... FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY ; THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1915 PRICE TWO CENTS crVu lie MJ Mlto jIli!M I kmnml UHLLUL UlinilULU I HUM I, FAVORS CENTRAL POWERS! r. King Constantine Forces Resignation of Premier Venizelos Who Was In Favor of Triple EntenteBalkan Situation Is worse Muddle That Ever Before With Action of Greece and Rumania Uncertain Quantity-France De cides To Continue Landing Troops At Salonika Athens, Oct. 6. Believing. Greece was nlmut to be blunged into war. King Constantine hurried by automobile from his summer home and forced the resig nation of Premier Venizelos within two hours, it was learned today. The ruler heard at his summer home, about the sensational speech of Venize los in parliament yesterday in, which the premier declared Greece would re sort to arms if Bulgaria attacked Ser bia. H quickly ordered hU car and sped to the palace at Athens. There he Htudied the parliament record a few minutes and then hurriedly summoned the premier. . Meantime opposition lead ers had reached the palace and had told the king that Venizelos was about to make an even more -startling state ment. In the brief heated session with the king, Venizelos resigned. Later the ministers followed suit and their resig nation were promptly accepted. The king is willing to go to any ex treme to insure Greece against any aggressive Bulgarian act, but he does not wish to array Greece against the Teutons.. - Constantine feared Venizelos was leading the nation into an open alliance w ith the allies. Cabinet Not In Harmony. Paris, Oct. C. Premier Venizelos of Greece has resined because the other eight members of the cabinet were silent when the vote of confidence in him was tnken in the Chamber of Deputies, according to an Athens dis patch today. This move, according to other dis patches from Athens, was followed by the entire cabinet's resignation. The vote of confidence followed Venizelos explanation of landing of French troops at Salonika, and stood 142 to 102, with 13 members of the Chamber not voting. These dramatic events came in the wake of bitter debate in which Venize los opponents flayed him as leading them into war, and criticized the land ing of the troops at Salonika. Venize-jof the change of policy on the part of Ins defended his course, while paude-, Greece, the Salonika situation is cans nionium reigned. That Greece could not ing apprehension here, do otherwise than follow its treaty! In some London quarters, there was with Serbia, and that its course in hope that the Chamber of Deputies ,i.ni,t:..M ,1.a vi.rl.t- fn n, a r It 1 u I, I ., 1. ...... 1 .... . . 1 ,i.,i,,,,..K in.. me iiRin I.. u... ,. j through to Serbia was proper, was his j contention. He announced that; Greece would take no further action than the protest it had made, (apparently on technical grounds only) against this landing. Tender the treaty he declared Greece is obliged to aid Serbia if the latter is attacked by Bulgaria. IIo then asked a voto of confidence and it was givou him. French Will Not Stop. E'nris, Oct. 0. With President Pon enire presiding, the cabinet met today to consider the Balkan situation. France has a number of troops al ready at Salonika, and what she shall do with themf in view of the kale dnscopic changes in Greece may be de termined in this session. The resignation of Premier Venizelos of Greece will not stop the landing of troops for Serbia's defense, it was of ficially announced today, after the French cabinet held its session with President Poincaire. . Simultaneously, more French troops were reported landing at Salonika. It was officially intimated that the allies count upon the Greek peoples sup Pyt to prevent Bulgaria from dominat- Ther taint no tonie like oompetl tion t' make 1 feller spruce up. MTh' iHvln' Venus" at Pictureland t 'night. H'hgle men first. 1 ing the Balkans, as she is anxious to do. This hope was strengthened by word that Salonika residents had greeted the troops. Greece had protested against the land ing, though Venizelos "himself favored it personally.