Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 05, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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The members of the W. R. C. and the
G. A. R. will celebrate the double gold
en wedding anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. JO. L. Briggs and Mr. and Mr. T.
A. Remington, Thursday afternoon at
the home of Mrs, I. L. McAdama, 245
I street. A vory pleasant time is an
ticipated and it is requested by the
committee in charge that the members
of the W. R. 0. add to the success of
the refreshment hour by bringing well
filled bankets. All members of the
Hons of Veterans and Spanish War Vet
eran are also cordially invited.
Mrs. Oeorge Sottlomior, of Portland,
was a recent guest of Mrs. J. A. Baker
at her homo on North Liberty street.
Mrs. C. H. Fisher left Sunday for
Xoa Angoles, California, where she will
visit friends. She will also attend
both, expositions, being absent several
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bibby and
small son, who have been the guests
f Mr. Uibby's sisters, Miss Helen Bib
by and Miss Kdna Gaffield, havo re
turned to their home at Humpter, Ore
on. Mrs. Klbert A. Thompson spent the
week end Hi Portland as tiie guest of
her sister, Mrs. Klla .(ones.
The Chautauqua Reading Circle will
meet Friday afternoon in the lecture
room of the Salem INiblie Library.
Mrs. Frank Wells will preside at the
meeting. The program for tho after
Moon will bo as follows: Current
events War, Mrs. Carrie Chappul;
Science, Mrs. Lottie Dorcas; Education,
Mrs. Marguerito Koffj Religion, Mrs.
H. C. Kpplcy; Industry, Mrs. J. F.
Frost. The roll call will be responded
to ly the most interesting fact in the
week's reading.Taik on Civil Wnr in
England,' by Mrs. H. C. (loodwin; Limi
tation of Male Suffrage in the Col
onies, by Mrs. Knimons llorton; History
of U. S. Money, by Mrs. Franklin M.
Jasper; Review of ('hunter
1 02, by
Mrs. W. W. Ronebrniigh.
Mrs. Don Bonney is entcrtnining as
guests, at her homo on Nortii Twenti
eth street, Mr. and Mrs. .lohn Warwick
and daughter, Mrs. W. M. Oulatine, of
Clayton, Kansas,
Mrs. Anna Rogers Fish will formal
ly open her school of expression for
the season to the patrons of tho school,
at a studio tea tomorrow afternoon at
the school at four o'clock. A program
of six numbers will be given by various
members of the school.
W. R. Kirk, of Miles, California, who
baa been visiting his mother, Mrs. L.
M. Kirk and sister, Mrs. K. A. Miller,
at their home on Suuth High street,
will lenvo tomorrow for Cortland re
turning to California, Tliursduy.
Karl Rurr, a student Bt Columbia
nnivnrsitv, visited his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Theo. M. Ilnrr, nt their home on
North Fourteenth street, over the week
cud, returning yesterday,
Mrs. R, R. I'omcrnv, of Tos Angeles,
California, is visiting her duugntor,
Mrs. (ieorge lesko, at her homo on
Wilbur street.
Mr. and Mis. Hurrv Howe are spend
ing a few weeks hi Philomath.
l'lnns for a Woniun's Memorial
Building to be built on the university
esmpus at Kugene, are now under way.
I'liiior tho direction of Mrs. dooree
Jlerlinger, of Dalles, a member of the
board of regents of tho I'niversiU' of
Oregon, a vigorous rnnipaigii will be
mtiucncii ror tuiids to finance the it,,,.
