Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 05, 1915, Image 1

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No Word Comes From Sofia In Response to Russian Ulti
matum Which Seems to H aye Been Delayed In Trans
mission-Triple Entente
Salonika With Consent of
Serbian Invaders Rumania
Neutral For Present
London, Oct. 5 While Europe today
waited impatiently for Bulguria's an
swer to Russian demands the allies'
preparations to meet the new enemy in
the Balkans went rapidly forward. New
troops arrived at strategic points, ready
for the expected war declaration which
will tumble Bulgaria into the war cald
ron, followed soon by Greece.
Since the time limit of the, Russian
ultimatum expired, no word has come
from Sofia or Petrogfnd. Buck of this
w -reen of mystery, however, military
experts saw no chance of aught but
Sofia dispatches are subject of a de
lay of a ituy or two, hence her answer,
if any, may not reach the Russian cap
ital before night.
The London papers today unanimous
ly agreed in the belief that the Bili
ous hud ignored the-Slav demands.
I'etrograd dispatches said today the
Russian ultimatum had not been haml
et to the Bulgarian foreign office until
four o'clock yesterday afternoon. The
lay limit therefore expires at four
ii 'clock this afternoon.
The alleged delay was not explained,
tiiough the Russian minister was in
structed to deliver the demands at four
o'clock Sunday afternoon and to leave
Sofia -ii hours alter it Bulgaria aid not
agree to break with the central allies. I
Jn some quarter it wan believed the -
Bulgarian censor purposely held up the
ultimatum to give Bulgaria more time
to complete her mobilization.
All expressed the belief that war Is
the answer without further diplomatic
The. size of the allied expedition land
d at Salonika, is unknown.
The newspapers printed merely the
Athens dispatches telling of the land
ing, and they assumed that these forc
es are adequately supplied with artil
lery to meet the expected Bulgarian in
vasion of Serbia. The Bulgars first
blow it is expected will be an attempt
Jit swift dash toward the Nish-Salonikn
railway, a vital expedition in view of
the allies' propnble use of it in aiding
Servin. Both Romo and Athens report.
active military preparation at Odessa
and Selwistopool declares that Russia
is ready to transport a big expedition
to the Bulgarian coast.
Kxperts doubted that the czar will
attempt nn invasion of Bulgaria.
Reports that Rumania htfd decided to
remain neutral, at least for the present,
are not surprising. Though the allies
hail hoped Rumania would aid t.iem in
the event of Bulgaria's entry, recentlyison planned to follow out the "tip"
r.ucnurest dispatcnes nave indicated!
little hope that Rumania will imniedi-
itelv a ul Serbia.
Greece Acta With Allies,
Athc-us, Oct. 5. Greece has not at
tempted to prevent landing' of allied
troops at Salonika, nor to check their
march into Serbia, Premier Venizelos
declared today in the Chamber of Dep
uties, In reply to questions. News re
ptrts had indicated a protest to France
on these points, in keeping with the
Grecian rules that legislative action is
necessary to sanction such a move.
Veni.elos emphasized the seriousness
f the Balkan situation by stating that
the allies had withdrawn territorial
"incessions offered to Bulgaria some
ionths ago for aligning with the al
lied enuse.
No further negotiations will be un
dertaken with Bulgaria, unless she re
plies satisfactorily to the Russian ulti
matum, demanding severance of rela
tions with the Teutons.
Nothin' takes feller off his feet
'"e gittin' cut o' the way o' one train
n' steppia' In front of another. Ther's
feller like th' Colonel in ever' tokn.
Allies Are Massing Troops at
, Greece to Assist In Repelling
Is Expected to Remain
Are Linked Together.
Rome, Oct. 5. Rumania, Bulgaria
and Austria are definitely linked in a
military pact, signed sometime ago, ac
cording to a Milan dispatch today.
This message declared Bulgaria is
bound to hurl six divisions of her nrm'v
against Serbia and at the same time
throw forces against Vardar to cheek
the allies by cutting off railroad com
munications at Vardar with Salonika.