- The protest whenmade was understood 4o have been a formal ity, inasmuch as Greek laws required legislative sanction before foreign troops could take such action. Allies Are Worried. London, Oct. 6. The allies hopes, were dealt a hard blow in the Balkans today. - - With Burgaria about to join the Aus-tro-Gcrmans, Greece and Rumania hare abandoned Serbia which now faces a combined attack of her enemies on all sides. The resignation of Premior Venizelos of Greece, caused consterna tion, for it indicated King Constantine is apparently determined not to. aid Sorbia unless Bulgaria actually invades Greece. The sudden upheaval at Athens com pletely overshadowed the Russian Bul garian situation. The allies are now positive that Bulgaria will aid the Teutons, and the Russian ultimatum, demanding severance by the Sofia gov ernment of relations with the Central empires, is, as far as is known here, still unanswered. In view of this situa tion, it is firmly believed here that Kussia will goon announce positive Censored Greek dispatches today in dicatcd that Bulgaria has given its pledge to King Constantino that inter ests of Greece will not be harmed bv any anti-Serbian move on Bulgaria's part and his promise to maintninence of neutrality. This position caused the break with Venizelos who has always been pro-ally and pro-war, and who was recently returned to the premiership ujiuii mis iimna. Crown Prince George, with members of the Greek general staff left Inst night for Salonika. No intimation nf their intentions is given, but in view .... ., , t-nivruny voieu conruience in Venizelos, will refuse to accept the new ministry, thus forcing the king to rein iaie cnizeios anil to nid Serbia, New Board of Directors ' For Y. M. C. A. Chosen At the annual meeting of the mem bers of the Y. M. C. A. of this city for the election of officers held last night in the banquet room of the as sociation H. B. Thielsen, R. C. Bishop and A. A. Lee were chosen to succeed themselves as memlri of the board of directors and Curtis B. Cross and John Farrar were chosen a the other mem bers of the board. The reports rend at last night's meeting showed that the Salem business men's class was the largest in numbers of any class of 'its kind in any Y. M. C. A. in the country in cities of this size. The plan for new classes for the com ing year was outlined and Various members of the board spoke in appre ciation of the efforts of the present officers and their work in Salem. Greece, Playing Politics, Faces Unexpected Crisis By X W. T. Mason. (Written for the United Press.) New York, Oct. 6. Greece in typical Balkan fashiou has been trying to play two sides against each other. This has resulted in en unexpected crisis which may have a serious effect on her fu ture fortunes. The ministerial crisis resignation of Premier Venizelos and the cabinet is due to the landing of allied forces on Greek foil. Greece wanted them near in .i-se Bulgaria at tacked Greece but the government did nnt uunt to irive formal consent m this move, so that her neutrality might tint l compromised if Bulgaria Kept pence. Apparently, she technically pro- tested the landing while at the same time Greek officers assisreu in the work of debfrkatation. The premier approved of this equivn ..1 .i.k, l.ut KInir Constantine 't mi w , - l- thAM.n Tnrf-f-11 nin rrimii.'' in thwsrting Venixelos, then Coottan - citirutBif inn tion The king's duty now if to find j Greeian interests ' nor stop the land I. who can command a major- ing of allied troops for Serbia's assist in trlisment. but If he if unable ance," it waf uffirially stated, "the ... -.-.i -,.h msn. and still peri1fi Greek nation intend- to remain faith GERMANY ARE BASIS Disavowal of Arabic Torpedo ing Makes Certain Settlement New York, Oct. (5 "It is reasonable to assume that a solid foundation for the best of friendly relations between America and Germany has been laid," German Ambassador Von Bernstorff commented today, apropos of the Ger man disavowal of the torpedoing of the Arabic. He declared the letter he sub mitted yesterday to Secretary of State Lansing explained everything that could be said concerning the present status of the German American sub marine warfare controversy. . Pruise of President Wilson's diplo matic course and statements that Bern storff 'g letter is a cumplete backdown by Germany featured today's editorial comment in the metropolitan dailies. Administration Is Ready. Washington, Oct. (t The administra tion is ready for early action clearing up the l.usitnma controversy witn Germany. President Wilson and Secretary of State Lansing are prepared to effect full settlement of the whole submarine issue originally provoked by the loss of American lives in the torpedoing of the giant Cuuard liner. Germany's complete backdown ou the Arabic tor pedoing has paved the way for smooth ing out the Lusitauia case also. Keparation for the 100 American lives lost in this disaster is not yet assured, but informal negotiations be tween I.nnsing and German Ambas sador Von Berustorff will begin imme diately. Germany is not expected to disavow the Lusitanla sinking of change the position she occupied be fore she