tion of the structure, the extimntit,! ,.-i
of which is lim,umi. It vill coutuiu a
gymnasium with singe and dressing
Tooins tent (hii be iitilir.cd for concerts,
kitchen and supplementary quarters
1o bo used in serving suppers to the
faculty mid students, rooms for cor
rective athletes, a suite of rooms for
the mat ion and rest and gainerooms. A
wimmiiig peol 7Hx;iO feet in uren, wth
locker rooms, will be located in the
basement nud it running track will bo
installed on the balcony floor of tho
building. After making it study of col
lego buildings in the cunt, Mrs. (iorlin
er concluded that the men cvenwheie
had the better facilities an, I ,t,
teiimneil that the women should have a
mutable building of their own at Ore
gon. The prosc.it gymnasium ut the
university are entirely inadequate, and
a large number .,f the timleriaduntes,
rrdtiHtca and friends of the university,
retiring the urgent need for improved
quarters, have piomixcd Mrs. (lorlinger
Jhut they will give her every possible
help hi the coining campaign. Teiita
live pluns for the building have al
ready been completed bv Kllis F. Law
rence of I'ortlund, who' is head of the
architectural mhool nt the university.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Walker, who have
been visiting Mr. uud Mrs. Hoy F.
Kicnardson, hsvn retiuued to 'their
boms in Springfield. Mr. and Mrs.
Knhardsuii expect to leave Saturday on
a teu duya nip to San Francisco. "
Mr. and Mrs. Oruil TI. iitliliMikii Lift I
this morning for lluiidoii, Oregon where
they will spend the week.
Wonderful Needlework Special
To make room for Holiday Goods we are offering everything in the Store at
One-fourth, One-third and One-half Off.
Children Drosses 50c, uTc and 85c Night Gowns-$1.25 values 81c
values, at 31c, 41c and 57c
One-third OfT all Stamped Centerpieces. One-half Oft all Stamped Collars.
Every Finished Article at One-Half
325 State Street. MRS. S. C. WALL Phone 925
Mrs. I. 8. Henderson, of Morningsidd,
has been entertaining Anna Laura
White, of Montrose, Colorado, as her
house guest.
A. F. Mareua is ic l.s Grande this
week on business.
Mrs. H. Hewitt, of Macleay, was a
visitor here yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Buff, of fjilver
ton, are in the city today.
Attorney Custer Ross was in the city
yesterday from Kilverten.
Mrs. John Miuto, of Portland, ar
rived in the city this morning.
Albert M. Kpperly, of Lebanon, is
registered at the Bligh today.
Theo. M. Hurr 'eft this mor.iiiig for
a three weeks visit in Califorria.
Motormnn A. E. Moore left todny for
a three weeks' hunting trip near Rid
dle. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Deckabach were
passengers on the Oregon Klectrie this
morning for Portland.
Frank W. I'owu-s. who fcnl n p
cial walnut disnhy at the state fair, re
turned to Orenco todny.
Miss Clurrt Koppe, who has 1 ten :s
iting friends hi the city the past week,
returned to Kuiren todt-v.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hiilin, of Sweet
Home, are here today on business.
Their former home was near Turner.
Dr. Carl flregg Doney is in Seattle
this week attending the national con
vention of tiie Women's Home Mission
ary society.
Al Crntty, superintendent of elec
trical construction of the Portland
Railway, Ligt & Power company, is in
the city todny.
.Mrs. Anna Whittier, of Corvnllis, is
here today to attend the golden wed
ding of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.d
wnrd L. Briggs.
Mrs. Rert Hiirric, of Wendling, Ore.
is in the city todny to fit torn! the gol
den wedding ol her pnreiits, Mr. and
Mrs. Kdw'ird I.. Kriggs.
Mrs, Oeorge H. Alden, who has been
attending the national Women's Home
Missionary society convention in Sent
tie for the past week, will return this
R. II. Mills and wife returned yes
terday from a three weeks' visit in
California, which included both expo
sitions. Mr. Mills is local mnnnger of
the Spalding Logging company.
B. F. Mimosa, inotnrmaii for the Sa
lem Street Railway company, ne
coinpauied by his mother .tin! daugh
ter, left toliy for n three noel.s' vf-it
at Sun Diego ni;d San rnincisio.
