Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 05, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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A Rousing October Green Tag Sale of Blankets, Comforts and Pillows
Our 763rd Wednesday Surprise
A Great Sale of Desirable
Black Messaline Silks
Yard Wide
Our $1.00 grade, Special
per yard 2c
Yard Wide
Our $1.25 grade, Special
yard 93c
These two offerings of good quality Messaline should
interest all women who read this advertisement.
Black Messalines are unusually popular splendid
for Waists Dresses Linings, Etc. Extra Value
tomorrow $1.00 yard . . . . 73c $1.25 grade .... 93c
Sale starts at 8 :')0. See the window display
Special sale reductions from the prices quoted below.
This timely event offers excellent opportunities to
save on desirable bed coverings and pillows. Don't
shiver in bed, buy Blankets and Comforts now at
Meyers. -
All Wool Blankets
White with blue or pink borders, .$7.50, .$8.75 .and
$13.50 per pair.
Fancy Blankets $6.50 to $11.00 per pair. '
Fancy Check Blankets Pink and white tan and
white yellow and. white lavender and white
$6.75 a pair.
Steamer or Auto Robes (Fringed) $6.95 and $7.95
Cotton and Wool Mixed Blankets
White, blue or pink border $3.95, $4.95, $5.95. Grey,
blue or pink border $2.95, $4.00, $4.50, $4.95, $5.90
Fancy Plaids $3.95 and $4.50 a pair. -
Cotton Blankets
Cotton Blankets in all weights white, tan, grey and
fancy plaids with various colored borders 75c,
$1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.65 $2.00 $2,25 $2.50
Cotton Comforts Flowered Silkoline covered, $1.00,
$1.19, $1.65 pair.
Maish Comforts Cotton down filled $2.50, $3.00,
$3.25, $3.75, $4.00.
Wool Comforts Silkoline covered $3.95, $5.00.
Eider-Down Comforts $7.50, $9.50, $12.50.
Fancy Comforts Mercerized and Sateen covered
$3.45 to $13.50.
Wool Bats $2.00, $2.50 and $3.50.
Chicken Feather Pillows $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 a pair.
Gray Down Pillows $2.50, $3.65 a pair. -Mixed
Duck Feather Pillows $3.75 a pair.
Mixed White Goose Pillows $4.75 a pair.
White Goose Feather Pillows $5.00 a pair. '
Those Who Failed To Heed'
Warnings In Speculative
Buying Are In Trouble
'Salem's Best Market Place'
I.emon Clings, always,
basket Joe, bushel $1.25
Cneors, Tokays, 3 lbs 25c,
basket' 10c
White Fifc's, lb. : 10c
Black Figs, 3 lbs ,. 25c
Faucv Tomatoes, basket .10c
King' Apples, J 2 lbs. 25c
Fancy Eoast Beef , 18c
Pot Roast of Beef nt
Shoulder Pork Roast 12 l-2c
Loin or Leg of Pork i6c
Fancy Veal Roast. J7C
Veal Stew j2 l-2c
Veal ( hops 18c
Pure Pork Sausage
Pure Hamburger
Pickled Pigs Feet 12 i-2c
161 North High Street
Crib Blankets
Wool Crib Blankets $3.50.
Cotton Crib Blankets 39c, 50c, 60c, $1.25, $1.50.
Copyright 1!(15 by the New York
Kvening Post.) I
New Vork, Oct. 5. That the market
has now become, not, a measure of in-;
trinsic or prospective values, but a
measure of the endurance between in-,
l'atuateil speculators and the sober fin
ancial community was apparent from
tlio start, today. At tlio opening, some!
industrials sold from 1 to 5 points tin-1
iler yesterday '8 close while others!
scored overnight advances.
In the first hour or two a few de
clined further, but with the majority,
the force of renewed buying from out
side speculators advanced t.iem.
Towards mid day the movement in
cither direction hail almost ceased.