Aniens, Oct. .). Bulgarian revenue
cutters in the Aegean sea, pursued and
shelled three Greek sailing vessels, ac
cording to reports here todav. The
barks escaped without damage. The in-
dicent has created the wildest excite
merit here.
Berlin Expects Break Today.
Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, L. I.
Oct. 5. Berlin papers todnv unuinious.
ly predicted Bulgaria and Russia will
sever diplomatic relations before night
and thnt the allied ambassadors will
leave Sofia. They expressed the oiiiu
ion that Bulgaria will ignore the Slav
French Troops Arrive.
Athnna. Oi't. fi Prpniinr VmtiztlnH
formally announced to tiie Chamber of
Deputies today that. French troops have
arrjVed on Greek soil, and are preparing
to march to Serbia.'
Looks Like Mining Troubles
In Colorado Have Been
Fully Settled
Denver, Colo., Oct. 5. The dove of
pence hovered today over the Rocke
feller camps, for a move apparently
was on foot whereby Governor Carlson
will order dropped several hundred
cases against men involved in the coal
strike in 1913-14. OfficaU denied Carl-
rrom Kocketclier Headquarters that
such a move would be acceptable, but
there was strong reason to believe he
bad the suggestion under consideration
ami would act soon.
District Attorney Hendricks of Las
Animas county, said he would dismiss
all the cases in bis jurisdiction, and
he believed Attorney General Fararr
would do the same.
Full returns from the mine camps,
voting on the new Rockefeller indus
trial plan of "Unionism without the
Lnion ' were not at hand, but f ragmen
tarv reports indicated, as Rockefeller
hail believed, that the men would swing
into line behind the plan he called more
democratic than unionism.
Mayor Thompson Has Order
ed All Saloons Closed On
Sunday Hereafter
Chicago, Oct. 5. The Windy City
was nghnst this morning when it awak
ened to find that the "lid" lusted,
hidden and forgotten had been order
ed screwed tighter than a drum on Sun
day saloons.
Mayor Thompson had commanded his
henchmen to find the lid and clamp it
tight, just before he and a group of
aldermen left last night for San Fran
cisco, where they will attend the Chi
cago day exercises at the exposition.
The wets hailed the move as a loss of
1.5O0.000 revenues; the drys, as a har
binger of ultimate success In their ef-
. . i ai... : m 7 14 antnnna
ions TO rionr mc vn " . - -
In takine this step, Thompson's reas -
nn. were said to be: The force of the
organised protest against open viola
tion of the state Sunrray flostnp
tute; the "opening shot" of his presi
dential boom and a fearless determina
tion to keep law enforcement, promises
made In his campaign.
Ambassador Bernstorff Indi
cates That He Is Vested
With Full Powers
Washington, Oct. 5. Ambassador
Von Bernstorff today promised to sub
mit a disavowal of the torpedoing of
the liner Arabic to meet President
Wilson's wishes. Formal announcement
of a settlement will be made soon; it
was stated officially.
Von Bernstorff indicated that he was
vested with such discretionary author
ity that any steps he takes are certain
to meet with Berlin 's approval. His
promise on the disavowal, however, was
without qualification.
Ambassador Optimistic.
Germnn Ambassador Vou Bernstorff
arrived at the state departmeut at
10:30 o'clock to fill the appointment
with Secretary Lansing at which, it is
intimated, practically all differences
over the sinking of the liner Arabic
will be cleared.
The ambassador wns most optimistic
as he entered the department. Whil)
he would not discuss inf purpose of his
visit, he commented that "everything
is nil right, or soon will be."
This was taken to mean that he con
siders the adjustment ehiefiy a mut
ter of achieving a satisfactory wording
of the avowal America asks.
"Progress has been made," Secre
tary Lansing commented. '
"The Arabic case has been settled,"
Bernstorff declared, following his ses
sion with the secretary. That the. am
bassador presented a satisfactory dis
avowal 'is believed, though Seeretuiy
Lansing would not say whether he had
received any document.
The secretary conferred with Presi
dent Wilson soon after noon and it is
understood he submitted for the execu
tive's approval the form of disavow
al Bernstorff indicated Germany would
make. . -
Everything Is Settled.