3fC t C fc 3C 3fC 3C c jc (C SC sf sc fc C
Recti use of its peculiar power of ab
sorption, also because it serves every
emollient purpose, ordinary mercoli.ed
wax is perhaps the most valuable com
plexion beautifier discovered within re
cent years. If one uses this she needs
iiu toilet cream. Some use powder aft
erward, but this is not necessary. This
rule for applying morcolixcd wnx has
been found very satisfactory ; Wash
the face with warm water, drying
lightly. Before thoroughly dry, nuoint
the face with the wax, but don't rub
it in. The favorite way is to use be-
fore retiring, allowing it to remain on
nil night it ml washing it off in the ,
n,..r.l,.,.V Mill, v.!.... ......... All .1 I
morning with warm water. All drug
gists have this wax in original one
ounce packages.
For the removal of n wrinkled or
flabby condition there's nothing better
than to bathe the face in n solution
made by dissolving 1 ounce powdered
suxiilito in 1 '-' pint witch ha.cl. Bene
ficial results are quickly noticeable.
Hill Lines To Extend
San Francisco-Flavel Service
Portland, Or., Oct. S.-Tho Hill lines!
are plnnning on extending t,ir frvinl.t,
and passenger rates so that the service'
of the Fluvel San Francisco Steamship!
line will be available in Seattle and
liicoiuit mi a little better limn n com
petitive basis, it was understood toilsv.
The l'uget Sound cities may be given
a passenger rate of ;ii) to San Fran
cisco which is the same as apply in
Kugene, Portland and Astoria.
Business would be handled bv mil
from Seattle ami Taconia to the mouth
of the Columbia via the Rainier cut
The into on competitive steamer lines
from l'uget Sound to San Francisco is
$117.50, but it Is pointed out that the
Havel route would save 20 hours in
I. os Anceles Herald:
now can
doubt that spirits of the dennrted re -
,llr" "' "''' There's Lily l.augtiy
coining to America again.
Frte from Benzoate of Soda
Delidous on steak
and meats, of: all
kinds hot or cold.
"Our Daily Bread"
Subject of Sermon
At the First Presbyterian church Sun
day morning Rev. Carl H. Elliott spoke
on the fourth petition of the Lord's
prayer, "dive us this day our daily
bread." Ho said, "Jesus would have
us recognize God as the giver of our
every day blessings." Most men regard
themselves as self-supporting. They say,
"My strong right arm has wrung my
living from the earth. My own brain
has gotten me this food and these gar
ments." But Jesus vouia have us re
minded that we could not contrive a
plan, or earn a dime or lift a hand if
it were for the will and kindness of our
heavenly father."
Maltbie Bubcock said it this way:
Back of the loaf is the snowy flour,
And back of the flour the mill;
And back of the mill is the wheat and
the shower,
And the sun and the Father's will."
It is suggestive too that the first
perHOnul pronouns ,a plural. The
prayer is social. If wo are apt to for
get God as the giver of blessings we
are even more apt to forget our broth
ers and sisters who ate legitimate shar
ers of our Father's bounty. But we
cannot pray this prayer of our Lord's
unless we include our neighbor's needs
along with our own. 1 he woman who
sent a dollar to the Serbian Agricul
tural Relief commission in New York
had caught the spirit of the prayer
when she wrote, "Fear friend: When
I received your paper I thought I could
not spare any money. I am a widow 7F
years old and have $9 to live on, I
eould not pray for my daily bread and
not shure it with the hungry."
How modest this prayer ist Thcro is
no suggestion of luxury or extravagance
here. Of course I have no idea that
Jesus had in mind that wc Bhnuld ask
only for a crust or even a loaf. I am
suro that he meant to include in the
phrase "daily bread" such material
things us are necessary for the keeping
of this physical nature of ours in fit
condition for the doing of our tasks.