Then, in the afternoon, another general
violent decline began. For a time this
break seemed to be leading toward com
plete demoralization. Declines of five
and ten points in as many minutes were
numerous, and in the more violently ac-;
tive industrials, declines of one and j New York, Oct. 5. Without any fuss
two points between sales occurred. r ceremony the syndicate boons on the
At the moment of greatest weakness, allied half billion loan closed at 10
however, large buying orders were exe-1 o'clock today. Late applications for
eaten. blocks of bonds eume in a rush, out the
These checked the general downward loan was already over subscribed, al
movement. In the final half hour, although to what extent is not vet
renewed selling movement of substan-; known. Humors in Wall Street said Uie
hut proportions set in, and most o I Du,,0ut family took $3.1000,000 worth;
nese stocks went flown again, some i Charles M. 'Schwab $23,000,000 and
to the day s low level. The market ; .v,. : ' v..
closed in tho greatest confusion. , . " " ?... """r,B "vW
The work of selling small blocks to
Grocery Phone 830; Meat Phone 840
Many Anxious To Buy Were
Unable To Secure Share
of Bonds
Small Fellows Squeezed.
Xew Vork. Oct. 5.-The littlo fellow : lno Kcnerat pmmc will be started soon.
trading on a "shoestring" was ground! ' lanuK 01 tlle ,,onUs 011 tllc stwk ex"
between the upper and nether mill-i th"ge, and signing of a formal agree
stones of Wall street's great financial j nl,'nt between the commissioners and
machinery in a inaket which showed j Am"ie,m backers will be tho next stop
irregular developments today. in the situation. Jt will be several days
Ono moment the professionals raided j before the bonds are ready for delivery,
the market, only to send certain stocks j Although Morgan & Company wouid
io new neigms me nexr.
Officer. Varney's Car
t Is Stolen From Garage
; A five passenger King auto belong.
ing to Speed Officer Percy Varncy, W1",
: stolen from the Rees &. Klgin gariio
'last night and the officers have been
able to secure no truce of the machine
i today. The thieves gained entrance tn
i the garage by pushing off a board that
'had been nailed over a Jiiokeu pane of
glass in the door. Through this thev
reached the latch of a small door and
'then walked in and onened the main
doors of the garage from the inside.
Tho thieves rolled the car out of V.
garage and left for parts unknown
without leaving a trace to direct th.
' officers.
The theft was discovered at about,
4:30 this morning when some friend
of Mr. Varncy went to secure the car
to go hunting but by this time the car
has scattered several miles behind ,t
and nothing was heard from tiie ni-ai-by
towns.. The car bears the licenso
number, !I2.")4, and has a Motonictcr on
the cap of the radiator which will serve
to identify the car as it cannot be re
moved without revealing some repair
to the radiator cap.
lictiilehem Steel rang the bell at 400,
whereas only one year ago, the stock
was going begging at 111). Yet, in the
same market, Hnldwin Locomotive tum
bled to 110, or XS points lower than
the record price last week.
Crucible Steel likewise struck the to
boggan, hitting JKi'i;.
The market closed weak.
AH Around Tow
amwMffltmtmmiimmwmmtrtmt. 'mtamtttmmmttmmtamtxttmnmtm
Dr. Mendelsohn. SDeclnlist In fitting
glasses correctly. U. H, bank bldg.
The Ladies' Industrial society of the
Duptist church will meet in the church
parlors this nftcrmum at 2:30 o'clock.
The epple displays at tbe state fair
receiving the first amr second liri.os
were today sent to the Oregon building
lit the Han Francisco exposition.
Wardrobes reduced 3a 1-3 per cent.
lluren & Hamilton.
Two first premiums were awarded to
iienry i.oe, mo sign painter, at tlio
Ntato fair, on the entries hi the ait de
partment, on landscape painting and
vlgn painting.
Dr. Btone't Drug Store.
A new electric derrick Is being in.
stalled thin week by the Spnulding I.ug.
glng company, for the loading of heavy
lumber on cars. The derrick will be
completed and in operation by the end
of tho week.