All existing differences between this
country and Germany were practically
disposed of today by a letter which
Ambassador Von Bernstorff handed to
Secretary of State Lansing, specifi V-
ly disavowing tho torpedoing of. the
liner Arabic with loss of American
State ilepnrtment and White House
stntements indicated this ufternnon
thnt. the effect of the letter is to wipe
out the I.usitniiia controversy as well
as the Arabic.
"I merely communicated to the
president my conversation with Am
bnssador Von Bernstorff," snid Secre
tary Lansing, upon leaving the White
Ho intimutcd, however, ho would
hnve further conversations with the
The Lusitnnia ruse, tiowever, will be
taken up informally iu a manner sim
ilar to the Arabic.
Now, the administration protest
against general interference with Am
erican trade will be dispatched soon,
it was learned on high White House
authority. The envoy's letter follows:
. "My Dear Mr. Secretary:
"Prompted by the desire to reach a
satisfactory agreement in regnrd to the
Arabic incident, my government has
given me the following instructions:
" 'The orders issued by His Majesty
the llmperor to commanders of German
submarines of which I gave notice to
you on a previous occasion, have been
made so stringent, thai recurrence of
an liciiient nmilar 1" tne Arabic is
considered out of the question.
"According to the report of Com
mander Schneider of the submarine
which sank the Arabic, upon his affi
davit as well as the men's Schneider
was convinced that the Arabic Intend
ed to ram the submarine, On the
other hnnd, the Imperial German gov
ernment does not doubt the good faith
of affidavits of the British officers of
he Arabic, according to which, the
Ainliic did not intend to rnm her.
"The sniimarine attnek therefore
W4 u.ujrtalien against instructions.
The Imperial German government re
grots and disavows this, act snd hni
notified Commander Schneider accord
ingly." "Under these circumstances, my
Government is prepared to pay indemn
itv for American lives, which to its
ci en regret, have been lost oa the
iabie. I am authorized to negotiate
with you about this indemnity. I re
n sin, etc."
LAO Hope Vanishes
For Negro Murderer
Sacramento. Oct. 5. All hope held
out bv Burr Harris, negro, who mur
dered Rebecca '. (lav, a Christian
Seience practicetioner in Los Angelos,
U . 1 . .l II'. .UH Umllll
VaillPOI-ll CHlur fiii-ii "win . v.
of Folsom prison sent out word that
1 Harris will be executed nest Friday
morning at 10 o clock and mat an
preparations for tho execution are be
ing made.
Harris had attempted to f-p the
nooe on the grounds of Insanity.
He bss been in Folsom prison nearly
Naval Inventions of This Coun
try Will Be Kept Strictly
Speed Will Be One Great Ob
ject Sought Strength
the Other
Run from New York to
Queeustown in 3 days, 8 hours.
Bun to New Orleans in 2
days, 3S minutes.
Run' to Havre in 3 days, 18
Run to Hamburg in 4 days, 4
hours. i
Washington, Oct. 5. American naval
inventions will be kept a closely guard
ed secret from Kuropean-niitions, under
a new policy adopted by the adminis
tration. While the government hiis
disclosed its intention of having a su
per cruiser, capable of muking a speed
of 40 miles nn hour larger and deadlier
than any ship now afloat, the process
whereby such high speed is attained,
will be kept a strict secret.
Radical innovations in hull construc
tion have been designed for the new
battleships 43 and 41, und the specifi
cations will be given to a very few bid
ders and sub-contractors under an oath
of secrecy. These innovations will be
directed at obtaining a hull through
which a torpedo from n hostile craft
either cannot penetrate at all or only
with extreino difficulty. It is likely
too, tluit provisions will be made
whereby a vessel would remain afloat,
despite such piercing.
It is ireported that these objects
will be attained by making the vessels
thinly armored below the water line,
but with double-shell hulls, the extra
we i gilt of which would be equnllir.ed
by a thin plate bow atom and other
points at which a shot would not strike
the vitals of the ship.
The new super cruisers' will cost
around $18,000,000 to build and equip.
The navy has found that it faces extra
rates because of the increased prices
of steel and naval work, due to the Eu
ropean war.
What their armament win tie, nas not
yet been determined, but it will be
such as to make the new ships the most
formidable afloat.