altered her submarine policy at America's request. But no difficul ty is expected in securing satisfactian. Bernstorff has admitted authority to adjust the submarine controversy to America's satisfaction an striking evi dence in the Arnbic case. Wueu he met Lansing' yesterduy he was told how complete the disavowal and admission of liability for loss of American lives must be. He at once returned to the embassy, drafted a note, fully meetiug the president s demand and dispatched it immediately to the state department. This action was taken without con sulting his government but that Ger many will repudiate his course, is in conceivable. Wall Street Stocks Are Unsettled Today New York, Oct. 0. The process of reckoning for the infatuated specula tion of the outside public in Wall street is in progress. This was" in effect im mediately today ,in fan the prices of some war industrials indulged in an other hysterical adviuee this morning and a few rose from .'1 to .10 points. This demonstration was timed with the much exploited announcement -iu this morning's papers of a professed rise of a new era of great ieet trade com binations, following the Midvalo com bination for munitions manufacture. In a sweeping downward movement many war stocks most favored by the excited public fell from 5 to 10 points, declines of from 7 to 9 per cent be ing common. The volume of trading was greatest during the break. The closing of speculative accounts through stop orders and exhausted margins was so rapid thnt brokers could scarcely keep track of what was happening. The exchange, as might be expected, gave no notico to highly importnnt devel opments in Kuropean foreign offices and, still less attention was paid to commercial mid industrial news or sta tistics of tho day. tine must be considered as trying to overthrow the Greek constitution.. Venizelos, as leader of "Pun-IIelleu ism, wants to annex the coast of Asia Minor and reatnre to his country the glories of aurient Greece. This reward he hoped to get from the allies co oper ation. But a strong party, including a majority of the Oreck general staff, believes thnt U recce could not nom this fosst. Large garrisons would be necessary for the subjection of the Turkf and they feel the task would be too vast. Therefore, it Is uncertain whether the premier will be able ,to j dominate the situation. Official circles fling to the belief that the Greek Chamber of Deputies will refuse to accept the new ministry and that the king will be forced to re Instate Venizelos, who is the allies' friend 'Premier Venizelos resiguatioa, 1 ! r;BM.I In .lltnnf ffot T.rit f. ... u ........ 'ful to its engagement. BERLIN REPORTS REPULSE OF ALL Only Advantages Gained Were 1 : Slight and Probably Temporary HEAVY ARTILLERY DUELS INDICATE ANOTHER FIGHT Turks March To Aid Bulgaria and Rumania , Takes ' Action . Berlin, viav London, Oct. 5. All allied attacks on, the western front in the past- 24 hours have been repulsed, to day's official statement . announced. ' ' Northeast of Neuville, we repulsed French attacks by hand grenades'' said the statement. "In the. Champagne- region, the Freneh- attnntntrd to renew their of fensive after heavy artillery but were met Joy our concentered fire when they emerged, from- their trenches. The en emy was only successful at certain time but were -tiltimateliy tremilsed heavily. From our repeated onsloughU at somme-ry tney backed down com pletely under our heavy fire, Another Battle Expected. Paris, Oct. 6. A decisive battlo was today believed to be imminent along the western front. The artillery has been active tor two days without interrup tion while inrantry engagements have ceased, uermau commanders mean time are mossing their reserves to meet the expected attacks and to launch counter assaults'. The greatest activity is reported south of Arras. The Germans shelled tho British trenche.i there for hours. evidently in preparation for an.mfan try- onslaught, Hermans havo emerged from their trenches at many points in the Champagne for bomb raids. Rumania Takes Action. Athens, Oct. 6. Rumanian troops nnvn been dispatched to the .Bulgarian Iron tier. The Kuinanians are concen trating near Gurgevo and are throwing up earthworks. It is reported that young reserves have been called to the colors. No Infantry Fighting. Paris, Oct. .B. Kutire cessation of the fnfautry battle along the Franco- Handera line last night and early to day was officially reported in today's commimque. Turks To Aid Bulgars, . Paris, Occ. 0. Turkish troops are marching to Bulgaria to join the forces of that nation, dispatches today re ported. ATTEMPT TO SETTLE