There might be, too, a variation in
those needs. Some need more food than
others, some more clothing, somo more
expert medical care than their neigh
But when all allowances are made
there remains the clear suggestion that
wo aro to ask for the simplo needs of
our lives. We need a curb for we long
for luxury and ease. We become almost
feverish in our strugglo to catch up or
keep up or to out do others of our
fellows. Jesus would calm our anxious
minds, smooth out the wrinkles of wor
ry over the morrow of age and bid us to
ceaso to fret about the rainy dnv and
the education of the children, and just
be happy in the dnvs as they pass,
praying t'ustfully not for wealth or
itH teM.nt contentment and neighborly
........ " "
power but for the bread of today with
sharing of life's simple fure.
jjc j(( )(( ft )ft s(c jfc jft j )fc dc s(( )fc )f( jfc
(Toilet Tips.)
It is nil easy matter to rid the skin
of objectionable hair or fuzz, if you
proceed as follows: Mix a paste with
some water and a little powdered dela
tone, apply to hairy surface and in a or
m,u"'8 ru" ""' wn"! .U1P ,n mi
are gone. Ih.s me hod o
""'""' rh I"""1''!"!
docs not mar the skin, but to nvoid dis
appointment, be certain to get real
After 62 Years As "Miss"
Decides To Become "Mrs."
A marriage license was issued at thei
office of tho county clerk today to!
r nt nets liollo uged "It years and (I
months to wed Mis Alice' I.. Hitter,
aged ti- years a id H months. Tho
groom to be, ultiioogh lie has completed
his three score and 111 is hale and
hearty and works at his trade as a
painter anil is making his second ven-
etri, ;( tnv (lf matrimony, Miss
' i,, i.'..'. k.
'attempt. Hoth'are residents of this
'city where thev will mske their homo.
Few Offers At Low Prices Not
Considered by Growers At
Present Time
While a few offers of 11 to 12 eents
are being made for hops the hop deal
era for the most part are sitting
tight" and no movement is reported
at the present offerings. The grow- j
ers are firm in the belief that the price
will be boosted several notches and as
they have the boos and the inclination -
J .. .. . .... .. ? I
to wait there ia a strange silence in
the hop markets of the valley, ihe
growers in. the association absolutely
refuse tff consider the present prices
and as they have the bulk of the bops
there is little to open the market on.
Secretary Clark, oi the Oregon Hop
growers' association, returned yester
day from a trip to California during
which time he visited the hop growing
centers of that state.
With the exception of Independence
hop growing section, " said Mr. Clark,
" there is not a community on the Pa
cific coast whore the yield of this year
exceeds that of last year. At Inde
pendence, however, there will probably
be a few thousand bales more than
last year but in other places the yield
is smaller and this will bring down
the average."
The officers of tho association still
insist that their estimate is the cor
rect and that the entire yield for Ore
gon will not total over 80,000 bales this
year. Even the dealers are tending to
lower their estimate in some instances
but the market is still nominal with
little indications of a movement in the
near future.'
Blanket Indictment of Federal
Grand Jury Was Made
Public Today
San Francisco, Oct. 5. The Federal
grand jury's recent blanket indictment
in the Oregon laud fraud cases was re
moved from the secret file today.
It revealed that four men, charged
with complicity tn land frauds are yet
at large. They are S. D. Aubry, Ben F.
Fairchild, A. T.'.McNenamin and Char
les Heaton. Federal officials say they
will be able to find tho missing defend
ants. Klevcn persons have been arrested on
charges in the indictment.
Three men now serving terms in Mc
Neils island penitentiary, under sen
tence from Oregon courts on similnr
charges, are named in trie indictment.
They arc Fred Banter, John Cogburn
and John W. Logan.
Tho allegations of tho indictment are
similar to those in the Oregon cases.
