit erul hundred Serbians have been taken
strategic point held by the French, j prisoners,
Artillerv preparation continued at
ninny points, but otherwise the west
ern bnttle front was ipiiet.
Bombarding Varula,
London, Oct. H. Vamia, the Bul
garian Black sen port, it under bom
bardment by Russinn cruisers follow
ing Bulgaria's refusal to nccede to
the demands of Russia's ultimatum,
according to unconfirmed reports
renching here todiiy. These reports
ethened bv the fact that a
few days ago. Russian cruisers were
reported off that port.
Late War Bulletins.
. Zurich, Hwitserland, Oct. . For
epposing Bulgaria's entrance into the
war with the Germanic allies, lenders
of the Agrarian party have been ar
rested by the whole, according to
Sofia dispatches received here to
day. ' London. Oct. 1 Bulgaria lias struck.
Birdmeu from her eountry soared over
box office ut t'ae pork. The throng was
so thick it was impossible for the police
to get through it. '
It. goes without saying the scalpers
beat a hasty retreat.
Bed Sox at Practice.
At 1:20 p. m., after a short, snappy
work out, -the Phillies gave up the
field to their rivals.
Mays, the youngest member of the
Ked Sox firing s(iuid, took the box and
started pitching to t no batters, Spea
'er most feared of the Boston artillery.
lined one almost to the short right
field wall in his initial attempt
Boston butters gave an early hint
that they were not handicapped in any
way by the short wall, when Dut'ly
Lewis and Harry Hooper both lined
balls into the crowd. A miniature riot
ensued for possession of the spheres.
I'd to 1:40 neither inn linger had given
the crowd the slightest intimation who
the pitchers would be,
Kixey warmed up for
the Phillies,
but the crowd did not evince much en
thusiasm, as it was n foregone con-
lusion that Alexander would get the
Dave Bancroft, the young coast phe
nomenon, drew several rounds ot ap
plause from the crowd by some fine
work at short field. Ho was nil over
tho place, .grabbing two off his shoe
tops. While all this was going on, Alexan
der sat in frout of the Philadelphia
Dencn on a roll of matting nnt watched
the pluy closely. .
Boston TaVos Field.
At 1 :("). Boston took tho field for
practice. At that tune, Snore was the
only Ked Sox pitcher warming up. Al
exatulor also Btcpped out una began to
loosen up.
With tho nppenrnnco ot the Ked Sox,
the royal rooters from Boston stood on
their chairs, waving pennants in time
with the band, which crashed out "Tes-
sie. '
Burns received Alexander warming
up practice and Wagner, ( arrigan's
tirst lieutenant, took the snoots Snort
had to otter.
Difference in tho sizo of the Phillies'
park and the Boston lot was strikingly
illtistiuted when Gregg and other fiingo
hitters put their first offerings tor the
outfielders into tho stand. They had
to get the short raugo of the Phillies
field before the outfielders could do
any more than hike after the bull ami
then watch it dropped in the midst of
the tans.
Ten minutes before tho game, it ap
peared certain the crowd would exceed
.Manager Currigun, with Speaker and
v ngner, of limited in tho preliminary
conference with the arbiters for Bos
For Philadelphia Moron uloue held
forth, tlround rules were gono over.
the managers were cuiitionuj against
any "rough stuff" on the part of the
player an annum hnmt.
Moran Gets Loving Cup.
Just before the umpires called the
game, Manager .Moran was culled to the
dat and presented with a huge lov
ing cup, the gift of Philadelphia fans,
who thus showed their appreciation of
the first, national league peiinunt Phil
ndelphin ever held.
Cmpires Klein behind plate; Kigler
right Held; i) Uiiighlui on liases; r.v
aus in left field. Klom is umpire in
The Phillies took the field at 2:0."
and play was called.
Nlsh yesterday afternoon, hurling
bombs as it went, killing five anil
wounding two others, according to
Nish dispatches early today. The era ft
was reported to have escaped safely.
Nish, Oct. K, The Bulgarian mill-
ister has received his passports. A
declaration of war is Ceemed only s
j matter of hours.