Hygrado and better la what everyone
says that smokes the new Salem made
"WT- o II' 4 V. II I
After a rest of two months, the Sa
lem street railway hand will begin Its
regular practice next Sunday moriilii.
snd will continue this practice during
the winter months. (.'. J, Itonch Is iiiaa
ugcr of the band.
Dr. Stone's Drug Btore.
Carl Lehman and E. Booth were ar
reted yesterday by the Palcm police
on a charge of firing a shotgun Inside
tbe limits of tho eltv. lloth were held
before the police Judge where they
were given fines of 2 each.
Mary Pick ford in "Eaga" at the
Urnnd tonight.
The state convention of the Baptist
church will meet in Kuirene. ilctnlicr in
to li.'t, I'lmu are already being made
. "u r or me mourners or the
clinreh to attend several sessions of this
Dr. B. T. Manure, physician and
surgeon, 11 Masonic bldg. t'hone 440.
T. II. Smith pleaded guilty to a
charge of being drunk this morning
wheu he csme up before Judge Klgln
ia municipal court and was fined 10.
Andrew Jolinsou, who wis arrested fur
vagrancy was given five days in jail.
Sellable Piano Tuner. Phone 2S54J.
Workmen are busy this week putting
in a new water power at the Ostein
Flouring Mills company to be used by
the farmers warehouse. 1'aul Tisglio
says he hopes to be ready for business
by Thursday of this week.
Radical price reductions on all ward
robes, lluren & Hamilton.
The body of Josoph Wolf, who died
in the city .September 30, was shipped
yesterday by Webb it dough, to Alton,
Illinois, to relatives at Alton, Illinois,
for interment. The shi it wns made
by Wells Kurgo express,
O, E. Freytag, commissioner of agri
culture for Oregon, and r'red N. Hynmi
have been shipping fruits and veget
ables to be placed on display in the
Oregon building at the Pacific -I'nmima
exposition at San Francisco.
Mel II. Duncan and wife, who bave
been visiting at the home of N. W.
Clark, 430 North Liberty street, left
for their Inline today in Mnrshficld.
Mr. lhiucnn just rteurncd from Salt
I.nke City, where he was culled on
$1.00 places any Hoosier cabinet in
vour homo this week, lluren & Ham
See tho display of wardrobes in our
show window. Note the special price,
lluren & Hamilton.
The degroe team of the Olive Home
stead of tho Brotherhood of American
Yeoman will go to North Yamhill this
evening to exemplify the work. It is
expected that about 30 will attend the
meeting, the party going in autos.
L. J. Chapin will leave for Portland
tomorrow morning to consult with the
Agricultural I.inio compiiny regiirding
the full shipments of lime to parties re
quiring it in this county. From Port
land, lie will go on o Hknmokawa,
W'ahkiakuni county, Washington, to
act as judge in the agricultural exhibit: raphy and the natural resources of this
of that county. part of the coast in u very practical
o- j way. A request camo today to the
Por his address on "Germany," to i (,,""i'reinl club from Fairburn, Oa.,
be delivered lit the First Congregation-j fr"m sixt1' K1'1"1'' pupil, lis follows:
111 church on the evening of October 17,! "Wl wnl,t samples of your industries:
the ltov. James Klvin announces that "m" l"'"l'lilets and post cards."
he has been fortunate in securing fiO;"1H" Helen .Mcl.arin, or Fairfield, On.,
steicopticau slides that have been ! ' e "i"1 Krnde pupil making the re-
shown but once on this eoast. On the1 !!"""' """ 11 "''cms that if .Miss Helen
following Sunday, the special exercises! ". nl,l''1 interested, sho surely should
According to the quarterly report
just issued by Postmaster Huckestein,
the business of the postoffice continues
to grow, with a substantial increase for
the quarter eliding September 30. From
July 1 to the first of this month, the
total receipts of the office were $17,
532.13. This total is divided as fol
lows: Postage on first class matter,
$10,187.30; excess, $1,00; second class
matter, $788.50; third nnd fourth class.
$334.30; box rent, $20.85. The receipts
in'" qunncr tor nrst class mail,
shows an increase of $033.1!) over that
of one year ago.