They charge that the accKsvd men knew
they were not accredited representa
tives of the Oregon, California railroad
and mis represented land sold, and con
ducted a business in lands which tbev
hiiil no legal right to do. Scores of busi
nessmen in the three Pacific coast
states are under indictment for com
plicity in the frauds. The operations
or the ring, according to the indictment
made public today, covered Indiana,
Idaho, Illinois, Iowa and Nevada as well
as I aliforniii, Washington and Oregon.
The only sure way to get rid of dnnd
ruff is to dissolve it, then you destroy
it entirely. To do this, get about four
ounces of ordinary liquid nrvon; apply
it nt night when retiving; use enough
to moisten the scalp and rub it in gent
ly with the finger tips.
Do this tonight, and by morning, most
if not nil, of your dandruff will be
gone, anil three' or four more applica
tions will completely dissolve nud en
tirely destroy everv sinirle sien and
trace of it, no matter how much dnud-
ruff yon may have.
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the sculp will stop nt
once, and your hair will be fluffyviuM
reus, glossy, silky and soft, and look
ami feel a hundred times better.
You enn get liquid arvon at any drug
store. It is inexpensive and never fails
to do the work.
l.os Angeles, Oct S. As a result of
a mysterious automobile accident Her
bert 1'latau, L'.'i, son of Herman i'lntau
of Ihe Newman- Uroeery company, was
jailed today on 'suspicion of manslaugh
ter. It is alleged he drove his auto
mobile into a wagon whirling from the
Vernon Country ehib, and that J. H.
Parker, a compuiiion, was killed.
Wheu the police arrived on the sceno
Parker, dead, was seated stiffly at the
wheel of the smashed, machine. It is
alleged Flatau placed the corps there.
He denies it.
I and eajoy life whether in the home or
business world if they keep at bay
those ailments peculiar to their sex. If
every woman realised how I.vdia K.
rinkham's Vegetable Compound, that
simple remedy mdtf front roots and
herbs, goes to the met of the trouble
and overcomes such symptoms aa back
ache, headaches, nervousness, and irrit
ability, they won Id be healthier, happier
ami stronger. If you suffer from any
frn of female ilia why doat Jon
itf It trill pay you to do to.
County Agriculturist Chapin
' Arranged These With
Farmers' Institutes
Seven corn shows, to be held in con
nection with farmers' institutes have
been planned for this fall by County
Agriculturist L. J. Chapin. At each of
these corn shows, cash prizes will be
paid, ranging from $1 for the smallest
third prizes up to $15 for the best in
dividual display of corn. The farmers
throughout the county have become
much interested in these corn shows,
land the exhibits this year will show
the rapid advance that has been made
. i tu. 1: ...
corn that can be produced in this coun
Besides the first prize of $15 for the
best individual display of corn, three
and four prizes will be offered at each
of the shows for each display. The
first prizes ottered are as follows:
100 ears Dent field corn, $7.50.
Best 10 ears yellow Dent, $5.00.
Best 10 ears white Dent $5.00
Best 10 ears Hint field corn, $2.50.
Best 12 ears of popcorn, $5.00
Best 12 ears of sweet corn, ripe, $2.50
Best single ear Dent corn, any va
riety, $2.50.
The premium list is practically the
same at all the seven corn shows, and
naturally there is quite a rivalry
ajnong tiie farmers in the different
parts or the county. The winners at
the first six shows will be brought into
competition at the Salem corn show,
December 1 to 4, the date following
those held in the countv.
The exact dates and places of the
snows are as rouows:
Mount Angel, October 22-23.
St. Paul, October 25-26.
Aumsville, November 5-6.
Silverton, November 10-13.
Wioodbnrn, November 18-20.
Aurora, November 22-24.
Salem, December 1-4.
The iurv in the case of William T.e.
bold and Joe Lebold, as Lebold & Co.,
i reined' tYe same" verdict11
mas ot the justice court where the
case was first tried. The verdict of
the jury in the circuit court was for
the plaintiffs against the defendant,
Lillian E. Bowen. in the sum of 133.(in
and judgment in this amount was
awarded to the plaintiffs. This was
an action brought to recover money al
leged due on a grocery bill and was ap
pealed from the justice court by the de
fendants. R. ('. Wygant and R. F.