London, Oct. X. Big guns roared
more violently along tlie northern line
of the half thousand mile Anglo-French
western front today than during the
lienviest fighting September 25, ac
cording to Amsterdam dispatches quot
ing reports st the Dutch Belgian fron
tier. London, Oct. N.
r,.p0rted to have
Geinmeuicli dispatch sab five heavyi
explosions were heard from there.
Athens, Oct. 8 Greece's new cab
inet, bended by M. Zaimis, was sworn
in today.
Chiengo News: Ssys the Springfield
Republican: "A president on the job
is worth two swimming around the
circle." In other words a rolling
president gathers no moss.
Blaln McCord attorney of Wood
burn, was in Ibe city this morning.
Slil 1
niAni n A i" n tr n
j. rrauiiiin Dahtr ana ms
Mighty Bat Leaves a Va
cancy Hard to Fill
By Berton Braley.
(Written for the Tinted Press.)
Philadelphia, Oct. ii. Somehow or
other it doesn't seem right to start a
world's series this way with J. Frank
lin Baker secluded
from sight and Col
lins clean out of the
play; with JStuffy
Mel mica removed
from the view and
: never a vision of
Sehang, or liny at
all of that Mackian
erew, that glorious
fence wrecking
But soft! There
s one of them
tho wreck of tlie Mackian mill the
genial Barry was sold and now, with
his legs wrapped in box that are red
and in Bostoaese costume besides he
plays for the glory of Boston but
somehow it doesn't seem right. I know
that the marvelous basebull machine,
which Connie had built up of yore, was
smashed by the Braves to tho lust
smitherecii and scattered in pieces gu
lure; I know that Hie Red Sox have
honestly won their place in this ultim
ate fight, but. when nil-the talk nnd
discussion is clone well, somehow, it
doesn't seem right.
It doesn't seem right that the series
should start with tho Mackian outfield
not there, but it doesn't give me nay
sadness of heart and I can't truly suy
that I care; in fact, like some thou
sands of funs whom I know, I'm tickled
to death that its so.
For it 's going to be fun or at least
so we hope to go through a series
without any "dope" to sit in n game
where the curds arty nil new nnd we
don't know what's what or exactly
who's who; to iiguro what shade smoky
Joe hits to earn, to hold Messrs. Kil
lifer, Crnvnth and By-no and whether
this G. Alexander the Great, can freeze
all the Bostoaese bunch to the plate, or
whether Speaker and Hooper and Cur
rigun, will hammer his curves through
the ambient air again.
I guess the winner, putting it plain,
"I ain't got no guess, but I hope it
won't rain.
Statements of Managers.
Billy Carrigan: "The Red Sox nev
er lost a scries and don't expect to
lose this one. We're ready. The boys
never fulled mc in a brg fight during
the league season and I exrioct them to
go through now. But we'll make our
claims after the Inst game."
Put Moran:--" If confidence wins
bull giimes, look out for us in this ser
ies. We're ready to tho last word.
There's no secret about it. Alexander
will pitch first. We're uot clniniing
the series in advance, but wo expect
to win."
11 to 10 that Huston wins the series.
2 to 1 that Alexander wins the first
10 to 7 that if the Phillies fail to
cop the first they will win the second
5 to 1 that the winner must gi over
four games to take the series.
F.ven money that the series will not
go over six games.
live ii money that one team doesn't
win the first' two gnmes.
One frenk bet of if.100 to 2(0 was re
ported, that the winner will lake four
riidinnapolis, Oct. 7. Mayor Joseph
Bell today, Heat on the staml as
lirsi ueieiise wiiiokh in me rnsr i-uiiik-
. ". 7 , .7
ing him Thomas Tsggart democratic
national committeeman, and other poli
ticians with conspiracy In connection
with the .Marlon county elections. The
state rested at H:30 after three weeks
examination of witnesses.
Oregon: Gen
erally fair to
night and Satur
day; variable
winds, mostly
finest wdtTd
Naval Advisory Board Will
Ask Congress to Appro
Washington, Oct. S. Under n plan,
approved by the Civilian Navy ad
visory board, congress will probably
be asked this winter to appropriate
about 1,000,000 for construction of n
gigantic laboratory wherein these ex
perts can experiment, on devices to
muke the American navy the best in
tho world.