The schools in tlie different parts of
the county seem to be studviiur trcmr.
of the evening will include an address
ny .Mr. I'.lvin on "Friince and the Marseilles."
receive some samples of our indus.
tries," besides a few post cards.
O. E. Albin heard a Mnv Onalu n Ma
A district convntion or tne Odd Fel-, ,m'.Vl'1'' .Ml Inst night and rushed out
lows will be held next Saturday at I u'011 'l'8 I)Vr,',l ,0 '''"d his wheel dis
llubbiird, the district comprising all of j jM'l'cnring in the hands of a strange
.Marion county with its 14 lodges. The , ' oi u cnugnt tne tioy ami
The new McKlnlny school opened yes
terday with an attendance of NO. With
in a few days Id pupils IVom the Lin
coln school will be transferred to this
bllihliiiir. and it la cxtinmt,.,! tlu, l il...
attendance for the winter will average
over loo,
Workmen were busy this morning
taking down the welcome arch on Court
street in sections, to be stored with
the Portland mil WHV rum lit. liv Tin,
arch is so constructed that each section
can bo used again and the arch placed
on any street, as occasion might re
quire, The total emollmont today at Wil
lamette university is 2S4, compared to
at. this time next year. Several
students, who have been detained at
home on account of work to be com
pleted, are expected to enroll within
iin- ih'ai. wees or two.
See the New Hoosier Kitchen cabin
et. 1.0(l pluces it in vour home, llu
ren & Hamilton,
The officio! boaitl of the rirst Meth
odist church will meet tVtttlttklT lit I
the church parlors, when officers and!
riniiiiiiiiees ior ine coming year will be j
. -. in nmmion io rne election of
these officers, the financial committee
of the church will preseut its budget
for the coming year, snd recommend a
plan of finances for tho ensuing year.
The Mm'i club of the Plrst Oiui;-.
gntional church will hold their first
mcctiiiir this fall nett Mmi.tuv .,...!.
in the social parlors of the church, i
Superintendent Hale, ef the state I
training school for boys will deliver!
the address of the
Kev. It, K. Htover, of the Central Con
BreL'stional thtirh tll .iM.. tl.
dinner will be served nt 1A VI...V
by the Ladies' I'nlou cf the church.
convention will be in session all day
Saturday, and in tho evening initiatory
worn wilt ue put on by the degree team
of Chemckeln lodge, No. 1. If the
weather ia favorable, the Odd Fellows
phoned for the police. At tho station
the hid gave the name of Rav Hawkins
and said he was from Portland nnd
that he came to His city with a horse
iriioer. ine liny was shod with moecas
from Salem will mi in llnl. !,,.! I, : "'s anil crept upon the norch without
auto; if not, the trip will be made u 1 "mK'"B sound nnd was making a
the Southern Pacific.
Howard Hickman, as "Silent Jim"
Martin, senator from Oregon, in "The
Man from Oregon.1 a five purt Mutual
Masterpiece of political life in Wash
ington, scores one of the most strik
ing successes ever accorded a screen
player, Mr. Hickman is an actor of
exceptional merit and, as nianv critics
hnve averred, has only started his
climb to stardom. To be seen at Ye
Liberty theatre Thursday, Friday nnd
The council of the Baptist church
good getaway with tne wheel when the
bell hit ii post and jingled. The police
nine occn irouiiioil of late bv numer
ous thefts of bicycles and they intend
to put a stop to the practice if pos
sible. ! 1
The body of Clyde Brock, who com
mitted suicide at lime. Ore., Nunday
afternoon by shooting himself in the
head, will arrive in the city this even
ing on the llh.io Southern Pacific train,
nnd will be buried tomorrow afternoon
by the Odd Fellows lodge, of which he
was a member. The bodv will be ac-
oniimnied by Arthur Brock, a brother
will meet next Thursday afternoon fori"' '''""'ased, his wire, ami the wtd
llm .ivu,iiii,i,li.., .....I ...:...' OW. Pcsides his nml tun I'lnl
- - nut. ii -ii i mi ni-1 ur v, i i , "
the ordination of the Kev, H. !. lllnek ' " 110 ""'vived by his mother,
pastor of the chinch at Newport. Tlle!Mr Nl,llv J'nwk. 10M5 North Nine
ordination sermon will be preached at 1 t',,,'",h UH'- ""' brother living in
the church Thursday evening. The Kev.) ',1,r,m,,'-i The services tomorrow aft-
ii. vt. navis, or KuKcue, had beeu I . "'" 11 ,u ll emier at me nome
. .i. ... - . 1 i-if tk.i h.. . . I t
selected to preach the ordination ser
niou, bat as lie cannot nriauge to come,
the speaker for the evening will be
chosen from those attending the ex
Here ia a girl that ought to get a job
without any trouble. In writing the
Commercial club from somewhere in
l.hl,i. she states there is a eenerul
i.prcio in Idaho that this part uf 'Vti,? I
Or, go,, kii. a very salubrious climate,
i..i .I... .i... .x iiL- . . is... i. esmu-j l t lie movii
i.-, mi.- ..i'iiiii imv in nve ncre.