Phoenix, Oct. (I. J. W. Bennie man ngr of the Shannon Copper company, of Clifton, vested with power to repre sent all mine owners in the district, is enroute from Kl l'nsoto Phoenix today under protection of a detail of national guardsmen, commanded by Adjutant General Harris. Bennie plans to confer tomorrow with llovornor Hunt and Sheriff Cash of Gleenlee ceunty. Gov ernor Hunt expresses the hope that tie conference may open a way for settle ment of the strike Feeling of Optimism. Clifton, Oct. C News that J. W. llennie of the Shannon mines planned a conference wilii a view to avoiding the strike, caused a foeling of optimism to spread here today. The strikers be lieve that if an agreement i reported with the Shannon interests, the other companief must fall in line. Strike leaders announce they are willing to concede all points except their demands for an increase in wages ana lor a min imum wage. Clerks In the company stores at Met calf, yielding to the pressure of the strikers, have joined the miners' union. The clerks in tiie. company stores at Morenci and Clifton are expected to join today. A number of non anion men In Mor enci who disregarded tha warning to clear out of town, were beaten np last night by unidentified sluggers, ttev erul are in the hospital. MBS. DUNIWAT DYINU. Portland. Or., Oct 6. Mrs. Abigsil Scott Dnniwsy, mother of woman suffrage in the north wmt. wss believed to be dying Ctiia ffternoon. Her phyficians do not see bow the fnn recover. Mrs. Duniway l Ml Tears of si and has been, ill for some time, 41 . & FRENCH ATTACKS BOARD IN SESSION Prominent Inventors and Sci entists Meet At Call of Patriotism Washington, Oct. ti. President Wil son today struck out straight from the shoulder for greater preparedness iu his address of welcome to the new nav al advisory board at the White House when he called upon them to unite with the government in establishing a na tional defense that will ' command the rcspoct of the entire world." '1 thmk the whole nation is con vinced that we ought to be prepared, not for war, but for defense and very adequately prepared," said the presi dent. "1 want you to feel that we have a very serious inirposo and we have not asked you to associate yourself with us, except for a most definite and prac tical purpose and to get you to give 119 your best independent tiiought on how to make ready tor any duty that may fall uon tho nation. "America spirit, is one 01 poaco, but of independence. It is a spirit of peace, good will and human freedom, but it is also the spirit of a nation which knows it must - command the world's respect" Aiemners or tno board snooic nanus with the president gravely and as sured him they would do their utmost to assist bun. Secretary Daniels also addressed the board briefly, saving: 4W miv tint now tom Ia htillil t'ne biggest navy in the world, but with your help, we must have a navy, every unit of which will be as near perfect as American ingenuity can make possible." The board will continue its session tonight and probably tomorrow. The first problem called to their attention by Daniels, was thnt of providing a more efficient gasoline or oil engine tor hydroplanes, llo also presented the question of better defenses for battle ships against torpedoes than the pres ent navy vessels have. Among the speakers were frank Spraitue, H. S. Woodward, Artiiur (lor- don Webster, Henry Wise Wood and Admiral urimn. For tho first time in the history of this nation, prominent inventors ami scientists today counselled regarding their country's defense when the new naval advisory met at the navy de partment. With Thomas A. Kdisoii pre siding, the members gathered to effect formal organization and to discuss witi Secretary Daniels, broadly the future scope and activities of the bourd and its individual members. The secretary presented a plun for establishment of a great naval research laboratory in which experiments on inventions to make tho Amorican navy tho most ef ficient in the world could be undertak en. IIo explained the suggestion is subject to the approval or the nonni but that he will ask congress to appro priate sufficient funds for it if it is ap proved. FRANZ JOSEF VEEY ILL. Rome, Oct. 0 Knipcror Franr. Josef is seriously ill, according to a report of the CorrcsponUen- zia News Agency. Baron Buriau anil Viscount Tisita were reported to have been summoned to his bedside. IMSMf-pill Women's Foreign Mission Society Meets In Salem The Columbia River Branch of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the Methodist episcopal e 11 11 re h win hold its annual meeting in tiie Method ist church of this city