Their plans call for a gigantic insti
tution, thoroughly 'quipped, in which
would he everything needed for carry
ing out their ambitious schemes.
Secretnry of the Navy Daniels will
make a recommendation for the laboi
litory, though how much he will s.sk
is not yet determined.
National Defense Plans.
Washington, Oct. S. Secretary of
War Garrison today submitted the
army plan for nutioiinl defense, a plan
which proved surprisingly inexpensive.
The recomiiiendations are understood
to include:
An increase of the standing army
by 20,000 men; reorganization of the
militia; creation of a reserve; nn in
crease of field artillery; creation of a
reservo ammunition supply; extension
of tho citizen soldier camp plan; ap
propriations will not be materially in
creased. WAR NEWS OF ONE
Germany's Antwerp bombard
ment continued, the city afire
in places, but unsurrendered."
Inner fortifications are report- i)e
ed weakening. One report, says
Albert was wounded; another
says he is at the Dutch frontier.
Capture of 1,1100 Germans in
a lively battle by the French at
Royo and violent ruvalry fight
ing nt Lille and Arras, were re
ported. St. Mihict ami Argon
lies progress was claimed by Ger
many. ' Russians Invaded Fast Prus
sia and captured Lyelt. Petro
grad claimed I'rzcuiysl, held by
the Anstrians, is afire ami about
to full, but Austria claimed the
contrary nud reported a halt of
the ItusMiiu advance in Galicia,
British aeroplanes lioiubnrded
the Zeppelin hangars at Dussei
dorf. Turk rtops attacked Cos
socks on the Tin ko Persian
frontier. Turko-Russinn rela
tions are strained, Pelrograd
said; Japan prepared to bom
bard fsiiig lnu forts,
Diplomatic Representatives
Placed Too Much Con
fidence In Premier .
By J. W. T. Mason.
(Written for the United Press.)
New York, Oct. H. London com
plaints that the allies have muddled the
Balkan situation were emphasized to
day by the possibility that King ' on
stiintine would be able to organize a
l.til,..' 'I,,' nlili.ylMir ui.nw, of
, t(lfl Vl,k,.im rlt),n;.t ,! ., of the
..p.nitioi,. If he succeed, in this move,
, .,,,.,.; i, .r ,iim fur l ie
i I lie ouiciilne win ne scrums lor inn
; huB ,,,,,.,
thai. Greece shall not begin hostilities
against the Teutons. '
At the same time it is unlikely tfcnt
Bulgaria will attack Greece, us such a
move would be contrary to the Teutons
Then the allies landing at Salonika
would constitute nn dangerous element,
In fsct, it is Intimate, thai Paris uad
liondon an not in accord regarding this
violation of Greece's neutrality.
Furthermore Greece may interfere
with use of it ss a base of operations in
behalf of Serbia. While the allies
would not fight Greece, their situation
would be precnrioiis, If, after the troops
had reached Serbia, Greece cut their
lilies of communication.
The allien pinned their faith on (he
deposed premier, Veulzelos, and his sup
port crumbled under the king's opposi
tion. If he is reinstated, all perhaps
will yt lie well, but at present, it ap
pears that the allies placed too much
confidence in Venizcloi.
Score Was Tied Up One to
Inning But Boston's Pitcher
of Same Inning-Eight Hits
He Kept them so Scattered
R. H. O. A. K
Hooper, rf. .,
Scott, ss. ...
0 10 0 0
0 11 2 0
1 0 I 1) 0
0 I 12 0 0
0 2 20 0
0 10 10
o i s 4 n
o o :i a o
0 10 4 1
1 82l 13 1
R. II. O. A. K.
1 0 0 2 0
113 2 0
1110 0
0 I 10 0 1
0 1 3 0 0'
0 0 2 4 0
0 0 7 0 0
0 0 0 5 0
0 110 0
3 5 27 13 1
Speaker, cf. ,
llolditzel, lb
Lewis, If.
Gardner, !)b ,
Barry, 2b ...
Cady, c. v . . .