As to her qualifications for work, she
of the mother, or at the chapel of
Webb ft dough. Interment will take
place in the Odd Fellows' cemetery,
Portland moving picture theatres will
all put in force a new schedule of
prices beginning the l.'ith of this month
when a price of 1.1 cents will be the
regular admission for the evening, witii
10 cents for nf tcriumna. Five cent
Town Is Also Plunged Into
Darkness Union Miners
Ask For State Troops
Clifton, Aria:., Oct. 5. Authorities
ware wholly ut a loss today to discover
the identity of persons who last night
fired six dynamite blnsts around the
mine works nt Morenci, or those who
plunged Clifton into 4 terror of dark
ness for twenty minutes by overpower
ing the municipal lighting plant elec
trician and shutting off the current.
Tho blasts were carefully placed
where they would do no damage.
The sheriff suspects they were ex
ploded by striking miners for the pur
pose of intimidation.
While the town wns in glooin, rocks
were thrown through the windows of a
drug store. Supposedly these stones
were hurled nt a drug "clerk who land
been heard to talk against the min
ers, who are striking for better work
ing conditions and for recognition of
the Western Federation of Miners.
Since the urrival of state troops, the
tension has been somewhat relaxed.
The general movement to have all wo
men leave the strike district is
i not state the amount of subscriptions,!
rename wall street reports indicated;
the applications were for lio0 million, j
J. P. Morgan called the loan a "great!
success" and announced that subscrib-l
er's names would be made public later.
Thus far, it is impossible to say in:
just what proportions the east, west' nnd I
Pacific coast subscribed, though natur-!
ally a large portion of it enme from the;
money centers of the east. I
State Fair Board Is
Prepared To Prosecute
Gatemen for Allged Fraud
The state fair board is ready with
their evidence and willing to prosecute
the cases of alleged fraud nt the ticket
gates according to Secretary W. Al.
limes today an,l if the matter is drop
ped it will not be at the request of the
state fair board. The matter has been
left to the district attorney to prosecute
nnd the final dispnsiion of the matter
rests in his officials hands.
According to Mr. Jones District At
torney Ringo stated that on account of
the small amount involved, about $18,
the parties could only be convicted of
petty larceny and that the eases would
be brought in the Justice court but tip
to a late hour today no complaints had
been filed in the justice court and no
warrants issued for the arrest of any
one. "You enn n- fni. i -i
anl Mr. Jones this nfternoon, "that we
rw " wnicn we are anxious to
present nnd tlmt tho c;.. i. i i
. , " v ..... ...Mini mm jiu
disposition whatever to shield any of
the parties concerned mi.i ti.., :S .v.
. ""'i null ll llic
prosecution is dropped that it will not
... ., I.. i. i,uest oi tne lair board, but
will be against the will of this bodv."
ihere hnve been no new develop,
inents today ip the matter of the al
leged frauds nt. tlm f,.;
ear although considerable interest has
. ur.nisea m tne city on account of
the prominence of the parties concerned.