beginning on Thursday evening of this week anil losing Sunday night. Oreifon. Idaho, Montana and Wash ington are included In this 1 oluinliia river branch, and it is expected that fully 10U delegates will attend this ses sion. Prominent speskers from all parts of the rountrv, and missionaries who have been active in the wtirk, will bo here ami take a leading part in tho exer cises. Amn.ig those of special interest are Dr. Marv Stone, a native Chinese woman, who is regarded as a capable ami brilliant speaker, and who will speak at the services or 1110 Memouisi church next Snndav morning, and Miss Laura M. Hefty, recently home from active missionary work in China. Other tpcuhcrs of note are Dr. Ivs M. Miller, A missionary from hina, Miss Grace Clark, from the missionary field of Af rica, and Miss Klsio Wood, just re turned from misnioiinry work 111 noum America. Women of prominence in tiiis country who will asms! in the program are Mr A. W. i'atton of f hicsno, vice president of the national itrgamxntioa, Mrs. V, S. Shuots, prominent ih the work of Illinois, ami Mrs. Wllma House Keeno, of Sikune, who has recently re turned from foreign fields. The first services will be held Thurmlay evening at the First Methodist church, in social and devotional exercises, 1-riday ev ening the program will include a young peoples' aeiviee, conducten ny mrs. Wilms Rouse Keene, and a half iiour with Ha lent standard bearers. Miss Laura M. Hefty, of China, will deliver the address of the evening. Mrs. V. O. Holt is pre.ideut of the local organization of the First Method ist church. As all thess services are ef special Interest to the public in general, a cordial invitation to attend has been extended by the church, re gardless of denominational affiliation. BULGARIA SENDS SHAR ULTIMATUWI TO SERB Latter Country Must Agree To Cede Macedonia To Bulgaria Within Twenty-four Hours Or Fight-War Is Regarded As Certainty Before Week Ends-French Troops Are Being Rushed to Salonika to March Into Serbia To As sist In Stemming Expectd Bulgarian Attack London, Oct. C Bulgaria has de livered an ultimatum to Serbia, it was announced here today. Bulgaria has definitely decided to cast her lot with the Austro-Germans. The ultimatum which she today deliv ered to Serbia demanded the immediate restoration of Serbinn Macedonia. 'The Serbians will take immediate ac tion and hostilities may open at any moment. It is regarded as highly significant thai the Bulgarian ultimatum wag an nounced a few hours after Groece seem ingly has decided not to support Serbia. It is assumed that Czar Ferdinand having completed his mobilization de cided to strike immediately without giving the allies time to - rush from Salonika to protect the Sulonika-Nish railway. Bulgaria gave Serbia 24 hours in which to reply definitely. Moreover, Bulgaria has rejected the demands of the Russian' ultimatum which ordered severance of relations with the central empires according to Pctrograd dispatches. . Kolations bo tween Bulgaria and the allies may pos sibly be severad before tho week end Aside of the ultimatum tho French official announcement that the French overthrow of the Greek ministry will not halt the French march to Serbia was the greatest sensation today of the kaledlsoonio events in the Balkans. Officials horo would not discuss this step for publication, but some Inter preted it as moaning France had been informed Greece would not interfere In these plans, while others construed it as meaning a defi to Constantino. Thfl French decision followed closely in the wnke of nows that Premier Venizelos had resigned, and that the other Greek cabinet members had fol lowed In his iteps as a matter of course. Some authorities clung to a belief that Iho Chamber of Deputies would not ac cept Constautines appointments to a INL IS Will Irwin Thinks, However, We Must Fight Germans If They Win Stanford Unlvorslty, Cab, Oct. fl. "Brainless flu:icombe" Will Irwin, iiutgnzlno writer and war correspond ent, terms Col Ilooievolt wur prepared liens talk. At tho sume time he pre dicted Germany will "get after us" withiu five yearn if she is a victor iu Iho present wnr. Writing to Chancellor David Stnrr Jordan, of Stanford from New York, Irwin, former wtnnrord student, n elared tho wnr is a "great vindica tion" itt Jordan's pence theories. Of Koosevelt's talk, hn said that "Anv mu.11 who sons with his eyes ami tliitik'f with his mind, must know after Innkinir over Kiirnnn "that the reverse of Koosevelt's claim that people grow 'soft' in penco and strong iu war, is true. "But few care to say It, so mad Is the world," ho commented. "Still I know that, in thn