Honor of Being "Largest Dry
City" Is Most Emphatically
Minneapolis, Oct. 0 Minneapolis bns
decliumi the honor of becoming the
largest dry city in America.
By a majority of H,050, Hennepin
county, of which Minneapolis is the
principal part, defeated local option
The total vote wus lt,000, or 14,000
more than ever cast iu an election in
the county before.
The drys were extremely shocked by
the result, for they had anticipated a
sweeping victory. Minneapolis will be
wet for the next three years unless,
state-wide prohibition in the meantime
closes her burs, for the county option
law provides against another test in
that time.
Oregon: Fair
tonight and
W d n e sdny;
n o thwesterly
winds. -
By William Philip Sims.
(Uuited Press Staff Correspondent.)
Paris, Sept. 17. (By mail to New
York, Oct. ".) "In the scale of human
hazards, the allies have SO chances in
100 of scoring a decisive victory when
the general ot tensive begins. j
General Jottre, commander in cmeri
of the French urniies, made this state
ment to his lifelong triend, tne editor
of the Depeche le Toulouse, I am in
formed, lie did not state when the
offensive is due.
The French commander told the ed
itor that he has at his disisal 8,000,-
000 Frenchmen, not counting
00 000 1
British and 60,000 Belgians.
(,.,.u,v..r Mnnii.iiiilnn nn bonn nniir-
ing in, and in addition to the supply
. . ' ... ... .
at the front, the allies nave an em
ergency reserve of 15,000,000 shells.
Every uerninn troneu, ana nil ine net
work of special defense, earthworks
and blockhouses have been pntieutly
plotted from photographs which French
aviators took in systematic flights
daily, week after week, from the sea
to the Alps.
These blue prints have been trans-
This Is Conclusion If Berlin
Estimates of Losses May
Be Relied Upon
By J. W. T. Mason,
(Written for t "no United Press.)
New York, Oct. 5. If German es
timates of 130,000 French and (10,000
British casur.lties as the result of thetions to halt American munition pro
renewed western front offensive are
correct the offensive is a failure from
tho allies standpoint.
The temporary cessation of the at
tack is not vital' in itself. However, if
tho allies "brief gains" have been
thus extremely costly, there can be no
expectation that nuother renown! will
bo successful.
If the disunities hnd resulted in car
rying tne nines witnin striking ins
tance of a critical section of the Ger
man front, this slaughter would have
been justifiable. There is, however, no
evidence thnt the front is at any point
in a critical condition. Berlin's claims
that shn had met the allies onslaught
without nddi-.ig reinforcements signifi
cantly supports this view.
Recapture of the Hoiienzollern re
doubt, from the British together with
nearby positions from the French, sug
gest that the allies have suffered ex
tremely, sinco they did not have there
sufficient reserves to hold gains they
had made, and to consolidate too previ
ously-won front.
The growing delay In opening the
second artillery preparation is, perhaps,
another indication that the allies' loss
es have been very heavy. Kventually,
the world will know what the British
losses have been, through official pub
lication of the lists, but what France
has suffered will not bo known ex
cept to its leaders, for France does not
announce her losses.
Newport, H. I., Oct. 5. The
torpedo boat Cummins is hurry
ing towa'rd port, afire.
Two Vf ier erow i n
lured. Her commander wire
lessed this afternoon: "Ship
afire. Hurrying toward New
port, two Injured aboard for
naval hospital. Arrive this ev
ening." Grave fears for the vessel
followed Commander John Rob
inson's efforts to get further
word, for the vessel did not re
spond to his wireless queries.
Sensational and Bitter Legal
Battle Is Expected In
San Diego Courts
San Diego, Cnl., Oct. 5. -One of the
most sensational and bitter legal bat
tles In local court annals is predicted
here today, following the filing of a
contest of the will of the late A. G.