Shore, p
Stock, 3b
Bancroft, ss. ...
Paskert, cf
I.uderus, lb ....
Whitted, If
Niehoff, 2b ....
Alexander, p.
Score by innings: ' R. 11. K.
Boston 000 000 0101 H I
Philadelphia . . .000 100 02x-3 8 1
x -Hendrlckson butted for Only in
xx Ruth batted for Shore in the
Summitry) liases on balls, off Alex
ander, 2; off Scott, 3. Huns respon
sible off Shore, 3; off Alexander, 1.
Stiff hits, Scott, Gardner, Crnvnth,
Cady. Struck out, by Alexander, tl; by
Shore, 2. Stolen bases, Whitted, Hob
litzel. Time of game, 1:I5S. Umpires,
Klom, Rigler, O'Loiighlin, Fvuns.
Attendance, 19,313.
Gross receipts, 4151,0(1(1.
National commission's shure, 5,10(1.
00. Players' sharo, $7,575.(14.
Kneh clubs' share, ,ll1.81.
By George S. Holmes.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Philadelphia, Oct, 8. Grover Alex
audi r did tho expected this p. in. and
downed the Red Sox in tho first game
of the title series 3 to 1. The big
Ncbruskal! never pitched n better
game in soino respects, jioston bat
ii. were on base ill every inning but
each timo Alexander tightened up and
pulled himself through by his own ef
forts. Stock scored the winning run In the
eighth. Ho started with a walk, was
sent to snoond by Bancroft's single
ami moved up when Shore also imssed
Paskort. Cruvath bingled to tlie in
field, which Hcott wus a bit slow in
fielding and Stock camo home. Cruvath
however, was caught lit first.
I.uderus scratched a single next,
scoring Bancroft. Snoro lost a tough
luck it lime. The breaks ut all times
favored tho Phillies. Mevenu nines
what should have developed Into enny
outs, went for hits because of the slip
pery field.
Shop) ullowed the Phillies only five
hits, whereas Alexander was touched
for eight, one in each inning.
The Phillies got away to n one run
lend in tho fourth, i-askert led off
uiili n siiieln. wus sacrificed to sec
ond by Crnvnth, scut to third on l.u
derns' infield out and scored wlien , called; ball one, liall two, low; ourns
Whitted puled a single over second, j popped out to Scott. Alexander re
Boston tied it up in its half of the j reived great hand us ho cumu to but,
eighth. After Scott hud diuo, npeaaer
walked on four pitched bolls, went to
second on Hobby's infield out nnd
scored when Duffy Lewis laid a
screaming single almost against tho
left field Willi.
Alexander struck out six men, milk
, , . , . wi,,,,..,
nig Lewis -' ' '"' tw"''' M"",
t rili ii mils totaled two.
Not on extra basehit was recorded
dining tho giiino and several of the
hits were scratches. Boston's Royal
Rooters, refusing to bo downhearted,
swi'pt down on tho field ns Hooper
made the Inst out of the game uiul
paraded around the field to the tune of
Boston" famous war soiig-"Tes-sic."
Manager Currigun made a but
ditch effort to tio up the score In the
ninth. Ho inserted two pinch hitters,
but Alexander with the first game mi
ller his belt, tightened , up and they
died ensily.
Bcora by Innings.
First: Boston Hooper up; Hooper
singled I Scott up, strike one ciilleil;
Scott sacrificed, Alexander to Luderus.
Iliim.or on second. Hnenker up; Hoop
er on second, hpeaker, strike one call
ed. Strike two called. Hall one, high.
Foul ball, two, low; foul. Ball three.
Alexander and Burns stepped together
(or a conference. Foul. Speaker walk-
CENTS ffiuroSrnS iSn
One in First Half of Eighth
Went to. Pieces in Last Half
were Made off Alexandr But
that Only One Counted In the
vd, ball four. Alexander labored
hard with tries. Ho nart him in the
holo with two strikes nt tho stnrt, but
(lost tho udvanlage. llolditzel up,
forced Speaker, Bancroft to Niehoff,
Hooper on third. Lewis up. Hoblititol
was caught off first. Alexander to
I.uderus. No runs, one hit, no errors.