Shields represented the plaintiff and
-uoary appeared for the
Thc jury in department Nn 1 .
turned a verdict, last night in favor of
the plaintiff in the case of Fred School
er against R. R. Ryan. The jury award
ed the plaintiff a judgment in the sum
of $1011.50 with interest and $15 at-
u.mrys ices and another uudgmcnt in
the sum of $257.50 with interest and
$30 attorneys fees. Turner and Turner
appeonred for the plaintiffs and Mcln
tuiff ami Mclntuiif for the defendant.
Tho case of Jennie Woolerv against
C. K. Scott and Knte Scott w-u ,.nil.i
in department No. 1 of the circuit court
this morning, it was stated timt on
October 10, 1914 the funiituro of the
Florence hotel was sold by the plaintiff
..,v. uviKiiuaiii ior inc sum Of
and that the defendants were to pay
lor it in monthly installments of 'i
each. It wns alleged that of tho origin
al sum $1') WHR stil (ne and ow.
and the plaintiff seeks this sum and
the costs of tiio action. The defen.tants
hold that the nronertv nu sol. I t.. .
other party and this later party is re-!
-Vv:,inri xur me pavment of the in
stallments. Attorney Orant Corby is
arpearing for the pinintiff and W C
Witislow for the defendants
An inventory nud appraisement in
the matter of the estate of Sarah
Sken, an incompetent, has been filed
in the office of the countv clerk The
appraisement values tho real property
at and notes, mortgages and
,?'-na.t. R,:'; "",kin t"t' f
$0,8.0.11. C. V. ( onyne, Frank Mor
rison and 1). Webb were appraisers of
tho estate,
l'p to n late hour rodnv the county
grand jury hn.l not reported in depart
ment No. 1 of the circuit court though
they have been in session since SPp.
temher 27 except for one day's inter
ruption. The report will probably be
made late this nfternoon.
A license was issued today for the
marringe of Lawrence Sullivan, a Port
land broker, and .Miss Lucinda I. Ken
nedy, of Mt. Angel.
Bert Emerick has filed a suit in the
circuit court of this county against V
A. Faruhnin, Ous Klwell 'and Minnie
rtunham to cgllect tho sum of fill.50
alleged due for lnbor performed for the
defendants. In addition the plaintiff
seeks to recover the sum of $20 attor
ney's fees. Let 6 bloc. 11, J. Movers
addition to Salem was attached in con
nection with the controversy.
The jury jn the cnne of Jennie Wool-
vt nwainsv . r,. s. ott and Kate Scott,
returned a verdict tndnv for the plain
tiff against tho defendant in the sum
of which was the amount asked
for m the plaintiff's complaint.
Robert Moths, a member of the Sa
lem fire department improved his day
on ry securing a marriage license and
wu.y u wcuieu to .Mrs. Leva Wollan
also of this city.
t T,!,,J Tho ' "Wed last night
by Officer aruey ha he was caught
attempting to make awav with a
bicyele belonging to O. K. Albin, gave
tho name of Ray llawkis. f0 the poliee
but Ui Burning confessed that this,
waa sot hi right name. He wtu be
tiiraul over to Judge Bushey in the
jhtoiiu rwir ior nnai tllRpositioa of
rj,the rase. Tho hoy said he waa 11 yean
tot a(. ,
Howard Hickman and
Clara Williams
In the Five Act Mutual Master-picture
A Orippins Expose of Corrupt Politics
How a beautiful Washington lobbyist in the secret service of an nj.
scrupulous land company saves the honor of the man whose career the
planned to ruin. '
Tense moments of tingling suspense Situations of ..hair-raising exdte.
ment A Great Drama "of love and conspiracy.