Spalding, millionaire sporting goods
manufacturer, by his son, Keith Spsld
ing. Younflt Spalding charges that his
father for several years before his
death, was under the complete control
and domination of the widow, sirs. r,u
ami domination o tne widow, airs. r,u -
Mbeth Spaldinfc, tad Mra. KatheriM
iferred to "Range canvases, " and the
ranges for the big guns have been
worked out by expert artillerymen. This
eollosnl task is now complete
tu preparation tor expected eounter
auaeKS, tne Bines nave consinicuNi
tonrth, fifth ami even sixth lines ot
"6 .v
Everything- is ready for flic great
move. Few kuow exactly When it will
come, hut the thrill of it is in the air.
Hospitals in the region of Paris to
the northward hae been cleared and
denned; hospital trains have been made
P ready to take the road. Corres-
Have been suppressed; tho class orIO
has been assigned to posts; ami vet'
....... ..I.... .ndtini. u.n.ila in the
erans, atter resting ror weeks in tne
interior, havo been sent northward.
Joffre apiirently i ready for a
"knock-out punch."
(The Btory was mailed just before the
allies started their recent drive, since
the censor would not allow it filed for
cabling, for obvious reasons. United
Press.) (
Former Austrian Ambassador
Makes No Parting State
ment to Public
New York, Oct B. Tho Unitod
Stntes todnv stamped "Finis" on the
career of Dr. I onstniitin Duiiiba as
A imt rin n nmbnssiidor to this country,
ami senleil too Incident ot hi niachina
duction, which resulted in nis recall at
the administration's request. "
Dumba sailed at noon aboard the
liner Nieuw Amsterdam, bearing with
him thn usual diplomatic courtesy of a
safe conduct from tho enemy. lie left
tho country without uny message of
parting declaring merely ho would have
no comment to muko until he reaches
Ho mid his wife have been busy
during tho paBt few days entertaining
friends and attending farewell fiine
tions, for despite his diplomatic faux
pus, he was regarded as one of the most
popular of tho Washington diplomatic
Military Attache von Papen of the
German embassy, involved in the Dum
ba incident, denied that he intended
to sail with tho ambassador.
In Ihimba's leiivo-taking, thero wns
a touch of pathos. His countrymen
here paid him their tribute with masses
of flowers. Big sot pieces and stacks
of bouquets from Austrian societies,
whose members be hail sought to keep
from working In American munitions
plants, were banked high on the Niuw
Amsterdam deck.
Attaches of tho Washington embassy
mid tho New York cnnsulato were-
moved ns their chief sailed for the
homeland. With tiiem were a num
ber of friends tho ambassador and his
chnrmlnu; wife had inado in this coun
try. . . .
Madiiino Diimbn seomod delieiited
with thn jrosjiect of going to Vienna,!
mm sue iiuiuneii nun cnuiieu oeiore ine
ship cast 'off.
Attaches of the two officers kissed
her hand in leave taking and were re
wanled with a bewildering smile. Then
as tho liner pulled out in n cold drl. -
-jlilllV Miln 4ltA tm.l.nBuJ..M' f .Ia.xIm
.ling ruin, tho ambassador's friends
stood uncovered watching him out of
Dumba declared he was sorry to
leave the United Stntes without see
ing the Son Francisco exposition.
"I have no ill feeling toward any
one," was one of his parting re
marks, v
Military Attache Von Papen, who
was involved with him In use of Am
erican Correspondent Archibald as mes
sage bearer to Kurope, was among the
last to see the envoy. Reports had
said Papen was going with him.'
Tingley, head of the Universal Brother
hood of Thensophlcai socloty of Point
He charges that thn funeral of tils
father was rushed through und the
body cremated in rfour hours after
For several years before his father's
death, he was not In his right mind.
Keith Spalding alleges. His mental and
nhvaicHl strength were Impaired by ad
vancing nge, He says, he was sick and
had business worries.
These "business worries," the son
asserts, were the result of the loss of
half a million dollars in "certain dis
astrous adventures."
And "worries of other natures," as
serts the son, contributed to his alleged
unsoundness of mind.
Contestant states that fortunes nt
2,000,000 was accumulated by his fath
er and his first wife, who died In lHOfl.
This wealth as accumulated, he avers
through the joint Industry of his father
and mnther, before the second marriage
of Stialdlns In 1000. That th will
leaving the bulk of the estate to Mrs.