The very lust chance to see the
Season 's Success
A Yankee From
the West
With beautiful Signe Auen nnd
u big company of .stnrs
including' popular
Wallace Eeid.
A Four-act Mutual Masteipie
ture by the Renowned Author
Swift in Action.
Intense 1n Interest.
I.ove and Paring the Iig Ideas.
Always a Good Comedy.
theatres will advance their prices Ut
been doomed rec-
cssaj-y by the moving picture men on
account of the high miees asked bv
L.. :i... - . . . . . '.
mi- i iiiu imiiiniiiciorcrs, Hint ny ine raci
1 ,'f7 "V " moncls.;;; .d Ustly film
re. ' i t u " Vk,wU.! V '"i" """tlv Produced, and the
resent If M, h is not to be obtaln Ml lU,mim, u Thu ,
would be w. ling to do cooking M.d in . prll.e pf fi,mi h ,f.
ehm Urnn 'o's work." At; one Inter-1 feeted the moving pi,-,,,, theatres in
ested might secure fiictm- inforem-,S,lem. and while no change in the
tien by applying to the Commercial price of admisumi is eontemplaled here
,,lu' jtfce time may come when they will be
Union Men Want Trnnm
Morenci, Ariz., Oct. 5. Admitting
the difficulty of holding striking min
ers in check in Morenci, union lend- i
ers Here today asked that the state
troops stationed in vJifton be trans
ferred to this city. The Mexicans
among the strikers want to drive out
every laboring man without n nniou
card. ,
Seven were chased out of town last
Labor parades will be held here this
afternoon, They will be merely demon
strations with no particular object.
The yates of the big reservoir about !
the Arisona Copper company's con
centrator here, have been op , and i
100,000 gallons of water per minute
are tearing down the mountainside, do- '
tig no unmngc.
coiuhclltd tn fellow th.. 1.u.l l ii..
land. Much dcpe.nls whether thev cau
afford to nut on the hii'li i.liiu. ' ril..,.
at the regulation ten cents admission.
H. W. Relnhard went to Portland
this morning to demonstrate to auto
mobile men his imtenteil iim..ki.l.i;....
device for autos. The patent i nut
only a protection ncniust kidriiuc l.ni
rspecniiiy useiui in traveling through
a sandy country.
During the establishment of a
branch postoffice on the fair grounds
stale lair week, i'mi letters on au aver
age were handled daily. Hut it wns the
handling of second and third class mat
ter tnat tne convenience of having a
branch postoffice on the grounds ns
appreciated, ss en an estimate, almost
a wagon load of parcels were received
and delivered to the various exhibitors
evcy day. This was the second year
for the office in the grounds atiii it
has now practically become a pcrr.
anent affair, as the sme location in
the new pavilion has been secured fr;
next year. I
Governor Moody's Grandson
Died at Seattle Today
Portland Or., Oct. o.-Frnnlc E.
Moody Qy S()U of Hul K M
K.nernl attorney of the Southern Pa
nne company, died at Seattle todav
nfter several days illness.
He was a University of Washington
suden, The funeral-will be 1," ?, a"
Nilein tomorrow.
dwell well-to dwell well
is to dwell at
E l Hotel Nortonia
wkere personal attention is
tke Keynote of comfort
and contentment of guests.
Tkruout trie hotel--f.om
Dininfi Room to Roof Garden-the
atmosphere is de
scribed by ever? guest as
tKing you vJnnt" nothing
you don't want
Appttuing mtoli Mti'fy, 5"""
Kung.r-.Uv. th. flsvor cf howx.
Rooms itK priviUg. cf l,h '
or mor. th. d.. R""mJ m.
Tk. thing th.t.pp.slfmcdc""'
HAS" off Cxi
st Uth
Don't Fail
to See
Our Bargain List of new and used Pianos and Player
Pianos in this paper tomorrow, also in the Statesman
tomorrow morning. ' '
264 N Commercial St., next door to Fullcrton's.
C. F. HULL, Manager