Magnificently staged and acted by a fine cast of screen favorites, '
Stormy Scene Ensues During
Trial of Alleged Dynamiter
Los Angeles, Oct. 5. "This man, in
this state of mind, could not give a yel
low dog a fair trial." With this ex
clamation, pointing at J. J. Jones, a
venireman in the trial of M. A.
Schmidt, alleged McNamara dynamiting
accomplice, Oefenso Counsel Fairall
precipitated a turblent scene in Judge
Willis' court today. The charge against
Jones was made after he admitted ton-i
versing with employes of the Times, the
newspaper whose plant was blown up
October 1, 1910, with the alleged con
nivance of Schmidt.
For a while Jones was a storm center.
The affair ended with Judge Willis al
lowing Fui rail's challenge and dis
qualifying Jones. Ho was replaced by
George A. Wallace.
Attorney Job liarriman, formerly an
Mary Pickford
In which she repeats the Transcendent Triumph she
attained in "Tess of the Storm Country."
at the
The Only Pickford Theatre in Salem.
Also on the Program
South American Travel Scenes
"The City of Good Air."
: Salem Educational Directory :
Schools and Colleges
Capital Normal and Industrial School
Terra of 12 weeks opens September 13-15'
13th and Wilbur Streets, Salem !
Frederic 8. Mendenhall
Piano Organ Theory.
Myrtle Long MendonliaU
Voice Culture.
Studio, Room 211, Hubbard
Frank E. Churchill, rinnistc.
Pupil of Emil Liebling, Cricago; gradu
ate of Western Conservatory, Chicago.
Studio Roomt 1-2, Opera liouse Bldg.
Res. I'hono 1671-R.
Miss Ladle Barton
Teacher of Voice and Theory
Studio Boom 4M Hubbard Bldg. Resi
dence 1017 North Twen
Those 564,
William Wallace Graham
Teacher of Violin
tJH.tu BoV1HLfc Hhool '"n. Germany, under Joachim, Mar
N? i.Tl vdM"l,"l-. LtUtn of l'Kht commendation from them,
ginw" ,'ri EurI" "Pwience. A apecialty made of b-
K. v .? 8V,u":"ky o' " week
IhOB hotel or inaulra f Wit. VI.
KM , u 1
attorney for the McNamaras and tm
candidate for mayor of Los Angela
took a hand in the quizzing of veni
men today. He first questional n
i Gregory, a mining engineer, warchb.
'Gregory's mind for indications
against the accused man.
No jurors were secured at the mora
ing session of court and but slight pro.
gress was made in that direction. '
II. A. Schmidt, upon entering tk
room, appeared exceedingly happy. H
first act was to whirl his felt h
through the air over the jury boi
"ringing" it neatly on the topmoit m
of the hat tree. Then he shook bands
with Olaf Tveitiuoe, San Francisco labor
leader, who was a most interested gptt
tator of the pioceedings and assisted
his council in heir interrogations In
suggesting questions to be asked ud
calling attention to answers indicati
bias or prejudice.
Echo, Oct. 5. Every building
in the mining town of Kennedy, t
Humboldt county was destroyed I
by Saturday night's earthquake -
belated reports paid this after-
noon. Everyone has quit the
5 5
Willamette University
Opens September 13-15
Carl O. Doner?, President.
I. H. Van Winkle, Dean of Law School
and Art
Dan F, Langenberg
Voeal Ttache.r
Late pupil of F. X. Arcn.
Studio 3H 15-16-17 Hubbard BMg.
Plone 2079
Elina Waller
Lischiter.Vy Technic and Dunning Sys
tem of Improved Music Study
rbone 1S51 695 N. Lty
Mlu Beatrice ghelton
Teacher of Fiano.
Studio 3 Marion 8t Thon l
at Kotel Marion. For arpot'n"',
..,.. U oi.t
hwiuw, Asauiaai, lev j.