Hooper's hit on tho second bull Alex
pitched was n clear smash through tho
box. Things, looked dark "for Alex
ander until he pulled his lightning
throw which nailed Hobby off first.
Philadelphia: Stock fouled to Cndy,
Bancroft, up, strike one called; ball
one. Bancroft flied to Barry. Pnskort
up. Ball one, Wide one, Paskert foul
ed to lloblitzel. No hits, no runs, tut
Shore had it on Alexander in this in
ning, lie disposed of tho Phillies witn
eight pitched balls. The sun wns shin
ing brightly at this time nnd weath
er conditions were loosing up.
Second Inning.
Boston: Lewis up, strike one, foul.
Lewis fouled a screamer to loft. Bull
one, wide. Strike t wo, foul. Lewis
singled to left, It wns a good elenn
knock. Gardner up, bull one, wide;
bull two, wide; strike one, culled.'
Gardner sacrificed, Alexander to Lud
erus, Lewis taking second; Barry up.
Barry got a great hand from the l'hiln
delphiii rooters. Barry forced Lewis
between second nnd third, Alexander
to Scott to Bancroft to Niehoff. Hur
ry took second on tho piny nnd was
called safo on a close decision. Cady
up, ball one, ball 2, strike 1,1 foul;
striko two culled; foul, ball three;
Cady fanned. No runs, ono hit, no er
rors. The Red Sox were keeping Alexand
er working hard. He cut off Lewis by
taking his time when Barry bounced u
hard one nt him. It failed to feaso
Alexander, ho pulled tho forced piny
Philadelphia: Cruvath up, ball one,
ball two, wide; ball three, wide; ball
four, walked. I.uderus up, strike oue,
called. Luderus forced Cruvath on it
grounder to Barry unassisted. Whitt
ed up, strike one, called; ball one, ball
two: Luderus out, stealing, Cady to
Hurry. Whitted, strike two, called:
ball three, Whitted walked. Niehoff
np, striko oue, culled; striko two, call
ed. Foul, Niehoff fanned. No runs,
no hits, no errors.
Shore did not dispose of the Phillies
in such quick order this Inning, but
worked slowly and deliberately and
was In trouble nt no time, though ho
gave Crnvnth a pass.
Third Inning.
Boston: Shore up, ball one; striko
one, culled; shore out, Niehoff to Lu
derus. Hooper up. strike one called;
hull uni
low; Hooper rued out m
Whitted. Hcott up, strike ono, called;
Scott singled to centerfield. Speaker
up, Speaker flew out to Whitted. No
runs, one hit, no errors.
Alexander was going better ill this
inning than either of the previous two
despite tho fact that Scott nicked him
for the Ued Sox third hit. Speaker's
I'lv to Whitted was a weuk effort.
I'hiliidelphin: Bin ns up, striko one,
bull ono, wide; ball two, low; striko
one, called; strike two, foul; Alexan
der singled Infield. Tho bull took a
bail bound and Gardner could not get
it in time. Stock up, strike one, called;
ball one, high; Stock forced Alexander
at s ml, Gardner to Barry. Huneroit
up, strike one, toui; iinnsy oin, u
lloblitzel unassisted, No runs, ouu hit,
no errors.
Alexander's scratch hit wus the first
sure blow the Phillies had gathered off
Shore. It was H selnt'-h Int. The Bos
ton band struck up "Tessio,"
Fourth Inning.
Boston: llolditzel up, strike one,
culled; strike two, foul. Hoby wns out
Niehoff to Luderus. Lewis up, bull
one, ball two, wide; strike one, swung;
foul strike two, ball three, high, high;
foul again. Lewis fanned. Gardner
up, ball oite, wide; strike one, foul.
Gardner singled to center field. Barry
up, ball one. Barry flew to Cruvath.
No runs, no hits, no errors.
At this stuge of the game Boston
had worked three men around to sec
ond ami one to third in position to
score If a single had boou Uelivercu.
Tho Phillies had not gotten a man a
far second.
Philadelphia: Paskert up, trih one,
(Continued o Vi lis ) . )