Spalding, was ontalned tnrnugn me in
fluence of the second wife and Mrs,
Katherine Tingley, through the direct
1 nuwii-rniti nn"-;, .... ......
result of undue Influenc. was charged,
Thirteen of Foreign Legion
Are Reported Dead or
Missing In France
Both Paris and Berlin Report
Minor Successes On Bat
tle Front Today
Vuris, Oct. 8. Thirteen Americans,
who have battled for the tri-color in
the foreign legion, are reported missing
and arc believed to havo been killed in
the Champagne fighting,
Included in tho number is Jack Casey,
former reporterenrtoonist of New
York, whoso home is reported to be in
Cnliforniu. Three wounded Americans
are in the hospital.
In the American quarter today,
troopers told of the firnvory of one
American, Dr. David Wheeler, a Boston
surgeon, who went into tsc battle tie
cause the ambulance corps was toe
"tame1 'for him. .
Wounded by a German bullet, he
crawled seven kilometers, ministering
to the wounded as he went, until he
reached the rear where comrades pick
ed him up exhausted. Wheeler took
with him his hypodermic needle and
morphine, and wherever he found a sol
dier writhing in death agony, he quiet-'
ed his suffering with an injection i
the opiate,
Russians Claim to Be Holding.
London, Oct. 5. derma it troops arn
pouring e hot fire upon the Russian
force, in the Dvinsk region, but accord-
lug to the latest official report fronl
JVtiogrnd have failed to get mo-j than
u ti iii urnry advantage.
Tho report admitted penetration of
Some trenches near CMckoro but claim
ed that under bursting artillery shells,
tho Germans were forced to abandon
these positions.
Elsewhere the statement claims suc
cess for the Slavs mid added signifi
cantly thnt German war prisoners,
though warned by their officers
nguinst talking have reported a grow
ing weakness ill the German forces and
a deceasing popularity of the war.
German Train Exploded.
Paris, Oct. 5. Fronch artillery ex
plniUd a Gernuin train north of Ver
dun, near Ornes, said today's official
This statement did not claim further
progress either in the Artois or Cham
ptigne regions,
Artillery, bombs and torpedoes are
exploding In a thundering roar over
many sections of tho battle line.
"In the Artois, there was an ex
tremely heavy bombardment last
night," snid the communique.
"Bomb and torpedo fighting occur
red at. Quennevieres Vic-Hur-Aisne and
on tho plateau of Nouvron,
"In tho Chumpugne, an artillery ex
change continued throughout the night
near Vcdo Ornnde the Navarin Farm,
and Hounin hill.
"Trench fighting occurred In the Ar-
jr,(Mnn, with grenndes and petatds near
, :mn-to Chm-ses and I.a Fillo Morte."
I '
Oermojis Recapture Trench.
Berlin, via London, Oct. 5. German
forces not only repulsed attacks on the
western front yesterday, hut recaptur
ed a French section northwest of Giv
enchy tho official statement toduy re
ported. "North of I.oos," snid the state
ment, "we repulsed Kngllsh grenade
attacks. In tho Champagne, the enemy
heavily bnmbiirded the Germans south
west of Hounin but nur artillery pre
vented thnm from advancing,
"In the Argonne near Vauquols, wo
blew up numerous enemy positions."
Concerning eastern front operations,
the statement said that "since Sun
day's defeat, the Russians have again
attacked weakly, but hnve been easily
Allies Tall In Effort.
Berlin, by wireless to Suyvllls, I,. I.,
Oct, IS. Tho allies "efforts to hrenK
the Teuton lines along the rfanco-
Flanders front have failed, the war of
fice declared today. Furthermore tier
many has sent no reinforcements to
meet the allies' onslaughts, though it
was admitted, one division about t
leave for "elsewhere" were detained
because of the reawakened Anglo
French offensive.
How vital this battle Is may be
gleaned from an order reported to havo
been given by the commander of an
English division iu which he said:
"Upon the coming bettle depend
the fate of future British genera
tions." aiaiBswsaMnHsasVBsMsassMHsas
New York, Oct. Rain deluged ball
nrk In thn biir leauues today, cattail)
- - -
postponement of pll games-
E El