event, of a (lerman victory, It won't be Um y-nrs it won't be five until they're ttlier US. nn'l inn iut-minii i wu tn do. I conn-ss I don't Know. I've to throw up my hands on answering the questions. ACCEPT JOHN D.'S FLAN. Denver, Col., Oct. (1 With only a few camps to be heard from, returns from the referendum on John D, Rockefel ler's new Industrial plan " Unions with out union" indicated it hud been adopt ed bv thn Colorado Fuel & Iron com pany's miners by s ratio of 11 to 1. A similar ratio will be maintained, it is said, when all returns are in. THE WEATHER Oregon: touufht, Fair frost oast portion; Thursday fnlr, n 0 r t hessterly wiuds. Tiff new cabinet and in this way Venleeloi would be in a position for . reinstate 1' nient On his professedly, pro-ally plat-. . form, inviting , assistance - to Serbia. '" ' While all-events tended toward war In the Balkans, Rumania was reported 1 making ready for eventualities by,' throw in 2 up earthworks at Gurgevo, and calling her younger sons to the colors. Tho Turks, dispatches said, are', on tho move to aid Bulgaria in the war; which she is destined to have upon her. hands in a short time. Meantime, tho -French are landing further forces at Salonika ready for s march to Serbia. - These troops, it is estimated now exceed 70,000. Officials - inclined to believe that it would be only -a few days mors before the Balkans, are plunged into a struggle that may have vital effect on tho final outcome of the great European conflict. It is considered probable that Bui garia withheld her decision to ally with the central empires until she received assurances from Athena that Greece would not attack her if she invaded Serbia. The Bulgarian mobilization is undoubtedly complete and Bulgaria pre-, sumnbly is ready to strike at any moment. . That Serbia will yield to the . ultimatum, is not believed here. : Report From Berlin. : Berlin, by wireless to Rayville Bui- , gariau'g answer to the Russian ultl-. malum demanding severance of rcla- . Hons with the central allies was de livered this morning,. according to ' Sofia dispatch. Bulgaria ulso answered the allies, unto of September 11, described as a, friendly ultimatum, In which they asked her to declare her intentions. Tho wireless did not disclose, the na- ' turn of Bulgaria's replies, though it is regarded us certain that she definite ly announce, I thnt she is allied with Austria and Germany, FOR EQUAL SUFFRAGE Will Vote . To Give Women Right of Ballot At New Jersey's Election Washington, Oct. 8. President Wil son toib.y announced ho would voto for tne women's suffrage amendment at the New Jersey special election. The president authorized tho follow ing iiniiou.iccmeiit of bis position: "I intend to voto for womun suf frage in New Jerney because I believe tho time has come to extend that priv ilego und responsibility to the women' of the states, but I snail voto, not as thn leader of my party in the nation, but only nion my private conviction as a citizen of New Jersey, called upon by the legislator) of thn state to express my coiivietio is at the polls. "I titi n k New Jersey will b muci benefited bv a change. My position with ri-unrd to the way Mils grwt ques tion should be handled is well known. It should be sMtled by ths stats, not bv the national government, and in no circumstances should It bit mailo a party question. My view has grown stronger lit every turu of the ques tion. National suffrage Icalers declared the president's announcement marks the be ginning of the ead of opposition to the cause. His step, tney snid, made their success practically certain in New Jer sey and made victory probable, in New York, MiissncAiisettii ami rennsyiviinin. "We are very much pleased," said F.thel M. Hmith". "I believe slate suf frage meuns ultimately a federal amendment for snl'fruge." Mrs. Alien Mill Chittenden, preside.it of tho New Vers "antis" organiza tion declared: "The president's state ment is an expression of personal opin ion. 1 do not think it will have any beuriiig uithcr in New Jersey or on th cauimigii in other states." "It is great news," commented Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, "it meuns we will carry New Jersey." "It is u source of gratification," said Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, "thut I the foremost man in tne country ami perhaps In the worhL the greatest liv ing authority on true democracy is a professed suffragist." KINO'S HORSE STRUCK. Paris, Oct. . King Victor Emmanu el of Italy was unhurt, though a piece, of shrspuel struck the horse be was riding on a recent tour of the lzonz frout dispstehet today reported, tUJjl